Joe Biden's Gun Control Policy / Will Biden Take Away Your Guns?

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that's the question will joe biden  take away the second amendment how's it going guys welcome back to the pilot  patriot channel today we're going to be talking   about joe biden's radical gun control policy and  what he calls his plan to end the gun violence   epidemic now if you like these kind of videos guys  make sure you hit that subscribe button down below   hit that notification bell so you get  notified every time we upload new videos   and give us a thumbs up we really appreciate that  now everything i'm going to be talking about today   i pulled straight from the joe biden website if  you want to see it for yourself once this video   is over you can go to backslash gun  safety now there is another way you can get to the   joe biden website and i don't know if you know  about this but if you type in it'll   take you straight to the joe biden website don't  believe me pause the video right now and go try   it out for yourself now what a lot of people don't  know is that joe biden has one of the most radical   gun control policies that we've seen yet but why  isn't anybody talking about this yes we do have a   lot of other stuff going on hashtag 2020. this  has been a crazy year we've had murder hornets   and pandemics and riots destroying the streets  there's the economy there's joe biden's crackhead   sun there's all these other things to talk about  and that's what the media has been concentrating   on but that's not why they're not talking about  this the reason they're not talking about joe   biden's gun policy is because gun control overall  is a losing topic the overwhelming majority of the   country supports the second amendment and  does not want to see it go away but that's   the question will joe biden take away the second  amendment if you ask him directly he'll tell you   no i don't want to take away the second amendment  i just want common sense gun control well i say he   is effectively going to take away the second  amendment and we'll talk about all the ways he's   going to do that but first let's hear it straight  from old sleepy joe's mouth who in god's name   needs a weapon that can handle a hundred rounds  for god's sake and i also was able to get past   an assault weapons ban as well as a limitation of  the number of bullets that could be in a magazine   that is how many bullets you could fire at  one time from a weapon there is no there is no   threat to the second amendment by telling  people there are certain weapons they cannot own   there is no rationale to own  a military-style weapon an   ar-15. look the second amendment doesn't say you  can't restrict the kinds of weapons people can own   you are actively trying to diminish our second  amendment right and take away our gun you're   full of [ __ ] wait wait wait wait wait wait  wait take your ar your ar-14s why why is it such   that we can't require without violating anyone's  second amendment right that every single weapon   sold can only be the trigger can only be pulled  by the person as the biometric marker to pull it   and if you have multiple rounds and magazines  that hold 19 shots and you essentially go   you know as opposed to you know like everybody  thinks of the western the old sick shooter you   know you gotta take it out you gotta you gotta  work it again it matters i think we have to in   fact have universal background checks eliminate  assault weapons as a being illegal to be sold   around in the united states as well as limiting  the number of bullets it can be in a in a clip   to 10. if you need if you're a hunter and you  need an ar-15 you shouldn't be out there hunting   if you need a hundred rounds in your  and you're in your in your clip then   you're you're a danger to yourself if you're out  there if you want to protect yourself get a double   barrel shotgun have the shells a 12 gauge shotgun  and i promise you as i told my wife we live   in an area that's wooded and somewhat secluded  so jill if there's ever a problem just walk out   on the balcony here or walk out put that double  barrel shotgun and fired two blasts outside the   house i promise you who's ever coming in is not  gonna you don't need an ar-15 it's harder to aim   it's harder to use and in fact you don't need 30  rounds to protect yourself buy a shotgun buy a   shotgun do gun owners out there who say well obama  administration means they're going to come for my   guns bingo you're right if you have an assault  weapon the fact of the matter is they should   be illegal period all right now that you've  heard some of that craziness from joe himself   let's look at what his website says is going  to be his gun control policy once he becomes   president now like i told you before he's calling  this his plan to end the gun violence epidemic   and one thing they say here is it is within our  grasp to end gun violence epidemic and respect   the second amendment comma which is limited  so with that said let's go right into his list   here now i'm going to start with what i think  is one of the craziest things that i've heard   on this list and i don't think it's something  that i've heard in the past from other people   uh when they're talking about gun control and the  online sale of firearms and ammunitions biden will   enact legislation to prohibit all online sales  of firearms ammunition kits and gun parts now   that is extremely radical that's something  that i have not heard before we hear about   what they call the online loophole now i have  done a video on that in the past debunking that   online loophole stuff i will put a link to that  right here at the top of the screen but this goes   further than that this says that they will ban an  outright ban on all online sales of firearms ammo   and gun parts now that would completely put out  a business uh companies like gun broker brownells   midway usa primary arms optics planet palmetto  state armory and a long long list of other ones   that we rely on to get our guns and ammo and parts  and things like that now i always try to support   local business if i can but you guys know just as  good as i do especially right now uh nobody can   find ammo nobody can find the guns they want and  prices are outrageous because of everything that's   going on right now what this would do would make  it impossible to buy any of these things online   which is going to kill the rate of gun and ammo  sales and that's exactly what it's designed to do   they don't want you buying guns and ammo  especially online and they are gonna completely   ban that and to me that is just crazy uh but  let's move on to number two get weapons of   war off our streets the ban on assault weapons  and high capacity magazines now basically this   this is saying they want to reinstate that 1994  assault weapons and high capacity magazine ban   and i'm sure they're going to update it to include  all kinds of other guns obviously they are not   uh defining what an assault weapon is they never  do because what they really want is to ban all   semi-automatics that's what a lot of these people  are talking about when they say assault weapons   they're talking about semi-automatic which is  the vast majority of all guns you guys know the   deal any gun with a pistol grip an adjustable  stock anything that's black and scary they want   to ban it and standard capacity magazines that  they're calling high capacity that means uh your   30 round ar magazines your 17 round handgun  magazines all gone an outright ban of those   with an open-ended definition that ultimately  could apply to almost any gun that means all   of these gun companies that are making ar-15s  your higher capacity semi-automatic handguns   and all the variations of anything like that they  want to ban these companies will not be able to   make them anymore which is going to put most of  these gun companies completely out of business   and like i said that's what they want they  ultimately want to deny you access to all guns   they say that they still support the second  amendment but they want to enact all these   laws that will effectively make it impossible  for you to get your hands on a gun at all and   they actually say this time the bands will be  designed based on lessons learned from 1994 and   the uh the ban on assault weapons will be designed  to prevent manufacturers from circumventing the   law by making minor changes that don't limit the  weapon's capacity so they're not going to let   the manufacturers make these guns and they're  going to make it impossible for them to get around   that rule at all with things like you've seen  in california with the pistol grip that has the   little paddle on the back all of that would would  now be classified as an assault weapon as well   regulate the possession of existing assault  weapons under the national firearms act so any   assault weapons that you have now would fall under  the nfa which means that ar-15s that are perfectly   legal right now without a tax stamp you would  have to register them with the nfa which means   you would have to pay a 200 tax stamp for each  and every one of those guns that right now is   perfectly legal for you to own and after this if  you don't register them with nfa you are a felon   number five buy back the assault weapons and  high-capacity magazines already in our communities   so once they ban the online sale of of guns then  they ban any guns they don't like and don't let   manufacturers make these guns anymore make it  too expensive for you to keep the guns that you   already have then they're going to initiate  a buyback that's what this is talking about   buy back assault weapons in high capacity  magazines already already in our communities   says this will give individuals who now possess  assault weapons or high-capacity magazines   two options oh they're going to give us options  isn't that great sell the weapon to the government   or register them under the nfa that's your  options pay a 200 tax stamp for every single gun   or sell it to the government obviously they're not  going to pay you what it's worth the only reason   for this is that once they make it impossible for  you to get any new guns they want to buy up and   take away all the guns that you already have now  it doesn't say here whether that will be mandatory   or whether that will be voluntary but if you  remember joe biden said that he wanted to make   obedo the guy that's in charge of his gun control  and what did beto say i'm going to guarantee you   this last year city this guy you're going to take  care of the gun problem with me you're going to be   the one who leads this effort i'm counting on you  hell yes we're going to take your ar-15 your ak-47   number six put america on the path to ensuring  that a hundred percent of firearms sold in america   are smart guns uh smart guns uh basically means a  little fingerprint reader on the trigger the gun   would not work if uh it doesn't properly read your  fingerprint now um this has already been proven to   be a horrible idea yes we do have the technology  to make that happen but number one guns are going   to be ridiculously expensive think about how  much your 300 smith and lesson is going to cost   once you put a biometric fingerprint reader on the  trigger um that 300 gun is going to turn into a   thousand dollar gun and that's on the low end  if you um have a little bit more expensive   taste which sometimes i do that puts guns  these guns out of reach for a lot of people   number two these biometric fingerprint reading  triggers just aren't going to work very good and   that's been proven if your hands are sweaty  or dirty or bloody or anything like that   then it's very likely that it's not going to read  your fingerprint so that when you need that gun   to defend your life it is not going to work for  you also if you don't have your finger on there   perfectly it's not going to work if your  wife or your child need to use your gun if   their fingerprint isn't loaded into that gun it  will not work for them all right number seven   on my list of crazy hold gun manufacturers  accountable in 2005 joe biden voted against   the protection of lawful commerce and arms act so  hold manufacturers accountable what does that mean   that means anytime that someone uses a gun  in an illegal way to kill another person   the manufacturer of that gun could then be  held accountable for that which is completely   ridiculous that's like ford being sued because a  drunk driver hit somebody in one of their trucks   this is just ridiculous this is something they  tried to pass in 2005. obviously at that point   it was it was not successful but this is saying  that joe biden is going to go back after that   and try to make gun manufacturers accountable for  what people do with their products this is another   one that really makes me laugh reduce stockpiling  of weapons in order to reduce the stockpiling of   firearms buying supports legislation restricting  the number of firearms an individual may purchase   per month to one so um in joe biden's world you  would only be able to purchase one gun a month   now for a lot of people one gun a month  it uh that's not a big deal most people   do not buy more than one gun a month but some  of us do for example let's say they wanted to   buy a handgun to carry and a shotgun for home  defense they wanted to buy both of these at the   same time they went to the gun store they would  not be able to do that they would have to buy one   wait a month and then buy the other number nine  on my list require background checks for all gun   sales now the overwhelming myth is that there's  all these people buying guns without background   checks through all these various loopholes and  that's just not true the majority of gun sales   are subject to a background check those at gun  shows those online those at any gun store walmart   anything they are all subject to background check  the only gun sales at this point that are not   subject to background check are private sales  between you and another person so if i wanted   to sell a gun to my buddy or being handed down  through a family like a father to a son close all   the loopholes and there's a long list here so um  there's the boyfriend loophole i don't even know   what the boyfriend loophole is if you do let me  know in the comments below have no idea what that   one is um the hate crime loophole prohibiting any  individual who has been convicted of a misdemeanor   hate crime now that sounds pretty common sense i  can on the surface you think you might could get   behind that but they fail again to define the  terms what is a hate crime so there is a lot   of people out there that would advocate if you  don't call a person by their preferred pronouns   that would be a hate crime and so depending on how  that's defined under joe biden that could prevent   you from being able to buy a gun the charleston  closed the charleston loophole the amount of time   that the nic system has to approve or deny your  gun background check so as it stands right now   if it takes them longer than three days to process  your background check then the store can go ahead   and release that firearm to you what joe biden  says here is that he would extend that to 10 days   close the gun show loophole the online loophole  we've already touched on those the fugitive from   justice loophole whatever that is so all the  loopholes close all the loopholes incentivize   state extreme risk laws so what extreme  risk laws are are what you might know as   red flag laws basically any family member or law  enforcement official is able to temporarily remove   an individual's access to firearm if that person  poses a danger to themselves or others now that's   subject to all kinds of interpretation what  exactly does that mean who decides that   basically what red flag laws do is they  take away the due process normally there is   a due process you have to be tried before  they can take away your god-given rights   red flag laws say we'll take away your rights and  then we'll figure out whether or not it was true   give states incentives to set up gun licensing  programs regardless of what they say the reason   for that is because they want to know that you  own guns and they want to know how many guns   you have and they're going to keep that you know  nice long list so um gun licensing programs some   states currently have that some don't require  gun owners to safely store their weapons   so this sounds good on the surface but  what they fail to define again what is   safe storage what exactly does that mean usually  most responsible people try to ride that fine line   between safety and accessibility we want to keep  it safe yes but we also want to be able to get   to it quickly if somebody breaks into our house  so we can defend ourselves now it like i said it   doesn't define it here so um i guess we have to  wait and find out what exactly does safe storage   mean and number 15 stop ghost guns it actually  says that stop ghost guns ghost guns would   cover anything like any kind of 3d printed gun any  kind of 80 percent it will completely outlaw that   there is a whole lot more uh on the  joe biden website about his gun policy   and all of it is equally ridiculous but i did  want to hit those highlights there for you guys   so what do you guys think about that um tell  me in the comments below what do you think   about that the question was is joe biden  going to take away the second amendment   the answer to that is no he's not going to  take away the second amendment he has said that   and we'll take him in his word he's not  going to take away the second amendment   what he is going to do he's just going to make  it impossible for manufacturers to make new guns   make it difficult for you to buy new guns they're  going to buy back the guns that you already have   and they're going to make guns and ammo so hard  to find and so ridiculously expensive that nobody   can have them so while he may not completely do  away with the right to own guns he's gonna erode   it so much that he it's basically gone  to me all of this stuff is very radical   it says it all right there on his website so he  can't deny any of this this is all things that   he proposes to do if he is elected president  um i don't know how you guys feel about that   let us know in the comments below and vote  accordingly if you haven't done it yet guys please   don't forget to hit that subscribe button down  below give us a thumbs up we really appreciate   that and i can already tell you that this video  is definitely going to be demonetized by youtube   so if you like these kind of videos and you want  to help support the channel you can do that by   visiting our patreon and facebook you can also  shop at that all really  
Channel: PilotPatriot
Views: 27,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PilotPatriot, review, gun control, gun rights, 2nd amendment, second amendment, gun policy, joe biden on guns, bidens gun plan, joe biden, anti gun, right to bear arms, biden, assault weapons ban, magazine ban, background checks, gun loophole, presidential election, trump, donald trump, 2020 election, gun ban, gun buy back, Beto, hunter biden, gunshow loophole, gun confiscation
Id: i0_uSjgmqiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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