Gun Gripes #255: "Hey Man, Can I Borrow a Gun?"

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welcome back everybody this is Eric and Chad here with Iraq veteran 8888 today we've got another gun gripe episode for you thanks for tuning in this one's a doozy legitimate - I hope y'all ready this is one doozy of a gun driving it's called hey man can I borrow a gun got any atom guns over there I can borrow ok we're gonna get into this this is a great topic and it's super-important right now with everything that's going on and I promise it's gonna be a great topic you guys are gonna want to stay tuned for this I definitely want to take a moment to thank the folks at Big Daddy Unlimited for supporting gun gripes they are a great group of people and they keep us in tons of cool gadgets that we can show you guys on the channel and they've been very good to us in that regard and we appreciate their continued support a great group of people look into them great buying group definitely worth looking into ok so alright this is a super super super pertinent gripe especially right now I mean there's a lot of fear buying going on with Co vid and of course the looting and rioting and all of the terrible civil unrest civil unrest has caused a lot of gunshots to be a little bit slim pickins on the availability and and look it's it's great that people are arming themselves and they're waking up and they're seeing wow you know we need to be able to protect our family we need to protect our communities we need to protect each other and yeah you know they're waking up to the fact that they probably need to be a gun owner right that's super important what this gripe really beckons to a little bit more is the mindset of I know everybody's got a friend like this the johnny-come-lately the johnny-come-lately everybody's got a friend like this that said two weeks before why do you want so many guns are you some kind of crazy weirdo or something or what what are you trying to prove you you got some are you lacking in a downsell yes the downstairs compartment are you lacking in some way shape or form that you have to you've got to make up for if I owned and all that firepower whatever you feel like I'm yeah yeah two weeks earlier they were they were you know they're your buddy but they were giving you crap about being a gun owner right you know in a friendly way or whatever kind of busting his chops a little bit but then stuff starts breaking loose they start seeing crazy stuff going on people buying guns and they come over and they're the kind of guy that goes hey man you got a gun I can borrow hey man thanks for getting crazy out here you got a coming borrow the gun shop don't have none it's happened to me more times and I then I actually am proud to admit okay believe it or not I have friends and family that aren't gun people mm-hm and no matter what I do until the time warrants no matter what I do no matter what I say they won't see it from my perspective they never will they're never gonna understand it they're never gonna care to understand it and I get it some people it's just no matter what in their mind they are just incompatible with the idea of self-preservation and possessing the tools to self-preservation and their mind their idea of self-preservation is picking up the phone and calling the police that's their idea and and some people they're never gonna be able to break loose of that stigma no matter what and and unfortunately some of my friends and family are in that category they're watching this video right now they're going yep that's me but they won't admit it that Republican they won't admit it but they still want to call me an they want to go yep they think that I'm like a walking gun store or something you know and and and it's it's tough it's a tough position to be in because like you want to help people but you've been trying to help people you know you've been trying to sway their minds you know and just get them to think you know in the term of hey this is a tool for my self-preservation and my family's self-preservation and it's just a good tool to have just in case but they don't want it at the time when there's nothing going on like you can't tell people that when there's nothing going on it's like you know we preached the Second Amendment all the time like this is what it's for it's for when things get really hairy you know when there's mobs barking at your doorstep when there's the government breathing down your neck trying to take everything away from you trying to go all tyrannical or go all Marxist or communist or whatever the case is we're turning to Venezuela like nobody wants that so we have guns to keep that from happening but you can't tell people that until something happens and they're like oh maybe I'll wait a little bit too long and then they go in there frantically trying to get into a gun store and they show up and there's a line like a mile long and then they stand in line for that time go inside and there is nothing like the shelves are bare you know it's just too late at that point it's crazy and then it's like well I know he's got a bunch of guns maybe I can borrow one like what do you do you know and here's the difficulty in the in the situation right is how many years have we been making these videos and then there's a lot of people to go oh you guys are preaching to the choir well apparently I'm not a parent I mean we have to be reaching somebody and the thing is is we've been telling people for years the importance of arming themselves and I don't know if maybe it just fell by the wayside or people don't you know get it or maybe they just don't think it applies to them but like when we make these videos guys it's all inclusive right we are an all-inclusive club where everyone's invited all right now we don't give out participation trophies but we're gonna give you a chance to play okay and that's the thing everything we do in these videos this information is out there to inform the masses we care about America Americans that's you black white asian gay straight Jew Christian Muslim we don't care we don't care who you are if you're an American and you love this country congratulations you're on the team they made the team and that's all we've been trying to tell people all these years you know I invest in a little support gear better than making some body armor decent rifle a handgun to protect yourself he doesn't mean you have to go around telling everybody you own a gun it doesn't mean you have to go around saying I'm pro-gun doesn't mean you have to put gun stickers on your vehicle doesn't mean you have to wear gun shirts it doesn't mean you have to go to your place of employment and talk to your co-workers about guns it doesn't even mean that okay if I'm a carpenter by trade and I buy a nice hammer and a saw and a chisel and whatever tools I need to be a carpenter does that mean that I walk around with I love carpenters shirts on or does next wing yeah yeah does it does it mean I walk around with a test wing hat on every day no my turn has the tools they know and I go and I do my job and that's those are just the tools of the trade it means you walk around with Carhartt on right Carl but that's the thing right so just because you are an enthusiast if something doesn't mean you have to let everybody know and the thing about gun owners too is that there's a lot of people out there that are gun owners but they they intend to just kind of be great men when it comes to the way they live their life you may not know someone's a gun owner but they are you may not know that someone is carrying a gun but they are so it's important for us as a society to realize that there is a silent majority there are a lot of people out there that gun gun ownership is very important and crucial to their overall thought process and the way they live their life and a lot of them just don't make a big deal about it but they're out there well trust me so Laura so there there's a little bit of a crooks to this biscuit to use one of Eric's terms so we won't say his name but we have Frank Zappa's term but we have a we got a friend of ours okay that you know looking on the outside you wouldn't things like this guy owns a very large collection of firearms or I should say owned because you'll find out as the story goes well a gentleman that we know owned a lot of firearms highly collectible stuff because he was a gun enthusiast he loved firearms he still does love firearms but it was kind of kept as a little bit of a secret in his his clique his circle okay and his in his career okay and the more more people found out that he was a gunner you know and owned a lot of like a ours and and high-end stuff things like that and we're not talking cheap stuff now I mean like high in like really really nice high-end gear I mean we're talking like Barris and like nice LWR sees and like the top-of-the-line gear that you can buy whatever the best of everything is he had it okay but he was ridiculed more and more and more because he was a gun on it and you know in his profession it was kind of frowned upon okay by other professionals so eventually he just had you know what I'm just I'm done being ridiculed so he sold off most of his collection there are a lot of people out there like that that want to own guns but then you know they don't get the support they need in their circle of friends okay or in their profession or at their job like you're ridiculed for being a gunner because being a gun owner is still stigmatic yeah in this day and age it's still taboo in this day and age when gun sales are through the roof and more and more people want to get the tools to defend themselves with more than ever it is still taboo to be a gun owner you have to like hide in the dark corner and hide your guns you know and and keep it a big secret you know it's like some back-alley thing where you know you don't want anybody to know about your your uh your fetish you know with guns okay but that's the problem you know if you want to own guns you by God own guns and you don't give a crap what anybody says because ultimately it's not their life that you have to worry about it's yours so for them to tell somebody that oh you count on guns because I don't think it's right who cares who cares it's unfortunately something that it happens the media wants you know the media wants to paint gun owners and gun ownership as this thing gets stuffed into the dark underbelly of society pushed into that dark corner of society they don't want it to be a widely accepted thing because firearms ownership breeze free thinking and it breeds self-preservation and it doesn't fit them there and it doesn't fit the narrative and it also breeds the overall idea that we need less government smaller government and less interference in our everyday lives gun ownership breeds the ideas that of Leary people that of Liberty and every people and that freedom trumps everything else that even governments there there is nothing that man can create that that is outside the bounds of what the average person views as being their liberty right you know no man is gonna create something that Trump's your ability to self-preservation and once you become a gun owner and you get kind of woke in that regard you realize hey these things are the tools of the trade they're tool of free people right you know and when we look at people you know being ashamed right for being a gun owner another really important thing to consider is don't look at what people say observe what they actually do there's one thing for someone to say hey this is how I think or this is what I believe or this is what I think you should do or we should do and then what do you see people doing now we're not talking this pretend thing that the media makes you believe that oh Lord all right the common narrative is a large subsection of Americans want stricter gun control that's the narrative that gets pushed down your throat but that's not true where are these people where are the people that hate guns where are the people that are anti Gunners okay now what can we actually observe what we can actually observe is record gun sales that are occurring now is that to say that there was just a whole bunch of people on the fence that previously hated guns and now they're like holy crap we need a gun is that to say that those people buying those guns still don't want you to have guns but they want to have them but they just don't want you to have now I know what it is I know it is it's all the people that currently own guns go into the gun shops and buying those guns to sell them to the people that need the guns for a higher prices I'm just kidding I'm not kidding that's not the cases but but the question is what are the motivations corner in the market what are the motives and the thing is I believe that the most simple explanation and what I feel to be in my heart the most correct explanation is that there are a lot of people who might have been on the fence and they want to earn themselves and those people those 3 million new gun owners are gonna convince 3 million more people because all it takes is one person in your life to change their idea and all of a sudden you just double the amount of gun owners ok that's all it takes everybody that loves gun ownership and understands that woke feeling you get when you can protect yourself and your family you know that you ain't calling nobody because you're gonna protect your dang castle it's your castle and nobody's gonna come in that castle without being you know dealing with you ok if that feeling is good to you then find one other person in your circle that disagrees and convince them and all of a sudden we just turned you know all these gun owners and to double the amount of gun owners that's all that 3 million people that bought new guns if they convince one person if that's a friend of theirs to go buy a gun that wasn't a gun owner before congratulations we just created 3 million more gun owners that's 3 million men women that are strong Americans that are going to protect our country if if something disastrous happens if we're tact if anything happens we have a literal grassroots army of people who care very much about being free and protecting each other this is not some thing that people you know the media makes this big deal you know they try to paint all of these horrible pictures using the broadest brushstrokes possible of the most unflattering paint that they possibly can imagine right they want to put this person in that corner that person in that corner and they want to bicker and yell across the room and that's not the real answer real America they want everyone to be happy and free and protect themselves and I know we say it a lot of videos and I know it seems like we're preaching the choir but apparently we're not because when friends of mine go hey oh well I used to think you're crazy but now you're not and hey oh by the way you got one of them their guns I can borrow that's not the way you want to get into that you know you need to take it upon yourself you know instead of buying that thousand dollar iPad or that new iPhone that costs eight hundred bucks or instead of you know there's we've mentioned this in previous videos you've got to see the value in self preservation yes there is an investment that you have to make in order to get into a few guns a little bit of training and some ammo mags whatever support gear holster yes that cost money but so does a freaking iPad in the new big-screen TV and the other things that do nothing for you except infuriates you know because all you're doing is reading what the mainstream media is putting out all the time well look I'm not saying don't don't have an iPad or iPod or a nice phone or or or TV get your ni Ortiz straight yes you know people lack the ability to get the priorities in order and and put them and see the value where it needs to be like I guess place that value on that particular item in terms of you know hey I had to save up for a few months two or three months to be able to afford to buy X whatever it is TV or whatever gadget or crap for your truck or whatever you bought right right to say alright instead of buying this this TV which is still cool you know maybe I should buy a gun you know so you check in the box then you you plan for the best prepare for the work okay and the the problem that people have is they don't think about the worst that could happen when things are good okay I mean just back at the end of 2019 everything was hunky-dory no big deal right so everybody's just out there consuming all the products that they can no big deal but then when things start getting hairy and the media starts putting out all kinds of crap about what's going on in the world then people start getting a little bit panicky all right when people get panicky people get stupid all right and then more people want to say hmm I think I better get a gun to defend myself with because these people are getting stupid that's not the right time to be thinking about those may not be the right time however though ever thought they were thinking about it it however has a thought however it is it is still commendable yep all right even even though all right now this is it this is sort of the end of this cried yes even though someone may go well this guy was crazy two weeks ago but now you know he don't seem so crazy all right at least that's a realization okay just because you are asleep and having a horrible dream doesn't mean that you have to sleep forever so getting Woking woke it's like you're waiting if you're low if you're getting awakened from a bad dream as long as you recognize that you were in a bad dream and you separate yourself from it and move on with life well then by all means move on with life so if it took something happening for you to go you know what maybe I need to own a gun we're not ridiculing that person absolutely get a gun protect yourself all we're we're not all we're mentioning is that we have seen in an upward increase of people going hey man let me borrow a gun that's probably not the right time you want it you want to definitely try to think ahead of the curve right and when that curve gets there and you're unprepared all I'm saying is that's a bitter feeling and I understand there's a lot of new gun owners and we welcome all new gun owners to the fold we don't care what your political affiliations are we want people to be armed and protect themselves and we want our communities to be safe and free and happy and we want everyone to live and be happy that's knit on our care has ever been for the entire time that we've been running this channel we've always been inclusive to everybody and we feel it's super important for everyone to be on the same playing field in terms of preservation right so what's the answer to the question hey man can I wear one of them guns absolutely me that's that's just what I feel like if someone was on the fence and they they were a little bit too late to the party and they are desperate to defend themselves yes the answer is a resounding yes yeah but like I'll give you some ammo I'll give you some magazines I'll give you a firearm do you know how to use it yes good do you know how to use it no all right come to the range and I will show you how to use this firearm yes the answers yes resounding yes yeah so you you people that were holding out to the end of the video see what would say there you go that's just but because you don't want to turn you can't turn someone away like that that is the hour of desperation okay when it comes to that it takes a lot of humility you know to ask someone that you may have been ridiculing for years and years and years to borrow a firearm which you've criticized them about owning but the answer is yes because if you say no then what did you just do you just turned someone away from the to a calls you absolutely just shut somebody down you know you know the answer is yes yeah and I'm not gonna say who with in my circles that fits that description middle so save someone related to me okay and and yeah I made sure that that they have what they need and and you how to use it and had the proper you know all that stuff in place and and it's good to go so yeah the important thing is is that we are all ambassadors to the Second Amendment community and you're asked to step to the plate if you have a means you know don't disenfranchise yourself in the process but if you only got this one but yeah sure yeah you know you don't wanna give away your last sword okay but you know but if you have an extra one you know it's not a problem I'm not suggesting that um you know that that'd be the end-all do-all solution but it is an important way for that top to occur and that talk to come from the position of hey man look I'm gonna get you what you need right here but you know you need you know save up some money go get this go get that show them what to get and then once they achieve what they what they need to get they can give you your stuff back everything's good and that's happened actually in several cases so far view my close friends have needed some support and I've been there to lend them the support they need and that's fine and and they've learned and now guess what they get it their guns so better late than never but always look at the next turning the curve see where it's going and make sure that you respond accordingly and guys for God's sakes listen to us we're trying we're trying to tell you what's due okay and we're not doing it in a authoritative standpoint we're trying we're trying to suggest what you should do okay maybe take that to heart a little bit more you know I hope they don't find the subliminal messages oh my gosh you have a little flashing you know the little flashing by a man can think all right look thank you guys so much for the support those of you who purchased Mankins now that was that wasn't subliminal they calls it blokes it yeah exactly so we got some great boxes that we put together called man cans if you love the channel and you wish to support us you can purchase a man can you can go over to ballistic ink pick up a t-shirt last but not least all of our patreon supporters thank you guys so much for supporting us on patreon we really appreciate it guys have a wonderful day it's all gonna be alright alright I know sometimes you have to be told there's that by that confirmation bias we have to have I promise guys life's gonna be okay it's gonna get better it's just a tiny bump in the road life is gonna get better okay have a good one we'll see you guys next time and we have many more videos on the way we'll see you see you guys [Music]
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 159,572
Rating: 4.9163904 out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, ar15, ar, ar-15, ar 15, 2a, freedom, liberty, gun rights, gun control, top 5 guns, top 5, meltdown, guns, gunsmithing, gun gripes, life liberty and the pursuit
Id: jI4BN_rOHz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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