Gun Gripes #265: "Top AR-15 Myths" with Mrgunsngear

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welcome back everybody this is eric here with irec veteran 8888 today i've got another gun gripe episode for you i've got special guests with me here today mr guns and gear mike great dude one of my favorite people in the gum world go right now stop what you're doing stop everything go subscribe go follow him on facebook on instagram you won't be disappointed that's solid advice he's the king of the deal all right he's got deals upon deals upon deals all right today's gun gripe we're going to be talking about the ar-15 fallacies that get spread by not only the mainstream media but the anti-gunners in general use a heck of a lot of terms to incorrectly describe the ar-15 and its capabilities so we're here to put some of those things to bed today and hopefully let you know that you know the ar-15 is america's rifle now that's not what ar stands for but i i sometimes think it stands for america's rifle because it's it's more true now never absolutely there's more ar pattern guns than any other rifle out there in america yeah totally totally common uh so let's get into a few of these fallacies uh these myths that get spread erroneously about our poor air 15. it gets a bad rap and we're here to end that today sure so one of them is going to be that they're all full auto that they're the same gun that that the military uses they are not not the ones most people own in america anyway they are semi-automatic meaning that one trigger pull you get one round downrange that's it there you go yep that's it so while they may appear similar to what the military uses in terms of the actual function of the firearm it's not the same correct so that's one of the most distinct characteristics uh the mainstream media certainly tries to report and makes it seem as if that the full auto versions of this rifle are extremely common and they simply are not uh special licensing required i mean if you go into manufacturing and you get your law letters and your sign-offs and all that um if you're you know in good with your local clios and things yeah uh you could you can certainly get the letters and get stuff made or become a manufacturer but those are very complicated and in-depth processes that your average person just isn't going to do right and additionally if you don't want to do that an average person can buy them they're just really expensive like tens of thousands of dollars all right our next myth they aren't good for hunting mike yeah people say it a lot they say it's unethical to hunt with an ar-15 that it's not powerful enough and it's you know just not ethical for the animal i would have to disagree with that obviously you have to choose your ammunition correctly but i've put down a lot of hogs personally with them i'm sure you've shot it other animals as well but oh yeah they go down if you use the right ammo yes they do and the thing i'll add to that is is the people that say the ar-15s aren't good for hunting are probably the same people that can't shoot good enough to get a good solid shot center mass uh shot in the boiler room on an animal with any other rifle anyway so if you took your grandpa's 30 all six out and gut shot a deer and it ran 300 yards before it died well well guess what whether you use a 30 alt 6 or a 556 it isn't going to matter if the shot isn't a lethal shot to begin with so you know a good like 69 to 75 grain heavy in an ar with a good expanding bullet and especially i would say a hundred yards an n is about the optimal range for a larger game uh you can totally i i've shot numerous hogs and deer uh with cranium and neck shots and center center mass uh boiler rim shots and i've been very pleased with the stopping uh well the stopping powers kind of have a myth thing but i've been very pleased with the terminal performance of the ar-15 and barrel length also has a lot to do with it too um these guys think it's cute to do a pistol with like a little you know seven or ten inch barrel you can do that you know most of your sf guys are generally running what 12 12 and a half and fourteens uh ten and a half ten and a half so even shorter so three rather 10.3 okay the mark 18 yeah the mark 18 is a 10.3 for some reason i was thinking it's a 12 and a half um you know but you can run a shorter barrel the longer barrel does give you a little more velocity um i tend to be sort of an a2 guy when it's practical i do like a longer barrel to get that boost in velocity especially as you increase the or decrease the range and you're at closer distance those longer barrels are definitely going to give you a nice little little boost of velocity there absolutely additionally i should point out that there's other calibers right it's not just 556 for ars absolutely you can get an ar-15 chambered in 450 bushmaster 50 beowulf i mean there's some big bore ars you can get out there for sure so that leads us to the next myth power expectations now we sort of already covered that uh in this particular video just talking about the and for the purposes of the power expectations we can sort of roll that in with five five six um unrealistic power expectations yeah in both ways you know so some people will say you know can't drop anything with it other people will say you know it's this super deadly weapon it's so powerful you know i've heard that so many times in the media but the power of the ar-15 while at the same time you know other people are saying it's unethical homeless you you can't have your cake and eat it too in that regard i mean i think the the takeaway from that statement would be that all firearms must be treated with respect and you must understand that you know you you can't say oh well one gun is more powerful than the other and therefore oh well this one is more deadly because a 22 uh can can kill you if you have a discharge a 22 short can kill you if you have a discharge say you i don't know you're playing around with it you shoot yourself in the leg or something or hit a vital organ or or worse you know cranium shot um firearms should be treated with equal respect no matter if it's a 22 short or a 20 millimeter you know like vulcan or what the heck ever you know a big old mini gun or anti-aircraft gun i mean firearms are inherently dangerous objects the media though does portray the power level of the ar-15 in a very unfair and dare i say dishonest manner i know you guys have seen the popular media shot where it shows uh oh well the power of the ar-15 it shows a watermelon like vaporizing and the camera pans out and it's a dupe with a 12-gauge shotgun i mean if you're going to you know paint something with a bad brush at least use the right colors and at least be honest with people and there is a lot of media bias and dishonesty that caters to some of the public distaste for this gun design just because it is the poster child of gun control uh advocates so that's part of why that exists absolutely um all right our next myth you have to spend two grand or more to get a really good ar-15 yeah i mean that always changes depending on the market but it's absolutely not true um you know there's good reliable proven guns like the colt 6920 typically you can find those depending on the market between nine to twelve hundred dollars you know and those are very good guns there's also really good guns that are priced below that like the smith wesson m p sport for example those those are rental guns that at places where people run really high round counts and they just keep running you know there's a reason people pick them yeah and it's it's also fair to say that another another point into the camp of the m p sport is also our meltdown video where we torture tested one it ran great now this is a sport too because it's got a ford assist and a dust cover uh the standard sport models do not have that feature but this particular gun ran the best out of all the dis that we tested and you're talking to six well in a really good in a perfectly normal environment a six to eight hundred dollar gun yep and uh and it performed beautifully all right so i have one that i didn't melt um and still going strong it has thousands of rounds through it and uh zero issues at all yeah yeah it's definitely a point in the camp for the smiths um now the gun that i have in front of me here this is a delton dt sport so this is delton's version of a sport 2 essentially so you got the ford assist dust cover you know basic di setup with the standard uh you know car hand guards a2 front sight uh this one has a bayonet lug oddly enough i'm not sure what kind of freakishly weird bayonet would fit on this but [Laughter] it makes gun gun banners mad so that's why i like the bayonet look absolutely absolutely so there's that aspect of it you don't have to spend a ton of money to get a gray ar um you know and the most important thing i might add to that ram what you got right if all you can afford is a delton sport like this there is nothing wrong with that or if you go to palmetto state armory and pick up you know 379 ar look keep it clean go out zero it shoot it take care of it run what you got and one of the beauties of the ar2 is that you can upgrade it later on if you want to relatively easily absolutely all right so running on to accuracy expectations all right this is a really good one people tend to think that an ar-15 has to shoot a minute or under or it is a piece of junk it's a piece of crap oh it's not a sub minute ar what i get this all the time in my comment section because i shoot groups in my videos and sometimes they're sub moi sometimes they're two moa sometimes they're for moa well yeah that's that's true too you know sometimes the bell doesn't like a particular type of ammo but um you know can they be moa guns absolutely there's plenty of them that are but they don't have to be and uh even the middle spec for i believe is four mla yeah so moa has been the military standard for rifle accuracy since at least world war ii if not even before that i know for an m1 garand to be accepted into service during world war ii it had to shoot a four inch group at 100 yards or better yep same for the m4 same for the m4 so that expectation is reasonable right and uh i mean in case we haven't noticed we won world war ii so the ground at four minute garam was good enough for our forefathers then uh certainly uh a four-minute ar while we'd like to see better accuracy uh will work for us now i will say this as well before we move on to the next this is more of the general comment not necessarily related just to the ar-15 but i'll say that because of the increased technologies that we've seen in projectile designs powder propellants that we're using in these cartridges as well as barrel technology you can make a really good barrel for a lot less money now than what you used to be able to do this okay the stress we're leaving in modern barrels yes night and day modern barrels are far better and with the better ammo we've got now yeah the accuracy expectation has gotten better over what it used to be years ago because our guns have gotten better our ammo has gotten better so it's okay to be like oh well it should shoot one minute well that's a great benchmark to set but if your gun shoots a minute and a half shoots two minutes don't panic you're still going to be able to shoot things five six hundred yards away yep easily no problem and most guns that shoot you know two minute with factory loads if you did load for that rifle you could shrink that down as well absolutely absolutely all right so another common misconception is the meaning of the term ar the the ar-15 like what that actually means and i've said i've heard people say oh it's an assault rifle oh america's rifle like we said america's rifle i think is the abbreviation i like to use is called america's rifle of course though it's from armalite right which is where eugene stoner worked when he was developing the design excuse me um so that is why it's the ar-15 and of course the ar-10 the same right so ar stands for armalite people all right get it right and the arm light of today is not the armoire of the old days just for what it's worth as well they're different companies just the same name got you and i guess the same could be said for many companies in the firearms industry you know that that tends to well not without going on this uh particular rabbit hole but we we know that remington was just who purchased remington recently ruger did didn't they no they purchased marlin marlin that's correct yeah marlin was just bought by ruger of all people so that's kind of interesting see how that turns out i'm looking forward to it the marlin guns the old ones were great but recently recent ones not so much in my experience i agree okay so we're going down the river look we're going down the rabbit hole but i'll just say so this is a 336 that was made in 1939 okay this is a legit marlin 336 with a jm barrel and this one's chambered in 32 special and this gun is head over heels superior to any modern marlin you'll ever find 100 the better stocks you know better blueing egyptian action oh gosh anyway we went off on a rabbit hole there but why not yeah exactly that's what we do it's 2020. it's 20 20. we're gonna go down a series of rabbit holes some of which we may never return who knows okay crime statistics this is a really good one all right when you look at crimes to statistics i can't say that word um you end up seeing the situation where the media paints it like ar-15s are just used in a crazy amount of crime and that that it's the criminal's choice uh uh you know for a for a firearm to use to commit a crime the data just simply does not back up their claims it doesn't it the fbi crime to statistics totally totally totally favor more of handgun use than anything else rifles as a general category and when you even narrow that down to ar-15s within the rifle category actually constitute such a small number of crimes for the amount of ar-15s that are out there that the statistic is almost a moot point right you're more likely to be killed with a blunt object than you are an ar-15 yes coordinate stats yeah so yeah and then additionally the media again um whenever an ar-15 is actually used in crime they highlight it it's everywhere sometimes when uh they're not even used they just roll in footage of the ar-15 anyway like uh in texas when the guy used the ak in walmart a lot of stories were running running cover photos of ar-15s when it was clearly an ak the media certainly has a heart on for this gun they do and and it's because it is such a common gun that so many people use and so many people rely on for their liberty and their safety and then it is a tool of freedom and that many people choose and of course they're gonna identify the tools that people most uh readily associate with freedom and they're gonna try to remove those tools from the public eye and that's totally their goal and they know the data doesn't back up their claims they simply don't care and they want to run a disinformation campaign and that's really what it comes down to so yeah the crime statistics if you get into it look it up the data is there don't take our word for it look at it yourself the fbi publishes it every year yes absolutely all right so we already touched on media bias but there's a lot of ways media is biased against this uh against this rifle for sure i mean like i said they use it even when it's not used which is crazy same thing with the magazines right they'll all say they're high-capacity magazines it's a standard capacity magazine it's a 30 round magazine so i mean yeah they're just they're out for this gun for sure 30 round magazines have been around a heck of a long time i mean um and there was some like transitional type of magazines too that like they would go from like a 20 round like i know in the brn 601s they actually reissue the straight 25 shot mag so it's like intermediate but it's standard capacity because that's what's used right it is a normal capacity magazine i mean beta a 100 round beta mag is a standard capacity magazine in my eyes so and you know early on in vietnam like eric was staying there they were in 20s but by the end of that campaign 30s were standard you know so that was in the 70s so they've been standard for a long time yeah and that's not going anywhere of course um so the media bias is definitely part of that um so the last kind of bullet point i know there's others all right so if there are things that we left out in this video i want you to leave your comments in the comment section below and let us know if we left something off okay but this is going to be the last bullet point no pun intended that we're going to be talking about here on this particular you know gun gripe and that is the longevity slash reliability in harsh conditions a lot of people think the ar you know is a unreliable gun that you get one speck of dirt in it and it's gonna stop working so is that true no um there's a lot of really good data on that as well out there but one if you're watching on youtube that you can check out is in range they did a test of this with mud and uh because it's an enclosed system it does very well in those types of testing yep and i know uh i love you and carl they they have such great content and the thing is is you know not only is their content great but also our friend tim at military arms channel does his gauntlet testing and he'll do a lot of crazy stuff as well on and he actually just got done with a whole group of pccs i'm not gonna get i'm not gonna spoil the surprise for you but some of your favorite pcc's were put through the gauntlet and some of you are gonna cry i know i did when wait tim sent me a text message like you won't believe this and i'm like oh no when i heard i was like oh boy here we go so anyway stay tuned for that you'll see those stuff on tim's channel and definitely check out the uh the tests that ian and carl do on in range they're excellent and what's crazy too like they did that same test on the m1 grand and i was surprised like that that pooped the bed pretty bad yeah real quick um additionally like a military enforce go through a ton of sand testing cold weather testing all those sorts of things you know so in rough environments the right rifles perform very pretty well in my opinion i think that there's certainly a threshold right that any gun design if subjected to enough mud or dirt or sand is going to have issues i think where the ak starts to have reliability issues the most compared to the ar is really just because it's such an open action with so much space for things to physically find its way into if i take this gun and load it even with the dust cover open there's not a lot of intrusion that can occur right here i mean yeah you'll get a little bit of dirt down uh through the gas bleed ports and maybe the cotter pin port here and yeah some of it can find its way in especially if it's sludgy or muddy but generally it's a relatively close system yeah and they typically don't stop until dirt or whatever gets in the chamber that that that that's what kills them but you know in the action they tend to run most of the ak failures i've seen with mud have usually been from particulates and mud getting in the trigger pack and causing stuff to not work right um the ak uses a trigger that is not very conducive to having lots of nasty stuff put in it and you also have to think the ak is a very outdated design compared to the ar i mean the ar is a much more modern firearm with more modern materials and the ak was good and it still is a great great gun but you know in terms of an enclosed system they are wins for sure it absolutely just is yeah so that puts to bed the myth that ar-15s have problems with longevity and reliability um and a lot of that also comes i'll just quickly mention this before we head on for the day here and let you guys get back to your day is that the direct gas impingement system somehow has gotten a bad rep for being a system that if it's not maintained properly will give you a lot of issues a di system can go a pretty dang long time before needing maintenance more than you might think absolutely now it is behooving of you to clean uh your your bolt mechanism at a minimum and i can't speak for mike on this particular situation maybe i can maybe he'll agree maybe he won't but uh i know that a lot of soldiers in theater will just carry an extra little like molly pouch with an extra bolt in it right if your you know gun starts choking you can just pop the pin pull the bolt out put a fresh bolt in and man you can go a lot longer with a fresh bolt yep even with a dirty chamber dirty barrel all that bolts clean you're generally going to be in there yeah if it's lubricated and in good condition they run absolutely i think a lot of the misconception comes from vietnam with with the powder issues yeah you know they used a ball powder and it was really foul and bad and the and i don't think they're really issuing the proper cleaning materials the soldiers they weren't you know and there's a lot of investigations into that and once they fixed it the gun's been run pretty well for decades yeah and that's a great point you know the the vietnam war definitely gives the ar a bad rap in terms of the reliability paradigm that gets passed around all the time so guys is there something we missed in this particular video that you know maybe we missed the mark so let us know in the comments section i know everyone's got an opinion so let me know if we left out a myth and we'll revisit this with some of your misconceptions that you want us to address so mike thanks so much for hanging out man absolutely man dude thanks for having me awesome make sure get your butt over there and subscribe to mike mr guns of gear go check out his facebook page instagram he and i exchange banter all the time might be kind of humorous and uh definitely good days so uh guys thanks for watching today we hope you had a great uh day and we hope you enjoyed this video many more on the way and we'll see you next time you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 148,173
Rating: 4.9389429 out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, ar15, ar, ar-15, ar 15, 2a, freedom, liberty, gun rights, gun control, top 5 guns, top 5, meltdown, guns, gunsmithing, gun gripes, life liberty and the pursuit, ar-15 myths, ar-15 fallacies, ar-15 lies, media bias, mrgunsandgear, ar myths, ar media lies, ar-15 crime, ar15 crime, crime statistics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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