Things to Buy Right Now if Joe Biden Wins

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all right guys good morning codeboy32 here check it out we're sitting here having a cup of coffee in the freedom office and as i was reviewing the comments from the compact sniper rifle we're going to be using the upcoming snipers unknown challenge uh i read a comment by a gentleman named kc773 casey you're absolutely right casey asked if i would do a video on what if what if biden wins now to be perfectly honest with you i've kind of been pulling off of this whole thing this ideas i've been retracting back from making comments on the political stuff i really should be making comments on that stuff because it is important the right to free speech our second amendment why do you think those are one and two because they are important but they're only important to people who love freedom the rest of these individuals say like joe biden aoc and tiffa or believe it or not antifa is just an idea i've just found that out the other day when i was watching the debate now i was going to do a review or a video on the debate but to be perfectly honest with you i felt so sorry for trump because he really didn't know how to respond to the the left's lies and i mean honestly that's all he all biden was doing was regurgitating the lies that was being repeated by the dnc and that's it and the media so honestly if it was me and i was trump i would have probably walked over there and throw punch that son of a gun so anyway moving forward let's talk about this um joe biden what if he wins uh first of all let's just watch this little clip from anderson cooper because this is exactly what joe biden says he doesn't care about the second amendment this is his first reaction to a question here we go standby so to to gun owners out there who say well obama administration means they're going to come for my guns bingo you're right if you have an assault weapon the fact of the matter is they should be illegal period so there that's his first response so what is actually going to happen if he wins and we've done videos in the past on joe biden's gun control plan there's so many things out there first of all if you have what they call an assault weapon which is like i need that this guy right here this in some circles is considered the the body of an assault weapon and actually it is by the atf this is not an assault weapon but a sporting rifle is what i like to call it but this is with the embodiment of where things start so the first thing he wants you to do is if you have one of these things he must implement a rule where you have to register this guy with the atf as an assault weapon well we all know what registration leads to and there's no denying that registration leads to what they call confiscation because right now we're seeing the same thing happen in canada canada justin trudeau single-handedly overnight signed a an executive order labeling like 700 different firearms as illegal to own and you've got like two years to turn them in now here's the bad part about him now i am pro-police okay i'm pro-law i am i'm pro-law for those individuals who follow our constitution and don't deviate and don't try to interpret it it is what it is shall not be infringed but there's going to be some individuals who are tasked with an order at the point of the government if joe biden wins this whole thing to come to your house if you don't register these things and retrieve them involuntarily oh by the way if you don't pay your 200 tax stamp at least that's i can figure if he's wanting us to register our so-called aid uh what do you call these things assault weapons with the atf uh under the uh nfa that uh you oh by the way you can re you can sell these back to the government because i guess the government feels like they've owned of course the dnc the democrats feel like they own everything which is why they don't have a problem telling you well we'll buy it back from you guys they can't afford what i have available to buy back and i sure as [ __ ] can't afford to put a 200 tax stamp on everything i own so the registration thing what does that lead to and we're going to get into this part of the other videos but i want to clarify so why do they want you to register these things okay and there's another little deal that he has in there is that he wants you at the point of time that you either sell you have to have go through a transfer or if you lose this thing you have to report it lost or stolen or sold or have a transfer slip within 48 hours of it being taken out of there why is that well i'll tell you why that is because if you are found with that firearm say for instance let's just go back if you go on that boating accident we all talk about we're going to go on canoe trip with all our firearms and we lose it and then all of a sudden well we report those as lost or stolen well if you're found with that firearm down the road well guess what you are in possession of an unlawfully possessed or owned firearm because it's not registered your name and it was reported lost or stolen therefore it's out there so you're in possession of an illegal firearm but it's jail time as far as he's concerned joe biden doesn't care about your second amendment and if you are a to a proponent well guys that's it ah the whole thing get a shotgun yeah i've got a shotgun i got this guy right here and you know what the big difference is it's got this big old tube on here well what he wants you to do is he's going to have you take that off so you can run three rounds in your shotgun why does anybody need 15 to 30 rounds to hunt deer well they evidently they forgot about the 2a was not designed to hunt deer okay so to the story let's talk about this if if it were me and these are the items that i would be concentrating on right now well number one is going to be magazines magazines are definitely in the hunt for what he wants to ban they call them high capacity magazines i call normal capacity magazines these guys right here this is just a little 15 round magazines mag that i just happen to have sitting on my desk well in the event that you have a firearm and you want to possibly i guess you're gonna have to register your magazines as well i don't know if you're gonna have to put a 200 tag stamp on those but with joe biden who the hell knows and you know that kamala harris is right behind him with every one of those things because she's a big old californian all right so let's get to it we got magazines i would definitely invest in magazines the best you can at this point right now i've got a page up for magazines right there psa's got a pretty good deal on those things last i saw they were available with free shipping all right so another thing what would what else would i be looking at well uh probably too late in the game for you but lowers i would go ahead and buy as many lowers as i possibly could joe biden will not be the president all the time and who knows what could happen down the line and this is only if he wins i'm not saying joe biden's going to win but what i'm saying is that i would pick up a number of these things just set them in the closet let them go uh my local gun store had these things on uh available for 60 bucks a piece so i picked up a few just a few you know enough to get me through because i don't have enough but in any way um magazines then what i would pick up lower parts kits lower parts kits are probably one of the best things that you can have just have a couple of them laying around or the blown uh parts kits you know or to blow out or oops kits whatever whatever you think that could possibly be uh let's just say something that could go wrong that you may have problems finding so that's one of the things that i would definitely go with other parts like i don't know these guys right here uh gas tubes uh barrels bolt carriers bolts things of that nature uh trigger's hard to go by bad but i would definitely invest in a couple of extra triggers we're running out of time though we're less than a month away from the election which is a terrifying thought to me now i have it in the back of my mind and my wife and i do too that this is going to be the most incredible blowout in history and we've never seen a president work so hard to keep our rights with exception of the bump stocks and a couple other items and the red flags i think people are pushing the red flags much more than he is but he just didn't say no unfortunately and a lot of people are pissed about that but joe biden wants red flags even more than this guy he wants to make it a national law or at least anyone who has a thought that can come and drag your happy ass out of your home because we want to protect you and we want to protect the children it's all about the children i'm absolutely so sick and tired of hearing about it so those are my thoughts and thanks casey for uh sending me that little message that gave me a good idea and again guys i mean used to be on the the all the you know the news and everything about everything that goes on but to be perfectly honest with you the whole world's going to [ __ ] uh the the the riots uh all the things that are going on this world is just feeding down into a tube of in a funnel to a cesspool and i don't want to be that part i'm going to be one of those guys that's going to scratch my way to the top but in the event this jackass does win and you have to register and you've got uh a whole bunch of ars my suggestion would be because there's people like me i'm a competitor i have to go out in public uh so what's gonna have to happen i'm gonna take one of my competition rifles that lower setup and i'm going to make that my one single ar-15 that i have and that way if somebody asks yeah it's registered what do you want what do you want what do you want what do you want to know about it bingo it should be illegal so think about that and then if they wanted to confiscate it well then they're just going to get the one little lower that i did register and that's it in the end of the day but these guys are tyrants and that's what the second amendment was built for so i could ramble on but let me know what your thoughts are down below i thought this would be a great topic we're gonna issue this thing out early this morning uh with that being said guys always end it like this god bless america god bless men women in uniform and people who support our constitution and because there will come a day if that jackass decides that he wants to go and involuntarily confiscate weapons from people there will be a day where our law enforcement officers are going to have to reach back and do some soul searching to figure out exactly what that second amendment means 24 7 for our freedom because freedom is not free if you liked the video give it a thumbs up subscribe if you haven't already done so i'd like a big shout out to the guys on the patreon thank you so much uh those funds go to support that website as well as buy some of this reloading stuff that i need for this competition and if you haven't already checked out we got some cool stuff over there uh just a regurgitation of a lot of things we have on instagram as well as the youtube channel that's it i'm out of here y'all be good happy monday
Channel: KB32 Tactical
Views: 805,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: abvHtZurJeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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