Cal DOJ Storm-troopers Confiscate Guns from Law Abiding Citizen

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hi this is Joel Persinger I'm the gun guy now I've got some startling video to show you in just a second that was posted by another youtuber it was posted right after the California Department of Justice showed up at his house with four agents in an unmarked vehicle to confiscate his two ar-15 pistols from what I understand this happened today and when they confiscated him they confiscated him not because this man's a criminal he's not but because he tried to legally register them I I'm not gonna say any more I'm gonna give you a recap afterwards I got to tell you after watching this I try not to lose my temper but I actually had to spend some time praying and calming down before I produced this video I suspect you'll feel the same here's the video that the man shot when the officers showed up at his door but that was for the 80% so I have a question because I've read and I've talked to many people that 80 you know the 80% lower pistols wide like one guy will is there any way is there any way I can keep the cop mag that I paid for are you serious I just bought those now the review that only heard illegal because they claim now that's those are the sections of degree 30 to 65 hmm oh he has made a case to tell people not to register their guns we'll just sucks cuz I'm trying to do an ayat you know I don't know you didn't take you know take a note you guys did take notes the problem is that this is of the Constitution so the Federal Constitution but the problem is is that I'm trying to be a law-abiding citizen and you know and you know all four of you know that this you guys know that you guys you guys know this is wrong I know but you are but no no the problem is is that the the broad spectrum where it's like some people are like my ar-15 pistols went through just fine you know and then there's other people they're like no I got my [ __ ] confiscated so that's where you know it's like where where in the law does it say that this unsafe handgun act happened before this registration that happened because prior to June or July 3rd of 2018 all ghost guns 80% lawyers had to be registered with the DOJ dude I'm saying so I register to them if I if I would have just let them as lowers then it probably would have went through you see what I'm saying like I said you registered one so I registered for I have one that you register in 2018 1520 as it lower mm-hmm that was prior to the zero caliber so the moment you put an upper on it it becomes on top unless it the only way you can build it and own this one but it's we're not asking to see it I'm just letting you know for your reference but they're fixed Matt but they're but I'm sorry I'm sorry I apologize I'm a little I'm a little flustered we're leaving so you're not I apologize too hi I'm serious I apologize I really did I'm very sorry outside I'm very sorry your composition that you hold on say that one more time I'm really I'm really sorry nicholae registered if you built it as anything other than a featureless rifle that's an assault weapon you're on provision of it okay but the problem is is a but we can't make air 15 pixels featureless because of the overall length did it start today or can you still wait that's there's a lot to read to believe I read I know we clearly I know but you guys I know but you guys are the ones that are coming over here to say to you uphold the law right and so you should have put to know the law the 2016 1 that [Music] they can't keep I can't keep the calm bag all right gentlemen Oh business cards please I know all you guys are here though [Music] that's what that's that's odd too that's weird I understand you guys have to deal with people that suck I got it there's people that are really you know it's like I'm nervous obviously and that's you know well it does say not to be infringed but you know it does I mean it's like you know it sucks cuz it's like I'm trying to be a you know my neighbors are probably like oh great look at this you know the guys with tattoos it's all nice you know now he has all these [ __ ] cops down at his house you know it's like gentlemen have a good day now I got to tell you there are several issues that I have with this not least of which being the obvious ones and that is that these guys showed up in his door all decked out and cam in their in their tactical gear and gave him an attitude I you know here's this guy was I thought extremely cooperative extremely polite he's trying to ask the officer some questions and what does the officer do you're not letting me talk you're like letting me talk sir okay fine so he closes up his his little folder there and wants to give the guy in attitude and I thought to myself you know what officer you're supposed to be a public servant you show up at a man's house whom you know is an honest law-abiding citizen otherwise he wouldn't have bothered to try to register the guns in fact the officer even said well you know you know the other people wouldn't even try to register them they know this guy's a law-abiding citizen and yet they want a cop an attitude with him when he has questions about what's going on or when he wants to know why the officers don't even know the law how many times would this guy have to say I'm not an attorney which tells me these cops don't even know the laws they're enforcing he challenges them and says you know you took an oath well yeah to the Constitution of the Calla state of California yes and the US Constitution which has a second amendment in it here's some other things that irritate me about this these guns were confiscated without due process in other words he tried to register them nobody contacted him ahead of time nobody went to a he wasn't given any warning he wasn't given a chance to rectify the problem he wasn't there was no court hearing to confiscate this man's property they just showed up at the door and confiscated his property it's interesting on Reddit he assumed this is him who made this comment I'm reading on reddit he said I registered before the deadline to a our pistols 10 and a half inch provided pictures of the fixed magazines and serial numbers they came in a unmarked dodge ram for DOJ officers here's the other thing if you got to tell you you watch these sheepish DOJ officers particularly ones standing around the one that was talking they don't look like they even want to be there they don't look like they even want to do this so I want to know who's pulling the strings to get these guys to go out and do this here's I've there's a bunch of problems with this kind of behavior first of all I know this was happening a lot throughout the state fortunately this guy was not arrested today but I guarantee you there's some upper muckety-muck somewhere in the state of California that wanted him arrested and he wasn't for what because he's a law-abiding citizen here's a few problems with this as I mentioned no due process secondly we have a second Amendment that guarantees our right to keep and bear arms thirdly the these are honest law-abiding citizens trying to do the right thing and yet having their there lawfully owned and and personal property confiscated without due process nobody gives them an opportunity to rectify the problem when they should why don't we why don't they just send you a letter or call you and say you know by the way I know you tried to register this but it's actually not legal to register that so here let me give you you're gonna have 30 days to do one of the following you can you can take it apart so it's no longer an illegal firearm you can take it out of the state or if you want to you can you can turn it in and you can surrender it to law enforcement then you just have to prove to us that you've done one of those three things within 30 days you're good to go rather than banging on the guy's door embarrassing in front of him in front of all of his neighbors and confiscating his stuff that's another issue with it here's the other thing at what point are citizens going to get tired of this nonsense and and resist then there's going to be a problem the law enforcement is going to end up killing some poor citizen who argues with them particularly if they have an attitude like the cop demonstrated there where he just doesn't well know if you're not less than letting me talk good grief dude can take a chill pill calm down do your job treat honest law-abiding citizens the way they should be treated these cops have better should have I hope better things to do which is go out and chase criminals not go and knock on the door of honest law-abiding citizens how in the world the state law enforcement and does state do state authorities figure that honest law-abiding citizens are gonna want to register the guns that they insist that they register how in the world are these law enforcement authorities going to feel justified that they expect law-abiding citizens to trust them or have any faith in them whatsoever I got to tell you at this point I have absolutely no faith in state law enforcement none and I'm the son of a deputy sheriff I'm a man who supports law enforcement on a regular basis but as far as these DOJ agents are concerned I have absolutely zero faith in them I have zero faith that they're going to do the right thing I have zero faith that they're going to honor the oath that they took I have zero faith that that any of this is going to be ethical honest or legal and sooner or later this stuff's gonna I'm hoping nobody's violent I really do I really do I really just urge whoever this happens to not to be violent over it I don't think that's necessary or I don't think it's I don't think it's something we should do but I got to tell you at some point this is gonna end up in court and if this stuff isn't found to be unconstitutional I'll be amazed and when it is all these people who have lost all this stuff are going to go back and sue the state of California it's going to cost the state and millions and all the people who have been incarcerated because these people insist on arresting people who are honest law-abiding citizens are going to sue the state of California and it's going to cost us the state hundreds of millions of dollars because they do this kind of unlawful stuff at some point law enforcement stops being law enforcement and they start being jackbooted storm troopers and that happened today can you tell I'm a little heated about it and I'm a little steamed about it this stuff needs to stop so I urge you if you have not already done so you need to voice your opinion with regard to this I think we need to light up the phones of the California Department of Justice and every representative we have anywhere anyhow and light up their email and everything else and let them know that this stuff will no longer be tolerated by United by United States citizens who happen to be citizens of the state of California I got to tell you and here's my advice and this is I'm not an attorney but seeing what I'm seeing happen if you have a knock at the door and you'll peek out your window and you see police officers out there don't answer the door don't answer the door just don't do it if you have anything that you know your suspect might be illegal certainly don't produce a YouTube video about it or do anything on social media that declares that you have the stupid thing and if you have anything illegal errors you get it out of the state before these guys come Nick knocking on your door and if you do if they do knock on your door and you answer the door here's the response officer I'm not going to talk to you I want to talk to my attorney can we come inside no we'd like to talk with you and ask you some questions No can we see your guns know the answer universally is no and like I said if you see them out there don't open the door don't answer the door there you go I'm not an attorney but I got to tell you that's the safest bet have a great week thanks for watching be safe
Channel: GunGuyTV
Views: 1,487,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ar pistol, gun control, gun laws, gun control laws, police state, ca doj, gun confiscation, california gun confiscation 2018, california gun confiscation squads, california gun confiscation program, gun rights, red flag laws, gun registration california, gun registration leads to confiscation, gun registration database, gun registration requirements in california
Id: n6Lyeeq17fY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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