Gun Gripes #258: "Joe Biden's Gun Control Wish List"

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welcome back everybody this is eric and chad here with i write veteran 888 today we've got another gun gripe episode for you this one's pretty good okay i say that every time but this one it's about sleepy joe oh come on oh yeah it's about sleepy joe and it's it's about his plan to end our gun violence epidemic all right now this this video is going to be relatively beating uh the same a relatively old drum and beating a relatively severely already beaten horse okay but it's very pertinent because why do y'all subject yourselves to this abuse yeah but well why do we subject ourselves to this abuse that's the that's the real question we need to be asking ourselves how do we keep allowing this crap to happen i mean the antis will stop at nothing to destroy your second amendment rights and i know we say this a lot and we don't want to preach to the choir so to speak but it's important that people understand that the second amendment and its totality and and in its wording and in the spirit of what the second amendment is it's one of the most essential human rights that we have and dare i say that the spirit of firearms ownership goes even beyond our own borders i believe that people all around the world should have the ability to defend themselves and the duty to defend themselves and the second amendment rings even more true for american citizens who obviously many of us are quite engaged in the right to bear arms clearly uh there are people more every day and there's more and more every day and there's never been more people at one time um you know exercising their rights to self-preservation than there have been now uh just in the last 30 days i think there's been over 3.2 3.5 million next background checks so lots of guns changing hands lots of guns are selling and that's just sales at the over-the-counter level that's not even including private sales and things like that which are completely of course uh legal and and nothing wrong with it uh but the second amendment is here to stay and i believe that the argument against the second amendment is a extremely watered down and weak one uh dare i say to the point that the left and guys it is the left okay we can't call it anything that it isn't and we can't change it but the bottom line it is usually those from the left that are the most anti-gun and the most visibly anti-gun it's gotten to the point where they can't even change the wording anymore like it's pretty much just this set thing right they've got like a set set of rules that they come up with for why they think that they should take certain things and it is a complete laundry list of terrible things that we're going to go over so let's go over his his gun violence epidemic plan shall we i think it's funny that at the top of biden's website it says battle for the soul of the nation well last time i checked it was leftists and progressives and all these crazy folks out there that are trying to divide us and ruin this nation i mean hey just food for thought like i'm just observing oh they want your soul i mean trust me they want your soul i don't see it's not in the way they're not protecting your soul let's put it that way i mean i don't see families out there protesting you know i don't see nuclear families out there protesting you know but hey whatever we're not going to go down that rabbit hole all right there you go joe biden knows that gun violence is a public health epidemic almost 40 000 people die as a result of firearm injuries every year in the united states and many more wounded blah blah blah all right you want to talk i want to talk about one thing real quick right 40 000 people die as a result of firearms injuries every year all right you know that these people pad these statistics okay a lot of these firearms injuries and firearms death or suicide so people that already are thinking about committing suicide but they just happen to use a firearm they get wrapped into this too so the left and the antis would have you believe that these numbers that they put out there are people like dying at the hands of someone with a gun criminally like give me your money oh boom like batman syndrome here okay that is a pure and utter lie okay they just wrap all the statistics into one and feed you this little spoon of you know coverage and say hmm here you go this is what we're feeding you okay uh this is how many deaths are in the year does that taste good yeah we don't like it either okay it's just stupid but like we go over here to we can you can click this link and you can go to this right here all right the 15 leading causes of death in 2017 were diseases of the heart malignant neoplasms cancer accidents chronic lower respiratory diseases stroke alzheimer's diabetes influenza and the list goes on nowhere in the top 15 is there anything mentioned of firearms and that's published by the cdc yes all right so this is this is the narrative okay but anyways all right so joe biden has taken on the national rifle association on the national stage one twice in 1993 he shepherded through congress the brady handgun violence prevention act or the crime bill okay and let's see which established the background check system does since kept more than three million firearms out of dangerous hands in 94 biting along with senator dianne feinstein secured the passage of a 10-year ban on assault weapons in high-capacity magazines as president joe biden will defeat the nra again there's some typos uh in there have you noticed yeah he didn't take on the fire the the nra i i think he worked with the nra i think that was a two-way street okay so he acts like he was some champion here but we've already proven and and this is this is to this is proven by facts and evidence and literally it's out there okay the nra helped champion these two things okay so he didn't beat anybody he worked with them like they rubbed elbows okay so that's that's disingenuous at best and i'd like to backtrack just a moment there go back to your cdc stuff yeah sure okay real quick so you mentioned alzheimer's disease number six uh killer all right look i want to mention this and i'm look i'm going to be 100 genuine here don't take this i'm not trying to be a jerk when i say this look biden looks like he's visibly going through some bad stuff man you know and i'm just i'm just going to say this like he needs to get some help and the people that are parading him around and putting words in his mouth he's a show pony man he's a show pony and and i think that's that's that could literally be taken as elder abuse in a lot of ways like and look this isn't political biden needs to get help he he is visibly unfit and i i just mean that just as a good human being like he needs he looks like he is not well and it's like one could say okay is are his mental faculties escaping him i mean when you hear him talk he's all over the place and look i'm not trying to be cruel i'm just saying the guy is visibly and you know audibly he's not there okay something something's not right and the the overall issue i believe a lot of people have as well is that one thinks that okay well you don't know who his running mate is yet they haven't announced that so say that joe biden let's just say where to get elected president um well then it's really not joe that's going to be pulling the strings it's going to be somebody else because someone else is pulling the strings now i'm not saying that to be you know evil it's just that it's the fact joe ain't all there okay and even like the more and more i hear him talk the more i think well yeah there's something he's not all there and look i get it like we get old our mental faculties escape us uh i really do hope that joe gets some help legitimately because uh man that it's it's painful to listen to it's painful to hear him talk it is a work it is mental work to listen to him talk and and then the hypocrisy of oh well now all these news outlets all over are covering oh we need to just cancel the presidential debate and now that's the narrative oh well we need to cancel the presidential debate of course you want to to cancel the presidential debate because you know that joe biden cannot debate his way into a sandwich in the kitchen much less talk about world issues much less debate a world leader i mean come on if you can't debate a sitting president about things that are pertinent to your country and that are actually something that should be that your finger should be on that pulse to begin with what makes you think that you can solve the world's problems or or deal with you know people that are trying to hurt our country or deal with other crazy matters that are outside of just a simple political debate come on man they're using that guy and that's what we're so bad about that so with with those debates and everything and and all that talk we could talk about double standards okay during coronavirus during all this other mess going on right now but that's a no another video for a whole other day okay yeah we don't have time for that um but anyways uh biden also knows how to make progress on reducing gun violence using executive action okay so i just all kind of stuff all right so like here's the laundry list this is let's get to the laundry room this is the common laundry list of things okay so hold gun manufacturers accountable uh in 2005 then senator biden voted against the protection of lawful commerce in arms act but gun manufacturers successfully lobbied congress to secure its passage which is common sense legislation a manufacturer of a given item should not be responsible for its end use and the victims of that that in use i mean uh estwing you know if somebody beats somebody's head in with a hammer estwing isn't going to be sued into oblivion and out of business because of some criminal activity using their product guns should be held in the same regard you know a manufacturer cannot control what happens with their firearms most gun owners 99.9 of gun owners are very responsible and moral people it's the 0.1 percent of people out there that use guns as a tool illegally and criminally that get that make all the bad rap for us good gun owners and that is fact okay here's the other issue is that okay by by basically lobbying and voting against the the protection lawful commerce and arms act essentially the the idea there is that they want to be able to get have firearms manufacturers get sued out of business they want to be not held accountable not only do they want them sued out of business they have people standing by ready to sue them so it's not like it's some cause and effect thing where all right let's pass this bill or let's deny the passing this bill whatever the case and then all right let's sit back and see what the cause and effect is of that no there's already people that are chomping at the bit to sue because they know the overall economical ramifications that will come from that is that ultimately it will put gun manufacturers out of business and if gun manufacturers out of business and they can't make guns then that's less guns available to joe blow an average person and that's the the end goal there it is the end goal and it's one more step to total gun confiscation okay what's number one okay let's stop the production of new firearms so that is the way to do it okay and who's to say if if the protection of lawful commerce and arms act was never put into place there's many many many many gun manufacturers that would already have closer doors and they would just be but a distant memory okay so this is common sense stuff okay this is this is asinine to think that this is okay you know asinine all right get weapons of war off our streets the bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines that biden along with senator feinstein secured in 1994 reduced the lethality of mass shootings but in order to secure the passage of the bands they had to agree to a 10-year sunset revision so that's where the nra came in as far as i remember all right uh and when the time came the bush administration failed to extend them as president biden will ban the manufacturer and sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines regulate possession of existing assault weapons ban under or excel sorry i'm getting ahead of myself here because this is so frustrating regulate possession of existing assault weapons under the national firearms act so in other words if you own an ar a regular old 16 inch barreled ar or 20 inch ar guess what it would have to be registered under the nfa you'd have to pay 200 attacks and it would be treated just like a machine gun an sbr sbs anything else all right buy back the assault weapons in high capacity magazines already in our communities okay so these buyback programs where do they think that money comes from to buy these guns back you taxpayers so they're just gonna using your money to buy back your property that they never owned in the first place reduce the stockpiling of weapons in order to reduce the stockpiling of firearms biden supports legislation restricting the number of firearms an individual may purchase per month to one so you can buy one gun a month under biden's plan oh and look this is something too he's fired up this is something too okay so with any president doesn't matter who the hell it is okay biden trump whoever whoever okay uh they always have these plans like this is what i'm gonna do as president mark my words well the president can't get anything done without the help of congress okay so even if biden were to get elected and and the the house okay uh gained a red majority the senate retained a red majority uh that doesn't mean the body is going to get any of this done how is he going to get any of this done all these promises that he makes on gun violence it's lip service to his consumer so it is it's lip service but you know if if biden gets in and then there's a democratic wave in in the house and the senate then guess what they can just do whatever the hell they want and they will ignore their constituents i mean well and to a certain point all right so anyways easy he's a killer okay now look i'll mention something yeah down boy down so so look i'll i'll mention something here okay we'll go back to the to the original you know clinton band that's sunsetted in 10 years okay there is a unique glimpse into a period of history that we have okay all these people keep calling for oh we need an assault weapons ban and all this stuff well listen here's the thing we have 10 years of data all right they can look back at that 10 years of data and they can see what the ramifications of those actions were and we're not like they know how it affected crime how it affected this how it affected that the amount of rifles used in crimes the amount of pistols using crimes the amount of uh crimes that were committed and the types of crimes they were and the types of people they were committed against all that data is there it's known it's not like it's a mystery and the overwhelming consensus is that for that 10-year period that the effects of the of the crime bill were so ineligible and meaningless that it's not even worth the paper it's written on they were basically within the margin of error more or less yeah within a margin of error it's not like you're talking some you know they want to act like prior to that it was like gangs and or it was like escape from new york and everybody's walking around uzi's gunning each other down in the streets and robbing people cannibal uh cults robbing each other for body parts and then all of a sudden we passed this bill and after that oh it's just like it's a beaver cleaverville utopia now it's a utah neighbor that's the reality that they want you to believe and they want to spoon feed you but that's not the reality that the reality i live within is a reality of facts and statistics i care about the statistics that surround it not some doctored metric that they can make sound one way just by including all the people that their government kills too i mean you gotta remember in the in the gun deaths that figure also includes police that shoot criminals too so they're including you know the police uh being involved in shootings they're including gang violence uh you know gang versus gang violence they're including suicides they're including accidents uh mishaps i mean there's all this data that gets plugged in there they can manipulate it any way they want and even if that 40 000 people a year was really a a wholesome and true statistic it still pales in comparison to the other things that kill americans on a regular basis that far outweigh that by a huge margin so absolutely basically they're complaining and and pandering to something that is actually not a problem and they just want you to think it's a problem and that's where um the difficulty in supporting that certainly comes from not to mention that the the basic idea of going against gun ownership and go against the second amendment is anti-freedom and anti-human rights and anti-civil rights to begin with anyway absolutely so joe is going to keep guns out of dangerous hands uh talking about the nick's criminal background check system and all but it's only effective when it's used so he wants to require background checks for all gun sales this is basically universal uh background checks okay um you know so no more gunshot loopholes oh hold the gun show loophole but uh private sales would would require a background check okay they'd require a 4473 being filled out for you to sell a gun to a friend no but yet they don't know who has them there's no registry so they don't know who has what so that means that oh in order for that to work we have to have a registry now so it's it's all cause and effect and opening up pandora's box to a laundry list of other bad things it it's not the idea what they're talking about that and and that's bad enough it's the things leading up to that in order for that to even be effective that is the problem all right so here's one that i found pretty interesting close the hate crime loophole what biden will enact legislation prohibiting an individual quote who has been convicted of a misdemeanor hate crime or received an enhanced sentence for a misdemeanor uh because of hate or bias in its commission unend quote from purchasing or possessing a firearm so what happens when the the legislature changes the definition of a hate crime and and what's punishable as a hate crime to like sharing a meme online or some bull crap like that or you saying a certain word or offending or yeah or offending someone that's a hate crime you know you know the karen and chad syndrome i hate i hate why they have to use chad why do they have to use chad why does a male karen have to be a chad what what's the deal with that why what did i do to y'all what i did to them all right anyways but yeah the hate crime loophole so anyways charleston loophole uh that's the three that's a three-day uh background check deal so if you go to buy a firearm and your 4473 is delayed okay three business days later you have you you are able to come and pick that firearm up because the fbi hasn't done their job more or less okay and most of the time it's not a big deal okay there's very few criminals that are walking into a gun store saying you know what i think i'm going to take the chance today and see if i can get that delay and i can walk up with my firearm no they're going to go down to joe bob's garage and they're going to pick up their their you know tube gun that he made in the garage or his guns he stole from xyz gun shop okay criminal activity criminal let's say it together let's say it together everybody criminal i'd like to add before we move on that you know it is on record too that that last year the nra was greatly in favor of expanding the nix system and expanding background checks they were also in support of red flag laws they wholeheartedly supported the bump stock ban and this is all known it's documented and listen you know i and and i will say this as well is that you know trump right now is running on the whole idea of being re-elected at least from the standpoint of thinking that he's got the check in the box from the 2a just because he's got some a plus rating or from the nra yeah he's got the nra is giving uh trump uh their blessing oh well he he's the gun guy you know he's the gun candidate well thing is when you got a guy like this that is just this blatantly against guns and then trump is just neutral and or done yeah well his track record has shown you know that he may not exactly be the best friend of the 2a now he's just not visibly and and and you know what i mean actively anti-gun but if he's not pro-gun your silence is deafening too if you're not doing anything for gun owners when we all you know we had control of the ship right republican-controlled house senate presidency we had the ability to stone roll anything through that we wanted to related to guns hearing protection act national carry reciprocity that is a stain on the trump administration now granted sure they were under political pressure because of stuff that happened in vegas tough cookie okay that that's not how this works you don't cave to that pressure right well hey look also the the initial so the initial committee hearings okay that were going to happen for the the share act which included the hearing protection act okay the share act was a wonderful piece of pro-gun legislation okay that had been worked on for a long time it's not like it wasn't known that people wanted it so it was known do you all remember the congressional uh baseball shooting okay the the two sides okay they get together for like charity baseball game they were practicing okay and some liberal lunatic came and shot up the baseball stadium where those where those people were to that sat on that commission okay that was going to get a piece of program legislation passed so it got delayed it got pushed and then what happens next time when when it gets through committee and it goes uh to the house floor for a vote it might just be coincidence but vegas happens it's like it's like they know that when they ring the pro gun bell too hard that there's going to be some form of ramification and the people that are the victims in this entire situation are not only the pro-gun republicans that actually care about passing pro-gun legislation but also the people who are disenfranchised you know folks who living in america right now that will never know truly what it is to embrace fully the benefits of the second amendment and to understand our liberties the second amendment uh an entire disenfranchised generation of americans that don't know what that freedom is to be able to go into a gun store and buy a machine gun or to carry where they want and and for that gun culture to not be a widely accepted and celebrated thing and instead are a culture of disinformation with the media and the media cabal and their war against freedom and conservative values to completely make people make these younger generation think that it is somehow a terrible thing to be a gun owner and there's an entire war being fought against that way of thinking and this is only a tiny part of that so look i'm going to read this and i'm going to look something up that that i read the other day that's quite interesting and it's talking about the media the ball and everything all right so all right biden wants to end the online sales of firearms and ammunition but not just ammunition and firearms he wants to prohibit all online sales of firearms ammo kits and gun parts all right you realize what percentage of guns that are sold are actually that start their path on the online sector like that that's the huge huge component for how a lot of guns are sold is through online portals and a lot of these people think oh you can go online and it's a loophole you can just buy the gun and it ships straight to your house well all these 3.2 3.5 million nix checks these people are upset when they found out that they couldn't go on some random website and buy a gun and have it shipped right to their house they're like oh i thought that's how it worked and they're getting woke up to the fact that oh it's not so easy to buy a gun now is it so there is no loophole that involves online sales it is simply a a commerce an area of commerce that they just want to limit because they want to limit the availability and propagation of those items to people and they want to remove the ease of access of people being able to shop for these items so speaking of commerce okay you want to prohibit all online sales firearms ammo gun parts kits things like that okay so be it but do you realize that the legislature by enacting that law and the president okay potential potentially okay if biden were president he signed that legislation if it ever got through okay he would be he would be killing an industry for one thing he would be putting people out of work so you want to add to the unemployment in this nation that's the way to do it well he doesn't care because that's not his constituents hundreds of thousands millions of people would be disenfranchised and put out of work and put on the unemployment docket over something like this okay and that's a cold hard fact these people want to kill this industry but they want to just they say okay well it's okay if if they get put out of work that's okay they want to cut the umbilical cord yes all together all right so talking about the media msnbc producer quits this cancer stokes national division facts are too cumbersome for audience a former msnbc producer wrote an open letter on monday explaining why she left the far left network a little over a week ago saying they are like a cancer that is stoking national vision amplifying or by amplifying fringe voices and forcing journalists to make bad decisions on a daily basis so when we talk about the the mass media machine okay like maj always says mars tori most effective devil in america media all right they put out what they want you to hear based on the agenda that they are given journalism is dead true journalism is dead there are a few french journalists out there that still report the truth but they are and of course they get labeled as whack jobs yes and they are pushed over to the the deep dark part of the internet where nobody nobody finds them okay they're like algorithmically shunned over there right so that crap happens on a regular daily basis but you see more and more of this kind of stuff coming out about mainstream media the networks and and their agenda okay and and their supposed morals and values and how they report the so-called facts okay withholding the facts more like it right boy i'm a victim of it i hate doing these videos you know people need to know but people need to know all right so create an effective program to ensure individuals who become prohibited from possessing firearms relinquish their weapons all right that's another thing to the uh incentivize state extreme risk laws so uh extreme ask the nra about that they can tell you all about it red flag laws okay so he wants to incentivize states to uh pass red flag legislation okay uh let's see give states incentives to set up gun licensing programs adequately fund the background check system uh let's see i mean the laundry list goes on establish a task force on online harassment and abuse to focus the connect on the connection between mass shootings online harassment extremism and violence against women expand the use of evidence-based lethality assessments by law enforcement cases of domestic violence uh let's see make sure firearms owners take on the responsibility of ensuring the weapons are you safely ah this is pretty interesting all right uh let's see put america on the path to ensuring that 100 of firearms sold in america are smart guns so like okay you know you grab the gun it's like welcome back chad you know it's like you some somebody else picks a gun user denied [Applause] so not a chance hold adults accountable for giving minors access to firearms safe gun storage laws okay which all right look safe gun stores should be common sense but it should not be a law dictated to you okay require gun owners to safely store their weapons prioritize prosecution straw purchases notify law enforcement potential firearms purchase fails background check so they can go get him they can put him in the paddy wagon you're trying to buy a gun require firearms owners to report their weapons lost or stolen stop ghost guns reform funding empower the us justice department i mean dude it goes on and on and on there is no end as we've said in in many other videos and i think that it's quite clear here as well is that this really isn't about safety it's about control they want control of you okay there there are many many situations where all of this hypocrisy is spread about the way things are reported and the way that the data is mis uh mismanaged and dishonestly reported um that definitely proves that this isn't about what's safe for you it's about controlling you and it's about removing dissenting voices i mean remember well it's taken a a page right out of karl marx's playbook right that part of establishing what they want for this country in terms of their their new world order their their cabal right their socialism communism cabal that they're wanting to put into place their religion of that you know the state religion it's a state religion in order for them to put that into place they have to remove dissenting voices so right now it's starting out as you know censorship and about trying to discredit people that disagree with their narrative which is happening to me and many others like me on a regular basis i mean of course professional uh what do they call it it starts out as algorithmic construction and then it it starts to become other things all right well first it's algorithmic destruction then it's all right well we're going to try to discredit this person we're going to censor this person then it turns into well we've got enough of a grasp of the situation now we must physically harm this person who is a dissenting voice and you look at uh you know nazi germany and you look at hitler and the brown shirts i mean they went around and they rounded up the political opposition and they were never heard from again in some cases that's what they know that they must do it's a page right out of karl marx's playbook that first right now what we see with the censorship and everything is just a saber-rattling phase and they know that by um making people accept widely the fact that they want to take guns under the guise of being for their public safety the end result really is that well by removing the teeth from the snake you can just go smash his head and there's nothing he can do so right now it's starting as a saber rattling phase with the censorship they want it to go full-blown to rounding you up and putting you in a camp if you disagree with them and or uh making sure you never heard from again that's the end result i know that's hard to accept and people don't want to you know accept it in that manner but that's the fact i mean that that's wholeheartedly what i agree the end result is for them you know what's amazing to me the the older i get and especially this year okay this this year i read a lot i read news articles and stuff from all kinds of outlets i mean i read the guardian i read npr i read the daily wire i read fox news i read msnbc i read you know everybody okay you you can read 10 different sides of the same story okay and you can see in 10 different articles where you know the only the facts that they wanted to were reported okay so you have to read all this both sides are guilty of it so you have to read all the stuff to get like even an inkling of what's really going on um but when when you when you read so much about our elected representatives okay and 99 of them are on the left of the aisle okay these are democrats these are liberals these are progressives and and they they sympathize with china over everything that's going on uh you know the the you know the the um the way that like trump okay trump's you know has this this uh kind of angry view toward china because of things that happened okay the coronavirus okay allegedly began in china all facts point to it starting in china and spreading it all facts point to china withholding information okay to the world not just the us the world okay in in the start of this whole thing okay so was the world ill-prepared yes because china withheld information okay you see all these liberals who are sympathizing with china and like trying to uh save face with china why why are they trying to save face why are they just why don't they want to say anything bad about china or is china in their back pocket is china controlling them i mean are there things outside of the wheel a house that we don't see what's going on um what's going on you've got china right now okay you've got authorities in china going to i think i mentioned this in another video you've got china i can't even talk because i'm just so frustrated with this you have chinese authorities going into poor neighborhoods poor villages okay where people are on state welfare to survive because they're so poor like they have no money they have no way to survive without the state helping them and they are telling them and forcing them to remove christian articles from their homes you know portraits and statues and images of jesus okay the bible things like that they're they're forcing the state-run religion on them who who are they having them put on their wall chairman mao okay ever read about maoism you know mass genocide yeah he's one of those okay so they're having them put that image up on the wall and saying oh jesus hasn't done anything for you christians haven't done anything christianity hasn't done anything for you your religion that you believe in hasn't done anything for you but the state has all right makes me think like okay some of these people are sympathetic to that that regime okay that communist ideal that they don't say anything bad about it because that's what they ultimately want here look at these progressives look at like aoc look at her ideals look at the things that she stands for look at the things these people stand for it's not american they want to run that socialism and communism experiment here it doesn't work it doesn't work it is a experiment that is followed up by more and more failures yeah i mean i mean come on it's an experiment that's been proven time and time again to fail but it makes you think it does make you the more you read the more you think so we'll end today's video by just mentioning one thing real quick um i don't know if you guys have ever seen like those data mining operations that they have in china look it up it's really crazy right so like you'll see these giant rooms of people in china and they they're sitting with like a quadrant of like like a whole bunch of cell phones with accounts on them and these people will actually like go through and and and like like a bunch of stuff or dislike a bunch of stuff or they'll go and like comment from a whole bunch of different um different accounts right and they'll try to make it seem like it like they'll they're paid to push promote or propaganda right propaganda it's a massive propaganda you look at some leftist leaning politician or some leftist leaning uh let's say uh news outlet or even an actor or an actress in hollywood who has some visibly uh anti-freedom uh position right and you'll look and they've got you know three million followers and they got all these likes and they got all this stuff and i almost wonder if that is a data mining operation in terms of you know they're hiring these people in china to go and pump them up make them look better than they really are and really there's a a huge mass of people that are like these people are full of crap but they don't want you to see the dissenting voices they want to spread the voices that they want to spread that agenda you know and i and i think that there's honestly a lot of that going on because some of the stuff you read is so just anti it's just asinine like it it makes no sense and a lot of the comments you read are in broken english it's not good grammar so it's like you have to wonder if someone who is not in this country is writing those comments or is it or is it just a gen zero i don't think so i mean a lot of those like all right take your your popular news rag or whatever that put out some anti-freedom article a bunch of terrible stuff or whatever and just read through the comments you'll see a lot of those comments it's like broken english stuff don't make sense and you almost have to put two and two together i hate to be a conspiracy theorist but it's like you kind of have to think that you know there's there's a little bit more going on than meets the eye with this stuff you can't belie you know you definitely can't believe in everything if not anything the media tells you anymore i'm gonna tell you what like lately in the past several months like i thought about digging the tinfoil hat out i mean i'm serious it's like there's so many things you start connecting the dots i know there's crazy people out there that like well supposedly they're they're crazy they're crazy to the general public or their family but they've got a big wall okay and they've got this board on there and they've got all these things interconnected and they're like you see the connection you see the connection you see you see what's going on over here you see what's going on over here and like you don't want to listen to them it's becoming a thing man dude like it's it's crazy look guys just know the antis are never gonna stop they never they never rest they have infinite funding and their overall goal is definitely not the safety and security of joe blow america they do not care about you they do not care about your safety all they care about is control and as long as you know that when it comes november time to go to the polls that's something you need to keep in the back of your mind so guys look support gun owners of america support fpc you know firearms policy coalition great groups of people um you know how we feel about the nra we've made other videos but i i think the nra is a lame duck at best if not dare i say that a lot of the things they've supported over the years which they don't deny right so say that for instance there was some wall of denial you could totally just go oh well we didn't do that and here's why you would do that right like if someone accused you of supporting the 94 crime bill or supporting you know the original gca or whatever right all these things a laundry list of things you can look up that the nra had a hand in if there was some way you could exonerate yourself with that you would do it right you would you would go oh well here's why they're wrong and here's here's the proof funny thing is they haven't there is no proof because they did support it so it's not me being heinously horrible towards some person for a certain reason it's just the facts that i don't support people that don't a hundred and ten percent get in the fight and actually put the glove take the gloves off and bloody themselves up over my rights and the nra's not that group now eric pratt jordan the guys over at goa great people of course fpc doing a great job if you are donating uh you know to different gun groups then that's those are probably the people you need to you know send your support to just food for thought guys have a great day we appreciate you listening in today um we really really appreciate all of our viewers those of you who support us on patreon if you buy t-shirts over on ballistic inc uh you know we we sell a great merchandise box called man can we select lots of great gear that we put into these boxes for you guys uh if you love what we do and you wish to support us and putting out these messages you can certainly do that those are the most direct ways you can do so lots of ways to do it so thank you so much have a great day we'll see you next time see you guys you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 143,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, ar15, ar, ar-15, ar 15, 2a, freedom, liberty, gun rights, gun control, top 5 guns, top 5, meltdown, guns, gunsmithing, gun gripes, life liberty and the pursuit
Id: ts8toyMj5pU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 31sec (2371 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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