Gubble - Game Grumps

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Combines the gameplay of Pac-Man, the nonsensical setting of Q*Bert and the excitement of wood shop.

👍︎︎ 133 👤︎︎ u/Bkwordguy 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2014 🗫︎ replies

Fun fact: Gubble is made by the same guy who made Crystal Castles. No wonder they look similar.

👍︎︎ 81 👤︎︎ u/icedino 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2014 🗫︎ replies is Arin ok?

👍︎︎ 72 👤︎︎ u/Xalimata 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2014 🗫︎ replies

Turns out theres a Gubble website still running and Oh boy, it is glorious

👍︎︎ 71 👤︎︎ u/beanobaby 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2014 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 55 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2014 🗫︎ replies

Dan's the best straight man.

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/appoloman 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2014 🗫︎ replies

wow, expert level huh?

👍︎︎ 48 👤︎︎ u/onichris 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2014 🗫︎ replies

Arin losing it will never not be funny to me

👍︎︎ 126 👤︎︎ u/shadowthiefo 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2014 🗫︎ replies

I like how well and how long Arin was able to keep up the charade of liking Gubble.

10/10 want more of that particular talent

👍︎︎ 68 👤︎︎ u/Druki 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2014 🗫︎ replies
Arin: Hey I'm Grump Dan: I'm Not so Grump Both: Aaand weee're the Game Grumps Arin: WE'RE PLAYIN' FUCKING GUBBLE! Arin: SHIT DUDE Arin: HOLY FUCK. Dan: Let me tell you guys how, uh - Arin: [indescribable sound] Dan: You okay? Arin: [moans in pain or possibly ecstasy] Dan: Oh god, actually, that... looked really bad. Arin: [reaches new heights of unexplored sensation] Dan: You okay? What happened? Dan: You fell, yeah? Arin: GUBBLE HAPPENED. Dan: We, uh, we were looking for a game to play. Dan: I'm just sitting here on the couch, Dan: and Arin exploded into the room and was like, Dan: "Fuck you, we're playin' Gubble!" Dan: And that is everything we know up to this point. Dan: Do it, Arin. Arin: Gubble is a game for experts. Dan: No, god damn it! Arin: You... Arin: Shut UP! Dan: All right, all right! All right. Arin: You don't know how good I am at Gubble. Dan: "RENIGAR." Arin: Yeah, he's the King of Gubble. Dan: What? What?? Arin: I don't - I don't know! Dan: WHAT!? No! Arin: Do you think I - do you think I know?? Dan: Dude, there was like a whole thing that played, that you skipped! Dan: Because you didn't, fuckin', uh - what? Arin: Uh, I went - I went - I went - Dan: Let's get the plat ha - the plat! Dan: I - I need plat! Arin: Uh, so this is Renigar. Arin: This is where all of the Gubbles are born. Dan: Okay. Arin: Um, they - they are, uh - Arin: First they start as trees, Arin: and then they turn into little alien pods. Dan: You are - You are making this up. Dan: You are making this right up. Arin: I'm - I'm not. I'm not. Dan: What the fuck? What is happening. Arin: You just have to collect all the things and then you get the screws out. Dan: Really?? Arin: Yeah! DUH! I'm the fucking Gubble master! Dan: dude what the f Arin: You have no idea how good at Gubble I am. Dan: This is expert level? Arin: Y - Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Arin: The fuck is wrong with you? Arin: Oh you think YOU can do it? Arin: I bet YOU think YOU can do it just FINE. Dan: Uh, this actually looks exactly like Crystal Castles, which is... Dan: of the easiest games in the world. Arin: Crystal Castles - Dan: "Get the gems, Bentley Bear!" Arin: - is nothing - Dan: Okay. Arin: - compared to fucking Gubble. Dan: You don't even - What i - WHAT IS THIS GAME, Arin?! Dan: What are you?! Arin: What the fuck do you mean, "what is this game"? Arin: IT'S Arin: GUBBLE. Dan: Wow. You are just out of control right now. Dan: You're at a - You're at about a nine. Dan: I need you to take it down to a four. Arin: I have a screwdriver now. Dan: Okay. Arin: It's a SKILL Screwdriver. Arin: That is a fucking BRAND. Dan: yyyup Dan: Wow, expert level, huh? Dan: Three enemies on the gr - ? Dan: [contemptuous chortle] Dan: Whuh! Whuh. Dan: Whuh! Oh no! Arin: That's - that's - that's my controller vibrating. Dan: Is it really? Dan: [dramatic Gubble sound effects] Dan: Can you jump over that thing? Dan: Can you jump over that THING?! Dan: Aw - Arin: Oh fuck! Ohh fuck! I lost my goddamn Skill Screwdriver Brand! Arin: TM. Arin: ...H Dan: This game is rid - Arin: Done. Dan: ...ridiculous. Arin: Can you beat my score...? Dan: I dunno! Can I? Arin: Here. Why don't you give it a try. Dan: All right. Arin: Why don't you give the world of... Arin: Why don't you give the tumultuous world of Gubble a try? Dan: what dude Dan: Look at this animation! Arin: Look at that. Look at that maze! Arin: Dude. You can't! You can't. Dan: What do I do? Arin: It's impossible. Dan: What do I do? Arin: You just hit - you hit fucking X, you stupid, stupid piece of shit. Dan: That's it? Dan: Oh wow, they all do the same thing. Arin: But you have to go on the red sq - Arin: You don't know anything about Gubble, do you. Dan: What am I - what do I have to do? Arin: You don't know anything about Gubble. Dan: What do I have to do? Arin: You go on there and you hit X. Arin: Duh. Dan: Oh okay. Arin: That's the basic rules of Gubble. Dan: Okay. Arin: Everybody knows that. Dan: Yeah. Dan: Am I in double gubble bubble trouble? Arin: [annoyed laugh at realizing he's been bested] Dan: Reduced to rubble? Arin: All right, you gotta get the thing, and now you gotta fuckin' screw out the thing, Arin: 'cause that's what you gotta do. Dan: Whoa. Dan: It sorta just does it on - on its own, huh? Arin: Yeah! Yeah. Dan: Oh, so it's Pac-Man! Arin: Yeah! Not as easy as it looks, is it? Dan: It's actually easier than it looks. Arin: Yeah! Not As Easy As It Looks, Is It?? Dan: I thought - I thought you had to like push a button to unscrew the things, Dan: but you actually just, kinda... move over 'em and... Dan: Dan: Really - Arin: Yeah. Just go ahead and pretend like you're fuckin', Arin: oh yeah, this is nothin' to you. Dan: It's not. Arin: Right now Dan is beading sweat. Arin: Off of his brow. Arin: BEADING SWEA - Arin: It is coming down - Arin: dripping - Arin: water - Arin: Niagara Falls. Dan: That is very untrue. Dan: You know I don't have [unintelligible, obviously not important] - Arin: That guy's gonna fucking get you. Dan: Ooh, he is. Arin: That guy's gonna fucking get you dude. Arin: He just got you. Arin: You know what happens when you get hit? Arin: You fall off of your thing. Dan: Yeah. Truly! Almost no consequences. Arin: You haven't even gotten into Double Gubble yet. Dan: Y - Really? Arin: Yeah. Dan: Umm - Arin: Don't pretend like you fuckin' have seen Double Gubble before; you haven't. Dan: I did it. Arin: Wow, beginner's luck. Arin: Beginner's, fucking, luck. Dan: Arin I'm not gonna lie. Arin: Yeah. Dan: I could've been drifting off into a coma and succeeded in that - Arin: Don't... Arin: SULLY Dan: Okay. Arin: the PASSION that has been put into !!FUCKING!! GUBBLE, for the PLAYSTATION ONE. Dan: I - w - yeah - who made this game? Arin: Let me, let me, let me read you a little somethin'. Dan: All right. Arin: Let me read you a little somethin' that'll make you, make you, maybe, understa - Arin: What happened? Dan: No, I just - I - i - Arin: Oh. Arin: Maybe - le - let me read you something that'll maybe make you understand a little bit about - Dan: Well, now I'm pullin' out nails. Dan: Now I'm pullin' out nails so you know it's quality. Arin: "Fun for the whole family." Dan: Is it? Arin: "Help Gubble get home." Arin: "Use of your WITS! to clear each level." Arin: "WITS." Dan: Help him get home?? Arin: Yes. Dan: W - is his spaceship, like - Dan: Are these pieces of his spaceship that have been nailed to the ground? Arin: "Dozen of varied levels, with plenty of challenges." Dan: "Dozen"? "Dozen"?? Arin: Yep. Dan: "Dozen of levels!" Arin: "Outwit CLEVER ENEMIES..." Dan: Oh okay. Arin: "...such as spinning things." Dan: "...such as wheel." Arin: "And find bonuses along the way." Arin: That's Gubble. Dan: Wow. I did it again. Arin: Hold on. Let me - let me - let me - Let me read you a little excerpt from the m - from the manual. Arin: How 'bout that? How 'bout that? Arin: Maybe - Maybe then you'll understand the - the - the true nature of this, of this, of this legendary game. Dan: Dude, your feet are all up on the controls. Arin: I don't - You know what? I don't care. Dan: Okay. Arin: Y - y - you're - you're making me feel like a lesser person right now. Dan: Why? Arin: I'm just tryin' to show you the - the power of Gubble. Dan: Okay. Arin: I'm just tryin' to p - show you - show you werserpsep Arin: "The object of the game - " Dan: yup Arin: " - is for you to use Gubble to release the Zymbots in each map!" Dan: okay Arin: "You must use special tools to remove screws, nails, and other things that hold them down." Dan: "Zymbot"? Arin: Yes, "Zymbots"; do you have a problem with that? Dan: I - it just sounds like something they fuckin' made up... Dan: ...for no reason. Arin: Obviously they made it up. Arin: It's a fucking VIDEO GAME that they CREATED. Dan: Okay. Arin: Jesus. Dan: Whoa!! Oh that's pretty cool. Arin: Yeah! See? See? See? Dan: It actually makes it easier. Arin: Now you understand. Dan: Easy game gottt easier. Arin: Now you understand what Gubble is all about. Dan: Yeah. Dan: Drilling M&Ms. Arin: Now his name - his name actually isn't "Gubble". Arin: "Gubble" is the name of his race. Arin: His name Arin: is "Gooble". Dan: H - he's Gooble the Gubble? Arin: Yes, Gooble the Gubble. Arin: He is a purple Gubble - Dan: yup Arin: - uh, that's a very rare Gubble - Dan: Are you fuckin' - Are you makin' this up? Arin: He Arin: [deafeningly loud silence in which he chooses not to answer Dan's stupid, stupid question] Arin: is part of the Gubble legacy. Arin: His father, uh, hates him. Dan: Okay, now this seems unlikely that they put this in the manual. Arin: N-n-, n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no. Arin: I've read GameFAQs. Arin: I've seen the YouTube. Dan: Yeah. Dan: Okay. Arin: Gooble is... Arin: ...a torn Gubble! He - he... Arin: ...emotionally??... Dan: Mhm. Arin: ...very deep. And you learn it through each stage! Arin: Each stage is a representation of his being. Dan: Oh whoa, now I have to get a hammer AND a screwdriver. Arin: See - it's not that simple. Dan: It's pretty simple. Arin: It's - Dan: It's two things. Arin: This is the duality of his being. Dan: Yeah. Duality meaning "two". Arin: This is the - Dan: Hammer and screws. Arin: This is the true nature of who he is, right? Arin: Because he wants to be the hero of his people. Arin: He wants to be this amazing, uh, savior for the Gubbles. Dan: right Arin: But he's also torn because... Arin: ...his - his father never loved him. Dan: You sound like someone pitching a show to like a Hollywood studio, Dan: but like you don't REALLY believe in it. Dan: You're like, Dan: "No, no no, you just have to think - just have to think about it, gkh, mmmm." Arin: "It's like..." Dan: "It's a meter. You know? It's a meter." Dan: "It's a, it's a, it's a metaphor, it's m - " Dan: "it's a me - " [Mario!] Dan: "it's a metaphor for meter f - meters." Dan: "It's a - It's a meterphor." Arin: Dan, come on. Arin: I'm bein' serious here. Dan: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to - Arin: This is like... Arin: Pac-Man meets... Dan: ...a pile of shi - Arin: ...Game of Thrones. Dan: W - REALLY. Arin: Yes. Dan: That's a HUGE leap you just made there. Arin: It's not a huge leap! Do you see that? That's a fortress. That looks just like it was made in Game of Thrones. Dan: It does not. Arin: See, that is - that is Winterfell castle to a TEE. Dan: Incorrect. Arin: This is completely metaphorical for the life and struggles of a Gubble person. Dan: What are you fucking talking about Arin: THAT Arin: is a Dingus. Dan: Whoops! Whoops, whoops! Arin: Don't - don't "whoops!" me. Dan: Whoops Arin: Fuckin' act like you're a fuckin' genius of Gubble - Arin: You gotta get the Skill Screwdriver - Arin: OH, LOOK AT THAT. ARIN: SO FUCKIN' EASY. Dan: yeah I died ARIN: SOOO EASY. Dan: He's like "Yay!!" Dan: "I'm dead!" Arin: You better finish this stage. Dan: All right. Arin: If you don't... Arin:'re not gonna save the Gubble people. Dan: Yeah. You're - am I gonna be in gubble trouble? Arin: Yeah. You're gonna - You're not gonna be able to face the tyranny Arin: This is a SPECIAL STAGE. Dan: Oh shit. Arin: This is when you truly get into the heart of his psyche. Dan: All right! Arin: When you Dig Deep Down into the Dark Depths of his Dastardly... Arin: ...Soul. Dan: Okay. Arin: I - I ran out of alliteration. Dan: Yeah. Dan: Whoa, whoooa, whoa - Arin: The sawblades represent, uh... sorta the - the - the monotony of his everyday life, right? Dan: Is that right? Arin: Because he - he is a Gubble, and Gubbles are expected to live up to certain standards. Arin: They have to, you know, go to work, and - and, eh, get a Gubble wife... Arin: ...uh, maybe have a couple Gubble kids - Dan: - make little Gubblets. Arin: Gubblets, as they're called. Arin: Yeah! How did you know that? Dan: Uh, yeah, I don't know. Arin: Did you - You read the Wikipedia page before we - Dan: I took an amazing guess. Arin: You took - y - you... You looked up - Arin: You went to at least Arin: I'm sorry, .net. Dan: Dot - Dan: .gov. Arin: And you read up on Gubble, didn't you? Dan: I did, I did. Dan: You - you got me! Dan: You - y - you gubble got me. Arin: That's cool, though. You know what? That makes me happy, 'cause it makes me feel like... Arin: and I... Arin: ..have a connection... Dan: Do we? Arin:, that we both Arin: love Arin: FUCK THIS GAME TURN IT OFF Dan: No, no! Arin: IT'S OVER! Arin: I CAN'T KEEP UP THIS CHARADE ANYMORE. Arin: IT'S THE WORST GAME Arin: !!!EVER!!! MADE. Dan: I dunno, I'm kinda gettin' into it. Arin: !!!!EVER!!!! MADE. Dan: Well - wait, oh - Dan: Yeah!! Dude, I cleared it with zero seconds! Dan: All right! Arin: ohh i wanna fucking kill myself Dan: All right, so - Arin: ohhh Dan: Dude, we've only got thirty or forty more levels. Arin: whyyy Arin: did i put this in the playstation Arin: what the fuck is wrONG WITH ME?! Arin: I should've - I should've seen the signs. I should've seen the warning signs. Dan: Ohh, I can just fuckin' straight-up stay up like this. Arin: but you're wasting your Gubble power Dan: I have no Gubble power. Dan: There is no Gubble-power-ometer. Dan: This game is made for family and friends, Dan: which means that, fuckin', it's - Dan: Oh wait Dan: - it's super crazy easy. Dan: yayyyy Dan: yayyyyyyy Dan: yayyyyyyyyyy Dan: Got it! Dan: Schussss Dan: Tchussss Arin: [sighs with the mood of a dying sun] Dan: Tchssssss Arin: [sighs with the mood of a dying sun] Arin: I'm going home. Dan: We - we at least gotta see what happens at the end of Renigar! Arin: Yeah you go to Friggrgar. Dan: Oh yeah. That was the end. Arin: You go to Bgggrgar. Dan: You go to FARZICAL, thank you. Dan: Next time on Game Grumps! Arin: Welp, I'm glad we had this journey through Dan: It's like your brain was like, Dan: "No, fuck it, don't even finish the sentence." Arin: Trapped in the GUBBLE BUBBLE! Arin: GUBBLE BUBBLE Dan: Now I'm down in it!
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 1,463,323
Rating: 4.9624028 out of 5
Keywords: lets, play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game, grumps, gamegrumps, funny, gubble, psone, playstation, puzzle
Id: JBuKb1d_0aA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 04 2014
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