Battle Kid Fortress of Peril: Poo Castle - PART 1 - Game Grumps

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So is this just I Wanna NES the Guy?

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/pmtransthrowaway 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2014 🗫︎ replies

Limes do not fall up!

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/idejtauren 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2014 🗫︎ replies

When Danny asked whether they've failed at a game from the get go...well, nobody can forget seizure Transformers.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/Mogtaki 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2014 🗫︎ replies

Ah, this game! Probably the closest thing the Grumps will get to playing I Wanna Be The Guy.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/MushroomMan674 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2014 🗫︎ replies

I'm not amused that they considered this worthy of a multi-part series and not The Dog Island. Not so fond of "just die over and over until you trial and error through: the game: the movie: the legend" type games. Same screens over and over, not so interesting for ten minutes.

Not saying they're bad games, but they're not so fun to watch and the grumps can't get much discussion done because they have to actually concentrate on the game in the hopes of making progress, so it's also not just grump talk central to enjoy.

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/Bladelord 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2014 🗫︎ replies

They forgot about John Stewart, the black Green Lantern

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Andyman117 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2014 🗫︎ replies

It's funny they should mention that the character having short brown hair and being white makes him look more like the Green Lantern. My first introduction to the Green Lantern was watching Justice League Unlimited as a kid, so I had always figured that Green Lantern was black since his inception.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Creeot 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2014 🗫︎ replies

That step up from 5,11 to the snail area is so weird. Unless it's just the framerate of the capture being off (NES is 60, YT is 30), how could you see what's keeping you from going up when you immediately hit the block and drop back down?

Also, Dan's really lost his NES touch. Arin was on fire with his shooting, but Dan was struggling to jump and shoot......I guess Arin really does know how to do some JUMP-N'-SHOOTIN'!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/skyman724 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2014 🗫︎ replies

Did Kayin make this game, too?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/JakeDaGreat5002 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2014 🗫︎ replies
thank you to David Almirall hey you're great hey welcome to battle kid welcome put to bat pilot kid what yeah see how the t's are connected and it forms a pie symbol Oh Illuminati [ __ ] I think a lot of people have requested this because this is a homebrew this is not a real nes game well I mean that's oh you have a little respect for the institution that is sivak games but it was it's like a homebrew like it wasn't made by an nes game maker or something um so just a dude in his basement yeah pretty much that's all I mean that's presumptuous right I'm gonna do it in his like star mansion dude the ditch Corp her I'm her home oh no what is it dr. B Timmy I just intercepted absorbing transmission what is it as organ originated from a fortress alack what was an acyl yes but this is no mistake someone is using it as a base is often nicknamed the fortress of peril due to the fact that the Wizards are inhabited and filled with many traps of the abyss creatures I guess we're just gonna close over the fact for their wizards in this world no doubt the group in there has taken command of the things that goddamn it all right whatever good all right so this is the hardest game of all time hardest so I've heard it's very thankful oh look at you I'm Timmy oh yeah I'm solid jump around and kill things like already the movements are so weird all right my coordinates are shown all right so I got to figure some [ __ ] out okay so you dinner craves to reach the portion where the world's good all right no problem I have no great man I've learned a lot of stuff in it game over well thank you for joining us on game grumps okay I gotta be careful okay Falcon away okay okay I gotta kill the blue guys yeah all right game over okay well okay let's cube man this game is ridiculous yeah it probably just couldn't ran through there okay yeah okay everything's good okay okay yeah not good okay don't love it oh damn okay two can only hit them one there yeah yeah yeah oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Babel kid does not know what he got himself into yeah I neither do i you gotta jump while it's going yeah yeah move with it green thing well game over oh my god I used to hear it now let's see what's over here first okay then uh all this whole world I didn't even see before okay oh okay got it teleportation gotta go the way I came in okay here we go gonna go this way gonna freakin kill the blue guys hey although there's one pink guy that's different about that still counts well he has gonorrhea that's not how gonorrhea works but still AIDS it's also there's no disease that turns your pink need to my knowledge you don't know much about AIDS do you my guess not I've had AIDS before have you really yeah why don't you tell me all about it in a totally non offensive way um it was uh it was delicious first of all but I don't think you're thinking you made it was of the cool variety I think Oh gotcha gotcha oh yeah you got it it gave me a little little red moustache Oh what is happening trying to like jump up there was some kind of gun oh okay oh my god it just doesn't stop I love him he's adorable and he will [ __ ] you up he goes slow but his it bags go fast I need ed oh my god jeez you really gotta take like cautious steps into the next world yeah seriously all right okay I'm gonna I'm gonna take that lesson from now on I'm getting a little green lantern vibe from this guy yeah well he's green - Shh well he's green and he has white gloves yeah Green Lantern thing yes and he's a white guy with short brown hair that's does not have the green mask as is iconic of Green Lantern right he does not also own the Green Lantern he actually could just be a kid in [ __ ] Ninja Turtle jammies which I certainly had really [ __ ] NT jambs absolutely empty Jam Ninja Turtle jammies yo yo yo I know you don't mess with my auntie jams yeah man [ __ ] oh I'm not trying to step on your auntie James long having wet dreams god damn you Seva game eases Christ man all right battle kid oh okay starting now and sloppy why do we have a password all right what is the purpose boom boom and boom all right here we go just run through these guys no big deal this guy's John by the end of like four episodes of this he'll be an absolute master of the first about garbage and everything else okay this guy's easy this guy's easy you just gotta get the pattern right it's gonna get the pat-down bro okay yep I ain't talking about that TSA [ __ ] you know what I'm saying you know you know I know I do sorry I got confused though yeah I got confused too I get there's just a lot of [ __ ] in this game that [ __ ] focus on are the snail is my friend weird background color to have not like blue green grey it's like a mush of several colors come on are you [ __ ] kidding me dude yeah shall we go um should we go back and forth with this back and forth yeah like I go you go with me yeah oh yeah yeah I'm done with that all right next time I die which will be never yeah of course I'm the master of battle kid got this [ __ ] on lack down purple guy I go by ball all right all right purple guy ball fine I feel like this is the kind of thing that gets tougher the more you do it because like like alright fine yeah you just want to get through it yeah but you can't it's like when you're trying to UM you're trying to get somewhere really fast yes and like goddamn it and like a little traffic feels like [ __ ] eternity oh yeah no question it's like a guy in front of you that's going maybe like two miles an hour slower than you like oh you like past I mean you just kind of next to you for like the next three minutes yeah and you occasionally make eye contact and it's always weird only getting weirder and weirder with time that's my whole life really yeah always getting weirder with time yeah via eye contact with strangers I've got a good brain thing okay paddle kid really chafing my whoa okay Chaffin my battle no why this why is this jump being such a little [ __ ] to me yeah yeah yeah yeah there's no problem never had a problem with the snail starting now pays rent on time this yeah doesn't give me a lip good snail that's now turns his music down at night good guy all right [ __ ] dude alright here I go oh I thought this would be an easy emotionless series yep just just a very clean easy run-through yeah you know we just be like Hello all right give me a couple they get the hang of it yeah yeah and that's so easy huh no I do denied ever yeah I ever give you any indication that I thought this looked easy you were ever implying looks hard as [ __ ] so I think there are 12 screens to get passed that's what the the thing is implying 6 oh no oh no it's York ordinance oh jeez wow I should have known that from the coordinates thing you got at the beginning what no huh just gonna [ __ ] be patient dude yeah you get your one or two hits off every jump there you gotta use those NES skills bro yeah I got it where's your punch-out now there's a Karate Kid now who's your God now this is [ __ ] battle kid don't [ __ ] around battle can take you out downtown down school sorry to jump higher nope boy that would really be helpful you should gonna jump in there if you jump higher yep but that's not how the game was designed Wow good call with the giant pink highlighter ball this is hard as [ __ ] yeah yeah I know I have never done a game gross where we've made like no progress whatsoever in a game have we done a kid groans we've made no progress dad have you watched game girl I just mean like from like level one like right from Jump Street like no problem you know what I'm saying yeah 21 Jump Street like Johnny Depp that's correct and what was his name did the Fontaine accept Rogan what Jonah Hill I get my fat Hollywood Jews confused I'm talking about [ __ ] 21 Jump she with Johnny Depp from the 80s oh you mean like jump it yeah are you do this really young oh yeah it was his first role Wow all right well his first role was Nightmare on Elm Street oh right where he gets a man into the bed yeah but um but not in a sexy way no I Freddy Krueger it was horrible um I'm talking about [ __ ] 80s 21 Jump Street I bought that [ __ ] on DVD I was watching that [ __ ] like non-stop every episode was a PSA about like drugs or like prostitution or whatever it was like man the 80s were harsh yeah there were some drugs and then I smoked weed and sold my body to the government let me at least try to finish them ok goddamn it alright next time I get rose my god you're the worst dude this game is [ __ ] hard as [ __ ] yeah Wow alright next time [ __ ] [Music]
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 1,459,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets, play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game, grumps, gamegrumps, funny, battle kid, fortress of peril, nes, homebrew, 2d, sidescroller
Id: aB8vd5J4NWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 18 2014
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