"Wtf are you talking about, Arin?" Compilation - Game Grumps

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Woah, was that first clip after the intro the basis for their first "World Famous" skit, "Pea Soup"?

it was much better as a simple hypothetical than a 1 min 41 sec long video

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/hawaiiboy25 📅︎︎ May 12 2017 🗫︎ replies

I love these moments. Arin randomness is so much fun.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Opachopp 📅︎︎ May 12 2017 🗫︎ replies

If anyone asks me to describe Game Grumps in one video, I'm going to link them this.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/JonSnowsBedwarmer 📅︎︎ May 12 2017 🗫︎ replies

My girlfriend just broke up with me last night. I woke up this morning feeling like shit and wanting to die. This made me laugh hysterically and was probably the reason I'm bouncing back so quickly. Thank you Dan and Arin, for being there for me when Sarah left me, when Makayla left me, when my dog died, when my uncle died, when my friend Jackson committed suicide, when my parents got divorced, and everyday when I come home from school feeling like shit; always being there to put me up on top of the world again :) thank you and rock on you glorious bastards

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Dex3420 📅︎︎ May 12 2017 🗫︎ replies

Arin's right about Dumplings though. My grandma made Chicken and Dumplings by pinching bits of biscuit dough off and putting them into the broth.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/tom641 📅︎︎ May 12 2017 🗫︎ replies

Oh, ho ho. I am going to bed in a few minutes and this is going to be the thing I watch before I fall asleep.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Akesgeroth 📅︎︎ May 12 2017 🗫︎ replies

Yay! I was the one that asked for this a few years ago

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Luverovlotz 📅︎︎ May 12 2017 🗫︎ replies
she's made of pixels which are rock-hard and jagged so if you put your peepee in that you it's like sandpaper hey I'm gruff I'm not so rough when the gang grass what okay so what if there was like a soup there was really good that was made with pee would you would you eat it yeah of course you would yeah like you need to ask that question no but seriously if there was if it was a really really good soup and everyone was like the best [ __ ] socks to have in their life but it's made with pee oh I'm getting my ass and not only pee but it's made with like like a dude you know is pee like frankestein what the hell you talking about I'm asking you a question if so if it's a hole if everybody was just like dude this soup is so [ __ ] good but it's made with pee I could not be less clear on what we're talking about right now how could I be more clear it is a hypothetical world huh huh where the people come up to you and they're like this soup is delicious right but it's made with pee you ask me we are thought about during that stop were colored you out for a moon okay okay okay okay just zooms on that [ __ ] the moon much goddamnit he's so shaky right now for who little pissant I mean come on [ __ ] yeah what is wrong with you lately you can't nickname somebody and then expect them to go through with it really that's like that's like dropping the soap in the jail I'm sorry I do not understand when you drop the soap in the jail you have to bend down to pick it up and it hurts your knees everybody loves mac and cheese chicken alfredo mac and cheese [ __ ] lasagna mac and cheese with some meat in it it's all mac and cheese dude rigatoni well that's just a noodle look if you put cheese on it and it becomes mac and cheese do you do what I'm going with this you're [ __ ] right home mm-hmm glockenspiel asthma [ __ ] okay glockenspiel hey I mean yeah instrument playing [ __ ] when a [ __ ] look like a glockenspiel bunch of ridges on them that look like you playing with a musical instrument with mallets and such you're right no the bar maybe the goddamnit it's like he's singing about the woman and she's pregnant and it's all this weird imagery of him like really enjoying her being pregnant what and and then at the very end she sprays pain all over his face from her vagina what are you talking about that can't be right oh oh that can't be right yeah not not that don't pause the episode in load of the video guy god damn it [ __ ] spongy and green goo that's right you didn't [ __ ] served this time for real is wheel this time is it this done we're everywhere how many times start that sentence over here we go here we go yeah I'm in nailed in Brewer but you don't even because that's the one and and and you know you need to do mm-hmm [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] up so amateurish ma'am shut up and shoot your [ __ ] goo at me all right thank you what what oh I thought you're still talking to me I will do no such thing sure you're goo in my face no that is you have to be very special for me to want to do that yeah well what I'm not that special you are but damn it well [ __ ] man no I won't I'm not gonna shoot the game just give me a little goo just for luck okay I'll do it I'll do with another I'll do with another girl and then we'll do the goo we'll lay together in our laces well we will be betwixt here your your banana sausage we'll both have our our mouths open with our with our tongues sticking out are you talking about right it'll be like and like bring it back in to like get a moist again stop talking at for the sake of me and white and then you can just show you can shoot the goo mostly on the other girl but as long as I get like one little leg I mean the other girl she's the only girl you know I'm there too I'm saying you're not a girl you're giving her like 80% of the goo Alves all except 90 all right unbelievable I can deal with it because I've had my period like every month whoa yeah good for you you're finally a woman thank you I mean I was a woman when I turned like 16 all right yeah I was able to birth children in my like cavity what I could call it a womb which is a very comforting word but I choose to call it cavity now I'm gonna boot didn't eat it you know you did it whoa whoa whoa whoa okay manaan a noun a disease you get from chewing too much that's not what it is where did that even come from well sprinklin good job this prank ting yeah it's pranked in and down it is easy get from chewing too much supports pranked in' and noun disease you get from chewing aaron what the [ __ ] are you even saying anymore just because we do a show with words involved doesn't mean that you can say anything strengthened now if you get from chewing too much I'm gonna need you to stop entitlement uno up oh my pants three but I can't afford it are you talking about I can't afford a plan okay the poor the pants way up look at my mouth and I owe money to plan for my brother's tuition what the [ __ ] are you saying right now what is this bottle I wanted to know the merciful my colander is your man oh did he shoot around it's not until the episode is finally I mean you know we haven't done the blue thing like other thing we do anymore well whoa-oh guys that thinks creepy yeah don't change the subject we don't do the view what's the beauty watch gang grounds more than I do what's that [ __ ] Pew you just did the view we don't give that image chief what when the episode turns off you were like the episode ends and it goes be you yeah it doesn't do that anymore really no what does it do now it just ends it doesn't go to the CRT thing know what I don't think so right no it goes if [ __ ] CRT thing but it's it really yeah no I mean I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm ty totally [ __ ] up let me go [ __ ] oh no I know it's too late now but like for anyone watching this back you can [ __ ] me no what was that not too late come on you're gonna jump it babe an get outside yeah you got [ __ ] I've left you half circle that have hex see that half hax I [ __ ] you cool look you real good cool they were in the anal Oh bring the shrink brightness Frankie Frank and the shrink digging it straight down in the shrink dogs damn the head of my penis is inside your anus Aaron stop oh just digging poo out you know I was like mushroom-shaped so gross stick it in and then I like pull it up Aaron focus play with me I beg you are you guys gonna shut up this is so brutal you're brutal thank you um I am very metal it's a your Bruticus whereas I'm Marcus your name's George I'm Cynthia what are you talking about together we rule the universe you and I you are losing a dude in full view of anybody who is don't doubt our love you have been playing this for too long no doubt our love we were meant to be together you and I me Brutus and you Cynthia spend years since our last conference on a on come condemn aggression is that we trying to flag do it come on this is just like a mix of different ones that this guy is done yeah boy yeah boy yes yes sure do Kier what for anything with year what are you talking about with that a little bit couldn't tell your bra hi welcome to game grumps my name is Erin and my name is Dan and we are the game grumps ah ha it's been wine okay it's been four years since game grumps was conceived as a child and now it's able to walk say words right think about girls in a different way mm-hmm but not yet like not fully in a developed way just a little bit like a look at huh like the cooties thing but I look you talking about anyway we're here million it's a real child in a suit he's gonna hey what's going on dad I got my remote control car with a camera on it hey dad's like stop it I'm done to stop it I don't why you're mother's stupid he's like well get your mom just don't make you mean and he's like shut off and then they don't talk to each other for three days and the wife is like why don't you talk to your son in the mornings I could because shut up and like a kid blackmail them into doing [ __ ] he wants he needs like lunch money and like will give me ten dollars instead of five dollars and he's like barn and buys an ice cream cone and you learned the value of a dollar are you talking about [ __ ] [ __ ] talking about the little helmet guy oh no oh no I'll know Mario it [ __ ] yo Mario do my plumbing alright yeah wait wait anyway is it alone what what the H now there it is glasses boom is it now I can see the secret thing and get my football wallet thank you oh well is that a [ __ ] thank you so much oh is that it was there a bagman what are you talking about I don't know what up dog is up dog what keep saying what is that dog oh god if I've been quiet during this playthrough it's only because this is taking 1 million percent of my concentration when meeting Daniel every day what got into your in the last 10 seconds each program is brought to you by bounty ha ha ha ha ain't up this bill that no leather paper towel I'm with you re I don't approve of it at all tie your back will you rub it work down to my crack whoa we've run your fingers up and down the crack Aaron you need to stop talking right now won't you please why don't you sit the next couple players out sorry we're very friendly but that puny orb in there baby hmm give me a give me a sweet suckle of a teat I want that I want that milk baby dunk then sustenance give me the calories need you to stop down refined calorie oh dude that's the ultimate thing no it's not it's just a green star you and me together forever on the beach what dude what we're off of each other it's happening right now sculpting a masterpiece by that I mean I'm stroking your wiener and it's getting bigger Aaron what the [ __ ] does that have to do with anything not everything Dan how much you heard the saying you are my whole world it's new Pepsi now new Pepsi yeah it's not as good at dr. pepper well what is what do you think guys like a new ginger taste right what peachy yeah the new PhD it tastes exactly the same no it's got like um did they change the recipe well yeah because they they realize that high fructose corn syrup was like you know there's like a whole thing against that you can't be here they were like oh we got to use some something else fine I'm looking at the agreement I use baby diarrhea no I'm looking at the ingredients carbonated water high fructose corn seed eye areaa right there Wow not looking at it high-fructose corn syrup and sugar two out of the three top ingredients and Pepsi are forms of sugar yeah and then baby diarrhea and the other water yeah well so I think I think being gay is pretty cool in fact you know it's like if I was it's not a big deal it's not a big deal if I'm gay you're talking about dude what were you talking about you you being weird like a weirdo is crazy yeah I mean oh hi Ben second but in five stages [ __ ] how could a fourteen-year-old little girl do this you know if it was a girl I'd I get over was a boy I don't invited that little boy you would have been like huh so don't [ __ ] kid don't come after me with your double standard what are you talking about right again I'm talking about exactly what I'm talking about dad if I said on thirty year old boy would be like haha but if I but I said thirteen year old girl and you were like well you know it's a girl it's like you know Ryder Oh am I getting a lesson in morality from a guy who just told the corporation to jizz on his face whatever dude I'm [ __ ] I'm progressive yo I'm all about wow that was awesome I've almost gender equality and whatnot good why is it madam Maria instead of Mario Super Mario Brothers look man you look at my shaft aren't you impressed whoa whoa whoa how it looks like it's moving constantly that's because I'm moving is like I can move my shaft with my muscles you know what if I just go it with my budget app it goes whoa and you can do that right what are you talking about everybody can do that what do you mean will you shaft if you if you go with your but I you know what I don't know what that means where's bubbles up there dude we're gonna do with bubbles your plumber you got a [ __ ] PTSD about bubbles I'm blowing them usually the main poop-poop is about cute because poop gathers oxygen in the toilet when bubbles come up it usually means there's poop up a foot like this you know I mentioned this this morning when you and I were were afraid I a cinnamon bun recipe I uh that was like two percent who clears this [ __ ] I don't know Clearasil proactive Old Navy where do you talk Old Navy's place yeah old spicy Navy dick businesses spire was this what if somebody was named Biff and he's like on the roof of the house the hell you're talking about oh man I'm just trying to record I'm just trying to word also I'm unclear on how you got an extra yellow square of life because I'm awesome yeah well that's for you camera to if it didn't shed any light on the situation how did it not shed light on it because I'm awesome is like a [ __ ] it's the Sun all right cool did you get it when you beat Carlito with an asset foodcourt it has a one-to-one rotational lock it's called rotation lock uh-huh the moon has rotation lock to the earth I could not possibly be less aware of what you're trying to get across that that's why we can only see one side of the moon what has a rotation lock to the earth all right whoa I got [ __ ] Dan mm-hmm I got straight-up [ __ ] you know where you're going any what a dick I put a dick on my nipple what I've rubbed my dick on a nipple whoa go through a bath bomb are you trying to shock my willy apologize to face your lips by giant veiny coffee my beanie gun no what are you talking about man yeah I would never do that or not I'm not like that I mean I got nothing against that or anything I just it's not me you know do this remember that movie um big fat liar we call Giamatti and then the kid from Malcolm in the Middle and then uh and then he turns blue what are you talking about scene where he gets like dipped in blue goo and then he turns blue I know not of what you speak and there's a scene where they're like randomly in some other country and then there's like a there's like water that like rushes down and that's like one of the things from the backlot tour and Universal and they just like crew it in because they could and it was probably free Erin I did not understand one word of that you know what I'm talking about yeah sure you just have escalating body functions at surprised and shocked you there's no telling what could happen with my body I could go gay that's not I don't think that's how it works have you ever stubbed your soul from the neck sorry have you ever had somebody stab you in the neck what are you talking about would you like it whether or not you say yes or no it's going to happen so just like under there okay ah did you like it yes you're right Dan come on oh yeah serious here sorry I didn't mean to this is like pac-man meets Game of Thrones [ __ ] really yes that's a huge leap you just not a huge leap do you see that that's a fortress it looks just like it was meeting Game of Thrones business that is that is Winterfell Castle to a tee incorrect this is completely metaphorical for the life and struggles of a double person are you [ __ ] talking about BAM yeah oh [ __ ] that's some [ __ ] ain't that's in various things of [ __ ] yeah altra [ __ ] right there it's a P power [ __ ] a honey she what cuz I'm just going down the list I think that's an HP [ __ ] much better when we do this I agree okay especially when you grab onto my wee-wee I'm sorry when you grab onto my wee-wee it makes me feel comfortable comfortable with my weight what my weight is a certain you know it is did you know that dumplings are just wet bread that's impossible it's true if not true all it is is just [ __ ] Pillsbury Grahams that got cooked in water that cannot be even remotely the case it's 100% true you mean if I go into din tai fung no those are [ __ ] fancy dumplings that they [ __ ] rolled up and what are we talking about stuck in water what the [ __ ] are you talking about I'm talking if you if you jano dolia dumplings or differences it's dumplings I'm talking about which is all don't that always bothered me if you hit the side of a bush it's like yeah not too bad blows my ass open I'm sorry it blows my ass open that is what I thought you said whoo-ha case the toothbrush Apple suitcase flannel for my face [ __ ] pajamas a hairbrush new shoes and a cake what is this there's that too my reflection let's get out of this painting the hard question to answer I have to run the math on that one do some programming I have to have to grab your leg and never let go I may eat out let me eat that hairy leg I'm gonna eat you [ __ ] whoa I'm gonna eat it you don't think I'm gonna eat that [ __ ] but I will I think you I think you will I think I will too tonight [ __ ] all right it's a little hairy but that's how it all right okay no no no like it's not like actually crabs they just call it crab nuts okay you know I mean you mean nuts made from cramps yeah like um what's it called Crabtree um it's not it's not becoming less sure of what you're trying to get or get the tree but it's not a crab but they call it Crabtree because I don't know different game rooms more amazing information you know what I'm talking about yes I do I use the ramp now I'm here yeah I'm having a lot of fun playing this game with you then I'm enjoying I'm having a great time the only thing that could be better yes this is your for leaving your food video games in a bj I agree it's the best process but where you're about to go it goes horribly wrong a bj with my BF Aaron what can I share something with you from earlier today what is it then well I sent you a text early in the morning yeah because I have to go out of town for one weekend yeah this month and so I was like I won't give specific dates but I was like do you have any preference whether I go this weekend or the next weekend mm-hmm you'll respond at 9:30 in the morning [ __ ] Jackie Eisenberg Jesus Christ [ __ ] do you [ __ ] face book movie [ __ ] Jesus can you [ __ ] believe this [ __ ] you know nope no punctuation is random capitalization haha so I respond I have no idea what we're talking about right now yeah 45 minutes asks I get a text from you guys damn created Facebook and [ __ ] lawyers and [ __ ] right [ __ ] Winklevoss twins goddamn rowing the boat [ __ ] your [ __ ] I can't even [ __ ] believe this [ __ ] a Missy bishop [ __ ] I just watched this [ __ ] [ __ ] jesse eisenberg man I respond Aaron you're scaring me an hour passes respond mother [ __ ] you spider-man spider-man you put in the time [ __ ] put in the time mother [ __ ] build [ __ ] with his bare hands [ __ ] bestfriend [ __ ] Jesse Eisenberg I'm very tired [Laughter] I'm just like no problem man I'll I'll be mostly talking at the grump session that immediate lik response I'm talking like five seconds later no man I'll just talk about the Facebook movie I'll say [ __ ] man you have to be so interested in the [ __ ] I have to say about the Facebook movie [ __ ] dude I just watched a year and a half ago [ __ ] jesse eisenberg man you [ __ ] over spider-man crazy Winklevoss twins growing trent resin or did the soundtrack [ __ ] this guy who invented Facebook I don't like died I can't think of who the [ __ ] invented Facebook all I could figure the guy who played the guy who fed to Facebook or the [ __ ] write to Facebook and then in all capital letters two hours later Mark Zuckerberg what's the [ __ ] I swear to God I had to wake up supremely early I would take their Iong reading those yeah that makes me happy well I didn't want it like I didn't want to call you out and be like what are you talking about anymore cuz I was afraid you'd stop so it's just like I'll just calmly keep responding with my own agenda yeah really cartoony like when you get time go faster yeah Skeletor thing from old school afternoon sigh hmm come on come on into my ride just had those hydros put on that sumbitch just try not to scale [ __ ] me again how mmmmmm what the [ __ ] are you talking about I'm a robot with a lid plate yeah ball scale it's all sticky what Tim I hope you throw a [ __ ] what's one last chance to I hope you throw a boomerang and massive body yeah I hope you throw a boomerang and it's [ __ ] and it [ __ ] swings around it goes right up your back to fly up your bat Tim's and then you threw it so strong that it continues its boomerang emotion and takes your butt for a ride across the sky looks and you're like oh god now I didn't even say goodbye to me mum and your mom's like I didn't love you I like terms you're [ __ ] my own making picture are you done [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: GameGrumpsMoments - GGM
Views: 3,125,098
Rating: 4.9408622 out of 5
Keywords: what, the, fuck, are, you, talking, about, arin, compilation, wtf, lol, cut, game, grumps, clip, video, show
Id: 13_h-mF7EKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2017
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