GTFO w/ Bob, Sean, Wade - Part 3

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2022 🗫︎ replies
i picked a new gun oh what are we gonna do when we need to head shot big guys well i got the sniper still i just mean instead of i had the machine pistol that round i don't like the machine pistol it kind of sucks oh yeah no i just use the revolver i think it's pretty good i like the revolver pistol combo that felt nice yeah this is gtfo and this is a rundown level c1 something about a cube cortex i'm not touching the next one you do it whoa at the same time where are we going oh oh god anybody else is getting frozen yeah it's okay yeah is this how it's supposed to be yeah oh yeah is this like whoa green down here nice nice nice [Music] this game is so cool it is equipped some artifacts i've not equipped any artifact oh yeah i meant to it didn't oh they don't seem to change that much yeah all right what are we looking at oh there's guys right here oh yeah wait yeah we are full this room is immediately full of dudes but they're spaced out pretty good so we should be fine two on the right over there we're not gonna let them sleep i'm gonna let them die you're gonna let them sleep stab them while they sleep oh please be safe i don't want to be the guy that [ __ ] it up you're probably fine clear clear clear seems clear clear three one terminal yeah what are we looking for did the cube in zone one find out the data cube 147. i guess it's through this way got two dudes three dudes four dudes i like how green and and and biological this area is yeah watch out stop stop at ya looking not walking and you're like i'll just keep walking well to be fair i was on the other side of that truck from it so i didn't know there's anything right there i think this guy right here uh you're okay yeah you're okay oh i think there's one around this corner i see you hey guys guys you want to jump down and stab one oh i would love to jump down from here but i value my life no do it if you scream you're safe you want to get the you want to get the right one oh my god holy [ __ ] does it scream the pain away i'm not more of a screamer i'm kind of like a you know grunter a grunter it's a grunt but it's kind of like a grunt like you stepped on some play-doh you weren't expecting to have on the ground like a curious disgusted like tim the tool man taylor yeah yeah uh found the door we need to go through one four seconds great job martin great job really helpful this is a class 4 cluster alarm oh good that sounds cool they can only come from somewhere literally everywhere yeah cool cool cool cool is there an up we can uh we gotta do this oh guys look at this one you can do this up here oh that looks safe this looks like a great spot as long as there aren't a bunch of them shooting those white things at us is there any cover no no no oh what can you hide behind this hang on i might be able to get inside of this hang on i'm working on it all right you do that that i'm working am i safe oh i'm in cover am i safe here i think so yeah with your plan of going out there is the alarms we'll have to the security we don't need everyone to do that it's partial progress now sometimes i'll hide up there and stay alive just put down turrets okay okay my bit my biggest concern is this door right here but i'll see foam it there's another door there there's like there's a big opening that door could be bad yeah that door is a that's anywhere from we should just do it all right you know what i like that yeah that's the attitude i like it yeah are we winning you know so far yeah they're coming from the door we didn't cover it all no no there's no that opens up straight to like another path and they're going from where we came in yeah they're coming here they come that's there's going to be a lot of them oh there's way more than oh no nevermind oh wait why oh man i forgot to set it to don't [ __ ] us oh yeah oh god trying to attack again oh boy here we go oh he's still alive what the [ __ ] okay way down here hold that weight down here in hell we got more coming more coming here they come oh these are true though oh lobster and hello yeah that's not fun circles can you scan us trying to get these scans oh security dot security dots oh god oh wait you're in hell right now the love of god wade you're blocking the entire lane to fire down uh well i there was a thing to stand on there i'm sorry i didn't choose the holes you were you were moving you were moving back and forth guys oh god be careful their door is full i just wanted mom and dad to stop fighting oh no i like it when we fight because the makeup sexist oh that is a lot yeah yeah this room is like packed how the [ __ ] yeah how the [ __ ] where do i shoot my sniper rifle oh there's like dark area on the left there's two there are well with the flashlight why you're fine it times them up it it gets them all synced uh-huh they do definitely do wait we can get the two here on our left you can get that one the right and i think then we're safe uh yeah maybe i think we yeah this cluster here we definitely i think can get on so long as that one on the far side over there is gone okay we're clear to go now okay three two one okay we're clear good good good okay there's one way to be careful there's there might be one behind you there's one there there's one in the stairs at least here oh there's one to your left there's one to your left i'll get the one at the pillar and you get the one on the right okay charging one over here the one i'm on charging yeah go for it three two one good there's one at the top of those stairs there's two down the way in that pit okay i'm in position position yep three two one and clear there's a five-use med pack up here i can't hold whoa oh hell yeah okay oh there's refills and ammo pack here it seems like they're stocking us up i never trust when there's too many how much [ __ ] there is over here too okay this is the way to 147. that's it's a class error alarm oh deactivate alarm on terminal 174 what i have term this is terminal 915. okay what can we ping terminal one seven four to find out uh yeah actually yeah yes thermal 174 is in zone one four six ping out of range 147 144a right now oh interesting 146 is beyond this door it's through the door that it says there's a class error alarm i'm guessing we open it and run through to the terminal inside this zone no it's actually in the next zone after this zone oh [ __ ] are we all here i think so yeah we i guess do it doesn't really matter i'm doing it i don't know what the hell this means basically keep moving forward that's big that's big that sounds big don't look back don't look back don't look back okay we just gotta go i don't see anything on the other side nothing nothing clear clear where's the door okay the terminal find the terminal no it's in the next room we gotta go to 146. there's 147b there's there's a few things in here wait they're not aggravated yeah i know oh but they are from behind us on our backs yeah i found the cover of the ladder right now 140 careful oh [ __ ] wait i didn't have it oh yes you did what do you mean you didn't think they're just pissed i don't know i i'm telling you they're just getting pissed randomly you walked up to it what do you mean just [ __ ] them up yeah okay oh lord oh god 146 is through here oh my god what do we do oh my god what do i do my turn down back away from the door door's turning nope nevermind we good we good moving in there's there's like five more one of them came to get me behind you is anyone here helping me yep thank you how much you died oh my god bum bum has a bunch yeah i sure do i sure do i got you about i got here okay we gotta go they're just gonna keep spawning uh this door right here are we in zone 146 yet no i have to hack this door jacket baby oh that's a good sound right a yellow key card is happening all right that was a lock burner that was so worth it all right we got a yellow key card uh let me see nothing in this room uh terminal somewhere this is 145 g oh my god coming from behind we got big spinner big spit lady oh [ __ ] okay yeah yeah come on can you play hang on i gotta run first one second whoa oh my god nope not today doors open okay progressing there's guys in here there are dudes left side a couple this is it 146. okay we need to keep yellow what what i got where's the door it has that way does it wait right here right here pinging pink come on no moving targets i see them security stick once it started yep circle circle circle i'm gonna turn it i'm gonna turn it good call wait can you crouch you're gonna be in the front of everybody thank you yep give another ping mark yep all right we're good i see nothing okay on the other side of the current terminal terminal [Music] no enemies what where is it found it found it what do i do what do i do uh deactivate alarm on terminal 174 i don't know yeah look for something that says like alarm type deactivate alarm [Music] commands oh god i got it deactivate alarms executing alarm shutdown protocol connecting active alarm returning valid terminal id shutting down alarms [Music] oh okay it sounds like one more wave might be coming uh-huh i'm gonna turn it i'm gonna turn it uh from the other side big lady oh big lady draw let her come to the doorway let me hit yeah yeah good goal good trying to call oh there she is got her nice shot nice shot oh yeah okay that's why they got that stressful yeah a little refill pack here yeah we passed by so many boxes i'm gonna backtrack and scout through yeah honestly we're not in that bad of shape yeah surprisingly no i'm low on ammo yeah yeah the med pack we could everyone actually yeah yeah i got i'll come back and do that and then i'll uh i'll come grab everybody here you need health definitely uh you get ammo uh bob you need help i'm okay well okay i mean i'm gonna use this i'm sure there's more we've run through like five rooms there are also all those rooms in the main area where the they broke through the doors of the start we didn't look through any of those rooms either ah let's just let's just go for the objective yeah i think we're gonna help you and ammo right now all right it's fun so back towards where you guys are going we're good yeah i think we're set we might backtrack out of here anyway and grab more who knows oh don't spear me what are you doing no i heard it maybe i don't have a full refill i thought i had one in the top right does it say that you have a tool right one but i mean maybe i'm crazy i guess i'm crazy no i'm gonna use it okay well i used one but i thought it was a i swear to god it was a two-user just waiting for you guys it's all gooch it's fine oh my god this skin nothing on the other side of this door yeah maybe we were supposed to run in deactivate alarm and then do this i don't know whoa oh wait i'm converting the scan look at that look at over that way yeah it's cool oh it's neat like an ecological greenhouse or something yeah it's cool i'm sure it was cooler before everything yeah we're good nothing here nothing artifact another artifact right in the middle of the ground what is that it's a half pipe yeah oh that a cute skateboard are you picking up a tiny flash drive do this oh data cube oh oh wait it's kind of this way oh god you're going the other way when we follow speed dice uh maybe we got incoming oh geez okay oh [ __ ] it seems like a pass fall behind wait this doesn't just loop around does it the objective is just survive we just gotta last out oh yeah there's no loops [Music] all right we'll stick together then i'm gonna put a turret down facing like one of these ways careful you might lose it in this dimension oh that would be funny they always come back you say that oh right above me right away write a movie maybe we should stay on each other yeah oh no okay i come back and i'm standing in a corner yeah locate three data cubes that's yes that was the initial objective we got one okay door where door what door 148. so i guess we do uh we read that zone is that valuable oh sure 151 whatever i can ask oh yeah wait it's it's way back wow there's a door 597 i see those noises make my life i'm glad man i'm glad i am following you where are we going i don't know how do we get in here where am i up here i think yeah we really just ran in a blind panic earlier and i don't think any of us knew where the hell we were moving yeah no just just forward very fortunate we've made it to the right place 148 to 154 let's go that is what we okay don't scare anything cool it's full it's shockingly it's full and the door is fine yeah as long as no one's shooting their gun or screaming or doing anything like you know okay boss would do that no one's to the left there's one two three four five six of them here seven eight yeah one yeah okay do you think i could get this guy without the others is there unless there's one further left close to him he's probably alone uh he has no friends okay i'm gonna do it oh goodnight oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh they're all they're all you're behind the turret getting behind the turret oh hey i put another turret down scanning i'm going behind white star too haha i did it i don't know why that's what i'm saying but okay oh what oh [ __ ] okay yeah yeah upstairs oh i'm gonna pick my turret up before it starts killing me i'm going for it the hunt is on [Laughter] intimidating and in charge when you make those noises thank you all right there's just one on the other side of the store but i have a sneaking suspicion that means he's nope [Laughter] oh what are you doing [Music] look i was at the point of no return of uh thrusting right click literally just right click got me stressed over here i'm making tyler right click this i'm not a right clicker here's uh here's a ammo uh this is not an alarm door so we're good on this door there are things other side it might be right on the other side might be below it looks like there's another level down there oh checkpoint i like that hi yeah it was a little ooh look all their friends [ __ ] all right there's uh several in this room but they're all spaced out you go right i'll go downstairs i just want you to know if you see these dogs in your yard i'm upstairs going on while you're flying it's down below you i'm gonna get it bing-bong i'm gonna get it okay you get that one uh we might need a third here coming in you guys go for it hit him okay three two one okay why they sounded pretty lined up how did i get there first we were counting spears got a range my damage is on your hands mark all right well maybe you shouldn't i just be opening doors one at the top of those stairs over there it seems um three clusters yeah how far do our flashlights go uh is that working yeah yeah thanks okay you can see him periodically look at that tush look at it mush hey i got another artifact and there's some glowy's over here nice wait what do you mean the glowys you know some chloe's bro some glows you ever uh park up on make out ridge and climb in the back seat get a little glowy uh i'm european i'm sorry we don't have a makeout you ever walk down to make out square and sit at your favorite cafe and get a little blowy i mean glowy yeah i said the said the quiet part loud my bad how many of them are in here mark just three seasons four just four actually but let's go forward oh man we really really gotta get all that info i think the one close to us i think there's a bubble there's five yeah there's five ones above you okay yeah i can get these two i think three two one wham wham oh come on die die die there we go wait don't help him or anything there's two over to the right way do you see him i see one on the other side of this pillar here there's one further to the right ah you see that one uh there were six in here oh there's the other one huge seven there's ten maybe twelve oh jesus it's not it's not an auction mark you're supposed to count them all at the same time oh they're oh no they're there yeah they're there they're they're being here they're they you have the scanner you are there they're they're there what i do know so we do these three all at the same time i think so i'm gonna just get a little farther back for this guy are there four heroes yeah there's four let's go for it okay charging jesus charging again get him get him yeah go up top you can also if you have just like one or two you could also right click spam them and just stagger them from doing anything until someone helps you that's true oh yeah that's what that's for yeah that's why that exists [Music] i don't want to brag or anything but i killed like three guys in this area whoa this is a classic five alarm well there's high ground in here so that's something yeah this is impossible to block off yeah i think what i think we should run around and do the circles and then i'll put my turret like here on the stairs and we can go on top of the stairs and uh do you want to use your shitty well i mean they're also going to come through that ladder down at the other side pretty good might as well just point your turret at that probably uh like down here yeah they're gonna come through there okay well so maybe i'll put it at the bottom and just point it out this way yeah why not sure sure don't mind sure sure thing i wasn't getting i feel like every time i do a door even if we say it wade's like oh god jesus [ __ ] why did you warn me why are we playing this game i don't see them oh yes i do oh i turned out on my left let's go up the stairs if we can no no no no no we got this oh okay well there's a big up top what is that what is that what is that circle okay we don't always get to pick our circle place wade yeah man he's gonna deal with the hand you're built are they the other side of that wall yeah where'd they go you're already done go upstairs upstairs if you well we don't even really need to but go upstairs it's trouble oh it's cool i think we might need to there's a lot of them oh they climb the ladder they climb the ladder whoever's upstairs with me they climb the ladder okay whoa whoa a guy naruto did up the theirs oh i got this i got this letter i got this letter what die why won't you die help on the ladder please helping oh god please helping on the ladders got you got you we're still clear we're clear we're clear yeah wow you took a lot of damage you're good well thank god i have we've had the other door covered god damn it every time excellent excellent work hey whatever i tried to turn it will never be attacked light what do you it's yours i was like we're good i'm going to take a quick sip of drink inside i blast him yeah blast him nah he's cool wait stop sprinting or he's uncool we're safe in this room he's do i blast him or not blast last time we lost him oh wait no oh god oh god oh god oh my god that was a bad call i'm gonna admit it i'm i'm man enough to admit it a bad call oh this is a big guy whoa another big all right i'm gonna waste some more sniper ammo four big dudes how many bigs are there here it's all bigs you didn't just underestimate you killed them even mark what do you mean it's not like it says what it is it's a white dot there were like six white dots i assumed they would all be small that would have been a safe bet about it that's a fair assumption oh i'm throwing a glow stick nice work all right i'm happy to say there's one more ah great you handled that i'm gonna get my sweet chicken out take some of this they're one of these all right well now i'm very much out of ammo all right me too i am out of ammo well thankfully guys i have one ammo pack use who wants it uh zero zero no i'm good we have a winner okay i'm good i'm good probably i got i got sniper so we i got the important one i don't need my secondary i have three lock melters uh give it to someone else oh your little one here bob so you get it merry christmas yay were you coming back to get it mark no no i just was checking the room more being so funny about that okay you got that sniper ammo did you give it to bob yeah he's got it bob was a good church i'm just surprised he didn't say anything i saw you turn back around and i was like man he didn't even he's not even mad or anything he just gave him right up on that one stop stop moving oh geez no oh god [Applause] deploying glow stick oh sorry guys guys there's a high ground on the opposite side if we need to retreat i need to retreat i am almost out of ammo happy to inform retreat was already in progress what do i shoot don't worry he's got the snipers yeah you're right i do i have a lot of extra sniper ammo to use on this he's such a good shot oh they came around the back way this is interesting can i stagger them with my uh right click yeah yeah yeah it did nothing just funked on his ass all right there's a where's that other red dot where's the other red dot what is that it's uh it's whatever at this point it could be anything okay here hold on there's two chests here this could be ammo no it's not oh it's seafoam grenades at least yeah that's got ourselves we're safe glow stick well i'm going to go ahead and use those tools how's your turret 28 guys how do you feel about a security door i'm ready good morning that's okay there's no alarm oh you tricked me all right i'm gonna heal you no i don't why are you eating right now what's wrong with me my food's here i don't know what do you want me to do about it chicken this was scheduled for a time eat before or after the food was real quick i'm blabber-dasted it's what i okay we're doing it hang on wait i had i found an ammo pack i'm gonna where's bob maybe use it on yourself no i gave me one no no i gave it to me one bullet left that sniper is that any bullets no the sniper is what it needs we need that how do you feel about two tentacles two tentacles there was two okay good about that i found one okay we have the sniper ammo now is there other stuff there might be three tentacles okay okay cool cool [Music] oh my god how did that not come up on the scan what am i i said it was it is it was not for four there's four okay all right good snipey man he's gonna get the sniper [Applause] five there's one far do you see the far middle oh what is god god okay that guy over there is going to move soon yeah yeah your time i like dodged in real life to get away from his tentacles how close are those tentacles uh you're clear you're clear all right got another one he heard that he heard that oh no snipers are loud oh you get behind this door get behind the door get behind the door oh you're right good good call wait oh they're coming from behind oh behind us oh god that is that is a terrible sound that was yeah that was rumbly can you uh can you make any scans trying got anything going on there's the one for you thanks you're welcome i already i have one bullet go turret go oh i do have a seat from griffin here they come turret no wait careful guys behind get behind the turret get behind the turret what turn oh you're right into pokey pokey i am so [ __ ] oh they're here that's a lot i'm down down i'm down oh god oh god i'm running for it but there's still off into the darkness [Music] [Music] [Laughter] oh was that hell there was no how would we ever have enough ammo for all of that all those big dudes what would we do all right well that was serendipitous because i actually have to go and take a call what right but we scheduled this right now to die right here yeah good yeah it works for me [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 1,734,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gtfo, markiplier, jacksepticeye, muyskerm, lordminion777, mark bob wade, mark sean, gtfo gameplay, gtfo game, scary games, markiplier scary games, horror, indie horror, early access, full release, part 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 57sec (1977 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2022
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