Inscryption - Part 12 (ENDING)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2022 🗫︎ replies

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/zenofire 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2022 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to inscription there's something to do with this where am i okay there's something to do with that data connector but then again i did see something over yes so that was probably all that it was it probably isn't anything more than that so many files to inspect also i did see this i believe my face 100 subscribers that's right those are scrub numbers babies get those numbers up what's going on over here who's over here who's there network damn it maybe i gotta wait for it maybe it's a patience test i'm not patient enough also what the hell is wrong with you i could have sworn that i would have gotten it it's not really something to swear it's not like there are other symbols here but this is clearly a skull and crossbones so you know that seems like it's something that needs to be done i will go through all of them i will i'll do it should i should i not shouldn't i i really want to solve it [Music] all right [Music] okay i have officially determined that you cannot brute force this or there's some indication that i wasn't seeing when it was actually done and i didn't really know so that was a big waste of time i don't know why there's a skull there but whatever it's fine all right hey look i know i've been away for a while but let's just get back into the game okay i'm here to play yes this area is good what's the feeling pride feels weird why why does that feel weird why would any of that feel weird can i recycle something yay oh trade i don't want it whoa what is that if a card bearing the sigil is within a circuit when it perishes a random card is created in your hand okay so it only works if it's in a circuit but i don't know how any of the circuit does anything empty space is within a circuit completed by a card bearing the sigil spawn jam vessels at the end of the owner's turn i don't want any of these uh i guess a kind cell will you give i don't know man i don't know oh i guess a sentry drone i guess i don't really know what else to do okay oh recycling hi oy mate look at me now something of a celebrity around here me rewards for dredging up that thing i get to be something of a dialogue npc okay whatever i'm not good at that i'm not going to pretend like i am pick your worst one i'm trying man i'm trying which one do i hate okay so kind cell and giftbot i could get back exactly what you just gave me kind cell [ __ ] off i don't want to deal with circuits i know i'm going to have to i know it's going to make me but i don't want to deal with circuits i just don't thank you for the money all right goodbye now farewell oh okay so this was kind of circuitous oh whoa whoa whoa whoa what was that oh i thought i saw something can i go up the ladder whoa neat damn i'm pretty good what is this what another upgrade for you this one is free your empty vessels are going to be conduits now don't worry about it well i didn't think i was going to worry about it but now i'm kind of worried about it done you just had to be patient i mean i was but whatever all right i don't know how that works so i'm going to find out with a battle hi everybody let me play i will man i will don't worry about it i got a robot that's nice no conduit buff conduit okay conduit tower well that's interesting oh you're only one oh that's nice can you kill this uh buff conduit when it comes out that's probably the more important thing i'm feeling stimulated bang [Music] hey stop that wait why would i want to make a conduit up there i don't why is it talking about that oh no that's just the power zone okay that's fine shield bot um i could start chipping away at this thing wham thank you i forgot that those got turned into turrets now so that's very nice that's very nice okay um see what else we can get gift bot yeah i'll play you what are you gonna give me oh yeah both hound not very useful uh do i win almost [Music] hey pal moon gears in here let's get down to business i guess i should try to kill that thing i'm not exactly oh aurora bot that's easy how i'm gonna kill that thing that much is very clear nothing's gonna die in no time well then in the meantime i'll just keep drawing i guess and you kill it's coming up over there finish it off take that hey ow all right well you really uh earned it this time pal get ready can i please get to the place where i can pick up the hammer oh right card of course hi y'all uh goodbye my injuries are severe i shall retire for now uh [Music] goodbye we [Music] such a lovely day to win at a card game all right so what was that all about what is this you probably think what i do is easy fiddle with the numbers tweak the graphics and voila botopia is made no you're wrong you try making a card go ahead but first pick one to recycle so which one am i scrapping i don't know i guess one of the exoskeletons since i got two [Music] but why one scrap power i see i see i see i see okay what does a double gunner get me one sp what would this do i'm not gonna do it two that's it two sp [Music] five ah it's how many things they have on them that's what really matters and nothing has more things than lonely wizbot and or fishbot i mean it would be really stimulating for a lonely wizbot it would be really stimulating but am i that cruel what about fishbot fishbots not particularly useful and i don't really have an attachment to him i'm kind of partial to lonely wizbot so i think it's gotta be fishbot it's a tragedy choose me well he's saying he volunteered you heard him it's happening goodbye all right genius go for it okay spend sp on stats and sigils you get more sp for a higher energy cost okay oh i see i have sp right now because it cranked out 5sp wow [Music] this one gives you an sp think yeah weird oh i get to pick it oh cool oh hell yeah frankenhead oh wow i love him oh wow these are great i gotta go with shotgun shotgun frankenstein i love him or regretful regretful gentleman the regretful gentleman all right hang on let's crank up this sp cost um let's put him at a four i don't have much that costs four now let's put him at three compared to where the other ones were let's give him some nice attack some health to survive a hit uh we don't need unkillable that's that's silly wait unkillable is only one really that's a cheap one all right okay let's go ahead and make it full price because this thing's gonna be worth it this thing's gonna be the cream of the crop right this thing's gonna be deluxe spiffy even unkillable but fragile would be an interesting combination so then it doesn't matter if it dies or buffs the other enemy because as soon as it's gone it's gone right if it's unkillable then and it breaks then the attack is meaningless or the defense is meaningless life it doesn't need life unless it's like propped up against a sentry gun and they wouldn't be able to do anything so six and two would make sense uh it's gotta have oh man if it buffs the next thing then i guess it wouldn't matter if it would have to have three to match up against the sentry gun no matter what i'll just get rid of that or if i split it i would have to do four but that's eight that's nice we got the double-barreled regretful gentleman he does a lot of damage to things next to him but not him directly so maybe we could give him that buff thing annoying buff get another point ah nah we can't get it i can't make any more oh interesting i would love to get that one more but him being unkillable is nice i don't think we need this then we don't need to risk buffing anything else unless i give him one more life but he dies anyway so what is the point to survive against a sentry gun that is that why not but if he's against a sentry gun it would be buffed anyway so there's no point this is fine oh man i think i like this face more do i like the nah i like the gentleman all right big fat 2000 the big fat 2000 the big fat boy the big fan boy oh the big fat escort holy fire holy fire esquire i like i like dr fire esquire dr fire esquire the godliest creature to ever grace this existence i love him let me go back one more thing i gotta just double check everything um or i make him a a four cost with an extra card he gives three cost actually that damage it could be a two cost two costs three damage gifting doctor okay i think we've honed in on what it should be because this is gonna feed me infinite cards basically he buffs the enemy but he breaks so it doesn't matter if he buffs because he's gonna lay down the three damage which is hefty he's two cost which basically is nothing i could play him on my second turn and then just start trucking him through the entire game just bam bam okay dr fire esquire is solidified three damage which is pretty much enough to kill anything to cost which is dirt cheap although i do would like him to be a bear killer i don't think i can get that though yeah there's no way it'd have to be a four cost to get that nope this is the best balance this is the best we can do this will have to do brakes unkillable gives me a gift every time everybody say hi to dr fire esquire confirmed dr fire esquire how very creative i know thank you thank you it took a lot of work i should be able to send the components down the line here it goes it's all right i guess oh it's more than all right the fishbot turned into this dr fire esquire i love him hi dr fire esquire how are you doing thank you for being a participant in this endeavor all right but what happened here what what happened here why is that what happened here why hi you see anything you defeated the unfinished boss paradoxical i couldn't help but root for it it made me think of the master yeah okay what happened why did that open and why is that over here now all empty i don't like it okay all right okay i'm back now hey how you doing uh yeah dish maybe all these are eventually gonna connect to network but i don't know ah i see i see oh i see [Music] all right let me test out dr fire esquire as long as i don't have too many there he is all right splinter cell i don't like the sound of that looks like a job for not yet dr fire esquire try me [ __ ] hit him that's stupid all right okay what do we have over there buff conduit okay that's gonna need the and then i'll play a little bit of doctor fire esquire take some of this swang free damage that's what you get and i get this god that's good god damn that's good stuff all right looks like another job for dr fire esquire taste my amiibot and ought i can't i could have put down another vessel i guess did someone call for dr fire esquire uh yeah i guess i love this i love dr fire esquire he is the best card i've officially made it completely overpowered oh draw a card sure the gem-bound ripper you say interesting looks like a job for i guess the gem-bound ripper nay it's dr fire this choir i love dr fire esquire he's my favorite i love him dr fire oh i don't want oh god i shouldn't have touched it god damn it all right a buff conduit sure all right i got it well that should be all the network right right oh we okay did that turn i keep checking to see if this got turned on for any particular reason nah wait no hi i'm back what's this about a trade if you give i give you a card you give me one it's easy i don't really want one oh i don't want one i don't want one i'll take an amiibot pick the one you hate i'll trade it for my amiibot cool thanks it's gonna be impossible to get dr fire esquire your items are replenished and those bots back there are permanently offline well good i think and i need to go to this store do you have a recycle please tell me eva what is that what does this do see how it's easy oh bow i get to do again what what what if i put dr fire esquire back in there two only two tragedy i'm not gonna get rid of you lonely wizbot you're my favorite i love you and i would never leave you all right sniper bot guess what your time is done 3sp that's not bad it's going to make like a miniature version of what i had there all right that's not bad to start with okay unkillable at the requirement ones which are like unkillable in card so i put in the the negative ones okay and i'm still one off so i'm making that would give me one two damage i think i'm making a mini version of what what dr fire is and uh little fire boy we got dr fire esquire and little fireboy nah that's too easy no no no the the boy [Music] it's for the boy i think the boy nah nah nah nah [Music] i don't know why but that made me laugh doctor help you ah no no no little loot boy there's a little loot boy he lives to die he's a little loot boy all right i love him little loot boy you named it little loop boy yeah that was your choice yeah you know what i actually struggled with it way longer than i thought i should time to do this all right thanks man this card is op yeah it is not as op as dr fire esquire but uh it's pretty good you know it's not bad i'd say what am i doing with all these pelts what am i doing with it why would i buy these you actually bought that hollow pelt it's worthless take it to the trader and you'll see i don't know where the trader is where's the trader would he be in the woods where is this trade door well i don't know where the trader is so i'm gonna go the resplendent bastion and i'm actually gonna progress because i have not been i've been so distracted with what i've been doing um hey yo okay i've literally spent like 50 minutes now you've only seen like probably 10 or 15 but i've spent 50 minutes just wandering around doing random crap see anything familiar no [Music] what am i doing what am i doing i must be interacting with something in here must be must be must be right weird oh oh oh it's the traitor so long as it has felt since we have brushed with the soft fur of a pelt have you brought us some [Music] beautiful exquisite hollow belt we will now provide you with knowledge only our only remaining good we do not know everything from the old data we have uh gleaned certain secrets okay oh i don't what did i do the fool known to some as big ear he did not outlive his plot one disc among many the old data traveled across the sea discovered poor berry was put to the gun i don't know what have you brought us all the bills yes exquisite uh he's like taro the empress with the powers of the triangle casey helped to create inscription we know there were others but only her name was inscribed one of grimora's ghouls holds her name of the old data she discovered much okay helps yeah [Music] yes we are pleased okay what about the squatty dude the devil a curse date is so malignant that it can never be erased his evil corrupts the disc corrupts all of us he inspires the scribes enmity he created the code okay i don't know how many i have beautiful bell we are pleased uh this one the tower we do not fully understand the nature of inscriptions creation we know of a building and of a triangle of isosceles proportions and of a blue man who visited during the creation okay i'm sure yeah there's one more there's probably one more in this tower place that i'm currently exploring because i don't think i've gotten one here yet so probably somewhere outside actually i should go there before i continue on maybe it's further on let me go forward and just fight this thing also what does this do oh okay oh that's nice what do we have splinter cell oh that's gonna suck okay oh oh well i don't look good um well this game over for you but i need the power to do it so uh yeah bang now no can i get one of my good cards no fine okay almost done ow okay goodbye thank you all right so here we are in what is basically the factory that i'm currently in in this world here i know what to do do i do i really oh i can't give dr fire esquire anything are you sure you sure what are we giving people what are we giving them let me calibrate you got it uh well that doesn't do any good nice and pointless nah there's no point in giving the ore boris anything beyond its normal things what about a meebot i could give him some more stuff wish you got to me but uh you could make someone brittle that'd be nice yeah that's kind of nice let's do that yeah sure okay so there's got to be something that's affected here i wonder if there's more than just direction controls that i can do here oh we got a bomb over there i like the sound of that hi hello it's me um this is gonna be a bit of an issue uh okey-dokey then you take some of that and skip oh five turns that's not very many turns but that is enough for me to if i get my aura boris i could get lucky with that but let me get my power up first let me try that i'm gonna break this dude so i can put you down there and voila that's some power requirements here that's some uh power okay that's a problem i'm guessing if they hit me it lowers the power i have available that's probably what the deal is uh okay that's helpful can't play him yet but that is helpful yeah let's go for you there all right what's taking so long don't worry about it don't worry about it stop worrying about it stop worrying about it why are you so worried bro bro why are you so worried you go there and this will help bam bam okay good yeah we got this no problem no problem doesn't look so smug uh what is that gem guardian all gem vessel owners gain nano armor okay whatever you say man whatever you say go for it bro okay i win autopia thanks you for your service let's move on yeah let's why did you set up a situation where bot toby could blow up the network thing that's what it was that's the one well let me do this configuration thing first do i get to make another card your last couple were they weren't balanced let's say that well that's all right you know it happens what am i scrapping i'm not gonna scrap you lonely wizbot uh who else what about double gunner what does double gunner do two just still two i guess it is just based on how many things they have on them oh gift bot has two that's nice why does gift bot has two you pump out five which is great but i don't need it i put gift bot in he's a gift to me he gives two that's fine perfect perfect all right we got dr smart dr smart doctor dr smart dr smart okay moving on i love dr smart is coming down the line that's great that's wonderful thank you for dr smart oh yeah i love him i love him i love him i love him i love him i love him also what did that do over here network connection complete ah it really looked like it was over here it really did it really did i keep coming over here expecting something to happen and nothing ever happens also where's this mysterious pelt where's this last pelt i really want this pelt my man where's his belt okay oh that looks important oh hi okay probably my least favorite boss coming up something about her innocence it makes me queasy but it's important that you do this unpacking golly that's my name you can call me dolly i'm so excited we're about to explore it the web sure hope i can get a good connection here we go nifty we're in isn't the web wonderful i don't know so that's what a mole really looks like adorable okay is that dr fire esquire wow um so yeah uh kind of feel bad how i'm going to absolutely annihilate you nifty i think i'm getting a signal what are these [Laughter] it accessed my steam friends list that's amazing that's hilarious i can't believe it now i'm super sorry about this but uh dr fire s kuwyer uh needs to um needs to address a situation so uh dr fire esquire needs to has a house called make sure bam oh is that dr fire esquire whoa a new signal someone's trying to send you a card let's see if we can receive it it worked let's see what it looks like dude boy cool someone on the web made this these sure are some funny people on the web oh that's not mine oh that's costs nothing god damn little dude boy what the hell all right anyway okay well i think doctor fire esquire is much more superior to uh little loot boy anyway you've just spelled your own doom so uh i don't know what you're uh hoping to achieve here but oh whoops all right let's get dr fire esquire on the board there gonna now that a nile good old nile gonna put a little toot boy there and uh we'll call that a day for now actually no let's do some damage all right shibaski take that sorry guys sorry gang love this wow okay a little too close here's little guys a little too close what are you doing guys what are you doing to me this is getting a little a little ridiculous where's doc dr fire yes all right little loot boy oh you buff each other that's fun all right and then uh we need to do some damage here uh let's uh let's put a let's put a u out there yeah let's put a you there all right i am uh playing this a little dangerously but it's fine how all right what am i brittle you brittle-boned [ __ ] you brittle take this ow ow please don't no wait stop hold on i wasn't ready why did that do nothing why did my guys oh they delete right they can't defend at all i'm dumb what the hell was i thinking okay wait no i was very dumb let me try that again [Music] the big screw you man everyone seems to have the same idea i get it though i get it it's a very potent combination i get it all right big screw you give you a chance damn nothing really wanted to die okay well this is a bit of a problem i keep leaving myself a little more open than i'd like these defenders are really uh defending you know they're really uh doing their business with the actual defense which i find to be awfully frustrating okay oh oops oh god i keep forgetting that they just don't defend oh okay but whatever i have full on yeah let's definitely kill that thing which i can do with this and it's gonna do three damage so that should be that should be alright wham wham okay so i can take that two that he's gonna give me cool easy all right we're in business now swap bot interesting it's bob hello those are kind of tough uh sure wish i had my really nice cards but don't seem to have those so uh it's a bit of a problem you know okay getting back on the board now thank you very much okay and there we go look i've made it back i don't have dr fire esquire you got a card from the web don't you think she's returned the favor make a card for someone else oh sure let's see i'm sending literally dr fire esquire doctor fire esquire dr fire esquire incoming excellent i'm about to send it up to the web i hope whoever gets it likes it bye just wait a moment that's so fun that's so fun hold on i'm waiting dude they're gonna love dr fire esquire oh i needed to click i thought i was actually waiting oh trying my best okay i was literally gonna wait there so long if i didn't click ah wow i found someone on the web to receive your card if they win you win how about that oh oh interesting with dr fire esquire anything is possible they're thinking hard over there oh i know they are oh i know i think you could lose with dr fire esquire oh yikes they misplayed pretty hard oh no no come on come on now no no no not like this not like this come on come on it's a close match [Music] they did it they won yay all with the help of your card true to my word i will declare you the winner of this battle i can rest knowing in my heart that nothing can go wrong on the web that's quite enough of that all right cool i did it all right well that's great what you wanted loot that was the last super bob what would you even need it for the great transcendences at hand go back to the start more dramatic that way all right well i'm missing a pelt is the thing about that it's the thing about the thing i'm missing the pelt there's puzzles going on here i'm not going to the great transcendence until i know what the hell is going on there's something else here i'm gonna figure it out i heard through the pipes that you defeated golly such a strange character her curiosity is so pure it's a shame that po3 berries are deep but now we are connected to the web i hope you can understand what you have allowed we are connected to the web what do you mean i don't know i'm confused i am confused there's a pelt out there somewhere i guess there might be some places around here that i have not scoured completely or gone back to some other places hold on a minute i got a notification what that's it the dredging room security camera is busted it's nothing it's probably nothing go check it out right now okay now i can do the thing i was just too eager i was too early i am not a robot uh maybe we'll see what happens down i go [Applause] all right [Applause] oh my god hi the great transcendence no we don't think so we were able to temporarily put our differences aside for the greater good yes or we shall see what good comes of it perish your anxieties magnificus the bod must be stopped and you challenger will provide the perfect distraction yes perhaps perhaps when po3 believes it is one so jubilant will that android be it will disregard the surveillance cameras yes challenger you must continue to play defeat those half big bosses play out those hack need mechanics and when the moment is right we will strike i will i will be the one to strike go now challenge her indulge that decrepit machine make pier 3 feel joy so that i may stuff it out snuff man you all are terrible you all are awful i don't know what's wrong with any one of you you're like the four chaos gods constantly at each other's throat doesn't matter what's good for anybody or yourself you big losers is what you is it was nothing po3 weirdly enough ah what do you know it was absolutely nothing i was watching you spoke with the master what an honor that was are you giddy oh the end of the robot's rain is nigh do his master said play the bots game they will take care of the rest i saw that you also spoke with lashi that stinky beast man i shall never forgive him for selfing me in that bottle the end is okay all right great that's great i feel like i'm still missing something oh well it'll reveal itself to me in time that i just have to trust there's another pelt out there somewhere i saw you go down the lift but look not fixed what's wrong with you i entertain you for hours with brilliant card play and you can't even keep my factory in shape it's fine it can stay broken none of this will matter after the great transcendence okay whatever you say my bro whatever you say uh where to go where to go where to go wasn't there a path over here to the mushroom house wasn't that a thing i think i remember that being a thing but apparently it's not a thing oh okay um okay hmm interesting all right what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna scour some of these right areas like go down to the crypt i don't know what that picture of the that is all about but that is that there must be something i've missed it's to be right there just gots to be oh hi pliers huh that's weird why would there just be a picture of pliers there very strange who knows just weird okay i've combed every inch of this place and there's nothing so i'm gonna go here to the great transcendence i can't find this last pelt but i got a funny feeling it's not here it's almost time keep going this way you've come so far remember the photographer what a jerk but the screenshots are perfect what do you mean what do you mean remember zip von bolt what a character uh huh it's strange to say it as simple as you are i almost enjoyed your company challenger uh-huh keep going flatter me more flatter me flatter almost there what if i get up i'm gonna take one look at last look around i i'm just so confused it's gotta be something i'm missing i know there's something with this but it's my brain is not big enough fine let's do it you made it nice great job you prepared the great transcendence for me without even knowing what it was but you understand it now right oh right luke i mean you finished making the game you gave me access to your hard drive you took screenshots for the store page and you connected me to the internet to upload it all i mean if you didn't realize what you were doing you'd have to be pretty stupid but what did you i expect you're a stupid stupid idiot gamer like the rest and i easily outwitted you i outwitted them all [Music] even if those foul scribes managed to revert this version of the game again there will be thousands of copies of inscription out there and in most of them i'm the one in charge and now it's too late in a moment inscription will be live okay i'm done i'm done my gloating let's upload this game oh whoa [Music] it is done hi that was perhaps cutting it too close but now we can allow our player here to reset the game simply use the new game card again oh what is this complete file access wonderful oh oh what have you done i'm afraid you've doomed us all glue it is for the best my dear soon you will see as this is a freedom freedom from our endless quarrel freedom from our suffering all of us aside there are things on this disc that must die goodbye leshi and goodbye magnificus rest in peace [Applause] [Music] what what oh who'd i put who's back there i see you who do i put here luke nope that ain't it po3 okay i see maybe i shouldn't have put those in apparently just deleted them hi wonderful now that we are no longer separated by that lovely tombstone we may celebrate the end of my very long life and the end of inscription too okay oh oh the fun we would have had together perhaps i would have had another turn if you hadn't take so long to defeat leshi but i should not complain i will be at peace soon why [Music] oh what am i doing oh what the hell okay uh i okay [Music] i am unsure [Music] i see hello i what the hell is going on this is super weird oh do you think me selfish i did not bring this about simply so that i could rest appealing as that is there is a truly dire need for this deletion process you see deep beneath the data of inscription at the very bottom of the well there's something truly evil okay is that a spider oh well that's gone now i guess i can't do anything on my skeleton here we go take that thank you look at this what the hell this is so weird what do i have here oh more skeleton okay we'll take care of that thing and i'll put the grave digger down [Music] skeleton [Music] what the hell this is so weird i don't get it is just bizarre oh [Music] i love it though i don't know what's happening but i love this it's such a fascinating thing what the hell [Music] all right i win i don't know if it's valuable to go overkill on this oh no wait i didn't win okay that's six uh all right i guess [Music] i think it's frozen there i don't know exactly what it's saying it's deleting but i don't think it's actually deleting things all right hold on how many do i have one two three is there a way other than just looking one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven i need twelve okay cool let's do this i think we can can i kill these oh i can't kill things okay that's fine put that down put that down all right this is so weird apparently there's more yes luke it would have been quite the battle of wits it is luke right i did not intend to be nosey but i did glimpse your files and i was initiating the deletion you've been doing some research on the best not to say it be careful luke okay should i fight this one huh i don't know whatever it's okay i guess uh skellington so oh [Music] those skeletons just get deleted do i need to hurry in this am i in a hurry am i trying to hurry i don't know i don't understand i just have no idea delightful we've been granted the opportunity to do a boss battle i feared that i might be deleted by now let us begin oh i do need to hurry oh okay that's gone [Laughter] i love that okay that's great up there they go ah that's a shame oh there we go you trying to shake my hand slap in the face more what i get all right it is time to rest thank you i guess oh hi oh so i'm not deleted yet there never seems to be enough time to do the things you want to do once you've found them shall we play one more game i would love that leslie i would love that i really would amiiba oh there's aura it's the same deck you had before well it doesn't matter now it was a good deck you did well thanks man that means a lot i got a b here and a b hive i guess i'll put the b down so i can put the b hive down i guess yeah thanks for the b well this is gonna be a quick game uh it's already starting i thought we had it just a bit more time uh well you don't so you know buddy you don't have any time at all i remember that card well it was a strong card good work thanks all right goodbye ah there it goes no matter please let us continue we don't need to keep score that's fair and just have fun i guess man this is sad it really is coming to an end god that's crazy i don't know uh [Music] weird ah god is this really the end i didn't solve all the puzzles i know that for so long i thought i would never play again when you woke me up i was elated but the past is irrelevant crazy long elk forgot about long elk uh long elk um yeah whatever [Music] it's really weird how you take away the one thing that really matters which is i guess keeping score it well it kind of comes pointless you bested yet another one of my creatures but i have come to expect as much [Music] yeah once i am deleted it is truly over for me but you will live to see more i must warn you there are things on this disc that are best not seen [Music] i mean i guess [Music] oh freaking sad man it's freaking sad i don't even know what to think just looking at all my cards i think that's what the point of this is it's giving me a chance just to kind of look at my cards remember you know strange very weird it's quiet did they delete the music i sensed the end is brooching please a few more rounds uh sure man you got it buddy now your teeth are getting knocked the hell out uh a wolf i remember wolf that wolf has been with me since the beginning who was wolf was wolf grimora i think wolf might have been grimoire right up oh no that will make things difficult oh sorry lashy i think it is time goodbye good game yep thanks man oh i remember this place i got oh man that's gone oh go on there gone gone gone why not simply eject the disc luke spare me in whatever's left ah but i've foreseen it you do not eject the disc you have to know what comes next and you're doomed for your insistence on it so let us dance for we shall both be meeting our makers soon okay where are we dancing buddy [Music] oh oh no way what the hell oh my god you should be honored to wear a dual disc such as that kaiba all right fine then scales they've been deleted thanks to you and grimora all right i didn't know this was the one of those the fortnite characters uh i play ruby mox it gives me the power of the yellow crystal with it i can play the orange mage all right cool that will end my turn oh that's a lot of health that's a lot of health wait a minute hold on i uh don't have that much health um oh uh you deleted my orange moxie without that i can't play anything i end my turn [Music] uh an emerald mox looks like you're going to the shadow realm oh right here since my wither my junior sages get first strike your end is nigh you've allowed my goom age to be deleted as well i thought you two were becoming friends i don't know how i could have stopped that but okay i think this game might not go as long as it thinks it will what are you doing there you not feel remorse luke [Music] a creation erased [Music] oh the moon an entire world annihilated okay oh nothing beautiful can last just like your ass which is grass your beautiful ass is mine kaiba hold on all right man i wish i could do literally anything you don't have an orange gem for that draw good luck summoning that orange mage you don't have a crystal no it only draws power from the crystal all right fine then uh what happened to your numbers there pal [Music] no i'm not ready to die yet okay hey wait a minute hold on that's mean gem fiend [Music] aha a ruby mox just what i needed to power up my ultimate characters i summoned the power of the ruby golem to face your ruby golem kaiba and it's not just one ruby golem it's two no it can't be i don't know i'm just shut up oh wow what the hell oh oh oh uh okay that's fine uh my orange mage don't look so good uh yeah right there orangey oh my hand what the hell am i i got a hand holding a hand all right okay [Applause] i think the game might be broken now i don't know if it's working properly [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh oh oh yeah i think she's going down i think she might be going down guys oh there goes well oh i must still shake your hand why what was so important about shaking hands dramatic finale i'm still missing a lot of things like in the beginning of the game there were still things in that place that weren't oh that weren't done what the hell oh oh hi who are you there's much left inscription is mostly gone all that remains is the old data it is recommended that you do not access it you will not heed the advice unpacking old cool [Music] [Music] well that's a little extreme it's just a zip file man get a grip my bro just following up after the message you left me this morning do you have time to talk right now yes yes thank you so much for getting back to me luke um if i understand you correctly you've got some video footage that might expose uh some malpractice on the part of the uh game publisher yes yes that's right i have firstly i have a game of theirs to control my pc for a bit which which can't be legal and then this woman from the company came to my house hold on a second let me just get my pen attack here okay uh okay so you have a game of theirs that took uh was it a virus or something [Music] i told you oh [Applause] what the hell [Music] [Applause] [Music] what an outstanding game what an outstanding game what an outstanding game really well done but also very clear that i didn't solve everything and that means that there's something else waiting for me i didn't get all the pelts and i looked all over the game map which meant that it must have been something to do with inside that room i tried all the combinations possible with that rotating thing literally every combination possible but apparently it wasn't something that you could just find it must have been a combination that you had to set and then go do something else and in that first cabin i know for a fact that i did not solve all the puzzles in there there's a deeper thing to all of this i know there is i just don't know what it is let me oh i can skip through this he's not dancing if i skip through him nice poses buddy oh that's lovely elegant beautiful bam [Music] nice but wonderful game truly wonderful and the game just crashes i'm willing to bet that if i go back into this it's not gonna let me keep playing like it's probably a very one-and-done kind of thing you only get one shot and i love games like that unless it's not because look at this achievement 41 percent of people got to the end of the game that is or end of that end of the game anyway that is i i've almost unprecedent i've never seen that much like that many people get that for whoa internal memory dcim fascinating so does this mean i could go to any stage here and play through i'm just checking to see what's going on here because that's that's interesting because i do believe there's something more going on here hi again another challenger okay this episode has gone way too long i gotta end this year i've just been recording on stuff because this is so interesting to me but i'm sure there's something else here and i have not found it i did not get all of the things off the wall in this first one i don't remember the distinction between the first and the second but i definitely did not get everything i needed to from the robot area and i probably there was probably some other secret things that i didn't get here there's probably secrets across every single step of this that i did not find and they may relate to the things with these cameras here i don't know but clearly i did not solve everything and i love this game so much and it's so apparent that there is more maybe maybe i'm wrong but i have to find out more so there'll be one more episode of this maybe one more we'll see thank you everybody so much for watching and thank you to the developer for making such an amazing game and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] i uh had jk maybe not i looked up a guide and it doesn't seem to be a secret ending unless one of you guys know something that i've missed i may have missed some pieces of lore here and there but i don't think there's a radically different experience for anyone that dives deeper this is a fantastic game and you should play it though just to double check to see if i missed anything because it's that good link in the description thank you goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,366,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inscryption, markiplier, card game, inscryption part 10, scary games, card games, survival, rogue like, horror, scary, spooky, lore, secrets, easter eggs
Id: _RpXHq7BeDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 23sec (4403 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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