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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh guys don't worry we're on an airplane right now and your child who's asleep next to me don't worry about it ah good how is our child oh i don't have a child oh yeah no i'm alone oh weird oh cool dude no obligations no obligation where are you can you guys see me are you in front of me i think i'm off to your right behind you when i don't see anybody like i see do you have a styrofoam coffee cup sitting in front of you on your tray no i do not [ __ ] is that a mountain to our left all the wing is gone is that bad yeah there is something on the wing wait no there's not a wing something on the wing uh something there dude prizes are loud [ __ ] dude all right well that was fun oh i don't like that do you see a man standing over my son right now yeah yeah he's stealing your baby his face looks grippy he's hiding he's not good he's hiding he shouldn't smile like that if he wants to make a good first impression he needs to hide those chompers yeah if you're gonna steal our child do it without a smile on your face low energy eat something or get some rest hungry find something to eat wade and i were sitting in each other that's interesting oh yeah we were hey don't hold your hands up in front of me like that yeah hey guys you guys want to see how high my mouth sensitivity is hey there's food over here guys look around the plane for some food oh i mean no no everyone has separate items so i ate that food you ate that food oh okay in that case i'm not sharing any of this [ __ ] mine mine mind my mind all right good well i mean you are in the way though well i was trying to see what was on the toilet oh you the oh that's bob okay sorry oh yeah that wasn't me now you are on the way well i yeah i'm hungry i am you just uh slowly gonna work my oh that more food hang on uh oh there's a little little axe right did you know there's an axe yeah right here yeah oh man it's right here on this lady thanks man thank you right there thank you did you guys get all the uh goodies off the floor back here and stuff yeah yeah i think so yeah did you check all the seats because there's stuff in the seats yeah a couple of them i can't get back in anyway now so it's all you bob i'm damn how do you start how do you attack dab there we go down oh i see my guy was just swinging wildly left to right mark did i just hurt you no i just got oh did the bird just land on the board landed on me get down is there team damage can we hurt each oh my god i just saw feathers flying away you want to try to hit me bob see if it hurts me okay this seems like a bad idea oh i don't think it did wait dude again you just think you're just a reaction oh yeah i don't watched it oh wait yeah i do lose health yeah i probably noticed that i uh i didn't lose healthy approve it no well keep opening the containers because plenty of goodies this one's locked yeah hit it with your there you go spatula whatever whatever you hit it with your wang jangler yeah the wang jungler that's exactly what it is yeah do you think gordon ramsay's watching right now of course he's my biggest fan what else has he got going on bob's biggest fan actually he's just a chef [Laughter] yeah we need to find a place to live wang sure pretty sure oh no guys my inventory is full yeah oh no yeah that's why we need to find a place to set up camp step one build a shelter how build a shelter log stick you click well we don't have to build it here as a thing no yeah do we now i mean there's a bunch of resources here i don't know always built on the beach and i don't remember if there was a good reason for that or not i don't think there is i actually wonder if it is good idea to stay near that well we need fresh water and lots of trees so the only thing i can remember that's close to the beach that's useful is you can kill the turtles and you can use turtle shells to make rain catchers right right how do i open my inventory oh there we go how do you feel you click on the thing in your survival book and then you place it on the ground and then you grab items in the environment and you press b for b ah yes yeah thank you melon bar melon bar melon bar are we building here down by the beach because i've got a fire pit ready to place let's do the beach go down by the beach yeah is that in a specific direction is this map the same thing i don't remember it at all i think i think we're an island yeah i think any direction oh this is totally the beach follow the coast until we get to a nice place so you guys like it is farther away from the trees oh we tall do we want to maybe build here is there a size restriction what if we built on this plateau and then we could have our water collection down there i know there's a good beach that's like a nice slope and there's trees like inches from it's not like that big drop off i think we keep looking maybe okay okay okay look bob you're gonna see it's gonna be a great beach okay okay it's just it's been a minute okay i'm a little rough okay okay okay in fact i have no idea which direction it is good all right look i found a house right here pre-built oh god dude they already have sleeping nooses you just slip that bad boy around your neck and then just handle dangle yourselves you are right about that i want to take that sleeping noose with me i'll get your nooses too calm down with the ax swinging my dude i was trying to oh i found a new clothing outfit oh i found a new clothing outfit oh now we're different the same i wrote a new glory oh that's cool mark good job buddy what a nice timmy photo we have yeah you guys got pictures of my kid too that's yeah do kind of concerning i don't know how i feel about that i don't know about this partnership is this your beach no this is another the beach i'm talking about has like a boat that you can go out to that's one specific sport that's like a one angle remembering i just remember that yeah but we don't need that specific one that's the banger beach well you guys pick wherever you want then i don't know i just that's what i remember is weight leading or not i thought we were following wade i don't listen you shouldn't you literally remember you leave wade's in charge we're doing what your weight says wait what that's a horrible idea this is kind of an awful beach but this is a beach beach but it's by a river there's a river over there that's probably fresh water yeah rivers are good that's something different and uh we could start building before we get attacked and are horribly murdered that's always a good option can i just get oh we're clean i'm no longer bloody water is good oh that's right oh yeah well now the water's bloody but i'm sure this doesn't have any parasites or anything in it so it's probably fine i think i already got one of those penis worms it's flatter right there we need to cut down all those trees can we what is happening we need to build a base i know but pick a spot holy [ __ ] let's pick a spot we'll build it we'll make it work every spot we get you're like oh this is a good spot oh right there it's a little flatter [ __ ] here i don't know so okay good excellent here on the slope you sure about that yep no why wouldn't you pick a flat spot all right right here's flat right up here it's very flat bird i'll kill him i haven't got a friend oh he's my friend is everyone else that was me i think you can make armor out of him if you want to play him and reply how do i how do i unequip the building that's in my hand right now because i have a building oh thank god i was following the iguano around helplessly all right i'm placing the shelter my dudes all right my dudes not many trees around here let me be fine all right we'll be fine three feet that way well there's like three trees you know how many trees we need uh more than three yep all right we each need our own shelter oh my god do we need seven logs is that how many locks we need for a shelter yeah of course that's for the shitty one you should build a log cabin does a log cabin require a lot of logs is that what you're saying yes it does did you you did hunting shelter i'm guessing it's yeah it's the part you're following the steps in the book right step one haunting shelter if you hit b oh hey look go to the first page of the book did you guys know there's a hunting shelter oh my god i'm the strongest man alive you can use rocks and crap how many logs can i carry oh i can carry two logs okay i kept picking them up as i was walking forward so i thought i was just picking them all up oh six logs more more these trees are gonna get farther and farther away i'm just saying that out loud singing out loud but you know how it is calm down just climb up the side of this hill and throw you know we could chop down the trees above us and throw the logs down all right we could could i like fall and break my legs is that bad yeah try it oh you can crouch jump oh hell yeah dudes guess who's on the high ground now anakin uh who's that i'm pretty sure he's a star trek character all right my hunting shelter's done great yeah mine's done i'm doing stuff all right cool man you want me to help finish yours uh mark i've already got some extra logs cut over if you want to pick up the ones that already pre-cut yeah i got some too but you know teamwork makes stream work bob we're getting your shelter up all and ready to go oh don't worry it's raining logs boys oh my god this is what i like to hear we can build a log holder as well there's a ton of like little uh maintenance things that we can do to make life easier yeah just keep chopping those trees down he'll come down yeah just throw them right on top all right we gotta start building the campfire uh one more log beside you i'll i'll get the campfire you finished that campfire all right three done shelters okay well later we'll start gathering more rocks yeah and we have fire oh i think this tree is gonna fall off the cliff oh god hell yeah dude it's common my dudes no it's not oh there it is fire pit yeah we should have probably built the fire pit i guess no no you're doing everything great i mean it's just a basic fire just to get some light it was going to be dark you know ooh log sled would be a good idea well more logs coming in slot style let me worry about it let me get the log holder going because i feel like there you go my dudes can we not get water from the river do we have to use the shell oh no we should be able to like a lake or something too it's dark i can't see we could sleep we couldn't sleep i can't see i've got my own fire up here so i'm going to continue the logs the log mission okay i'm gonna try to run down to the river and see if i can just drink out of it you can't i tried that right parasites penis worms well why why would that be any better than any other place i guess i'll drink one of these uh sodas we picked up on the oh yeah we got sodas you're right we got sodas glug yeah right somehow i'm not i'm i'm fully drank what did i drink something um i don't know did you eat berries or something that give maybe i didn't eat anything i did not eat anything since we were on the plane and yet i'm full on thirstiness bob your kid timmy here yeah he's got a weird look about his face he's ugly i know i didn't want to say it but i did i just wasn't going to be the one to say but now that you've said it that's like a huge weight off really really ugly like i wouldn't be surprised if you arranged to crash the plane just to get rid of that ugly little [ __ ] like bob you're ugly but this is like i thi this is this is ugly i'm just i'm fine i'm fine i i'm not i don't know i'm jealous of you guys [ __ ] damn it did your campfire just go flying through the air is that what i just saw wait wait yeah where's my campfire i cut [Laughter] if a tree hit my campfire i'm going to assume that campfire is going to go flying so i think that's a feature it was a by accident we need more sticks i need to go into the deeper woods and just get a bunch of uh smaller trees because i could huck down some sticks for you we could use them yeah we could use them we needed for log holders and like holders of things so a couple steeps we need what like 16 sticks for that one hold it yeah we need tons of sticks also if you look around the base of the mountain sort of to the left from camp there a tree sort of chop like between camp and you wade trees are sort of falling all willy-nilly over here what there aren't quite do what you're what well probably nothing yeah on this difficulty i imagine nothing could possibly go wrong i don't think we've made any noise or any impact on this environment to draw attention either you're right not yet i forgot this was a harder difficulty oh my god you make crazy ass grunting noises when you down strike with the axe oh yeah yeah you didn't know whoa i'm just an accident over here bro oh okay as long as you're just accidental make sure okay log holders it is ready to go i gracefully descended the mountain so safely home down here now look at this littered with logs ariel look at us i got the log holder but i realized maybe just a pile of logs might have been a better idea it can only hold like seven just pile them they're not gonna like despawn are they no i don't think so well we got logs we were worried about logs we got logs do you want to sleep it off till morning and i can go try to find a turtle for this water collector i'm hungry uh you don't even have any food i stepped in the fire oh my you are oh yeah are you okay with the water go to the water go to the water the river going the river all the all the deer are like oh lord okay i'm fine this man's is on fire you okay man you sure yeah good you were on fire like on fire you were on fire yeah we sleeping uh yeah let's sleep i think i'm the middle one c oh z z c is slave well i vote to sleep camp out oh what oh this morning all right i guess i'm off on oh my hunger went way down from that i hunted some small game i think we need a better better campfire to cook so i'm going to take to make a bow and arrow we should probably get one of those what is happening i'm building a better campfire that i can actually cook oh okay apparently i could have cooked on the other one i'm just dumb sounds like it yeah i'm gonna put a bunny trap over here yeah dude try and get us a bunny i also put two pieces of small meat on the fire on the stone campfire so when that's done you can have those it's 31 sticks for a bunny trap holy jeez holy geez i'm grinding some sticks my dude me too i'm gonna get him hey guys i found a human skull on a stick over here is that good is that a good thing yeah i think that's a good thing oh there's a camera in there wow that's pretty fancy actually how do you de-equipped your lighter i don't know i just infinitely have it in my hand now help ethereal demons inside my ears help me i'm making a journey to the beach in hopes of finding a turtle shell i might starve to death on the way i thought we got did we get extra food from the plane do i don't have anything to snack on well i mean how many times have i said there's how many times i've said there's small game meat on the fire eat some i'm not there anymore you were there no no no no no okay all right i guess you weren't i finished your trap oh thank you hopefully that's resettable jeez if it's not 33 sticks for one rabbit all right what else we got here we got rabbit cage oh can we make him breed oh mark i think you have to take the meat off the fire no you didn't burn you eat it right on the fire i did and it's burnt to [ __ ] and it's not giving me any any actual it's burnt to an actual crisp okay you don't like my cooking huh apparently not apparently this is your freaking strategy eight out of ten mark eight out of ten ah also l puts your lighter away there's a bunny standing here mocking me there's a some kind of a weird animal that's just me some kind of a marmot marmoset the squirrel is now dead all right i wonkalized it all right bob when that food is ready you eat it okay all right there's a bird in a rock i'm gonna take care of it how do i know when it's ready uh you'll know you'll know do i need to be watching it to know no no no no no no you'll know i put some meat on the fire and i don't know where the hell it went it's cooking it's cooking man there's one bob oh yeah there we go oh that was a good one i did a big chunk of big chunk of noms i know we just have to so some of the recipes just aren't in the book you actually have to physically just drag stuff on your how do you know when it's like constructable so it'll give you like a gear it'll make a fun noise so like i put a stick a rope and a cloth and it gave me like a ding and showed the did you do it no because i think it might be a torch but i guess i could it's a bow i don't have any arrows or anything but it's a bow wow [Laughter] guys can we put it [Laughter] oh oh my god oh oh i'm so proud of pan of feather [ __ ] genius good job wow wait can i have feather back i think i need it somebody make other pan a feather you want me to make pan of feather or do you want me to just give you feather give me feather hang on one second pan okay let's get pan feather um we built our house near some heads on a stick over here yeah it was over there it's a nice area dude thank you for panic you you made one too look at you and a feather am i right wait wait wait you're gonna love this i got a new new treat pan of meat look at you give me meat you can do anything with a pan huh yeah man raw small meat i'm gonna equip that i found a bible stamp die oh my god is that near just standing there letting you murder it sure holy [ __ ] dude don't come [Laughter] that deer was just like oh okay can't do anything about it i guess a rabbit just ran into our fire and died great mark look i got a rabbit i'm doing it guys i'm really doing it good job man you want a rabbit head you want a deer wait you know what i have a craft idea hang on hang on i gotta have a thought about this oh hang on i gotta shuffle this i gotta shuffle some inventory around are you telling me i can't make pan of rabbit head a panda head is exactly what i would like right now oh my god and of head yeah i knew i get why you wanted to play this game now it's amazing i totally see it i have a bow how in god's name do i make arrows it seems like a stick plus an arrow is only one third of the thing wait so what if i do hatchet plus stick that's nothing hatchet is half of something hatchet plus cloth is something what did i make i made that cloth hatchet guys i made another craft mark look at cloth hatchet look what i made birdie come look at this invention bird look at cloth hatchet he's not impressed okay well the bird was really judging about cloth hatchet i put big uh big meat on the fire so when that's done eat that up there's a package from fedex on the beach bob what i i took your innovation and i expanded on it on the entire game mark you need to put that somewhere that belongs in a museum is that your meat are you trying to eat that i eat one you can eat the other yeah go for it all right if only we had a tortoiseshell here for the rain i know this rain is beautiful wait light light light what am i lighting up [Laughter] what exactly did i just it was not what mark lit his rock on fire and it lit him on fire i don't understand there's just a bunch of cavemen experiment oh it's a burning weapon all right hey look mark i miss beer you made a spear i made a spear [Applause] what did i make axe stone axe twice as good as my regular axe why did i just gloat glug i just got full thirst by globe glugging while standing here what oh wait there's hot buttons hot oh i think i just consumed my last soda like two or three is like eat food or gluggy gloves snow i'm a genius everything is fine where are you i found a mountain what the hell i'm just trying to find the beach with turtles man i think it's closer it's gonna be close to where you guys are i don't think it's all the [ __ ] way up here in bumsville hey i killed an iguano guy nice i did too i took his skin his body in its head oh i got his head before i just huck it yeah man huck it you can actually place heads like as trophies on your structures nice is the blueberries good to eat yeah yeah yeah yeah you get coconut water from those the the ones that are two berries two berries next to each other are poisonous you do not want those oh they're like clusters of like five berries is that bad try it and you'll see well i ate some of the blue ones so i guess we'll learn we'll learn together the blue ones are should be good make a watercolor thank you yes make a water collect thank you for the [ __ ] advice i know wait did you know we're supposed to find a turtle to make a water collector oh no i never considered the fact we might need a turtle shell thank you for letting me know i don't know why he's such a dick about it calm down what's wrong oh sorry sorry i'm just a little i've been in the [ __ ] snowy mountains and it's not our fault you wandered off into the [ __ ] abyss yeah we didn't ask you to do that the beach is right next to us i just feel like there's an external power watching that is judgmental you're not blaming us but you're being pretty rude to us if i i'll bring you a feather pen to make up for it i'm sorry is this gonna be a cool wall like i'm just gonna dude i'm on board i like it it's good thing no one can jump over these wade where are you uh heading toward the opposite coast i hope god i'm trying to kill these birds so one day i will find this [ __ ] water let me know if you find bob's kid out there too for children you see me explode that bird into chunks dude it didn't stand a chance whoa oh i mean nope oh my god why is this deer bloody why is this deer bloody why is this deer bloody maybe because you're murdering it it was pretty bloody and now it's clean it's clean i cleaned it i figured out how to make the arrows nice more but what was the recipe for arrows stick and five feathers gives you five arrows dude there's so many free i just separated rocks over here are these rocks respawning is this i don't know there's so many rocks in this place there's no place i've ever been in my life that has this kind of population of rocks like knows we need rock and it's like hell yeah this bloody dude maybe it's 20 years back what the hell is happening i'm gonna build the rock wall in this corner for fun go for it man go for it right to the mound right to the mound right to the mound you don't want to like a door on this side that was good uh oh yeah you can have a door over there that's why i'll do like a one i'll do like a door yeah i think actually you could stack these from what i was seeing yo yeah yeah you can so we could do a second layer i'm gonna do this i'll just that that'll really give you the defenses yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah look at that oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah no no no no no no no no no no no are you gonna parry not even close man not even ow who her i'm dying of thirst apparently dying of thirst hurts like a punch of the gut wait have you found the turtles in the water yet i believe i actually just found the right beach turtle beach i think so i see the boat here okay just be careful out there but now it's dark so i can't see anything you're literally at the beach we were at mark look in the distance where his character is yeah wait we didn't see the boat no we came from that direction if we'd had gone right instead of left i believe we would have found the boat if that's where the boat is yeah don't don't say these things to me we would we were right there it's been long it's your fault are you hearing the screeching horn in the distance no i i heard that earlier though and you guys didn't hear it torch well the torch doesn't throw light very far this torch is useless well if you have infinite lighter why even torch bro this is why well i didn't know i would have stuck with the lighter it's exact same amount of light distance this has this is the beach this is turtle beach i know it is you okay yeah i think he's doing so good he's not doing so good dude the lighter gives off more light than the torch my lighter went out and i couldn't see wall holding the torch i don't think we should let him back in the camp i'm on board with that i'm on board with that i think he should probably build his own he's probably there's turtles here get them i know they're here i i smell them these rocks are dead ass respawning though okay calm down mark and i have only constructed an entire fortress in the time it's taken you to get one turtle shell not trying to make you feel bad just just spitting hot fire over here i feel bad can i equip more than one turtle shell can i carry more than what i mean oh my god if you come back with one turtle shell oh there's a bunny in our trap that's a squirrel hell yes dude i blame you for this do you have to kill it to get it out i don't know i killed on the floor can i is there a dragger can i can i build something like a can i build a what's there like a log sled or something yeah but that's all slugs okay i like that what was that under oh is that only for logs it's not like a sled of logs it's a sled four logs i think it's a sled four logs oh never mind that won't help you at all wayne you're welcome look at our freaking fortress yeah dude dude it's coming from the other first serious though i don't know what magic is causing rocks to be birthed from the earth but thank god yeah i think this can you imagine if we had to just find this many rocks oh my god what if i built that what if i built a raft and i floated back to u-haul that's the wrong game bro there is no there's rafts there's boats and we got a rock game bro we played that one very different i'm dying of starvation i should probably build like a small fire and eat real quick come put the turtle thing in come on you're not that far from us i have food on the fire for you i was wondering if we could build like an arch over this basically is that possible like you see what i'm saying oh yeah wait actually that's that's like maybe possible let's build up those sides and see i guess oh we could we'll we could build a wall with door in our doorways oh do you guys know what direction i am from camp so if i need to come back this way you know which way i should run you're over there like look mark look what i did look thank you oh that's actually pretty sick right that works that works right that's kind of sick yeah that's sick all right i'm doing that i'm doing that everywhere all right sounds good oh my god it does mark you are a master craftsman can i just say that look at how that fits oh that's perfect you are absolutely that's perfect a master of your craft oh my god unappreciated in your time and i cannot this one here it cannot overstate the extent to which you are a goddamn genius thank you thank you you guys want to save a little bit of that praise for me i mean no i'm talking mark's dick right now hang on seriously though that fills a spot in my soul i didn't even know it was there in a way that's scary it's almost deeply satisfying how you doing wade good are you uh contributing you contributing i got that i don't think he's contributing as much as mark is contributing can i say that what about you bob how much i'm just supporting you you are the genius mastermind behind all of this victory that's happening doorway to my rock wall you can't go through wow wow we really are team meant to be yeah simpatico we synergize like hall of notes like those dutch oats everyone's raving about oh yeah whatever the hell that is yeah yeah all right no we're at the camp still i'm being followed by a naked person well don't bring them back to camp that's a compliment no dude dude i did the old run down the hill fast trick they couldn't keep up oh he's trying to encroach on your genius territory mark you guys no just you what i've got a turtle shell hey friends are you back i'm back there's a hell of a accomplishment you guys have here yep if anyone wants meat i accidentally cooked way more than i need good job wow you did one thing look at all the rest of what we've done and compare it to what you know gladly stayed here and built a wall if you guys want to get the next couple turtle shells we didn't ask you to go i will happily quickly and efficiently get as many turtle shells as you request my good now that you know where they're at i would hope so yeah that's the that's the thing that was holding you back yeah so did a supper's ready fellers all right din din my hungry boys come get your little way i ate over at jimmy's house i'm not hungry all right well i'll eat yours that's fine nobody appreciates me in this family that's fine i appreciate you this is delicious food thank you genius mastermind thank you rock of my soul rock of your loins call me rock if you're loins dude that's all i've ever wanted all right three rocks left until castle of an abode is completed at this then cool now can we expand and put in a log cabin no no not right now we need about six more turtle shells that's what we need yeah can you get six more i was freezing to death and i think i still am if i was what does it say if you're freezing to death i have ice all over my screen oh well that'll do it oh we can build a s a so sign so people know we're saucers all right it's morning time to go back and get some more turtle shells oh well that's i think they're on fire the man who can't avoid lighting himself on fire should let the real hero here go get the uh by all means what if we made an adventure out let's go all three ghosts we can get three turtle shells and we can explore the boat while we're there and get all the goodies on the boat ah he makes a good point bob that is a good point all right well you can catch up to me nerds okay all right oh he's already he's already left us mark he's already on the way why are you talking no no marcus my bro you can't be frozen with mark mark's my bro i'm i'm kind of blessed we're no we're not bros and we're brosons no no come on susan's at best yeah oh come on not no we're susan's man hang on brosnan i'm on the way come on no uh if you were wondering wait i was not talking to you i was talking to bob my brother i know you were but you could have been talking i got the the turtle shell i found the bee you did it you did one you did one good thing you did it i helped finish the wall i found out the spot we built our base on sure dude berries that are maybe poisonous maybe not we'll find out later good berries give me the juices oh yeah i have i take a umbrance i take umbrage with the the chewing noises in this game this person like doesn't have cheeks when they eat food that sound just shoots out of their teeth it resonates like it's amplified oh mushy's probably bad mushies no oh yeah that's what that is so here's the house that's by the beach where we totally were and could have built our structure earlier with the sleeping nooses you remember different place man that's no no no that's the place with the sleeping there's many more houses oh do they have do they have more sleeping nooses i can steal would they have go away maybe not are you sure oh they might have some good goodies good goodies circuit boards and stuff guys you think anyone's gonna care if i just take these i think you should in all honesty good yeah go for it oh there's a sony pop on the ground there's also a person oh god hello people uh guys uh guys uh guys uh guys [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 7,028,875
Rating: 4.9751983 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, muyskerm, lordminion777, mark bob wade, the forest, the forest game, the forest lets play, gaming, multiplayer, collab
Id: TLu1bScP4Fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 55sec (2155 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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