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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2022 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to another three scary games what you expecting something [Music] anyway this is leftovers um there's something about how you don't need to do uh something and then in hi boy i need your help please okay why is the picture of dad all obscured why is our tv just a white box okay what do you need mom talk mom sorry mom i cooked too much today can you be a dear please and give the leftovers away to our neighbors oh mark respond by nodding or shaking your head with the mouse no it's okay dear they're not gonna bite you'll have to be a big boy one day and learn to take care of your mom all right don't be like your dad all right i put 10 boxes of leftovers in the bag beside you pick it up for me no no ten boxes that's you didn't just cook a little bit more you cooked a whole lot more i i'm sorry for troubling you dear but mommy's busy with dinner i know i've taught you to never talk to strangers but you're not gonna let me down right okay ma good luck dear why do i need luck ma ma mom mommy what's gonna happen to me if i need luck by the way don't come back until you're done okay okay ma this is a drug drop isn't it my mom is a drug dealer not my real mom maybe my mama's not a drug dealer hey neighbor god i remember doing this when i was uh [Music] hello you must be the little boy from next door what brings you here i don't know if that's your nose or if that's your mouth or if that's your mouth here you go what's this oh it's your mouth okay my favorite please give my thanks to your parents for me by the way have you been a good boy no ah you silly boy sometimes being honest is not always a good thing well goodnight now okay thanks all right okay okay nine left knock knock knock what do you want what's wrong with your face the food this smells delicious do i need to pay no what an idi okay what what am i the idiot for not tricking you into paying for something that i okay that makes sense that's fine i feel good about myself i have not been a good boy have i hi hello okay you're a little close food your mom's leftovers nobody wants that you ever gonna breathe out wait are you the son of that beautiful chick from level nine yes um i'll say i'll be sure to savor this wall it's still warm then okay man what lovely neighbors i just realized sounds like someone's taking a shower i should come back later i realized like there's nine floors which probably means that there's more than 10 people that could accept so maybe i shouldn't give to certain people the food but alas here i am [Music] hi what do you want kid i'm busy food seriously i guess it's somewhat tiring work you know what just leave it outside the door thanks okay you could just take it how do i oh there you go pal why'd you leave your door open i want a little peek okay i can't go on anymore mommy mommy dear why are you home so early didn't i tell you not to come back until you're done but sorry dear mommy's really busy right now i'm sure the neighbors aren't that much of a trouble right you can do it please go back out there and make mommy proud okay mommy you got it mommy i could just give all of them to the old lady i suppose no i can't i gotta keep going i'm not hearing the slurping sounds of people enjoying my mom's cooking you'd think that it would be echoing down the hallways of pure bliss and enjoyment hello yeah one time i had to do a fundraiser for school and i went door-to-door in an apartment complex and it was just the worst i sold one thing hi oh well aren't you an adorable one what brings you here food my my how thoughtful of you you must be tired from walking up and down the stairs how about you come in and rest for a while no i'm not gonna do that oh maybe next time yeah maybe never okay bye forever looks like no one is home are you sure about that oh yeah there was a person showering upstairs all right no one's home i'll check back later i remember specifically one person was in the shower and was so pissed off that they had to come to the door i don't want to talk to her she's just gonna bully me like in school okay [Music] looks like no one is home i guess no one is home oh why is that open hello [Music] oh oh oh oh oh what boy are you seriously back again are you trying to make mommy upset but mummy enough boy you probably did something you're not supposed to right don't poke your nose into something that could get you in trouble don't be like your dad [Music] okay okay ma you got him uh all right so lesson learned i probably only have one more shot to deliver all the food and i gotta be a good boy i probably should have placed it before uh before they got to the door okay it was this floor and it was that door no one's home well i definitely don't want to go to that one again i've got four boxes of food and three flights of stairs left surely someone will want this food nope alrighty then poppy puppy puppy hello [Music] hi yeah what do you want i got food oh man you caught me in the best timing possible i almost decided to just eat this little never mind thank you we used to have a bag of food down there but some school girl kept trying to steal it i guess she succeeded ah goodbye could that school girl be my arch nemesis from school i think that was all the way up in floor five i don't think it was this one i think this one's no one's home yeah no yeah it was floor five definitely hi as much as i love hearing you bully me you gotta give back the dog food or else this person's gonna eat their dog and that's no good hi oh wow you're a little crab [Music] because i see your ugly face that's what makes me cry anyway what are you doing here without your mummy and daddy is that food i smell give it to me no you had some nerves hand it over why do you always have to make things difficult for me you think i'm the one stealing their food damn right i am i've hidden it away i got to teach that man a lesson his dog licked me the other day how disgusting dog germs someone call an ambulance call the fire department his dog will probably starve to death any time now don't think about ruining my plan all right great maybe i should just give that guy another plate of food so his dog doesn't starve also he could go buy more food no whatever it's all fine i got two plates left and that's it and somewhere there's some dog food i don't know where though hello hi oh you have a knife what are you doing here boy food oh it's fine little one i'm not hungry at all how about a chat instead no thank you hopefully thank you it's been a long time since i had a chat you see my wife just passed recently so it gets pretty lonely after a while especially this place gets to you eventually for example it felt like it was only yesterday that i met my wife at the same time it felt like it was only yesterday that i found her lifeless body with a knife stuck in her throat i'm gonna cut to the chase boy tell me do you think that it's wrong for an innocent person to get murdered yes do you think anger is normal when someone hurts our loved ones [Music] yes do you think murderers should be punished do you think i'm the murderer food food food you want food okay yes then if you found out your loved ones for example your mom is a murderer do you think she should be punished i mean yeah technically so honest so innocent it seems that all is not lost come in and rest for a bit i insist okay don't worry about your mum i'll get it oh i guess i didn't do it right i should have been more cheerful and chipper in this i went as like a little baby approach i should have just been like thumbs up man what are you doing here boy food hey food i'm not hungry how about we chat instead no okay thank you it's been a long time my wife just passed pretty lonely after a while especially this place it could see eventually it feels like yesterday only but at the same time it was like it was only yesterday that i found her lifeless body with a knife suck in her throat i'm gonna cut to the chase boy do you think it's wrong for an innocent person to get murdered no i see the son of the devil is finally upon me out maybe i'll just not go to that door maybe i'll just not you know hey is that dog food wow i found the stolen dog food no one is home hello there's a kind of a stabby man upstairs hi how you doing oh hey is this the rumored tradition whenever a new neighbor moves in yes sure yes oh food wow yes sorry i've never experienced it before ha what's this dish called i don't know i remember dad's friend lives on level seven uh sorry i don't to sound ungrateful but it looks so slimy thanks i guess wait is that an eyeball oh so me mom is indeed a murderer i don't know what to do about that was it this floor that had the dog no it was down one more i think it was down one actually i think it was down even one more i found your dog food please donate your paparino duh i'm always done one more you got back our food thank god just put the bag back crap gotta go kids thanks again what happened what what all right whatever there you go well what are you gonna do about nerd all right you'll regret this will i did i you mad that someone's not gonna have to eat their own dog well something to be mad about all right [Music] hi are you my dad's friend i can see why you're such good friends with my dad hi hey you're the cute kid from level nine what are you doing all alone at night food you want food oh you cutie you must be so tired oh wow your mom really made this i just have to know her recipe hi hilary it's me laura yeah your sweet little kid just handed it to me kenneth is a very lucky man to have you cook for him every day huh what do you mean was ah let me guess he finally told you about us huh what do you mean that's not what you meant you psycho you better not move kid i need to go home to mummy uh oh wow my god hi this is for tricking me to eat that so-called oh ow ouch ouch how i didn't know it was a chase well all right peek-a-boo oh uh hi hello oh god you're quick hi no oh oh oh oh hi hello hi uh okay again with this this now all right so then this uh this girl is being an hi what's up can i get by oopsies hi what are you gonna do uh wait why do you i just notice your eyeballs are in your mouth why okay you can go i'm going home mom mommy good job dear i'm very proud of you now go to your room and go to bed mommy got some leftover business to take care of i liked i feel like the audio design could have used some extra love but i liked it very creepy and off put it i'm not saying it was bad i'm just saying it probably needed just a little more richness to it but the simplicity did work if that was a style choice i'd take it back it was totally fine but i feel like it could have used a little more but i like that very fun okay moving on this is scp-847 which is actually an sap i'm not familiar with i can go look that up scp-847 is to be kept in a reinforced humanoid containment chamber for the purpose of ongoing behavioral studies the room is to be fully furnished with a bed dresser couch table chair full-length mirror sink shower and toilet the floor of the chambers to be constructed of one centimeter exposed beams of copper which can be electrified remotely with to a minimum 50 kilovolts potential a 50 centimeter squared safe zone at the rear right corner of the containment chambers to remain free of the copper beams in the case of personnel inside containment chamber during disabling of ascp-847 no meals are to be provided all personnel posted to scp-847 must be armed with a shock baton rated to 30 kilovolts or greater only xy males identifying as such are to be assigned are permitted within a 50 meter radius of scp-847 it's a human female mannequin that's all i need to know about it that's why there were all these mannequins in the main menu now it all makes sense it's all coming together oh hi how are you are you scp847 i am what you would call an xy male hi i missed those other instructions that were hidden behind my face okay well this is definitely gonna go good for me sure oh it's my favorite descending down into a basement always a good time why am i here am i one of the personnel i don't think i remember having a shock baton okay i don't see any exposed copper wiring around here well that's flooded awfully quiet well as much as i love walking down empty dark hallways [Music] i would often like to know why hi do i need a generator am i crazy or am i hearing things just little things off to the sides by the way though youtube those are mannequins don't demonetize me please well this is always comforting knowing that i have no idea why i'm here or what i'm doing was i supposed to do something with that generator probably oh all right again what is that am i inside a store i'm inside some kind of a store so there probably was something oh hang on no [Music] i'm clicking as hard as i can clip again why someone's throwing a tantrum over there what's the deal what did i get i missed it because i i uh was distracted but i got something it was either a key to a door somewhere else or some useful item that's gonna help me in some other department but that was easy to miss so great good again i heard the thing what is that i don't like not knowing what's going on ah it was a key okay good who's telling a funny joke over there hey hold it for me hey save some laughter for me i like a good joke yeah thanks oh are you starting to cry because i'm approaching and you don't want to tell the joke anymore and you're sad that i won't get it why are you insulting my intelligence and my ability to get the jokes look well oh grid good i bet that probably activated some kind of a pump or i need to put a pull press turn the big red wheel that i saw in the other room ah that's that's lovely that's good stuff you'd think that uh you'd think that a building like this might actually have good electricity and wouldn't need to rely on a generator i did it okay thanks for closing the door for me how you doing i am what you call an xy male oh i'm sorry did that offend you oh i can't get out i didn't want to anyway i wanted to go down here oh no never mind i can't why can't i oh now i can that's i am not an xy male i am not an xy male someone having a good time over here is that someone hey okay that's fine what do i see here [Music] sucks i don't know this is probably some kind of a puzzle there's definitely ah i see okay well this is going to take some doing all right oh thankfully i think it's in the same order as that one i see there must be some kind of symbols that's a symbol that i think was on the list uh [Music] hey howdy neighbor how you doing hey good to see you you having a good time over there good okay so we do have cymbals we got like that cog wheel and a cog and like a ribbon i'm not seeing that on here i see the cog but oh it's top zx okay so 17 and that's a swirly whirlpool which is a a 11 so it's either 11 17 or 17 11. yeah oh it's six numbers okay so there's one more here oh there it is eyeball cog cog ball n f oh there's one there too but i oh yeah that's there too that means there are four okay so we had k which is eight and f ninety two eight well that's too many numbers 92 8 11 17. that's one too many numbers oh no wait one two it's okay right so there are enough numbers okay let's just do a 19 92 17 8 and 11 9 2 17 8 11. nope okay there must be something that tells me the order ah here we go one two three three one two i guess we could just try all the different combinations let's try eleven seventeen eleven seventeen nine two eight seventeen eleven eight oh oh i did it i i did it i thought i would have got that by now but turns out it was the very last one that i could brute force hey what's going on pal hey what's going on buddy okay uh okay oh who wants to play peek-a-boo come on who wants to play i know i do i don't who is that someone wants some peekaboo i see you i don't see anything please i don't want to see anything i'd rather see nothing actually i don't want to be blind don't blind me don't do it oh okay those are my eyes oh ow oh ow ouch oh beautiful oh oh oh oh oh i'm dead i'm going towards the light this is lovely really lovely i like it a lot hey this ain't so bad you eater can you tell me what you are can you understand me oh cool good great how did you learn to do this do what how old are you that doesn't make any sense do you know who i am [Applause] thanks do you know what a doctor is in your own fashion at least oh so i'm not a medical doctor i have a doctorate could you tell me what you are [Applause] a doctor could you be more specific i shall enlighten you okay cool thank you how do you enlighten people okay all right we're gonna be a little pedantic are we what do you think so it could just be two plus two could you explain what you mean [Applause] okay i do not wish to do that at the moment may i ask you some more questions [Applause] [Applause] can you teach me through talking to me okay hey wait i didn't say i didn't want to be enlightened [Music] you know that was a little bit of a strange endeavor i don't know why that happened but apparently i have not been enlightened so i'm just as stupid as i was when i entered this shop looking for a sale of some kind i'm assuming or to steal something i'm back now i'm bleeding now i'm a mannequin now [Music] oh i guess i am a mannequin did that cause my enlightenment you know if i was gonna die either way i think i would have taken the enlightenment pretty cool i hadn't even heard of that scp it was in the top thousand and i never even looked at it pretty cool i like it moving on this well hey how you doing over there this is the apartment it's apparently an unfinished game with a quickly done ending oh okay oh hi i've not heard from my brother for a few weeks now and i start to worry a bit i have decided to go visit him in his apartment to see if there's anything wrong all right oh okay let's see my brother lives in apartment 24. if only i brought my glasses i can't really read those numbers from here uh 24 i hope it's not the flickering one here's 20. knock knock anybody seen my brother this is dark well it just ends there so that's fine hello knock knock anybody home all right either these doorways are small or i'm rather tall hello all right i swear i know my numbers i'm just checking if there's anything else bottle recycling right this is a department 24. oh my camera's gone well that's inconvenient lexian put up a uh artist's rendition of my face no need to animate the mouth or anything like that unless you could do just a quick automated to my voice signal thing waveform whatnot whatever if that's too much work abandon the process and never even remember that i asked to do it in the first place and berate me heavily insult me hello at some point my camera will come back but for now this is the way that we live this is what we have hello it's in the basement great coming from the trees well which is it these are two different things hello not my brother speaking i said hello you laughing or crying i'm gonna go with laughing i'm an optimist hello all right well brother what lovely art you've chosen to decorate your house with i think that's a light switch over here the roots roots everywhere okay good why hold on hold on hold hold my now my camera is charging for some reason it it was plugged in but the bat whatever you don't care oh i'm sorry someone in the bathroom i'm coming in i'm coming in all right fine be that way i'm not coming in there hello all right something about roots something about coming from all right yeah i don't need to watch that that'll rot my brain roots all right you telling me to remember my roots remember my brother is there something behind here oh this must be the keys for the kitchen door i didn't know the kitchen door could have its own key there's something behind there all right let's see if my camera's back hello all right i'm back let's see how long it lasts probably not long hello right well oh you know i don't need to go in there i'm just gonna say i don't need to go in there i don't need to and i won't and i shan't and i shouldn't let me guess that was the kitchen door there i just couldn't see anything inside of it i don't have an inventory do i you know this didn't seem like it had a lock oh what am i what am i hearing light switch i can't see anything i i don't know what that's about don't go down there down where was this the kitchen oh i think there's a light switch i'm going for it [Music] okay is that a bone whoa is my brother cooking up smells delicious nice pizza his door is locked but why feel like there's something important here but i'm not seeing it okay what is that the penis oh ah he's the bedroom door great what a secure house we have here my brother was one for safety didn't seem to save him though brother are you there okay there are no bedrooms here oh it must have like i said i don't know why i keep going back when there's a door in there that i did not try of course of course that's what i get for showing my face around here there is no need shhh looking at this weird baby trophy stop yes this makes sense are those roots i see oh hmm good great well any other keys root killer ah oh wow nice book um can i burn you no maybe i could uh get a get a like a can of hairspray and make a flamethrower uh light this heat up some food what do i need the lighter for it's light that's what take this and this take this all right fine you're not doing anything which is okay i get it i understand it's fine power went out i think there's a utility room in the hallway outside uh so this oh my god [Music] good thing i went in the closet [Applause] i'm gonna just go now what was in here you were in the bathroom oh god who's behind the curtain who was behind the curtain i'll burn it down hi hello [Music] ah that's what i thought a hallucination caused by my brother's rampant growing of this new strain of weed very powerful all right anyway go turn the power on and not run away screaming at the top of my lungs hi well can't open that so i guess i'm just screwed was it out here i should get the utility room key hanging from the lamp in the closet before i leave of course that is a very specific hint good thing i knew that and notice that good thing good thing oh oh that is hard to see he's for the utility room out in the hallway why did my brother have this i don't know a little bit of mosey on my way well see you around bro i am out of here and never coming back hello utility utilita yeah oh hey uh what the hell is this yeah what the hell is this not what the hell was everything that was happening in my brother's apartment that specifically all right hello any root problems kind of reminds me of um dark wood which i freaking loved i wasn't too happy about how it ended but whatever the exit is blocked by these strange roots how it ended for me specifically not necessarily how it ended in general ah there was a door here in the darkness that which controls power has no light how ironic is that pizza no is that a tampon maybe uh 24 power on need to get back to the apartment but why you want some of this you want a piece of me huh [Music] well i won pretty sure that was obvious okay so apparently don't go charging at the giant root monster that's about to blow your brains out i guess i won't do a final confrontation of epic proportions it's me against the villain my last stand the only one left yeah no i need to switch the breaker you're probably right i'm trying to aha i had to click it sometimes you have to click sometimes you don't so what do i do about you pal oh you know what i'm gonna go back here nah nah [Laughter] oh my god oh [Music] okay well that was apparently not the answer or maybe it was that i wasn't supposed to stand directly in front of the doorway where it could have come charged at me maybe that was the thing that got me good i thought i had it i thought i had it apparently i did not have it hours back on all right let me try dodging it all right buddy come at me come at me you can't you can't oh twinkle pose over there you think you can watch this he still gets you turns out he's go get you maybe i do got to do the matador style kind of just like get to the room and then don't stand directly in front of the door where he could get me because his twinkle toes be twonkling come at me okay i'm gonna stand right here he can never get me whoa what am i seeing what i can't see i'm going i'm just gonna run for it i made it i survived i'm fine get back to this apartment definitely this is where i need to go i would be tearing those roots down with my bare hands okay i'm back home now this is pretty well made i'm really happy with this i don't know why it didn't get finished oh seems to be a few more roots than there once were ah fun oh ah oh oh ah tv you're gonna turn on you're gonna turn on you're gonna turn on you're gonna turn on didn't think so all right love going in a basement what did i just hear what was that what is this where's my lighter i'm going for it hi are you the great spirit of the tree that lurks behind below my brother's apartment oh oh my god what is this this is where it all comes from hey bro is that you trapped in there i should really get out of here and get some help oh yeah now now i would agree with you i i do agree uh all right oh oh oh oh oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god not now oh you come right at me [Music] i probably have to ring around the rosie oh no i just had to die all right i like that i like the style really did a lot with the sound and also just like the whole tree and root thing i think is an often overlooked horror element it's very nice i love it like dark wood really embraced that with like the natural horror of the trees it's really fun stuff but i like that a lot very good for an unfinished thing felt pretty finished to me that'll do it for this episode of three scary games thank you everybody so much for watching hope you enjoyed it check out more scary games that i played linked in the description many more spooks waiting for you and as always i will see you in the next video what are you expecting a jump scare [Music] what's wrong with you bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 7,174,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games 80, markiplier, scary games, scariest, horror, horror games, indie horror, playthrough, walkthrough, lets play, gaming, markipliergame, mark fischbach, lixian, the apartment, scp, scp 847, leftovers game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 52sec (2752 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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