PEEK-A-BOO! | Resident Evil 2 - Part 1

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Okay, imma say it:

Mark is terrible at this. He's too panicky.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Akesgeroth πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I just completed my first playthrough of the game, and this is beyond frustrating to watch. I really hope he gets the hang of things.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Didact67 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


Me: "Why did you cut him down?"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bubster101 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to resident evil 2 now I am a little bit sick I'm on the recovering end of a flu or a cold there's something like that but I'm feeling better now and I'm feeling good enough to record this game but if I'm a little sluggish I'm a little out of my mind it's because I'm hopped up on cold medicine and I'm going a little insane now there's an option to play as either Leon or Claire and I imagine that there are two facets of the same story so I'm just gonna go with what was first Leon here Oh hardcore hmm well I don't need to I'm not a big bubble on baby so I don't need assisted mode I think I'll just go standard cuz that seems good to me I like standard Moana so let's do this let's see what awaits us in the okay last Friday night I was walking home from the bar this woman started coming towards me she's staggering you know so I figured she was drunk okay tell us be honest now how many drinks did you have no man I barely had a buzz on oh c'mon look just listen alright she got closer and I got a good look at her yet is he her eyes her nose it's like shelter the corpse sounds like my wife hey you gotta stay strong don't give in to fear out there right just getting good I need some sleep [Applause] mmm first blood goes to a truck driver huh good job buddy probably a zombie probably hopefully wasn't huh well no good for nobody Claire Oh Oh now I haven't played the original Resident Evil 2 so I have no idea how close this is to the intro story of it or what I really don't know but I'm curious right I'm curious how much they just recreated how much they actually took new Liberty on cuz it's fascinating either way of areas well there is all there's our boy so handsome hey I like your butt chin it's very cute alright whatever you carry on you can't harm me that's a little weird haha called it see we're like two peas in a pod do you and I we're gonna be good friends soon we're gonna be good friends huh somebody spilled jam everywhere that's no good oh I'm so excited so I'm so excited I'm so excited hello hi hey you got a shotgun or anything in here I'm probably gonna need like a shotgun shear if all right whatever you say man this looks like the gas station from I wanna be toast I want to be the bread was it I am bread Oh No so I answered so unbelievably happy there I'm here hello mister until dawn looking teenager guy something's not right no no is it your special police skills that makes you think that the blood on the floor rain right that's someone else's breathing hello Oh hmm all right hey buddy buddy don't move I'll be back for you uh okay thank you for the Poynting very helpful all right whoa ha ha ha I love it come on bring it on what have you got huh what do you got monster zombie gonna jump out of me oh I know how this goes freeze I'll shoot I really goofed this one come on Topanga and don't be oh no oh no he's not dead is he one more for good measure there we go Wow come on stay down dude Oh stay down you know I really goofed this one I feel like this is my fault because you had that completely handled and then I had to come in here and ruin everything so I mean that's entirely my fault oh hello hey I know I got my priorities right oh hello okay storage room key you got it baby uh-huh inventory huh okay everything is a-okay I don't feel any remorse whatsoever okay hey easy peasy lemon squeeze me it sure is this whole like quiet walk he um oh I okay wait nice sick moves tight legit moves you must be Jill I think so Thanks you can thank me later when we're safe yeah it's probably not good lie to you to know I can yell come on [Applause] now it's a lot of Hope in the now just you know have the key in it and turn on like that wait you're a cop yeah Leon Kennedy you are clear I live around here no looking for my brother he's a cocktail well it's a good thing we found each other I don't know what to expect anymore yeah a little peculiar yeah not so uh not so good what's happening in this city how the weather well weathers real messed up yeah hey anyway you got boyfriend hello oh no whoa I love interest sequences [Music] very interesting [Music] no I'm just so excited about this game I was wondering about this - because remix usually remakes don't go over so good but for some reason this remake I've been unbelievably excited for I think it's just because Resident Evil 7 like raise the bar of Resident Evil games really high and then when they're they were remake and readers aren't evil to like with this still having third-person but I mean it's not like the independent cameras that are all strung up in the ceiling but it's interesting [Music] police stations not much farther don't know something mmm what if we're the only ones if there's no survivors they're survivors it's a big city has to be has to be has to be don't be so stupid come on now there's got to be survivors they can't all be horrible zombies I mean I've done simulations of zombies infecting cities the more people there are it always turns out better walking from here it's just okay yeah uh no just a regular day in New York huh [Music] oh hey I ass the truck driver shouldn't even that murder now yeah good luck with that Oh oh [ __ ] well that's not good yeah I would guess the gas would be leaking out of that thing and not the but giant truck full of gas oh Claire no Claire Oh No okay well Claire's gone definitely in for sure Claire blown to smithereens Oh okay you got it all right cool which way do I go this out-of-control this is nuts there's Barker's this is bingo Bongo I'm gonna go down this alley everybody ignore what's going on there everybody yeah yeah turned into some have all become succumb to drugs that's what this place is absent station what oh okay yeah I could just climb over the cars and stuff I'm not I'm not that we can kind of nimble young and handsome and full of vigor life okay here we go excuse you don't need the dog do you I don't need this pardon me good thing it's unlocked why would they lock it why would they lock it in the face of this horrible city good luck Claire Claire you ain't getting it here so um have a good day oh this is cool ooh hello can i bash this down there's someone there oh yeah three people I really shouldn't have wasted all my bullets on that one guy but you know how I am when it comes to stupid we uses of my bullets I am extremely stupid and my bullets are very quickly gone okay hello is anybody here excellent Oh excellent excellent oh so nice all right gotta save us wait this is the bomb this is the beast tits hello it's the same thing as it was before there has to be someone here there does and this time I'm not gonna be rushed going through this I'm actually gonna look to try to find the things that I need to find because if I don't find them then I'm an idiot uh-huh okay whatever you say ma'am I got good feeling about your survival chances I feel very good about you okay I'm gonna find that guy Oh deluxe weapon why why do I get deluxe weapons I did not order a deluxe edition okay whatever does he store that away whoa huh a key why do I need a key do I need that key do I need this key Damon this is only for the storage room right I would never need this for anything else here right okay I'm gonna put this way bad way and we'll get that later okay Matilda I'm sorry babe you gotta you gotta go you gotta go no here we go let's do this baby all right sure yeah safe oh this smells real safe real familiar and real safe oh yeah the safety and the familiar this place really smells right hello alright now this time I'm gonna take my time there's a fuse something that needs to be fused did nothing there I mean there's something in there oh I see what's going on in there oh oh you can't get me with the same scares that you got me before with what with and such as oh I got this oh I got it oh I didn't go in here before whoa doors magically closed behind me eh well well well I need to make sure whoa I need to make sure this is in the two slot have you beat - all right just in case just in case you get up which I have a funny feeling you might whoa okay good what was this room for some kind of press conference [ __ ] some way to get everybody in one room and then kill them okay whatever I'm leaving I guess there's some spaghetti on the table but I'm not feeling like pasta hello excuse me hard anymore hey yeah alright well that's different I don't remember there being a hydrant here but I do remember there being a bathroom there's one thing I know it's barging into women's bathrooms hello it's me again good to see you good to see you oh very good to see you good to see you okay I can only have one of those ads I'm good to see you okay I saw it in wipe Raul ooh uh-huh gross yes don't look so good hmm you need not rush me sir you need not be so violently [ __ ] ish you just need to be calm and collected I am gonna get to you in due time does I have a funny feeling it doesn't matter when I get to you because you're gonna die all the same yeah a lasat huh who's there oh I'll get you I'm gonna get you out I'll get you out or in Wow oh that looks like it smarts a little bit that don't look good what's a first aid spray we're gonna spray it on you probably do a little God is something good to you Friday something oh you just let me know let me know when you uh you know when you think something good here I don't know what that means but then again I didn't know what it meant last time so I guess we're fine anyway you have a good days are stepping on you a little bit there come on oh poor big cheongha big jungle jungle do the towel that's gonna need some spray or pink we're going you can't stop me hey you don't cut that [ __ ] out now wonder what's through that window you think I can get through that window what hey hello buddy and I just want to get through that window I just want to see what can I get through here I can't oh I can not jump no [ __ ] no that's a big no-no I don't want to be that oh oh no I did my best I did the best I could with the last two bullets I had some of them coming through here with a lot less than I had previously yep there you go easy peasy pulling a bullet left hi hey buddy hey how you doing Leon Kennedy there was another officer I could take my bloody hand come on so you did what you could come on I've gotta give you my bloody knife you want a bloody notebook yeah but honestly all you need to know is that this place will eat you alive if you are careful yeah well I'm supposed to start last week and I got a call a stay away I wish I'd come here sooner yeah now that's all that matters [Applause] okay lieutenant I'm ready hopefully we'll be able to find a way out of this station that officer you made earlier Elliott he thought this secret passageway might do the trick hmm this is good news we can get you to a hospital no no I am NOT the priority here lieutenant I'm not just gonna leave you here I'm giving you an order rookie you save yourself first I'd come with you but I just slow you down Wow a hero you'll need this I can't take stop don't make my mistake if you see one of those things uniform or not you do not hesitate you take it out or you run got it yes sir okay all right good talk man good talk buddy man he seems so nice I hope this knife doesn't break because the last knife that I got was really crap like real whose real crap like it was bad who's grumbling yeah who's grumbling huh what some muck grumbly mumbling yeah burn out grumbling mumbling me all right we're going much the same way that we went before but I'm gonna go through it as if I've never gone through it just in case there's something different happening are there cooties yeah so awesome like crumbly Mobley's all right whatever yeah man first-day blues whatever all right reloading with goon not that I'm gonna need it yeah come on rumbly tumbly x' huh maybe I want tussle what's with these hydrants these weren't here before there definitely weren't there definitely porn hydrants hmm huh weird yeah it's not very good oh you so I'm gonna happen I'm watching you I don't think wait does not do anything if you're not looking at it oh you dick okay I'm just gonna ignore you Oh real oh you're not gonna do you're not gonna do some huh you want Russell what dumb Ross out huh you wanna tussle the muscle okay you did some all right you listen listen why are you jiggling it what why are you jiggling it let's stop jiggling it stop it okay you're done you're done right Jenko jiggle no more you've done jiggling little wiggle and the jiggle ain't gonna happen you weird ah what is this this for oh it's got a I see I see the thing am I supposed to do something about this maybe the wooden planks oh the wooden planks that I was collecting before ah I'm not you're not gonna fool me this time for a fool me once a fool on you fool me twice fool for you hello thank you alright what else we got ooh oh oh yeah that seems like something I was supposed to do hey I got a map or good map screen is useful for more than your current location I can show you points of interest in items that you have found but haven't picked up yet okay good good good good good good great oh you didn't see nothing you didn't see nothing you don't see nothing spicy spicy secret dang spicy secret oh hey buddy how you doing friend whoa whoa like what no what what am i oh oh he had ammo yeah alright you're definitely dead all right hey hey hey pal you would that's what I thought wait hang on this is also what I thought I follow up thoughts to my previous thoughts that you had that really does a lot of durability damage to my knife like that I don't like that it does so much durability damage what am I gonna do with all that durability damage alright whatever oh okay I know you're awesome with my muscle okay I why did I do that there was no point in doing that I don't know why I did that okay uses a gun powder I know what gun powder does I know what it's for I know what it's for I'll take that I am okay I did that this is safe there there's that guy there I don't have the combination for the safe I got nothing hey okay I shouldn't waste my ammo like that but here I am wasting ammo just like that rookies first assignment Leon s Kennedy we're putting you on a very special case for your first assignment your mission is to unlock your desk - the key to your success is in the initials of our first names and put the letters in it order of our desks there are two locks one is make sure you get them both oh it's so nice basically your task is to remember your fellow officers names but you figured that much out right good luck Leon by the way it might take a little work to get Scott to give you a straight answer scrawled in the corner between drops of blood be glad you're not here rookie oh no okay well that's sad all right well okay there's two locks all right so I gotta get no no no no no no no hang on can you stay down for good please can you just stay down for good okay so I got to get the desks the names of the okay Marvin Braun aghh Rita okay great Neil Elliot and I have that okay what do we got three others no weapons in no ammo and too many skirmishes friendΓ­s officer Phillips once suggested we escape through the sewers apparently there's a secret tunnel Russ trough before but now it's not so bad okay Eliot Edward officer Phillips that's Eliot Edward so n e ne P and E okay there's no P there we go Ned all right and then this one was Marvin Rita and blank okay there we go mr G okay good yeah my desk hey that's for Matilda I don't use Mattila but I'm not using Matilda I got a suite special oh you sack that was not always not you all right oh that's nice that's so sweet okay whatever I'm out oh [ __ ] oh okay well I can't do that either all right so there was no point of this at all no need for any of that no need no need there is no need I'm gonna get one of these I'm gonna get this even though I don't have space in my goddamn thing cuz they're uh they're a bunker-buster is there a monkey yeah is a bunker-buster okay put this away put this away I'm gonna put this away because I don't need it maybe I should use Matilda yeah whatever I'm not gonna do it and I'm gonna keep that alright here we go oh where is where is the the some where is the code thing for the the weapons Locker the shotgun unless they're not gonna give that to me right away because getting the shotgun that early might have been just a thing for the demo and not necessarily a thing for anything else might have been it cuz I think I remember I would have gotten that by now but apparently I don't have it so no worries let me just store these all right and then when we look at this save our easy peasy and whatever this is herbs herbs herbs herbs no important alright hello goodbye oh there that goes hey buddy I'm not gonna bother with you oh hey hey friend hey yeah oh yes oh oh yeah ah I remember okay portable safe oh okay so I got a portable safe I guess interesting okay I get it oh I like that it plays a nice noise what did I get oh it's simple it's [ __ ] I got a bunch of [ __ ] I got a piece of [ __ ] that's great I'm so happy about that what is it Wow it's a keyboard key it's the thing okay wait I know wait I need to go back because I missed something I missed the whole weapon area that's right I did what hey don't do that all right I miss the whole weapon area I did I did I did yeah oh it's locked is that the whole weapon area you know do you know about the weapon area I missed uh some kind of a washer oh listen hey buddy oh no what who's there okay yeah you guys stayed Oh laughs no no no this this one this yeah the weapon then this and put the key in use yes and then I can get into 206 or 202 wait hang on okay ah 102 102 102 yeah then I can get into 102 right it's just that easy now I don't think I'm gonna be able to get the uh I don't think I'm gonna be able to get the shotgun just right away because I don't think that the game will let me get the shotgun that right away it's not a camera thing bullets in 109 perfect easy man who knows we're never getting bullets would be this easy can I have those all right put those there aw so many bullets love it Oh two or three oh no oh that's gonna be hard oh I need the button huh [ __ ] you smart you smart okay 2:08 are you gonna be like that huh can I have that back please thank you I know it's almost broken but I'm about to get another one in 103 oh [ __ ] I can't do that you find some spare keys ya find some spare keys all right I'm gonna use this ahh I just spray it on my wounds all better now baby I can't get this cuz I don't have the thing but that's okay because I don't I don't think I was supposed to get the thing alright 2:07 I can get to a seven at least yes joy okay okay let's get it let's get you out of here that was almost not worth it almost not worth it I mean it's kind of worth it but it was almost not worth it I'm just gonna go up and I'm gonna go ahead because I'm sure that I'm gonna be coming back here sometime soon before I do that I'm gonna go and dump stuff off at the locker and then I'm gonna say okay say VIN let's do this alright so we got to make our way back up we're still looping back through the stuff we saw in the demo so not too big I'm pretty sure that the boards are for those windows but I'm not gonna worry about the board just yet I am gonna worry about the guy that fell down I don't know where or how but that guy fell now what do we get up here hello thank you for that thank you hello baby how you doing Oh oh yeah the key ah the key no the key I need the key that's important so the key can unlock not only the area head that I'm gonna come back to but also the area down below you know I'm gonna worry about it now you're gonna worry about it because it's not my problem because it was an area just down here below that I could unlock and I'm more interested in seeing all the nooks and crannies that I had not gone to that's weird art for a police station then I am making sure that I blaze forward in the story because I don't want to miss nothing and I know then I'm gonna miss stuff so don't mind if I go one way or another she's just [ __ ] Lord my supple neck my necks taken enough of a beating already please my supple delicious neck alright so if I do this here out of being on a bingo what's in here hey oh ah I meant i okay yeah name's Claire I came into town with her you can get to that courtyard the second floor I'm on it thanks lieutenant okay well also lieutenant I didn't know that that it's just led right back here I had a sneaky suspicion and I probably should have known a little more about that but I didn't know so so who where's this guy you saw stop being such a dick why these guys all dicks to me what are you gonna be in the exact dick place where dick a tree happens I can't be nice I'm just trying to get a little farther anyway whatever I'm sure I'm gonna be going all over this police station back and forth no matter what I do so I'm not exactly worried about missing out on something right here right now and also these combinations for these goddamn coats they gotta be like there's got to be like a localized little answer or hint to the puzzle that says what it is right it wouldn't just be blank I don't know maybe it would be it was there a scary thing those have over here I don't remember somebody please describe it to me hello to any survivors consider this a gift still fortunate unfortunate enough to be alive keep your eyes peeled for those creepy [ __ ] that look like they were skinned alive lickers we call them they're blind as bats but they're hearing more than makes up for that as long as you don't run around like a total idiot guns a-blazing you should be able to slip right by them properly either way make like my grandma and creep around as slow as possible right anyway not that I want to go but duty calls dead on I've got a friend to avenge oh okay that's not good that's what I would call not good I don't like the sound of that I don't like the smell that I don't like anything about that okay okay so do I need to worry about why for a bit spooked by that you're not spook rate twice I will not be double spooked what's over here huh where's this I've been here I've been here and I've been you hello I need yes hip pouch um I have a bunch of fanny packs I'm gonna be the most fanny pack guy in the history of forever okay this is the c4 man I already know about this so there's c4 here but I don't have a trigger for it so it's just gonna stay there for now okay looks good looks good looks good looks good okay all right what do we got going on here some people down there a real real swingy chandelier maybe I could shoot that and drop it on somebody oh all right that's good to know what's over here he gods my egads I gods ye gods i goodness gracious I'll take whatever that is another knife Thanks where you got this I need that back at some point your brain deflated can I have my knife back or is that the only now's the only knife I got okay all right you have anything I need all right cool great good talk guys could talk what is this I oh whoa it's a puzzle I know the puzzle there's a journal there's a journal okay upper floors map good great good great I've missed some stuff in there but that's all right okay good what is this gunpowder perfect what's in here nothing hey listen you don't need to do nothing about that I need to read my journal some all right here we go notebook here we go ah this is the unicorn fish lobster olive oil fish lobster olive oil the fish lobster olive oil there we go hey I got a unicorn medallion which is perfectly normal thing to have in a police station perfectly normal Oh the party's here Oh goodbye party parties goodbye your goodbye there we go oh wait oh come on that's very annoying whoa what no whoa whoa I need some spray yeah man this is harder than I thought it'd be I'm out of spray I don't have nearly enough spray who'd have thought that I would have used up all my spray this quickly oh I got one in the storage I know that okay the trick of the day is to not let them get that close because that seems to be a stupid thing that I constantly do and I need not to do is hard it's hard guys hard all right so I got a map there's an upper area I left that there somehow where is that where's that ah that was on the body of the guy but I didn't want to get too close to the body because I thought that the body would have been a bad thing to get close to okay I know that now I need to go get some spray and I'll get it eventually oh yeah the lion the lion I forgot about the lion okay the Lions right here well that's easy okay lion lion branch and bird okay lion Hey all right cool what is easier than I thought it'd be is so easy what does that mean that this lady down here is the other one or does it is this where those things go probably where the things go how are you doing you need some spray all right good talk buddy hey thanks for the encouraging words you really always a bright shining light at dark time so glad that you are the way that you are all right I need to stop being such an idiot and I need to get this here I need to put that in put that in put that in put that in and there we go use art I'm all better easy-peasy gonzo ones oh and stop being bitten that's the order of the day I just need to stop being bitten so long as I can stop being bitten I can stop being such an idiot let me see if I can go up here in the room over here it seems like it might be open yeah cuz it seems like it would be the way to Claire I think that was the whole point of what I was being told before so I'm gonna go try to find Claire we've officially reached the new area okay so this is good but also bad because I could possibly die horrible death because I don't know what's coming guide pamphlet ah block from the police station is an orphanage I think probably a bad thing I mean not saying the orphanages are a bad thing but for me oh [ __ ] okay well um there's the safe here I don't know how to deal with it that's it there's got to be something later on the game that tells me the combination for that but not here right now so why do I even worry about it Lukey hello hello [Music] um I'm gonna pretend like that didn't happen and everything will be a-okay I guess I'm just gonna pick this up now okay now I'm in the realm of unknown and I have a bad feeling that I don't know what the hell's happening here Oh cranky yank I don't have a crank or a yank I think in the art room hello Wow I don't know why a police station has an art room like this but it's lovely the Ruby that captivated Edward the Black Prince the Pearl that the Queen of the Nile milk dry the diamond that lead led a queen to the guillotine there is no end to the number of tales related to the appeal of jewels this mysterious red stone is simply the latest to Sparkle among them okay is there a point oh hey there's that thing that's what I was looking for and there's that thing the red ruby hey are you missing your arm here okay all right well it's an easy puzzle there you go buddy easy [ __ ] okay easy peasy mmm okay so I'm guessing something else is supposed to be in that arm before I can take out the red ruby key or the scepter or whatever that is okay I don't know but something's supposed to go in that hand so I don't have it so I'll move on let's not worry about it right now we got something else to worry about like the giant explosion that we just heard that's probably a whole lot of nothing but I'm gonna proceed as if it's a whole lot of something and then yeah I'll be good hello oh oh wow that's that's really something that is really a thing that happened Claire hold on I'll be right there okay whoa Oh problem Claire it's so nice to see you how are you doing that helicopter just over in one piece I'm guessing you don't have a key in one of those fancy pockets unfortunately no but how are you doing you know just surviving it's cute this is cute there's really cute brother yeah yeah clear don't lose hope I'm sure we're gonna find him oh damn it know what that means yeah oh I did it you take care of your stuff okay I never worried you need to go now through this both of us this is gonna be so cool because it's gonna be like two stories that we get to play through oh hey you're not you're not Claire I saw these Marvin do you copy Marvin oh sweet oh sweet I can cut through these now wait there was a bunch of these back in the other areas I gotta go back then I'll get there eventually hello oh no way oh no no no no way okay hang on yeah this is you you wait right there I gotta I gotta do some stuff hang on scooby-dooby is that a greener herb and on a mushroom left I have to chugalug one of those down hey you're up and Adam hey listen Bobby you don't need to do this gun powder I'll leave it right there I'll come back for it don't worry I definitely will that's a lot of bumping a whomping hey you thumping 1pp thumpy Wampus oh that's important I need fat I'll give up Adam okay am i fine can I combine this in this Oh oh that's probably a bad use of those but I did it any oh I'm in trouble I was great gunpowder oh boy oh boy okay can I get out of here oh that doesn't sound good hang on it's not a fuse oh it's an electrical part just as good as a fuse all right hang on I need it mmm okay need to do something thinking using my big brain using my big brain oh [ __ ] all right whatever oh my big brain ain't gonna work let's do this Oh big brain holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] all right there is problem many problems Russia many problems okay I promise you to read up on them the herbal mixing guide because I don't seem to remember exactly what I was supposed to do and when I was supposed to do it so Oh No what are you doing here I'm gonna get you yeah perfect I need that back though oh [ __ ] I'm not alive I'm not live my swords my knife is good oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] dude I thought two of them taking me down would have been death for certain but okay I don't I don't have anything to take what is that stuff flash this doesn't help me it doesn't help what is but oh my knife that's right my knife is gone okay can I drop that awesome I'm gonna drop could I discard but I don't want to discard it I don't want to discard it I'm trying to okay I'm just gonna gun through here above gob we'll come back for it I'll come back for you I can't go back I can't go oh oh no oh boy oh wow Oh wowie Zowie this is bad holy crap okay um oh oh man Mamba Jamba I didn't go the ride in and do this right but there was there was ammo in here I remember that I left some ammo in here take that put that there with that there to put turn this on and off on was on on there was no point in coming here okay alright we're all fine everything's good this is great in fact it's so great then I'm gonna come back around here pick up the goddamn electrical part oh hey buddy listen friend you need not be here there we go finally a blown up head okay electrical part that goes there I need this here oh my god use it okay and we're up go go go go go go go go go go go go oh my god okay uh listen buddy I may have made a goofy I may have goofed you might be about to dead you might be about the dead friend that you might be about to dead i I mean you're obviously about to dead because of the whole like horrible thing in your side but you might be also about to dead because it's just not good here okay where did valve go let me think about where odd the showers I remember the showers right right right um if I go through here ride right perfect if I go through here and then jeez this is so much harder than I thought it'd be this is really quite difficult okay really quite oh yeah the locker I gotta get to Bhoomi gotta get the bang II get the movie of a good position here oh but get the boo me I'm gonna get the bang II and then heads gonna go bye-bye and then I'm gonna get what I need okay this is perfect I love this I could have put this there it is exactly as I was hoping it would be able to move you buy them and then Oh easy peasy all right you okay we're good reload you up oh yeah you want some of this you want some of this you want some of this huh is completely gone all right oh that's not it exactly what else all right let me get the shotgun shells out of that cool all right now that I've got a bit more umph to my boom I can oh I can do a little bit better than what I was doing before okay so I'm not gonna go that way I'm gonna go back and I'm gonna try let's see okay that's not where I'm gonna go where were that there were more chains there more chains may be back this way I don't remember I don't quite remember I can't go nod this is a dead end that's okay whatever oh that's right [Applause] okay god this is who's nerve-wracking it's tense it's legit all right let me read whoa hey buddy you you're right you want some herbs or something you okay you all right oh that guy's gonna turn into a zombie that guy's definitely gonna turn I'm a read up real quick on herbs okay okay it doesn't say that but let me look at gunpowder okay let me let me combine no not that let me combine some gunpowder here oh I don't have enough room when you put this away let me let me combine this okay red and green herb okay and then we there we go oh that's a lot of that's a lot of ammo okay I'm gonna combine this two there okay put this there combine these perfect store that no not store that kid then I'm gonna put this this combine these two boom great no don't store those put those away all right this is good this is good this is good okay save cuz we're not doing great but we're doing okay man I'm torn up yeah so what did that get me and what do I need to do now I've got the cutters so I can go there's gotta be something that I can break open with the chains maybe something back here because I remember seeing chains no maybe that was in the early area man whatever it doesn't matter I think I remember seeing some chains in here nobody no no the valve ah whoa whoa whoa easy there buckaroo knee Hey been having more brain popping lately which is good I guess I don't think I want you're still jiggling I don't you know I don't want to be here I'm gonna go I'm gonna go around and up so I can get to the valve thing later not gonna worry about right now stop being such a little [ __ ] Leon you really need to stop being a [ __ ] Leon whoa Redbook was the red book - what do I do with the red book okay let's forget about the red book for now oh never mind I'm sorry I didn't know you were there didn't know that room was occupied I'm I apologize for everything that I've ever done in my life nice their brains are exploding lately which is a good sign of guessing all right put this here turn it shut off the steam yes okay good now I don't know what's going on in here okay oh hi you just chilling you're right you okay whoo all right the answer is yes you're doing just fine oh all right hello gunpowder good hello nothing good oh wait where where am I where am I not a hundred percent sure where I am have I been here that's weird I thought if I was this much above I am dead I know I'm dead I thought but [ __ ] all think was I was bowled over alright fine then I guess weird I guess that's I guess yeah I guess yeah that's that's fine okay just gonna be net oh I see you I see you okay so just okay all right okay just easy as pie nothing to fear fears for the week and the week is not what I am I low battery I don't have any space in my inventory internal memo 915 seven oh that's nice that's a code that's a code okay um [ __ ] resistant three number combination safe move two stars office Oh from stars office to west office one okay all right so the one at West office one which I'm not out ever since your where that one is but after I'll find it okay thank you for that so very kind of you oh oh I need a dongle alright so I need a USB dongle so once I find my USB dongle I'll be able to do what I need to do where I need to do it oh nice jacket oh nice grenade I don't have space for that I don't space for anything here there's something that you want me to have I'll gladly do it can I have this woo first-aid spray you know I love that um hang on a second oh oh I don't know what that did but I think it was good probably okay whatever can I combine this with mine there we go and then use that to move that no no no no examine it combined with that easy okay and then I can take this put it there then I can spray myself bada bing bada boom easy peasy probably a waste of spray because I think a spray is probably a full heal but you know at this point I'm just I call it the me being stupid tax it's just like I've been stupid up into this point so that's the tax that I need don't run of course he's gone of course he's gone oh that's a lot of blood on the walls boy nice butthole I don't know how to crouch there's a lot of clumping happening not my my feet and your tuchus is my god your tuchus is wonderful your tuchus is just Wow nice move you you are talented and I'm skub right I feel like you're just flaunting it now and I don't like that alright you know what you're you're good you're good oh um oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy okay alright I didn't doubt that this shotgun wouldn't have blown you from kingdom to come but um Oh what am I supposed to do what do I do [Music] okay I'm not entirely sure if I'm supposed to blast your ass he got me yeah there I go okay if I had a full load I wouldn't have taken a hit there ah that's what they all say oh really really I was just supposed to I'm supposed to go slow Hey good to see ya how's the family all right good to know can I just get one more little Oh that doesn't sound too good I'm doing fine though so I guess it didn't hurt that bad bit of a body in the way okay I guess that don't bother you none Hey are you doing what what the what what the hell that's insanity my mom oh come on seasons what a waste of bullets okay what was even the point of going on that way did I even get anything oh yeah I need I got the combination safe to the one west office great great great great west office one wherever this is there's a safe there great that's in the I know where that is I need to I know where that is okay I know it is what a waste to waste of everything I'm just a goddamn waste is what I am oh okay so in here oh I don't know what that was all about but we've got to save okay left nine right 15 left seven so 9:15 seven okay hey there we go Oh a new fanny pack I've been looking for you thank you so much thank you very much thank you I appreciate that and I appreciate you alright so now I got a little more one more carrying capacity which is always good well I went on a long detour to do something that I thought it was gonna be a lot easier than it was but it turns out it was not so let's just get back on track I need to put this away I got I've got the herb mix here will fully restore your health this blend of oh oh ah okay so I'm gonna keep one of these on me just to have that there I've got a book I've got something I've got a bunch of [ __ ] and I have no idea what to do with it but that's okay alright so I need to get to something over there maybe the red book is maybe the red book needs to go in the hand of the statue for the red gem I mean they're both red that's literally the only thing I have to go on right now well my sick brain is telling me that that's probably something remotely close to the truth and if it's not that I'm stupid and I apologize for nothing all right slam bam thank you ma'am where did you come from and why and don't even think about answering either those questions cuz I don't care oh come oh me that's what you get why are you do you know what I don't need to know about you I don't even want it all about you can I have that hand please sorry can I combine please tell me this is yes I have a big brain brain Oh perfect give me that [ __ ] give me this [ __ ] give it to me give me that [ __ ] give it to me there you go you stupid piece of crap now I don't know I don't know what this scepter is doing in this place but I've got a scepter now and I feel real good about myself I feel real good I feel like this is supposed to be this way you still there oh yeah right no no no all right fall over why don't you alright so I don't know if there's anything else over here that I needed well that's awfully exploding does this hurt me seems like that might hurt me but it's not hurting me so far so I guess it's okay there was something else out here that I forgot so I'm gonna go get that on the board hey buddies you still you alright alright good you stay stay cool anything over here can I get in there now alright this goes back down here you you son of a [ __ ] No okay you all right buddy we still good you need some spray or whatever all right was there something else in here that I missed cuz I remember there being other junk but I don't know if it was vital okay and I've got this red scepter and I don't know where the red scepter would go hey hey hey hey you shitlords need to get it together I don't think there was anything else all right good thing they they're afraid of getting out that way good thing good good thing huh all right so there's got to be something else for this red scepter now where would a red scepter go hey buddy hey pal where you you know anything about a red scepter okay all right see you later okay let me take a look at this thing oh oh oh would great I think that's for what did I get I just got a alright whatever sure there they examine of this bolt cutter very intense bolt cutter how about this anything examine up here all right whatever examine this dump this in my eyeball no nothing okay alright whatever whoa - Wow - head splosions alright well they're falling like flies okay so this one still says red so I'm assuming that there's something in here that I need I mean besides the obvious of small items but there must be something else in here that is valuable because I'm guessing that if it's red and it says it's currently searching then there's got to be something in the air of value that I need and I feel like in my rush oh alright I'm big it used Hey look at that keep the riffraff out okay riffraff street rat I don't buy that all right whatever okay I guess we're done here never mind but that's good because that says that what I need to do is I need to search the rooms so that I can get what I need to get which makes sense it makes sense it does make sense what storage room explose barricade I don't look okay all right so let's go with that in mind okay so I must have what I need to carry on in some way shape or form there must be something that I have that will allow me to carry on I just don't know what it goes to yet all right maybe I do know what it goes through I'm just too stupid to figure it out so let me come let take these out real quick just because this is something that I have and if I can use it I mean that'll be good right I'm probably good all right so you go use all right oh oh look at that - see there you go it's it did something it may not have done everything that I needed boy it definitely did progress a little bit so maybe that unlocked something else elsewhere just because now that that's been a thing that can actually be done you know what I mean probably you know what I mean I'm gonna cut through I'm basically gonna go through this all again just to see if I can find out where I need to go okay I'm born in these up cuz I got nothing else to do with them so I'm just gonna do that oh hey buddy hey buddy oh no can we not have this happen all right just gonna do that and then the riffraff is gonna stay out right that's how the riffraff looks Oh where'd you come from riffraff all right I've already searched this area oh I knew there was one more I knew there was one more I knew it I knew it I knew there was one more locker room c.a.p okay that's good locker room see ap was hoping for and so if I combine this with the battery suddenly I've got a kaboom er it makes sense it all comes together it all comes together that's all coming together see ap okay got that and then I get another one of these because I'm awesome and I can't open that but it don't matter cuz I don't need to locker room see ap flashy bang e alright it's all coming up markiplier that's what is coming up Oh baby hello baby listen listen listen listen don't don't don't go okay locker room see ap that's upstairs from here so let's go around this is good it may not seem like good but it is good this is good this is all very good don't get up good enough bullets and you already you better not get up also somebody has my knife somebody somewhere has my knife so I don't know who and I don't remember where but somebody has my knife so if you can give that back at any juncture that'd be great let me go kaboom this three two one kaboom alright and go Oh oh-ho yeah alright this is by safe at bra safe [Music] yes you say uh-oh hello is that chastity belt what is that oh you want oh I know what you want oh no wait I don't know what you want okay hey I need to know what you want officers notebook lady arrow snake you got it oh lady oh oh [ __ ] there we go I got the lady hey forget the maiden medallion that's pretty good right okay now what the hell is going on over here Oh hmm that's problem okay let me make sure that everything's out of here yeah we're good see if I can get around this [ __ ] you can't that's right that's right that's right that's right oh yes boy he's doing a lictor on me all right this one's full health right I'm good to go you all suck I need to go to the locker room to get to whatever was in the thing which probably isn't gonna be worth it I didn't know there was gonna be a liquor I know there was gonna be a liquor I didn't know there was gonna be a liechtenstein huh son of a [ __ ] this games kind of stressful so it's just below me it's just blow me right down here see ap okay it better be worth it whatever's in here probably not worth it okay see ay-yi here we go be good Wow well good enough I guess all right well that paid for the liquor I guess sure I'll take it at this point I'll take anything I'll just get out of here now bored of this windmill I guess can I board up this window there we go easy-peasy no more riffraff I said no more riffraff there anything it okay well I'm just gonna go in here save these guys are testing my patience these guys are thinking that I've just unlimited patience but it's not true it's not true at all all right I want to carry another one of these on me just because I can okay so I got the maiden medallion which is a good thing I guess oh hey buddy I'm not gonna I'm gonna I'm just gonna go the other way I'm just gonna go the I'm gonna go all the way around because I do not want to deal with you Bob okay hi buddy hey are you doing down there you good you got friend you good how are you doing you feel good hey you better watch this I'm about to do something cool this hole are you watching Hey okay all right you you watch here we go boom pretty weird that this is part of our everyday life as a police officer but you know it is what it is this is way out could we get out of here hey bunny hey Lois its total freedom friend that looks safe totally normal that's it that's our way out lieutenant brenna Marvin Oh Oh it's time to go we need to get you to a hospital right now no no I save yourself come on I've got you oh look we can still make it out of here together just it's too late I tried liad but I couldn't stop it we can't let this thing spread it's on you now just go I understand Oh I won't let you down Marvin okay I won't I won't do it Marvin you can't make me let you down I ain't never gonna let you down I ain't never gonna let you go either I'm gonna remember this okay what is this oh is that the mansion from there's an evil one but it is gunpowder that's good a typewriter this is nice this is nice looks like I'm gonna get out of here with nothing bad ever happening again to me never ever again I need more I need more gunpowder I need more ammo yeah that's not gonna be enough I gotta stop what I got to stop doing this stop being such an idiot about my ammo and just not be as stupid about it what is that I don't have that I don't have a crank yank do I take it out of the thing above that what I do I don't even think I can get back right now no not right now I'll get back eventually but not right now hello okay this seems this seems normal just like a lot of things in the city totally normal that this exists oh boy oh I hate that oh I hate that [Music] probably best take this nice and strong why what was that who's that who was that oh that's a zombie maybe sounds kind of like a zombie so I'm gonna go this is normal yeah it's just normal to have under ground of our police station totally normal oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah is normal oh yeah okay okay this isn't so much a way out as just a way oh hi Oh could you let me go how about you let me go look at the run now on the run let's go run holy crap no oh okay words won't work okay all right sure yeah whatever all right oh my god oh my god okay so I guess the trick is to not get cornered yeah oh oh I'm getting cornered I'm getting immediately cornered oh boy could you not do whatever you're doing no choice gotta take it down I mean yeah I wasn't choosing to do anything else ah look nice I'm guessing the big glowing eye is a weak point that's just my guess oh hey okay this thing's so bad I can just grab this ammo and be on my way oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay Oh Oh good for me yeah well I mean it can't be too far from where I just was so okay bath what the hell Hey yeah Oh No Oh Jesus oh god I'm stuck there we go come on come on do something oh come on I'm not gonna have enough ammo for this hey hey get up I don't think I got him I'm pretty sure that's not getting him that probably Oh handy that that's yeah yeah a little a little bit too coincidental for my taste but okay yes sure very handy that that's a good thing I'm very happy about that and whatever that was that just happened can I get some good stuff that is not nearly enough good stuff I was hoping for like a much significantly higher quantity of good stuff than the good stuff that you're trying to give me there was also some herbs down there that I didn't get that I should probably go get so I'm gonna go sweep the area just real quick bill come right back and you Inc and do I need a full I know how to combine things combined I don't know if I need a full heal but I'm getting a full heal anyway just cuz I feel like it oh I have no bullets I have no nothing okay moving on I don't know where I'm going next or who's looking at me well this looks like okay all right handy don't know why I needed to do that why couldn't my benefactor do that whoever's looking over for me but okay easy enough this place looks lovely sure I'm glad that I am here alright oh good it's safe room always feel happy in these alright please give me some good stuff oh that is some good stuff that's so nice thank you I love my ham fanny packs alright oh please yes I now what I'm realizing is that I probably shouldn't have nearly used up all the storage stuff that I have had in the past and yeah Here I am so with nothing so I hope I get something I hope I get a little bit of something even though that boss fight was nice and all but I hope I get a little bit of something Oh cutscene okay okay [Music] oh well I still seem to be in the police station but at least I have the potential for escape at this point maybe oh those are fun sounds why are those sounds being done oh I don't have a card I don't have both [Applause] thank you who is that stay sharp [Applause] lower it FBI perfect Oh perfect sorry thank you your help surprised you made it this far uh-huh uh-huh what's going on here sorry that information is classified where you going do yourself a favor stop asking questions and get the hell out of here Wow FBI huh oh my god FBI's here everybody just talking to you okay goodbye you know what I'm kind of done talking to you I gotta talk to somebody else I don't really feel like talking to you anymore Oh feel like talking to anybody actually I'm kind of a loner so FBI is not really any interest of me so I'll see you around All Right see ya maybe I was supposed to follow her well I bet she would have just locked the door behind her right that's probably what it is right maybe you know whatever maybe I'm not a loner maybe I maybe I kind of I was missing some company and any semblance of a human might be nice to be around at this point so oh okay oh okay well got some bullets that's nice Oh lady oh the G hole ah I don't like this place at all okay this seems bad all right oh hi Wow okay how you doing hi yeah okay good good talk I didn't notice you there all right oh boy hi okay all right don't know what I was expecting why did that lady go in here lady Lady please don't oh hi hello hi hello human you been here long long enough are we the last ones alive no no there's a few of us oh that's good news I guess yeah that's of course I had sent you irons you mean chief islands is he still around who cares hopefully he's somebody's dinner by now what do you mean by that he's the bastard that locked me in here I'm sure he had a good reason he did I was about to blow the whistle on his dirty ass how did him the same thing to him I guess whoa hey I'll make a deal unlock this cell and I'll give you this there's no other way out of that parking garage believe me sorry I can't do that I have to talk to the chief first right both prisoners in the station so either we play nice and help each other out Shh it's coming what what's coming come on don't be an [ __ ] okay you need this just give me the [ __ ] out of here oh who is that it's just me no what happened it just happened so quick I told you to get out of here wouldn't want to end up like Ben would you you know him he was an informant had information of use to my investigation so what he said was true hey you can't keep walking away from me I don't even know your name I'm Leon Kennedy I find a way out Leon before it's too late and we'll talk we're just gonna pretend like it's alright ADA thank you well I guess the deals on okay good great great it's a good deal in the world yeah we're just good it's like everything that's fine that's fine that's fine that whoa that this is fine okay I see the puzzle here can I do the puzzle but apparently not okay oh I know where that goes wait no I know where that goes okay Jail power panel we're gonna need of those custom power panel parts clock tower all right blue clock tower so you know the police clock tower have their cups they've the nervous hiccups pull this did a whole lot of nothing okay all right good to know it was it's just death here hey friend this is nothing but a whole bunch of death all good in this neighborhood it's so happy free fun where did that guy come from where did he go was his name cotton eye Joe I don't know all right back into the back into the police station hey I know the chief is chief of police chief Oh police possibly might might be chief of police nobody might be corrupt probably corrupt this looks even worse than the other place boy where am I okay let me go this way first that doesn't sound good Hey look a red orbit blue blue or better than red oh boy oh boy oh boy oh that's not good oh that's not good that's that's that those aren't gonna hold oh oh these bags of kibble Oh what is this place for a dog to crawl out of I suppose oh boy oh just yay Yahoo oh boy none of this is good Oh none of this is good none of this is good Oh none of this is good okay open her up where she goes alright nothing in there good great Oh oh I can't waste a single bullet I wasted a single bullet whoa critical hit I go down please go down please please just go down can you oh my god that wasn't okay finally I'm out of bullets okay nothing you know what maybe not maybe not oh that's handy dandy what if I said I'm gonna be gonna plant in here that's so sweet that's Sona hey wait if I combine these two it's extra conditional reduces damage taken and guards against poison for a short period I thought I thought that was some different all right good somehow I went to the one I needed first I don't know how but I did that I'm just that skilled at video games all right poochie's can you stay in your cages poochie's can you boot these please stay in your cage okay okay the pooches have stayed in their cage the poochie's is and are or have been stay in Cades hello hello Behnke no longer usable or the doors intro with keyless entry buttons okay I'll box oh hello you know there's there is no need message for mr. raccoon okay okay good ah no no please anything but this anything but this horrible miss don't please oh god no okay I don't look good all right so let me look at this let me examine there we go hello Wow oh this is what they were talking about okay so I can use this to open up some huh use this to open up some keyless doors and trunks and maybe find some extra ammo and or guns can I use no not that this examine hey there we go whoa what is that a gun stock for Matilda God now I gotta use Matilda well I've really got to use Matilda now yeah cuz I can't use it with my super special alright fine I'm gonna go use it on the till then alright so small problem I don't have enough bullets to get through those two zombo's I don't have a knife to get through those zombo's either else I would do that I don't have Matilda so I can't take advantage of this gun stock or the extended magazine for Matilda there in so I'm in a bit of a pickle and there's two zombo's right through here and I don't have to zombo's worth of nothing so I am in turbo I'm in a big turbo land but I would think I would think I would think that there would be some kind of bullets Wow there would be bullets in there somewhere in there okay I can make that I can make this there would be right it's a firing range of course it would be of course there would be oh hey that's handy we have but let me look in here first it's got to be bullets or something right what is this ah let me know [ __ ] [ __ ] Frick ah oh babe do i maybe I don't need this anymore maybe could discard that no [ __ ] okay ah but I need yeah all right um I'll come back for it I I always know it I I know it'll be here for me when I need it not now no please do this and then burst through there like oh that's right I have one of those blow up your brain never oh there they go okay that's well now I don't need to do that yet I need to go get help that blow up your head how does that not blow up your head help explain to me how that doesn't blow up your head Oh imma blow up your head blam okay whatever good enough good enough good enough good enough I'm gonna take this that there what is this that is very helpful I guess combine oh [ __ ] bat [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I need that don't do that haha did that okay I have nothing good I know I could probably drop this it's got check mark by it all right I am very reticent this is no maybe if I just why did I have to pick up letter R you know what it's just like I got I got a drop it I just have to it has to be gun cuz I need to get this I don't know what the film oh I know what the film is I know what the film does that I know where to get the film to but I'm just so full I need more fanny packs yeah all right whatever I got that so that's good I got that so now what okay so I need to go there's something in the kennel that I haven't seen yet which is understandable I don't want to go back to the kennel but the kennel is where I got to go the poochie's are gonna behave the pooch is gonna be nice they're gonna be so nice the pooch is gonna be nice and good and oh my god Oh was this Frick Frick you combined there yes perfect oh that was it apparently okay that was it apparently that was it that was all I needed that was it okay that was it all right cool great it really is just say from or a safe word something safe I don't feel safe can I put this near oh if I'd known about that I woulda done that a long time no oh oh where does this lead please tell me it leads to a safe room where I can have like op like a chest chest this doesn't look like a place with a chest oh that doesn't sound good was this gunpowder I'll leave it there for now oh this sounds this is a bad place oh this bed or not Oh okay did I do it oh I know it it's a puzzle there we go hey goody goody gumdrops oh I stopped good oh that's not good oh hi god oh my god no god dammit don't make me waste this I will kill you okay you better stay down I hate you I hate you I hate all of you who what's this Oh box electronic parts that's what I needed for the thing Hey look and herb I can't get that I couldn't possibly get that oh great I don't have enough bullets for that oh boy okay all right ah no please I'm running away from him just let me ride I don't want anything to do with anything I'm very slow oh no okay this is not the right way wait no I need to do Oh God here you go this way oh god oh god oh god oh my god hey go this way okay last one one more that's all I need sorry baby okay alright we're good we're good I don't know where this is gonna go but we're good we're good we're good baby we're good back in the police station safety all right all right can I please thank you my god okay so there we have it that is all the time I have for the first episode of this game thank you everybody so much for watching look forward to more big long episodes every other day until this game is done I am making my progress through it it's very scary it's very good I like it a lot I'm going back to Matilda and I'm going to combine Matilda up Matilda's looking so good nowadays look at Matilda go what a great gun what a great that is too big god damn it it's big why is it big Oh but anyway thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 7,104,959
Rating: 4.9235911 out of 5
Keywords: resident evil 2, resident evil 2 markiplier, resident evil 2 gameplay, resident evil 2 remake, resident evil 2 part 1, resident evil 2 lets play, markiplier, gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, part 1, leon, claire, resident evil 2 remake walkthrough part 1, resident evil 2 remake markiplier, remake, scary, horror, creepy, jumpscares, jump scare
Id: MGMxkxLEZ9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 17sec (6617 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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