GTFO w/ Bob, Sean, Wade - Part 2

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all right i'm changing the expedition the guy's just gonna complain could be one all right yeah b1 you should pick a spirit oh yeah dude i want to be a spear boy yeah you should be spear spears dope can i go potty again oh my god i go potty chugging gallons of water over there oh my god hi guys you made it there's a lot of crotch pressure yeah i'm gonna start never been hoisted by my dick before no what did you guys talk about while i was you missed a lot apparently i did um did you just go to kings island to ride the tomb raider ride yeah that way you buy your dick oh yeah oh my god there's one here hello hang on hang on hang on yep i forgot they could be here nice work team nice work team good job everybody i have a matter of protector in my hand i can't help oh you do don't you uh okay we got two you can drop it if you hold the you can drop it okay i'm gonna start using i'm gonna start using the compass as like directional we add uh there's a console here 300 up there there's actually i don't matter where projector jump gate in zone 38 you could query zone 38 maybe query zone 38 oh that's not a console that's what you were saying out loud with your words are there stuff behind any of these doors back here mark uh which doors are you referring to what's that oh that door yes i found a terminal right here bob you're going to improv what does mcfc an underground for my [ __ ] you know it's my fault for tossing it to you you really just love that one right over the plate i don't know what you thought it was gonna happen what am i looking for zones thirty eight that's my favorite animated porn list sell wait we need listeners generator 452 we need to turn on power to open this door cell 813 item type unknown status normal end of list uh yeah generator underscore four five two four five two i'm hacking the mainframe right now nice hack faster please uh backup power generator hey no your spears your spear's in the way okay unpowered location zone 31 in range for ping hey sean come here uh there it is oh now you got the vaccine i did it do you run fast now uh no you look like a meth addict running around with a giant power cell for backup generator located in zone 32 not in range for ping that's where all the enemies are so we got to open this door we gotta go to zone 32 32 oh wait there's there's things on the other side of that door be aware okay can you hack it yeah we got a stack of three spaced five meters apart directly in front of this door all right well hope you're all ready because here we go never mind they're below hold on music just [ __ ] amped up they are below i can there was one right below the stairs but spear has long range baby so long man oh my god it does okay i got this guy i got this guy three one nice oh spiro p we got one more down here somewhere look at this guy look at this condensated glass effect it's so dope i know it's very pretty it's cold in here right so it's like it's like streaky ice crystals forming yeah it's beautiful like a plain window wow you know why do i need to bring the thing with us here found in cavity 166 of excavation deep reach what is this oh just did you find and talking it's talking about the plants in the glass it's made out of carbon oxygen sulfur in traces of iridium whatever already right they found a problem what's wrong oh never mind that's cool oh i thought spirit break lock all right 120 meters away from door so pretty far real i thought not in this room maybe he could be down could be down clown yeah it wasn't this room it's the next room one on the other side of this doorway uh i'm at the other door i'll come to you guys yeah he's he's clear wait oh wait it's but i see he's down here hacking [ __ ] i need yeah just be aware there's one there's one around you sean i i don't know where though it's like right on the other side of this door do you want to guess where he is in charge already oh hey there he is hi who's gonna get it oh we all did there's one over there i can't run in charge at the same time radiation readings nominal hey sean you don't happen to still be carrying that wave projector that i see way back there dude [Music] we need to go through that other door after we get the generator he said he was gonna set it down yeah he did yeah you're right you're right you call it a weight projector zone 33 do we have a door in here to zone 33 um uh 32 here not okay so we got to keep going yeah don't worry guys [ __ ] i'mma hack it well it's too it's good scanner over here uh there's a lot on the other side of that door there's a lot on the other side of that door just f1 all right it's open now holy [ __ ] they're in not all of them are in tubes oh orange oh don't flash me daddy don't say that wait there's a guy right right i'm coming stop stop stop hello i'm here now oh hey man there's five of them and four of us well the one on that side of the thing he could probably be killed over this part what does it mean i was really hoping you were just gonna say there's five of them and i'm getting this guy okay all right that's good that's good the the cases seem to block their line of sight oh god oh god please have mercy on my soul oh god what's happening they're awake now okay get him there we go oh one spawned over there in the distance far on and let me tag him yeah we got him yep we gotta fight that's fine that's fine that was a snipe from around the corner that's cheating they curved it's it's the movie wanted in this universe mine curves too but doctor said that wasn't normal oh wait i just got a motion reading there's something moving on the other side of that door might be the patrol it's gonna be a slurpee alarm yes can you do the super scan and ping it uh yep there it is but we gotta do it with the alarm first anyway oh yeah look at him dancing there's gonna be enemies coming at us from the alarm door oh i'm gonna open this door no no leave leave it locked no we came in there they still just break through it the same way oh i don't know oh i guess you're right never mind you know what we'll find out all right i'm ready when you guys are do we have anything on that door in case they come that way i am going to put my turret up on top of this thing facing this way after we do the security circles okay yeah good call big boy left left yep well i guess it still could be anywhere they are coming through that door door did not yes long and that guy right one more one more [Applause] there's three more over there uh coming through that door many coming through that door circles circles are up and i'm trying to tag these guys they're hard to see is there one right here coming where's this other circle incoming they're getting through they're getting through i'm getting asked where's this other circle here i found it nice can we get them all you're right more coming through lord ow fans are done oh that one was not dead manny oh he lagged oh he laggy oh wow there's a lot of these [ __ ] yep there are ow oh my god i'm getting nailed ow one more oh we're off here look out i can't hit him for [ __ ] i hit all the right guy in all the wrong places okay we're clear that could've gone better guess which door they didn't even touch that's not awful for next time yeah yeah yeah uh no one's got a med kit right i'm guessing that i have a no i don't all right is this a tendril dude the next door tendril he is i've got my snip snaps he's a little far but there he is we'll have to watch that well i'm far away go for it okay if someone has a sniper i got my snip snaps i'm stamping snap them it's nerf is it immune whenever tendrils are out or something wasn't there like an immediate yeah do not shoot one tendrils oh excuse me sir or madam easy peasy idiots just suck your slappers in you douchebag there we go here it goes [Music] i felt that in my line that was nice perfect time to say he got bobbled [Music] uh is this room safe are we saving this safe room clear room clear okay good good it wouldn't have terminals off right i know i just heard screams in the distance just you know that was good back where we were that's just our audience who bet that we would die there oh i got stuff they lost a lot of money well done let's go all right i got the wave projector oh now you want it well you're carrying that so someone had to carry this oh helpful are you i ain't some wheelie bin gamer wow that's a throwback that is a throwback all right he's putting in here slam it go in here yeah slam it in insert your cell into the boot okay this isn't like an alarm or anything is it it's not a scary one though it's green you're fine okay good flashlight question mark oh sorry uh yeah two on the bottom uh three three three two two three two at 3 30. sorry i was in my settings let's apologize okay there's two guys two guys down here next to me i'm making my way downtown stabbing ass and we're hell-bound you want to get the you want to get the right one oh my god [Laughter] that was a play in the game right there thank you yeah that uh i took years off my life and he doesn't have that many just like all right you go left i'll go right all right one two three [ __ ] tarzan and come swinging in from out of goddamn nowhere george of the jungle than it was uh i think that is a compliment brendan fraser i want a man i have a mata wave you go get him all right yeah we got they're all separated out but there are some pretty much in every direction wait is there any in this corner there's two in that corner yes and there's one to the left around the corner there is one in that corner there i guarantee you there's one in the corner there's not one oh it's above it okay what i thought you were just about to run into him all i see is dicey's name just like charging at a guy oh he's up the stairs i got him oh [ __ ] i started a hack i shouldn't have done that oh he was big he teleported on my screen they shoot so far yeah they got big big lickers yeah they do okay down down dead out fall damage hey fall damage mark yeah you're right right one dead yeah i was like going around the corner all confident charging my my spear and then i stabbed it and did nothing oh all right terminal here do we need to look for anything uh health would be cool we need to get his own 30 i got a health no i gave you a health terminator and alph terminal and alpha 2 what is it terminator and alpha 2. that'd be an awful enemy yeah where's where's alpha 2 our objective says locate terminal and alpha 2 and extract data cube coordinates there's an important door down here mark see where the purple key is purple 240. okay is it is it key purple what is it yeah it's key underscore purple underscore i think it's 230 240. 240. okay query oh there it is that's right i'll be there in a zone 36 security door over here he's in zone 36 come on down boys where are you how do you wait wait we're at the wrong one yeah oh i see ics okay i got you i got you we got one across the door just uh three three thirty one and then at three hundred twenty meters away another one i'm sure we all remember that yep you got it and then another one no no fog propellers oh sound sweet baby back it should just be the one here yep and he's not a big and then one down the hallway there to the left there yeah to the left i could take these glow sticks no i can't the syringe where's the syringe dude i don't know what the wrench is that i am 15 infected yeah wait there's infection in this right uh i forgot about it i hate that mechanic wait where do you see that where'd you see your percent infection shows up on your health bar right yeah it's right above i that's what the syringe does guys she wanted to know oh yeah and there's stations that you can take it off yeah um we got three looks like on the other side of that door we should be okay here where's the fog repeller put that [ __ ] down it doesn't do like nice very nice oh all right i'm hacking oh well this is some fog and fog yeah i see a big guy definitely in this room in this room where i'm not seeing him over here to the right oh yeah there he is far enough away i'm going to go up top hacking wait just don't do that there's a little guy a little guy passed that big guy more fog oh stop it stop stop please all right don't don't do it wait do you want to take out that dude together all of us uh more there's one that sean's gonna be able to take out yeah i'm on them guys i've got veins on the corner of my vision just letting you know use it to focus you well okay sean you should be able to take them out now whenever yeah okay good uh yeah i'm here oh god where are we doing are we doing butts or brains i'll get the head i'll get the head i'll also get a top you still flail i will aim for an up part okay charging charging three two one oh god not dead not dead he's [Music] thirty one thirty three thirty five thirty seven thirty eight we need any of these thirty six thirty i can't explain this to you is this the one where where are you guys it's just oh yeah yeah yep you can see him from here is it a good shot yeah you can stand in this box to get a better one no no when he stands back up i got this all right wishing you luck oh yeah oh there's a little guy here yeah be careful there are little guys one in front of you and then uh that's that's all i see for now can you keep the big o pinned pinged uh yeah i'm gonna go for the little guy yeah if you can take him out and drills if those things they're really long right no they're long quite a ways yeah okay uh watch out bob there is a small one okay yeah uh you can get a clear shot from where we are right here bob yeah wait where are you right over here to your left oh yeah coming this way yeah nice good shot good shot good job another one another one there's a something moving it's a little one it's a little one you got him uh he's dead okay he did not wake up anybody clear hey propellers everywhere uh class four alarm oh well it's either better or worse i guess we'll find out i think we tossed the fog repeller right before we start yeah there's two doors in here right there's one south side and one i'm on yes yes i think yeah i've ever seen from grenade i can toss on one do we definitely need to do this uh sean crazy yes security door i'm guessing zone 35 do we need to do this i mean zone 36 is what we need right it doesn't say that it goes to other zones it just says zone 35 oh uh well we've already foamed our way in so yes okay well we're doing it all right i guess uh but not a fog repeller are we good i think so uh yeah we do it i guess right oh man my vision is veiny throbbing vision it really is oh so much less fog that is nice i hear the wars that's left all right big circle don't make us go stand in the turret don't do it okay we got incoming they're coming left by looks of it back the other way there they are yeah okay oh right here yep here they come there are so many right there following the thingy oh god it's a big one oh wow oh wow oh there is a big one there's a big one i'm sniping down the big one okay i can't because i'm being actually killed by a bunch of little ones in my face got him coming to the circle another big guy coming door unlocked uh one more coming in two more coming in three more coming in and three more left man every time i choose a place to put my turret it's the wrong one you're covering our backs where's that one hiding what's he doing where are you oh he's stuck on something all right he's just a wiggle that was well handled uh and our fog repellers just ran out i think i i think bob i think there is one moving here yeah i got it tagged watch out there are things on the other side of that door oh i can't see she's there oh big they're stacked three meters apart from another guy i'm gonna let you guys clear some of the little ones for a minute before i even try and get a shot on the tentacle good cool i don't want to get stuck somewhere where i cut off the alarm this is a normal sized guy is this a normal size guy right oh yeah it is he just looks big mark how close is tentacles he's far he's about 30. i think we can get these two wait yeah you're good yeah three two one oh he charged yet that worked one of them woke up one woke up [ __ ] big guy big guy woke up he was a locker drummond drama and drummond get away from the door back away from the door back way back going away from the door oh god how rude mark can you hang tentacles yeah he's he's not coming we're good he's right there yeah on the other side someone's really crying out in pain i am not doing very well tentacles is approaching oh no bum bum is neither he's not affected i'm fired we're all very much damaged oh damage okay well that probably kind of cleared this area out uh oh on the other side of this door we're clear in this room yeah he's on the other side oh please be health after fact what am i looking at all right no artifact good we can boost we get boost yeah but i won't boost now not boost later uh i have 30 percent health is anyone lower 2006 but i'm ned pack do we need to query anything oh we need to look for key purple we're not in the zone yet though are we i don't like that i can't 36 36 i believe all right uh we got movie tentacles right on the other side of there and then there's there's one dude where that triangle was just standing there's another dude these are both 35b so i guess doesn't really matter which way we go home yeah probably both the same uh technical manual there's one on the other side of the store right where i'm looking we can snag them right now the technical is right by wade it's a big egg it's big it's big man i wish we had the grenades yeah grenades would be good um where's the big oh he's right there can you snipe the big can would that kill him if i snipe him yeah uh no it's not a one shot oh damn okay i can snipe him and then you guys can all melee him tentacle man approaching oh yep moving moving he's coming up the stairs watch out they can come in here oh i see it oh the one you can see where are you all right well that's gonna make getting the big very risky just snipe the the tentacle man he's coming he's coming be careful oh sorry i didn't realize it dropped there he is what a penis don't do it keep going oh you got it nice good shot guy woke up do not go around the clock oh hell yeah dude oh it is a one shot mvp bob over here [Laughter] better every time better every day all right the uh room is not clear do not go running into the darkness uh hey light boy yeah yeah there's there is one in front of me and i have a name i really hope it's not a big one it's light man i don't see it i don't see it oh wow could you uh think him and snake him yeah well you can't panic no he's like okay he's gonna glow because i'm gonna he's right there he's right here he's all right oh god no what is someone doing i cannot see his head i will slash him i will flashlight him oh god it's repelled okay yeah oh whoa can you see him oh wait wait a perfect perk yeah i pop him poppy please okay oh poppy playtime we have confirmed it's a one shot i wish we knew that before stupid and stinky live and learn okay you don't scan that or anything that's fine yeah nice way to go light man is it where we were damn that sounds cool this is where we were this is where we did the security door yeah yeah okay cool that was a big loop that we just did for nothing at all uh yeah nothing we did that for nothing well now hold on we got to have the journey along the way we had fun the real treasure is the friends i already had before we wasted all that time oh hey where do we actually need to go 36 or 37 uh yeah probably the door i'm at that says zone 36 that we passed oh [ __ ] wait wait your turret's still down by the bottom i know i came to get my turn i just happened to run right into the objective three feet from where i put it down oh [ __ ] on the bright side though this door is already foamed oh yeah i know that's safe that's nice oh yeah zone 36 look at that and it's a class four that's fine we just did one of those so it's not a big deal i'm running all the way back around to put my turn on the other side of the foam door [Laughter] my turf was in the right place just the wrong side yeah yeah actually i don't think there's any way they're going to come through that door i'm almost positive they would come down through the south that's definitely true we should trust mark's judgment on this hey this is already here so there's fog blowers over here no wait there's no way there's no entrance from that zone for enemies to come from yeah we're waiting no no so on so what we but they were behind the security door so we if we just left that security door locked those guys couldn't have gotten out yeah i guarantee you they're gonna come from the south approach i believe you already know that kind of bad information bob and it doesn't help our current situation okay okay good information good vibes right you're right you're right vibes good vibes you're right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we putting a turn on the other side of that door are we are we isn't that the only other one that can come in so if we put the turret and foam it that would be like wait what's always wrong with their turrets i'm gonna do this so that your turret can get some sweet action okay oh wait that so you're saying my door is the right door no no probably so you're wrong so now you're double wrongs you have to be right no no no no i'm a i'm a tongue and you're a sweet hole what no no he's right he's right he's right what saying was that supposed to be i'm just i'm just being a little tongue in hole you know everyone always says i'm holy oh look they're coming through the other one oh oh oh oh my god technically that's bob alone oh yeah they are going hard right now that's two country boy i love you i don't need foley to go with it where's it go whoa oh god i do uh oh there you go shut your ass off turret do it all right conglomerating we good uh oh no not yet no not yet world's slowest [ __ ] thing here we go come on baby where is it where is it where is it no problem oh god i went down i went down falling back don't go through that door there is things on the other side ow wow wow big man get down bubba he's still alive he's not i mean like he has no ass no peen no head no arms no tongue clear no tongue clear clear clear well now my turret's really trapped is there another way into that room yeah well i took it for you you were going to do that way and i took the fall for you so you could get a little bit of glory feels good to be good daddy-o all right what happened to you the new year knew me new doesn't mean better no it does not thank you for noticing all right we got one spaghetti boy we got two uh dudes on the other side oh spaghetti boy yeah so they called me in college two dudes directly in front of they're definitely not bad ones big they are big sleepers where are oh right there they might be big but we have a bob yeah we got a bob uh so how do we do this we'll need to get the small one that's too big oh it's too big it is too big would you look at that what if you stand like over there yeah by my seafoam door you might be able to double tap them or yo oh yeah maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe wait he's wait he can see us like this i can see both of them but they're not lined up oh do you want me to try and go bang bang yeah go bang bang yeah everybody everybody ready for a little action yep oh yeah did you do this oh can you follow it up with us spaghetti kill hey there's a there's a walking up oh no that's a tentacle boy spaghetti get him get him shoot him bob shoot him shoot him in line of sight i can't tell if he's in the fog or we're behind a wall he's behind him he's behind the wall okay okay yeah bob yeah buddy that was sick actually he's on the other side of that door we're clear we got the terminal is that a medpacker in there oh yeah he purple 240. i'm pinging the key baby all right oh it oh i hear 36 see it yeah it's uh through this door where there's a new cool cool cool all right be careful there are four they're not next to the door they're about fifteen i think he's far enough away you think that he's a licker chucking a glowstick i don't see [ __ ] they are here i am gonna angle for a shot on the annoying down right below you just be careful i can't tell if he's in the darkness and fog or what i'm trying to attract tentacle boy he's like behind a wall oh there's two right on you yeah yeah no he's not behind the wall he's right there okay i'll go around okay yeah i'm gonna wait i'm gonna wait on tentacles he's far away okay all right let's do this okay you might want to keep him painted though what yeah let me ping him uh pinging him there he is oh i got the blood on the screen watch out there's one more around the corner he's moving he's moving yeah i'm watching i'm watching i'm watching otherwise oh [ __ ] that might be close enough to touch me don't like whoa whoa whoa whoa what's happening is that another one yeah there's something here i just can't see it the fog is so thick oh thick air it's it's coming closer he's coming close it's saying it's right on top of me but i don't see it i see it i see oh oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god tentacles i'm sorry i'm sorry i couldn't see him i'm stuck here oh this is [Laughter] where is this other smelly boy oh they woke up woke up woke up get that one get that one there coming right now more more more lots more a lot more over here i'm turning up no i'm not it's not letting me hurt i'm down you're down oh i'm down too goddamn it yeah you guys can pull backwards i gotta fall back okay i'm gonna fall back pull back pull back weight run all right yup try it eleven percent you got it he's a hero i didn't i didn't realize there were so many yeah same [Music] [Music] oh checkpoint wait restart from his latest checkpoint oh yeah let's go oh where are we what happened oh i have a seafoam grenade that's way back now we don't have to go through that stupid door oh yeah we don't have to go right there's a guy here yeah there are oh yeah sorry uh yeah one there's space oh this is the room where there was like one off to the right that was it i think lightweight i think so hold still we went we went this way and then we're uh to the left there we're we're not too far away from where we were oh yeah we have to go through that one right there yeah exactly we just have to do that event again whoa my gameplay is in here you guys were just floating spears and heads do you think people come to the same doors last time or is it randomized uh well there's a big no there's a big over there if we never open that other security door which we didn't they can't come through there so we should be cool right everyone's seeing that right oh yeah there's that guy's still there yeah do i get them or do it is there anything oh snap them in half go ahead if there is i'll put it a turn down and we can fall back all right i'm not seeing anything on that radar oh wait there was uh there was one there was no guys no there's a bunch no no no no a bunch one more i know that's a tentacle dude that's it oh okay we're good we're good oh you're gonna go for uh go through like zone 35 just for [ __ ] kicks yeah just see what it says oh yeah man yeah you guys are lunatics you're [ __ ] lunatics can they since we didn't clear that area can they actually bust through that way like all the students they know they can't go through security doors yeah so we should just block up this one door and we should be good a nice weight you want to put a turret outside of it i know you love that i do love that you want to put your tongue in that hole or whatever the hell you were saying wait is wade putting his there wait telling you that security door on the other side is now closed so he said it as we came into this room you clarified it again um you still went over there i'm saying this room all right so maybe he's got a point look why is it clear can we just clear 34a real quick then and not open that door no that's baby tactics okay then i'm just going to open the door put my turret in and leave real man tactics is dying tentacles yeah yeah holy [ __ ] oh i thought the glowing red triangle was a little obvious oh they're here and there you go yeah there he is do i blast him or do i not blast him yeah blast him i think you've just i don't want to risk him coming on his ass all right he's got oh we got incoming there's pads coming down come on pick there we go one watch those corners cool and clear let's make it happen captain i'm gonna reserve my turret for the alamo situation love that bit icy quite icy i was throwing fog repellers sorry come here i'm here all right they're coming through that door south side door well that's unfortunate all right are something's good they don't need the same okay spreading that i'm going up yeah these are all the same uh turret down bob uh yeah bob got it okay incoming they're good they're through oh this is an unfortunate angle or a great angle actually there's a lie coming through there's a hole done ouchy ouchie uh there's a few left from that door god the fog can't see [ __ ] yeah yeah trying to ping again pinged whoa oh my god i'm going up high yeah i get just yeah back up yeah kite come up the stairs this is actually a way better angle why didn't we come up here first yeah that's a smart tactic clear all right so we didn't go through that other door and yet i'm somehow still at the same health as last time it's almost like it was the same amount of enemies i think uh this is the case where that tentacle is on the other side of another door over here we just got two yeah there's just two here to the right or directly in front they're big i remember these are the big ones oh the big guys that oh bob right yeah yeah i got this you got this you fellas ready i am yeah already wait a minute i need to stop so we need to like clear some more of this next room before we wake them up by murdering the tentacles if we can yeah that's really the tricky [ __ ] what else he does he does get close to this door he really does go ahead and open the chat open that door wait no yes open him back off yeah yes yeah oh my god oh he's doing it yeah he's doing the thing it's right there so he goes all the way down to the left when he's walking away from us he goes away for a good amount of time before he comes back yeah how many dudes are in there four i'm seeing one two three four five six seven seven in there right there yeah yeah bob that is a clear shot i think i can't see him no he's still behind you can get him though when he's going back now should i try and get him now yeah yeah wait wait sorry ah too late all right incoming turning on the door there's more into my machine gun please bring it again ping it again ah come on ping oh [ __ ] there's too many more we're good we're good we're good this is a good angle yeah nothing's coming behind us yeah we're clear clear okay clear clear i think there's one more not clear no the music says we're good bro i was saying we were good with no one trust me i trust i trust you i trust you i trust the music the music i the game design all right that went better that went better that was good we're not dead uh syringe up here what do these do heel but also inside they're good for you yeah you should definitely do that uh no sean should use this or you or sean should use this i think right i come you can have it bud all right well if you put it that way oh i was saying that to sean oh well you should have you you offered it to two of us and i was giving it to the other person you offered [Laughter] disappointed it's not an up here yeah i must have overlooked it maybe i was wrong maybe there was why are we in here for what are we doing in here and we're going through to the other place also uh tool refill i can't see god damn we got two on the other side here i wasn't charged why weren't you charged we need charge while you were forgot that we just go [ __ ] hate now like we don't go now it's unconscious you see me approaching you know i'm about to hit it's called teamwork [Music] i [ __ ] perfected it oh it's a stinky artifactee and uh ammo pack money the hell is an iix syringe is this like uh i don't know you might sean use it though am i going to collect the whole rainbow if i uh i've injected myself with the other one you're going to get all the diseases you are infected so yeah let's see what happens with that didn't do anything for my health but uh my infection went up something healthy i'm losing health went up yeah that was not a good syringe i think are officially our syringe boy i think mark should take every surrender he's continuing to lose health one percent of this yeah i sure am you know i sure am uh maybe we could hurry this up maybe we could uh yeah yeah yeah yeah uh keep purple all right zone 37 guys well done well done oh man my eyes no they'll see that they're throbbing again yeah you know you got really cool eyesight going on yeah man the exit again says this away yeah where am i going not this way follow me follow my good eyes man the colors the reds the reds reds the brownish reds yeah all the colors of the pain bow yes good that makes it funnier uh is this it the security door i don't know man does this seem like it 37 37 yeah that's it it says diminished alarm yeah well we have a big ass stair check uh checkpoint so oh but we can't close this no it's okay you can see from the floor it still slows them yeah i think what we do is put turrets like this and seafoam the stairs the security squares where do you think they're going to be probably out there i don't know probably it's probably all over the place all right then let's let's just go ahead and do the two doors there's only two doors to connect to this zone uh unless we haven't investigated what's on the other side of this room is this gonna be an awkward path for them to get through yeah yeah it won't close but i can put a turret down and see foam over here to really try and get kills merrick's still dying isn't he no i'm fine it stopped i'm good okay i'm fine i thought we were on the clock here no no i feel awake all right i'm gonna see a foam grenade at this door cool let's do security [ __ ] and i'll put mine down once we have an idea what's going on at least there's one down cool sounds good to me i don't have a lot of ammo anyway team durian dream team good they're coming from the right side that's the foam door exactly like we probably holy dots who's not they're banging on the door yeah there we go we got readings it's going back up oh cool cool cool got this one i put mine at the bottom of the we have a crossfire at the bottom of the stairs now i love that here they come okay [Music] one more [Music] [ __ ] oh god the points down there to the left clear him first oh reload reload baby tagging again why are you down there let's start the security thing oh [ __ ] yeah good job good job why are you playing the game right door's done do not open it all right please dear god now we now we hide at the top of the team yeah yep yeah those scans are clutch by the way let me do one more easier to shoot triangles that's fine it's all littles yep gotcha thank you all right is that all of them i think that's all i turn it is empty yep all done music cam turret um friend friend turret oh he's red because he's empty he thought he hate me all right one on other side of door no tentacles it'll be real bad i'm just saying oh oh hey can you just die on your own oh there's one right here too what do you mean one right yeah why were you looking in the middle of the room why would that be the one that i said was right outside the door no i thought there was only one total my math skills were less than adequate what are you gonna hit it or are you gonna look at it i'm just gonna look at it all right that's it fair enough he's really thrilled you're gonna be pleased i was trying to aimed her through throbs all right there's the stairs there there were stairs i didn't see the stairs guys are you gonna [ __ ] kill it are you gonna go up and down the stairs oh you know you never know when you need some exercise man i got to stay fit wow it's good to get the cardio in you're not wrong yeah don't take the escalator nah at our age you really want to make sure you get every step you can yeah refill this is a simple door by the way what and what accent is that everybody in blue circle come on bubble i think this is our definitely our final objective across here is there like there like dudes over here no no no no oh that looks cool look at this look look woah ah what is that clear the operations floor did you put are all the things oh oh god knock oh we have to go in here oh god that's what happened to you wait i don't feel safe do we agree with this for no reason i'm gonna teleport hold me uh no that's uh probably good i guess yeah what we're going left or right is left is just like a view if it's a view i want to see it it's a view though oh that's a good one wait oh yeah for sure i'm not seeing it oh you see it give me the number give me a number it's at uh 150. i don't look down no don't look down look at all the hobo look contextually from the distance it's it's right there it's a storm yeah it's a dust cloud oh what's this oh what oh oh are you okay hey body part oh hi um oh he [ __ ] himself you know honestly oh yeah yeah i looked at it oh is he tongue in the hole if you know what i mean i said it there's not really much implication there i don't like it i don't like it he's having sex if you know what i mean i don't be more explicit wade he'd be in the jj if you know what i mean deeply concerned about what you think sex is it's where you lay there and then a stork comes in and takes off its feathers and you all [ __ ] and then there's a baby i know for a fact locate what are we locating alpha 2 and extract interpret nav data interpret underscore nav underscore data yeah uh interpreting interpret nav data yep executing command oh biometric security clearance required antibiometric scandal i assume you all are standing here we're here yeah oh we're here what do we get for doing this what's our reward freedom satisfaction oh cube corners what's happening what's that that's much bigger than anything we've fought before oh [ __ ] oh what is that what is that jesus oh god oh god oh oh my god shoot [ __ ] yeah shoot them uh hang on let me see if i can tag these things okay the triangles are in the sky now sure oh there's more whoa run oh [ __ ] run why are we why are we running oh extraction cannot terminate quantum tether what does that mean what is behind us they're coming through retreat run run is right you guys need cover or something you guys good you good but they're fast they're pretty much this music sounds like it's about to stop any second and just have the voice go run downtown i hope we all make it but just in case we don't i put my turret down and you're all [ __ ] if you're behind good luck welcome wait who has the thing did no one grab the thing do we need the no we we're good we're good we're good we're good i just see it over there are these things bad news a really good time if you tame it yeah they do look a little vagina-esque you squint your eyes out with free hentai oh squint your eyes at him and throw away your humanity yeah well did that a long time ago okay that's that's good that was a good day dude yeah that was crazy all right titles critical critical critical fare so what was with my uh infection what did that even do made you really awesome made me awesome why do we keep getting [Music] every pants
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,644,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gtfo, markiplier, jacksepticeye, muyskerm, lordminion777, mark bob wade, mark sean, gtfo gameplay, gtfo game, scary games, markiplier scary games, horror, indie horror, early access, full release, part 2
Id: doWrLxueKog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 56sec (3416 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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