Beware the GOOP (MEGA EPISODE) || G.T.F.O. w/ da boiz

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brothers that's a thing in this game but that's definitely at this game thing I don't know there's a lot of things from this game that cropped up and I have no idea why it's cuz the game fun just brings it out of you and our friendship is so unique and funny except for Bob Bob am i right wait jump in on this come on get him no offense but you suck oh oh I don't mean anything by this but do so this is the new run oh yeah hmm uh-huh burst rifle trying it machine pistol machine way what alright who's not ready it's Bob already I don't know I'm not used to this I just happens I don't know what yeah dude new new pods pod models oh hell yeah sound and everything there seat warmers in mine mine's got flat panel displays on the I don't need to it's automated you know you guys know but God alright try to actually focus but if if I just start going crazy just someone stop making please let me out of my cage this is locked oh you got to make noise to opener it gonna be making them hard to opener the med pack looks different look it's bigger that's not it it's some tape and some stuff on the frass really shaking violently stop it's green in here is it always been green in here Jax but I see level is that what's happening here yeah cuz I got the rundown they were like oh my god okay lights off weenies alright blini guys look the locker has stuff on different shelves guys gotta come look at this holding something here I got nothing okay I'm breaking the lock stronger in this update or did you do that for oh they get up at the door that's interesting I'm so sorry I didn't mean to another range one at the end here do you need some stuff yeah I got hurt on purpose just so I can see within the new med kits that's pro moves right there find the fog repeller turbine and bring it to the extractions relevant now they're not going away no God dang it yeah she's on a swivel they didn't go away I healed owed myself to 91 I still got 95 and I've still got jam all over my eyes is there a budding front wipe your stupid face you scummy douche bag if you fail a hack it now lets out a bleep Oh like a like a level zero oh that's not so high I love that what everyone just agree to stop talking all at once oh no everyone zip tapping around hello [Laughter] guys I think all of your internet broke all at the same time guys this game shouldn't be called gtfo B should be called STFU now you're being condescending I was my honest that was my true laughs it's [ __ ] dark what the Frick yeah all I see is fog this is darker than any level I've ever seen watch your nut sacks boys I'm not see it stop crackling I see Oh again sounds like just the one yeah I went left I went straight line yeah we went left don't you know how to turn light on and off good luck oh he's right in fun of me Oh your loft your character coughed if I hover over you your infection is it 25% wait if I heal you will that go away no yeah no you're just infected Oh guys kill me first yeah you asked what the [ __ ] what's happening we got it is we won infection mechanic oh no oh no I'm at 81 and slowly deteriorate put him down yeah definitely that's the only option brick to me was it the fog I don't know I think maybe because I just had taken your mask off yet idiot wait let me oh yeah oh god yeah no do not go in the dense fog I got affective mark I'm Red Alert I'm infected yeah don't go in the dense is bad I'm pretty sure this virus is just a hoax I'm just gonna go keep going about my day oh yo it's real it's real he's only 11 percent in five yeah hold your breath you guys I mean we all got masks on not very good wake up every China knows you're here on the ceiling is that gonna do sleepers sleepers shrink it's what we do about this week over my mouth is up coughing it's pulsating it's swelling Oh what happen where's inside good put him down oh this is disgusting oh this is making my whole head tingle I don't like this you know oh that's the actual worst this is really clever and so are you supposed to shine your light on them or not makes them shrivel up and not do explodes kids it's a tool thing god I can't stinky sleepy was my flashlight guys [Laughter] we're all in it now we're all a liability oh no guys there's flashlights gushers in here what are you flash like boozers to the right there's like them coughing me we should call them flashlights like shine your light on the flesh you call them flashlights flashlights we should call it on it we should call them flashlights guys at mark everywhere everyone's already oh don't wake them got it oh that's where we made the mistake earlier I was thinking another one right there your assistance yes why aren't you killing it because you have to wait a minute okay well done is it clear that butchers watch out for the goose why why do we not wake the Doozers you say your life on the flashlight on the sleepers why is this so complicated Josh man you said shine light on it my character just said a shite the weight you see that you see the flashlight yes I'm gonna call fall over this guy nice oh okay there was one up here that I also got that you got is neglected but I'm a hero yeah sure I don't like this who's that the highest infection rate right now man I'm at 21% look just because I like piccolo for Gohan blocked the infectious blasts from you guys I didn't know I was what are you talking about piccolo to your you know you all know exactly what I'm talking about you took the blast for no reason I took same as piccolo could have just moved Gohan out of the way no I just decided to take a face full of that yeah just like me it's a perfect analogy huh except your home is in the way you just wanna run attacked it on your own I hate all of this what's going on Shawn and bomb exploded on some more yeah but see 9% so it's pretty AG listen you got a look and then pay attention to what you've seen where do we go how do we know which fog is good and bad the dense fog bags dense over here through all them I was just kiln [ __ ] oh man how do we deal with this we should go up to our mark wise yeah exactly follow the leader more now I'm going down fast but dudes I'm guessing your infection determines how much help you don't who did that where did that come from coming up the stairs it was you but where I don't see where it was right there right there oh damn it I'm not being an idiot right now yeah yeah yeah hey how much affection do we all have that's what I thought 35 dude there's so many in this hallway Oh God why is this even a thing there's nothing up here Joe there's a guy careful through it like geez let's just go yeah security Oh shotgun sentry go friend oh my god where [ __ ] everywhere does circles first Rack will take some getting used to they're all coming down this hallway well that's your is that one Oh God 9 percent 9 percent 9 percent you with the recoil oh wait pick me up grab my hand don't mind the group Oh God ranged I got your buddy Oh God I'm not 85% infection I might be a laborer 590 ups Bob you got it who's up Bob is anyone still alive no you you got a oh my guys actually Irish whoa I'm down oh [ __ ] are you surprised the Green Smoke the gross [ __ ] green things and now Irish voice-acting are you saying all Irish people are green [ __ ] yes is that what you just said to me big boy on my body I know he's coming for his my turret would shoot him hey go turret helping down white lights and [ __ ] bleed no here come on nice work team I'm American were you downed by that before that happened oh my god we didn't even scan for where the turbine guys I got an orange key is that good infection check I'm at 90 it caps out at 90 I've discovered this okay and it means you only duck it 10 Bursa no this is a nightmare you come here guys is it mark there's so many turbine oh I got it holy hey let's go home I wasn't me oh I have to carry this I can't take out my okay okay let's just go let's just go let's just go run run run run oh [ __ ] guys I think you're gone the wrong way think you're sick you're going the wrong way there's a lot of shooting going on just wait okay well nevermind alright I had to reload oh my god what the hell can we go shoot the things on the walls no no yeah bleep I can't hammer them either that sucked okay this machine pistol not my favorite thing the bird is okay but I'd rather just be able to pick my shots we can't do much worse than that we can do way worse way more goo sirs maybe we need a guinea pig one person who's dedicating this guy say the sentence out loud at a point in time when everyone will hear it because Chad is going on and on about it and they're being idiots okay I go you're infected the percent infection you have sets the maximum health you can have so if you're 50% infective and you have 70 health you will slowly lose health until you're at 50% health make sure I observed you don't lose health at a certain percent of infection it's not a man it's you get that's how much house you get this time three dudes you Ford five dudes you so flashlights on there yeah run fast brother the rooms there's there's about seven here but oh my god there's so many well there's only four of us boys so just start swinging to see what happens all right I hate that plan I'll just get my gun a let's do this man let's have fun Bob what's wrong with you Tom that was me that was me dodge dodge I'm the best dodging oh you like the burst oh yeah if you just if you pulled out in triple headshot it's a one shot on all of those sleepers that's nice I was actually pretty sick plus look at that ass damn they kind of thick though there yeah it kind of looks like the things that squirt all over our faces later yeah what that goo sure dude though do you think it's just their asses that are glued to the walls and they're just like spraying us I don't like this lore I don't like it growin asses to be slapping up on you in the chat can you tell us that's cannon all right wait I mean we need to be clear are they [ __ ] on the wall your silence is agreement it is confirmed all right who wants dinner I'm not moving so if these [ __ ] wake up I meant I'm I take no responsibility okay okay okay okay there's four right here and then one to the left get low the one the project killed without pissing off the ones on the right yeah mark do a circle around left I got some [ __ ] distance brah jiggle wiggle oh god this one over here I turned the door get out get out get out I got two of them oh god you're [ __ ] hurt shot me Bob wait you put it there I could shoot everybody get out like place don't use don't thank you Bob it's okay I forgive you Bob you're welcome me I think this means piss okay all right well okay stay angry at Bob then you know let yourself be brought down you gotta use idiots American English when you hang out with us bro yeah you know biscuits know right oohs you know real American English no prints on the Barbie very tech nothing wrong you want against the Irish people it's just you it's in zone 7 67 60 we're currently in zone 7 6 DC sorry it's not it's own 763 my bad lights off your left mark right inside the door one to my left you see oh my god what's he doing smashy or a squirty smash Smasher today's question time yet Smosh I'm just sayin flesh lights it's really rolls is there anyone up there tossed friend I'm getting know them just hacking a locker I'm not seeing anything else over oh I see one over here I think he's alone the infection infection I have med kits up here and I'm also carrying them so I don't I have to refill but I feel like a disinfection pack are probably important Bob you got nothing in your sentry what this is you're a person I look over you it's 62% but I could view some of the tool refill I guess you're gonna give them tool refill so we can shoot you in the back some more huh I mean it very clear yeah yeah hear me very clear I hope we don't encounter any flashlights this round I just want to put that in the universe and squirting it will manifest I am willing it into the universe that will manifest in my life I'm pretty sure that's how this is designed yeah okay I think I cleared out all the enemies back - where's that door Lee leered out you mean walk through an empty hallway heroic 64 to 65 do you think 61 leads on to 63 my psychic I mean one the math logic checks out Wade comma comma comma for the different areas they lead do you think we should go through 761 I do declare alright here a mark da that's the same exclaimed he declared or that opened then the one the rest of us are at 761 mark you've led us here I will follow you to the ends of the earth my tank you thank you sir hmm will you try steal credit wait what's that fine toes there might be enemies looking everywhere squirters there could be squirters no no don't listen to the fool that goes down you should go check it out oh alright 7 263 is that door over here there's so much area here I just started thinking about squirters and already I'm itchy all over and I don't like it again did you manifest some I manifested these itchiness is right into myself where you don't like things on the ceiling that are basically transits that cover you an infection juice way harder than the rest of us I just thought of the [Laughter] [Laughter] walk it off manifested wait guys I'm yeah I need a wall to do this by this bit doesn't work I'll make it happen again oh my god you did it work for all join me come on you had a Crouch the moment you get off the moment yes perfect both of us ah so damn it stay crouched am i doing it yeah you're doing it you're doing it bro that's as hard as when you did it let's fight it's my joke but you're allowed to do it in with my permission you know I also broken only the best of us can do it yes to the skin Jude's in my eye you got it Oh you hadn't you've broken Oh okay we like this from now on you don't get to come with us it's so weird that you can't tell if you're doing it though when you stop doing it Sean oh my god my choice okay totally believe you dang it gosh darn it yeah gotcha that's really sick guys lights off oh yeah right let's do this might be that room then lights on well it's kind of like a half hop situation that's kind of like an ollie these it totally is the room oh god I wish I had the long-range flashlight that would be so good for it I wonder I wonder if that like curse blow to them or something is this 63 this is 63 this is a day Gousha room but they're not on the light anymore so I also hear though I didn't get you though it didn't get you oh I didn't even see where it was I really hate these enemies really itchy it looked just like that that dance from the commercials are they apparently not in the same spots which is distressing yeah Oh God look oh my god it looks like they [ __ ] underside of a boat barnacles that was my articles that's what they're called barnacles I thought of it thanks bro I just don't know the range of them yeah I don't know how long the flashlight keeps them off five six seconds at the very most not very long time America you want to get the guy you know all gooshy oh my god all right teamwork makes a dream work oh I can't I can't goose them from here [ __ ] I I was even like flash lighting him there was no stuff oh god take that one for the day god I really pick a load that one guys like [ __ ] 15 of them in this room oh my god just [ __ ] screw it turning turning get him get hurt Oh big shooter shooter McGavin oh behind us one got passed how did that one go through two of you to hit me that [ __ ] we're chillin there we go down with chillin chillin yeah we stop you were great at that one how'd it go down the stairs aiming for looking for stuff I aimed that if it was a second too late it didn't count when I'm standing here toss oh come here come here wait yes I can D in fact you feels like at least some of these they gotta be on you mark let's did you see how many are in this one hole look at the things cuz there's things here there's so many things to look at please help so it they do if you go past them they take a time they take some God or whatever yeah I think we can sprint by so I think if the hallway is safe wait that hallway clear versus this hallway Shaun go go on the right-hand side don't go down the main hall mark there's boosters in here yeah I'm aware yeah I see a motley enough buddy no I'm far over here where it's safe and less scary and you're really in fact I am door I was wondering if you could shoot them while the GU shoes were out but that's a perk either yeah it's I think it's just light do they reload after they pop I imagine they do oh where is that dude you're dodging them like crazy why just placing your turret turn your flashlight off I don't like that at all nonsense yeah there's two by the door though so we gonna we got to get back in that corner of America's I mean we got to all be here first for a second anyway [ __ ] yeah just shine your lights my dudes shine your lights no no God that turrets gonna [ __ ] me up I'm going for it oh my god Wow I apparently wasn't on it for some reason even though I was oh there's one in here oh no yeah if I told you there's two there's three oh [ __ ] this one oh my god I swear I'm in this one here [ __ ] I swear I've been in this one circle over this whole time and it will not finish this scam I think we all had to be in that one it was a big circle up to it one of the turrets shot me in the face all right that's what you were saying ow ow tie into the things talk I keep forgetting that these things are everywhere I'm down again I'll be rising with like 0% health is a little rough yeah that's tricky little bit down this this hallway of infection is a nightmare how do you deal with that that's terrible it's hard that's rough maybe seafoam will do something to him [Music] yeah I'll take seafoam because I'm bad with the turret anyway we might need like two seafoam errs probably probably burst turrets would be better to just for the break yeah little and the ring yeah we should definitely film um we wanted to see film two turrets sure what if they're breakable if you freeze them like that no probably not but it'd be cool they were just a thing right that does make them like shatter or whatever we're experimenting everyone we're still young enough to do that maybe we should explore one of the other zones first because there might be new items to help us with this true true true interesting interesting interesting very interesting how does the machine pistol have more bullets than the submachine gun that doesn't make any sense because it just vomits them in of every direction maybe it's different ammo no the machine pistol upon is like all guns same bullets everyone knows we've been Maori one of the seven signs of our incoming explosion you bound ash meow hack the game and change the audio file so every time something one of those douchebags explodes it's just like guys I have the power OOP wait can we have that down a hallway and murder them all at once yeah I'm gonna list to see if there's like doesn't show wait there's multiple fog turbine turbine one six one six one why do we need a specific one they're all the same to get rid of the specific fog damn it this one's in 762 so it's a little closer than last time there's a disinfection station yeah way disinfect station seven two five it's in Zone seven six four so if we find that that's through this door down because the doors open now no time to think only time kill there's only these two one of the rights and a really cool well not a because you can see their ass more Bob he didn't work tangling with the music school in here wobble wobble screech yeah I like that here and that make music Bob I think what's clear I'm just gonna run and jump around then so you can open lock silently maybe we need key black four eight four to get into Zone two the disinfection zone that's literally what that zones called it's in zone seven six one seven six months right here I have a disinfection pack by the boy I'm gonna ammo myself other lucky human it like a single-use lock melter or is it like a three sixty sixty percent I've got three of them it looks like that's cool Bob are you bored yes yes to make Siteman in your life then can we play some freakin can we get some bit for night fortnight yeah that's going in lights blazing huh yeah bold didn't hit off simple pimple out oh my god oh behind us where they can eat Jesus there's a bunch jeez give him the old snasser you'll 1 2 well that was a lot more than gone literally no worse I mean whoa whoa where that came from I might be sorry Jesus sorry guys sorry sorry oh wait those are things to work her special surprise am i doing it again but there's no there's no long-range flashlights though someone else needs to fog repeller we should replace the lock mouth no see I can get it you know it does replace the lock melter you funny it sounds cuz it's like a utility and you only have one utility slot what are you doing but flap I'm at 96% health I'm good for oh don't heal me oh it's just I couldn't even read it you're so wormy that they left the lock melter okay as long as you remember where you left it do you think the fog repeller would work in that dense fog down the steps well I was kind of wondering explore do you think it'd work in the fog up here no no you'll find out it's a frog repeller not a fog redistribute idiot it's kind of blowing it up here where did you talk I don't see good I eat my words I eat my words it didn't work in the fog [Music] [Music] it's marginally less effective when all of you at once really you're doing it right here and what I weren't even saying words I was just making noise it doesn't do anything take that dweeb all right let me try I'm gonna try yeah let me let me let me that's not good he's so powerful let me try on that one literally didn't do a single thing to him oh I can't do they just consume it listen disgusting thing that I hate are you gonna do the thing or what hey this is a hack lock let me go get my melter I want to melt it when you fail the hack it makes that sound I've got these things covered Shawn don't worry you're safe wait no so mark the one that you see foamed over here yeah he's not read not read I ran yeah he's just chilling I'm not I'm not shining light on him and he's just chilling interesting there's disinfection kits here by the way oh my god you're right you're right so seafoam does work it just doesn't have the right animation for ya it needs to have some sort of never mind he woke back up and I had my hand off the keyboard it is the good flashlight seems to immediately scare away the a the ace holes yeah what'd you do it from way further away too which is very important you can review that entire hallway yeah which we're gonna need get out of here kit does anyone have a spot because there's a I have two on me I think there's a two that's a true use medpac in there much I got the disinfection kit so well I have a disinfection kit on me well as well right now so what should we need that or health well if we unlock the disinfection zone then we won't need kids ah maybe no one else is infected right so no we chillin yeah I think I melted this lock guys we can go in all right I want to blast this this hallway with the light of a thousand Sun I changed my mind real quick on that one I mean it's a whole line of them yeah should we drop a turret and close the door we could choose the door actually Oh close the door and sorted through it well cheater a cheater pipe you divine let's do this okay are we doing what's one are we doing we've died twice Jesus Jesus oh man the developers are watching oh god it's just gonna like stick may have fixed the cheese they fixed it hahaha that's what you guys get hang on hang on let me try one more more more cheese oh yeah that you got to get a pixel perfect if you want it to know they fixed it alright put it outside then close the door alright I'll do that that doesn't sound very fun or like exploiting the game in any way that's fun no apparently that's fun now doors opening flashlight off you a-hole no I'm keeping us safe Ready Set close the door door closing all right time to start flashing get them turret what the doors doing a heck and shaky man that hurts really well you guys left what the hell the frontlines all right well who's medkit again yeah gives you some hells now buncha cowards if you guys want to use to to use as it opens up a slot I'm good I'm 78 oh no my knee eight okay anybody have like one use left they want to touch me up with nope you small I guess you guys suck well no one has left you're the one with the only med kit where was that one you gonna use your eyeballs man did it get me through the stairs I think it got me through the stairs I'm blinding them with the light of a thousand suns don't worry about it friends this'll definitely it's on the other side of the rebar there well I can't get us in we can't go that way because there's fog we have to go under the stairs oh cool sticks tacks thanks do you think that would work oh that would be interesting that would be interesting nope all right that's not anything then I thought clothes stick was big brain yeah yeah I did too seems like seems like it would be big people see foam was big brain well sea foam seems to work it does but just doesn't it prolongs how long there and knocked out or whatever yeah I mean I'm just gonna toss these everywhere anyway Oh God which one of them are on Oh God there was everywhere oh wait there's a sea foam grenade in here whoa oh [ __ ] okay there's sleepies in here but there's also a thing right here go get this though there's to go we got a match this is bad alright I'm gonna try and hack these okay I got these [ __ ] happens Oh free these guys can't hear this [ __ ] it up it's too late didn't hear it that's a tool refill and this is black for 84 hey that's to the disinfection zone grab that let's go see what that's all about yeah let's check it out maybe there's a turret light just put down a giant light lamp a home depot work lamp that you just plop yeah work light strewn all about here why can't we use those yeah and they're pretty cool-looking yeah when you feel the hacking it sounds like it's a silly let's yeah what's she doing there mark I don't know the circle for your hit e hammer turns small when you look at them because I know it's so tempting but it doesn't do anything yeah stress oh you made that sound and it's good to [ __ ] bladders out there gentlemen ah sound like a bull dog's mouth this alarm yep say it's alarm yeah all right Bob do you want to put it down and close the door on the other side while our doors to our right so you know like this it's not the only place they can come from yeah weird what are you doing yeah Wade I'll see form this as well if we have to I'm a seafoam bobster dad or the seafoam lasts a while right about 3 minutes yeah if you go out there there's one door that leads to both the doors we've turned it we could see from that door this door right here oh you have this one that might be smooth this is where I had my turn aim cuz that door leads to both the doors that we currently have a turret on oh okay alright wait back up it's like cuz you you were you're pointing it at the door and I don't know what benefit that's gonna do either we can slap each other's dicks all day let's just do this should I keep that's a great that's a great that's a good don't put them both on this door there's do avenues where they could wait what are you talking about that's what about we're what about all of the other way from zone 61 that we just came from wall pimples don't move one's a wave nah no it's fine all right I'm gonna whatever I'm foaming up this door does that alright okay there we go this is gonna be the easiest door we've ever had lame-o's we're gonna have to go down into the infection to do these locks i turded it and closed it it's not seafoam but yep they're all there here oh there's a lot of them oh I can't shoot through the forklift I've got a gun a security decide to go through the [ __ ] monsters alright I got it what who's hitting me Oh are there invisible one footage this this guy right here no he wasn't he wasn't the one who was hitting me my turrets doing stuff now big lad coming sorry we got this it's whatever easy the machine pistol really doesn't do much alright I'm uh I'm a sea foam all of this the doesn't walk they're gonna stop bombing well I'm glad I wasted my seafoam ammo big fellow oh I've been hearing him I can't see him anymore he's out there he's always there Ned Ned his head gone dodged you [ __ ] I hit the other ones you have a oopsie there John I need diaper your boom boys a little weird got a lot of kills I exist oh the seafoam is on the door and I can't open it disinfection station whoa you burnt my shirts on the other side of the seafoam door oh yeah okay that kind of works disinfect I think it's all dented in well I bet is it unlimited you sir what's the deal I still have infection we'll get in this see this thing stick your face in it you're just gonna walk in the room and oh yeah thank goodness Oh gross no okay I'm not going station in there we all here we have to go into that area we do not have to go into that area we go back get the objective that we have that true interesting yes repeller it'll clear those areas out then we have another [ __ ] objective in those no we get to the extraction zone that's it we get it we get extract well know I'm infected guys oh darn it juicy over here developers there's this paper maybe some normalization wrinkler do we know what area of the fog things in yes 76227 60 yeah yeah I have a disinfection kid so I could probably get rid of that you never know when you might want to be handily disinfected that's true it's true that's true it's just a pact all your friends too much noise noise noise like Minecraft saying oh god it does know we have to do the [ __ ] hard door that we can't get past that Trudeau that true it word come out of your mouth that one that one was in that one literally was hidden why am I going down this hallway I pointed this twice are you some kind of dumb oh yeah behind a present can we see I've got seafoam but I don't know save it we should just go down there put it down the main hall yeah we should just try this we know what we're up against I'm oh god the alarm goes off right away okay I'm Sam I'm C Foreman yeah I'll see you foam as well yeah I'm out okay we all need to be in here first oh god these these things saw yeah okay hey seafoam you're supposed to actually you know stop people yeah one right in front of you Jax Sean kill him I'm staying on my flashlight so we don't die to infection we still haven't done the security get in the circle okay okay okay I'll do this one okay what are you gonna drop a bracket or something oh there's the range one over here big one by the door big one by the door okay got the range one oh my god oh my god [ __ ] me okay small ones other side long hallway don't forget the things guys so very much like the things there's just two of you circles I'm all out of ammo okay dodge time twelve chasing him oh god I think this might be the end all right so like Jesus crate we would have been fine circle right away we ended up fighting for an extra like two minutes yeah who was a circle I think I might have been coming into no sorry okay so seafoam is the [ __ ] way forward yeah machine pistol is garbage learn that yeah SMG might as well do that just gonna go with the assault rifle I think that's just the best go of things all right now that we know see with the pistol yeah we going for the disinfection zone is not worth it I don't think yeah it didn't really buy us much except for wasting resources until we had to do the same battle that would have been really useful to go get cleaned up yeah but that's true yeah it's not a priority though yeah at that point we might as well just run to the extraction zone I think this one could be done in I think this one in reality is like a 15 minute 20-minute round yeah I really hope that we actually get to extract when we take that out yeah why would you I don't know all those dark foggy areas just I have a bad feeling about him I mean it's probably in a dark photic fog good area I think the orange e is the thing [ __ ] us up right now yeah that room was terrible for that fight we literally Romantics six Gaucher's yeah all right but this one's da one I feel it's me waters your waters yeah I would not know if you're just making stuff up I would have no idea percent lies you know technically everything's made up guys true true so you speak the true true no enemies looks pretty empty here stuff in here what do you mean we're getting stuff we're all working together [Laughter] 6:3 appreciate my locks okay but Bob you made it cool you made it cool I was wait was innovative Oh sick nasty wait what you doin just laying around come on B so they did Oh a buds all right help me three two one Cabo oh nice that's perfect coordination I love it what do you mean we're ready to go yeah dude you get goop on your face for that yeah yeah brothers those who goop together it's the goop in your eyes can't see nothing there's a lot in here my brother yeah what I thought you I thought you just missed him he didn't explode from now on the left four on the right FYI five on the left three on the right man I'm just [ __ ] walking by dude it's not even seeing them I don't even count them it I got so much goop in my eyes I don't even know what's up that's too close apparently I've done everything right I'm perfect home I got it handed some health so stop with that Jesus Christ there's enemies in here good god man bastard it's not the talk of a group brother over there that's not how you goop it looks like so all wrong oh we're doing guns blazing good plays I'm in the thick of the goop yeah turns out there are too many people that goop over here okay I'm running oh god oh god man whatever I why are there so many in here and it was like still on right over there gooping gooped I'm honestly a little bit blown away that's a fantastic reenactment yeah brother come here brother I showed up with you well like a cheer eyes whatever dude don't even worry about his broad [ __ ] like you just gave I hear that accident and you're a completely different human being like I don't know if California Mark that is how you sound I hate to break your [ __ ] lights more up thank you who's just I was just I was knee-deep in that role okay oh yeah there's one you see okay I'm gonna get to that far one I got that far one okay I got this guy this person gent like something like wrestling my name is my name is buck the kids whatever man literally just beat you but my name's Britt my swoosh okay mess mess that up but it's fine everything is good scooping properly up there come on spoilers get gift or just get off my [ __ ] property that had that voice but you're like a 47 year old grouchy you kids need to get off my lawn I spent eight hours on Sunday getting it pristine I moved an inch of my screen went black happens to the best of us it's sad ecstasy man too much tell her I'll whoa mm-hmm the shooter a shooter Raider I don't do about shooter Raiders oh my god so much bombs it's a hard fight I didn't see anyone else volunteering for that Smasher me Mike you do it okay I'm in hacking all day my fingers are sore watch this Pro moves got it I don't know a single siren didn't dude I'm the best by the way I'm a certain guns have different ranges on their flashpoint I didn't hear the certain guns have different ranges on their flashlights so if you got an assault rifle it's range on the flashlight is long certain ranges and it just cut out anyone need health by the way Oh God nuts just a dude shining you can do it you can do it at top of behind your Bob yeah I know there's not a good place here cuz bob has 30% infection it's just gonna go right back down oh yeah don't do that excellent point Wade well Oh God there is Oh too late guy there I'm sorry my eyes just started watering so badly that I literally couldn't see my computer screen I'm sorry I can't see you okay something just got in my eye or something I literally can't see out of my right eye oh well go take care of that brick I'm sure if I just touch it with my fingers it'll fix it yeah that's it I washed my hands yesterday [Music] every now and then I touch my face in a in a video and everyone's like these are supposed to be touching this race I'm like I'm at home yeah after you've washed your hands and you're in your own house is not it's different it's I wear contact lenses I put them in just by slamming my face into the the contact on the dirty counter in mind seriously I get that it's complicated and scary because it's a pandemic but there are so many simple things that people completely blow out of proportion or don't understand the point of blows my mind it's retching your face in the comfort of your own home with freshly clean hands is not gonna give me coronavirus I'm fine I really do need to like wash my because it's antibacterial think I broke it but that doesn't kill a virus and so it works cuz it kills the fatty layer around the protein there you go that's it got a lip Oh phobic property or something that's why you got to wash your hands to literate I'm going to go to the bathroom and wash my eye out because I have tears right now my face don't I go okay well he's gone finally out face you know he's gone you guys should bring drunk minecraft lark does alcohol still kill you gosh no I'm cured oddly enough I started washing my hands it's all good yeah yeah just hold your breath it'll be right back yeah hello it's my toe stuck in [Laughter] right bud this pandemics done endemic pandemic was called bad and that's very different it's not even in the same word usage yes one of those demyx I know high school is me demek you demek we all digging what Oh juicy what happened to me I don't know what happened to you you washed your face right oh it's just the light it's certainly worth it over there listen yeah let's just do the dang thing get the dang out of here nice way to FK some wrong with your eyes yeah it's my nose and I think I broke it hey I'm gonna disinfect myself so I'm not anymore nice yes yes good play yes brother yes yeah clean okay so there's any to break the door this time so this this is our raw not bad yeah not bad not bad not bad yeah there's three there's three there's three so we do that and then we this is our safe zone we're here we are safe safe corner yes I must start seafoam and there's seafoam all down this end oh sorry I was about to cover it all right juicy again all right let's do it all right I'm ready now everyone staying up damn look at the progress on that something something something something talk to touch my butt yeah that's what I remember yep I'll try and help you with the lights mark thank you many thanks I think you're not getting at marks - oh god damn it going go like going sorry about that all right all right back it up Oh big one everyone in big one by the door yep nice nice what next and old handled handled that was one deep in there I'm gonna go for it gonna have to go deep I'm going I'm going I'm just gonna eat it I'm gonna eat it I'm gonna I'm in getting this one okay that's I've been the line of fire I only got 30 percent infections yep not yet [ __ ] pretty decently done Oh Frick got hit there this thing kicks like a mule did we do it good job genteel mom oh yeah okay who's that disinfecting kits does anyone have those nope I have med kits I don't know if I'm gonna get my century back or not I don't think that's worth it yeah I think just leave it yeah just leave it lets it looks crappy feelin like this door shall we uh yeah lights off open says me all this strange darkness okay there's there are gue peas directly no but God Almighty Oh God well is he alone what's the deal I hear one on the way god damn it okay ow Jesus Christmas please please my light is on you you got that way yeah are we dealing with here where are they there's two okay we're good okay Oh my father's here covered my lights real quick I'm gonna ping yeah I watch you that was 18 he's five that I picked up oh that's further in where was it why is that over here still pinging again Oh am I about to be blood no I got you yeah I'm defending mark someone else is gonna have to go yeah 763 area B is where it's this one we're in it okay cool notice it's through the store okay oh that was me the one got a door we know it's in this next room to the left now so you don't need to keep hanging anymore okay you know where it is yeah its own it's the left down here it's really then let's let's go three feet away let's just try and stealth it because if we have to fight this whole next room we're gonna be in in the bone zone yeah I'm pretty little ammo this does bring a whole new element to the game it really does terrifying I really need to have like good 3d awareness where you lose track of them so quickly okay someone get the one that's on me okay I'm going for this one coming okay I can smack whenever okay wait where's the other one oh I say I could go for it okay three two one good we're good we need to go it this way in my direction should we come with you or should we continue chilling over here there's so many big balloons yeah and there's two guys up here you hit this one I'll hit that one ready I think it's out a variable yeah careful you're light sleepers over there okay it's clear up here good job boys I'm so afraid to move right now I'm one infection away from me yeah you move I got I got these pollsters are you clear yep let's go okay alright alright 765 wherever that is 214 okay sings making a lot of noise okay I can't do anything with this in my hand so if we find out when you draw we need to light you I think we just get out of here you go back the way we came or are we going left I think left it looks left definitely well you can get your turret now oh this goes to seven succeeds I still just don't want to go in that hallway yeah [ __ ] scary yeah yeah this is terrifying this is a way more stressful than most of the first run down I never got this infection I'm at 50 both Wade and I are both at 80 oh Christ yeah Jesus so bad then that's why we weren't doing stuff because we would have just died probably let's just [ __ ] go yeah I think we're clear other than the lights yeah don't be a [ __ ] alarm Oh No is it really does it leave two seven six five definitely 76262 is that even the right way maybe maybe this is the one oh maybe that thing will push away the big fog you know the big fog zones that we had before maybe that's what's gonna actually push it away cuz it's working so let's get out of here let's get the [ __ ] out of here let's go guys yeah you want to try to guau no that was me that's me I'm 90% infected now dammit we could get the infection station did anyone grab the key I have a key yeah okay yeah let's maybe do that okay we're out of the we're out of hell not quite yet but yeah okay okay okay okay oh wow yeah clears the road driving the fog away oh hell yeah oh damn fancy oh this is powerful we said it's a circle we need to stay close to him oh wow tightens up in the back there I mean you can't get any more infected okay I I believe oh no it tops out at 90 infection yeah well I might go I think it might go up but it goes back down to 90 so nothing you're clear completely oh I can't sprint with this thing oh yeah we do have to go through the disinfect that leads to 765 so we can get disinfected but we have to survive this encounter oh wait this is an alarm door [ __ ] oh this infection pack right here Bob I've ping yeah I know should we top ourselves off a little bit doing it because we need to delve we need to I have one use so we should you three I mean so yeah we should disinfect some people I guess you should use it twice on yourself now do you twice let's all do each other guys all right fast circles boys fast circles big dicks gentlemen so we do oh they're coming from that way interesting we don't have covered foam that little door the left either y-yeah nice good call good call could get these circles circles done the circles done next set going towards the left door it's all right it's all right panic is the enemy chaos is your friend okay I'm on a circle I hear you yes they are got that last one last one last one oh boy that's a long one okay come on game under it oh there are multiple we got it we got it we got it and bam done okay here they come back behind the turret I'll back up to the door backing up slowly reading whoo yeah good Sara Lee oh there we go there's a big boy right maybe I don't that's it we got no we're good we're good oh my god wow my turret this is the thingy right disinfect really loudly it works better if it's loud good guys chill chill chill chill chill chill well and that's low there's a sleeper in here I'm talking about it I didn't I all they're just in three sleepers Sean I'm ready let's do it sure this is help there's a watch out I got hit by it when I do that before I lose all this health I have yeah get it man one point at a time Jesus oh but everyone can use it at once okay robot I love a robot it's something The Grudge oh my god I'm clean baby clean could use some health but completely disinfected I'm sure we'll be fine [Music] okay as the furthest we've gotten let's not [ __ ] it up now okay just there's just one more dude we said above use it above you is it above me you're right good call got it cool I'll watch the ceiling saw watch the ceiling I'm coming with a fogger just to make sure Oshin the thing is so loud I don't think we don't need to go that way we can just go I'm just clearing out just for the sake of whoa my god Whiteley scream why do they scream I scream whose oh it's my it was my flashlight I'm an idiot it's all good it's all good let's just go to the extract let's get yeah screw that way that that sucks mark let's leave socks over there [Music] like in this are we oh god I can deal with sneaking I don't want to deal with [ __ ] sits down here there's this there are this there are this oh wow okay I'll take one kill myself once okay I'm gonna heal Wade thank you so I'm a forty five forty thirty eight so Jack gets one and markets one okay and then how many do we have after that I don't know I'm doing Jack I think we're good all right so we're all almost fifty yeah yeah yeah baby all right all right oh god it's okay it's okay we gonna write down here I don't know no no oh here 765 this one goes to 765 that's what we need right yep if you're gonna if you're gonna keep your light on just keep them up yeah keep up good call good call okay slow down okay I was stuck on Wade's thick ass its thickness it is nice I hear that clickers sort of right yeah to the right okay I'm gonna get him I'm gonna get her momma get him okay man it's a good thing we're so good at teamwork okay I think maybe we should be like mark leads and you follow mark and wait and I'd stay inside so what we have like a train situation yeah I'll do the good boy okay we got ice here three yo guys just started apparently nice okay okay I think of the heavy fog is helping us nightmare of sources and 64 e the one we're in right getting this one yeah I think so doing this [ __ ] haunting got another one this is 765 no no one more one more okay damn it I'm gonna do stairs I don't hear anything they can't throw it on that much [ __ ] at us in the middle of this where's that log oh do not be alarm it's alarmed no serious LARM day I'm gonna put on the fogger like right here okay we should take the fogger back to the door and put our sentries down maybe yeah centrosome it's turning off its turning off its turning off its turning off oh no how are we gonna manage the circles if one person has to go with the thing I think it's just like we'll just have to get infected and hope it's only one or two rounds alright ladies and gentlemen this is a big momma I'm just hoping it's gonna be a light one my shotgun it's alright oh yeah oh it's a big one it's two big ones okay yeah everyone's good right okay yeah we're good yep yeah let me get some more over here let's come over here this way yep okay they're hidden that that's good okay all right just one more okay they broke here here and go in here where are they I don't see well there's one more back well everything guns on us in the fog in the Fox I'm down but don't worry just set this down oh there we go get the circles don't worry about me why'd you guys behind you at the door oh my god that's so brutal wait oh it's not even finishing huh we're all down but it's not ending 39 meters away from extract that hurts that's so hard my god yeah that's tough that is tough but that was fun I like it the new things they put in it brings some balance to it I don't think that's so noble anymore my god [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,701,797
Rating: 4.96174 out of 5
Keywords: gtfo game, markiplier, muyskerm, lordminion777, jacksepticeye, gtfo game update, gtfo game goop, goop, slime, beware the goop, funny moments, funny multiplayer game, scary, scary multiplayer, multiplayer horror, horror, update
Id: 2oM1f6Vo_B0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 54sec (5154 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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