Analogue Horror

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hello today we're going to be exploring the subject of analog horror if you don't know what analog horror is remember my video Maple County that was an example of it analog horror is a genre or a sub-genre that exists in the world of the era of the VHS kind of a little bit so analog is relating to or using signals or information represented by a continuously variable physical quantities such as spatial positioning voltage Etc or analog a person or things seen as comparable to another which is oddly interesting oddly interesting it's interesting oddly enough the oddly thing is that that is interesting that is interesting because it pertains to what we're talking about today and the alternates the alternates are kind of the idea behind um if you remember this video this video the Mandela catalog this is made by a one Alex kister we are currently receiving countless reports of an unidentified hostile organism that will refer to as alternates a lot of them from what I've seen start from this informational type of video which is this is actually like 1950s propaganda videos from the government to tell you how to survive an atomic bomb that's the kind of videos that I get the vibe of so this is not just analog in the days of VHS this is old analog in the terms of archival footage and stuff like that you know things that are so far in the past but baked into the subconscious because they are effectively propaganda and they're supposed to be baked into the subconscious to get you to think one way or another so to use this as a medium to tell a story that is a horror story is an effective use because the technology is inherently Jank and kind of the horror comes from it being Jank and also the information being presented to you that there is an entity that looks just like you that is trying to take over you your life and when it finds you it will make an almost perfect facsimile of you or it has already made it perfect facsimile of your parents or loved ones or friends or neighbors or colleagues they could be anyone anywhere at any time even me but I'm not gang so let's look into analog horror because there's so much more to analog horror than just the Mandela catalog or Maple County do not believe his lies the Mandela catalog ass film theorist that you know you do you do professional research I'm here to do my research which is because I say it in a more authoritative tone I'm gonna I'm gonna let people assume that I know what I'm talking about which I have not been able to say properly this whole video let me look at something that I found which is called Blue Channel phallicin or a loved one are suffering from any of the following symptoms lack of feeling emotional outbursts fog of the mind or memory loss this may be a sign of onset AED or Advanced emotional deterioration today 7 in 10 people over the age of 21 report experiencing emotional degradation severe enough to hinder everyday tasks such as workplace performance social interaction and [Music] emotional stability is required for a functional and Healthy Mind correcting AED used to require rigorous testing and invasive procedures costing time effort and money today the solution is thallison [Music] using our modern understanding of brain mapping phallicip is able to reproduce the emotions necessary for any occasion not only does thalassin restore lost emotion but patients have reported emotions at a higher and more consistent quality than once produced non-chemically included in every pack of fallacin are these common emotions happiness sadness anger fear and relief also look out for over-the-counter options such as jealousy hope frustration and pride foreign tired of only experiencing where's the horny option or maybe interested in expanding your emotional palette cutting-edge brain mapping technology has not only allowed us to refine existing emotions but is also allowed for the creation of new emotions and emotional experiences with Dallas and plus experience emotions Beyond previous natural capabilities new emotions include degrans Humber mage sourcelessness Hendrick this very nice punished trentiveness to luge break to experience the power of Allison call the number on your screen now before Supply that's where those pictures came from there was a post on Reddit like forever ago that was a picture of those emotions and it was like a big post and I thought they made it that's how things don't like if it doesn't get credited it doesn't go anywhere and I don't know who makes it Goose works I've seen those before my God I want to experience to luge uh like a heaping helping of talouche mixed with a little bit of uh just online loric they didn't even mention the onland I want some online anyway this is like Well Done Goose Works uh really fun stuff but yeah no that's another example of what analog horror is it's like an old this blue screen has such a strong impact in my memory it may not have the same impact in your memory encoding delay why that seems to be fine yeah so this is the kind of concept behind analog horror a lot of things exist in this world and there's actually a playlist that someone named The Analog collector has made that kind of collects a lot of different analog horror things senses chimpy chip is banned commercial okay what is this okay let's let's take this from the top you want to know what's driving everyone bananas well come on down to chippy chippers enjoy our wide range of Milkshakes Burgers and Fries and have you coming back for more are you as excited as to the gym is to uh [Music] [ __ ] sorry sorry bloody monkey just who cares just we've got to do it again just give me another go from the top you want to know what's driving everyone but not specials [Music] you waiting for because chipper the chimp is waiting for you look I know you guys spend time on making this monkey thing but has no one realized how [ __ ] creepy it looks or is it just me because I can tell you right now I'd never take my daughter so the I I'd say I'd say I'd say this is an example of something that isn't necessarily one of the scariest things I've ever seen in fact personally I didn't think it was scary at all however I'm not here to just [ __ ] all over spring talk pictures Creations that's not what I'm here about I I want to dissect why this doesn't work and the other ones work really well because I I know there's a video not this one every analog horror video here we go foreign this year we're celebrating 35 years in business did you know we've come up with six all new value combo coupons and if you sign up for our email Club you'll save 15 percent well that's a little that's a little on the nose [Music] did you know oh okay so funny whatever whatever it's a parody but I think like if a good parody needs to understand the exact essence of what does work for something even if you're making fun of it you need to understand why it works for the people that it works for to get there and this kind of does that yeah one second what is this oh i s did I watch this one I think this might be the one I was thinking of [Music] foreign foreign [Music] okay so okay so this is an example of a good parody right it knows what it's making fun of I think the commas are just like you when your parody is so well made it wraps around to being scary again that's kind of what it is because that was by itself unsettling and analog horror can be really unsettling if it's done right and you can do a parody that's so good that it does wrap around all the way to unsettling by the way this is a great video how audio enhances the horror of Five Nights at Freddy's great video the other thing that I want to show you is something that kind of goes beyond just analog horror there's a video by the mystery flesh pit guy girl I don't know the person who does the mystery flesh pit also has a YouTube channel I don't know if you knew this is called mystery flesh pit National pork Park historic archive and the first video that they ever put out was this one and this one's just like it's fascinating because it is technically I think in the genre of analog horror but then again the whole premise of the mystery flesh pit which if you don't know about you should look it up is kind of in the same vein as why this analog horror as a concept is scary it's something rooted in the past because the story of the mystery flesh pit is all told from the perspective of articles in memorabilia and little informational placards that are from the era of when the mystery flesh pit existed and before the disaster of the mystery flesh pit and so you uncover the universe through in Universe clues that occurred after the event occurred and this is one of them [Music] the following message is transmitted at the request of the Texas Department of Public Safety the United States Geological Survey and the Permian Basin recovery Corporation the United States Geological Survey has issued a geopiological activity advisory for the following counties Cook County Junction County Howard County Midland County Sterling County Federal daylight time at 10 48 PM Central Daylight Time seismic EKG monitoring stations detected muscle contractions originating from the northeastern limit the Permian Basin super organism this event is expected to cause moderate to severe damage to property utility services and infrastructure residents are advisors [Music] [Music] and battery powered radio during this event you may experience headaches nausea fever hallucinations dizziness mild seizures temporary changes in Vision they do store enhanced cognitive ability limited precognition memory loss and muscle cramps these effects are temporary and will stop once the event has concluded take me to local news media outlets for continuing information on this situation so this this is cool right this came out uh December of 2020. it is now 2022 so this was over a year ago this is actually before a lot of these analog horror videos came out it's not the first analog or Thing by a long shot but it is one of the earlier ones and it has a great example of why it and a lot of the analog horror things work so well it's something that you know even if it's an emergency you know this screen you know this and because you know it even if it's something bad you can be used to it and you can understand it however there's already strange things that are happening in this emergency broadcast that really mark it out as something that you should pay attention to and something that is not what you expect and that is the basis of what makes it so kind of creepy because it's unsettling because it's something that you expect to know and it's not what it is it's not a tornado warning it's not a like a earthquake warning no it's geobiological activity advisory that makes you go what the [ __ ] [ __ ] is that you don't know what that is but you know those words geobiological so okay geological biological something that's on the scale of geology and biology that's weird at first and that's like the whole reason why the mystery flesh pit works so well but also just like the rest of it going on as as it continues the fact that it is a recording of a screen and you have the environmental things happening that are kind of coinciding with the message that is being relayed and it's rooted in reality right it's rooted in reality and that's kind of the bigger point of it like it's it's rooted in something that could potentially be real you see these counties you know roughly the size of what a county is in a state if you're from America this thing whatever the frick it is it it's so big and you hear them talking about how there's an activity warning off the northeastern limb of the Permian Basin super organism all of these are pretty much new words to anybody that's ever read English and grew up knowing English all of these are pretty new but you know the combinations of them and you know the basis of the context that you're getting it and all of them spell bad news so this event is expected to cause moderate to severe damage also like understating what it could possibly do and just like the list of things and the things happening in the noise like you could say a lot about the production quality and like the different things and the actual realism of it but the fact that it is there and this happening all age to the idea that it's kind of real that's the other thing about analog horror it Taps into this thing where you don't know if it's not real you can play a lot of horror games and you can know that they're not real because you're playing a game but when you're watching an informational video like this you don't automatically know that it's not real if you've never been exposed to something like this before and that also is what makes analog horror really creepy you don't know if this informational broadcast about people that aren't people that kind of look like people is real or not you know that it's probably not real but it seems presented in a way that could be real especially if it's like that game Maple County that is a police instructional video and someone would only go to the trouble of making an instructional video if it was something that actually needed to be instructed right so there's a sense of realism there and then you get these things like you might experience headaches nausea okay fever hallucinations okay dizziness mild seizures okay temporary changes in Vision reduced or enhanced cognitive abilities like limited precognition like these things like lumping the reel in with the not real I think is what really hones in this idea kind of hiding the unreal in the real and that's what makes mystery flesh pits so cool is because there's so much unreal buried in real of what it could potentially be and like that kind of like twisting of reality is where this gets cool now with this with thallison like the Trenton this you it's it's great well this isn't the original one it's great because it starts out with something that is kind of crazy but you're like okay that's that's kind of funky you know a medicine that gives you emotions okay all right I get it not scary by itself but it already set up a universe where it could then put dorslessness into it freaking doorslessness so I think that that's kind of like my 101 about why analog horror is what it is and why it can work so what I'm gonna do now is watch some analog horror videos what kids safety tips was this Andy living good the Church of the future like presents fun and safety tips after school safety what do you do when a stranger approaches you don't speak to them do not go with them run away and tell an adult you trust what do you do when your parents come to pick you up is it really your parents look for their eyes see the light listen to them speak do you hear the scratching let them take you somewhere fun playtime safety do not hide in places where you can get trapped places like old refrigerators can seal you in that's no fun hide and fun places like the doorway keep your mouth open do not close your eyes they live inside the doorway you will have fun you will laugh and laugh you will stay [Music] home safety after your parents tuck you in open your window children should not sleep with their windows closed when you hear the voices go with them to the doorway it will be a fun game oh all right have fun okay ow so this was not bad but I think this is one of those ones that leans too hard too quickly and isn't rooted in enough reality because I think it was good there with like don't talk to strangers but it was like already presented in a weird way that made it seem like disturbing and wrong and I don't think that works out as well as it could if it was something that was more basic uh from the get-go or not more basic but more like I said rooted in reality and was kind of like like it's one of those things where less is more right in horror if you show the monster I don't know what this is if you show the monster it ruins any potential scare of the unknown right because you know it and as soon as you know something you know what it is all right well good job you just fell over I think another good example of analog horror or at least kind of this genre I don't know if they would want to be lumped in with this but if you remember to discover my body so this game that I played a while ago if you haven't seen it go check it out the game itself is very creepy so the the reason that was so creepy is because of the way that he makes things it Harkens the design of analog horror with like a lot of pixelation and a lot of like uncertainty about what you're seeing in a lot of old technology and stuff like that but there's just like a certain blend of it that uh I think his name's James does that really combines a lot of elements that I love about analog or and puts it into a package that is just an overall very creepy thing but the thing about discover my body and if you go watch that video that I did of it or go play the game yourself better yet it's presented like it's normal and I think that's the key so when you get to the part where he's starting to flower other brains off of like his bones or something he's acting like it's perfectly normal the incredible pain of that other step where he just starts screaming is presented like it's perfectly normal and it's all part of the plan and if there's a plan then you can follow the plan and you can survive but if you don't follow the plan they're going to find you and you will be defenseless against them so to stick to the plan and everything will be just fine and that's what makes things scary I didn't point out anything specifically of that that makes things scary but the combination of it should be pretty obvious anyway what I want to do is I want to go to uh some more of this um Mandela catalog because I really liked what was going on with the Mandela catalog like I don't know if it was like the best made but I kind of want to look at some other things around there okay this is exhibition it's a longer one huh [Music] I'm looking at what did I just see oh my God I was just skipping through this a little bit I just saw that you know I don't like that I'm not gonna lie I don't like that and that's very simple but at the same time I don't like it like it I think that's analog horror you just look at it and go I don't like it I don't like that could I have less of that please and then it gives you more of that right that's what it does anyway this is like some never mind listen can you crank that up for me make it more illegible uh not hearable what the death of Mark I saw the death of Mark did you see the death of Mark I saw the death of Mark would you analog television and mirrors all right so that's the story don't look at Analog TVs no CRTs around here all right cool hang on hang on let's face it us parents know how time consuming it is to keep an eye on our young children while working is essential they must receive attention from us so that they know we love them too some of us may rely on key things that keep them entertained like toys walks in a stroller or even cartoons on the family television be cautious with what channels your children view on the television since you never know what harmful content they may be seeing your children may be viewing elements of violent content sexual content graphic content scary imagery scary imagery if you hear your child screaming or crying in front of the television wait until your child stops making noise before entering the room I know what to do in this situation nothing I'm a good parent am I [Music] don't see no baby foreign [Music] hello every time how did I know this is gonna happen every time so that ends my exploration of analog horror there's a lot of different things that you can do with analog core it doesn't all have to be trentiveness doesn't all have to be Deluge or um online it doesn't have to be that or lauric or any of these or even dorslessness but it's fun and it's hard to get right but it's a cool genre sub-genre whatever it's cool and also if you didn't hear me talking about this on distractible um there's a subreddit called distressing memes that has a little bit of this feeling we didn't talk about analog horror on the podcast if you wanted to get the episode I'll link it in the description below where we talk about this it's a really good episode um but it's just like distressing memes foreign see this is exactly what let's talk about the alternates and stuff [ __ ] like that but distressing memes is is great like legitimately we go in depth in this on uh the podcast link is in the description but it's it's just this [ __ ] you know [Music] foreign [Music] it's just this yeah oh yeah [Music] thank you [Music] anyway having fun memes so cool but that's the same thing right you know what a meme is even if you don't find memes funny on a general basis but it's just like taking that concept of what you know and turning it around into something that you are unsure of and is unsettling is great it has the energy of uh me and the boys at 2AM looking for beans like I don't know why it's got that energy but this is somehow not terrifying at all this sounds great this sounds like a good time but unfortunately the other ones do not so anyway I'm done with this video if you want to try more analog horror stuff go look it up and go tell me what you think is the best one and what really dissects what it means to be scary because it's not an easy thing to nail down oddly enough for a guy that has played a lot of horror games and like I've done some spooky stuff in the past it's not an easy thing to nail down so thank you if you want to listen more about our conversations about this kind of stuff and our personal experiences of scary stories that we have had in our lives one of which I have actually experienced just like a few weeks ago where I could have sworn that I heard Amy talking to me directly in front of me in a dark bedroom when in fact she was all the way across the house behind me I could have sworn I heard her voice from the darkness in front of me so anyway link to that is in the description below go to the click right down there have fun it's a good it's a good episode so thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you thought down in the comments below let me know what analog horror you find and what scary things scary you and as always I will see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 6,969,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: analogue horror, maple county, markiplier, scary games, horror games, alternates, deep dive, creepypasta, scary stories, mystery flesh pit, the mandela catalogue
Id: 7b1MpWdkWWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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