Graham Norton Funniest Moments (26)

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movie night so many film stars on the show tonight and so many great films talkback I'm here with my date Dame Helen Mirren all set I've got my popcorn I've got my drink all I need now is a snog with my date I mean these people before not methods I feel like you know I mean we always are entering everybody's living room you know basically so I've watched admired and and laughed and they're always they're always kind of the think better yeah I mean Jesus Christ why did I come on this show you said it [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] very nice the Katie Pats were in fine voice yeah very good he's had fans like that all of his life they'd probably don't stop screaming can you ever sleep I did it I did a show recently in New York which was at a school and we just wanted to do a kind of offbeat thing we were there for the week and this is the Frank Sinatra school which was started by Tony Bennett you heard and the great thing was it was 13 to 18 year olds who is a high school and a lot of them were girls or we came on and they showed their it's use them and it was just like the Beatles [Applause] it's very hard to sing enjoy because I know I'm so [ __ ] [Music] a lot in the corridor I had I can't square on this I didn't think I had a chance you can swear on this can I say a shot in hell lady Eunice [Applause] Tony apologize sir bulb this is good this is good because you naturally you've been in video so I was going to say in Paul but that would be wrong we work together yeah very yes he was under my director too in one of them that's cool right touching you there you go and this is gonna hang over the air so I just need to set it up do you know we've met before yes okay I know I just didn't know whether you'd remember we work together in a film no no you were in a film I was just hanging around it's so much fun no idea of my life snow are wonderful in that movie really did you ever see it I did you were the only person who thought what I could I could never be your woman yes [Music] that's unbelievable isn't it that looks like a comic relief sketch but it's a whole film when Michelle was doing scenes with you did she ever ask you to eat a breath mint yeah she did a cover making that uh it was very cheap film they'd spent all the money Michelle during every frame so if you were talking to her you have to spend incredibly close to her so her head could be in the sauce as well there was some breath mints offered that's all I'm saying right and I was being very bad we must mention the the u.s. host was Donald Trump he of the hair there's bad blood between the two of you I say nothing tweet each other don't you but III happen to tweet him once where he was talking about how people loved him in Scotland is moaning about some wind farms in Scotland and he said the Scottish are against the wind farms preventing his golf club uh said we've got it wrong no I didn't got it wrong the Scottish are actually against you had a tirade of abuse came over Twitter which of course as I couldn't resist answering and then I got a phone call from New York from one of his lawyers saying well I got tell me what you do you apologized mr. Travis it's him over your [ __ ] dead [Applause] [Music] you're on Twitter a lot but do you enjoy Twitter I I've found it a very useful instrument let me first of all say that it's useful in promoting that The Apprentice is starting next week what our next show blah blah blah or someone or one of my business things or something like that but what I get out of it is the fact that I now have 2.9 million followers so when those losers write things about I whack them back on Twitter and I give the email address of the author and just invite my followers to join me in [Applause] so here's just some things from last I think it's the end of last week serious there you are so like you say you ask people to email expressing your views don't use foul language and then someone treats you saying is this not effectively bullying trigger replies shut up you idiot [Applause] this is just so Lord Sugar does tweet what's the Chelsea score someone tweets him back saying a doctor turn on the TV scum oh go crawl back under your rock [Applause] yeah leave trade it does it takes you to a dark place [Music] abandon it no some pictures of you getting into full Brent mode video called a lady gypsy about him losing his virginity when he's 18 so that's him trying to look 18 you've gone full hog because it's not just a film there is an accompanying album we're gonna bring out as 15 20 tracks of him it is his it's his dream come true that is all these songs like a gypsy and Native American Equality Street yeah change stuff but yeah it's basically he's a man out of time it's really sort of it's funny but it's quite sad as well but but Ricky Gervais son getting is thrilled I'm nothing like him album I was a foul pop music yeah I sneaked a song into everything I do I wrote a song for The Simpsons I wrote a song with David Bowie for extras I wrote a song for your own special correspondent yes she sings a song yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm a frustrated failed musician so I suppose it's great because I've gotta get out clause it's sort of ironic but it's still so much fun playing with a rock band and they're really brilliant yeah it's Andy from razorlight and she used to bring the guitar when you were back in the day doing stand-up were you one of those stand-ups to knock the guitar on style no I'd never do that I'll get it out up high no that's debt when someone gets out of a pot death forget going home no did you know I always used to hate again stand ups do that I don't know yeah tell a joke yeah I know Ricky can we look at a picture of you in your pop career yeah that's a curious eyebrow well what's going on over there that to piece what is that that's called Shana dancing let's move on what see I know what you're doing you're going oh look at you that you know I'm not embarrassed by that I'm embarrassed by this [Laughter] the last time you here you told us but your your boy band beginnings and no no no and they didn't do covers they didn't do covers you said you can't you cannot make it genuinely from Paul McCartney talking about this already going and of course your boy back thanks me have you given up the songwriting you should walk away from that [Laughter] like girl are you ready time can't stop us now [Music] song actually that about these golden rings but we just couldn't find away [Applause] yeah wait what if I'm writing songs that that prompts you say like bringing up Nancy and saying Geordie here song like that must be the nicest feeling in the world having someone particularly poorly currently write write you a song because you have used lots of names you know there's a shell an owner dude Lizzy Sadie oh there and I guess some names are better for song it's not mmm we've got three creative minds on the sofa all songwriters I don't know what you say Oh does anyone in the audience if they have a name that they can't think of a rhyme for obviously everyone in the audience has a name lady putting her hand up name you thinking oh that was a little lady over there in the corner can we get the boom all the way what what's your name Jimmy so she should me so yeah do you want to share a me so yeah you should be so lucky to come with me and share a Mesa [Applause] anyone anyone else anyone else there's a lady at lady there with her hand up by the wall wall number bit of a bomber the problem and dumber oh yeah dog yeah gorgeous summer we would listen to Joe Strummer but I had to leave her because she wouldn't let me bummer [Applause] for locating your pen you can write some of these ideas bummer okay one last one that's it well and so on there's a lady there with a short or actually do it let's do the [ __ ] lady at Lorna Jean no let's not do that so you get through all their oh oh it's a good one what what is it hola Lula Finland from Finland Lula come on James [Music] come on come on guys I couldn't fool [Applause] you couldn't fool her because she's cooler than a plastic ruler [Applause] website we've have we found at this site this is this is well you know you know what's like the fun lots Latin he's found sites the Ricardo very kind of reverential spiced girly things then well as you could imagine we founded a lot of kind of really out there weird sites okay finally we found this guy and he's a nice I think it's a nice combination in that he's sweet he's just obsessed by you but by your poshness he's an American guy and he's just loves the fact that you're posh this is you just ride like this even as a charge was chauffeur driven by her father I think they were all chauffeur driven by our there he is his name is rot and that's his lovely wife Barbara lovely is his word [Music] I'm just reading they've been married for eight years you can all see it sit down very very years are they live in Encino California ever since Barbara bought a Spice Girls record I think they're dedicated fan of lady Victoria posh Beckham this side is dedicated to her there's a factory and then those stories and blah blah blah so we were emailing him now he's a bit slightly obsessive we've got quite a lot of emails from him because in the end we said that you were gonna be hearing something and this if you want to do you don't have to do this but if you want to do this he's got things he wants you to say these are the throws of the three okay right so there and his name's wrong right so they're fine well like they because we do blossom of just lady for George of an autographed photograph for me and I said it with the VHS tape you promised [Music] alright love studying right so we call rather now on the donkey bonus back doggy bone is [Applause] the lady there is so uninterested when the camera was on [Laughter] [Music] hello is that rod yeah oh hello rod its Graham Norton here oh hi Graham how are you doing very very well now we said that we said that you would call you I know but your half hour later than enough [Applause] work today I'm very sorry no it'll be as quick as we can enough so we really like your site and the whole the whole posh thing with with Victoria and Victoria Victoria's here hello your ladyship how have you been I'm very well thank you Road I've been a huge fan for so long and I just think this is an awesome opportunity to actually speak to you in person hey um is your husband no he's not he's not cool [Applause] actually rod some of us didn't think that was such good news now listen we've got it we've got a hurry but alright so if you want to read you want to read the things up that's your big on your big treat now okay rod saddle the horses I wish to ride out one would you bring the car around please rod my story the chauffeur do you have a chauffeur no I don't actually I don't actually but my dad did used to show for me about right yeah okay the third one rod I would love to take tea on the veranda [Applause] your drugs are really they're really cheap man and it's been nice to talk to you but everybody sorry is there one more thing I can ask you okay very quick though we got to go I want to ask Victoria cuz she send me some dirty panties [Applause] I think this is a picture of Tito Tito is such a boy look at that that is a [Laughter] mid lick Oh those tiny balls he was making them clean they're small but they're really clean now you see the motorcycle thing but also kills yeah I would've thought would encourage manspreading know [Music] if you've got enough change into [Music] the other thing is to touch people what different times different times you see politicians do this you see them fighting to be the first one to touch the other one because yeah I touch you and I'm not being nice to you and what I'm saying exactly [Laughter] [Applause] your fan the apprentice I have seen it before [Music] you know Trump do you've been in America I don't personally know Trump do what I know of him here he does it he does yes not very well no have you have you seen this one how I seen it you've been wiping away I've been away and [Music] but I hear I hear it's compelling without ringing endorsement Olivia Colman I've seen it it's classic I feel we're getting plastic share tonight what do you mean classic it's classic share boy you're kind of getting tartan and well there's a bit of a punk that's a punk age edge but nice dark hair is it a mood thing do you wake up and decide which share you will be are you out of your mind tonight [Applause] [Applause] there's yours have you seen it yet not that particular one but it's the likenesses incredible at least a dated version and then you do it all thing you press you here and your talk [Applause] there's you and then we'll just get Natalie's action figure here she's now they are almost [Applause] children will hours fun playing with home a great with those dolls but you look a bit destroy I think you're hanging hey but you're not the only two people to be dolls no no no no look it's it's not quite an action figure but it's it is [Applause] now I think all the work went into the face not so much into the outfit it's him oh no just an off day yeah it's like care in the community we eat we've dressed him Issy McCartney just pottering around Homebase [Music] packaging not great it's in a sort of ziplock we know buddy look there's a nice there's a nice sensible shoe driving a long distance yeah I think we bought it didn't we yeah we bought it it's a lady Oh makes them know it's a little sideline of my auntie Valerie I did I do that is this is this a bad this picture actually not a famous photographer was visiting my house and wanted to take a picture of me and Mo was the you know the brand of soap powder that was popular at the time so they don't make Omo anymore [Laughter] in this one now is this an ad and I don't think so I don't know what that one is I thought possibly children now I am very lucky well I have a large collection of and I think some people watching me not and with these yeah these are long playing record hey lookie who's got some in the front row they're [Music] trained to later it is interesting to see what your image has changed over the years because at the beginning you know you're all so kind of virginal and gorgeous who there's a little bit raunchy one of those underarm deodorant things look II know yourself so then look sexy enough of this I think that was after grease with all right so a blouse on jacket de rigueur welcome this one then new disease implies I feel and then I don't quite even now that's a tough one to get away with but then ladies and gentlemen well I know that it's poisonous your image your image I'm so sorry I'll give you a round so how do you expect Ricky to be his director I have no real expectation I was just in shock that he knew who I was I got a call saying you know Ricky's doing this project and blah blah blah and you know we'll send you the script I'm like oh yeah you know I'm a fan I'd love to read what he's doing next what's the point of me reading the script they're like no he wants you to be in it and I literally I was like just Rick eat your face no I know who I am does he know I exist yeah so so bizarre and and I read the script it was terrible I was humbled by the fact that he knew who I was and I remember I the reason I cast you was because I thought you were this sort of like really cool sort of brooding thesbian I saw you in Munich and the it was the Hulk and and all this and I thought we great very in action here a bit screwed up and on the first day he said did you cast because you know I did comedy and I didn't he started out in comedy in Australia in a very similar way to me you did your little sketch show and then you've got your own show and then he went and became it sort of handsome action hero I didn't and I found out he was an idiot like me it was about nothing but our balls is that true why did we put it in a funny Russian accent I got hell are your balls my balls I don't know how that happened he just it just morphed into why don't have to be Russian he'd come to work and go and here comes mr. banner with his big balls mr. Gervais with this suspiciously around Boston yeah but not Russian that's it yet to play America and I didn't want to play American I might Kelly we all play America never was America except me I just wrote in these from reading so if it doesn't depress you so I mean I'm the wrong person to praise this album but it's really good why well can't want fifty three-year-old people like in your music yes this is all going horribly wrong and by the way if people are because people don't might be I hate to do this you people might be looking at you thinking I know that guy you don't live near him yeah but no you've been in lots of things you're an actor as well as I'm even [Laughter] [Laughter] the big thing is Game of Thrones yes you know yes [Applause] a McCombs doggin and German cursing is a great worm you play yeah this season though that they're changing his name to Sarah [Laughter] but now but in the show you don't have a great worm no I think the worm is there but the worms without the wheels what is going on I do yes you'll be surprised how many conversations I have with people that end up becoming all about penis related things [Laughter] okay Jackie Chan yes Jeff Chan yeah I haven't done that once I'm very I'm going Chan I'm not doing it because is it true that everyone just goes Jackie Chan yeah I really hate that yeah whatever I going on you're of America especially the father by children Yeah right why nobody see Robert DeNiro that's a Robert De Niro Wow Dustin Hoffman can one day one day I hope people wow that's the jacket I'm already two episodes gone out this week so for anyone who hasn't seen this here's a brief introduction to some of this year's candidates I'm a great of my generation I'm an innovator and leader in business I took inspiration from Napoleon I am here to conquer I'm half machine speed that is out of this world some people might come to this process for the game plan I just feel my effortless superiority will take me early on young shoulders I believe that I'm the new breed of businessman that this process requires I have run successful businesses I can generate profit and business perfection personified I have energy like a Duracell bunny sexy pair of Jessica Rabbit and a brain like Einstein I'm deaf to become Lord Sugar's business partner I would do anything to win cheating manipulating I will do [Music] Ceri missing I I feel like such a fool you can't even shave your neck yeah like Alex Mills now he's that one he claims he's been one of the other candidates asked him as you would have seen you remind me of somebody he says you wore in his Welsh accent he says yeah well people say I look like Freddie Mercury and the candidate says believe what about Dracula he wants to manage a business he can't manage his own eyebrows he's not a bad boy this kid he's 22 years but he was when we recall 22 years old he's a very nice boy here's the next one jazz dope jazz the half machine they had she ever seen the show well it is the most frequently asked question of people like yourself the best chat show hers in the country [Applause] there's a but you [Music] know there's always room for improvement I wouldn't come and hijack your your show them tell you what's what's wrong what what could be proved how are you see put in here now yeah he's in here look I'm a great believer in actions look I don't want to talk about it on here but what why don't I suggest why don't I suggest that just you can pick up a few hints and tips yeah I take the red chair sequence for you and you can pick up a few integration tips from you wouldn't be in charge right there well yeah entirely up to you son Domitian imagine [Applause] people who volunteer at the red chair and are going not too sure now right the retro shores let me get to that bit it to us it's a launch of a red chair special now in every year there's a villain there's a villain of the piece and now we don't know yet Rodion episode three I suggest it might be Rebecca Slater the makeup department by the way your evil this is a nice lady she's well sometimes you know ladies ladies hold it without me getting into trouble here well sometimes ladies don't like each other because one might be a little bit cleverer than the other you know so and you know she's a very good sales lady and she takes you know and she's very sensitive actually she her looks may be done to her reserved this really I mean I'm you picture very attractive but but she doesn't yeah but she's not evil genius she's a nice one she is the nice lady I now keep saying all these paper you keep bringing up a nice big love it so what I've learned from this is and I've always said said this don't don't be fooled my first impressions really yeah eyes were yes you know you are the best check I'm sorry and now we've got a drink organic drink and this has the camel camel barrier character yes and now in the in the literature it describes it as a feel-good berry it really is true feels good when you touch it you know what I mean know when you when you drink it what they say is it clears your mind bright new day it makes you feel really good it's a very subtle thing but first thing in the morning it's when I reach for is the bezel if is a lot of them how bright would my day get gonna taste yes of course I do it takes fantastic alcoholic no it's not alcohol goodness it's not it's not I wouldn't give it to you if it was you drink don't go oh it actually it looks like the Amazon genius afternoon I tasted some of this is often it does he's it all this color it's all the color it is so it's quite a monkey and pineapple yeah you're good okay [Applause] oh it's more another shot just to make you feel good I'm gonna be really bright now come on [Applause] tell your story about this because with sugar whoa no we brightened his day you can pop this into commercials [Laughter] [Applause] don't even know
Channel: Denise F
Views: 1,408,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton Funniest Moments (26), graham norton funny moments 2018, graham norton show 2018, new graham norton compilation 2018, graham norton ful episodes 2018, graham norton funniest guests, graham norton denise f, the graham norton show, graham norton compilation 2018
Id: DV5EaLP1Aus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 52sec (2392 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2018
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