The Funniest Greg Davies' Moments on The Graham Norton Show

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I’d like my parking tag, please!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Boomer848 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Holy crap, this guy's a riot! How haven't I heard of him before?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Howzieky 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
that scene in episode one the doctor's thing yeah did that really happen yeah my mum will kill me for telling this because it was my uh uh our family doctors and i he'd been our family my doctor since i was a child but i went as an adult because i was there's something wrong with my bum when you said bum you looked at me directly in the eyes i'm sorry i'm aroused and [Laughter] was i said there's this thing wrong with my bum and he went okay and i went so what'd you think he goes well it'll probably be all right and i said well i would really like it i'd like you to just if you could make me feel better about if i feel better that it will be all right and he went it um it'll probably clear itself up and i said yeah but is there any way i could be sure and he went ah you want me to put my finger up there don't you know if it's not magically necessary and the other i think maybe maybe there's a reason but what is the reason that you film it in the school you used to teach in i think it's therapy probably i'm in the actual classroom where i talk because i was just to keep the theme going a real teacher for a long time yeah i taught for yeah six years in the school that we film it in the classroom that i'm going mad in and i that's that's really well that was my classroom yeah but you did it did you ever enjoy it was there ever a moment when you thought oh i like this i don't know okay look i've met some very nice people there and the kids must've liked you you were nominated for teacher of the year weren't you yes i was great i was yeah you know yes i've told this story many times teacher of the year is a very prestigious award that's taken very seriously and rightly by the hard-working teaching community and my head teacher called me in and he was wetting himself laughing he couldn't stop laughing for the first 10 minutes and he went i went what why have you called me here he goes you've been um you've been known i've got this a teacher of the year awards have been nominated and i went oh okay and it was by a very sweet girl called gemma i've humiliated many times and it's a six-page document that people have to fill in for the reasons why you should be nominated for teacher of the year it was blank aside from one sentence that she'd written on it which was of the reasons why you think he should be teacher of the year and she'd written he's a well good laugh and he don't make us do no work only recently we were at a bbc party we showed that glass of wine it was fun between us and we met that lovely lady oh i'm surprised you're bringing that lady up are we allowed to bring that lady up well you tell me it's your show well i don't know but it happened to you not me so you tell them what bit of okay this lady came up to us we're at a bbc party she came up to the tour we were chatting sharing our wine straws and uh she went i do disability at the bbc whatever that means and then she looked at him and what did she say to you well she said that i qualify and it was a hype thing not good what a challenge since we had that meeting when the lady told me that i was technically as far as the bbc is concerned disabled i had a member of a council i won't know where tell me that i could get a parking badge the rest of the couch is so jealous right now parking pads thanks for that i won't forget the day that ryan gosling high-fived me because i'm officially disabled the school trip seems like that's when all rules go out the window for pupils everybody and for teachers i think yeah i think you've got to remember when i first started teaching i was 21 21 years of age you know and you said i was sent to paris on a school trip three of us all of us in our early 20s in charge of uh bus loads of kids is i mean it's frankly amoral what'd you get up to you know it's awful i can say it now i'm never going to go back to teaching now right and i got really drunk with two friends in a hotel room when the kids were all in bed like really drunk we'd had a bottle of tequila between the three of us and um then i heard kids running around it's so bad isn't it her kids running around and i'm quite good at pretending to be sober when i'm not so i said i'll i'll go out and i'll deal with this to my to my friend tony who's still a teacher hello and i went out and there were these kids all in their 90s in pajamas all giggling and i went out what's going on here like i'm sorry sorry sorry i said you know you should be in your bedroom it's absolutely disgraceful and i was doing a beautiful job when tony came out of my room and i don't know why he was just in his boxer a really big pair of boots start going like this you should be in bed and i grabbed him by the face i was so frightened i grabbed him on the face i just pushed him into my room i closed the door one of the kids went is that mr stephen yes he's not feeling very well i accepted it are you all romantic man are you no i've given up on it it stopped for me romance when i was about 22 when i i bought a girlfriend back from college so my parents got really nice um garden and they were away so i thought this is this is perfect we'll go and sit in the garden and i made you a picnic i took some food not pig nipples but i hadn't been introduced to them yet i think there's some food out there and in the sun and there was grass and sun and one thing led to another i love that i love that line she was wearing it was really romantic i don't want to go into details i don't want to make anyone bring their pig nipples up but um she had a long flowing skirt and she sat atop me and things started to like a toilet roll holder yeah a little bit like that yeah okay like a really romantic toilet so she was there and it was really romantic and the breeze and lovely and and i thought well this is awesome this is one of the most romantic things that's ever happened between two people then my uh granddad came around the corner honestly i'm not making up and he'd never met her before so he came around hello you too she couldn't get off because it was happening and you could see him thinking she's really rude of them both it's a really separate room because i've never met her before surely she should stand up she couldn't so it was a full 15 minutes oh yeah with her like this i mean that's not vince i would dig liam in her my granddad making polite conversation that was the day i gave up on romance that would kill romance yeah okay there we go so i hit that yeah okay it didn't talk this afternoon what's happened to it shut up [Applause] do you have any tips because you're in high heels should i take him off no not sure we're taking this very seriously he's he's talking to me i mean no run-ups if you want to take them off whatever you wasn't even thinking about run-up so rachel go for it no no don't don't take your shoes off yeah i just hit like a girl in these yeah so competitive [Applause] she slips [Applause] are you left or right-handed uh right right so you know right leg back so you really get the whole right leg back and the aim is just to hit it so it goes away it goes you do that you go boom and it goes back up okay i honestly mine was so bad so uh let's see what rachel gets and then i'll decide if i'm going to do it yeah you get a score you get a score you got to score left leg forward yeah yeah are you in range though are you in range i don't know like should i find out is that come forward a bit come forward a bit because you want to remember your aim is to punch through the bag through so i want to go like that yes i like that i just hit it in the middle come on [Applause] okay here we go here we go okay we have what do i need two 182 to beat 182 loving it does it terribly when you don't care and then you do yeah can't i just have a stare down and it's who laughs first right um okay [Applause] oh here we go here we go here we go wow okay what was yours eight i think it was three thousand that was six seven two was it what six seven two six three two so if you don't beat that tightly i mean look at this okay okay here we go here we go this same technique the world champion were you channeling the god of love when you had this picture taken magnificent that's amazing do you think i look magnificent yeah i think it's beautiful i may put that on my posters i personally think i look like a drop [Music] trifle i saw my two nieces this weekend just gone and they are um six years old and two years old and the first things they both said to me before hello the first niece went uncle greg we're not allowed to talk about your fat tummy anymore and then it was a beat and the three-year-old went you are fat this is the best pure honesty [Applause] it's taller we're taller yeah okay okay and uh now maybe i'll be turning up to get us in the mood you gotta say the mood uh ken brown is going to give us uh just a little bit of form before we do this okay you do your face off do your face off come on come on okay off you go ladies and gentlemen on the left they call him the postman because he always delivers it's the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world anthony joshua [Music] [Applause] how is he looking at because he sometimes delivers unless he gets stuck in traffic it is greg man mountain david so here we go here we go so aj yes you go first ah well that's not as heavy i thought that was gonna be heavier okay okay okay you go first you go for it mind the cameras here we go it's all golf whoa oh dear thank you [Laughter] come on [Music] you
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 3,486,201
Rating: 4.9412432 out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, The Graham Norton Show, Graham Norton Funniest Moments, Graham Norton Funny, Graham Norton 2019, Graham Norton 2020“ Graham Norton new season, Graham Norton new series, Graham Norton best moments, greg davies, greg davies graham norton, greg davies graham norton show, greg davies interview, greg davies stories, greg davies taskmaster, greg davies man down, greg davies the inbetweeners, greg davies funny graham norton, greg davies ryan gosling
Id: tzuUtnH8hxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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