Jack Whitehall on Graham Norton

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[Music] my mother has made these this morning and I had to give them to you she's made some cupcakes and their royal wedding cupcakes for Graham Norton and they've caused quite a lot of controversy in the Whitehall household because my dad was like you never make me cupcake they said that's because you're not a national treasure Michael and so these are viewed we do Grammy love Hilary are these poison will they kill me oh no oh look we've got two kinds there's a I heart Kate I heart will there is another will I'll have my natural explain if you're watching at home we're recording this on Thursday night the night before the Royal Wedding so people on the sofa what are you thinking you're doing tomorrow are you are you going to a street party well get this showbiz exclusive I'm going to Patricia Hodges house having street party it's not his Street budgets are it's our local street park so you own the street Jack I have to gave as my mom's asked me to go sort of look after him because the neighbors don't like him because he's not a very good neighbor and so when you had like the golden jubilee street party it was all really fun and he got in trouble because he referred to one of the neighbours children as the Mona Lisa because she has a lazy eye which follows you around the room hello end of the sofa yeah you know the way they do the male nude pictures in Cosmo for raise awareness for artistic their cancer well he's done one you look a little nervous yeah he's alright we were such a ludicrous photograph they made and they gave me that down it's about is about five times the size that that duck needed to be as well and that water was very cold as well which is why they made me do it as well in someone else's house they rent out a house and you gonna have the photo in it but what they didn't tell me is the house that they rented was a house that was round the corner from my house they were my neighbor's house colectomy I drove round the corner rang mother doorbell of one of my neighbors that we don't even really like that's that I'm gonna take off my clothes now yeah it's all good it's all good yeah I should warn you that you are sitting next to a piece of a Harrison Ford fan have you embarrassed yourself out backstage early oh well Harrison I'm such a massive fan and I do want to be fan girly on the show but I I think a lot of the young chaps that are kind of my age in the audience there's one particular film of yours there's like kind of swashbuckling young adventurous chap really defined me as a young man your performance in working girl [Applause] restraining order I am allowed it's a nice one that people are finding each other because michael buble how many times did you see Helen this last film don't know obviously in a theater of five times and I took my friends my family I just thought it was a beautiful movie I was so entertained through the whole thing yes yes for a lot of people I liked it so you did not I thought it was so good I filmed it on a camcorder burnt it [Applause] very reasonable price Jack Whitehall Fair excite a little bit of we might come out of Jack why are we so excited I am on the same sofa as Michael Buble this he's not making I'm so excited to be here with you this evening and because I'm at a stage in my life right all my friends they're still that they're going out right Graham and they're having like these all-night raves and they're like partying and getting drunk I'm so over that these days go home run a bath light some candles open a bottle of Shiraz this gentleman's music here and have what I like to refer to as a bublé bath [Applause] this is you don't even know this is absolutely crazy that you would say that this in my wallet forever is it the restraining with it's lovely sighs should we leave together one day like two boys at boarding school that want to conserve hot water because obviously are very good at driving fast but do you drive like did you drive here tonight I didn't do you ever drive I'm very rarely drive on you park yes you good at the whole shebang or just the fast bit no now that we know that you can't drive wide how does it man not have a driver son Sayed you know when I was when I was you know 16 17 you excited to get your driving lessons so you don't get your independence you go out you pick up chicks you go out to the movies and all those kind of things so you know you on the bus or Lewis I get picked up by the chicks [Applause] that chick being my mother yeah she drove me here this evening we still do carpentry do you still like so many Ponzi actors you see like you know they go and maybe after film you know I need to go home and have a bath and maybe read some poetry to unwind but Harrison when the director shouts car probably opens a can of beer then builds a [ __ ] shed [Applause] now yeah I didn't ask you I don't know how I miss I don't know how I missed this aspect of hair support type so it's not just the shed building you know but of interests end of October it seems like that's a very exciting time to be around the Ford Flockhart household Halloween Halloween this has become a big thing for you Halloween know push the boat out here's you yeah wow you look scary like a woman I had a one-night stand with him Wiggin and was me [Applause] stretch there's a man there and we old man in a kilt too I went over to speak to him he was getting an OB or an MB for services to bagpipe music I mean [Laughter] [Laughter] we lady services to motorcycle riding or something lady yes say something very rude you know what no how am I going to get oh yeah yeah got it yeah but now I think you what you do you have hung out with what we've got pictures of you here that that's one of the route have to first world right a second that's the second one that me that might be why I'm not getting one I came on a little strong so Prince William's girlfriend not girlfriend so the white the Duchess yes the wife the future Queen sorry yes Kate MIDI I came on strong and then when he came down the line he went seriously you need to stop flirting with my missus as well i am i i've made no bones about it i'm a big fan of Judy Murray Rove Judy Murray I think she's a wonderful woman and you know I've said that publicly and I went to Queens I'm very public I went to Queens last week and Andy Murray was there and I've never met Andy Murray before and he beckoned me over and I went over like a little naughty schoolboy anyway jack you need to stop tweeting my mother see the DMS man have you were Andy stepdad that'll be great but the weird thing is in Harry Potter you could have been working with Jack how yo you edition Harry Potter yeah I [Laughter] know cuz I'm not very like Harry Potter when I was little I was a massive pot head into Harry Potter look so like him I used to get teased at school I had there was a school bully um cuz my school was actually quite rough I know this is all like a big app but the school bully was horrible to me he was cool done Atticus hi Harry Potter every day I come into school in be like boy Potter what do you piss off back to Hufflepuff hpc already sees where he's gone wrong there one it's Hubbell path and to Harry Potter was in Gryffindor Valley honest Atticus holy [Applause] the clues in the picture I think you are age 11 here who would believe that I wouldn't have been a very good Harry Potter Harry pot they're very proactive like Harry Potter's vorenii does stuff I wouldn't be like I was you know if I give him the invisibility cloak you know bonsai find the philosopher's stone no we're gonna put it on and go and try and see Hermione's Chamber of Secrets for Daniel Radcliffe as well I think he is amazing and he made such a great Harry Potter and I don't that must have been pretty hard as well I had a story that summed up how hard it was to be the actual Harry Potter and it was a friend of mine was at a house party that Daniel Radcliffe was out is it true this is yeah this is true he told me it's amazing I was like oh my god Daniel Radcliffe Harry Potter was at the house party that is so cool one of the biggest movie stars in the world presumably people will coming up like asking for photographs with him girls wanting them do you know sign their breasts and stuff like that the whole shebang yeah my mate when no US than what happened about two o'clock in the morning I went upstairs and five of Daniel's friends had locked him in a cupboard and was stood outside it chanting magic your way out of that no babe [Applause] I bought two of my female fans actually these ladies in the front row happens to be my groupies you very nervous Jack Whitehall joining a big Disney franchise like frozen frozen I was very excited when the call came in cuz I'm a massive Disney fan and frozen called me up so we're making this film and we'd love you to be a part of it I was like yup sign me up which princess am I playing I played that role in the film I have one line in the film but I was like yeah I'd love to do it I learned my line I went in I absolutely I'm not yet nail I know told everyone that was in frozen I did a press junket in front of the poster I was so excited and then six months later popped on the black tie went down to the Odeon in Putney it wasn't a premiere it was a mistake I watched the film got to the end and the line wasn't there so a calm agent I was like there must be some kind of mistake this must be some different director Scott that I've seen and she went oh no I forgot to tell you I got an email about this um they said that they have reduced your part in the film to a non-speaking role becomes the biggest film ever I loved the film every time I watch it it's like getting an icy dagger to my heart as well it's like they're heckling me but is your guard was still in it yes so you can see the counter are you working with a frozen yeah yeah yeah I just worked with Josh dad yes and on a beauty the Beast for distributing the bees rubbing it in this evening I'm afraid I've been living with a friend I'm married to a Frenchman 20 years more than 20 years and I thought yeah I can do the French accent I got there and I couldn't see that's what I did and they said no don't do that don't do the her don't they didn't want the French huh so when you take the French huh and you do an or you suddenly become totally Mexican I can see them all going okay just wait a minute you gonna have to redo my all my voice I think probably cut it everyone Jack Whitehall is on tour yes he is Jack Whitehall gets around then you start on the fifth of March next year and then you go all around the country and you finish on the 16th of March it's very compact too there's lots of places it is my biggest joy I've ever done I'm doing in the round which is new you know warm updates before I start in Aberdeen and then I've end in Wembley and it's so quite well in some places not in Aberdeen so that's the kind of you know the main thrust is if anyone is watching from Aberdeen I just need to sell one more ticket and there will be more people in the audience than there are on stage and that's what we need I love Aberdeen as well can I just take this opportunity say I'm a big fan yes I see I love it some fish trawler port which is the biggest in Europe it's that sort of local stuff in Aberdeen more medieval coin colleges have been found than anywhere else in the UK approximately 4,000 feet in elevation the river D rises at approximately [Applause] [Music] what else is great about Aberdeen and why I'm really looking forward to going there it's where else will you find a city where Robert Robert Henderson the first in 1933 jack is also written bits of a book you you wrote this with your father I wrote it with my father now I wrote all of it but no he wrote his bits but he doesn't use a computer so I had to type it all out because he's very old-fashioned he's geriatric I mean I took my dad to McDonald's for the first time two years ago he asked for his Big Mac to be cooked medium-rare he's no Harrison I wouldn't even go there but he could be and then he could be in Expendables for are you doing as well are you doing the Expendables 3 [Applause] there there the bet you just there's a bit where jean-claude Van Damme kicks a knife into a guy's chest it's a meat that you walk out the cinnamon you're so pumped you want to just burn something all right there's the best scene in Expendables 1 if you watch it where Sylvester Stallone and Mickey work have a five-minute conversation all right I challenge the best linguistics expert on the planet understand underwater I thought on bbc2 very late at night the other night met the guy doing the sign language he just gave up [Applause] very very quickly is it true that you would do another Indiana Jones if there was another one in you know in a New York minute yes Indiana Jones being an old fart it's it's okay I mean we've seen him all stages of his life why not I'm old enough you know we didn't need Connor anymore yeah I'm old enough to play my own father things this time yes right now a will joining booper [Music] grandchildren shopping for walking bar [Applause] shop yeah awesome for like three weeks and she was very well-to-do but turned out as soon as we got down to a bit of nookie she was filthy so damn house second basin is stable the school got its name now did you go to school with Kate Middleton no I wasn't that Dan house I was at her I wasn't allowed near damn house no I went to mu bruh where she went after that little private school yeah I mean that's the most ludicrous thing this kid wouldn't even be nominated she's the first communist marry into the royal family they write about her like she's from the ghetto college made Midsomer Murders but like the wire that guy in the entire school who is my friend called Daniel who the headmaster used to use in every single school photograph award over the end of the rail but I wasn't in the first 11 cricket team where you are now so she was that I wasn't there at the same time as Kate Middleton but I know people that went out with her and so I knew people that went out there at school did they touch I'd got out if I got with the Queen at school I've never shot about a [ __ ] for the rest of my life one of my friends open his wallet it's a paper joke I'd be like yeah I've tapped that Jack Whitehall is in a film yes he is not only in it you wrote it yes it's the bad education movie and it's out on the 21st of August now this is the it's it's the classic TV sitcom but you go we're not on holidays but you do go away yeah well it it starts off like that it starts off my character Alfie wickets who's the worst teacher on the planet takes his class on a school trip to Cornwall so that so far so good but then it goes catastrophic wrong and it becomes a sort of adventure action movie there's car chases explosions helicopters castles right police sword fights everything and you know it's a film it's not a real school trip but they are real kids really in Cornwall yeah so do you have to control them the most humiliating bit of the whole shoot was when I we do a lot of stuff where I'm driving them around in a minibus but obviously I can't drive so on the close-up shots there I am driving and it's on the back of a low loader vehicle dragging it along but on the wide shots I had to take my shirt and tie off and give it to one of the children that does have a driving licence drive the minibus with me in the bag start with all the pins just quite emasculate they're good this great bit like having them there as well because all the kids and all the extras that play there the school kids you know our real kids and when you're writing it you can you can take stuff that they say and sneak it into the script there were these two boys that run the lunch bus and they were showing off about how many girls they've been getting with deliberately loudly I think and one of them was that year I'm snapchatting let eight girls at a moment rough I was like wow Casanova has got quite the juggling act on his hands here it is me not wishing to be outdone came out with the best line of [ __ ] I've ever heard he went yeah well over half term are completed tinder [Applause] what you've brought a clip with you so what's the clip so yeah the clip is we're down in Cornwall and I've taken all of my class to a pub and I'm a little bit drunk and policeman has found us and I'm trying to blend in with the locals mr. Joe velia how's tricks been busy officer Devil Makes work for idle hands I'm looking for seven children this will load a nursery burn well they believe I've had the pleasure an out-of-towner is it well this lads got Cornish blood running through every vein meet my bastard son among the passion in a faraway port or even just having a few years here with me oh and ah that poor bean Pinkston Jamaica we gotta love the dirty wine is another little bit of food you pass the under air 70 well no I'm not great with the old language barrier I was in Spain um and I was in a restaurant and I needed to use the facilities in this restaurant so I popped off and I don't to go into too much detail but I needed to yep drop the kids off at the pool so I did that I went to flush didn't work flushed again six seven times I tried to get it down James would not go the right thing I'm not just gonna do a hit and run and leave it here I'll go out and tell someone that there's a problem with their facility so I went out into the restaurant I found the waiter unfortunately he didn't speak a word of English I didn't speak any Spanish so I ended up - this man is a yes can you just come here no leave the malarious just follow me I assured him in to the toilets I went to flush it went down straightaway [Applause] [Applause] we fly in a to shoot with a genre oh yeah can we get a tissue a tissue tape we need some weird that you've got a box of tissues right beside your computer Jack you got material on this show the last time didn't you yeah because you had uh sure on he was the other guest he might say it's not a patch on these two lovely ladies my recent tour bus driver had a show before me and he said he was really he was in we shouldn't you'll notice I'm not saying anything he hasn't got any good jogging stories he was in the green room and I my parents were there and I brought them along to the show and I thought it'd be a nice idea for me to introduce my dad to usher internationally-acclaimed rap superstar so a hip-hop and soul R&B okay artiste my father the my dad asked a chef for directions to his seat because he thought uh sure was an usher [Applause] I went for a win with Jennifer Aniston and no it wouldn't let me in the toilet and I met her a year before with John Mayer and then she's like no it's fine you can come and you can move sat down and I could hear it how are you honey and I just called her Rachel [Applause] it's come out [Applause] Nitori he's got live dates live dates man where do you start Friday the 2nd of September in Milton Keynes yeah and you reading on 11th and remember it's like we're wishing our lives away 11 the remember in Amazon Apollo not many dates before this first one I've done so and I don't drive so I have to get to all the venues on the train which is fine but yeah well they've tried to make it easy I think for me since nearest London but the first day I did I did a preview date Ryan who was in Brighton and I was going to Brighton and on the train and I was stopped at Seven Oaks Station and suddenly everyone got evacuated what's happening yeah there's been a terror alert at 7x tation right we're in rural Kent I have slightly higher priorities on there his meaning has an attack in that five years so all this time he's been sadly thinking right we're done London and you all where's Network telling people 7x and be getting very good outside right and in the cold like waiting then I think of what the hell is going on here and what I love is how it was very British response to it because you imagine in America people run around losing their minds that didn't happen in Sevenoaks we were all stood there this little guy from national rail came out as his big moment came out from the crowd he was that ladies and gentlemen unfortunately all of the trains have been delayed due to a suspicious package spotted on platform 2 which is big POSCO next to me shouted back well put it on the train to hastings and we can all [Applause] it makes me glad I mean you don't still live at home no I just I've just moved out the garage no I'm new I'm nearby so I could they call me up quite a lot I have to go out and help him out because it's not really that technical stuff is it my mom thought it'd be a really good idea for his birthday to buy him and I an iPhone for which I mean he's 70 years old so getting that for his birthday it's like getting Stephen Hawking's rollerblades for Christmas with all these technical things I have to go around and help them out with like you know you get that thing sometimes we someone hacks into your email account and sends out something to everyone saying dear friend I've bought some really nice reasonably priced goods from this website you like no one would ever fall for that turns out there are people house the other day my dad opened the door he was wearing ugg boots where do you see your mother's jeggings cause you Louis you were in them cars too at what a musing character did you play in cars to myself why I like had about three lines and I didn't for different languages so it's just a conversation with Queen three course I didn't Spanish German and French in English OH and have you seen the film oh yeah you're sure you're in it because the only car that didn't blow up so I'm hoping to come back for number three cars three pick apart nice exactly i am i do love Disney but the other reason that Disney is not ruined for me it's cuz I went to the Disney hotel never been to the Disney Hotel I was doing work in America I was there for a month and I love Disney beit's to Disney there's like Disney everywhere Disney wallpaper music yeah is for kids corporation so I think they're trying to save some money Disney staff members select characters so like Goofy's doing teppanyaki and the restaurant you get the wake-up call it's Daffy duck's voice they're walking around the hotel but the moment that my child had died was like I think it was about two weeks in I was very tired and alone I was in my room and I called down to the front desk and it was Mickey Mouse's voice he's like hey hey hey buddy what can I do for you today Mickey I need to activate the porn channels on my TV [Applause] you you would be a very good superior because we've got a picture of Jack as in a drawable superhero y-you can't believe the paint Power Ranger why I don't know that is the kid that would get killed first in a Hunger Games you as a little boy Jack it does seem you were slightly up did you have any normal clothes you just seemed to dress up all the time asked me for one photograph of me as a power ranger and I gave her my mother's email address just free rein to give her you every first Robins ever been taken wait you see what's coming up but you were slightly obsessed by Robin Hood I loved her circumcision I'm kidding you're British no you're not is very much do you know who's got to be really excited to see that good girl young Captain Jack at the end there why [Applause] did you own any regular clothes as well I made my granny and granddad come as sailors and my granddad looks like he's in a John Paul Gautier [Applause]
Channel: Denise F
Views: 2,105,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jack Whitehall on Graham Norton, jack whitehall, jack whitehall funny moments, jack whitehall harrison ford graham norton, jack whitehall interview, jack whitehall tour, graham nortno jack whitehall full, graham norton jack whitehall
Id: hTcjU_Gj2I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 12sec (2112 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2018
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