Graham Norton Funniest Moments (28)

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[Music] not only the coolest rapper in the world or the hunkiest wrestler turned movie star but to all the most famous TV doctors I tell you I feel a bit faint what I need is some over-the-top whooping and cheering this comic-con was sort of part of your honeymoon yes now you know I got a call I was on my honeymoon and they said this is very important you have to do you know fly in please you have to do it and uh you know I had to first explain that to my wife which didn't play well the the whole idea of you know spending part of your honeymoon with people dressed up like Captain Kirk and Star Wars characters somehow is not easy to explain to your to your bride to your new bride but I showed up and it was I think you're right it was really fun because they actually loved there they all dress they love what they do and it's a very passionate thing and I've never done a film but I did one film Batman and Robin which was a apologize to the crowd at Comic Con for Batman and Robin I always apologize but they say that I actually thought I destroyed the franchise until they brought it bad you know they somebody else brought it back years later and changed it but you know I thought at the time this was gonna be a very good career move wasn't was the enemy well the suits brutal you know at the time particularly it weighed like I don't know 60 pounds and it takes you know you have to there was a director Joel Schumacher's very funny man very tall very sort of eccentric and he would direct with a speaker and a with a microphone and a speaker usually directors will come up and say hey yeah okay oh okay and you'd hear this from you know a booming voice and I bolted into this suit I can't move and he would literally go and he would direct you like as if you would have some emotional scene he would go okay people all right George you know your parents are dad you have nothing to live for [Laughter] [Applause] if you can't do it how do they get cuz you are so physically kind of unique looking how do they get stunt people Wow [Laughter] how do they get like you look like you I've got a great stunt double who's actually my cousin and we look like twins don't know my twins like that's yeah why don't I be a movie star though I got the smile there that's the smile like yeah I'm the star of the movie the physique I didn't that you come from is it three generations of wrestlers three generations yes of wrestlers so my grandfather high chief Peter Maivia there he is right there Wow [Applause] [Music] in in England yeah he did he was trained by some some really incredible wrestlers shoot wrestlers so that's my grandfather my dad soul man Rocky Johnson he was the first [Applause] yeah my my pops was a bad dude in the game he was the first black WWE Tag Team Champions it was written in the stars that what else could you do like how old are you in this picture look at those shoulders 15 15 15 what say you were in school looking like that I move I moved from Hawaii to Nashville Tennessee and I went to high school there's Nashville and so I moved to Nashville Tennessee and at that time 21 Jump Street the TV show had just popped and became popular and when I moved to Nashville I tried to go to high school and they thought I was a narc every kid no play with the ladies nothing oh I wouldn't gotten play anyway with that mustache but I'm still lay with the ladies looks quite far off when we look at this next picture of you I mean it you certainly made a statement statement I look like the buff lesbian there's what the worst part about that is we're just going under my elbow because I'm protecting the turtleneck is a tissue Oh weeks and what happens I've been asking you our viewers on our websites who were send your contributions and David we have a very impressive offering sent was in by Jessica who's 30 right now her father is it your Neil yes yeah this is about honey I go but does Jessica watch this show she does she shouldn't not need uncut version I know and you live in pets wouldn't Ken that's crazy for social services that's but she is a big fan fantastic phenibut part from now knowing that he does that in the TARDIS I don't Beach it's gonna be too keen and watching him they watch this show I think farting is the least of your worries try this at home me and my mum worked in child protection so your double-whammy - well anyway listen she has made this this this video she made it herself - yes she did yes now here is Jessica's film so chasing me getting you in there mom it's her creatures [Music] thanks for sit there and can I get Satan you I love what you've done with your home [Applause] yeah an anorak on there I'm not sure it's stool come wardrobe she really could have moved the filming I'll take my shoes off and watch it we're not laughing at you thank you very much for doing that no seriously thank you very much for doing it if you did do it I've got a funny feeling Neela mother forced you to do this what's that now that's a picture of James and Jessica and they wanted me to get it signed by David and you see you spend so much money on photo shops I know computer things and see my cutting two pieces out it looks like you're all there do you mind you mind signing that horse no I think that right on on glass no on the bank oh oh oh see oh she's on diversity see you don't need celebrities over yourself she's very very there you go major sign it down to the last two for Doctor Who's the system now is that a new water graph you develop since you became doctor who really did you develop out of drama school there used to be slightly more letters in the second name but it's got quicker I have to be honest and is that your checkbook signature no that's very different thank you very much David and you bring that home Jessica does you see thank you very much for making that film well again welcome to boys club it's a great pleasure to meet you don't know because bleeding out one of my children had many imaginary baths with you let's get better acquainted well it is there is under a cloak of invisibility know what help in the bar congratulations you're singing the wolf is getting married and I think it's the best thing you've done in years it's fantastic I'm playing it on the radio it's really really good and it's off the album how about I be me and you be you yes Oh in fact I've got it silly me I forgot like rush out earlier [Applause] [Applause] get in the car thank you very much radio station where we just think like yes right yeah it's on a loop yeah you know the Lonely Hearts Club columns we put it in an ad in a Lonely Hearts Club column to see how it would work so we got this magazine I believe it's called glory hole I'm not sure interest like Grazia or coach or woman's around my finger people's friends anyway you're in here yeah there we go Doctor Who hello my name is David and I'm going to take you from behind now that's working in all these strange messages do you know how many replies we've had two that Adam what's the you've had two that right you've received over none we've had one red one and it's PI David I'm six foot one sir is built on cut first and half Greek half Greek I say send sexy pic of you UV Doctor Who I'll be the master love Derek but that's the other half not the Greek half now we do I do have his mobile phone number so where am I I was good to use my own phone and then I realized he'd hit that up my number from a researcher who could be annoyed by him in the middle of the night but he wants a wank is that wrong of me to undo it Stuart sexy pose you helped Joe go on [Applause] okay I think the Doctor Who branding team might just about and that's the ether now you might call back thanks very much yeah no it's good oh damn of acting and things like this we get emails up here and I had a series of emails from a lady called sue a Lurie now sue she is the manager of Essex horse and pony sanctuary stick with me on this she believed she genuine believes that they've got this amazing Shetland pony they're called Rory very talented and she believes you it deserves an agent and could it says here believe you will follow the footsteps of black beauty and glassy the dog okay sue a Lurie is an hour audience there sue hello sue hi how are you fine thank you véra and this is normal with you so sue talk us through and what makes Rory so special he doesn't think he's a pony he's sort of a bit cranky [Applause] so yeah your doesn't croaky so he doesn't think he's a horse hey he thinks he's a dog a dog he runs after balls he brings balls back he rolls over doesn't he plays frisbee like sticks well now this I was delighted by your email and thought of this little horse who could do dog tricks so they're in Essex object couldn't go myself down to the horse sanctuary to do some just films a [ __ ] loves you could bring Rory here so the tips of him doing the things so I've got a clip here of Rory chasing a ball like a dog here we go get the ball there go Rory let's try this let's try this fun here we go must be the same okay yeah they're mad about the ball she's a ball good roar this one I know for sure he gets the ball it definitely gets the ball in this one definite small in this one here he comes so listen the salmon and they realize of the dog thing wasn't going very well they thought Graham might be angry if we come back with nothing so they thought he can't do dog things today he was having an off dog day so we'll get him to do something nice and horsey so they brought him inside to get him do a bit of a horse jumping and this is very very cute because look it's a little horse job with a little horse here he goes [Applause] how'd it works on this show he's not a quitter he's not a quitter you know I will make this horse do something he had a secret weapon had to come back he had a secret weapon look a tock so he gets Rory to stay okay there you go good right stay stay okay he's staying okay now when he calls him this is bad work because what horse can resist a carrot here we go so here [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] savvy or wasn't so keen on allens orange penis [Applause] so listen we love honestly I'm I'm I'm mocking so normally I Rory is he's very sweet and he I think he doesn't star quality he doesn't star quality so we thought since Rory is such a cute in horse and since the Oscars are Hannes we give Rory the chance to win a Film Award of his own so come with us now as Kim Cattrall introduces the Grahams [Music] [Applause] good evening everyone film is the magic prism through which we view the nominations for Best Performance by a horse for black beauty Seabiscuit Amy Winehouse and Rory the horse and the award ladies and gentlemen goes to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm very flattered to win this award I'd like to thank my agent my manager the guy who hoses the [ __ ] out of my stable just of course from a pony sanctuary that had a dream [Applause] ah I have a message yeah I'm not sure it's going to be a relationship oh he sounds nice [Music] should I just take that and call him back his texts read stop wasting my time wanker should we call him up if you want to I'm not gonna talk to him what's he what's his name wanker Derek can I see sign language [Laughter] yeah that's fun David Ricky Derek it's the doctor you had your chance you blew it now the Hulk weirdly no prosthetic for the Hulk but in green suits yeah and new prosthetic so you just wear the green people ask me all the time like how long did you have to stay in the makeup chair for that did you did did you have to work out for that but are you aware of all the concern online amongst the Mark Ruffalo fans about what the finished Hulk would look like I know all my fans by name you know their concerns you know their worries there was a lot of concern amongst the mark of an offense that the Hulk would not retain his beautifully pursuit chest they thought he might be hairless but happily the The Hulk has got some hair it's the first Hulk in the history of moviemaking all three movies yeah all two of them now we're where the Hulk has body hair it's a rebel it's a revolution it's really we're doing some of groundbreaking work you're probably familiar that mark since you are a campaigner for the hairy chest your body could go here with the there's a site called hairy chest I want to cry on there really is there really here producing team may be aware so you you are front and center on this Dave I think you look really like Lenny Kravitz That's not me it's not really not you that's Lenny Kravitz is it really no that's me that is don't mess with my hair the person who ever posted this but a little comment on the side mark ruffalo more like mark buffalo look at that Harry hi speaking of Buffalo I want to drive his body to the verge of extinction what was that person's name but actually there's other people on it there's other people on it there are of course of course a co-star of yours features on it here is its peers did you know men weren't allowed to be photographed in the 80s unless they expose some chest hair while riding a yacht there are some surprising people on this website and now brace yourself Merrill because I know we have warned you we have gone over that before no I believe have I read quite an old crush of yours appears on here look it's our very own Prince Charlie you really when you were younger when I was a kid I found out that we were born in the same year and so I figured it was pretty likely that we'd get married what you told him of that finally funny because we have to ease that you know he really is the daddy of all screen hairiness no Sean Connery wait I love this this is my favorite comedy ever Sean Connery if I were that lady I'd mash my face into his chest so hard by nodes of it is New Year's Eve and of course all the new shows are doing those reviews of the year yes [Applause] [Laughter] they might have been a Christmas gift and she just wants to get it on television those New Year's reviews so we thought we might ask our audience right for the highlights of their year and then we could throw back to you guys who could do them like news headlines okay so for instance oh so Chrissy what was the highlight of your year oh gosh not getting shingles no you know watching my daughter sing jingle bells over and over again okay and then the headline would be not to be bored by child [Applause] hello jingles goodbye shingles [Applause] sit and see see what happened to people so Christmas jumper I'm sensing this man has had a fascinating year so it's a Danish name marvelous name Scandinavia's represented tonight overall it's only only order okay the highlight of your year Allah what have been behind memory of 2013 [Applause] what's your name Kate Kate lovely and what's what have been a big event in New Year Kate um I actually got over my phobia of eggs were you working with a therapist there was alcohol involved drunken as an egg okay let's go to the news room where as Steve will report on Kate getting over her fear of eggs young woman named Kate is beautiful and I am getting a divorce [Applause] my name is sev seven yes so is that something serve an serve an what's been the highlight of your your yourself it's gotta be you mean my girl loved up you living together not yet so what happened no we've been a moving best of friends for I'd say three thing off years and then I moved to London yeah [Music] [Applause] hey what's your name by the way Nicole Nicole seven Nicole let's go back to will in the newsroom for the headlines on Seth and Nicole sev and Nicole find new love let's just hope she doesn't have a fear of eggs [Applause] eventually on the cards really this is cheap and tacky this is all for the Jeremy Kyle show unless you wanted that you can do it if you want [Applause] you need my part you need my car okay deep breath Nicole you're my best friend you're the other half of me I'll just go get something out my sock [Applause] and therefore I can see a tape coming I can see it [Music] [Applause] will you marry me yes [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] go to the wedding now you look lovely Paul thank you I'm here to promote the new Wes Anderson equipment woman woman Rob did Graham Norton Show
Channel: Denise F
Views: 528,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton Funniest Moments (28), funny graham norton compilation, new graham norton, graham norton 2018, funniest graham norton moments, funniest graham norton guests, graham norton full episodes 2018
Id: muvNBXJXiRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 19sec (1999 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2018
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