Graham Norton Funniest Moments (19)

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but it's only on the extract that was very scary but was this a truly scary moment this is a this is when Louie Louie decided to crush somebody's dreams I'm gonna give this oh I know it is you're talking stupid I don't any some good pop singers [ __ ] amethysts now before the board would remember the name Johnny remember the previews I think ashita thought what a key unicode said oh okay I got four probe you're like see this [Applause] that was a genuine death threat I'm still here great yeah but what was he saying I don't know Ram he was dreadful that's what my great-great-grandmother mclubbe C looks like so you said that you you're quite not what lazy well lazy God love America home of the lazy but also also the kind of computer geek and we tracked down this but I say labor-saving device I'm not sure what labor it saves but it is quite clever it sees American students right and they're called error Ryan Roz knack and Graham Farrow right and they posted on on YouTube this Majan how clever you'd have to be to make this work but then how lazy you'd have to be to want it to work so here's their invention so basically they've got a fridge and they've got an iPhone app select what beer you want it falls out and then yester directed it'll crosshair thing so it fires in the right direction you've come in right you do think by now he might have crossed the room open the door so now he's gonna press fire so now basically that only one of these in the world and that's it right the one in there University dorm room okay but they've sent it to us so over there that is the actual fridge that you just saw now Matt are you good at catching I hope so if you're gonna fire a beer firing at you do you want have a go yeah okay you sit in the chair you could sit there okay I'll stay here I've got life so you sitting comfortably yeah okay I can offer you selected beers you've a Bud Light Lime or select a Bud select over this so I hit okay so I'm scrolling down now I go to fire I press fire there's a little delay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but they know that'll be the design flaw fortunately they smell all of booze already [Laughter] [Applause] before that's really well it's obsessing seriously we've some of the guests some of the guests have fallen off the sofa before look at this we got a spare chair okay no one will notice the difference I'm not a slave to continuity notice looks like you should be the knowledge yeah yeah I'm in a different chair but now was it this year was it no I think was last year you had and this is you had a really lovely honor from your school it was an Oxford school offset High School oxidized do you go there I went there from 1945 to 1959 well it's the best school in the world that is why I talk as I talk and they named a theater space after me which is a real thrill they actually wanted Maggie Smith because she was at the school as well there Maggie and they asked me to ask them Maggie she would like to give her name to this space in the school and I asked her you know on their behalf would would would you and she said no I don't want to do that [Laughter] [Applause] you happen to drop marrying somebody five-foot-nine yes yes quite a bit taller quite a bit the lovely and the lovely and there you work married 44 years yes indeed a long time that was a very lackluster applause I've been married for years as well but it was not lots of famous men have slightly taller yes here's a formal one boss Bernie Eccleston with his wife yes yes now I say it's ex-wife because sadly she chucked him she could trust him very far indeed there is a bit of disparity there do you know funny funnily enough I met him last Saturday for the first time walking around German Street with my wife and she was looking in the shop window further on and Bernie Eccleston came out of the corner of for a mission sloppy but and I'd never met him before but of course that's not [ __ ] great cocky [Laughter] it was really sweet very very sweet indeed with Justin to finish on that being married 44 years that I read that you find it quite hard to be romantic it doesn't come naturally to you no that's true hope that Scottish Reserve probably you know so we have this little code is that what you did well did on greeting cards you yes which started when I had my first little mini cooper and we just enjoying you in your Mini Cooper it was cold ambrosia because the top the car right I am title actively member is it maybe change it if you want no because and our little code romantic code is ambrosia creamed rice yes because in those days and quite enjoyed ambrosia cream read nothing salacious about dessert she likes a tinned pudding [Applause] okay so she said you okay yeah perfect together policy but you must people know the two of you they love the two of you leave both of us they don't all hate me Pete I actually love Kay and she is she's she's unique is this your real hair we're not such a growing out of your head color it is my actual color so did you go red specifically for yes for Sex in the City and did it affect your life because was it me you have to be have red hair quite a loss I don't know I don't think it affected my life I don't think hair color I don't know no it didn't when I have my red hair people are far more likely to recognize me so when I can go to get away from it and it's it's a good thing looking at kind of how different people look right there is a website that the University of st. Andrew have developed it's a face changing website so you put a picture myself in and then you would see how you would look as I kind of as a Chinese person or as Africa peon or old or young or did that should we do it's really David versus Cynthia first let's do it David first everyone is different now there is David that's you normal would you agree place to say yeah I think that looks like you yeah that's not now here's the thing so here you are as a baby [Laughter] not have to pee baby yeah you don't for you you're way out of the world be surprised to see a baby come out with you know quite much of a woody fine hairdo okay this is you as an alpha carbon there this is interesting we can feminize your face alright okay here we go now you look like the Phantom of the Opera very instructive because I was thinking of a knot this is when they make you into a caveman this is you as a caveman [Laughter] [Applause] you look slightly like Prince Andrew there now Cynthia there you are as your lovely self yeah what should we see you as a baby so your baby was weird Isidro yeah slightly brighter and just because if my favorite will quickly have a look at you as a cave woman the lipstick seems a little token there I'm not leaving this cave [Laughter] [Applause] the video for air balloon yes the that we've seen you understand all of this next picture is that a stuffed cheetah it's not a real realty so this is not incredibly dangerous I mean I didn't I have this weird thing like I don't know because obviously I get pitch stuff all the time my work is concerned and I've got like this sort of inability to look past the next hour and a half so I get a treatment of a video and I'm like yeah cool cheetahs ever as that sounds you know exotic and fun and I find myself on the side of the hill and then someone rubbing steak on my face so that the cheetah would lick me and it's like actually am i doing sounds like madness it was a two-day shoot that was on the second day and on the first day someone came out to me and said Oh Lilly by the way don't eat any steak tonight just in case of burp and the cheetah smells it covered in steak so he smelt it and lick my face yeah then take a chunk the night before would have gone for the fan I'd burped next to him then he would have gone half like you know eaten really yeah I mean I'm not a zoologist for anything but I think there's some weak thinking there I think they could have lost you that was a crazy thing to do because working with animals is very difficult we've got some very good examples of animal dogs sort of spoiling photographs we found them on the lad Bible calm so this is some children playing on the beach lovely we'll want to remember that forever we'll take a picture of our children there it is this next one I love this for the expression on the dog's face so you've got the whole family the whole family so look at the baby everything now look at the dog [Music] can you tie in this Sorry Sorry Oh the animals always look so much more vulnerable than humans when they're crapping you think they're crappy it's a vulnerable moment it is here's some young people having fun jumping in the air there they are [Laughter] the next picture that the number of things that needed to all happen at the same time are incredible so a dragonfly lands on a man's finger right so how long it can't be an F for long so he was able to have it on his finger get his camera out and take a picture of all of this this dragonfly [Laughter] being far away but my favorite ones are people trying to be romantic right so there's a couple reclining on the grass it's really really lovely you're yummy but your whole lives well that all the bullying dog trailer Howard Howard you are it might be fangirling a little bit because isn't it Julie waters you yeah yeah talk to you now how much Billy Elliott is one of my favorite films [Applause] but the film's better is in the film we all love Downton but you do really like Downton ally Danson yeah yeah first first of all I was made to watch you bomb a girlfriend well then eventually you just you can you you're not being gripped just a lot of people are fans of Downton but not everyone then tweets pictures of themselves like this two down tonight without you Lady Mary I was trying my best but I didn't quite succeed nobody know but you tweet pictures all the time I mean I find Twitter as a bit of fun a little bit of promotion but more fun and just be stupid on it and I always get told up for my manager in these guys [Laughter] there's no reason to see Howard take that dress like this shower cap on I had one beer I'm in makeup and he brought the fancy dress box out on the far stuff it lashes get ready you kept your white socks on for this I haven't got a clue but I felt really sexy [Applause] but did you get a chance to put in the things that annoy you about Judd well a lot of things annoy me about Jed don't they after a long time of you know being married did the car the coughing thing didn't make it in I've heard you talk about the cost of having what this Noddy yeah well the morning snot yeah there's every day it's every day it might he says it's allergies but it's uh I don't know what it is it it's not eat like the second he wakes up it's like a faucet of snot starts and sorts and doesn't think to blow his nose until I tell him and then he'll like take a paper towel you know from the kitchen and but not use the whole paper towel he'll just like rip off a little corner and and blow his nose into the little bit of paper towel and it's not big enough to hold like take the little like corner of it and like clean and then it starts all over again it's like never ending and I don't know what that is I feel like there's something he should take or surgery should get or something to like sure that or that's never gonna go away it sounds unbearable leave them some tissues and just go snotty genius my husband is he's absolutely finds it impossible to put dishes in the dishwasher he cannot do it it's very weird there's some think there's the dishwasher here pop things in the sink and just won't put them in the dishwasher so I take them out and I put them in the dishwasher Mantegna he's got to learn I take them out of the dishwasher I can't stand them in the sink I know if you let's rotate them like you know 20 times in a plane very very hairy very hairy he's like you the stream him and I have to train me too I don't know why I do this I want to like pass it on to my daughter I teach her how to do it but I have to shave his his his quickly now [Music] his neck but do you like there's a special trick to it you have to do like a fade so it's not a line because then it'll be like a shirt like a hair shirt so you have to like clean from the bottom of the hair lightly to blend it in yeah and then you have to go like blend you're doing well you should get someone in to do that yeah the gardener leave them on the lawn facedown they'll take care of it right this is I'd love to a bit Rosa Krebs was one of the Bond villains played by Bertolt Brecht's wife in the film yeah I'd love to be what we're told I mean there's something magic about James Bond it's just a matter and Harry Potter I knew I was yes well that was that was terrific and she's also worked with the biggest action star of them all Sylvester's not Sylvester Stallone and yes I worked with Arnold Schwarzenegger which was a horrible experience horrible very well the real reason is because a because he didn't fancy me he didn't think I mattered and I really resent that how did you and secondly because he farted in my face I was playing my role and I was say to his sister and I had to be killed lying on the floor with a glass table slicing my throat yes so I was doing all that and and you know it's difficult can't get out of the way where you're stucked like that he thought it was hysterical he said he didn't know her purpose he just spotted in your face and salute Oh thinking about all he eats nothing but protein [Applause] well it's throw fail now we're very excited you're back and of course all your fans are very excited so I wonder I wonder if the girl in these pictures I love these pictures in the paper during the week I wonder if she's here this girl she looks like Cherie Blair there she is you think she's excited there what is here in the next one okay let's see the next run she's thrilled to see you Sheriff I don't know I can't figure out whether it's thrilled to say easily oh my god that's what she looks like in real life but she's very excited let them before you arrive she's very excited look at this one is she here is she here it'd be great if she was in your cup she was just like expressive hairdressers are flamboyant gay hairdresser a little more flamboyant black gay hairdresser it is the blackest and gasps movie will will we have a clip which I don't think needs any setting up okay it's you in a salon how much does this cost that's $1,000 this is $1,000 yes it is you come in it's a maintenance and every six weeks you have to get it to retire there wow this is amazing thousand dollars yes it starts at the thousand it starts so what I mean aha can go as far as 3,500 3,500 dollars yes and who's paying us ladies working people black women black women everyday people that are working and want to look good and look as natural as possible she's wearing her hair unit over there she's very one yours cost a thousand dollars to where do you work I'm a schoolteacher I'm a grad student wait a minute school teachers don't make no money [Applause] it's got like like to hear like Beyonce has in that's nice part about 1500 2000 hours yeah cuz you interview guys who talk about like dating black women how like you can't put your hands in the hair no come on naturally they're natural but you know a lot of women got a weave why don't want you touching it let me wrap it up before we do what we do anything I got to wrap this video things you just didn't know this about black people but did you know a lot of the stuff in the movie or do some of it but I mean I didn't know I didn't know the chemicals could eat through a Buick I didn't know that before you go to Obama's house you should watch this Michelle if those chemicals yes Michelle Obama does not have a weave no there's no way no she's got tracks so she's got she didn't I wouldn't whenever watch when I was Lady of the United States of America has a we when she was me it was all her hair but now that she has to really be out and about every day so she's got like some pieces right along here right the woman no y'all going up top but if she's got some tracks see no Beyonce would have it's a bull it starts here it's a it's a what we would call a lace-front yes she died she's gone but if Beyonce does shampoo commercials with it we bar if you want here like this buy it anything in that thing was you've got a what do you do for a living you know can you tell what people do from looking at their hair so I don't know anything about it and just have a look to people see if we can guess what they do for a living okay now we've done what we haven't really done you but you're very hard to get a camera - I - you're an academic of some sort possibly enigmatic enigmatic does that mean no I think she's a teacher [Applause] that's fabulous hair Wow right is that all your own hair yes it's the winner okay now what could you do with that hair mmm are you like a model of war attack what do we think that there's a turn to the site because it it's big it goes off she's a hairdresser no are you the boyfriend or brother a brother you like to touch that sometimes [Applause] that's what you do I'm a scientist I almost said that really she's like black Einstein Oh Leon Leon oh now this is going to be really tricky unless you're working as a carrot top tribute act hey what's your name James James you can't work with the public I'm guessing you going with me on that uh I think he plays Shaggy and scooby-doo okay what do you actually do I'm I've just graduated in fashion promotion what do we know do you get this done well yeah my mum cuts my hair Wow is he gonna regret admitting that on national she does a lovely job [Applause]
Channel: Denise F
Views: 458,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton Funniest Moments (19), graham norton funny moments, graham norton funny compilation, graham norton show 2017, new graham norton, graham norton denise f, graham norton funniest guests, funny graham norton moments ever
Id: ienKwKJfwSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 37sec (1897 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2017
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