Play the Sicilian Defense like Beth Harmon

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if you like chess then you've probably watched  the queen's gambit on netflix and if you've   watched the queen's gambit on netflix then you  probably know that beth harmon and many of the   other characters at some point played the sicilian  defense the point of this video is first to walk   you through the steps of how to play the sicilian  defense and its different versions and at the end   i played three games against my subscribers to  show you the sicilian defense in live action   the sicilian defense is an opening with the  black pieces after white's main move e4 pawn   to e4 the king's pawn you play the move c5  uh and the point of this or queen bishop 5   as said in the show the point is to control the  center with the flank pawn so that if this pawn   ever comes here you take and you have two central  pawns remaining versus one and that's considered   a slightly better imbalance for the black pieces  there's a few like i said versions of the sicilian   defense the way i want you to think about this for  now is whether or not white plays out the knight   and the pawn to d4 that's going to be the big  thing here does white actually ever play this move   that leads to a more open sicilian and an open  game or does white kind of keep it closed for now   and play it a little bit differently so  we're going to have the open sicilian the   closed sicilian and then kind of everything  else now the open sicilian is after knight f3   and the way beth harmon plays this and some of the  other characters they play pawn to d6 which is a   very very natural good move now white plays d4  you trade and now the knight takes because again   if the queen takes and that's kind of the whole  problem with this whole thing the queen takes we   bring out our knight and we attack the queen so  wine prefers a spot where knight takes d4 occurs   we play knight to f6 this is the way they play it  knight's the c3 defense and now black has a choice   black can play the night or which is what  is played a lot in the show the move a6 here   point is that this covers the b5 square from  this this and this you can play pawn to b5   in the future taking space defend it like  this move your bishop out move your knight   out and in the future you will plant the rook  where this bishop is laser beam down this board   down the c file that's what that's called the c  file and the position is incredibly dynamic and   complicated actually at this point white can play  like 15 different ways i'm not joking it's insane   so that's the night orf and the main  line is bishop to g5 which is uh   seen i believe at least one time in the show the  game between harmon and benny watts uh and there's   others now the one that i like the most is called  the dragon all dragon sicilians involve a bishop   going to g7 with the pawn up to g6 and this  is known as the uh dragon sicilian uh well   i was going to say for a reason i mean  i suppose if if there's ever a dragon in   black's territory it's the bishop because it will  stare down the side of the board and breathe uh   down that way and breathe fire now the best thing  for white to do here is to play something like f3   stopping this knight from ever getting here  because trading off this bishop would be an issue   playing queen to d2 so something like this because  you want to team up the bishop and the queen to   get in here to trade off our dragon bishop and  this pawn will protect these squares as white   attacks us where does white's king go when we  play the dragon opposite side long castling long   castling queenside castling and a crazy attack  ensues we attack white on the queen side on   this side of the board and white attacks us down  this way and it gets crazy in the dragon sicilian   and there's other versions uh with the move d6  on the second move but let's not forget we don't   have to go d6 the other most popular move here  is e6 and this takes the game into a totally   different direction again if white plays cd4  knight d4 we've got two main choices here one of   them is called the khan sicilian with kan a6 and  actually the point of the con is to play queen c7   and you go what the heck why would i do that this  doesn't make any sense which is one of the reasons   the con is a bit more advanced as an opening just  like the night or if there's a lot of theory you   have to study but it can be very tricky there is  also something called the timon of when you play   knight c6 and then later play a6 and later play  queen c7 and in general the structure that you get   uh in this kind of a sicilian of course if knight  takes knight uh you just take with the b-pawn and   try to push forward in the center here and then  develop naturally but in general the structures   and the complex of the of the squares that you  fight for when you play pawn to e6 is you like   to bring a bishop out to c5 b4 and the dark  squared bishop puts some pressure i play a game   later with the move e6 and it goes quite well for  me the bishop and the queen like to team up like   this because they they'll stand on this diagonal  and laser down that way the complex is totally   different uh there's a lot of different defenses  after e6 and the sicilian so i gave you the khan   the uh the timon of there's also the pin variation  which is knight f6 knight c3 and then pinning the   knight to the king there is the four knights or  two knight sicilian like this which is what i   play later there's a lot examine something pick  something i like the positions after e6 although   they are not seen as much in the show and there's  other things that you can play uh you can go for a   very quick dragon but g6 is called the accelerated  dragon and this just is a dragon the bishop goes   to g7 so it's a dragon kind of sicilian now on  knight f3 black can also play knight c6 which is   what the world champion magnus carlsen plays and  now the first game between borgoff uh and and beth   harmon is the way we'll transition this uh to  the close sicilian is the move bishop b5 during   the broadcast they have this tournament uh going  on in mexico and the commentator says borghoff   is intending to play a la siciliana right which  is delaying the move d4 or playing it never at   all to play d3 trade the bishop for the night in a  more slow maneuvering game if white is to play d4   like normal now you have a choice you've got  the sveshnikov sicilian kalashnikov cool name   back to the dragon so there's a lot of  different stuff but the close sicilian   for white is intending to trade and maneuver and  this is a very dense one i mean i i can't possibly   show you the theory here all in its entirety again  you can play it dragon style with g6 bishop g7   putting pawns in the center of the board finding  the right pawn breaks but just as an introduction   that is what the close sicilian is and more  traditionally knight c3 is considered on the   second move to be the close sicilian because white  wants to play f4 g3 uh one of the favorites here   is the grand prix attack this is what this got a  very cool name grand prix attack with e4 and f4 to   try to take some space now against the grand prix  and just against the close sicilian in general   uh i like a very early a6 i like to not commit  my central pawns so that if white does this i   actually just take space on the queen side then i  like to put my bishop on b7 to cut the board here   on this diagonal and maybe e6 and then play  for d5 so i like to go for this queen side   and central expansion you can give it a shot um at  the same time playing classical stuff is also fine   knight c6 g6 bishop g7 d6 but remember the board's  not going to open up in a closed sicilian so   i like to be the person opening it up i played  the sicilian defense up until i was about 18 1900   so that's how i would play it i would just try to  open the position as fast as possible if the move   knight c3 happens close sicilian grand prix attack  those are the two things that you got to know all   these names will be in the description now if  white doesn't move upon white doesn't move a   a knight on the second move something like  bishop c4 the bishop on coming to c4 in the   sicilian is usually bad because you haven't moved  your pawns yet so you can just play pawn up to e6   and then d5 and now you are just fighting for the  center and you're attacking the bishop so bishop   c4 is very rarely a good move against the sicilian  uh just good thing to keep in mind because you   push the pawns and attack it and of course white  can play c3 d4 and a variety of other pawn moves   c3 is called the alapin and white is trying to  play pawn d4 and take with the pawn and have two   pawns in the center so you have two options here  number one is to immediately go for this pawn   and then pawn push you jump in the middle and  develop like this but the easiest thing to do   here not gonna lie just play d5 i play it later  against the uh strong player and the point is   that you bring your queen out but there's no  knight c3 see normally you the knight comes   out and the queen is getting under attack but  in this version you just play pawn to d5 and uh   bring your queen out and then develop your pieces  naturally both knights to their main squares the   bishop comes out looking very nice pawn up  bishop out we're very happy it's very simple   the last thing that i will leave you with in the  sicilian is you will need to know the gambits   gambits are an entire other chapter of  openings where people sacrifice material   early to throw you off your game and they're  tricky like the smith mora gambit like this   where you take two pawns white develops tries  to pop out all these pieces and destroy you   and they might because the smithmar is very  tricky if you've never learned anything against it   if you've made it this far in  this video first of all thank you   thank you that's honestly nine and a half  minutes of dedication i hope you're doing great   i hope if you're watching at the end of 2020 which  is when i uploaded this that you got through the   year okay oh wait no because if you're watching it  in 2020 i hope you're gonna get through the year   okay i hope you have a great holiday season  if you're watching in the future i hope you   have had a better year than 2020 was huh what a  terrible year that was people watching in 2027.   anyway point that i'm trying to make here is the  sicilian is very dense uh the way the way you   learn it is you pick one of those variations  that are in the description that i've talked   about i tried to give you as many as i could and  you re-watch the video you go learn those basics   and you just go play i recommend playing against  humans there's many many humans on for   example uh review your game see how the opening  went maybe it works and maybe it doesn't but   this is how beth harmon and uh many of the other  players in the queen's gambit played their uh   played their sicilian defenses they studied tons  and tons of theory you don't have to do that you   can just go play some games and in the next uh  part of this video i'm going to play against some   of my subscribers talk you through those games  and i just want to say that there is no clock   involved so we were just playing slow game  hope you enjoy hope you learn much love and   if there's any videos that i haven't made yet  on openings that you like please let me know in   the comments below okay i'm ready to play against  first subscriber here uh this person is rated 980   in blitz chess but in rapid is 1277 so e4 c5 and  actually before the game he told me that he plays   uh the open sicilian which we've talked  about now of course i have a big choice   um i can go knight c6 but uh let's go  for no let's do it let's play knight c6   and we will take and then we're going to go for  the dragon sicilian with g6 so clearly this is an   experienced player uh now we're gonna go bishop to  g7 we're attacking this knight of course bishop e3   here as i've shown in the theory portion of this  video the critical line in the dragon is for white   to castle queen side and start some sort of attack  on our king side we will see if that happens my   opponent is thinking already like i said he did  promise that he knows what he's doing so i'm a bit   perplexed here by the early thinking but perhaps  he's just gathering himself he has not used to   potentially being on such a big stage now here  there's a few things you can do on bishop to e3   uh knight f6 right away uh is completely okay just  developing the knight to the center there's also   some various tricky lines with the queen coming  out to a5 that also is possible just pinning   here i will go knight to f6 there should be  absolutely no problems associated with this move   uh and uh game goes on if for example knight takes  c6 here which is a possibility we actually can   play d takes and if queen takes queen then we  have king takes queen and that pawn coming to   e5 is not the scariest thing in the world because  we have knight coming out to g4 okay so bishop c4   of course castling here very natural move um there  are some positions you can also actually throw in   the move knight g4 and the queen can take but the  queen actually guards the knight in the center   here so you can play like knight g4 uh and then if  queen takes knight takes and you have some tricks   i i don't want to go for tricks i kind of want to  get you all comfortable and settled playing these   systems that are that you can understand  and figure out how to play afterward but   there are some tricks where this is a possibility  there's also other tricks where you can play   knight takes pawn and then after knight  takes knight you have a central pawn fork   so you fork like this now on queen d2 my opponent  has already made a slight inaccuracy and it's   allowing the move knight to g4 now that the queen  has moved up see that's why you have to play f3   i did talk about this in the introduction why the  move f3 is so important to shield the knight from   coming to the g4 square uh otherwise you can run  into trouble and this can be bad now if the bishop   moves out it cannot go to h6 right so this is a  good move now my opponent plays knight takes c6   of course i would like to take the bishop but  then i would lose my queen and then it would not   make for a very good youtube video i can play  bc6 i'm actually going to take with the d-pawn   to open up the queen and then if i take with the  rook i'm very happy because i have control of the   file of course you can also play b takes and then  the game is a little bit longer in general i think   that if you're going to be playing the dragon  at a lower level uh the games will have a feel   like this where it's not so clear they're  you know both sides are kind of tentative   i'm actually not going to trade the queens now i'm  going to put the queen on b6 laser beaming here   and now we see the power of this kind of  dragon bishop here on g7 very powerful uh   f2 is hit a very natural looking move here  by my opponent is just a castle this way   and uh the f2 pawn is hanging because i  also stare all the way down to that side   the only drawback is this bishop but that's  life can't have everything and i can go here but   this trait is nice for me only from  the perspective that i open my rook   in reality i double my pawns i can still go for  it because of how powerful my rook becomes but   potentially not recommended having said that if my  opponent castles queen side i will play bishop e6   just to show you the power of the position how  all the pieces open up my opponent also could   very well blunder here make a horrible mistake  like playing the move b3 which i believe just   loses to various tactics on this diagonal there is  also bishop back to b3 which intercepts my queen   and blocks its path that probably very  well is the best move bishop back to b3   uh and then just uh delaying everything and not  letting me take here yet of course my next idea   is also rook d a by moving my queen away from the  d8 square i'm ready to play rook d8 defended by   my queen over on b6 and hitting the queen in the  center there's a lot of problems already to solve   my opponent chooses to just castle giving me  the b2 pawn i can take it and i can also throw   in this first if i take this pawn the knight is  also under attack that doesn't seem very good for   my opponent giving away b2 under normal circum  whoa i was gonna say under normal circumstances   uh this is okay because the queen can get trapped  so my opponent is using a concept called danger   levels to disregard the attack on the knight and  attack my knight in reality bishop takes c3 here   is just winning for me because i'm winning  a knight but i'm also attacking the queen   and now my knight can move at the same time i  actually probably could have also played queen c3   because then i hit the bishop and if there's  a trait of queens at the end i'm attacking the   rook so very quickly i got so excited about this  game i almost knocked the glasses off my face um   at the end of the day like that bishop  on g7 in this position just killed it   i mean we played queen b6 we attacked  a weak pawn and the opponent uh you   know immediately succumbed to the pressure so  dragon is a very powerful thing very powerful   these tactics they're they're they're constantly  brewing in the position he very well could play   a move like queen d3 or queen e2 gotta move  the queen here and preferably not all the   way back to d1 just a little bit too passive i  would consider queenie two to maintain this and   just keep the distant idea of potentially  trapping my queen over there in the corner   having said that if i just move the queen out  the rook is now under attack uh but the rook   would slide over and attack my queen so we're  kind we're kind of always having a conversation   thing about this move is that now i can move  my knight out of danger and attack the queen   which is why it was better for my opponent to  play queen e2 because then my knight couldn't   move and attack the queen now i'm creating a  threat on the queen and if my opponent takes   my knight i am able to skedaddle out of there  with my queen and after just 12 moves we're up   a clean night and we have to convert the game but  okay again i can't give you a better opening than   being a piece on move 12. i really wish i could  but not much i can offer you better than that rugby one as promised uh let's bring the  queen back to d4 of course now that you   are up a bishop simplification is a good thing  uh trading off for example a bishop or a rook   or both rooks would be fantastic so i'm not  even gonna hesitate i'm just gonna take now   i'd like to move my bishop oops my bishop  but the rook covers this so the first thing   that i'm going to do is that i'm going to  attack the bishop bishop will have to move   and then i will offer a trait of bishops and  i said that this was not great and it's not   because we're doubling our own structure  and this rook can try to get in here   but at the same time we are up a bishop and that  is worth a lot this pawn is under attack maybe i   just bring this bishop back and actually where's  this rook going i just closed the door on the rook   pawn to e5 does get this pawn if i take but what  if i just slide my bishop out this way to target   this and now i'm not even letting the pawn come  forward so the rook is locked in here with me in   the words of rorschach and uh i can go for a trade  but this rook's only getaway square is b7 so what   if i just play king king rook not in that order it  would have to be king rook and then the king but   at the same time we also can just be  very direct here and go for the f2 pawn   we can try to trap the rook at the same time we  can try to win an end game by trading the rooks   so for example rook d2 yeah that makes a lot of  sense a good move uh now i think i'm going to   what am i going to do maybe i'll bring my king  right here to e6 where it exerts pressure on this   rook if this rook was to slide over now i would  bring in my other rook offering an exchange the   game will become substantially simpler here if i  can trade one rook and obviously both the reason   being like of course my king goes to e6 very nice  square no check is possible here with the rooks   and now we're gonna shut this door again and  the rook has to skedaddle and then we will be   guaranteed a trait of rooks once we get that rook  off the board the position opens up substantially   we are going to advance the pawns on the queen  side now because we have something called a   queen side majority three pawns versus two and  when two pawns are traded for white we will be   remaining with one pass pawn and that will lead  us to victory these pawns are marching they're   not really something i need to worry about  of course i could play rook f8 and put some   pressure for example i can take here it's  not a problem and just continue my pushing   here the thing is my opponent has no balance  of pawns on that side of the board which is   good for them and i can continue to push and  what will happen is exactly what i told you   would happen i'm going to play b3 on the next  move which will result in me simplifying the   pawns down to me having one pawn remaining  on that side and then we will win the game   at the same time you can also offer a trade  of rogues but i'm just going to take with   the pawn now my opponent probably will run the  the rook back and i'd like to go here and down   there to get the rook out but i need somebody to  protect my pawns we're going to play bishop here   rook c8 and rook c1 and we're going to play just  one cherry on top here so my opponent cannot get   in with the king we can play rook c8 not afraid  of a check the king just slides over not afraid of   taking because that doesn't make any progress rook  is coming down there and then the b-pawn will take   and that will be the end of the game this  is five minute and five second bonus which   is one of the reasons my opponent uh clock  is not running out i'll play rook down to c1 and just be careful about stalemate make sure  that the enemy king always has some legal moves   bring in the queen here and we don't really  need anything else we can just march the queen   i mean march the king to the one of the back  rows here glue the king to the back row and   then bring the king and it should be mate  and that should be checkmate and we say gg   now before we just jump ahead here uh what i  wanted to say kind of early on here was that if my   opponent were to take on c6 and then we would take  and play this move it's actually not so bad for us   you can just go back and it's not easy  for the opponent to protect this pawn   this pawn's actually a bit overextended and if f4  we can actually play knight h6 and knight to f5   and d6 in the future just chipping away  at the pawn this looks good for white   but it's not so good it's the thing that some  people have to worry about when they're playing   they have to worry about this kind of lack  of space and could be a little bit dangerous   next person i'm gonna play is 1600 rated kind  of ping jig long time supporter of the stream   uh he's been in uh quite a few of my videos plays  knight f3 i was thinking he might play knight c3   uh let's think we played this last time this  time let's go for e6 so playing one of the other   versions of the i mean i don't know maybe he's  not even gonna play d4 i would imagine he would   play so he does play d4 of course we take now  and we have a big choice here very big choice um   i'm gonna play knight f6 and if he  blunder he he okay he doesn't blunder e5   queen a5 check uh there here there is the pin  variation as i discussed in the introduction   and knight c6 as well this is  called the two knight sicilian   excuse me or the four knight sicilian with e6 and  knight of 696 it's very tricky uh the pressure on   the center very early here i believe the critical  line for white is actually to try to get in here   and it can be a little bit unpleasant and what  you do here with black is you play bishop to b4   so it's kind of like the pin variation  except the move e5 is no longer a possibility and uh not so easy because if queen to d2 we  just take and my opponent actually blunders   upon immediately with knight takes e4 so this  just shows you the trickiness of this position   actually already white is losing on the seventh  or eighth move it show i mean it just goes to   show you these these sicilians can be tricky the  tactics are flying at our opponent pretty fast   and notice already on the eighth move of the  game that we have both central pawns remaining   and our opponent doesn't have a single central  pawn we can even play d5 here to glue the knight   into the center of the board of course my opponent  will castle setting up this as a possibility   i can take and i gotta tell you i can also just  go back and i'm sort of leaning toward going back   just because why would i take and have to move  the bishop again so my opponent's down a pawn   but the game is still going on of course f4  f5 here is the critical approach by white   like white needs to punish me for  taking such a long time to develop   he trades the knight on c6 which is something  you will get and we'll kind of learn how to   how to play with this crown of pawns  you're gonna have to bring the bishop   back castle and then slowly advance them in  the center this move attacks the horse but i don't think there's anything scary  to come out of it so i'm gonna castle   and now c5 is a big question do i play the move  c5 or do i bring the bishop back of course to move   rookie one my opponent wants to play bishop f3 i  think i will now begin active operations with c5   the big decision here okay taking but this is  already this is very dangerous now for my opponent   they've traded off a bishop now as well  so it's difficult to find compensation   it probably would have been better to play the  move bishop to e5 just keeping the bishop on the   board a3 is an interesting move because it gives  me a tough choice do i take the knight and damage   the structure if the queen were to take i would  take the queen would i go back to a5 and i gotta   tell you i'm leaning this way why would i just  trade i don't want to trade i want the queen to   come try to get me and i'm just going to keep on  playing cat and mouse or if the queen comes to   get me then i take and the difference is i would  be winning another pawn plus in a lot of these   positions you have the open b file to operate  with rook to b8 it's a lot of tricks and tactics   bishop f3 of course doesn't let me move but now  rook to b8 unpins me and hits the pawn on b2   another thing that i just realized is can i play  rook takes b2 in this position oh my goodness   and then bishop takes c3 oh my  goodness look at this little trick   rook takes b2 and on rook b2 i have this  defended by the queen hitting both rooks   so there's there's tactics in all  of these lines in the open sicilian   my opponent wrote me a message he said really come  on man i'm going to say i'm sorry it's for science   i mean listen i gotta teach you all about the  tactical tricks and in these sicilians right so   that's why you stuck around this long in the  video what are we at like 25 30 minutes now no rook rook takes b2 is a mean move  i'm not gonna lie i'm not gonna lie   it's a mean move but my opponent's a  very strong very game player he just   game saying someone's game is like such a random  adjective their game as opposed to what hobby   that's how i have to keep myself entertained  gotta keep on talking you know it's difficult   i gotta tell you it's tough to just keep talking  there's no one in this room right now it's just me   okay i gotta i gotta keep myself entertained and  all of you what do we do here i mean i suppose   we can push the pawn uh that that looks like a  good move seems like there is nothing inherently   wrong with just attacking the queen the queen of  course will slide over and target my only weakness   over here i can push this one too but you have  to be careful you have to balance your pushing   with maintaining good development because okay  well that's not good we don't want to queen trade   here if you're my opponent what i you know he  my opponent should have played queen e4 maybe   you know i'm not even gonna take no maybe i  will i should be i should set a good example   the issue is this so can i create the world's  greatest pawn chain can i can i play c3 and   e5 i'm gonna do it just for you watching at  home objectively speaking it's probably wrong   but it looks really cool oh my gosh he might  he has the easy i had to go here absolutely   had to play like this although now e5 bishop d5 is  mildly inconvenient i have to say so what we'll do   is i think we'll play rook d8 and just try to push  my pawn again just like last game using two upon   majority to create a pass pawn situation uh and  now maybe in this case actually i trade the rook   of course bishop and six versus bishop in  four pawns is winning for the person with   the six generally unless there are six pawns  in a row on one file which sounds insane rook   takes a3 now and if rook takes c4 we have backrank  checkmate which is insanely important having said   that if that wasn't a possibility we're still  doing good because of our outside pass pawn   my opponent said i almost hung back rank  i said you can do it i won't tell youtube   so now i'll push the pawn and  the rook is guarding the pawn except my opponent knows that i'm probably  narrating this entire game to all of you so   for science baby for science also i like that  he has the flare it's very nice very nice flair okay okay okay so we i mean a few things can happen here a few  things i'm gonna i'm gonna attack the bishop   and the next phase is going to be to bring my  king i've got to bring the king out of hiding   king f7 king of six uh and find a balanced way  and approach to push everything push my pawns   keep my root guarding everything uh not take  my own pieces bishop a6 offers a trade having   said that i would be losing my pawn so not the  easiest thing to do i also have a very cool trick   like maybe i can play like some c2 well now for  example this does force a trade but i'm gonna keep   bringing my king can i give a check like this  that doesn't do anything because the king just   comes forward so let me just push my pawn take a  little bit more central space maybe e4 and king e5 it's got to be some okay now i'm  going to play this because i like   i like activating my bishop  and now we will give a check   first if rook c2 we just take and the bishop  is not oh my opponent blunders because of this yeah and now i mean if that were not to happen  we would have taken the bishop and would have   taken the pawns i'm gonna go here i'm gonna go  here and the threat on the back rank is mate   kingy one's the only way not to get mated  or to give me a check that's also feasible and this is mate on the back rank i'm gonna say gg i'm gonna say gg that was an interesting one  but uh right here was kind of like the last   moment he traded off a few pieces and probably  he should have played bishop back to e5 uh that   would have been the one way to keep the position  going but still the opening was a decent success   and for our last game uh we are going to  play somebody who is not in live chat okay   i had to edit that part out because my opponent  didn't actually show up to play in time hope   that's okay with you my opponent plays c3 the  allopin there's a few ways to go about this   uh d5 is one to get an isolated  pawn structure let's go for this one   teach y'all how to play this my opponent  probably did a little bit of preparation or maybe not generally you got to prepare  one of these systems let's go knight f6   easy development bishop b2  is completely normal move   uh kind of resembles the scandinavian  knight c6 and bishop to g4 is good for me   not i mean not not like good like winning but  it's just it's a way to play the position uh   and uh you know e6 is strong taking on d4 is good  a lot of normal looking stuff here let's play e6 because i'm not really too worried  and my opponent just blundered because   i've got this right so i can take  that's it that's game over eight moves   bishop g5 and bishop f3 queen takes and  if this i take back and i'm up a piece the tricky sicilian gets you winning  positions and nine moves against um against some low rated players there  you go and here it's also important   actually not even lower rated players  intermediate players bishop takes e2 is what i would play here because if you  play g takes f6 they just take so you play   this and on queen e2 we take and life  is good play g takes f6 okay our parts   our pawn structure took a little bit of a  hit but such as such as life such is life rook to d1 i like this move that threatens  mate threatening checkmate definitely cannot   be a bad thing using these open files and my  opponent blunders checkmate oh my goodness that was a tragic ending to this video well i  will say this i will say this the sicilian defense   is not to be messed with we just saw a few  different ways that you can get very nice easy to   play positions whatever variation that they play  of course there were no close sicilians but that's   what you build up over the course of time hope  you enjoyed and uh apologies once again for uh   putting uh such a big picture of beth harmon  in the title but listen we gotta get these   clicks somehow don't we anyway let me know  if there's any other videos that you want me   to make an opening based on uh because i think  i've done a lot but i've definitely missed a few   in the comments below so do let me know post a  game that you play maybe the sicilian defense in   the comments i like to read those as well i'm sure  other people do and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,375,346
Rating: 4.9625573 out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess openings for beginners, chess openings gothamchess, chess openings, sicilian defense, beth harmon, beth harmon queens gambit, the queens gambit review, queens gambit review, how to play the sicilian defense, sicilian defense all variations, sicilian defense for black, beth harmon and borgov, vasily bogov
Id: 65VWIFlc4C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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