Gotham Chess Guide Part 1: 1000+ | FREE PIECES GALORE!

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as I said sorry this is Gotham guide and  the idea is to be playing games let me   start with with a Sicilian to play games  at the 1000 level to notice what people   are playing different openings it's  not really a speedrun it's just to   familiarize ourselves with what we need to  play at what level of chess so my opponents   playing you know normal standard stuff we've  both taken the center this is not an accurate   move against the Sicilian if you're gonna  play c5 it's because East six comes and you know the real problem with this is that  now d5 is coming my opponent plays d4 playing   a move in the center I can take that and  now if the knight takes it's actually not   always good to force the Queen out because  even though the queen is out here you can't   really do anything about that right away so  I'm just gonna develop another piece generally   you know the Queen being out here is not good  if the knight can hit it but at the same time   if I trade off my night then that's not going  to particularly great either so he takes one   c6 I'm gonna take like this if I take with this  pawn the Queen comes in and takes we have three   is a weird move you know when in doubt you can  either keep developing or immediately attack   the center personally right now I like this  move a little bit more if I just stay passive   that's probably also fine now it's better  for me probably to take like this because I need to keep my central pawns intact  he gives me a check nothing complicated   here just blocking with the bishop we're  probably going to trade so I'll pre move what free Bishop you know these one move  captures maybe he thought he had this you   know because a move ago he did move ago he  actually did have that but when he moves   his night out alright let me just keep  developing every move we're also looking   at checks captures and attacks so we're  looking at all right he's got some sort   of pin here what if I just get out of that  for a moment I'd rather not be not be pinned I'm down a little bit on time rook d4 does that attack  anything not really so let me throw in my attack   here on his Bishop maybe he'll take and maybe  he backs up ok takes takes now I'm attacking   his rook does he see it is the question at this  level that's a very clever move actually because   he does have this at the this is a threat he  is pinning me but I'm gonna throw in a tricky   move of my own if he takes my Bishop I can take  his rook and he didn't see that so there you go that does not get the Queen out of danger okay so  a lot of one move blunders that we're seeing from   this gentleman right and now we have a completely  winning position so how do we win let's simplify   let's get the rooks off the board that's a lot  easier and then we gotta get close enough to the   King to deliver a mate so to do that I need my  queen I might need to bring the Queen with the   rook give a check maybe first of all yet check  and now that's a free rook so my opponent has   officially lost all of their pieces basically  check and I'm gonna put a rook here pressuring   on the B file just for good measure that is also  a night so every single piece my opponent lost   in this game was through one move blunders every  single piece in the very beginning we got I mean   we just developed I already said against Sicilian  which is an e4 c5 Bishop c4 is is not super   accurate he actually played okay in the beginning  I took the center when I had a chance you can   develop here with moves like Bishop e7 also you  just need to be careful your opponent's can attack   you immediately then he played this which didn't  make any sense I just took it that up until here   he played good Ruby force action Ruby forms a  very tricky move lines up the tactic here and I   guess he did see that he had Queen f6 but upon me  playing pawn to e5 he just completely forgot that   said this happens so a lot of one move blunders  so far that I'm noticing at this level let's keep   going let's let's let's see if anybody anybody  else out there all right 1017 so around the same   last time I played Sicilian against efore this  time I'm gonna play e6 and d5 known as the French   defense I'm gonna just mess around with different  openings let's see what we have he five so this is   called the advanced French he's taking up some  central space and generally what black strikes   back with is c5 he defends knight c6 now we're  gonna have a big battle on to this d4 square Hey sub in the chat thank you so much Bishop  III is a bit of a weird move but he is   kind of putting some pressure here  I'm just gonna continue with Queen b6 again putting some pressure there now  generally taking is considered good so that I can give him a check here with  my bishop and he's got a little bit of a   difficult situation to deal with he goes back  but let's not forget that this bishop used to   do a job right so every move checks captures in  attacks that's that's just free that is just a   free thing now it might get really ugly cuz  he might not realize that I'm attacking the   rook which he didn't see and on top of that I  also can actually just take this first I think   because it's Czech and then we're gonna  take the rook so we're gonna do this and nann we're gonna take the rook so I was able to  get an extra pawn this technique I like to call   boomerang technique you go back and then you  come forward let's not forget that the bishop   is also still hanging and when my queen is  down here the pawn is under attack as well so yeah he defends the pawn and the bishop I  can take the bishop is a good citrate one   where you're winning yeah there seemed to be  no immediate repercussions of that move I also   could have gone Knight f6 which I'm going to do  now just need to make sure that when your queen   is so far in the corner it's never getting trapped  and it doesn't seem like it's ever getting trapped   here so let's just castle now how do you again  how do you win a position like this like we're   out four points of material what do you do now  if you don't have a check a capture an attack on   anything what you can do from this position is  just improve your position get some pieces out   that aren't out yet so like the bishop and the  rook that's next that's the way you continue to   maximize you know your position between d3 uh  okay I mean I see that there's a rook here he   does maybe have some threats although it does  always seem like my queen is getting out let's   just move the rook out as planned now if he  plays Knight c3 I can just take it because   the rook and the Queen line up so he does that  discovered attack on the Queen he seemed to have   seen that I'm gonna slide the Queen back to  be to the Queen seem safe if I had gone there   you can take it's a queen trade I'm winning but  the Queen is safe okay now we see the effect of   putting the rook here I can play Queen c3 also  Trading Queens is generally good when you are   up material if you have a big attack you don't  always have to do that but you can if you want you let's trade the Queens I can't take that but I  can go in and attack so it's like I said attacks   checks captures all things that we're looking for  he doesn't have a lot of convenient scores to put   his bishop he puts it there and now I'm going  to get my last work in the game I keep saying   this if you don't have an attack okay try to try  to improve your position just a little bit our   rook was the last piece not to be playing now we  just playing and we are threatening potentially to   go down here so this is just called simplifying  when you're winning in a game you can simplify   by making some trades which are advantageous to  you 94 is an attack on f2 ah so here's a little   tactical combination I can take on f2 but  he did give me this and now it's a tactical   motif you have two pieces on the same line and  you have a piece that attacks horizontally and   rook c2 and he does not have a way to defend  both and so I will be winning his bishop   tax my rook let's not forget that is free though  checks captures and attacks and this game the   easiest way to win is going to be to make a  queen that is undoubtedly the easiest way to   win but it's gonna be a little hard because he  is blocking me in the middle but I do have one   nice trick Bishop takes b5 and if he takes this  is a check now our 1000 is gonna see this not   always we could have also won that in a bit  of a simpler term and now just push the pawn   and there is nothing he can do because he is  cut off the rook is cutting him off and he can't   even come and attack me he resigns he could have  fled on I don't think it would have been entirely   unreasonable to play on from this position  again you know he started with e4 we played just   standard stuff in the opening a French defense  playing just kind of the basics of the advanced   French which is knight c6 d4 and then putting  the Queen here and then when we had our chance we took early and played the bishop out  over to v4 now in the next game I might   be playing with the white pieces and if  I do this game okay we have a 1200 but   higher than we were expecting efore  he doesn't want to play I guess he   was not happy with my with my low rating  alright moving on to the next game then okay efore now we have a Sicilian I'm not gonna  play too much theory here I'm just gonna play   normal stuff so two nights in the center and  then get my Bishop out I need to be careful   though putting the bishop here in the Sicilian is  not considered very good because once again there   is d5 but this move is a bit weird and actually  oftentimes in the openings if the opponent just   puts a night out the best thing to do is just to  attack it and that he's letting me do that so he's   gonna go Knight d5 and already you know when this  trade happens he has some doubled pawns putting   the bishop here is yeah because he can always just  play c4 so I'll just play Bishop e2 I'm just gonna and then castle probably just the easiest so c3 is probably the best way to go or d4 just  to develop in the center I'll probably go   d4 if takes just bring my night out and I'm  doing that to get out my dark squared bishop that's a bit of a weird move but now the  position is taking on a closed nature   well when in doubt just develop a bishop  obviously cannot be a bad move my opponent   is pretty high rated player so what uh  I think he just forgot that I have you   know two things defending here so again we're  seeing that even at the 1249 level people are   still making these one move blunders now  this is an interesting decision do I take   or do I move my bishop well if I take then  he's got to take with the pawn and you know   he because my bishop was protecting if that  happens he opens his king which is kind of   nice you know an open king is good especially  when you're on the attacking side so Bishop h6 he's got to move his rook to one of these two  squares and now this position is probably the   hardest of the entire game how are we going  to mobilize these pieces toward the king   if we try to move the Queen he just  covers that and all these pieces are   in the way well here I kind of like  this night h4 idea the night to the   side of the board to try to come here which  this move actually stops but the other idea   was to play Bishop h5 now we have three  pieces involved in the attack right so I'm assuming he's going to move the rook  because the most recent move does just create you know threat maybe he'll let me  take okay he actually just flat out   let me take so it's just these you  know one move mistakes that we're   seeing at this level probably  the most frequent check here looks good getting the Queen into the game also  now the Queen and the night both cf5 now this   looks like it's mate but it's not because the  queen is covering but I can take this free pawn   okay simple easy enough and I don't think  I'm going to be able to deliver mate with   just these two pieces okay I can take  but then this let's give him made in one that Queen used to be governing the covering the  checkmate square but his most recent moves to try   to trade it completely gave this up and it's a  very common dark-squared themed idea coming down   here with Queen of fate mate the most difficult  moment was definitely right over here where you   know the big question was how do we get the pieces  over here we can't hop in forward with the knight   the bishop is kind of stuck the Queen's behind  everybody Knight to the side as long as it's a   safe move and you have a direct route back it's  okay to put your Knights on the side of the board   generally no nice in the rim or Graham and all  that but it's actually considered completely   fine to play like this so long as you have a you  know a journey back and this most recent move it's   all about these diagonals right the pawn move in  the center watch out a lot of people say they have   blind spots for bishops long diagonals I can't do  this anymore but the other idea of playing Knight   h4 was to play Bishop h5 with pressure on f7 and  and and just kind of a an overall like a pretty a   pretty straight forward game I would say okay this  is good this guy's 1290 this time I'm gonna play   e4 e5 Knight f3 knight c6 just putting Knights  in the center of the board he's playing a Spanish   sometimes the idea of this is to take and take in  the center d3 I'm gonna play Bishop c5 just again   taking the center like he pins me I'll attack him  right away okay he takes interesting while Queen   takes is obviously the move he castles in I Castle  so so far just completely standard play d6 trying   to get my Bishop out that's a bit of a tricky  move because it attacks my queen and this pawn   so while I would love to stick around I do have to  retreat the Queen it's a very standard King's pawn   position okay interesting he trades his second  Bishop for my knight so a couple quick things   about this position materials equal King safety is  equal we both have eight points and eight pawns on   each side mean a closed position two bishops  prefer the position to be more open to open a   position if one Bishop two bishops doesn't matter  you should look for pawn trades and I'm looking at   f5 because if he takes I get my bishop out and  also my rook file is open which on same side   castling when you're counseled on the exact same  time uh on the same time same side the way you   create an attack on the enemy King is very rarely  with your pawns but you can move your F pawn right so you move the F pawn forward  and then your rook is a bit activated potential you know target on f3 f2 f1 my opponents  going for a deep think here because he is uh my f5 move so now look we see the true power of  the bishops kind of evolving right before our eyes   h3 is a good move its called a prophylactic  move he didn't want me to go Bishop g4 I'm obviously looking at different sacrifices this  a very very common concept in chess be sacrifice   on h3 which he's not letting me do so now let's  let's double the rooks I mean obviously I'm always   looking at you know takes takes takes but I can't  take anything that's an interesting move though   and he wants to take and triple my pawns so rather  than let him do that I'm gonna slide my bishop   back he'll take and now at least my pawn structure  is better having tripled isolated pawns is not   very good this is at least okay and I'm gonna get  my last work in the game a lot of the games that   we're seeing so far at this level he does the  same thing on the opposite side hmm do I want   to trade the bit you know what let's do it let's  trade the Knights for the bishops and show you how   to play a heavy piece endgame I'm not calling the  pieces fat but two rooks on a queen on each side   is a heavy piece endgame so pawn weaknesses  matter a lot the weakness of the King is   important as well there's all sorts of attacking  possibilities which I'm going to potentially seek   out with moves like rook f6 and rook g6 trying  to line up my forces to the enemy King he goes   for a queen trade he's just looking for trades  all over I'm gonna create an attack on his pawn   because well why not get him thinking and  now I'm gonna play rook g6 so I've got my   rook lined up to his king this rook is lined  up here I don't have any obvious threat that   I can you know employ on him but I also don't  have any weaknesses in my position this is the   only these are the only really two things that  are weak everything else is protected I'm kind   of chipping away here a little bit if I can't  get anything over on that side of the board   I might turn my attention to this side of the  board he is attacking my rook ooh but he makes   a move I can't take he's attacking my roca  let's just come back double up pressure here well I can take that or I can take the free pawn let's take this because it also  leads to a free pond that pond   so rook f2 take sakes and the  attack on the sea to square - okay - and now black is just up to pawns  this is a rook endgame with like   40 seconds on the clock but the most  important thing in rook end games is obviously the amount of puns that you  have and also once again we see this   concept repeatedly throughout the  games against folks at this level it's making passports so we're trading I'm up many  pawns I can't push this one so I'm gonna maybe   I can't push this one because he's gonna take so  let me slide the rook down one Square and push him a c5 now see for and c3 and these are called connected  passports they are the most vicious rook   and King on the first rank is impossible to  defend because of this Ruby one idea the pawn   is guarding the rook the rook cannot  take the pawn because of the pin and   he is too far if he was here he could  at least go king d2 but he's too far fortunately for him he goes down or he's  just gonna let his time run out which is   also something that happens at this level folks  get upset they don't want to resign the game and that's that's completely fine also  my opponent cursed me out in Polish so my   opponent said some pretty grotesque things  to me in Polish my opponent is from Poland   I will not be repeating them for the general  audience we might have kids watching and and   this is only an instructional stream  d for this game alright let's play d5 ayyyy three night of six I don't know what  this opening is but you know general good   rule of thumb if you don't have  any openings just take the center and put your pawns out if possible in Queens  pawn positions it's not good to put the knight   out like this okay Queens pawn positions you  would rather play c5 and then capture so that   the knight has some actual pressure castles  castles okay we have something pretty unique   in this game as well and that thing that we have  unique is the fact that we're castles on opposite   sides which means we'll be able to attack each  other a lot easier last game we talked about   attacking on the same side efore the idea is if  I take he takes my queen but what if I take with   my knight then if he takes and I take with my  bishop there's no tricks here if he takes I win   a queen and then he takes my queen but I win  a rook so just cuz you can't take with a pawn   doesn't mean anything that move does have a threat  though long-range attack all right let's not uh think about this we can push or we can just bring  the bishop back to block the Queen this is called   interposing defense it's when you play a move  wow look at this guy this guy's like really   relentlessly going for this pin so we can't take  but what if I just move out of the way anyway   interposing is when you make a move to block  an attack you get in the way of the attack the   bishop is guarded and with this move stepping  out of the pin the bishop is now under attack okay once again we probably  should not take that yeah because Queen g7 but we do have this Bishop a3  and the idea of Bishop a3 now you know you can   play rook c8 rook da you play a lot of moves here  a lot of good moves I'm not playing all the best   moves and that also is a free pawn but I'm not  gonna take that because that's just a bit too   greedy when your opponent has a fee and kettled  king near the fianchettoed Bishop near the King a   good move to trick good idea is always to trade  it off so I'm trading off the bishop he takes   this I actually can take that because it's check  he's gonna take back and then I'm gonna play h6   u 6 so again opposite side castling I've chipped  away at the bishop that move no threat pawn storm idea pawn storm opposite side castling launched  the pawn forward at the enemy if he takes he's   doubling his pawns opening his king and he's  not gonna do anything about it you're just   gonna take so I can't take that let's not  forget there's a queen on the other side   of the board and I can't do this either I  mean I can but I don't want to trade Queens   I'm not winning by materials to the extent  in this position that I want to trade the   Queens you don't want to trade Queens when  you have a big attack so how can I get my   knight in night before it's interesting but  doesn't attack anything 1985 Knight c4 is   very strong though because that's a threat on  the king defend it like this and you can take   on a4 ween a three queen bee for all sorts of  different ideas now he does of this move which   is a little bit annoying and it does take  night c4 away from me but it is what it is ah but III know what he's doing he's trying  to get his own attack he's he's going Knight   g5 Queen here Queen h7 so I'm still gonna continue  with my plan but I really need to be cautious here   a very big moment for him is he gonna go pier here  to the corner you might think that corner is safe   you know but really at this point your next move  you want to avoid a check and oh no he played the   worst move of them all and forgot that I only have  two night checks and they don't do anything but my   queen can go right there and this night guards  the Queen and it's actually just made in one   so actually already he's lost because  if he plays King a one I do have moves   like Queen before in Queen c3 Queen a3  and Queen you know trying to get here   but actually this is why you should  always look for checks we have six and Queen f6 is force mate it doesn't set up  a mate it is made he can block the mate in   a few different ways but once he goes King B  one at the end Queen b2 is checkmate so this   little idea Knight a5 94 wins the game for  black and anytime you've got a completely   open king like this you should look for ways  to plant the knight and it directly in front   of the king if possible really I mean if  not possible then well that's all right   all right we've got we've got another game  so our second game with white I think I had   e4 last time so this time I'm going to play  d4 and I'm just gonna play a London system if I can get a game a London system this  is a set of based opening with white you   play d4 Bishop f4 develop all of your pieces  in a very you know standard and unique way my opponent is apparently like never seen  the London because he's thinking already okay   III is a bit passive now I can't go efore  because he takes oh I'm just gonna go III   right Bishop d3 which is developing and castling  is next all right now normally in in this opening   you know you don't play Knight c3 again it's not  always good to put the knight on c3 in a Queen's   pawn opening I said this in the last game because  there's pressure here but other than that you're   not really doing a whole lot it's actually better  to play a move like c4 d4 in c4 together when you   play Queens pawn so that if this capture happens  you know you've you've got the knight here now   and it is adding some pressure to the center  also in the future you can play this Wow okay   very solid play by my opponent thus far very  very solid do we have to take any of these No   let me just continue with my development just  bringing the rook into the game I'm gonna see   what he's gonna do so he takes I'm gonna reinforce  in the center with my pawn now if takes Bishop   takes okay so he's traded everything I wanted to  trade nothing and he traded everything I see that   as Bishop is attacking my knight but if I take is  rooks hanging that's not a good deal but he might   see this and completely forget about his rook okay  interesting now what do we have right we've got a   we've got a middle game we've traded a bishop  for a knight a couple of pawns what do you do   in a position like this well you can attack right  how do you attack you can attack the enemy King   by by putting the bishop here and the Queen here  and just launching you know an assault like this   you can finish your development with rook D once  the only piece you have that's not playing you can   also try to do stuff with Knight b5 you know try  to get the Queen or go here and you can also break   through in the center so we've got to look at how  we can play with our pieces and how we can play   with our pawns you can also play random waiting  moves like this if you don't know what to do so   I'm gonna finish my development you know I I don't  have a rook in the game yet I like my rooks here   and I'm putting my rook there because maybe in  the future I'm gonna play d5 now that's just the   direct attack on my bishop so I'm gonna slide the  bishop back here a little bit better than here in   my opinion although Bishop b3 is completely fine  I like the vision on the King and he immediately   responds to that he sees the potential danger  but there was a second idea behind my move and   this is a tactical kind of concept where there's a  queen and a rook on opposite ends of the board and   I think here I can play this move Knight d5 so now  the Queen's under attack Bishop's under attack the   Knights under attack he moves the bit he moves the  Queen to safety and guards the bishop pretty smart   move now you might ask yourself is it better to  take the bishop or is it better to take the knight I'm more of a believer in taking the  bishop because again two bishops on an   open board are very very strong and also  he has a bunch of LightSquared pawns near   his King Somu a move like Bishop g5 is  like deadly for him this very nagging   pressure on the dark squares with all  his pawns like this must not feel nice are we threatening to win anything not  right now now we are that move attacks   a pawn but he forgets about his night so  he was pinned and he felt the pressure and   he decided that he was going to get away  but a pawn is not going to do it here okay   so maybe I play let's see what's what's a good  move I have there should be seven but then it   just moves his rook you can maybe get his Queen  away with a move like rook c2 I've got a lot of   you know a lot of normal-looking moves here  that are probably pretty strong Brooksie to you when before well if I move my Queen away he  takes my bishop which I'm not I'm   not really a fan of how does one win this position maybe we come down and we attack his night let's  let's force his night to commit to capturing I   mean making this trade is good for us considering  the fact that we're up a bishop and now we just   need to either trade everything and get into an  endgame no but let's be careful about this move   that move is actually attacking the rook and this  pawn now I do have a way to guard both of those   things I can slide that rook back interposing hear  and defending my pawn it's an advanced move rook   to d8 which attacks this and I can guard that by  probably moving my bishop out a square like this   now my rook is protecting that Messi position and  we don't have a lot of time so when in doubt we   need to get to his king with moves like h4 and h5  and he just forgets that Queens go backwards and   hangs a rook so two blunders really by my opponent  he lost the nine he lost the rook I mean other   than that he played a pretty solid game so okay  as I said there's no danger of that move h4 we   got to open up the ponds near the king it's going  to be the only way we can win well at this point   with this material imbalance we can also trade  the queen's own alright a win for us but another waiting for a 3-2 game that game was also  pretty instructional okay I played d4 let's   also post play d4 again this time maybe instead  of a London I will play a collie system so when   the collie system you play e3 Bishop d3 and  put your dark squared Bishop on b2 all right   so we're just gonna play instead of Bishop  f4 that's that that's I mean that's a normal   developing move but he's not you don't need  to immediately react to a move like this as I   said the idea is b3 bit should be - it's a good  move uh it's not really free you know because   he will go like east six and take it back  generally speaking the Queen's Gambit stuff is the pawn is very very rarely a free  pawn but if I go Bishop d3 then you know   he's gonna play c4 making me move again  so I'll just go here he's pinning me so   this Bishop will cover the pin and now  I'll Castle this is a very very passive   system do I recommend playing like this not  really but I'm just looking to show you you   know different kinds of positions and how  to think through them and this should be too again if he takes maybe I take with the night  offer a trade of Bishops maybe I take with the   pawn okay now with this move I might take  and I'm taking because I think he wants to   put his Bishop there I mean why else would  he play g6 and this move is actually kind   of make maybe force him out here so again  we see exactly like we saw in the last game   LightSquared pawn structure this is a concept  and he's got a bunch of pawns on light squares   the dark squared bishop is a very important  piece for us to get okay he didn't take back   I'm just up a pawn now let me play h3 just  challenge his bishop see what he wants to   do if he slides back I can actually trap his  Bishop but he chooses not to okay now let's   finish our development rather than blocking  my bishop I'm just gonna play Knight d2 and white is solid I can't say that white is  a whole lot better I mean I would love it if   I could defend this pawn but I can't if I play  b4 he just takes but if I play a three and then   before then I think my position is quite nice  he's not gonna get his pawn back so easily you   know we need some all that that's just not a  good move cuz now b4 comes and hits his queen   yeah and he just wasted a move now I moved a  couple of pawns up so now my knight you know   again we're always talking throughout this  video if you don't have an attack or a check   or a capture that wins material look for a way  to just improve your position so Knight b3 was   just one of you know many ways b6 do I have  to take no if he takes maybe I take with the   night for simplicity sake I will just capture  I'm not gonna do anything insanely complicated I can take but why would I do that just  helping him improve his position maybe I   want to connect my rooks so move like Queenie  to I've got a look you know he does have his   queen kind of biting down here maybe a five  is a good move for him in the future um hmm yeah let me play Queen  these two and connect my pieces you he's thinking you all right he does have a lot of different ways  of improving his position first of all a five   that's a great move just bringing the rook here  into the action I think I'm actually gonna copy   him so rook F at Luke FCA torque FC one it looks  like that the opening of the position is gonna   take place on the Queen side you know given both  of our presence in the center on play piece play all these things 97 so the but I don't think he wants this man  like I you know he's got a bunch of dark-squared   weaknesses near his King all right very important  lesson c4 pawn play improving the position by   using your pawns you know it's difficult sometimes  and I talked about this a few games ago if you've   been watching the whole time in a closed position  you know pawn play matters a lot Knight ce-5 what   if I just take the pawn I'm a little bit confused  that opens the rook okay but I get I just have   Queen takes here which I guess he forgot defends  this pawn Wow okay he's attacking my queen I don't   have a check I can take his rook but he takes my  queen if I play Queen here aren't I just counter   attacking his Knight Knights attacking Queens  very tricky concept then the Queen just moves   and now the Knights in danger and he still can't  take because the knight is about a hang so now the   position is getting a little bit more tactical  and were out maneuvering him a little bit we   needed to maintain the defense of the pawn on d5  which we did because had you know had we gone here   he would just take back and Queen f4 was incorrect  okay he just goes back but Queen f4 was also wrong   because then he would go Knight d3 so you always  need to look at them attacking you as well now   I do have a check to trade the Queen's but I'm  just gonna take on e6 I don't see a problem with   that let him take me and now I will employ the  lesson of simplifying takes Knight d4 this is   a check he's forced to trade Queens with me and  now I just have a two-point advantage 'if I've I can play 96 but after that he just goes here  there's no benefit so I'm just gonna come back and just bring my king so again we had  a rook endgame before who he gave me the   full control of the file so rook endgames rook  on the seventh rank or the second rank super   important concept if you can land a rook  there to put maximum pressure immediately   I seize the opportunity now white is up by  three pawns we see the two pawns here rook   trades are good now Knight trades are good  I'm up three pawns so just taking this game   now all the way to its conclusion and we'll  hit 1200 which is going to be pretty awesome he's thinking for his last few moves here and he just throws in the towel and resigns  and we cross 1200 that was a again it was a   very passive opening that I played I mean I you  know I just I just kind of kept it simple just   developed castled in a Queen's pawn setup and  then and then just put my Bishop out on b2 and   that you know the second that I saw him play g6 I  decided to make this capture and he go on Bishop   e7 maybe I make this capture anyway you know  just so I have an active Bishop and then I'm   looking for ideas like pawn trading just to open  the position a bid finishing my development it's   a very solid position not a tactical position  at all but the way the game went you know like   he gave me the c5 pawn he just didn't take it  and the easiest way to reinforce the c5 pawn   or the c4 pawn whichever you take is just like  like this it's just you know using the pawns and   he just kind of didn't stop me and then I just  slowly improved a little bit on the Queen side   I'm probably the most instructional moment of  the game you know comes right here now it seems   like white is kind of frozen white can't push  this pawn white can't push this pawn why can't   make anymore forward progress like with any of  his pieces so you place c4 and the idea is to   chop this pawn down activate this Bishop and then  bring the rooks into the game on the open C file   pawn play is super important especially in  close positions whether you have bishops nice   or anything like that we saw throughout this  video that pawn play was I was super important   but for now we're gonna pause here now that  we hit 1200 and next time we're just gonna   try to get to 1400 as fast as possible so  something like 1200 1350 or maybe to 1400 so I hope you guys enjoyed
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 870,255
Rating: 4.9085813 out of 5
Id: d5n_RuvnmCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 37sec (2497 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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