Gotham Chess Guide Part 4: 1600+ | Outplaying the Opponent

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and the rating climb continues welcome to  Gotham Guide part 4 1600 plus so as we get   started today really I what I think is going to  happen is we're going to have a lot of battles   in the opening and it's not going to be so  easy to get a winning position early on so   we're already starting with with this e3 it's  interesting and I I think also what's going to   happen at the 1600 level is that it's gonna be  a gradual outplaying process it's gonna be a lot   less disasters so we're gonna have to create  winning chances from equal positions and I'm   gonna try to teach you all how to do that in the  middle game and the tactical sequences and and so   on and so forth so so far nothing complicated is  happening yeah played three moves I've developed   my bishop just pinning here c4 leads to yeah  so this is a Queens gambit accepted variation   after Bishop c4 e6 this is one of the main  lines of the Queens gambit accepted Bishop   g4 the critical test here of blacks position is  actually Queen b3 taking advantage of the bishop   here 93 96 is normal so I've had this position  many many times and the standard plan for white   here which actually happened in part three I had  this position with white kind of similar is to   go back get in the way of this pin and then try  to expand in the center with E for right now e   for is a blunder because I just take the knight  and take this and if he doesn't know that she   actually might blunder it because this looks very  very natural yeah h3 Bishop h5 is not a problem and also throughout part four I'll also  be introducing my opening course more so   I'll be playing a bit more efore and a bit  more ecigs b6 not because it's a business   plug although kind of that as well link  in the description below but well G for   sacrificing is a little bit too dangerous I'm  just going to go back to g6 Wow um this looks   a little loosey-goosey I don't know about  this one so I can I can let him take you   know I really want to get my queen there how do  I accomplish that so if I play Knight d5 he takes   I take he's gonna get to I don't know maybe  there's like no immediate way to punish this I just don't believe in this well another common  idea when you're bishops under fire like this is   to play something like Bishop efore and the point  of this is that you know if he plays f3 it further   weakens his structure and if he takes I take and  at least I'm helping myself open yeah so there   you go helping myself open the position and now I  have this knight move trick where I put this under   fire is there any way own 92 g4 maybe so let's  do a little calculation Knight g4 if he takes   like this it's great if Knight g4 here it's great  because I take and I'm threatening mate the only   thing I have to think about is Knight g4 takes  Knight night-night c4 Knight e4 somehow Queen h4 fg4 doesn't work so Knight  takes d4 Knight takes e4   Queen h4 fg4 kind of refutes  my idea which is a bummer might actually be and be something nice okay if  I can't get anything there see like I said it's   gonna be a little bit more difficult to demolish  these guys in the opening so I'm gonna play Bishop   d5 just bring the bishop back reinforce the  center also Knight takes d5 with tactical ideas   here so we already have a fight I mean we're  already fighting as 16:17 ok Knight takes d5   and the trick is that if he takes I'm actually  gonna go yeah he forgot that I could take so now the night is hanging and that's  hanging but he has a very big problem   uh yeah it's also a big problem because if he  goes NIDA for defending this he's completely   lost because I just take and now a little trick  don't take the pawn because if you check him first   it has to go here and then you take the pawn  with check better and then you can take this   and that's also nice because then you're just up  to pawns and it's better to be up to pawns than   one pawn usually so we can repeat if you need  a draw in a championship game you can repeat   but don't repeat otherwise um he's attacking  this and also this I should just play rook   f d8 now there are some discovered attacking  ideas Knight f3 doesn't work because Queen f3 it's something will work first of all like 96 and yeah so we see I mean very quickly like  the this idea the wiki plate is actually okay   I mean I've been faced with this before but it  did not work here okay check I see a very very   simple continuation check and take this pawn  so I'm up three pawns and this is guarded maybe   there was something better but playing simple  chests three pawns up now we're just gonna look   for simplification we don't really need any  crazy direct attack but I do predict that it   is something will be out there shortly I mean  his position is just collapsing I'll collapse   a long time ago but progressively collapsing  more and more each turn he takes I'm gonna   for simplicity sake just offer a queen trade  he probably will not accept it he's attacking   this so c6 and we also are controlling the only  open file on the board and he's offering me a   trade of rooks okay don't take little mini  lesson in positions where your rooks face   each other you don't always want to be the  guy taking because then you give away the   file you want to reinforce your rook now I  mean this is easy-peasy first of all check easiest thing to do here is creating an  outside pass pawn if I play it now yeah   it's fine because takes takes is king a for but  I prevent him from coming to g5 by playing f6   the check that's it check what I say check check  there so this is easy you now have an outside   pass pawn very important in these end games with  pawns knights bishops etc and now I will create   a second pass pawn or a second pass pawn here  because I have three versus two would be six easy c5 and you will be resigning  shortly so you know in positions   like that simplicity is the key I mean you  don't need to always create a huge attack   um him not resigning is a bit strange  but I mean at this level resigning is   is fine because you you know you know that  your opponent is probably strong enough to   be you take just be careful of stalemate which  there is none because he always has King moves the optimal checkmate is to cut his King off  on the back rank and then deliver a final blow check okay don't stalemate give him a room of  breathing and push and mate alright I'm going   to quickly review that game it started out as just  a normal developing Queens gambit and III you know   this position can also arise with c4 takes III  so I played Bishop g4 east six a little bit of   opening knowledge is is good here like knight c6  that's a nun that's not a very natural move but   okay so he went on a very aggressive King hunt and  what you you know the lesson here for you all is   that if there's a loose night and it's same side  castling so same side castling loose knight on   h4 you've got all sorts of tricks with the Queen  and also putting the bishop in the center inducing   another weakness I just wanted an engine check  did I calculate correctly here did I calculate   here or didn't I take G for work no so I found the  refuting idea of Knight takes d4 and it's the fact   that if he takes this is good because if checkmate  threats if he takes like FG for though is the big   problem because here he's hitting my bishop if I  took this pawn he can just he can't actually take   my bishop I correct myself because I've Perpetual  which is technically not what he wants he does not   want perpetual but he does have just something  simple like we need to scouting mate there you   go so sacrificing like crazy in the opening is  not good and such a solid and here Queen h4 he   blunders the knight is hanging and all this is  hanging so just punish you know aggressive pawn   pushes in the beginning of the game alright  we have a viewer challenge from GM reins Challenge game number 2 d 4e 6 like I said I'm  gonna be trying to plug my own courses be 6 B 6   playing this system so against this system  I like Bishop before like I said this is   this is kind of this is chapter 5 I explained  Queen c2 with the intention to go here against   this f5 is strong this is kind of the whole  point to stop this then might have six and   castles I'm completely fine if he plays a3  because I was always going to take anyway so he's thinking that which is good another  common idea is to try to break in the   center like this but we'll see what he does  long castles is not recommended when you've   played d4 c4 I can take now or I don't  have to do anything I can just castle so now to continue the game generally you  do have to take it's very difficult   cuz if you play 94 and he takes your  Bishop see each other there's tactics   there so I'm going to take and then  I'm going to drop my knight in to e4 he's thinking again this is not gonna  be a knockout punch by any stretch of   the imagination this is gonna be a long  game so I've good controller v4 and now   the idea here is d6 and the 97 Knight f6  is very strong and whenever he moves the   knight on f3 I can bring my queen and I can  also bring my rook and there's even ideas   sometimes to launch the Jeep on but black is  by no means better I mean this is a fighting   game you know I gave him two bishops but his  darts his bishops don't really you know they   don't leave a strong impression at the  moment so 97 again nothing complicated and if he plays d5 in the center I'm just  gonna push so he shuts down my bishop but   I shut down the center and you know the  player with two bishops wants to open the   position doesn't want to close the position  okay Knight d2 so I can take take scuse me   I can take both things I can reinforce my  knight the other idea though is like this is   possible sometimes and this is also possible  so let's think for a second how to get like   maximum value here so I like this move this  is always a pretty good move no concerns of   East 6 and d6 getting targeted somebody asking  in chat no position is way too closed and Wow credible we're recording at the moment for YouTube  but we just got a huge raid what's up guys we're   doing a raiding climb video so I I'm playing on a  1600 rated account doing instructional content how   to grind the raiding ladder so welcome people  welcome welcome the guys on YouTube are gonna   be super confused right now gonna be like what's  going on what's that raid is he getting swatted   but they're just gonna have to deal with it  thanks so much harsh them we should link up   for four chests sometime huge raid shoutout to  the starcraft crowd I'm not even gonna edit this   out you guys just got to deal with it if you  don't like this on YouTube get over to twitch but yeah Knight f6 and this is kind of like  the perfect position yes so this is this is   now the move I'm gonna have to really think  about so what he's doing with this is he's   cutting off my Bishop to the night so I can  take this he can take and then d5 is a bit   weak first of all I can just take take take  a lot of tactics if I five I don't really   like that because he's just getting he's  just getting all the stuff on e4 but maybe   I can throw in this move so I think that  the optimal way to play this is to take   here first okay take here and then block the  center so that he can't take my knight yeah also take but I don't want to do that  so I'm gonna play e5 and I think I've   accomplished all the goals of my position  why because I've traded off my dark-squared   bishop replaced all the important pawns  on dark squares and I have an aggressive   same-side castling position his knight and  Bishop aren't very good yeah so taking is a   pushing looks nice but might slow down my  attack so now is another important moment   what do I do here um I kind of like Bishop  back honestly but I need a pawn like I need   like a pawn in front of my Queen kind of so by  the way I would go about this uncle bishop c8 in maybe taking gives me the best chance of  just not slowing down honestly but it's   it's a it's a big decision okay let's take  let's take we are playing into the open rook   chess is about decisions I have no idea  if I made the right one takes takes and   now my idea was to play this rook move so  attacking the bishop and also reinforcing   and then I will bring my bishop and we  will see who has the better army of forces No thank you for the sub well I can't take does  he wanna like a like a queen trait of some sort I don't really want to Queen trade is  defending very well to give credit he's   making this very very annoying okay no Queen  trade for you sir I guess you want to play g3 you have all your army scattered  nanananana my Army's not scattered   check this out these boys are together now  two rooks on an open file they like beasts   so this Bishop is complete crap so I need to bring  this bishop around and trade this guy send the   boys thank you thank you I need the pawns honestly  like I'm saying I needed I need to pawn somehow okay let's go here get a  little bit closer to the king what's your name levy Rosman Google me  my name is levy guys I'm an international   master if you didn't know that now you do  now you guys came out a fun moment okay here and I like putting this rook in on f3  however very nice no I don't I don't   have any tricks I thought I had a trick  I don't have any tricks so we're getting   quite aggressive and I don't know if  it's very good but maybe maybe maybe Queen here and I want to I want to launch my H  pawn but this is this is the most competitive   game of the of the show thus for oh that move  looks kind of nice does that accomplish anything   looks kind of pretty you can sack the Queen  for the two rooks or he can do that and just   not sacrifice anything okay h 5 h 4 this was  always the plan we don't have a lot of time   when you don't have a lot of time you have to  try to be direct you can also try to be solid   that also works look there can i play like a  queen move for example like queen g6 pinning him little tricky he can say he can take and then  he gets to rugs but I'm gonna get some pawns   the endgame is good for me and this is my chance  okay Queen versus two rooks endgame only good if   your queen can infiltrate and actually capture  some puns now the queen is very very strong so   she probably can do that and she just did and  she just took everything well that was uh that   was a difficult game but yeah the Queen just  took literally everybody and that's just I mean   that's that game had every element in it I mean  that game had the elements of the opening this   e six b6 with early f5 and taking and plopping  the knight in to e4 that was a nice game and it   showed you you know kind of all the ideas here  Queen g5 putting them all together but at the   same time you know this idea to close the center  play e5 and then I don't know if I played you   know I don't know if I played optimally honestly  like maybe here you know pushing and the problem   with pushing is that in this position it looks  like black just has boom-boom-boom flying down   that side of the board but he's just gonna go  b4 just gonna go before and attack me as well   like this queenside attack does have merit  so if he doesn't play before I get an easy   game but if you plays before I'm definitely in  some trouble so all right let's keep it rolling so our games are continuing chat is uh here's  a challenge here we go and I'm gonna play E for   my e4 course there we go c6 d 4 against the  caro-kann I recommend advanced advanced care   oc5 i recommend taking now knight c6 and ecigs  are both the moves against lake c6 I like to go   f4 so this isn't my course it's not a theoretical  it's not a very theoretical move it's not the main   line it's nowhere near the main line actually  you just defend this and if black tries really   quickly to win the pawn back with a six you play  like Bishop e3 and the bishop gets blocked some   people play Knight h6 okay that move is not bad  um I can spin ship at five I think you can go c3   Bishop III think it's completely fine also Knight  of three is good but I think this is good night of   three is good let's go let's go with c3 let's go  with c3 the idea is before in this this opening   is very unique in the sense that you actually just  win the pawn and you try to hang on to it I mean   if they don't go to win it back then you just try  very very much to you know hang on to this pawn   and then develop now you're just up upon so black  really has to know what they're doing in order in   order to win the pawn back so he's already  thinking which is good 1780 Carol player and   you know you'll notice that in some of the games  in the series I've just developed in the opening   but like I said in 1600 plus openings become more  prevalent I'm kind of sad he didn't go for Bishop   f5 Cairo because then I would play h4 which is  also in the e4 course and h4 is so fun h4 is so   so so fun so now I mean the natural movies e6 but  like I said then Bishop e3 and then it's not so   easy to win the pawn back and it's actually not  so easy to develop black does not have a lot of   does not have a lot of you know a lot of time  to get all the pieces out probably also Bishop   d3 is on the card so he does play this I can  go b4 but that that seems like it's asking for   it so I'm just gonna play the move that I said  there should be three guarding my pawn I've seen   a lot of players go completely wrong here and  lose within 10 moves the other benefit of c3 is   that if Queen a5 which is a natural idea b4 b4 is  the whole point and it glues everything together   so that is why c3 has such a power it supports  both against d4 and supports b4 and that's why   it's just useful to play it there and that's  why I played it so I couldn't win Bishop e3 in   the beginning mm-hmm but I didn't want to get  hit with d4 so I could have played this but I   didn't wanna get it with d4 it's a very natural  move my opponent is looking looking for this so   if I just go Knight f3 it's actually okay because  here I can put my bishop in the center which is   a common idea which to the untrained eye looks  really stupid at the same time I can also just   play this first and then this so I'm preventing  the knight from coming i got soul h3 but then   Queen h4 so let me play this I'm gonna go for  this idea um somebody was asking me why didn't   I go g4 because that's that's not that's not good  just Queen h4 check why you always need to look   for checks in the opening tonight g4 um Bishop d4  gets out of the knight's way there is one problem   I wanna see if he sees it but it's it's not really  a problem it's just a little bit tactical so so Knight f3 knight c6 and I take back he can hop  in with his knight but it doesn't work because   I'm gonna take back with the night and then  the night covers c2 and also this diagonal is   a common caro-kann problem if you get rid of the  knight and your Bishop is out here you have no way   to guard the check so you're just gonna run into  this this issue and you're not going to be able to my ideas okay rook c8 now the easiest thing  to do is probably play Bishop b5 but Bishop   e2 and Bishop d3 both look natural very tough  to tell which is the right decision I mean I'm   leaning toward Bishop b5 in the D takes e5  and Bishop b5 in the D 65 positions Bishop   b5 is very strong because you negate  the power of the knight and a six you   can drop back there's no b5 because  of on Poisson yeah so I can take but   I can also just go here although I can take  and go 94 but I'm just going to go here and I just said I have home to son that's that's  sort of the he forgot about this and now he is   actually just completely lost okay so we  won in 11 moves against the 1700 b7 yeah   just push them I didn't even have to Castle  I mean rugby 8 this is just free and ok now   he's starting to play faster but it took him  until this point in the game to start playing   at the speed which is not good I guess it was  a bit of nerves you know he's actually playing   very fast Bishop a7 I do have to be a little  careful a little bit you know I I don't wanna   I don't want to blender anything along this  diagonal so honestly I think I'm just gonna   play the solid move Bishop d4 don't get carried  away when in time trouble I think I can bring   the Queen out to guard the bishop and my idea  is to get the night away this is what I want check is good but like I said my  plan is just to get the night away   and then I can play Bishop a so if this rook  out and we are just completely winning that's   a good movie sacrifices yeah that I should  have seen that coming oh I have a nice mate   if he goes here I have a nice maid he does  not let me made him but now the easiest   thing to do the Queens and again his time is  going up because we are playing three plus   two so he is playing on the increment but  this is easy-peasy my friend please resign yeah I don't know why he waited this long in the  game to play this fast this is yes we wouldn't hey   DG um yeah that was just that was just I mean  openings that was just openings knight c6 the   main line in this position is Knight f3 there's  also Bishop b5 is no ism is the main line but   f4 which is in my e4 course in the description and  also at the time of live-streaming use the command so f4 is a very very tricky system just  hanging on to the pawn and black just   got nowhere in this game I mean black just  yeah Black has just dead lost in the move   ten just it's already just losing position for  black so opening knowledge very important at   this level studying you know these anti anti  openings is important and frankly speaking nothing in this game was like you know me  just playing chess I mean it's all kind   of understanding the position and knowing the  position a little bit better than my opponent   let's keep it going though let's keep it going we  got a got another chat challenge so I'm gonna play   e4 again there we go be 45 now Knight c3 somebody  asked me what I recommend against the 45 it's   Vienna with Knight c3 and Bishop c4 he plays the  two Knights system the system is quite strong I'm   gonna go d3 primo man 1731 and now f4 this is the  idea so delaying Knight f3 which in e4 e5 looks   strange but I want to play Knight f3 and Castle  and have the open rook that's why I'm playing   f4 the keys playing normal normal so far a lot of  players go d6 here solid center taking just kind   of gives me what I want so people don't take they  don't usually he doesn't even play d6 he's just   some 93 now and now I just want to castle also  common here's that's not common I was gonna say   common here is oh there it is Wow I should play  day three it's better to slide back in these cases   rather than letting him take I can go Bishop  d5 but then he just plays this doesn't really   help me at all but you know I'm thinking about  this is there any merit to attacking him right   away it's all certainly merit in castling and  letting him take so that he can't go here maybe maybe maybe second maybe I go here but I don't like  night age five that's what I don't like   I don't like that that move also comes  with the tempo so what I'm gonna do here is think first and gonna castle and the idea is  I don't want him to go d5 so he can take take   double my pawns but I'm preventing him doing  this how do I gone Bishop b3 he can take take   and then go d5 and I kind of don't like that  because the guy with the - yeah so now now I'm   getting what I want I'm getting what I want a  little bit more and now I'm going to put a lot   of pawns on light squares so I've traded off  my light squared bishop and I'm gonna replace   my pawns on the light squares so b3 and I have  every pawn on a light square so negating the   effects of his light squared bishop and somebody  asking could I've played a three here maybe but I think what I'm doing is actually  kind of nice I like this position   this doesn't work because takes and then Bishop d6 so thread but like not really I don't really want to play c3 though  because I want to play b3 play rugby 1 it's kind   of an ugly move it's a kind of position you  almost want to sacrifice the exchange should we   we sacrifice the exchange v3 little lesson in  attacking the enemy King I'm gonna do it I'm   gonna do it somebody asked me yesterday can  you can you be down material can you give us   a lesson in playing a game down material so  here's my lesson there it is the sacrifice   and he's gonna leave himself with no kingside  guards nope okay oh he he he's too scared he   doesn't want to do it taking is okay I really  want him to take my rook though but he's not   doing it ship g5 is an option let's take I  mean very natural I guess he's gonna go like   this yeah ah this night does not have a guard  if we play c5 so that's nice Queen h5 is also   a very nice move just a pretty move I'm gonna  I'm gonna play Queen h5 just bring the Queen   over to the side of the board I could have  played this as well but there's no need to   trade that I don't think this should be five  he just takes and I I didn't have a discovered   attack that one the Queen so like Knight of  sixty just takes the rook is guarding the Queen he's thinking I'm probably just gonna bring  my rook I tried to sacrifice material for you   guys I was unsuccessful I apologize and again  this move is okay to get my night out but you   gotta understand when you push pawns you weaken  other things like he's just gonna weaken d6 if   I just slide this guy bag d6 is weak and you  see my structure right so if he plays g6 I'm   sliding in here right into the DMS if Knight g6  that's fine okay so he does go for this mission   is do I want to go here here or do we just want  to go back to the square also can't I take now   I can take I don't know 93 controls d5 it doesn't  really do much else let's go to c3 though I think   this move is fine Knight e3 is kind of weird it  blocks my diagonal Knight c3 is okay but Queen   a5 and I guess that chess is about decision-making  so I I don't have all the right answers in front   of me 96 is good I think it's a logical move I  can go Bishop g5 but I want my knight there so   maybe rook d1 I'm always looking for his checks  look here's a check on b6 that doesn't accomplish   anything I just play King h1 and I'm sort of  hoping he plays this and hangs a queen that's   honestly what I'm hoping for so he's probably  streamed sniping though so he's not gonna do that   now and I'm fine if he takes cuz at least I get  my rook and maybe I can attack him a little bit oh let's go here his bishop is passive his pawn  is weak and now we are kind of going more into   the territory of the endgame than attacking  him a little bit he does play Queen b6 Oh   wait a second no no there is nothing that's why  you always got a look at those moves though Queen   III I just slide back Rippon that free looks  free I take it also rook h4 threatens mate and you just place h6 not a lot of time I'm for  this time for this I got out I think I got to   play it okay luckily I can bring the rook back  and it was a fork and I'm guarding everybody so   I'm okay I'm not losing they're not losing rook  d8 takes takes rook h4 h6 okay I think I need   to start bringing my pieces back a little bit  not a lot of time on the clock let's play Queen   d1 remember we're not flagging here if takes I  have this if takes my rook I have Queen takes remove that he wants to get maybe something to  da but okay now just stability just stabilize   bring the rook back it's important to  understand the phases of the game like   we're not gonna attack him he's looking  for this move so let's play rook F one   rug d8 is gonna come and then whoa what is  this they are fault don't lose on time come   on oops I want to trade the Queen's time  is a scary situation here takes in g1 all   right got to play a couple of quick moves  he has no checks no checks for him we trade attacking this not an easy game my goodness this guy is a  fighter but now we're kind of doing okay on   time just need a mistake from him okay there  we go there's my mistake he has made a mistake   he's gotten it to a losing end game now how do  you convert here you play moves like king afore for taking away his pawn breaks 94  check-in night of five so 94 9f5 I   just need a blunder from this guy please  there it is a blunder it has occurred   might go desperation mode and try  to get in but his Bishop is hanging and now see three so his king  can get in and let his king in take that that's not a problem check maybe just push push and push is he's gonna  play b4 that was kind of I was kind of stupid   h5 King f5 also to win this pawn good move hmm mildly annoying okay let's go back Knight a5   he's playing very well he is  he really is up for a fight get tricked Oh I have a nice nice idea he  can take then I say he's a it's a fortress   my knight is preventing him from invading my  knight and my pawns are just preventing his   King from getting in in a perfect way so now we  have an endgame fortress as well and now it's   over it is officially over it is impossible  to fight back here I can just probably walk   my king and play g6 probably he's following  me following me don't do that it's not nice this is the idea wow what a game this  is officially this is officially the   game of the series that was a fight I  mean there was a lot of instructional   moments there and a lot of moments to lose  especially if you're playing at this level first of all there was this pawn pawn structure  decision in the opening you know where I you know we're oh wow great game I have to make this pawn  pawn structure decision and then I have to   put my pawns on the light squares and here at  red sacrificing I could have played better I   definitely could have played better in  fact a structural decision here could   have even been like this to take and play  queen h5 and then you know play like this   like this kind of a position this might have  been a lot easier night versus Bishop and this this could have been an option as well  but the way the game developed I mean wow you   you could have I mean I could spend 30 minutes  analyzing this game if I really wanted to those   of you that are watching I mean we could have  done a lot of things differently in this in this   middle game a lot of things a lot of decisions  were made he gave me a pawn and stabilizing this   position with low time quick moves not looking  for tactics just staying solid staying very solid   offering trades shuffling a little bit to gain  time it's an increment time format so that was   a great game honestly a great game and then this  little maneuver here to get his King away and then   advance my pawns Knights are very tricky and end  games and then he you know he blunders this he   should have played probably like king f7 and then  it's hard I mean I got to probably play something   like e 5 maybe not maybe Knight f5 tried to try  to get to d6 it's a difficult position very tough you Wow great game I can't say  enough about that game all right   another chat challenge mr.  caballo king before he six he's been trying to play me  for a while so I'm playing my   this chapter Oh chapter four of the e6 b6 course oh man he might play directly into prep this move  looks like it makes no sense and to the untrained   eye it definitely doesn't make any sense but this  is this is all part of the course afterward I'll   show what happens if he takes check here queen  h5 is the idea and it's very difficult for for   him to develop like I have very nagging pressure  on this pawn not an easy position this Bishop is a   beast queen is very strong here 97 is good night  h6 is good I think there's a way to like punish   this but I gotta remember maybe night h6 Knight  age six 9f 797 is probably also completely fine let's go here you can't play 92 that's  the whole point because Bishop f3 so now night h3 is a move an interesting move actually okay castles go here  probably makes sense text my queen develops gotta   look for d6 let's go Queen f7 he's actually he's  not playing this so badly not playing this so   badly okay takes obviously well I have g5 a play  g5 looks very aggressive I'll play g5 and then h6   I feel like going back is I don't know I  don't know how I feel doesn't really matter   how I feel chess is not an emotional game and  now I always have this so I'm gonna defend my   pawn with I don't know with what my queen pawn  pawn on and if there's this but then he takes am i doing this probably after such a battle  this is like the worst game that I'm playing   probably so far that's not a good move I mean  he should have counseled if there was anything   that he should have done there it's Castle okay  I'm gonna play King h7 to make sure h6 is always   guarded very weird position Wow he's castling  by hand that was the idea okie-dokie Knight g6   we are gonna have another brutal game here I  feel like this move is is nice just get this   night off this passive square uh okay I'll take  yes g4 I think I feel like I have to take away   this from his queen taking is okay but he has too  much reinforcement so maybe this and this is an   idea close position same side castling I have no  idea what that does h5 I don't know I have not I   don't have a clue what the idea of rugby one is I  mean at least it's Baruch is better on b1 than a1   because that's the idea is another problem is that  he all his pawns are on the wrong color square   okay 96 common idea trying to go here oh he's  gonna push me three but the bishop a three just   helps me it helps anybody it helps me I'm gonna  go here I want to attack on the H file anyway so   ah doesn't that blender upon what I'm defending  it here come the one move blunders always welcome   always always welcome now h4 looks good the attack  going mean that was my idea [ __ ] for just you   know when you have this you need to look for  discovered checks and any work he moves his night   is not a check so I'll find this can be a little  weak a little weak but if I break through on the   kingside this guy's week h4 takes 9h for you might  say while you're pushing all the pawns ready your   king yeah but how are any of his pieces ever  getting to my king why not Queen each one mate it's not me you ask I answer trade Queens this can be a little   weak I'm gonna go back now no Queen  trade thank you though oh my queen yeah see I couldn't do that because my queen  was hanging but if I take rook takes that move   attacks my rook well like I said my idea was to go  here as I want to open the H file so and then I'm   gonna put my King here and again like you're like  my Kings open okay how does he get to your king right like everyone's like the kings open  okay show me a way to get to the king   me the way to the next whiskey bar okay I'm going to take now now's the moment maybe it wasn't a moment it wasn't a moment oh  that's not what I was expecting okay King g7 that's an interesting move though because he  can now maybe a ch3 my king is here there you   go that's how you get to an open King right  there he's doing it it's finding away but by   the way if he opens this file let's not forget  I have a second rook like I have a second rook   and I'm playing king f7 but but making on f7 who's  getting to my king who the night really okay that   makes sense but he's not attacking anybody I can't  play rook h3 which is a bummer but I can do this   which does look like a pain he has a way  to tactically defend this rook here and   if I go here he takes so he's using my  pin now let's see if he's stream sniping   but again my plan is you know that's  actually a good move because it it also   sets up that yeah he finds it because  well now this doubling is coming so I am going to tactically defend I'm going to play look here and then here but look at look at me mr. sneaky  up but the rook is covering both things and now   Knight of three is a threat so he might  think he has this this this and then at   the end he has this I okay I guess it's like  takes takes is the idea boom rook h7 King h8   there's a nice move this little maneuver  very advanced I would say ain't no checks   right yeah there we go the glory the second  rook now let's check which is the difference he goes here rook g1x clam looks like he's gonna take take how do we what's the cleanest win rock   h2 looks dangerous for me because it's so  far from my king but it's not dangerous okay I can also go like here just trade  trade trade trade trade ah I think rock h2 is   completely fine getting in he's got two seconds  to make a move he does not make a move in time 16:50 alright great game f3 f5 first of all  let's analyze the opening this is this is   chapter 4 of the course and this is the idea this  is that this is the funny variation takes here here takes takes and this position is better  for black practice positions borderline winning   for black because of how many pieces you have  developed for the cost of two pawns therefore   of the e6b six-course Queen h4 is a threat  castling bringing the route to e8 as a threat so and if he takes on age six check and this and here  black has the two bishops the open lines at the   enemy King and white is not very developed but  he played very solid actually e5 is a good move a great game actually a great fight so I  mean I think he had a very nice position   promising position and then the real lesson  here is how to play a position which is   very locked very locked position eight  pawns eight pawns and same side a sling   you know what you can consider when you  get hit with a move like h5 so like this like this you know what you can do you can play h4   and a lot of people would not play this move  because on Poisson and they're like oh if   takes my king is open yeah but who said you  have to take let's say you have to take kh2   this is what a lot of people don't realize  they have this King edge to move and then   King h2 and you're completely fine like you're  you're actually super safe a lot of a lot of   people forget this they they don't remember  they don't they have never seen this concept   before and the point is that you just stay there  reinforced on the G file get your pieces and and   you get rolling and then you're you know you've  got like some sort of initiative potentially   all right keep going couple more games no one  cello playing an 1800 oh we have a 1900 challenge ah play someone in the chat when let's play  pretend like we're going up and up all right efore   let's let's see what the 1800 has coming okay be  three French prepare to see for the B three French okay this is this is a line yeah you could  play like this as well but should be five but uh maybe take sure I'll take this  positions just very solid for black castles Misha p7 is the move Bishop d6  is very bad because of rook e1 and I'm   gonna I'm just gonna go 95 so I'm gonna  put some pressure on the Knights while   the pin is there Bishop d7 I'll  take you probably should go here it's it's a position it's a game of  chess okay this gives me two bishops   I'm happy with this and this rookie one  hill castle probably position is just solid if you know the other idea here is that I  don't have to take so he plays like a so he   has the castle big castles my other idea is  that I can always go back to f1 which looks   again it looks stupid to the untrained eye  but it's it's not it's not a bad move this   is an idea and if he takes I can the problem  with this is ah actually this is a good move this is not a bad move I don't think if this I can throw in this he has to take and then I can  go here and the idea is this   the damage the structure but maybe he won't  do that maybe he'll move his knight and not   let me damage his structure he doesn't like  in damages structure can play here is a big   decision because my bishop you know was  important it was a very powerful piece but   I'm going directly into the pawn structure  territory so a nice little combination here   and all his pawns are now scattered that's not a  fork he takes Queens can't attack Queens I think   Queen f3 Queen f3 Bishop d4 maybe do I just  develop I know queen of five could be coming it's like not actually that simple maybe night c3 the queen  of five is a pretty active to give him any activity you know  five is an annoying move alright   maybe I get my knight to f3 how  do we do this here here here here you know I thought my position  would be more promising I can't lie my I did not think that it would be this  difficult to make progress in this position   just looks like a natural move I'm gonna  play it bh5 is cute but doesn't do anything you Oh my opponent is uh is 2,000  feet eh apparently while it's   very strange but 1800 shows like um weird this is this isn't annoying move maybe but if I can find a way to get out and everybody  coordinated I'm gonna be good then actually you   know what I'm gonna do against this I'm not gonna  play this I'm gonna play this because okay that's   kind of a cool defense tactical defense Knight  c3 good knight c3 and the the thing is I don't   care if this trade happens because this is a very  powerful Bishop if I get my Queen here the endgame   is horrible for him he has what's called pawn  islands pawns that are completely by themselves   I don't have a single one I mean three pawns is  not an island big enough not to be considered   an island it's an archipelago zing is an island  smaller than I feel like that was stupid I feel   like what I just said was just not right I fear  that that motorcycle sounded like it was exploding but that didn't even sound okay yeah let's go here as good a couple of strong  players on stream today and why structures like   this are good for the guy that doesn't have  them me I'm the guy that doesn't have them it's because he just can't mobilize his pawns  very well and they're always gonna be spread   out and targeted okay I have a very funny move  here I can go here throw in the check forces   King to the corner and then take anything  I'm gonna do it I think it's a good move in   between move and it forces his King just to  the corner and I don't know then whenever I   take that pawn it's gonna be check this is  nuanced move queen g3 beautiful move this I think the king being there is better  for me is there I take its check and   he doesn't have any tricks I love what he's  thinking is he really gonna go here no King   f8 is yeah why not have fade no no f8 is a  little dangerous for him too I mean you're   gonna get hit with a lot of checks on h7  is not guarded ok so now what I have to do   for a very long time now I need to make  some sort of pawn thing board h3 or g3 poof difficult decision my goodness um no  I feel like g3 is right I don't know why g3   maybe h3 was right he does this see  again now we see the true problem   like any time he moves away from his  pawns they're gonna be not guarded want to go here but then this 10 room d3  what is the way to maximize my pleasure   a queen bee three let's target the pawn I mean  any any pawn I win is gonna be winning hey rook   d1 trying to get him to come forward more yes good  I'm making progress weena 5c3 is also strong but   c3 is a big mu is a big commitment it also has  to play faster now because it's not a lot of time   the tricky one take the file my friend man-bun  a [ __ ] has a term for his students in this   position he calls it stewing just stirring the pot  opponent self-destruct ac3 putting more pressure   mistake has now occurred and  I think I can play rookie for or this I can even play this first takes  with the Queen I'm just winning the pawn   here and that move I think I have rookie 4 but  he is gonna get counter play my back rank is a   bit weak so the right thing to do is to go like  this probably and just go for checks oh I can   trade Queens oh that's big see you let me do  this now Queen trade is easy this is easy now   he's got very bad pawns well it's not easy it's  actually not easy at all I'm gonna attack that   King f6 Rick a5 so I'm gonna prevent him from  moving along this file now King g2 and then I'm   gonna walk right up to that pawn and I'm gonna  take it let's prevent him from doing anything   with the pawns and he has a problem he's in soup  swung which is a chest term which means that you   cannot move I just stuck but he sees this coming  good move good move he sees this coming but if I   just play like wait let me not play a stupid move  and I play like beef for about King III King III   we're stewing here King F for rookie for in  d3 let's not lose on time right whoa hello   that's a free pawn why are you doing that but  why'd you give me a free pawn if you're gonna   give me two pawns I'm definitely gonna win  the endgame I mean I don't even have to be   a genius you know Wrigley g5 eating c3 yeah  so a little bit of panic there in the endgame   in before yes he even King a5 here is good I'm  just going directly for this pawn and I'm gonna   promote you might search for counter play yeah  I kind of figured this was gonna happen but it's   lost you just I don't think he has oh that was  not smart before us hanging now all right I'm   making this unnecessarily complicated okay oops  a5 but I think I'm faster a 6 yeah a 7 I'm just   too fast my pawns are too quick that's oh and I  could have taken this what am i doing there we go this is not easy f2 and then I come back Andrew  G 1 but I have a a queen but he has this Queen oh   my gosh wait this is nuts uh and I have to find  the win check what a position what a position   check it must be winning for white check there  is yes I want I want I can take oh my goodness   what a game King d5 no more checks no more  checks woo that was that I was not perfect   okay and now I'm gonna give him my rook but  I'm still gonna win because I have a pond yes and we are going to win the game  good fight from him I gotta tell   you that was uh that wasn't that  wasn't so bad you know and I got   like a days ago and it's it's it's  part of the grind man like you know I could have been a lot more clinical in my  in my technique and I wasn't and he created   good chances but obviously this was this was a  very instructional game I mean it was it was it   was grinding down bad pawn structure when mine  is fully intact looking at you know I made his   pawns come forward which weakened them then  I played see three rookie four I could have   won this a lot easier than I did but this  technique is correct you need to put your   rook on the square in the endgame where it  puts the most pressure so a five is probably   the optimal square then you know you'd need to  be careful of rook counter play so f4 was just   silly I mean should just check me but I would  have kept going and then you know at some point   I would have I would have had to play like  a four get that pawn and break through but today today's games are the biggest challenge of  the stream that we've had for sure like definitely we are we are fighting this guy was rated 2000 so  he was very very strong I'm   gonna play one more game one last game actually yes play one more game one more game 19:20  the strongest player that we've played of   the entire stream the entire series thus  far will end on a 1920 game let's go efore   hasta run very strong seemingly 1,900  player who placed c5 I'm gonna play a   three let's end with an A three Sicilian  not a B 3 Sicilian a three Sicilian also   one of the Sicilian recommendations  in my course very tricky lines so he's already completely shocked if he's never  seen this probably oh man I really hope ok before okay big stakes I mean the take right takes takes  takes give him a pawn and he's got a he's he's got   to fight us from there let's a look at how good  this weapon is that's down almost a minute on move   three a three Sicilian is no joke magnus carlsen  played it okay ecigs b5 bad it's kind of what we   want targeting the night should be to is coming if  they don't take the pawn then you can just push it   completely normal he did not take them before yeah  suddenly it's in the e4 course wow that is such an   ugly move it should be too what is he doing oh my  goodness he's gonna rotate that's probably what   he's gonna do that in that sense it makes sense  okay normally like we saw last game when this   happens you can just take and keep developing  you don't need to gambit in the center again   okay night of three this Bishop is so  strong what is I mean I guess I guess   this positions not like awful it's okay  I really want to go h4 h5 but no need d for let's go Bishop e2 not do anything too too  complicated castles okay there we go the   players are now rushing to this position you  know it's it's not like winning for white I   still have to you know create some great some  winning chances for myself I don't like that   as Knights have like access points here c4 d4  is also not pleasant d3 let's go d4 decision   is is he gonna take her push wishing looks  lightly better for him because he blocks my   bishop oh whoa okay I'm gonna blast open the  center then if he gives me the option to blast   open the center I think it's gonna benefit  my bishops so position is is balanced but we   have a minute time advantage so again when  you start out in the opening like thinking   a lot it's not that it kills your confidence  but it makes you know decision-making harder   because you just have consistently less time  for every move the dc5 and then I can take here just gonna go nice III I'm gonna keep the tension  good strategy when you're up on time and blitz   keep the tension let him make the decisions yes  again we you know once you have a one-minute time   advantage in blitz it's huge it's a huge time  advantage okay okay I see this idea D takes e5   and a Bishop c5 which I'm assuming he's gonna play  Hopa chip is so powerful I'm gonna go Knight d4 although there is one small  problem with 94 which is realized can take take and take here Queens see  each other maybe Knight g5 to get this   Bishop maybe 9a for to get the bishop oh  god there's so many different ways to get   his bishops into play 9a for I like  this go for this bishop if he moves 94 and get that Bishop so many night  hops and again it's so tricky to do   that to deal with this with a minute oh  uh I can take but I don't really want to   let take his bishop so he can take my queen  but I got his bishop so now my dark-squared   bishop is kind of the powerful piece I guess  he's up a pawn right just for a moment here Quincy one just to get the pawn back take the  Queen and then damage the structure   but I'm down a pawn so I'm not gonna  trade any pieces the other benefit of   this move is that Knight f4 is coming I  play Queen c1 which covers the f4 square   and I don't I don't really have to worry  about the knight hop so we're maintaining   our time edge 40 seconds 50 seconds sorry c4  is hanging position looks pretty nice I mean since this is good now back up to a minute  pressure is on the ship see for if we if we   get that pawn back and maintain two versus  one we inside majority at a great position hmm okay first of all any threats no we can take and  we can also take and damage the structure over   there but I feel like just simple chess simple  chess 20 seconds for him let him self-destruct   all right 15 seconds for him now it does  have Bonus Time hey that is attacking this   but if I okay if I just take he gets the  open rug but he is giving me this isn't he know what's gonna happen also the Queen the  Queen I can take the Queen but Knight takes   Queen see five extra pawn now a desperate player  if they're good is gonna attack you we're gonna   use this open file yeah there you go Knight d5  aggressive move up and sometimes you can catch   them I'm gonna play Queen d4 which tries to get  a Queen trade which you might not accept which   she completely accepts immediately because  it was threatening maid I guess he saw that what I said I said he was gonna accept  it immediately but now I have two on one   and this is a weakness and he has five seconds all   those things put together mean that this  positions a cruising victory three pawn looks like it just got to look for checks captures  in attacks he has only one check we're just up   to pawns when the dust cleared we were winning by  two pawns somebody had somebody said last game it   looks like he's really struggling against people  in this rating category this night of straps great   example of why bishops are better than Knights  right here if here does he have metaphor I think   he does so I might have to play oh but he is a  knight a for anyway yeah ok let's just drop his   Knight e3 idea there was that this was hanging  the bishop was hanging so good move but after it   takes takes it's over it takes takes the knight  is stuck and I play rook a to or rook e1 ah no   I don't play rook e1 because metaphor is a nice  trick I think so they're okay to them I just right that was that was a that was it I mean that  was a game you know I didn't want my bishop   to get locked in early so I put two pawns in the  center for maximum tension and then we we said we   traded everything off I and you know I said this  I think in the 1400 part or maybe the 1200 part   if you've watched the whole series you would know  you need to look for ways to create imbalance in   positions that are not super obvious and it's  especially symmetrical positions so looking   for imbalance is important and you know here we  look for imbalance very early with a knife for   the bishop of the pawn structure and we got a  nice win 1800 plus part will be coming up soon
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 415,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yfDREcw5GBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 59sec (4079 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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