Gotham Chess Guide Part 3: 1400+ | Opening Mistakes & Middlegames

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hi everybody and welcome to Gotham guide  part 3 today we are $13.99 blitz not quite   1,400 but we're gonna be playing some games  alright first opponent is fourteen seventy uh   at the request of my live streaming  audience who are with me for this   I'm going to be playing some more real openings  and my opponent immediately gives away a central   pawn okay well I don't think we're this  is going to be happening oh my goodness two central pawns down I did not think that  the video was going to start in this way   but uh I'll take it caro-kann is incredible I mean  okay that that is an attack on   my when you get out to an early  lead in the beginning of the game oh that's how that actually works huh  if I take he has Queen takes oh that's   very funny okay so I have to take now he's  gonna have to take with the king all right   all right fair enough fair enough you got  one phone back let's play Knight takes and   let's just complete our development  with Bishop f5 attacking the knight let's complete our development with 97  and long castles alright he tricked me a   little bit this guy but yeah I mean when you  get out to an early lead you've just gotta   stabilize not blunt or anything and okay  I'm not gonna not gonna do anything insane   uh bishop before it's a nice diagonal cutter  take and then see five if I play night see five   right away he takes the bishop see each other I  kind of like going here first and then going 95 if you miss the first two episodes of Gotham Guide they're up on the YouTube channel though  scroll around also construction is starting   outside all righty Bishop e7 looks  like we're gonna have to win an endgame we're gonna have to win an endgame I'm gonna  take the rook I'm I'm gonna is he gonna take   this okay it's gonna is are we gonna get  a bishop endgame so that mover about again   what's happening here he's playing so quickly  to look at his time usage the guy has not used   any time King d7 all right bad pawn three on  three on that side four on three on this side   obviously a bishop trade is good I hope he  takes just for instructional value I don't   think he's gonna take I think he understands  that taking here is just losing oh well that's   also losing now we have to win a King and pawn  end game so first things first 'if I've five because if he takes yeah he doesn't take  so actually that he did correctly now King   East seven and I'm I'm heading over here  okay it looks like he's meeting me there   uh psych juke them going out this way now  King and pawn n games obviously being up   upon as good but um you know being 2500  is probably even better than that let's   see is is b5 a good move b5 maybe a  five so he can't really kick me away and then let's let's count the  moves here so five looks good and now a very easy way to get into the  position I'm going to take on a four so he's got a take I'd like to get here  so I need to make it his move and I'm   gonna do that by playing the move h5  and now wherever he moves his King I have King c-4 and this is what we call  opposition so now wherever he goes I'm   gonna go the opposite direction  and pick up the pawn and then I   am very easily winning f6 doesn't  do anything because I just take it and easy-peasy I guess you just need to  watch out for counterplay which if   I really wanted to prevent I can just play  C 5 this will just show the true dominance   of the black position he cannot play King  C 4 I could have taken but then you know   just so we avoid any counter play yeah  now we take and we pick up the pawn and   looks like we're gonna cross 1400 this  game was honestly just characterized by   the fact that he gave away two pawns in the  beginning I mean I don't know what that was you know I played like a caro-kann with black  which maybe some of you play maybe not my favorite   opening now we're gonna play all right 1400 start  out with efore and let's see what he plays I made   a course on e4 let's play the two Knights French  so he's playing the French defense at this level   openings oh he's not playing the French now  we're in a Sicilian interesting ok Knight f3 and again since let's go up it should be 5 the idea is to maybe take and castle as long  as you have the bishop threatening to capture   the night everything is cool here the ship  c4 doesn't always makes okay well I wanted   to do this anyway so that's kind of a waste of  a move now I traded off my LightSquared Bishop   and this variation kind of resembles the Russell  emo Sicilian if you don't know what that is go   look up Magnus Carlsen Games and now what you do  since you traded the LightSquared bishop early is you replace the LightSquared Bishop with   LightSquared pawns so you put a  bunch of pawns on light squares so h3 preventing anything from ever coming  to g4 and now a for to prevent the move b5 okay well that yeah this is like not really  what I didn't really a fives not not a terrible   move all right we've talked about this in the  past few videos the disposition is closed we   both have a lot of pawns eight to be exact  and in a closed position you're looking at   different pawn breaks this pawn break doesn't  work but f4 does so I'm going to play Knights where am I gonna move my night II won  no H for maybe maybe 92 night okay how   about Knight d2 night c4 and then f4  that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna   play or maybe f4 takes and then Knight c4  this is a very nice square for the knight   because he can't kick it out with the pawn  this is a very common maneuver in in these   positions okay well that plays directly into  what I want just to get this off the board and then I'm going to be playing f4  once I get rid of the bishop and the   reason why this move is good it's  supported by the rook and the bishop should play queen g4 suggestion in the  livestream chat that is a very good   move it is the only move on the board that  blunders a queen in two different ways so   that is a pretty nice find Knight takes  these six because I didn't want to lose   like this and as part of our plan  we now play f4 attacking the center so good good good move here I would say this is uh this a good position I need to be  careful of my opponent's pawn break which is   c4 which is a bit annoying I can protect it with  b3 but you've always got to be looking at checks   captures and attacks and if I played b3 that  happens and I lose a knight so if I play King   h1 + b3 and this move then my position is  basically close to perfect ah that's a good   move if you're anticipating this but you know in  this position checks captures attacks and this   move actually just traps the bishop so black  resigns okay that was incredibly simple I mean   we just we played a Sicilian we played against  the Sicilian trade off the light squared bishop   replace it with light squared pawns a four route  the Knight to c4 looking for a pawn break and then going for this and my opponent just you know  a better way to play here would have been I   don't know honestly I don't know resigning  here would have been pretty pretty good I   think seat c4 is even tough because I always  have this f5 move white white has a bit of a   pull here it's definitely annoying you know  if you take take give a check I'm just gonna   go king h1 and then you play something  like this this is probably the optimal   setup for black may be looking for c4 again  you need to create a pawn break so you can   create some some targets but okay we went  again let's jump back into the pool we're   1425 two very quick wins here nine minutes we  already have two wins these guys are putting   up all right our strongest opponent  of the entire series but the last time you know the last time we recorded again strong  players they ended up actually losing so let's   play a French this time ecigs d5 last time  I played c6 d 5 I've been playing a lot of   a 5 as well ok so we are in a French defence  exchange variation those are either play the   exchange French um you don't always have to  copy the opponent in fact one of my favorite   things to do against the exchange French is  to mix it up and Castle queenside place c4 something is not good about this move order   play Bishop g4 so wow that is that is not  so these like expansion pushers are not very   good you don't need to get distracted  by this and play b6 and then Bishop b5 but first of all if I take like he can't take with the Queen because taking  on d4 so he actually has to play G takes f 3 which   is already a huge concession now I can play  something like Queen f6 but Queen f6 maybe   there's just a way to defend everything but I  like this move let me play Queen f6 Bishop e3   and maybe I'll long castle maybe not maybe I can  honestly stay focused on the pond like night aged   six nine to five I also could have played 97 9f5  well what I'm doing something that's I'm getting   a little bit carried away here in the opening  that you know there's no need to play like this okay that I was not expecting that's actually a  tactical blunder so we can take this but we also   have this this check that's why you always  need to look for the checks in the position   he does have a trick he can play Queenie too  but he missed it he actually this is the very   natural move but he didn't look for checks which  now just picks up a piece actually I think could   have played Queenie - with a pin on the king and  then recaptured but the way he did it he's just   down a piece now and and that's just the lesson  in the fact that you know you don't always need   to play the obvious looking move you can take  a moment and go whoa you know admit that you   made a mistake now I have long castles my king  is safe pressure here we're gonna beat three   people in like 12 minutes here I mean these these  1415 hundreds are just I don't know they're not   putting up a good fight Queen f5 and now I have  another threat the overloaded pawn Knight takes d4   another check also I have Bishop takes c5 I had  to move my Queen there by the way my queen was   hanging so we can either do this and if he takes  I take his queen we also have this very nice move and now yeah I mean this guy is just blitzing  all his moves like the this is just poor   clock management by white he hasn't spent any  longer than seven seconds on a single move and you know okay this move actually is not bad I I need  to calculate if there's any counter play here like here here check King f1 there's no need  to allow this let's just play King b8 avoid   all of this Bishop takes c5 was actually a good  move yes someone in livestream look at you guys   defend the pawn and if takes there's this that's  a very nice move I'm gonna steal it from you yes I like it and he hangs his queen he  spends 2.7 seconds and he hangs his queen Jiji sir all right that was not a good game  by my opponent so first things first exchange   French you can go opposite side castling in  the opening you know don't get distracted   by different pawn moves just keep developing  and just this is such a waste of time you know be careful with pins as well like this guy what  we're noticing here is we're punishing a lot of   opening mistakes whoa I already played this guy  I kind of don't like that I'd rather get a new   opponent just want to keep it interesting play  different people all right Dmitry glue cloth   last time I played E for this time I'm gonna  play d4 c6 okay that's I guess he wants me to   play Cara Khan um hey let's play a Queen's Gambit  for the Queen's Gambit folks in chat the ship she   fors a weird move uh against this you you always  have the immediate Queen b3 which puts pressure   I'm just gonna play solid I'm not gonna go to  tactical again when I play Queen's Gambit sin   this series I'm just I'm trying to be as solid  as possible yeah last game he wanted to block   in my dark square bishop yes somebody is in the  chat is asking what was even the point of playing   this move c5 yeah I guess he wanted to block in  my bishop but I was gonna go get it out anyway   okay h3 it's act the bishop he's probably going  to go back I'm just gonna castle I have Queen b3   but the problem with Queen b3 right now is that  he can take and he can mess up my King's pawn   structure so before you play Queen b3 sometimes  it's useful to bring this Bishop back actually g4   is a little too aggressive although you know it's  not a bad move I'm gonna bring the bishop back you this ship d6 I'm probably going to go for that's the idea now II five is a fork  so this guy hasn't made any blunders   in the opening he's played very solidly  he's developed all his pieces well he's   got center you know central control  although a bit passive but the Slav   in general is a passive opening  also he does not blunder this move so I'm fully castled developed basically and  before the opponent has a chance to castle   there are some ways to start you know already  like creating something in the position but if   I 5 he's just gonna go 95 let me do it anyway  because I have an idea my idea is Bishop g5 so now on Queen CA if I take this file opens from  my rook if takes this maybe I can sacrifice a   pawn in the center I'm gonna do this I think  this is actually quite nice did black have   the option to play e5 instead of Bishop c7  yes but opening the center when you're not   Castle might be difficult because if I  move this knight let's not forget that   the bishops are gonna see each other so  there's you know there's also this right so now now my opponent is is is going  a little crazy Knight b6 he's still not   castled and this pin is looking very good  um I mean Bishop b5 just by itself looks   very strong I mean he either has to come  back with the knight or move his king if   he moves his king he's never castling  which obviously isn't good and you know   we're gonna turn our focus here for  this very very poor piece placement now he's pinned in two different ways but he still  can Castle so a common idea to prevent counseling   is to play Queen a4 but what if we just attacked  this bishop he actually does not have a way to   guard the bishop because if he moves the bishop I  take the rook I may excuse me the Queen and he can   damage my structure but that doesn't really solve  the problem of this so this game was just the fact   that he did not get castle fast enough and we  managed to create a strong initiative making his   pieces pass so some four games now I think we've  just been punishing people in the opening this is   a good idea to counter-attack now if take he has  to take this mmm but that doesn't that doesn't   win me anything because at the end he's gonna  take the bishop if I go here he's gonna go b5 if   I take is he actually gonna take with the king  and guard the bishop he actually gonna do that Wow ah oh I have a very nice move but  it might be a little bit too advanced checks captures attacks those are  my captures but I have an attack   in this position which threatens mate we in c5 and he can't take me because of this pin and I'm   threatening mate and I'm not  sure how he stops this thing if f6i just take and that's not stomping  the checkmate problem Wow and the King has   no legal moves oh my goodness what a move  and I think that just puts all of blacks   hopes of counterplay to bed queen d8 I just  take his queen and he still can't take my   queen because of the pin and Bishop d8 I  take here all Queen c5 is a is a is a very   tough move but like these things exist  in this position and if you just follow you know that hierarchy of moves which  is checks captures in the tax right you   can look at retreating you could look at  going back but this is hidden amongst all   of this that this square is accessible  to the Queen and now it's just over so he does end up playing f6 but I can just take  and yeah but again I'm still getting in here and   this hasn't stopped a whole lot that is that is  still mate and Wow he fought back but he couldn't   let that is weensy v is a nice move and it just  shows you that you know somebody asked me why did   I play e5 and not d5 you know d5 also looks very  interesting the idea being you know to shatter the   structure maybe push forward before he's castled  honestly both of these moves have merit in this   position I just went with this because I saw that  I can create a lasting initiative okay so I talked   about this in a few chests comm recap videos  that I made initiative is when you create threats   against your opponent which have long lasting  benefits in your position like this move is a   one move threat it doesn't have any long-lasting  benefits it just weakens your king but this   develops pieces and continues to pressure the  opponent right now he probably should have castled but even here he's actually losing because  I can maximize the pressure by going not   Queen c2 Queen c2 he's actually able to  move and both rooks guard the Queen but   I have a very nice maneuver here you can  pause the video and try to solve a god   motor style this should be seven hitting the  rook and then Bishop d6 and now he can't move   the bishop because it's my rook which is going  to be pressuring his Queen so right like this me too I don't know if you guys  can hear that at the time of   recording but I live in New York City  someone's just screaming on the street   you guys can hear that I really hope you can't  but let's go see for so I played a 4d 4c 4 symmetrical English which is  you know the most boring one g3 oh my god this guy is like  actually copying me three is he gonna copy me the entire duration Wow   this is going to be very frustrating  if he copies me the entire game okay he does not copy me anymore so English  two ideas expand on the queenside with a 3 B 4 a three you these are the two ideas I have no idea what Queen d7 does ah I can take I can push I can just ignore it I  can push this one in the center - this is a very difficult position to navigate Queen d7 preparing Queen h3 trading off my  bishop yes okay let's let's recapture like   this so I have good central control I have  a little bit more space but he's extremely   solid here extremely solid and it's it's  gonna be kind of tough to to break through   I mean I can develop my bishop I mean I I get  that with this last move he wants to move and   with some pressure here d5 is okay but then  he goes here b5 is not okay because he goes   they're actually pushing either of these pawns  is not gonna get me anything so I think maybe   I'll play Queen d3 which is a prophylactic  move just guarding this pawn for now and I I I don't know what I'm gonna do from here um  he's so far so good for him you know he's uh he's played pretty good chess but he's down  thirty Seconds which is which is nice that   is the only perhaps complaint about his play  ninety eight he wants to trade off bishops now   do I take or do I ignore another idea with this  is that maybe he has ideas too I'm here on the   C file um I think I'm gonna have her because I  don't want my King to be a target for any checks   that was my logic there if he took my bishop  my king would be a target now my king is not a   target which is better than being a target but  I still have a problem with him getting to the   C file we got to think about this and I don't  really have an easy way to defend against this   idea either but what if I push see now my rook  and the Queen are on the same file so if takes   I have this so I'm actually getting rid of my  pawn weakness by pushing it forward I I wasn't   fast enough you know if I move my bishop and he  comes here there's no easy way for me to guard   this so yeah now I'm gonna play BC five but I'm  not thrilled about this but he plays a knight c6 move dozen attack anything so now I probably  should develop I can attack the night but it's   a bit loose I play here he goes here and also  I should probably anticipate this move coming this guy is a fighter okay let's defend our  center pawn I don't know either of these two   moves was also good mmm now let's take and the  idea is that when he recaptures we're gonna   have just a very direct attack on that pawn  so we'll play like Knight a for for example d5 is an interesting move maybe night a for   t5 again I'm not really thrilled about  this maybe I just go get it with the Queen let's go get it with the Queen maybe  attack that pawn with the Queen so far   we are just in a very tense fight  this is the strongest opponent   of the entire series so far he  is not letting me get anything Wow he moves out of the way gives me the pawn incredible ok generous but maybe  some tricks involved although he's not gonna trap   me as I can get away whoa he's trying to trap me  the other direction my god the creativity and he's   also attacking this pawn but am I actually trapped  or can I push it baby here and if this I think I'm   getting away and then Queen C for this as long  as you have a getaway Square you should be fine all righty oh my gosh I don't know what to do this guy is  like not and I guess his idea is now Bishop f8 or   something well when you're winning trading pieces  is good so I'm gonna offer him a trade of Queens he's probably not going to accept I think  this move but that can run into trouble as   I think I have Bishop f4 and let's not forget  if he moves his Queen somewhere the Queen has   to guard the knight he moves his Queen here I  can start to get it away from the knight and   then maybe try to win the knight but right  now it's very difficult to come up with a   plan we don't have a lot of time and okay  well he really doesn't have a lot of time what was this activates the bishop okay my plan  was to trade the Queens I'm gonna trade the Queens   and I'm gonna reinforce my pawn with this other  rook which was not playing so now I'm up a pawn   but it's over here that move I'm not a fan of I  think I ever b7p someone doesn't even do anything   just attacks me um okay I am going to play a trick  on him and pretend like that is a blunder oh wait   it is a blunder what am i doing he didn't even see  it oh that was just a clean blunder of a pawn that   was absolutely not a trick I thought I had rook b8  but the night covers the b8 squared but he didn't   even see that so who thankfully I should probably  guard my pawn I should stop messing around I   should just guard my pawn only 12 seconds for my  opponents so let's see if anything crazy is going   to happen in time trouble 8 seconds rook there a  rugby one the night see - this is just like the   strongest 1,400 of all time I don't even have  a lot of time okay Knight c3 goodness gracious you came takes takes rook c5 my goodness I mean this this guy is  a is a fighter the ship d4 what an endgame we   have I have to pin him so he can't take on a four  this might this might do it like this this might   honestly be the final blow and he defends but  now I have a double pin and yeah he just ends up   blundering a rook so he ended up blundering  in time trouble and goes down but Wow Wow well so far what we've seen is that the  English is definitely the opening that   gives you the least winning chances in the  first 15 moves yeah I think I think that's   the English is definitely the opening which if  they play just solidly throughout will not give   you any chance at an easy victory so the English  is easy to play it's got an easy game plan with   like you know just you know pawn development and  then taking but creating a plan from here is is   tough and I had to be like I think if this guy  was playing anyone his level he would have ended   up winning this game just because he did not  make any real mistakes I mean he blundered one   pond you know he gave away this pawn thinking  that he could trap my queen but that was an   excellent game by him and if I have to give any  big takeaways from it it's probably the fact that you know right around here be aware of the  weaknesses and be aware of their plans and   try to solve that immediately try to anticipate  that they're gonna be coming in with pressure and   that you're not fast enough your Knights don't  coordinate well here you know I can play a move   like Knight d5 but then he plays a six I have to  go back and then when you're up a pond you know be   careful grabbing ponds near their territory make  sure your queen has a way back and then when your you know when you're up upon look  for simplification but that was not an easy game not gonna lie that that  game was a that was a brutal brutal fight and whatever awaits me in the next game I  hope is going to be equally exciting so jumping in the pool again now we are playing  whiting another Russian player go e4 again so   c4 I didn't like so we have a Sicilian in  my e4 course I like be three against the   Sicilian and Bishop b2 I also like a three  d six and now what you do in this against   this particular variation this is we're studying  openings you know becomes a bit more prevalence you know you you go for the trade  so a lot of players will play a   six here - yep and what you  like to do here is you like   to go Knights III Queen e2 and long  castle and attack on the Kings side he's thinking a little bit I mean wow that's that  is a move of I was not prepared to see okay I'm   just gonna continue with our plan I mean there's  no immediate way to punish that but it also is   just not a good move okay I mean you should not  be yeah like you shouldn't be playing h5 unless   there's a very obvious immediate benefit  is now how are you going to Castle that way   like look we we so funny 1470 gets one move in the  opening that he doesn't know and he plays h5 like   the guy plays h5 in 97 I can go d4 right away  takes Knight d4 so opening the center is good I   could just long castle but when I long castle I do  need to be a little bit careful about this so I'm   gonna go d4 just I can still short castle by the  way so I'm waiting to see how he's gonna develop   and he's developed in a very strange way oh this  here one like g6 it's at the idea so tech my pawn   I don't know it's it's very tough to predict how  they're gonna play when they randomly play this so night g6e is attacking Maya for point after all  maybe castles knight c6 he can take a four that   doesn't work though okay let me take this guy now  I'm attacking the Queen it takes back this is hit   maybe yeah maybe now just castle if check-in h1 I  could have gone g3 but you know the thing about g3   it plays into the H move the H pawn move so g3  also looked ok but then maybe h4 but then I can   go on Castle this this is not this is not how just  works um he does have a threat here maybe he wants   me to play here so he's gonna go back and then  play h4 but that doesn't even accomplish anything you know like uh h4 oh he wants a queen trade  interesting so this this that's his idea this   guy I gotta give him credit he is a creative  player now that doesn't necessarily mean good   creative is what you say to people when you  know they're a bit challenged in their chess   but you know you can't make them feel  too bad about themselves so you creative I'm sure parents in the chat would know that you know when when your kid makes a piece of art  that doesn't look like art in the slightest you   say oh that's very creative you don't say that  looks like garbage I don't know what you're doing this move yeah that was not my idea my idea  was actually to take this pawn so he he got   distracted by my knight move but be very  careful when there's bishops on the board let's go back I need to be careful there  are a few problems that can arise out of   having the rook and the King on the same  file h4 is an idea for him there's h4 King f2 takes takes my rook is not gonna be  mikemaya King excuse me not gonna be too happy   I shouldn't take did not take I have f5 f5 is  kind of interesting takes takes yeah that's   actually a good move I kind of like a5 it's a very  direct counter-attack to this if he takes my pawn   I just take his knight so if he takes takes he  opens up my rook to his King and just I mean in   general the idea here is that yeah here I thought  I was just gonna take I mean I thought that here   the pawn structure is getting a little bit too  damaged for him like for example takes he still   can't take cuz that's a fork he goes like this  but this is just kinda I mean look at this this   is this is a long-term liability maybe just rook  f3 here looking for a trade of rooks I mean in any   endgame this is just an abysmal pawn structure for  black he's never gonna be I mean he can't move the   pawns how can you have four pawns but not move any  of them you know but I still have to work I mean   I still have to create my opportunities I think  I'm gonna create those opportunities by getting   in with the rook the rook on the seventh rank as  usual we see this we see this concept checking was   fine but then he just go King c7 so and I can't  get 95 because the bishops covering so that plays   directly into my idea and a weird but okay hmm  okay so now c4 threatens this and if he moves   his Bishop its mate so he has to play c5 but I can  take by the way because his King is overloaded and you know that's why even in n games there are  tactics you shouldn't always be looking for   tactics but they're there they are there and  his King just can't guard the bishop and take   the knight at the same time so if it takes  the knight I take that I gobble everybody   and he's still not attacking any of my pawns  his King is getting a bit closer but nothing   of real value I would say okay so that's just  an attack here I can just go King g2 nothing   has changed I could have taken that as well  but then he was taking here we check which chess is all about decisions so okay now my  night is hanging so I can either take the pawn or take the pawn it's free aim ah using the pin do I have a mating net like b4  so a mating net is when you can try to checkmate   your opponent by bringing all the pieces in the  right configuration so I think I can check him   and then on this move rook c7 is not mate but a  four is made as I know rook c7 King be five so not   all checkmates have to go through the sequence and  that's checkmate so that was if that was a nice   little idea for how to win the game I'm letting  him take with check but the reason I allowed   this is that after king f2 he actually just  cannot prevent rook c7 mate he can take my pawn but rook c7 does not like rugby 3 does  not do anything there so that's the you   know oftentimes the the optimal way of winning  in a position where you are completely winning   like this one is yes you can promote the pawns  but when the King is so stuck on squares look   for look for mating net look for just the move  that takes away the only escape square before   you lay down the hammer and in this case he  did not take he actually took of the bishop   just completely disregarded this move I'm not  sure what he thought the idea of a4 was but we   get the win go again 1471 just a couple more  games and we hit we hit our goal which is 1500 so let's go for d6 which is the perk defense Knight f6 it's a setup based opening I played   this a little bit in in part  two if some of you play this okay I'm not really sure what this setup is  this is not a very you know I mean a knight   should go there I don't really know why  the pawn is there but it's it makes sense   you know I have a dark-squared bishop  he's trying to kill my diagonal a bit Wow what is this mmm gay castles 96 you somebody asking in the chat do I play the car con  for me my car a con is yes my main weapon against   efore but I recently made a course on e6 b6  against everything against t4d 4c4 and if you're   watching the link is in the description below d5  ok this why I'm playing like this why I play D 6   and then D 5 in openings where your opponent  does not fight in the center ok like does not   take control of the Senate like this is not where  the knight should be standing you can immediately   start smashing open the center and the reason I'm  able to get away with this is um castle see he's   not castled he he spread his pieces out real weird  and I've got some you know pressure here Knight g4   is oh it's already a good move because I'm trying  to get the bishop and if I get the bishop the d4   pawn loses a guard so so now he has a bit of an  issue Bishop g5 is a good move though good move   attacking my queen nice counter-attacking move if  I play f6 Ben Feingold has a seizure somewhere but   I do attack the bishop if I play like just a queen  move keeping the pressure here maybe he plays like   h3 I don't I like that maybe f6 is the best move I  need to keep attacking him I think that's probably   the way to do this I don't know my night is a  bit weirdly plays but if I was a strong move good   counter-attacking move and now my night is sort of  stuck over there be very careful by the way about   taking this pawn taking this pawn as a losing  mistake if 94-94 queen d4 you need to look at your   opponent's checks and he has Bishop c4 defended  by the knight and then the Queen is attacking   the Queen we blocked our own attacker but in  this position we can prevent that by playing   Bishop e6 and we also have a very interesting  move here which might be strong Bishop h6 this is uh again just trying to advantage  of the fact that he hasn't castled he just   removed his bishop from this diagonal the  knight guards the bishop lien has to come out   here and what if we just like throw this night  right in here and now he can't castle at all   first of all the night is just good  it's it's it's not even under attack   but also it is defended so it  has like backup from a distance and also Knight takes g2 as a threat so we'll  see what he's gonna do but we are kind of kind   of dismantling him Bishop c4 so yeah this is a  check but it's not actually attacking this this   taking have any merit probably not let's just tuck  the King to the corner and see what he's gonna do   okay that move attacks this so Knight takes g2 is  an exceeding danger threat it attacks the King but   then he's probably going to play something like  king f2 and this Knight is hanging and this Knight   is hanging so let's do a little calculation here  here and then we take the bishop he takes we take   so he doesn't have a check in that position  you can't capture so this is the best move exceeding danger exceeding danger the king is obviously more  powerful than the knight so now we get a pawn   and a bishop he takes now the question  is do I even have to take this guy do I   have anything better doesn't look like it  for now so let me just not do anything too   complicated and just recapture the pawn when  I say anything better I'm looking at checks   captures attacks that's all I'm looking at  I don't have a single capture beyond this   one literally I can capture anything in this  position my checks are kind of all gone so I can't take that I want to do this so look at  this I want to do this because there's a rook   and a king the problem is there's also a queen  and a king somebody in the Chad you set at five   but be careful you know your Kings on the same  diagonal so before you play a five you got to   take into account that that's possible now the  other thing is this is hanging so probably for   now the best thing for me to do is just to play  Queen d6 to defend the pawn and also potentially   set up an attack on the king so you need to play  this before you play a five because then f5 comes   with a counter pin and an attack those of you  that were thinking to go f5 you're thinking   aggressively but you're not thinking about you  know your opponent's ideas as well okay now   I still can't go f5 it's Queen f4 good Bishop  g7 looks good if Queen f4 he's gonna go there take what so queen f4 is definitely the right  move I mean we about this in part one and maybe   two maybe just two they're a concept of plus  two you need two more attacking pieces on a   king then they have defenders and I really have  like four if I want so I've got four attacking   pieces here on his king I should be able to  deliver a mate uh okay so first of all we   can take that guy but he with this move he  pinned himself to his King so the second I   see a pin I am I'm looking at taking but I'm  also just looking at this you know I mean he   pinned himself what do you do to a piece  that's pinned you just add an attacker to   it and it's really difficult to defend this he  probably has to play something like Bishop e2 he just he flags didn't take the pressure ended up  losing on times happens let's play one more game against mr. 1495 so somebody requested a caro-kann  I'll play a Scandinavian you know I feel like some   people in shat my place candy wow that is okay  well that just allows me to develop my bishop   and now we're gonna get a car a con which is  just really good for black because black does   not play c6 so this is essentially a French with  the bishop out and this so this is uh this is   the absolutely perfect French defense there's  a French with the LightSquared Bishop al so Wow what is what is Queen a4 check good in this  gracious knight c6 what is he doing play Bishop b5 some pressure on my knight this never  works oh okay why didn't he just take   he didn't have to do that now the usual  way you develop in this position because   it's hard to get this bishop out is you move  the knight out so you play like 97 95 or 97   97 96 or 97 9 to 5 and then Bishop e7 but  I'm just gonna go after the D pawn I mean   in all pawn structures this is a is a bad  pun it has no pawns guarding it it's a bit   sky it's just stuck here it's Queen takes  d4 he can defend it with Knight f3 Bishop   e3 actually Bishop e3 Queen B - that also  defends it because Queen d4 there is this I'm pinned but I can attack I can also reinforce  my night so before I play a six he's playing in   exactly into what I want this is so strange  why did he let me get a new night there now in this position black has a very annoying  move you can continue with your development   but if you pause the video here those of you in  the livestream can pause it but you can think I   can just develop and castle but I know his next  move is this so how do I be very annoying here this move just don't let him castle the  guys got a position where he traded off   his LightSquared bishop and all his pawns  are on dark squares so when you trade your   LightSquared Bishop your pawns should be on  the light squares not the dark squares and   his pawns are all from the wrong color so his  dark squared Bishop is blocked in and he's got   it's like Swiss cheese I mean my bishops just  oh no oh no and now oh my goodness Wow okay the   highest rated opponent nanner of the second  highest rated opponent that we've played in   the entire series just played probably the worst  game this guy played worse than someone thousands okay now it's just these Emme now we  Castle he he still can't castle I'm   still not gonna let him castle  no castling for you sir and now   we're gonna play Knight before he's  gonna take and he's gonna get mated and we take the bishop because I don't want him  to escape and now Bishop all the way back to a5   a very tragic conclusion discovered mate  and the poor rooks never even got to move Wow that was a my goodness that was a brutal game  well first of all he gave us like a fusion of   caro-kann and French which is just like really  bad this is not good for white and then brought   his queen out for no reason I mean if his whole  idea was to play CD for why didn't he just play   CD for here he brought his queen out then trade  in and help me develop and then we didn't let   him castle and then youngest queen so that  was a bit of a tragic game there to end on   but we get the win and I feel like today's  games were like easier than the others but   a lot of punishing in the opening is what we  did a lot of overzealous play by our opponents   but a lot of solid games also you know in middle  game development we we saw some opening punishing   but for the most part you know tactics are  still prevalent and you know in the games   that were harder fought those are the games  that you really should analyze the second   and third time simplifying when you're winning  taking chances when they're they're good clock   management as well and you know we'll pick  up we'll pick up from here in the next video
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 460,460
Rating: 4.9132118 out of 5
Id: 3XakzNhLw5E
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Length: 53min 18sec (3198 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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