GothamChess 1. e4 ONLY Rating Climb | Part 4 (1400+)

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I've watched a few of Levy's YouTube videos (Gotham Chess Guide, 10-Minute Chess Openings) and I don't get why he's so universally disliked on /r/chess. His explanations for different opening systems were quite simple and clear, and he didn't do anything outrageous or disrespectful that I remember.

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/porn_on_cfb__4 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Not stream sniping. This is the most usual beginner move. Forking two pieces is the first instinct for anyone on a lower level.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/JurijFedorov 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Seems like there's post-game discussion with the opponent that he wasn't stream sniping, just a coincidence he played a bad move. Levy seems to be agreeable.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Trashbagface 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

This post has been parodied on r/anarchychess.

Relevant r/anarchychess posts:

The moment when Levy baits a stream sniper into hanging mate by danplayschess

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/relevant_post_bot 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

He doesn't like the Petroff :(

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SixZerg 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen it is gotham guide  it is part number four and we are climbing   1400 plus today reminder of the format as always  three minute blitz five second bonus time against   twitch subscribers what's up twitch people we're  doing this live and um you can always check the   timestamps in the description and along the video  timeline for any opening that you would like to   see first things first across the ym get into live  chess we're ready to go e4 14 16 is my opponent's   rating e4 e5 what should i play i have played  everything i'm not sure i've played a rue lopez   this is good this is this is classical stuff  here berlin so he wants to take on e4 in a castle i'm gonna castle and see what he does he  takes now the main line of the berlin is to go   d4 your knight d6 take wow he knows berlin  theory wow okay well what we're learning here is that people actually study the berlin  i mean that's kind of disappointing   i'm kind of disappointed actually that there's  a 1400 out there that studies the berlin   so this is this is the berlin main line it's  one of the oldest end games in chess now   i do not recommend playing into this but i  have not yet had a ruy lopez in this climb   so can i try playing the sicilian o'kelly  variation great question from the live chat   actually a pretty terrible question um because  i'm playing only e4 and it's not up to me what   my opponents play and i don't play the o'kelly  black plays leo kelly that move loses on the spot because i just take and go here and  then i just trapped what was this game   how are you gonna play one of the most classical  openings wielded by brilliant middle and end game   practitioners world class caliber players  and the the one night move you have to make   to trade the queens you lose a knight i mean sir  what is this this is chapter one of whatever e5   course that you got berlin is right there i'm  very disappointed in frosty ym i'm very i'm not   gonna i'm very disappointed at this level you  need to if you're gonna be playing something   like the berlin you've gotta have a better  grasp on on the opening and you know this is   where i get all these like comments like you're a  thousand points higher stop being so disrespectful   i mean i understand but someone needs  to tell him all right i could take that   because any time you've got two  pieces opposite each other like this   that's a check and if he takes my knight there's  a nice little tactic here now that i'm up a piece   um okay that move is good move f4 defend get  my knight out only thing is i cannot play   rook here with a check because he covers it with  his bishop but my next move is going to be h3 and   then i will play rook knight etc so i'm up a piece  i'm looking to maximize my my piece play and at   the same time i'm very happy trading the rooks and  just entering an end game where i'm up material rook c1 rook d1 etc i don't have any tricks do i no  it doesn't look like it the g form bring the rook bishop is a little bit stuck in  fact did he just get his bishop kind of trapped   i mean he has to go bishop e6 oh man f5 i'm just  pushing that what take take i want to set a trap so i have this best move um oh no my my pawn so my idea was that if he took i had a  discovered attack and i was going here   now i will just do that voluntarily the  easiest way to win this is to drop that   rook on a very powerful square and take  everything or put the rook behind the pawn   it's best to always do it from behind  and rookie one e6 and march the pawn down push something like king here and now this is the  cage nicholas locking the rook away on e8   he brings his pawn forward i mean i can go  here but then he plays this just gonna bring   my king i'm actually just gonna literally bring  my king to f7 my king is just gonna go for a walk why can't you see the game on as it's  happening because you're probably following   gotham chess and if you see from the screen i  am playing on best buy test which is what bobby   fischer said about e4 i'm just going to march  my king to the f7 square to get to the rook he's   gonna march his king and try to promote but it  doesn't really matter because i get there first   um good move i shouldn't just  take i should move my rook oh following both accounts and you still don't  see it i don't know not trying hard enough i guess   all right um queen now he's gonna  go here easiest way again to win g5 d1 here here h4 king c2 h5 king b2 g6  he can take on a2 or take take king a2   g7 king b3 g8 queen so i am promoting first  before he's able to get to these two pawns   at the same time you can also bring your king  back this way i decided to calculate this out so something like h5 g6 and he i mean you can't  break through two on two you just you can't do it   it's not possible because i'll just take he's  got to get this pawn but my pawn is too fast   and i make it down now there's a  lot of ways to win this end game but   decided to do it like this uh daniel one okay  i can also just actually i'm just gonna take   because the thing is if he takes me yeah he  delays his own promotion um oh no my queen   just kidding it was pinned quicker to recapture on  e6 with the rook earlier yeah yeah i mean what he   should have done is to take on e7 he should have  taken my pawn but at this point it's already lost   right that's that that's really that that's really  the issue um i mean he lost the game on move   i mean the first move out of the berlin really  strange because even c4 here wins the i mean any   move don't put your knight on such an awkward  square right because you gotta look if a4   c4 right so that's not i mean this is just not  right the move is knight of five and then and   then the main line is to take i was gonna go here  i was actually not gonna trade the queen i was   gonna play rook d1 and bring out my pieces just  to see how good of a berlin player he is right   so anyway but i mean he blundered a  piece like what you know what what   am i supposed to do um all right daniel  here we go e4 first time we had a berlin carl khan okay i haven't played the advanced in  a while but by far the most challenging weapon   to the karakon is the advanced karakan now  there is bishop f5 and there is c5 and now   i'm going to play h4 something that's first of  all in my course but also just i mean it's just   a very aggressive move the idea of h4 is that  if he plays e6 you trap the bishop like this   so he plays h5 now you use against h5 the freed up  square of bishop g5 the whole point is that now he   cannot play the natural move e6 because then i  will take his queen so queen b6 here is the main   line because you get out of the pin you can play  e6 you also hit the b2 pawn very flexible move um if you don't play queen b6 you can also  play something like f6 but that's obviously   just relying on me taking and i'm  not an idiot at least not in chess   okay now bishop d3 this is the other idea  try to play bishop d3 get this bishop out   of there very aggressive piece would h6  be better the two main lines are h6 and h5   now f6 is a very good move because if i take  he just starts to get natural development um   and if i drop back he can like play e6 king f7 or  he can just hang mate because he's stream sniping   and that is why you should not listen to  the streamer when he is playing the games   and talking about them so f6 was obviously  not a good move um because of queen g6 mate uh yeah i i don't really have much more to  say um again so h4h5 bishop g5 all these   systems black has to go queen b6 uh because it's  a lot easier to develop your pieces naturally um   the thing is that against queen b6 i would have  played bishop d3 anyway and there's all sorts of   tricks for example if like takes takes queen b2  right i play e6 anyway so there's this very very   aggressive line um and you can you know you can  analyze this on a high depth an engine can defend   this perfectly with black but this is super super  dangerous highly recommend h4 and highly recommend   the advanced karakanas you can see you know lines  are very tricky and people can lose very fast oh you were not stream sniping you just played f6  on your own hand oh my goodness i'm so sorry   you played f6 then i'm very sorry i mean it  looks a lot funnier because you know right   before you blunt okay he was not stream  sniping after all just an unfortunate move   um yeah you can't play f6 i mean you've  got to move the queen out here okay   but yeah that was no it's okay it can go down  as a stream snipe it makes it a lot funnier but   uh you got to be very careful against h4 man very  very vicious system that's one of the reasons h6   is pretty good um bishop g5 yeah he just said  he never phased bishop g5 and he's 14 30. so   oh very very vicious system right  getsunox here we go what does he play   french maybe b6 is he inspired  by me d5 okay two nights french   all right two knights french d e4 not a  very accurate move best move is knight f6   now what is he gonna play does he play the  rubenstein french if he plays the rubenstein   then this is fine but otherwise okay already not  a great move queen f6 not really what you want d4   now take the center bishop d3 and uh you know  his queen's out but it's not dangerous for me all right now he's thinking most  people here develop a very natural   move bishop d6 obviously bishop  before not very good i just go here   and um yeah that's exactly what he does  now bishop d3 castles is natural here you know or just you know b6  bishop b7 or something like that this is better than the bishop d3 french um   bishop d3 is also very tricky oh he played  h6 i was hoping for a sniper and bishop g5   but uh he did see it now i can go h4 there's  there's still some tricks okay i'm gonna prepare   long castling that's what i'm gonna do um i can  also play bishop e3 in short castle and be uh   you know be in a nice position but um i'm gonna  prepare a long castle that's what i'm gonna do   b3 bishop b2 potentially lining up to the queen  at the same time just c4 bishop castle all good again his bishop is very passive so what i  think here's a hypothetical castles castles and   he develops with something like b6 bishop b7 um  well cash flow real with another 10 gifted thank   you very much very kind of you all right we're  both developing our bishops is he also trying   to castle queenside wait a second thank you very  much what's the name of the song i have no idea no idea what song is there a song playing thank you thank you all right  now queen e4 is the best move um with two threats queen e4 has two threats i  can also just castle queen side obviously but   um this is one of the reasons why  playing a sideline like a two nights   very good against french players um and  i you know i really really like it i will   show you also the main ideas of the two nights  french he didn't allow me to play into it but   right but see now i take and what's the result of  the opening i'm just up a pawn i mean i'm up upon   he's got weaknesses so the opening  stage of the game was a success for me   and that's all you can ask for with it  with a white repertoire that's really   just the whole point of this entire series  more than anything else um is you know that you get an opening advantage within the first  10 or 15 moves uh was it better to take on b7 no   because he's got bishop here and at the same  time he's always got this let's not forget   that he's also creating some threats  please here it's a good move tags this   um i can just move my bishop to defend  this if i move this he takes this   but then i get an open file so tough position  i mean bishop h5 is a natural move um tough move i also have knight h4 defending this  but that h4 feels bad man so let's go bishop h5 um okay so he's trying to go knight  f6 his position is actually not bad   i mean he's got very active piece play so good fight from him okay let's castle along let's castle long i anticipate that this will be taken in the future and so when it gets recaptured i'll  use the g-file i guess bishop h5 wasn't   it's not an accurate move and bishop  c6 was a good one probably i should   go here or even bring my king out  play the delayed bomb cloud right so he is thinking i mean his time management  is questionable as well let's not forget we   do a five second bonus but you can't have  40 seconds versus two and a half minutes   spending a little bit of too much time  in the beginning of the game and um so a5 uh i don't know what that move  does i'm not gonna lie i don't   know what that move does so let me  play bishop g4 which attacks this pawn ah e5 so this is a removing the guard tactic  if here here here here but if i take this first   i'm removing the defender of the e5 pawn  and then i take and i have two pawns up um and he's gonna move his bishop  and i probably have more tricks you were thinking bishop e6 and then  d5 that's also very interesting very   very interesting idea that idea  might actually even be better   but we're not gonna i never make mistakes so  we're not gonna talk about that now i have this right and that was the point okay can take another pawn bring in my  rook and i'm up uh i'm up three pawns   relaxed i can trade but i can also i mean why  not take a fourth pawn bringing my rook to one   of these two squares and then one thing  i should do with my king is make a little okay let me take trading is  good i'm up a lot of pawns it's something like g3 even and life is good take and i mean when you have so many extra pawns  you should just look to create past pawns all over   and he's going to have some serious difficulties  defending all the you know against all the past   pawns so b4 takes takes right rook d2 comes here  it's a good move uh but i think i am too fast now   between taking and pushing it's very tough to tell  which one is better i also can just play h4 i feel   like rather than losing my pawn trading for his  active pawn is better yeah i mean he's left with   one okay now he's left with no pawns gonna go  here between the two pawns i want to save these   and uh here you know don't get crazy tunnel  vision just bring up the pawns with the king   again he can't move anything here so this is uh  this is a relatively straightforward rook endgame king b3 uh b6 he'll go here oh that's very tricky no we're yeah we're playing  three minute and five second bonus so if   this then there's this so i'm just gonna  keep bringing my king again don't rush   don't rush take it easy  take it easy c4 bring it up bring it up bring it up c5 again i don't care if we trade i  no this is the whole point of the end game here c6 resigns nights french very op system now the  way normally two nights french goes is you   get knight f6 e5 knight d7 d4 c5 and take  you set up like this with the two bishops   and there's all sorts of greek gift ideas  on h7 shout out to my man eric rosen who   actually made a video i don't know if on  this particular variation but that is um kind of the the idea here but ultimately  he played a line where you take and bring   the queen out early and i didn't do anything  complicated luckily he didn't hang his queen   because of castles there's bishop  g5 uh and his queen is trapped right so life is good life is good all  right next opponent okams scalpel here we go   e4 our first 1500 oh wait was the other  guy 1500 no i think this is the first 1500 can i play the main line sure okay we haven't  had this in a while let me turn down the music   a little bit youtubers you don't hear the music  but those lucky enough to catch the show live   definitely feel it hear it so the last time that  i played um oh 97 oh so he's not going for pierce   um he's going for philidor okay i am going  to share with you one of my biggest weapons   h3 what the hell is h3 levi knight e2  and the idea here is to play g4 bishop g2   and f4 i love this system first of  all i recommend it in my paid content   not my only fans castles and f4 i  love this system oh my goodness this   this is a gorgeous system this four  this f four pawn center system with   bishop e3 uh it takes a brave person to play  with pawns like this in front of the king   but um it's totally worth it it's totally worth  it he's going for like a black lion setup kind   of which obviously is you know very good and  i'm meeting him head on so he's not able to   get his black lion set up in fact i think he just  blundered immediately um if takes takes takes no   it's just a free pawn is that too dangerous for  me do i not want to take that pawn i don't really   see a reason not to i mean you know if he if  he's able to prove me wrong god bless him um   he's not he just hung a piece yeah see this is  the when you try too hard to play the ideas of the   thing that you learn what happens is you blunder  because not every position is equipped to be   played the same exact way right that's sort of the  issue is that and i mean now i can i can shatter   but what i'm gonna do i'm not a reinhardt so i'm  not gonna shatter here i'm gonna play queen d2 and   bring my second rook right so i'm already you know  up up a piece i don't want to open the position a   little bit too much i'm going to play rook af1  uh i guess he's trying to castle queen side is there a way i can stop that can i just play  like d5 it's a little the reason this move is   not good is because there's stuff here but but  i'm just going to attack him and see what happens   because i feel as though he might be  a little bit you know rattled after such a such a glorious display  from his opponent such a   today has been weird i mean a lot of these  1400s have actually been making silly blunders   in the opening stage of the game just kind  of trying to play their setup rather than   you know looking to get an opening advantage or a  position where they feel really comfortable so he   takes i can take with the pawn i also can jump  in here with the knight but then he just takes   let's take with the queen and knight takes is good  as long as you're not you know blundering anything   on your king and i'm not because i can always play  something like king h1 he does have some tricks   like this with the pin worst comes to worst i also  just block the check or even bring the rook back   but i'm constantly scanning his counter play can  he hit my king um if he takes takes you know can   he and he does go for the for the hitting of  my king um i can just bring my rook back i can   offer a trade of queens i'm gonna offer a trade  of queens i think that move is more than okay not really concerned not really concerned here plays bishop d5 now of course i should  not take this right shouldn't do that   i should take his queen first because  otherwise i would lose my queen thanks all right double up the  rooks he does attack me here something like check bring this in also take on b7 attacking the rook drop this back but  then he's just oh no but then okay so i'm   checking the king removing the defender of  the f7 pawn i will take take life is good   and that's not made but after rook b2 h4 takes oh  that is made now uh nice nice nice nice okay so   lion defense try this h3g4 thing this is some  this is some vicious stuff here um this is   it's a very very aggressive system against the  lion player and if you're a lion player you   shouldn't be just playing moves like g5 you know  off the bat i mean my pawns on f4 so maybe take it   and then when i take on f4 again still g5 is  risky because now i just line this guy up and   i have the open f file but maybe if you fight  me there's a way to do it but h3g4 is a super   super tricky setup i like it a lot i like it a lot  and it's brought me a lot of very very nice wins so here it's modern same thing you can  play like this all right next person please be in live chess don't be  the guy that delays the show also   i realize i keep going back  to this board let's make it e4 here we go half the queue is done all right vienna my my favorite vienna  my favorite knight c3 against e5 oh and it is time we have not had this yet  throughout the raiding climb but the vienna   gambit is making an appearance and he plays  the main line he does not accept my gambit   take on e5 he's gonna take we're in chapter  one right now queen f3 not knight f3 not   d3 but queen to f3 hitting his knight plays  knight c6 that is the best move bishop b5 okay let's take on c3 with the d-pawn   this is the this is one of the main lines this  is one of the main lines qui plays queen h4   okay g3 and now queen e4 wow he's playing very  well but i can take i'm gonna go bishop e3 go bishop e3 so queen takes c2 is dangerous very dangerous for me i have to know what  i'm doing queen c2 is objectively speaking   the best move taking on f3 is what wimps do  ah okay takes on c2 all right interesting um knight e2 let me remember what is the line here   i think it's 92 and now he can take on b2  and hit everything better remember what to do   against queen b2 i don't recall exactly  what i'm supposed to play but it is a   very complicated position so this is one of  the benefits of remembering theory is that   um you know you can refute people if they  play into something that's just too dangerous   um so queen c2 is pretty dangerous for me but  if i know what i'm doing uh and if you play a   gambit style position where you sacrifice pieces  early you can get good attacking positions uh so   i play 92. he's going for a think so he obviously  was very well prepared uh he did know his stuff   this is all the main line and if black knows what  he's doing black should be okay but that's chess i   mean that's we're actually getting a theoretical  batter batter batter can't speak bishop d7 that's a move that's a chess move i suppose i'm  gonna castle now uh trying to short castle here and he long castles okay so what's next and take this i can take this sorry  i can take this um wow can take that knight d4 doesn't make any sense i'm gonna go here   here's my idea now knight to d4 and the  point is that i'd like to hit his bishop   and if i can chip away at the defense near  his queen side i'm going to be very happy so we take on c6 bring the knight to d4 hit  everything and potentially play queen takes   f7 in the future not super worried about queen b2  because again i'd be happy to open up the b file   for my rooks what elo should you start studying  theory i mean whenever you really want but i would   say about a thousand you'll start feeling the full  effects okay place queen g6 very solid move i can   take but then he takes like this so now i'm going  to go for my auxiliary plan which was taking on f7 shout out to bolivia by the way did not know  that that was the bolivian flag so we have a   one minute time advantage uh we have regained the  pawn that we sacrificed early and this is one of   the reasons i really like these vienna positions  uh you just put some serious pressure here   like once you know if you don't  get a quick win from the opening   um you still get a nice bind you have a past e  pawn you've got a solid lock on the center this   bishop is pretty terrible and if you're able to  get this rook in you know you really pressure   stuff along the seventh rank so i like it i like  it a lot i think it's a very active end game   very practical to play and very easy to play  people here with the black pieces will malfunction so if anybody's like 13 1400 you'll  probably feel the full effect here bishop c5 is a good move so i can take then i can  replace on the seventh rank i think that's   what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go here not really  worried about bishop takes d4 because then i   just replaced so he's only got 40 seconds here  i really shouldn't tank another thing here is   that that is not a fork because he takes  at its check and i lose uric f7 rook h3 um that is a blunder because  i can go knight takes oh no   oh no it's not i thought knight c6 here here hits  the rook but then he plays rook h8 wow rook h3 that is an interesting move potentially  i don't actually have any idea   uh maybe i play bishop g5 and if here i trap  the rook but then there's g5 then king g2 i can move pieces because my center is very solid that's what allows me to actually move out of the  way here is because my center is super solid i'm   not really worried about this and if he doubles  up looking for an h-file attack i'm gonna play   bishop h4 but he's playing interesting chess  okay i have to take because that was a check uh now my center's very good okay let's lock   in his bishop i mean it's rook that's  not what that piece is called king to g2 okay and we've won material  now we're in check we go to g3   let's bring the rook and try  to trade his rook off on f8   and that will allow me to get a very easy win  that was a nice idea rook h3 got a little bit   too close trapped it okay that's exactly what  we're going to do we're going to trade and i   think the e-pawn is just promoting here i think  the e-pawns just go in because we're protecting it make a bishop take everything and uh nice win it was  nice i mean that was actually an example   of how at the intermediate level which  is about 1500 as far as i'm concerned   uh you can you know use your opening  effectively like that was actually   a very good example let me give them a check  and now i just got to bring in my second rook   no stalemates uh check and mate no matter where  he moves his king so vienna main line with the   gambit um with f4 d5 you know you take and  you play this queen f3 now he's got knight c6   f5 and knight c3 in this position i was really  surprised he played knight c6 i think less than   10 percent of people at this level play this move  so maybe this guy prepared it just because he knew   i was gonna play it um and i had to know my stuff  i mean this is the thing it's all chapter one now   here another option is to take take and play this  end game where black has very damaged structure   but if black knows what he's doing here h5 is a  gangster move and it's uh kind of scary for white   but if black doesn't play h5 this structure  is really bad in the end game um but uh yeah   i played uh i didn't even let him do that i  played bishop e3 which is in the course it's a   very sneaky line and i mean if you ever get this  on the board you can consider giving it a shot so   okay we're halfway through more than halfway  through i think and um let's go let's go jake   kind of ping jake legend of the stream one of  the few members of the discord five thousand   members five and a half thousand members who  lives in the penthouse plays d6 d4 right i   have not done anything different g6 okay i had  a game where i played f3 uh now i'm going to   play and i had a game of h3g4 i'm gonna play the  other system i like a lot which is bishop to g5 and queen d2   and um long castle so bishop g5 queen d2 and long  castle and the idea here it's kind of a different   version of this but just trying to castle  opposite sides play something like bishop h6 h4 h5 um now let's see what he does  again people who play the wow well i probably should take that i mean taking  with the knight is dangerous because he goes here   but that is just the free pawn i think um i think  that's not going to that's not going to work   um now i can put the bishop here where it hits the  king i also like just putting the bishop back on   d3 because if ever in the future i open with the  e pawn but stuff to tell bishop d7 is a bit slow uh it's a little bit slow i'm gonna go for h4 so  again going for this opposite side you know attack   uh he plays h5 which i mean yeah if he doesn't  play h5 i think he's just gonna get run over   it's not a bad move though it does hit this it  does hit it can i just go h5 anyway i'm gonna be   principal i'm gonna finish my development defend  my center haven't moved that knight yet knight   e2 all my pieces out plays h5 uh now i'm going to  play i mean again the way you want to get here is   you can either trade his bishop or f3 g4 this is  very very principled and one of us is going to get   very much no no he needs to play knight a6 that's  what he has to play he has to play here and here   the way he's playing this is just too  slow the attack is going to come and   and once it comes he's not going to have  time for knight a6 any of that good stuff uh but he he might actually i mean if he doesn't  play it right yeah it's just too slow i mean i   can take i can also just if i take on f6 and  then take on h5 what if i just take on h5 he   takes with a knight ah taking with a knight he  can blockade me you know but if i take take gh5   it's just looking a little bit too dangerous for  him i can probably also take on c5 first but no   need to open the bishop but tough i mean let's  just focus on the king side attack we are trying   to shatter his king's defense here um if he plays  c takes d4 i've got to move my knight back to b1   so maybe i should whoa that loses check  yeah that's just that loses on the spot   no he he yeah and and this is why it's  so difficult i mean with black sometimes   in these positions yeah now i have this  and that is it e5 check and queen h6 mate that is a tough reality i mean he played   very an if an interesting idea b5 i mean at  this level of the game um that's not going to   be so bad for black you know i was saying  it's a free pawn um but if if jake if jake   was a little bit faster here like if he played  knight a6 i don't get this attack off so easily   you know he needs to look to create counter  play um that's really you know one second this is a kind of awkward but i just realized  my floor is still a little bit sticky   i spilled a drink on my floor earlier and my floor  is sticky and my like slipper is getting stuck to   it anyway uh back to the chest uh queen b6 and  rook b8 he's got to start creating counter play   right so um that would have been his best way to  try to create counter play on this side of the   board and since he didn't do that his attack never  really formulated and rook g1 and i mean e5 but forking the bishop and queen  if you took with the knight ah yes you mean early b5 yeah no of course but  no i mean the the the standard antidote is c6 b5   b4 but this is a all these weapons i've  been showing throughout the climb all these   long castle options aggressive options versus  the king's indian it's what you got to do i mean   that's just what i believe in that's that's what  i think all right seiha men are you in live chess   next game shout out to cambodia wow  what should you have done instead of   taking the opponent h5 damn i skipped the  game all right i'm gonna play a scotch um   i guess i'll finish that analysis real  quick so the best thing to to to to do here   would have been to probably take on d4 keeping  the tension somehow and you know i would have   played knight b1 and then again you need  to start creating counter play on the   queen side then the game goes on that's what  you should have done you actually leave this   here and create your own counter play but like  i said that's very tough to see oh the petrov okay let's take is he gonna play stafford gambit or is he playing mainline petrov or is he playing  this garbage which you guys tried to tell me like   in part one was theory and then my opponent  lost in five moves okay queen e7 is normal   i'm gonna play knight e4 i mean queen e7 is not  quite normal it's better to play d6 okay so now   he's got these tricks now you play queen eat  bishop e2 uh i'll show you guys how to beat this i   mean maybe the last part like part three i looked  at uh i looked at d4 on move three and you should   play that but you know for the sake of showing  everything i'm showing everything uh knight c3 tree for beard the poor guy who played the  petrov against me i'd like to play knight c3   or d3 um i already think this is very dangerous  for black because this queen's in the center   i'm gonna play knight c3 uh looking to  trade open up my bishop to g5 hit his queen   i need to take advantage of the  fact that he is not yet castled and he does exactly that now this move  normally you want to take toward the center   but you take this way to open the bishop  and the queen uh my opponent is actually   already on the verge of being lost uh it might not look like it but he's already on  the verge of being lost which is kind of crazy   um and now he officially i think  is lost after queen d5 queen e2 that's just lost again the queen stuck in the  center is not good it's not good uh   you you you got to be careful here and i mean this  is one of the problems of playing the petrov like   i recommend okay i mean he's just down  upon he just brought his bishop back and   you know he said i'm you know i'm i'm fine  i'm fine being down a pawn but like this is   this is chess i mean we're trying to beat each  other you know um you can't be fine being down   upon all right let's develop a bishop i don't  know which one of these squares is the best   i don't know let's play bishop e3 i i really have  no idea so i'm just gonna put my bishop out on e3   um we have played opposite side castling  so something that i have been touting   a lot is creating attacks on the castled  king on the other side of the board and   you can do that by playing certain pawn  storms bishop f5 i am the attacking side   well i want to be the attacking side  so i'm not going to trade the queen   like queen c4 just need to make sure  that my bishop is protected which it is this is this is what i'm gonna have to do what is this move what is this move what is this move so a five  shout out to hikaru shout out to hikaru thank   you so much for the raid thank you so much for  the raid guys welcome welcome welcome uh we are   currently doing an e4 climb i am playing  against subscribers with the white pieces   let's turn off followers mode big ups to hikaru  for doing all the coverage taking the raid   afterwards opus analysis was fun and enjoyable  uh i have a cue you can use the command q   uh to see who is who are playing playing  primarily subscribers and we are only playing this move and we're doing that we started  at 800 we're now 700 points into the future   and 700 points wait 800 650 points and life  is good right now we are playing sehamen   we just played knight e5 um i'm gonna take and you guys are going to  tell me what the best move is when he plays   queen e5 i'll wait what's the best move  here we're also recording for youtube so   on youtube is going to be quiet they don't have  a live chat please tell me the best move here don't worry i know the best move yes best buy test  yes bobby fischer if anybody gets the reference   some of you are saying bishop f4 some of you  are saying bishop d4 bishop f4 would work if   my opponent was a complete degenerate and played  the move queenies did not play the move queen e7   i should say uh and that would be mate the  problem is bishop f4 is met with queen e7   and he will defend mate but bishop d4 is sexy   that's the move right there bishop d4 is the  nice move which then wins along the diagonal can i be a sub-battle indeed unfortunately  when we're in this mode we i think tts has   been has been off we're gonna have it back in  like 30 minutes but thank you you can be a sub   battle and frankly anyone can be a sub battle  if they believe hard enough let's take like this and we hit the queen and we hit this  will my opponent find the best move will my opponent find the best  move my opponent did find the   best move but unfortunately  it was the best move for me he should have played queen here   one of these two moves i'm gonna play  rook c1 lining up this bad boy to c7 you were just watching the newest  youtube video and now you're here   they're probably watching on youtube  right now when they're there right now it's something like bishop takes something  like a6 if you obviously have this than this   i need to get this rook playing because  i'm not currently you know using it this is not a real threat because now there's a6 bishop h6 attacks my rook okay now we take again disregarding the threat on the  rug because for now we are sufficiently protecting   go let's not play that that's a terrible  move oh did i just get myself in a little   bit of trouble no i didn't because i  can move my bishop with discovery check   bishop a4 i don't really want him to escape so i rook here once the king gets stranded on the  side of the board we should be able to jump in   with the queen and deliver some goodies let's play  bishop c6 bring up this and this and this and this   you cannot parry all of those threats you have  to pick your poison that's actually probably   the best move and then i'm just gonna go  here and win the queen so i actually i   played the game down a rook but obviously  the presence and existence of the rook   uh queen a4 and queen a5 so he played  the petra of this game and the petrov is a good opening if you really just don't like  your life anymore if you don't like to go outside   if you don't like to take walks if you don't  like to read books if you don't like to listen   to good music if you don't like good food um you  should not play the petrov not a single person   unless you are the chinese national team  of chess unless your fabiano caruana   should be playing the petrov defense not a  single person and if you watching right now have   considered or do play it it is not too late to  switch it's like seeing the anti-gambling hotline   it's like going to alcoholics anonymous it is a  terrible habit and you should kick it immediately   on a serious note you know if you're playing  don't fall for the tricks play bishop e2 castle   develop your pieces like a normal person and i  mean they're gonna blunder they're gonna blunder   it's just not it's way too it's  way too you know like it's way too tame you know it's just way too tame it's way  too tame like there's so much more exciting   stuff out there that's just my opinion you  don't have to listen to me um but that's just   my opinion and i you know i just got a nice  position kept playing opposite side castling   attack fuzzy fez here we go we're starting  the 1600s ah my friends what should i play what should i play it's time we did  this once we're gonna do it again a3   gunner thank you for the five gifted subs a3  sicilian okay so he plays e5 against this what   i like to do is just completely forget about  this and i like to play bishop c4 and knight c3   what this does is it gives me control over the  d5 square it's difficult for him to move pieces   while a lot of people follow it after that i mean  you should follow we're chasing 73 000 on youtube   we're chasing 65 000 at the time of recording this  uh gonna be two platforms that hit 100k soon which   is pretty crazy which is pretty crazy and i'm just  i'm happy to be grinding so the other idea here is   d3f4 and you do this so that when you castle you  have an open f file that's really the point here   um you have an open file when you cancel hit the  bishop when he plays this to make him take maybe   he takes maybe he doesn't he doesn't because he  uh he gets it now the other idea here is queenie1   say levy what the hell's the point of  queen you want to say i have no idea i just   get paid money to stream chess and you know i  just figure it out no the idea of queenie one   is to unpin the knight and to potentially bring  the queen here create some complications on   this side of the board that's the point am i the  next john bartholomew don't insult me like that   there is no reason to compare different content  creators we all have different personalities   we all strive for different things in life i am  not the next anybody i am the next gotham chess knight h5 his other idea is  to play bishop h4 this guy this guy's a good player and  i don't really like that um man i don't like that i don't  like that he's playing good moves uh if i play here he goes here huh so maybe i play queen d2  this knight is very strong gotta think about this for a  second between here take take i don't like it i don't really like  it so queen d1 but i don't like it that's probably queen d1 why is my rating so  low i'm just a bad chess player uh and i'm just   trying to get better and that's really you know  that's really it i feel like we we shouldn't focus   so much on the the now in chess you know i feel  like we should focus on the future and the growth you know all right let's play knight e2 next  or knight here and pawn out i trade his knight or should i  play knight d5 let's trade his   i don't like his knight his knight's too strong f7 was hanging but i i i'm a little hesitant  i'm a little hesitant to take this pawn   i'm a little hesitant i feel like it   you know it's a little bit maybe it's fine  but i am kind of scared to take that one yes that is actually important thing to  announce oh wait wait before we announce i we'll be covering the next tournament september oh wow there's going to be this tournament coming  up in st louis coverage by your mans and i don't   know maybe anybody we invite to to hang out  with you mans i'm the i'm your mans by the way   youtube people if you're not on twitch yet i mean  i you know it's like getting invited to a party   that just never ends you know it's just it's a  party all the time and just when you get here   don't tell me what to do that's the only you know  because that happens okay let's bring the rook all right this guy's playing well i   i don't like it i really don't like it  i mean he he should consider making a mistake should consider making a mistake it would really help my cause um bishop d5 i might have a very  slight advantage but it is so slight it is so slight what do i do i know i know what i do maybe i don't know what i do i'm honestly just  pushing pawns right now that's all i'm doing he needs to play rook h6 like that's that's the  move that's gonna be scary for me because after   rook h6 he can play moves like g5 g4 and once he  plays rook h6 i'm just gonna have to play queen   e1 like there is no there is no backup after  that like rook h6 i have to trade the queen   now my man is playing rook ca like what is  this why is he playing all these good moves uh yes wagga can always always message me  i'm gonna i'll send them yeah on on the on   the on the platform where the birds make the  noise absolutely teach that man everything a6 i really need him to do something stupid i think he might he just might have but maybe not oh he how was the not made on g5 i  mean how was that not made on g5 how was that not made on g5 i don't understand he's really gonna survive this the alternative to playing and forcing the king  out is sometimes you switch your move order   and you play here first and then he can't get out i might go for that at the same time like  his kings on g5 at the end of that variation   how was that not winning for me  oh my goodness um that is crazy um um how am i not winning am i really not winning  do i have queen e7 at the end of that variation   queen e7 threatening queen g7 he plays g6 so i have check here check here here  hitting this does he really just go back   all right this is stupid this is  stupid i'm playing this move first   the good thing is that i have five seconds of  bonus time um yeah but wow and he hangs mate and not this he also hung his rook but   this is winning because here there is bishop g8  and the little technique called the boomerang   king h8 bishop f7 and queen g8 mate wow that was  a tough game i did not get a great position from   that opening um that was that was a good game  he played very well he played very solidly and i mean i i don't i don't know what to  say b was playing very very very well   uh a3 sicilian is good but  when they play super solidly   it can sometimes be difficult to get  an opening advantage so you know he yeah that that was that was tough i  mean a3 is good but not when they play   you know sublime chess and and and just you  know stuff your stuff your attempted victory   all right clown main you are the last opponent you  are going to be the last opponent for the q not   not not for the not for the qx no you are not last  uh for youtube your last because we just hit an   hour okay let's try this again let's see if we can  get a better position that guy played e5 hopefully   this guy didn't watch all right oh no one lets me  no take it it's free okay b5 283 sicilians to end   now f4 this is kind of we had a game like  this yesterday uh and knight g6 and h4 i mean so we do have two more people in the queue  but they won't know that you want to watch   the live streams follow on twitch link in the  description support me on both platforms uh   they're very different in nature but they're  the same at the core what i don't know bishop c4 i'm just hoping he doesn't see this  move just honestly i'm playing hope chess it's   not a good move but you know if he plays knight  b6 i might just consider giving him the bishop um okay it's this you know what i  have such a big lead in development   and i'm such a strong player  that i just believe in myself right that's i'm just so good at this game sorry sorry sorry know now this is a little bit too dangerous  for him and we are about to detonate a big tactic bomb are we ready i hope you're ready oh no bishop e7 was a very questionable decision   so we have this this this all this all opens  the position up but this is the sexiest move bishop takes f7 that's why you always have  to look for checks because when he takes   back i move this knight out of the way double  check and uh bad things are about to happen he didn't take um wow okay i mean how about bishop g6 circuit city would have played king of seven uh i mean i have a lot of winning options now but  this is actually a very successful a3 sicilian um   you play these really weird and you know wacky  positions and you know you win material and   hopefully you convert i mean you know i  can get you there but i can't get you there   there you know i'm like a mildly  inconsiderate male in bed um i just say that let's go h3  uh then let's play queen e6 a queen e6 um is you know you're not yeah so  he has this but it doesn't work um that's just   a mean move we just want to go for mate and he  has bishop d5 but that's just a hanging bishop yeah um still can't stop it yeah that's  a good move well i'm only moved not to   get mated still can't say oh now he can take  now i take and when he takes with the bishop   i take that two then i go here well yeah this i  can pre-move this and now we take everything check is he running to the corner ah  he's gonna give his rook a hug ah no this will this will result in pain check i can take the rook here and  then i can take the second rook   but i want to teach you all to be good  mannered players and in teaching you to be   good mannered players sometimes you need to find  the cleanest way to win the game of chess and you   can accomplish that in this position by playing  the move king h1 because what's going to happen   on king h1 is your opponent will understand that  you're trolling them and they will resign the game   because queen e7 queen c7 is made but once you  play king h1 oh i was gonna say you played king h1   and then they sort of get it you know they go  all right they're trolling me i just resigned   but yeah okay check and uh queen okay i need  to have a little bit of fun there at the end   hopefully this was enjoyable a lot of interesting  opening ideas we had some sicilians some karo   khans a lot of pierced defenses at this level uh  try to take something out of it and if you made   it this far in the video you're not yet subscribed  or you haven't liked the video give it a thumbs up   go ahead and do that there's more stuff over there  a bunch of different playlists on this channel for   tactics and other things like that yeah i have  nothing else to say see you in the next part
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 272,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, Pogchamps, magnus carlsen tour, gm hikaru, hikaru dubov, daniil dubov, Hikaru Nakamura, Hikaru coaches Pogchamps, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, Hikaru vs Dubov, Magnus Carlsen Tour Finals, Magnus Carlsen vs Ding Liren, ding liren, hikaru nakamura, youtube chess
Id: eZhCOQbJyTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 54sec (4314 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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