"Gone Out for a Pack of Cigarettes" and Never Came Back Stories

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people who have gone out for a pack of cigarettes and never went back to your family what happened after you left serious i wish i knew the whole story but my dad took off when i was 12. i found out years later he was still talking to my siblings he just didn't want to talk to me i'm so sorry that must have felt awful his loss though i hadn't started a family of my own yet but i was engaged to my ex who i just ended up ghosting after a few years it was several years ago and he had to move back to tokyo for his job we met in the us while he was an expat so he asked me to come live with him moved met the family all that stuff then one day i came down with the flu and was miserable and was so weak i couldn't even walk myself to the toilet he was trying to come on to me several times that day and i kept refusing because of obvious reasons then i was in the middle of sleeping and he started to take off my clothes and freak me while i was sleeping after already refusing it to him i woke up and was like wtf and made him stop then i pretended to be asleep till he left for work the next morning packed my crap and left dropped the key off at concierge and hurried out of that building in a huge panic never spoke to him again cut off all contact immediately i booked hotels for a couple of weeks and met my now husband that's not ghosting that's escaping frick that guy congrats on getting out i moved out when i was 15 i was living with my mom sister and older brother it was my older brother's house his house was unlivable the water was orange there were fleas and ticks everywhere and because of his eleven cats cats that kept reproducing because they were never spayed muted there were piles of cat poop against the walls on top of that my mom was a textbook narcissist always going out and partying passing out drunk smoking pot and snorting coke the works she went to myrtle beach for a week i mentioned it to my best friend who invited me to stay at her place until my mom came back halfway through the week her mom invited me to live with them i said yes and stayed there until i left for the navy two and a half years later i still talk to my parents sometimes but it's in a strange relationship at best i'm almost 23 and happily married which i didn't even tell my family about until a year after so i suppose it all worked out in the end mine was i'm going to the gas station i'm in an interfaith and interracial relationship and my family never ever accepted it it escalated to physical violence and i needed to make an exit i let my mom know i wanted to marry him she told me i could stay and be less than the dirt under her shoe or i could go i left it's been three years i went back once to get my clothes but haven't been back it's been super trying they still have some contact with me they'd refuse to accept my one and only boundary show me that you can even freaking acknowledge my fiance and then we can start rebuilding ultimately i had to walk away from a place where i was being punished for not doing my duty as a daughter which is putting my happen a second to the respect of the family name this was the first time in my life i ever truly wanted something just for me and they couldn't handle it so now they're stuck in a place where i'm the bad guy and i'll always be the bad guy because to them i should be falling over myself to get my moms to forgive me and i just don't it's really opened my eyes to how toxic my family actually is and how conservatively i was being raised my biggest sadness is that my brothers who i love d very dearly cannot fathom going against my mom but i'm a better and healthier person now and i would never go back even if you told me i would love a normal life with all of my family talking to me tto clarify some things 1. i meant mom not moms my bad 2. i am arab and muslim and my fiancee is catholic and polish american i did not initially say what our faiths or ethnicities were because i didn't think it mattered a ton and i didn't want the comments to skew into a muslim hate fest if i'm homes especially because i do still practice my religion just perhaps not to the level my family would want me to i know from looking online for guidance that lots of families won't accept their child so for what are frankly dumb reasons gender race ethnicity socioeconomic status whatever all of these reasons are bulls except that your kid will make decisions for themselves and remember that ultimately they don't live for you three fiances somewhere down below also responding in case you want his perspective on the whole thing for fiance and i met like anyone else he was actually the brother of my college friend we chatted online for a while and we made it official i think the only real difference is that i had to make a really big decision early in our relationship i understood the potential consequences but it was all worth it it was by no means easy though what you're reading about now is three years worth of dedication and trust in each other you made the right decision props i only know one story about this kind of thing and it was my dad's best childhood friend he was a i don't know if you still call it that after that long recovering drug addict he was addicted to cocaine when he was in his teens to early 20s 30-ish years ago and back then lost a lot of money due to gambling and h he got into a relationship with a woman back then who was supporting his bad habits and exploiting him for money but he turned his live back around left her gave up his addiction moved away for some time found a wife got a family but the drugs and debt left a scar and he became depressed which i didn't knew after he died as long as i've known him he was always a happy person he and my dad have known each other since what americans would call high school my dad supported him in his worst times and vice versa apparently he seeked counseling the last year and got better for a time but went into a strong depression a few weeks before the incident my dad told me that the drugs left a big dent in him and he heard voice telling him to do bad stuff for quite some time but he told his wife it had stopped and even stopped going to counseling after getting better for like five days his last day he was at my dad's house before he told his wife and daughter that he'd visit my dad wasn't an unregular action they'd hang out quite often and though he was as happy as always they even made plans for the next day to go to a sauna when he left but on his way home he just parked his car next to the road and jumped over bridge onto a street below they said it was probably planed beforehand and he just came over to say goodbye i've only seen my father cry twice but this one was the worst he became completely unfunctional for a week didn't go to work and stayed at home his death affected my dad more than anything i've ever seen i know this sounds cliche but if you have any form of depression seek help and don't let go of it they tell you what drugs can do to you physically but not what they might do to you mentally almost 20 years after you stopped with them i have no idea what depression feels like and i can't imagine what it must be like when your own brain tries to kill you hallucinating stuff and i'm glad for it every day but i know if someone came to me asking for help i'd do anything in my power to help them because no one should have to go through that kind of stuff again i don't really know anything about what depression feels like but i know what it can do to everyone involved so getting any hope is better than letting it taking over but saying that is probably harder than doing that tldr my dad's best friend goes out to meet at my dad's place but kills himself on the way back i did this my parents are a great buttholes and at the age of 16 i overheard my mother telling my sister i was being kicked out soon so i took matters into my own hands packed my crap and left at 2 am they didn't notice for a couple of days i put an ad in the local paper for free stuff which was every bit of furniture i left there they rang my other sister who i moved in with and was so mad not that i had left more that i had given all their stuff away fast forward 20 years and i still don't have a relationship with my parents they call my once or twice a year to ask for money which the answer is always a firm frick no i heard around town that they were upset i just vanished in the middle of the night they had to keep up their public image when i was 16 my relationship with my mother hit rock bottom we had never gotten along really at all and my pending possession of marijuana charge definitely didn't help it illegal southern state christian family at this time we were living with a different family due to some financial problems we were having who also saw me and what i do as pure sin one night i overheard the upstairs family talking to my parents yes that's what we call them we lived in their basement ffs and they were giving my parents heck about me calling me a drug dealer saying how unwelcome i am in their home and at one point i even heard the wife call me a crackhead i decided that this was going to be the first time i ever actually acted on my own whim but i packed up my things while i pretended to be asleep and i left the next day when everyone went to work i moved in with my grandparents and i've never gone back my mother and i still talk my stepfather wants nothing to do with me and i don't intend on speaking to the upstairs family again my mother went to get a pack and dinner she got pulled over from what i understand she kept moving her purse around and the cop searched it she had coke and weak in it i knew she smoked weed but no clue she did coke ended up moving in with my father divorced an ugly one while i was initially upset i realized it was probably the best thing to happen to me moving and when my father allowed me to do so many different things and i'm almost positive that if i didn't i wouldn't have gone to college and started out a great career in i.t i really haven't talked to her since then i had to he was abusive and would play mind games i planned it out for weeks and sees the little chances i got i slowly started moving my things out one time he noticed it looking kind of bare and i played it off like my stuff was too cluttered and i wanted a more open space he went on a work trip for two days and i vanished needles to say he was not pleased when he realized i was gone i was hiding out with my dad and he would show up and call all hours of the day and night my parents more or less told him to go to heck i did and most days i don't regret it my parents divorced when i was young and i never really had any contact with my father my mother was emotionally abusive growing up and never failed to say i was overweight or a failure my stepfather was always super strict and we simply never got along the summer after i graduated from high school my stepfather lost his job this caused my mother to go into a downward spiral causing her to starve herself and constantly scream at the people around here my stepdad always came up with reasons to not be home and they almost divorced over it my mother took eight hundred dollars from my own paychecks to help pay the bills without my permission after she did that i finally had enough the day i got a new job where i knew i could afford to live on my own i got the heck out within a couple days i moved all of my own stuff out their house and never looked back it had probably drove my mother off the edge but i don't regret doing it at all fast forward to know they ended up moving to a new state and i don't talk to any of them the whole situation has caused my brothers and sister to not want to talk to me but i understand i still struggle terribly having anxiety attacks and spouts of depression often it's hard not having any family to talk to when things get rough but i would never have it any other way i am sorry hope you're doing good my mom left when i was 10 in hindsight i think my dad saw it coming because we took a spur of the moment trip to my aunt's house nine hours away my mom wanted to take my little sister with her so that was the best way to keep that from happening my half brother on my mom's side stayed home so he could work he called my dad saying that he saw mom just drive by and not come home needless to say we headed home that night to her having taken everything she could fit in the car and headed to georgia the entire country away from us we received birthday cards for the first year and then she fell off the face of the earth when i was 16 we got a call from one of my other sisters telling me she had died at age 45 of natural causes us her actual children weren't even listed as next of kin to be notified her sister-in-law still tries to extort money from us after seven years that sue no that's not good enough i can't express how sucky that is not my story but a few years ago my ex-friend messaged me in hysterics apparently they took her oldest out for dinner for his 18th birthday the night before and she said everything was great the day she called me he turned 18 they her and her husband his stepdad woke up to find the sun was gone he had packed up all of his stuff in the middle of the night and just left no note no call nothing he moved in with his dad i guess and hasn't spoken to them since it's been three years come to find out she and her husband are terribly abusive to their kids they don't know this but her second oldest son turns 18 this year and he too plans on moving out that day and never speaking to them again seriously they are terrible parents the oldest kid is doing amazing now i didn't actually do it but my ex-boyfriend did we had been dating for three years by the time i got pregnant we broke up early into my pregnancy but we remained civil with each other we were young i lived with my parents and he lived with his dad and three brothers never seen his mother he told me she left him and his brothers behind when he was about five and moved to another state one day he came to me and told me he had been talking to his mom he was happy about it and i was happy for him time went on and eventually he told me that his mother paid for a round-trip ticket for him and his brothers to go and visit her long story short he left and never came back our son is three years old and he has never met him never spoken to him and never told his family about him either he used to ask me about him here and there but that eventually stopped too his entire plan was to leave me pregnant and alone without telling his family about this he sort of brushed my child under the rug he has had another baby since and is completely involved in her life i was a freshman in high school about 14 15 years old i was living with my dad and now ex stepmom in less than ideal conditions mostly emotional abuse and neglect after talking to my friends and a trusted teacher about what i should do i decided to see if i could move back in with my mom i didn't tell my dad or ex stepmom i just stayed home from school that day and called my mom to come get me i didn't have too much time to prep because my dad would have caught on so i had 30 minutes to throw the things i wanted to keep in a garbage bag grab my cat and leave the worst part of the storm came when i decided that going back for a weekend visit was the right thing to do my father sat me down screamed in my face for three hours and told me how i would never really be his daughter again he wouldn't even let me get tissues to blow my nose i had to sit there with thick ropes of snot running down my face while he etched the words you're my daughter but into my heart his whole thing was he was disappointed that i didn't tell him i was moving the man partially responsible for the abuse and neglect the kicker to the whole thing is that he left our family my mom myself my little sister without telling anyone when i was seven i really wanted to throw that in his face i learned it from you i don't think he'd find it as funny as i do i don't know if this counts but when i was 17 i was on probation and i had a curfew for it well i had met this girl and we hooked up i fell asleep and i woke up and i had a text from my mom saying that because i didn't come home that night she called my probation officer and told her that i missed my curfew so my po put out a detention order for me and that the police were looking for me and to come home well i wasn't going for that crap so i told the girl i hooked up with what was up and we talked to her parents what was up they let me stay with them and her dad gave me a job at his company so i could save up enough to go where i was gonna go so about a month into this me and her dad were talking and he told me he liked how i worked and that if i wanted to i could turn myself in and he would help me fight my case and go to bat for me and in return i could work for him and i could continue staying with him because my home life wasn't that great so naturally i thought that was a better deal than being on the run and being caught later down the line it's better to go in on your own terms so that's what i did we talked to my po and she agreed not to send me to detention while i'm fighting my case and i just stayed with them not married or with kids but siblings and parents thus everyone else in the family but i parked my car two blocks over told my neighbors i had someone stalking me that would tell them they were my family and spent about an emergency month finding a new city to live in then doing the move from my stuff to the u-haul at 2 am i regret the 2am move i'm sure it wasn't quiet i liked and tried to respect my neighbors even now and lying to them was fricked up but it was more acceptable than asking them to lie for me to the face of my ex family that were trying to track me down they'd know if my neighbors were lying that something was up to keep nosing about i seriously don't know what happened next i never want to inquire to find out they have money to hire a private investigator they would i don't want to make it easier for them by showing back up in the same old places i was before to see what happened in the aftermath with them first thing i did landing here was introduce myself to the neighbors get on a first name basis like i always did before this ever had to happen good to be respected in the neighborhood even better to have people who'll tell you if someone is nosing about i'm probably out of the will and out of almost a million dollars of inheritance bit frick that happiness security and lack of paranoia is worth it i didn't leave a spouse and kids but i enlisted in the navy without telling any of my family only confided in a few friends that i was joining the service and skipping town i had graduated high school was depressed working crap dead end jobs and wasn't making enough to move out on my own i told my parents i had enlisted the day the recruiter came to take me to meps and i've only been back to texas twice in the last 10 years the latter time to introduce them to my wife my parents are essentially absent from my life of their own choosing i found that if i didn't call i didn't hear from them so i stopped calling they've met my oldest daughter twice in her six years and have only met my younger once they don't try i haven't got time for people whom i only find out another relative has passed away via text message i haven't got time for people who didn't recognize issues in my childhood that i am dealing with as an adult i just haven't got time for them i have my own family and as far as i care my wife and kids are my only family if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 18,585
Rating: 4.8157897 out of 5
Keywords: gone out for a pack of cigarettes, running away, abandoning family, abandoning, abandon, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: EGQHpxpwuFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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