Medical Examiners, What Is the Weirdest Cause of Death You've Seen?

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nsw mog workers pathologists medical examiners etc what is the weirdest cause of death you have been able to diagnose how did you diagnose it worked at a funeral home for a few years first ever house call i took was to pick up a guy who died at home heard from his son that he hadn't been to the doctors in 20 years we take him to the medical examiner and discover he had a hernia on his scrotum causing it to be the size of a football not sure how he lived with that thing but he was wearing jeans and a jock strap to keep that thing in his toenails looked like dragon toenails as he obviously couldn't bend over to clip them you know it's fricked up when the medical examiner calls another medical examiner on duty to say hey dude come check this out the short of it man died from endometrial cancer man had a transplant prior woman who gave transplant had metastatic cancer that had spread to said organ unknowingly man survived transplant but cancer cells from the transplanted organ populated and he ending up dying from her cancer that is incredibly crappy luck my dad told us that they once had a guy bleeding out on the table from a stab wound they stopped the bleeding but his vitals were still taking a dive someone points out there's too much blood they turned him it's coming out of his butt someone had stuck a light bulb up this guy's butt broken it and stabbed him when he tried to escape and he still escaped they stabilized him but he died of septic shock this was told to us over dinner mind you i'm an apprentice funeral director but we had an autopsy tech coming to my school wants to do an autopsy demonstration he was asked this very question and this was his answer male mid 50s presented with jaundice and other signs of alcoholism but supposedly no history of drinking during preliminary observation texts noted a red liquid coming from the anal area assuming blood it was tested came back as red wine and blood turns out the deceased was a closet alcoholic who would give himself animals with whatever alcohol he had in this case red wine the doctors concluded he pierced part of his colon rectum with whatever he enamored himself with and led to a bleed coma assuming blood it was tested came back as red wine and blood um yes an oaky start with hints of plum and lower intestine complex hemoglobin finish that lingers on the palate edit thank you for the gold i will spend it on fava beans working the ambulance for a barricaded mail after an hour of standby trying not to fall asleep a cop bangs on our window frantically to call us into the house guy put a shotgun in his mouth but must have flinched last minute and blew his face off he was left with just a scream hole that was fluttering flaps of torn flesh not unlike a predator mouth for a face only time i ever saw a nurse shriek at the sight of it well scream hole is the most terrifying phrase i've read all month i'm a nurse and this 80 year old man had anal fissures and was admitted to the aiku because he shoved an entire frozen d cell sized mag light up his butt and perforated his bowel he went to surgery to have it removed and later died from septic shock the maglite however survived those maglites are awesome edit not for anal usage mind you but their durability did an internship at the office of the chief medical examiner guy committed suicide in a river by wearing a backpack of rocks was found soon and didn't have much bloating etc due to the submersion upon examination he had a lung infection where his right lung had disintegrated into green liquid we removed 1.5 liters of green fluid from his chest cavity his left lung was fine it was determined after looking at his medical records that he had been to the doctor's office five times before he committed suicide and that this infection had been going on for almost a year until it got this bad numerous doctors had overlooked it accounts from those who knew him suspected that he killed himself to stop the pain i'm a nurse and i spent the first portion of my career working in an inpatient psychiatric facility one of my first patients was a woman diagnosed with pica and who also engaged in auto cannibalism to an extreme that none of the professionals at the facility had ever seen before when i met her she had already eaten four of her fingers off and three toes she had also bitten off and eaten most of her tongue and the outer part of her lips she needed to be almost constantly restrained due to having such a high risk of self-harm anyway one day a family member came and said they wanted to take her home after visiting while she was out of restraints yet being highly monitored against all medical advice the patient was taken out of the facility and home with her family she died due to blood loss a few weeks later after spending her weeks out of the facility picking a massive hole in her leg another is a story a colleague told me a man came into the air with a huge eggplant inserted and stuck in his rectum funny part was that he said his friend surprised him and shoved it in there as a prank he ended up needing major surgery and received a colostomy died of infection a few weeks later quite a few awful stories relating to things being shoved up where they shouldn't actually don't stick huge things up your butt people there is no way an eggplant up the butt feels better than eggplant palm tastes seriously man just make eggplant palm then have some sex later best of both worlds with no awkward trip to the air worked in the county coroner's office for a while we got a call and i got to tag along the call was for a body in a barn face down in a 55-gallon drum when we got to the scene we pulled him out and he was bloated and covered in crap and smelled worse than any other corpse eye of the veteran coroner had ever smelled this was the middle of august so decomp had moved along pretty quickly the cops had found a camcorder on a tripod nearby and thought this may be some kind of gang killing we watch the tape and it turns out the victim had a scat fetish and had been crapping and pee in the drum for quite some time he would open the lid lean over the edge and jack off cause of death was heart attack drowning was jerking it went into cardiac arrest fell into the drum and drowned in a vat of liquor [ __ ] former biological anthropologist as an undergrad i worked for a forensic anthropologist this is the weirdest case she had that i got to see for myself it was from the 1920s my boss had inherited a coroner's collection of odd interesting bones he collected during his tenure in a major city back then coroners could just take whatever they wanted from bodies without telling the families if the individual was poor indigent and immigrant the minority they really helped themselves sometimes taking the whole body this coroner took a lot of stuff even re-articulating some of the pieces reconstructing how they looked when they were attached to the rest of the person so anyway she has this collection she inherited and several of the pieces are designated when she calls death by testosterone poisoning they did not literally die of testosterone poisoning but they all died because of risky stupid ridiculous actions think jackass only with no monetary payout the weirdest one was from early last century a white man in his 40s who died from sepsis from multiple arm fractures that he got in an arm wrestling contest why multiple fractures because even after cracking his humorous upper arm bone a bit he couldn't bear losing so he just wrapped it up with some kind of splint had some guy hold the fracture just a crack at that point and went for best two out of three whereupon he snapped the humerus all the way through and broke his radius and ulna when he slammed his arm down on the edge of the table in anger the preserved bones came with the whole story recounted in the coroner's notes one of the lower arm bones radius or ulna i can't remember which protruded through the skin and being too cheap too stupid to see a doctor the wound became gangrenous and the infection entered his bloodstream he died of septicemia a few weeks later looking at the bone i could see all of the fractures as well as where the infection had her attack the periosteum and the bone itself with no sign of healing tl dr stupid pointless arm wrestling contest result in multiple arm fractures gangrene and death from septicemia labeled jokingly as death by testosterone poisoning by the owner of the anatomical collection the bones are a part of slightly off-topic but related story someone i know had their arm broken while arm wrestling a couple of weeks later having had it put in a cast she broke her other arm arm wrestling the same guy she's still alive and amazingly still wants to marry the guy man fell into a septic tank and died because of suffocation rather than drowning found after three days that was one autopsy my staff let me skip as i started to wretch the moment i opened the door to the autopsy suite despite wearing an airtight mask septic tanks and ships holds are incredibly dangerous places you get a lack of oxygen or a buildup of toxic asphyxiating gases which can render you unconscious in seconds then your work buddy who's watching climbs into help and passes out as well a ship with a hold full of steel scrap can be lethal because the slowly rusting steel pulls all the oxygen out of the air was a police officer and helped with a case where there was a guy in his 50s who died laying on his couch he had told friends he wasn't feeling well for a couple days and figured it was some cardiac related event nope ready for an irrational fear guy had undiagnosed hemochromatosis high iron that destroyed his liver his ongoing cirrhosis and the liver's inability to process blood as fast as it was being pumped caused verico's veins in the lining of his esophagus this was a decades-long process one day one or more of the esophageal viruses ruptures and the guy slowly bleeds to death through his digestive system while thinking he had a stomach bug or something only to die taking a nap get regular physicals folks i'm a criminal defense attorney had a client charged with murder for essentially getting into a shoving match with a guy no external bruising or scratching no evidence of trauma anywhere they opened his head and found a subarachnoid himalayage turned out he had a ton of booze and blow in the tox report the coke had constricted the blood vessels and driven the blood pressure up and the boos had thinned the blood out when he bumped his head slumping back that was all it took and he blew out and was dead in less than a minute really sad case i'm a criminal defense attorney username public pretender ha nice well not a dead body but i was a security guard at a hospital in alaska one of my duties was to bring deceased folk to the morgue so i had a key to it get the radio call that some patience wife wants her husband's wedding ring back i assumed it would be on a deceased person i go to the morgue to look for it i look all over no gold ring i even open the coolers no bodies i then look in the fridge body parts and a little cooler i look inside that it looks like very old banana peels i glove up and pull some out turns out this guy had gotten his hand shredded in machinery i had to get the mangled ring off his mangled hand and clean it off and go give it to him that's above and beyond the call of duty as a security guard my dad used to be a cop and had a few horror stories from weird deaths he had to attend one that i remember clearly was a suicide the guy had been fighting with his girlfriend and they had broken up but three days later she had calmed down and went to his place to try and work things out she found him dead in his car in the garage where he had gassed himself by this time he had been in the car for three days in the heat of summer and the body had bloated to the point that it basically filled the driver's seat of the car the other side of the car was hard up against the wall so to get the car out of the garage and give them room to work one of the other police officers had to force his arm and upper body past the body to release the handbrake after they rolled the car out underneath where the car had been was a huge puddle of bodily fluids that had seeped out over the three days apparently all the officers had to burn those uniforms afterwards friend is an autopsy tech apparently it's not uncommon for cats or small dogs to eat the hands and face off a dead or incapacitated owner his worst was an elderly woman who was paralyzed but not killed by a stroke and her little dog ate all her exposed skin before she was found he did her autopsy after she died several hours after being admitted to the hospital he did her autopsy after she died well that's good i guess went to her hanging in some woods young guy who was having family troubles he'd jumped from a fairly high tree with a rope around his neck i'm guessing he did this to try and break his neck to make it quicker unfortunately he failed this aspect because as he jumped he scraped down a torn tree branch which had gone up his nostril and had come back out through his left eye socket poor guy hung there suffocating with the noose with the pain of a tree branch penetrating his face and eyeball as he did so still makes me cringe i've seen quite a bit working at the ocme has been a summer job that morphed into a side job while i'm in school the top three most unusual calls i've been on one a man went to hang himself and when he jumped off of his apartment balcony he left so much slack that it took his head off his head was on one lady's balcony and his body was on the ground when we were there we couldn't find the head so we had to knock on a couple doors where the rope was hanging to in order to find it two a man died of a heart attack while masturbating the responding officers left the p playing on the television just to make it awkward when i arrived it was a cassette three a man was sitting on the railroad tracks at a railroad crossing to commit suicide by train where is very messy and annoying to have to pick up mind you but a drunk driver was trying to catch air over the tracks and killed the guy but threw his body off of the tracks before the train came a couple of minutes later a bonus in my inbox blew up man shot himself in the head with a shotgun in his bedroom and left the ceiling fan you know the saying crap hit the fan imagine his brain mata hitting his fan he basically repainted his walls with an interesting splatter pattern of brain matter and blood and pieces of his face i tried to clean up as much as i could for the wife although i'm not required to do any cleaning of the scene i'm actually asked not to sometimes i just feel bad for people anyways don't shoot yourself in the head until you turn off your fan please i'm on mobile so if there's a spelling mistake i apologize i'm a zilch i'm not either but i was talking recently with a friend who was an undertaker at a funeral home for about a decade sometime in the late 70s early 80s this was when they were in charge of collecting bodies directly from the scene someone driving on a country road in oklahoma noticed a car out in the field and a young girl 16 stroke 17 crying and screaming hysterically anyways the car was a t-top fire bad or something similar there was a headless body in the driver's seat a head in the back seat along with another boy who had been split in half at the abdomen this girl was hysterical so they couldn't figure out what the heck had taken place here it turns out the driver had been sticking his head up out the top of the car while driving and the other boy almost sitting up out of the open t-top they lost control and went off the road through a barbed wire fence one or two of the wires went up over the top of the car and cleanly severed the driver's head and the boy passenger in half he said it took them the better part of an hour to determine what had happened then he collected up the pieces and went on with his day geez i feel sorry for that poor girl i don't think i would ever get over witnessing something like that work in a nursing home rehab guy essentially died from pooping he pushed too hard blood pressure dropped and that was it for him new irrational fare back in med school during internship at the coroner's i saw a case when a man in his late 50s was found dead at home although under quite peculiar circumstances his body was found standing yes standing in the bedroom with one leg raised and resting on the bed basically as if he wanted to climb on the bed but suddenly died further examination led to a severe heart attack as the most likely cause of death however no evidence of someone moving the body post mortem could be found the conclusion was that either someone would have to have found him quite early and basically hold the corpse for hours until it became stiff enough to stand on its own all that his death was so sudden that it happened just in the right moment so that his body would be perfectly balanced and not fall over my friend is a cop he was asked to do a wellness check on a middle-aged man the man was seriously obese and had a history of diabetes my friend knocks on the front door nobody he enters the home and the dude was on the floor seemingly dead apparently when you lay near dead for three days blood pools in the lower extremities and they turn dark blue it's even worse than diabetics he saw the dude's legs because the dude was butt naked covered in his own crap there was a trail of crap to the bathroom my friend said the smell made him almost walk out of the house then he was on the job for about two months at this time and then he realized oh crap this is my life now he called paramedics but the guy died at the hospital they determined that the guy had a stroke on the toilet and tried to get to the front door to alert somebody he was in trouble and collapsed on the way there leaving a trail of crap across the house that sat there for three days until he was found when i was in high school i worked part-time at a funeral home the county this was in didn't have a morgue yet so the funeral homes rotating monthly to handle the deaths that would normally go to a morgue we called it county month the weirdest thing i saw was somebody who had committed suicide by drinking some kind of poison that turned their entire body a bright blue looked like the forelore of the blue man group albeit less lightly i worked briefly as a morgue assistant a few years back the job mainly consisted of moving corpses and holding organs while the pathologist did his thing by far the most wtf worthy death i saw was a guy who had been working in a factory getting himself off by rubbing his dong on the underside of the high-speed conveyor belt he was meant to be operating he got caught and it tore off most of his crotch ruled as death by misadventure he had bled out torn femoral artery before the paramedics even made it to the scene coma death by misadventure makes him sound like a pirate or something a welder dropped dead working on a ship it was determined that working down in the p-filled bilge the metal he was welding onto the ship made molten droplets that fell into the liquid around his feet caused a high enough ammonia concentration to kill him this was determined by a lab partner of mine who collected her urine for samples several days running and dropped an inch of red hot bunsen burner heated rebar into those urine samples in erlenmeyer flasks measuring nh3 via ph meter in the atmosphere above the p the welder died from urine when they work in places like that they are supposed to wear respirators my mom was a remy for years and she has a handful of interesting stories as a kid i grew up on pictures of dead people and she sometimes would ask me to go over her reports to verify that her point was getting across because if a 14 year old can understand it so can a 40 year old right anyway i remember two specific instances that brought horror to my young brain and sheer joy to hers a dude committed suicide via suffocating choking himself on his wife's panties a motorcyclist accidentally ramped himself into some woods his head was twisted around all demon like what my mom was so excited to show me was his legs because it was a one in a million case the dude had gone spread eagle and perfectly struck two trees on each side of him basically snapping off his legs my mom was so excited isn't that cool she exclaimed i remember vividly i want to date your mother her interests align with mine i'm not a medical professional or a mortician but i think this story is relevant to the question so i'll share it anyway a few weeks ago i was driving a guy to a hospital three hours away he was a truly amazing man and regaled me with a myriad of fascinating tales of his youth and previous jobs he got onto explaining his family and how he had two nephews but now only had one i asked him what happened apparently his eldest nephew around 28 was riding his motorbike on a weekend out in the countryside here in the uk they found him later that day dead on the side of the road on a corner motorbike next to him with no obvious signs of impact or anything that could possibly have led to his death it took a long time for them to work out what had happened eventually they found a small bruise about half an inch in width on his temple after some investigation they discovered that the corner of road had just been resurfaced and had some loose stones on top they concluded that as he rounded the corner about at about 30 miles per hour the bike had slid from underneath him as he rolled to the side of the road the footrest of the bike had entered the corner of the helmet through the hole where the visor was open and hit him in the temple killing him instantly nothing reckless no one else involved just bad luck sometimes that's all you need and this is one of the reasons why surface dressing is a terrible method of resurfacing roads a cheap fix that will need to be resurfaced again the following spring when it is full of holes again the technician here where i worked we got a lot of bad cases because we worked with the sheriffs and counties so we got all hoarders neglect etc we had a chicken with maggots crawling all over its back and literally it was just constant movement to be euthanized while someone was holding her on the treatment table waiting for a doctor to become available for euthanasia her entire back end exploded clear fluid and maggots about eight feet sprayed out her bladder and a giant cyst sac fell out of her and she passed i never thought i would see the day where i was able to say i had a chicken explode on me today at work if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] do bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: cause of death, weirdest ways to die, weirdest, weird cause of death, life threatening, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: VX80HoPpMX8
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Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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