People Who Lived in a "Haunted" House, What Are Your Most Unexplainable Paranormal Experiences?

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serious redditors who have lived in a haunted house what are your most unexplainable paranormal experiences my son about four years old at the time would jabber away in his room by himself one day my wife asked him who he was talking to he said he was talking with alison that she used to feed the men who lived here he went on to say that she died because she couldn't breathe our house used to be a boarding house before world war ii so this is currently happening in the house i'm living in in nj a week or so ago at 3am i was just getting up to turn the heating off and potter around after falling asleep on the sofa i was yawning and rubbing my eyes a lot and was just about to get up to go to bed when i realize this noise getting louder and louder like you don't realize it's happening until it's super loud i suddenly realize and turn my head around to see the kettle boiling by itself you have to push a button down and it glows blue which was highlighting the shadow of the button that had definitely been pressed i freaked out thinking i've lost time and it was me but i've forgotten soil rationalize and before i can stop myself the words but i don't want tea or coffee come out of my mouth and at which point the kettle clicks off like i literally heard the switch it wasn't at the end of the boil either i'm english and so used to 220 watt outlets which do everything twice as fast so i know it was in the middle of the boil also as soon as i said that i felt guilty like i shouldn't have been scared like it was a friendly offer two days later i was with a friend at the dining room table both of us at least five foot and round the corner from the kettle nobody else in the house when it starts boiling again my friend rushes over and points out the button has been pushed so much relief came over me that i wasn't insane and i explained to my friend that this happened to me at night a few nights ago i was lying in bed and could hear a conversation at 4am no one around neighbors are 20 feet away either side then the kettle starts boiling i'm pee so i literally say out loud please stop boiling the kettle we have people asleep upstairs and it clicked off again this could just be a faulty cattle and coincidence i don't believe in ghosts whatsoever and have never seen or felt anything before it's just freaky but it's not scary only my first instinct i feel as though someone is trying to take care of me like when you were sick of school and lying in bed and your mum or dad would take care of you and bring you soup and stuff very very strange if i were you i'd ask the ghost to start the kettle every morning at a certain time for a nice cup of tea before work a little back story growing up my brother and i lived with our single mother the house was a little 500 square foot home but we were young so it wasn't a huge deal my mom remarried and the newlyweds decided to tear down the old house and build a ranch on the land strange but explainable things started happening after we moved back in one of the strangest things to happen was when my brother and i were in the house alone we were hanging out at an island in the kitchen talking about what teenage boys talk about when i hear the faintest whisper of someone saying my brother's name probably just hearing things about 30 seconds later a little louder my brother's name again he was talking when i heard the second whisper and he seemed to hear it too because he stopped what he was saying briefly finally about 15 seconds after the second interruption clearly and angrily a raspy voice says his name we looked at each other and he asked did someone just say my name i told him i'd heard it more than once he said three times right we grabbed our coats and went to get burger king i used to be a server for an old church school that was definitely haunted i'd be there early to get ready no one else around and i'd hear a scream sometimes most of the time the metronome on the piano would turn on by itself it didn't really bother me though because i grew up around the ghost of my older brother who died before i was born lights and toothbrushes would turn off on their own pictures would move or dvds would fall for no reason one time we placed a candy on a baby photo of him and asked him to move it it moved thanks older bro we lived in an old slave plantation on saint croix when i was a kid very few locals ever visited the place so in a hoe when we moved in my sister four at a time asked my dad who the man with the big knife was my dad was like the frick but decided to check things out anyways and found nothing then we'd frequently smell fresh jasmine blooming which come on people have that crap growing in their yards so whatever we move in and the locals are like quiet you moved into that place and my dad would be like heck yeah why so they started to tell him about the slave who would serve the masters tea every day and about the ghost with a machete we didn't move spent three years there dog ate an entire turkey foil and all and there was a tarantula infestation but that's about it lived in a house from 1938 i would wake up and sit up in bed every single night at 2 59 301 am i thought i saw something move quickly out of the corner of my eye on occasion but assumed it was me being sleepy bad vision without my glasses one night the curtain on my closet moved i pulled the lamp chain and the room lit up my husband thought i was crazy i saw nothing so i pulled the chain again to turn off the lamp i tried to sleep again but a few minutes later i heard the lamp chain swinging against the lamp base when i reached out to see if i felt it swinging in to stop it something cold touched me it didn't feel like the shape of a hand or finger but like a wet washcloth we move soon after that due to relocating but i stopped waking up every morning at the new house and haven't had any weird feelings since i am typically a skeptic and can usually apply logic to a situation and figure out a plausible explanation when i bought my house they had to disclose reports of paranormal activity concerning the house i thought yay whatever but entertained it in good humor even addressing said ghost by name there is nothing concrete that i can tell you nothing hovering in the air no furniture appearing on the ceiling nothing that shows us any type of blip on anyone's typical paranormal radar however the number of times i have had to rationalize an event or come up with explanations for a while how something happened borders on obsessive the typical footsteps upstairs children laughing before i had children knocking on walls or doors hey it's an old house creeks groans hot water pipes pinging etc it all happens a light bulb smashed on the floor having removed themselves from the metal base one plant in particular that would get overturned often on one occasion ending up halfway across the room the stereo turning on at random times of the day almost always to classical music so frequently that i would always keep one classical cd in a random slot in the cd player just to see if that is the one that gets played various lost objects showing up in highly noticeable places like how can you lose your watch in the middle of the completely cleared kitchen table yet after half an hour of searching there it is but the ones that get me the most are the ones where i am completely stumped on the same day every year is the smell of something burning it can be detected in only two specific but unrelated parts of the house you can even define the limits of where you can smell it by walking around after about two hours it goes away until the next year the other one is the presence of hot spots in the house not by temperature but when you stand in a certain place you feel something this has been witnessed by people aware as well as unaware of the phenomenon itself and some of the spots have a direction associated with them when you stand in one you feel compelled to face a certain way i watched a police officer get completely freaked as he turned in mid-sentence to stare at the wall looking it up and down then took two solid steps backwards while looking at the floor and when he turned around he was visibly shaken but hey no spinning chandeliers or dead girls climbing out of television sets so i'm good lived in a basement apartment with a roommate in college back in 2010 we were eating dinner in the living room watching a movie one night and his bedroom is like three feet away from the couch we're sitting on and closed over but not latched so we're eating dinner and watching this movie and then his door starts opening and creaking so we pause the movie and watch as the door swing slowly open all the way it stopped there and we looked at each other and claimed a breeze or a loose hinge then the door started closing again only this time about halfway through the movement the handle turned so that it was perpendicular to the ground the door closed all the way and the handle released slowly latching the door closed the handle in question was sort of like the ones velociraptors can open in jurassic park from ages 5 17 i lived in a house with activity it was all pretty basic run-of-the-mill stuff footsteps voices lights turning on and off doors opening and shutting batteries draining etc if we started renovating which we almost always were they'd get more active and start throwing stuff i got used to it they didn't hurt us so we just let it go even my father started believing after a while but the worst thing they ever did was while we were moving in i was five my friend and i were playing in the only room that was finished in the basement while my parents were moving the stuff in my friend's parents were helping suddenly the door to the room slammed shut no wind no draft no explanation then the lock engage with a click and someone started laughing we were stuck in the room for two hours forgot about the time my newfoundland the sweetest dog i ever met stood in the doorway of my parents room with all her hackles up barking at nothing barking her get the frick out bark the house i grew up in had a slightly strange design in that all the bedrooms were clumped together at one end of the house and the kitchen and living room were at the other end the two areas were connected by a long narrow hallway that had a bathroom in the middle and approximately 900 closets on either side my bedroom door was at the end of the hall with two other bedroom doors facing each other across the hall on either side basically this meant that if you were sitting in our living room you could look straight down the whole way to my bedroom door now lots of strange and frightening things happened in that house but the one thing that we could never rationalize away or lie to ourselves about was the darkness at the end of the hall like i said above the hallway was very long and narrow and it was also paneled and dark wood so it was pretty dark down there but with the living room lights on there was always enough light to see down the hall and make out my bedroom door but sometimes we'd be sitting in the living room and get the feeling that we were being watched or that something was about to happen when that would come over us the end of the hallway would be completely blacked out it was like someone dropped a curtain over the end of the hall you could see part of the way down and then there was just blackness when this would happen our three little dogs god bless them would go to the mouth of the hallway and sit in a line across it staring down into the darkness sometimes they'd bark a little or growl but mostly they just sat instead once in a while one of them would get brave enough to walk down the hall but they never got more than halfway to the darkness before they'd stop and back up they would walk backwards up the hall never turning their back on whatever they were looking at after a little while the oppressive feeling would lift the darkness would disappear and the dogs would wander off this didn't happen often big compared to all the normal spookiness in that house things disappearing stuff flying off shelves strange voices or breezes etc that was the one thing we could never convince ourselves was just in our heads i lived in a haunted house for ten years i had five kids while living there every one of my kids saw the man in the hat on the wall and they all saw him between the ages of two to five my kids turned six and they stopped seeing him once i heard my son screaming for me in the middle of the night i went to him he was five and he begged me to make his draw a stop i said stop what han and he said they keep opening and slamming shut i can't sleep because it's too noisy things got moved all the time and lost all the time the spirit did not like babysitters and would torment everyone the most violent episode was when i let my 15 year old brother watch my kids we got home around 2 a.m and found my brother sitting on the steps in the hallway between the front door and the kids bedrooms he was shaking and crying he said that when he got the kids in bed the pounding started everywhere all over the house at one point it was so bad he went outside to see if there were people outside hitting the house there was no one there he had gone out the back door to check when he walked back inside he saw the reflection of someone in the mirror walking up the steps to the kid's rooms he went running thinking that someone snuck in when he was outside he checked everywhere and there was no one in the house but when he was upstairs he saw a shadowy figure streak around the corner of the steps he heard the front door open and shut he went running down the steps but the door was closed and locked he proceeded to spend the next three hours chasing this shadow and hearing the doors open and close he never babysat for us again no one would i had lights shatter above our heads and my children would laugh and talk to people in their rooms we had neighbors call us at all hours of the night asking if we were okay because they saw gangs of people in our yard and sneaking around our windows but the cops got so used to getting the same 9-1-1 call that they stationed a cop in back of our house to watch our house between 2 and 3 a.m there are so many more scary stories and the nightmares i had living there were deathly scary we moved and the people that moved in after us stayed for a month they said it was too scary the house has been vacant now for eight years i have more stories but i think i already made a novel here we lived in a haunted pub on the site of a former catholic abbey that henry viii had destroyed we saw some weird crap the weirdest was the insect a cuter in the kitchen something peeled it apart in the night no sign of a break-in all the doors were locked and the alarms set it wasn't smashed not an explosion the metal was peeled outwards a couple months later we had an incident in the cellar the entire pump system blew out ruining one pound k of beer for engineers could not find the cause of the fault and just replace the system there were other incidents people captured on cctv that weren't there the under floor cellar doors slamming the pub furby talking in the middle of the night and many more things that would be slightly odd out of context please tell me pub furbies aren't a thing where you're from [Music] so preface this story saying i'm a huge skeptic of any kind of stuff like this but i've never found a way to explain this my sister and then four-year-old niece moved into a townhouse apartment complex niece is 14 now and still remembers this vividly ran into my sister's room not long after screaming about the man in her room yelling at her my sister jumps out of bed and searches around for anyone or anything out of place finds nothing doors and windows still locked happens a couple more times over the next few nights niece doesn't want to sleep there won't go into her room etc so my sister is chatting with one of the other moms at the complex playground one day and the other lady mentions how creepy that is considering the guy that overdosed in that apartment a few years back apparently his son's room was now my niece's room so my mom does some digging and found the guy's name which led to his obituary pulled up the picture from the obituary and called my niece into the computer room she got half a step into the room when she saw the photo on the monitor and ran out screaming about the man have absolutely no explanation as to how she recognized this guy's picture so my husband and i rented a really old house we had to fix it up a bit before my son came home from the hospital he was very premature in nikku for almost five months we took down the wallpaper and painted took down the popcorn ceiling the whole nine yards the basement was very unfinished and vandalized by the teenagers that lived there before swastikas everywhere we didn't bother finishing it because we didn't really need the room i went down there once out of the year we lived there creepy feeling like someone was watching you pee sometimes that creepy feeling would come upstairs i would give it a week or so thinking it was in my head and then i would sit in the car with the baby while my husband burned sage to clear it out he says the feeling while he did so was heavy very angry and he would see figures coming at him through the smoke there were countless experiences there the two that stick out in my head are as followed one i was showering and the baby was in a little bouncer seat in the doorway i opened the curtain and just as i do the can of air freshener that was sitting on the back of my toilet goes flying towards my baby if the door wasn't just slightly shut it would have nailed him i went full on bad crap crazy i started yelling telling them if they are gonna mess with anyone mess with me he is just a baby blah blah blah as i'm doing so the detachable shower head i had went flying off at me hit the end of his rope and swings down shut me right up two my husband and i were in bed my son in his room right down the very small hallway fast asleep we had a baby monitor because he was on oxygen and therefore on a pulse ox monitor so i wanted to be able to hear his alarm go off so my husband and i were laying in bed together we usually will talk for a while and then say our good nights and fall asleep we say our good night's this particular night and not even five minutes later we both hear clear as day a little girl laughing in the baby monitor my husband jumped up out of bed ready to kick some butt but i already knew no one was there i was stunned literally couldn't move until finally i fell asleep i do not miss that place that's terrifying i have lived in two haunted places the first was a house we lived in for a short time when i was 12. we heard what sounded like rats running across the attic every night so my mom had the exterminator set out tons of sticky traps we never even caught a bug then i would wake up with random injuries a few times per month like scratches when my nails were short the final straw was when i woke up with what looked like a cigarette burn on my face thankfully the scar has faded but it was very upsetting we sold the house and pho were there when i was in my mid-20s i lived in a haunted apartment these spirits were nice though i lived alone in a fourplex where my direct neighbor was never home he got sent to prison a lot and the downstairs neighbors never made noise at night one worked and the other took klonopin every night it was a weird neighborhood i would hear people whispering in my hallway nearly every night at first i would get up and look for the source of the voices the parking lot was still nobody outside in the courtyard and neighbors either gone or passed out it happened every night finally i would just say can you keep it down i'm trying to sleep and the voices immediately stopped every time they also opened my blinds in the mornings before they thought i would be awake a few times i woke up early on my day off to go to the bathroom and saw all the blinds in my living room open i was perplexed but when i came out of the bathroom a few minutes later they were all closed again this happened often a random happening that was the scariest thing ever my husband died and i had him cremated i was still young and had no children so i moved on after only about six months my now husband had just started staying over at my place when the weird stuff started to happen first i saw a shadow person in the mirror on my wall then my clock fell off the wall one night finally i experienced horrific sleep paralysis and saw the shadow person again while experiencing the sleep paralysis i have never been so scared in my entire life i finally decided to spread the ashes of my deceased husband and everything stopped after that my deceased husband was a mean man who blamed me after his friend physically shamed and assaulted me and eventually killed himself by not taking the insulin for his type 1 diabetes because he was trying to spite me for kicking him out it kind of figures that he would haunt me once i moved on if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: haunted house, haunted house ambience, paranormal, real haunted houses, real haunted house, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: x86ackCTx8I
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Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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