You Bet Your Life - The Sylvers

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thank you for sharing this... what a delightful way to end my redditting tonight.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 11 2013 🗫︎ replies

They ended up being a family band in the 70s... ended up having around 10 kids total! The Sylvers

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/sallyk92 📅︎︎ May 11 2013 🗫︎ replies

Cool I guess. ..watched all 20 minutes of it waiting for something to happen.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/skanksmcoy 📅︎︎ May 11 2013 🗫︎ replies
watch snow and white and smells just right new white life boy of course I got you our next guests are Leon and Shirley Silver's so folks come in please and meet groucho marx welcome to you about your life say the secret word and take home an extra hundred dollars goody now which one is Lea I am Shirley onion obviously you're Shirley yeah and are you a very attractive young couple are you married him how long have you been married well I've been married eight years and you how long you been married well I've been married eight years and about four months how is it you're married longer than Sheila did you get married before you met her well maybe I had the idea first yeah well it's usually the women that have the idea for it now where you from Charlie I'm to Louisiana Louisiana and we're about uh Opelousas Louisiana Oh Lollapalooza I used to play there are you from Lollapalooza - no I'm from Memphis you're from Memphis and yes I've been in Memphis many times it's one of my favorite cities I used to play the inaudible at the rpm they have a statue of me in the park in Memphis you know underneath yes true underneath it underneath this statue it says if anybody sees this man call the police immediately uh how did you meet Leon Shirley I met Leon while attending Xavier University I was taking music and he was taking medicine why was he taking medicine any farewell no I mean you studying men we were studying men that's quite a do well Leon I assume he finally got together what was it like on your place date with Shelley well yes it all what do you anticipated well I don't know what you anticipated but was it there all that you anticipated we got together I in fact I recall when I walked up to the porch she was sitting there waiting what's the head you know she was gonna be on the ball well no I didn't know she's got to be on the porch it's he had you had met her before yes I met her in school mm-hmm the interesting thing which he had a deck of cards and two magazines she was ready for anything I can understand the cards but what were the magazines for well I guess if I had turned out to be dull you would suggested we read them surely did you ever get around to reading those magazines no we didn't well I'm glad you finally got married and lived happily ever after it you have a family Leon yes gotcha we have six lovely children really well that's not nice I guess you still haven't gotten around to those magazines we've been pretty busy how large your family would you like to have surely well we've decided that seven would be just fine Leon do you have any confidence in this decision well yes in fact I have to this number seven is on the week yes some aliens anybody got smelling salts out now Leon what kind of work do you do to support these potential 7 youngsters well he's 6 really right now I'm printer Hughes Aircraft you're a printer yes what happened to you a medical career well we had a little difficulty and the kids came along and had to give up school for a while but I only have 25 hours left on the bachelor degree and I plan to get it as soon as I possibly can and then you're gonna be a doctor well no I am planning to get my degree in industrial psychology well how do you make a living in there well industrial or public relations is the basic field that you would work in I have some private relations you could have if you'd like surely does Leon help you around the house or do you walk around by yourself huh yes he does he helped quite a bit with the kids matter of fact he taught me to cook my first meal is that so why didn't why did you show her how did why did you show her how to cook Leon if you're such a good cook why don't you just go ahead and fix that place meal yourself well I feel that he who learns by finding out has seven-pole the skill of him who learns by being told that's pretty good I don't understand in otherwise you mean that experience is the best teacher yes now why did you put in such high class language you were you trying to just deliberately confuse me well confuse enough sitting up here you know what about the chair you don't need it no there's Leon ever come up with these proverbs very often oh yes he does he knows a lot of them oh well slip is another one Leon something that you might casually toss off at Shelley when things get dull around the house well if I come home and say the house is just half clean I would say if a task is once begun never leave it till it's done be the labor great or small do it well I'm not at all then you did and you get your hat and coat and go out I mean I took that's a good room opposite the last part of it do it well and not at all yes I must remembered I'm gonna try it on my cook let's see now if a task is once begun how does the rest of it go never leave it till it's done I'll try it tomorrow morning the first thing she'll do is hit me over the head with a coffeepot fairy did you ever do anything with the musical training that you received in college do you still sing yes I do uh as a matter of fact our whole family's things and we got quite a kick out of it I mean is like the Trapp family you mean that yes Leon has taught the kids four part harmony really is this true you've taught all the youngsters to sing harmony yes virtue have a surprise do you speed at which they caught on and well let me find the unity in seeing together yeah that's lovely what kind of songs you sing rock and roll spirituals classics or what well we sing all type music however we have more fun singing our originals you write these yourself yes I've read quite a few bad time I'd like to hear you sing one of these original songs could you do it now well just by chance I brought the whole family alone I'll take the lawn I'll take shorty here come over here yo he's pretty sleepy yeah you sit right here and behave yourself this the only suit I've got now then could you name these for me yeah and the ages let's start with the shorty here yes he's one next one yeah I know he's one no he isn't twins but what's his name this is Joseph Pritchett he's 1 years old and this is Edmund he's 3 years old this is Jonathan he's 4 years old and Charmaine is 5 Leon the third is 6 and Olympia is 700 lovely family there seems to be a year missing there what happened to to Jamie if a task is once begun okay Leon what are they gonna say well we'd like to do the Gopher cha-cha 40 the Gopher cha-cha do you need help from the orchestra well no I just accompanied the Monty come you wouldn't get much help from this officer in here well this is a little song that is play on the word gopher it's made over me and I go for you not quite it's a little girl who has to go for coffee and go for papers and go for this and that for father mother around the house I see and you wrote this yourself yes everything what inspired you to write this you always had the kids running to the stairs well Talos and that's happened and you too you I want to hear some singing out of you oh boy oh boy I can go up it's funny I never get to see before I get on me maybe we I mean me mother she calls I'm thing wouldn't be out bloody conflicts me fat potato buddy paper keep it became a party photo so you can see I am me go fur Utley out I think then they asked you run away robust to use typical Tuesday I think I'll marry a month um day and you can guess what me last birthday only Paulo but your coffee a wall Michael buddy Big Love Me Baby crackle fuzzy mother so you can I go I'm joining up with them I'm gonna quit this job Leon and Shirley you've not only raised some wonderful children but you've got a ready-made crew of very talented entertainers do you plan on going into show business with well no we hadn't planned to go into show business we just do it for our entertainment home well that's very nice hood my guess is you'll have your own TV show in no time and I have only one request with talent like that please don't appear on the air opposite me I have enough problems now okay now that's evening and win some money it's a pretty good idea your expenses a heavy and I imagine some additional money would be welcome kids you can help out the old folks if you can George what category have they chosen excuse me uh he's like an observation quiz as your categories that right yeah all right you understand all applaud you understand this game he doesn't understand well you see the easy questions are $100 the folks on the panel yes okay yeah the real object is to get it off your head there as he had $500 in for questions so would you pick a question now mmm hundred dollars mmm now talk it over before your answer you know your partner how many times CI NES does the standard dinner fork have but you didn't care for that at all how many know it says four here well you still have three more chances to get to $500 you're gonna have to shop into another one kid go for two out of this time you read it how many rows of keys are there on a standard typewriter how many rows fibrils no it's four well you're not doing very well at this game there are two more chances to make $500 this one's for 300 how many stamps on a standard sheet of stamps one movie that's right here I do not have $300 your last chance to make 500 so a well if you want to go that high I certainly you understand these these are the 300 are harder than the 200 they only need to you only need a 200 you are so change in other words 200 yeah I'm sorry that try to influence you but well I am I'd like I'd like him to win about $8,000 here tonight so pick a 200 that's it now if you get partial here tonight you'll have a chance at $10,000 go out how many keys are there on a standard piano keyboard now you want to know this Hey anyhow you wind up with $500 which means that you can come back for a chance at 10:30 goodbye so the silvers family will be back in just a minute with a chance to win $10,000 just a moment just don't relax you've got an important job to do for Geritol and now George we have the wheel here let's see if anybody's going to win $10,000 Leon and Shirley Silver's are in 500 already on already hidden huh Leon and Shirley silvers earned 500 on the quiz so they can come back and try four to five or ten let's see what happens she's giving again folks please good luck yeah well congratulations and remember if you miss the question you still get to keep everything you've earned so far okay now pick a number for a total of $10,000 five George and the boss you are the boss you know three three now if any other number comes up the question is for the total of $2,000 whatever you win is your total for the night okay one of you one of your families spend the wheel your numbers were 5 and 3 and it came on 9 so this question is why the total of $2,000 in the 1956 election as the Democratic presidential candidate was Adlai Stevenson for $2,000 who was the Democratic vice presidential candidate in 56 talk it over Oh all right shout it out this was I say of Tennessee yeah it's people you actually I tried to win a total of $2,000 and I can see number eight on its way now bring all the kids out there wait a minute I have an idea next week is Christmas Eve can you come back then and sing a Christmas song for us yes we would like to very much and I think we can get something together fine and I'm delighted what are you gonna do with all that dough well we plan to paper number seven thank you and then put a down payment on number eight well congratulations to all of you and thanks for being here tonight and I'm glad delighted that you won the money oh gosh you're such a nice people goodnight until next week and no matter which of our products you buy tell them Groucho sent you tonight you bet your life has been brought to you by Pepsodent whether you smoke or not Pepsodent cleans your teeth more effectively polish is more protectively than any other leading toothpaste and by handy Andy lever brothers new all-purpose liquid cleaner for your toughest household cleaning it's murder on dirt but nice to you Christmas seals work now and through the year to help protect each of you from tuberculosis answer your Christmas seal letter this week be sure to catch the fun and excitement every Wednesday night over most of these same stations when lever brothers brings you the prices right starring bill color Oh
Channel: DrummaSean
Views: 467,535
Rating: 4.904037 out of 5
Keywords: You Bet Your Life, Groucho Marx, groucho, marx, bet, life, contestant, contestants, funny, laugh, humour, humourous, music, children, kids, family, friendly, comedy, reality, TV, tele, television, black, white, B&W, The Sylvers, The Little Angels, Sylvers, song, sing, sung, gofor, gopher, Olympia, Leon, Shirley, Charmaine, James, Edmund, Joseph, disco
Id: Fkdz0_E7Ts4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 10 2012
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