1 OUNCE GOLD BAR Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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born in 82 that's my birth year oh you just did it here we go lucky bag is holding 25 in quarter i'm not sure i like this one why not look at it you just like gold that's the issue so here's the deal i like winning there there are three boats with three different quarters so the way it was explained to us the gold one gives you the gold bar if you can get it off first okay which george then said james accepted yes [Music] i think i'm gonna continue [Music] [Music] what's the plan my plan of attack is to go left the gold quarter is in the middle i know but even if i drop left things on the right hand side please say that again i was listening to elvis when i drop quarters on the left things in the center and in the right move i think you got to be very very deliberate about your drops and pushes all right left right or center see i went to the left and i got the little guy money guy in the center to fall [Music] should i go center i think you almost have to if you're going to win the gold card [Music] this is something she does often she has no problem [Music] we're gonna have to call them we're going to have to call them over here you can't you cannot drop those other two boats you can't drop the other two boats stay to stay to the middle does the gold coin have to stay in the boat for as long as i could just get the coin to drop they didn't say anything about it staying at the boat so i'll continue to play right you still have to get i would get the boat and the coin so the boat with the gold coin if it drops before the other two you get the gold bar rescue mission resume just goal drop those other two boats keep the other two boats up top so you can drop the boat and then drop the coin and then you can prove that you dropped them don't drop the boat don't drop the boat kind of like don't drop the foam don't drop the one oh my goodness no idea what she's talking about is that how i laugh in my sleep um i don't like to talk about it rather not talk about it either then oh just got a really good push okay so that i don't know would you call this a brake wall the brake wall of coins the brake wall of course was that an albatross is an albatross on the brake wall or whatever that albatross is getting really close to the edge i don't know how you're going to get through [Music] the coins and the cash in that little bowl i just gotta break through like [Music] forcefully through the wall [Music] the gold you win oh my goodness who knew that center center center would be so fantastical actually this is kind of working out for you right it is it's never worked out for me before don't just do whatever you do don't let the other two boats fall off the top the gold point has disappeared i don't i don't see it it's nestled somewhere over there i i've not seen that but if we can get the boat and the gold coin to prove i'm down careful careful on the right careful on the right that boat's looking to drop oh man oh yeah looks like you got a little money guard there huh yeah it's made out of a hundred dollars a hundred dollar bird and but what i was able to push what kind of bird is it it looks like a swan snake bird i'm gonna stick with albacross it's and then i got i was able to push 39.75 in quarters that's that's a good great good for first round that's a good one and going center which we're always anti-center the center is going to be it has proved us wrong so far once you go center you finally have bent no once you go center you finally [Music] once you go center you're finally wearing dentures that sounds good i like that that's the best i can come up with i concur i had another idea but it wasn't working do you see the gold coin anywhere not without leaning in i gotta stand still yeah i can't see it either [Music] it's gotta be in there somewhere it's probably very good [Music] more coin could be coin yeah i'm guessing he got buried under the other quarters well the good news you still got the left and the right boat up there yes i am shocked how fast we got the metal boat we're totally okay with these boats being stubborn [Music] [Music] everybody let's shake everybody in the whole cell block that reminds me of uh where our pizza is gonna be our what our teeth [Music] once you go center center lent winter [Music] or it could be like once you go right you finally went right you can rhyme with itself once you go center you finally win center that's perfect we are smart we rhyme we like to rhyme [Music] you owe me a you owe me a gold coin a what a gold point i say who [Music] okay fine you owe me some chocolate marshmallow oreos [Music] oh [Music] what [Music] it's sleeping it's taking a nap it can take a nap for as long [Music] what if i what if i get the vote to fall and the coin comes out of it do i get to keep the hundreds [Music] i have no idea what you're asking let's say the bones [Music] and the coin falls off of it well they've never taken money away from you before i don't even understand your line of questions that's like saying what if you knock the boats to the right into the playing field [Music] it never ends i mean it makes sense in my mind it's never it literally never ever that's what makes life so exciting never a dull moment i'm not predictable that you are you are extremely predictable how can i be predictable if life is a state of confusion because it's predicted confusion but it's always new confusion and that's what makes life so interesting with the george and predictable it will always be confusing you mean puzzling see i didn't predict that are you speaking one of your multi languages again how many languages do you speak seven which seven languages [Music] you know you know arabic [Music] spanish so egyptian arabic used to be my primary language when i was a little girl angry angry patricia speak yeah i'm down to one quarter by the way oh it jumped to the left sarcasm what are the other ones i do not see the whole point i don't see it either i was able to knock off 42.75 not bad not bad for my second round of ammo no full quarter though all right so i'm going to continue attacking the center dough because the center is the best center that's our new rhyme yeah all right put that on the t-shirt people the center is the best i'm definitely getting some really good pushes that's because we had a great lunch that makes me happy that was kind of cool meeting the fans here too yeah that was pretty cool so there was a couple here they watch us on youtube and they're local they recognize it so that was kind of cool we got to have lunch with them so that was fun [Music] big boys so far so good oh my goodness i think they're moving on the right definitely moving on the right i like that she likes when [Music] goes over the edge it makes you wanna what you [Music] stash has fallen now i just got so excited i snuck did you stop you knew that a lot i guess george it's better to snot than to snort right um no i refer you to snort so shots you'd rather hear me i can't even store it you know what it's like in my eyes [Music] uh for those who aren't aware uh when george gets excited [Music] look how close the boat the boat just moved closer to the edge you gotta find the gold coin i wonder if the gold coin is hiding underneath it [Music] definitely hear that swiping spot off of my face non-stop that's not that fun we literally when we go to the gas stations i take all the paper towels and take the towel dispenser because i need them on the ride wherever we're going i don't know about that what happens to you when you get excited you get snotlicious double time i'd rather not talk about it so those paper towels that he gets it's for the both of us mostly him he just won't admit it to you guys [Music] excuse me excuse me sir did you pass gas what did you say under your breath i thought maybe you passed gas you are oh look you turned the boat right back upside oh nice it's on the edge it's getting so close we've got to find the gold quarter [Music] one troy ounce of gold that's almost two thousand dollars [Music] the past month has been over two thousand dollars [Music] you've got to get it i've never thought never thought i would say this but you going to the middle makes me feel like a well-played fiddle all right all right all right [Music] it's so close i can feel it you sure that's not launched [Music] i feel like one really good push and all of it on the edge you're going to push the boat off [Music] once you go center where things happen that boat is gonna fall off it's like hovering on the lip boy stay stay [Music] oh the middle boat she's gotta have the gold coin that boat is on the edge but she's got to have got to have the gold point yeah the boat's nothing without the point correct [Music] am i right or am i centered um are you going left on me [Music] all right i'm down to four quarters make them count get that boat off the edge get that boat off the edge right there all right one quarter one quarter come on baby [Music] come on push it push it push it here it comes here comes i can't believe that didn't go i can't believe it maybe we got the gold coin though you are not going to believe it look what was inside there when we pull it's crazy all right are we going to go redeem it let me get the boat first and then all right gonna get the boat how much you got to get the boat and i got 82 in quarters okay i like that number got to get the boat off without knocking the other two off the all train knock that boat and then let's get the gold why do i like the number 82 so much um because you're an 80s kid i was born in 82 that's my birth year oh you just did it wow wow wow wow the golden bar with the golden corridor and the boat now can't stick to believe it now you're gonna let me play yes no she's not she's gonna keep playing are you going middle still i'm just gonna rapid fire all over oh apparently now she's to rapid fire i'm going to rapid fire to the left to the right of the fire elvis um i wouldn't you know what you and this elvis thing are going too far [Music] is someone jealous jealous no are you jelly [Music] i got a dad bottom jelly but other than that no oh nice why would you be jealous if me and elvis were doing this no i'd be rude for you guys what about if me and angelina jolie were [Music] this is a debate of all debates this has never been in a debate it's always been a debate who believes elvis is still alive but elvis lives hashtag elvis lives in the comments we need to know you didn't know about this debate oh my goodness my rapid fire theory is working is it a theory or i mean technique a rapid fire she just stopped the other boat oh my goodness that boat just literally jumped like five inches how the heels here we go i'm going to again we're not going to talk about the losses earlier today are we no no no no we would never dare do that never dare do that but she pulls it out somehow [Music] all right elvis is singing shake at home [Music] let your milkshake bring all the boys to the yard i mean all the borders to the yard what are you talking [Laughter] she's about this thing way too far [Music] now apparently she's bringing up a bonus she literally just knocked a bonus boat into the field i have taught you well i i have no control that happened well when that happened it just happened i have no control over it i have taught you so well there are mistakes that go so right look at her going to the left she wants that big bundle i am that bundle of joy she's got one two three three hundred dollar boats on the field one bundle of 120. 120 on the outside i can't tell if it's a 20 or is that actually i think it's 100 in the middle i think it's 100 in the middle i think it is nice i think it is i think it's 100 wrapped in the middle that sounds good to me that would be 20 40 60 81 i'd be 220 on that one [Music] all right so should i go continue going left or try and get this boat off the pusher once you go left it's casino theft i definitely don't concur with that you and mitch can hang out oh my goodness that boat just moved [Music] i'm gonna rapid fire to try and get it off [Music] [Music] holy cow [Music] did you no no i did not [Music] you know what sounds good right now uh pizza some cookie dough oh no no no you know it sounds even better right chick buddy chocolate chicken nuggets oh yeah i could go from chick-fil-a chicken nuggets right now drenched sweet amazing ketchup oh you know what else those campings those camping breakfast meals that you make drenched in ketchup oh yeah with that bob evans sausage in it a little spice little kick scrambled eggs melted cheese and cheese bob evans sausage [Music] sweet crescent roll buttery sweet buttery crescent roll and i wonder why i put on 30 pounds since i've met you somehow you still want to blame it on my inability [Music] [Music] oh my [Music] did you ever share with everyone how the heaviest you've ever been being the most weight i've ever picked up in my life at one time when i was shot with adrenaline and picked up an entire bus to save all the children oh i thought [Music] you don't know that story no oh that's because that one's not real oh okay well anyways the heaviest you've ever weaved was long before i even came in the picture so you can't blame me for that [Music] how much was it i was in with the dad bots before they were a thing i was a very good father figure all right down to two quarters let's see if i can get that bundle to fall off [Music] not bad [Music] after the gold bar that's just all bonus bonus money and then i have a hundred and seventy two dollars and more bonus so this should be enough to wipe out the rest of the playing field left or right complete my message [Music] so if there's anybody out there if you need somebody to re-home your 100 bills jeremy and george are here for you we'll be in foster parents as george says call us i don't know their number um we actually gave you my phone number this week in a video to go back and go through the videos my phone number is there so we would love to take care of your 100 bills for you whatsoever and they will uh they will live a comfortable very very comfortable life well if they get cold they'll be with george under blankets non-stop in 90 degree weather and if they get hot they'll be with me in full air conditioning blaring all the time so a life of security in all reality and yeah we just we love it we love it we love it it's just we adopted 101 100 bill and we just decided that that wasn't enough we needed more and george's heart for 100 bills just continue to grow and grow [Music] and i was hesitant at first i admitted i was heavy i was thinking that's a pretty big obligation and commitment there's a lot of responsibility it is it's a tremendous amount of responsibility because you know you don't you don't want to just raise a hundred dollar bill you want to raise that hundred dollar bill to be more than a hundred dollar bill you wanted to leave a legacy well now uh absolutely there's no doubt about that even a legacy is important hopefully hopefully the legacy after um passed so i i still remember the moment she looked me square in the eyes with those big big old dark these big old things big old bug and eyes all water they all watered up take that back i don't have big old bug eyes i have big old exotic eyes watered up and she looked at me and she actually kind of i really i really think we need to adopt another 100 bill [Music] that's what she said it's not fair it's not fair to only have one because the other the one has to have others to play with and then once you get two you get the twins it's just so easy from that point to go to triplets and once you're at triplets you stop taking pictures you stop the books you stop you stop everything and at that point really once you go past three what is four really i mean four is two sets of playmates and after that five is just the number right so and then at five it's uneven well then that's why we had to go to six yeah it's it's been it's been a rewarding it's been a rewarding uh life for sure rescue process yeah it's been a rewarding rescue and [Applause] [Music] it's altered my life forever in a positive way in a positive way for sure in a positive way oh i think she's been arrested value to uh come on one more it's all it's gonna take one more she's rapid firing come on everybody help us office is singing now is the time [Music] [Music] oh my goodness here we go here we go oh that wasn't it nope nope almost adopted one more into our family i can feel it now you're positive that's not lunch it could be there it goes oh there she blows shiver me timbers welcome home welcome home we've got four boats and one bird in the boat that's five hundred dollars that's looking good these were four bundles of joy totaling eight eighty we rescued them as well you love that shiny stuff shiny quarter one troy ounce of gold but how many regular quarters did you get 132.50 thank you elvis hey thank you very much [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 96,681
Rating: 4.9322309 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: SqAhmhbKAZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 2sec (2162 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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