WE BOUGHT A ZOO Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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even if the animals don't fall it's just exciting you're about to get this one next okay what is it what does it look like i don't know it looks like it's on its back is elvis singing about teddy bears and lions and tigers is this this is this looks like a zoo oh my goodness fish it's gonna be a lion a tiger this is gotta be one of the most incredible things there's an elephant back on the pusher i think that's a peacock off to the side oh my goodness this has got to be that's probably a lion or a tiger you want to play this one yeah let's do this one all right let's do it do you already know what it is starting off with 25 and quarters so we bought a zoo if uh you haven't ever seen that movie one of the best movies ever matt damon johan we were camping i love that movie i do love that movie so we bought it oh is that a giraffe hold on a second how many animals do you see i see an elephant in the back looks like oh you're just knocking that's a penguin jinx definitely an elephant it looks like there's an elephant in the back a penguin a butterfly butterfly yeah a tiger is that a snake okay once you knock all of these out you knock all of these out then we're gonna have to figure out what each one of these things are okay and we're probably gonna need we're gonna need your guys as hell yeah we'll definitely need your help next to the cat on the left it looks like some kind of that looks like maybe a turtle front and center right in the middle i like turtles you do like turtles remember [Music] [Music] yeah do you think you can knock one of these uh animals off with your first round of 25 i hope so i hope i do that's the goal to knock something down oh man look everything everything is moving this is so stinking crazy the turtle is almost on the edge the turtle save the turtles [Music] this is crazy turtle lives matter i'm gonna save you turtle [Music] look at this oh my you're developing elephants elephant is now straddling the top how yes here comes [Music] my guess is it was probably benjamin flank franklin franklinia that'd be mine i think i'm gonna get the the frog if that's a frog to fall next the frog it's like a frog froggy froggy [Music] so woman or male female or male 1 has to be my guess now is origami it's got to be some location in the back having the time of her life that's my guess what's your guess all right i'm down to three-quarters i don't know definitely a female i will agree with that female come on big push big push we've got to buy this zoo [Music] what do you guys think it's gotta be it's gotta be a turtle let us know in the comments what you think it is how many quarters did you get six dollars and twenty-five cents it's gonna be a rough one i'm gonna have to do some major damages right now if there's one thing you're good at major damages damage control if you can just get that elephant to go on a rampage and knock everything off that would make everything so much easier what that quarters hour is about to fall forward you actually did send the elephant on a rampage maybe you can send in our chickens oh something wait wait you just fell asleep i don't know what it is but you just no it looks like it was probably a billy goat up on a bluff [Music] i think you've knocked him off the block here comes the push nice push nice all right i'm down to three quarters hey get that elephant to rampage just get that elephant to go like crazy [Music] down to two quarters let's see how much damage i could do better make it count it's all about timing it's all about timing it's all about timing yes you need to set that elephant loose you know whose turn i think it is happened your turn i think it's my turn second start 25 time to bring the zoo home george all right you went to maybe lucky stock will bring you more luck than my lucky bag what if i go straight to the middle what do you think yeah go for it all right let's see what happens i think you'll get some really good pushes i'm gonna see what happens here because i got the towers to fall down so because i need to get some more ammo [Music] yeah and you had a second wave that was really good if we can stay in the game we can bring all these animals home and adopt them and then our baby chicks will have new friends hashtag new friends [Music] we haven't given an update on the chickens lately did i ever tell you about the time where i owned a snake oh that tower of coins just fell when you owned a snake yeah i owned a python a python yeah rosie the python i've never told you about this yet no really so a friend of mine was going off to school and he had a three foot ball python and um one of the things that snakes like obviously are he because they're cold-blooded so he just gave me rosie for free today i can't have this at school uh do you want it i was like yes i want it are you kidding how cool so rosie grew with me to about four feet and what i would do when i was working at the house when i lived in illyria oh come on come on come on i would rap rosie oh i think you're gonna get some animals to drop i would wrap rosie around the back of my neck you know like you would tie a necktie but i wouldn't tire i would just put her on my neck especially cooler days or what have you i've just had her around my neck and she was really docile she was great come on big push so in that little area you know where i still own the home my first home ever yeah so that area you get a lot of solicitors i never put a no solicitor thing on my house i had a dude walk up to my house knock on the door soliciting and i answered the door with rosie on my neck and he ran away screaming definitely one of his phobias it's like wow this is probably one of the best things i could ever do instead of a boat beware of dog sign you had to be aware of a snake sign oh come on yes oh and he never came back and rosie was just wrapped around my neck i don't know if you thought she was strangling me or watched python [Music] that's going to fall all right let's hope so you want me to go left or stick to the middle you can stick to the middle you're making really good pushes yeah we're getting money we're getting money let's stick in the middle there's cash to be made right there [Music] get some good pushes all right we are definitely in this okay that was my last quarter let's see what happens come on come on right there oh i didn't get a hundred i didn't get a hundred i didn't get an animal i didn't get anything 39.50 he stole the bag from me what do you think center or stick to the left i'm thinking left you got you got that frog you got the setup it's set up for me i mean there's no way i could lose now and let the house win right oh look you're in it you're in it how many pets did you have growing up growing up we always had a german shepherd i just dropped this i just dropped it i think that was a problem i think that was a frog too what is that on the edge right there i don't know but it's about to be ours [Music] oh man whatever it is it is holding on for dear life it's right on the edge oh look the coins like fell over on that uh landing oh oh oh oh is that good or bad that's bad look at the fish over to the left did you notice that the quarters are making like a aquarium bubble these people are crazy awesome on the far right looks like maybe a crab yeah it looks like a crab over there yeah growing up we've had we always had german shepherds and then we always had would they be egyptian shepherds no there's no such thing why not and then we had gerbils shepard actually lived with you or not yes well then it was an egyptian i shepherd that's what you want to call it are you or are you not a white vanilla grandpa breed now we had parakeets we've had is it cockatoos cocky tails we've caught gardener snakes had all kinds of pets growing up what was your dog's name what does that mean it's a it's like a popular name in in egypt what's the main translation i don't know what it means not sure [Music] what are you gonna name all these little breezes and so when when one of the german shepherds would pass my dad would go out and get another one because he you know these pets become your your family they're more than just pets so he would get another one and then we would name it the second one we ever had was named tiger and then tiger passed away and my dad got another german shepherd and then named that one on clark and then antar passed away and then he got another german shepherd can you guess what his name was tiger tiger which one of these are you gonna call tiger i think that's a peacock to the top right yeah definitely [Music] oh nice push the last animal that fell i don't know what that is i don't know we're gonna i can't figure it out we're definitely gonna find out that elephant looks super cool where'd he go he's off to your to your left right [Music] see there's like a giraffe in the middle that looks like a giraffe in the middle right tall and then or an egyptian horse could be a higher brooklyn horse or it could be bessie the sea monster could be a sea monster and then elephant right next to that and then i don't know what's next to that it's some kind of oh almost fellaini llama's taking the crab out and then the feline is all the way over there i finally got a really good push [Music] we're gonna have to get some more backyard more acreage oh you're just nice i don't i can't tell down to two quarters i don't i think there might have been an animal in there yeah i think i think there might have been an animal in it there definitely was because it was there or not holy cow [Music] got a frog in the middle definitely a frog in the center yeah i'm not not real sure what this guy is me neither maybe i don't know maybe an old old maybe a duck quack quack i don't know i don't know okay we've got 39 25 here we go i'm taking her lucky bag left or right center seems to be doing really well right it is if you could do another trick shot and get him to land over uh where the other animals are that would be epic i want to whatever that creature is i want to drop that creature yeah i feel like no matter where you go left right or center you'll get really good pushes there's gonna be some good pushes all right oh look at that right there there's a good push a good push just like that one just gotta time the rapid fire [Music] okay come on nice it's all about timing and the flip of the wrist you got animals we have to save the animals even if the animals don't fall it's just exciting you're about to get this one next okay what is it what does it look like [Music] it looks like it's on its back [Music] it didn't even wait for the push it was like i can't wait any longer here i come it says here i go here i go things are moving on the left is that the elephant i think the elephant oh the elephant got crushed by his borders i saw it move come on do you think there's any way i can get that peacock in the playing field i mean anything is possible you never know what the hell is gonna happen that looks like a crab that's going to fall it's all right all right yeah like a llama's over it or something yeah the llama for yo mama it's riding its back come on i'm getting it i'm getting the crab and the llama watch this watch this right here rapid fire it's about to go down crap and fire right here about to go down watch watch watch rapid fire i'm watching i don't want to blink there goes what did i get i don't know i don't know what it was a bathtub an animal that looked like a bathtub and something else just fell down all right we got we got one bathtub and now i'm going for the crab the crab up next crab once it drops then you can say i've got grass here comes here comes oh that was so close oh come on come on come on oh man hey come on come on come on come and come never really ran us to unless you put some animals in the tub so we can put that in the tub yeah all the animals need a nice bath i don't know if that crab doesn't fall maybe that the cat will on the left oh something's gonna fall look at that push look at that push is that a billy goat the billy goat in the middle just dying to jump in yeah or maybe a dragon [Music] baby we know what a dragon looks like you already saw oh look at that trick shot the princess come on right here right here oh my gosh oh my gosh anything can happen anymore that crab is so close to falling this is crazy it just fell i got it the llama and the crab just fell at the same time just got it now you're crushing it that goat that go i knew the sock would not let me down a ram you think it's a ram yeah it's got it's got ramish horns so close come on ramen lamborghini right here rapid fire oh my gosh if this doesn't get it oh my gosh here it ammo oh something else just fell what fell another animal just fell okay i'm gonna get you ammo all this ammo to the right so that you can get the animals to the left oh you're clogging up the machine now oh okay is there a plumber in the house okay so i'm going to the left to the left don't worry the clock themselves whenever they do always work themselves out and when they do get clogged it's hard to look away okay i want to push yeah there i want to get nine points so you have ammo we saved the rest of these beasts that one that one looks like a ram or a llama yeah i was thinking more ram there's uh well maybe that's a llama there's two yeah there's definitely a llama there's your tub there's your tub right there i could be wrong all right she says that's a tough what do you guys think what is it all right that's three there is is that penguin that is you just say that looks like a penguin four here is that's what i thought was the giraffe or it could just be an egyptian horse five there's your crab crabs i've got grass six i wouldn't tell anybody that and what's this some kind of i thought that was some kind of something maybe seven i don't know seven that's 700 okay how many quarters 69 all right got animals waiting to be safe but it is rough i'm gonna go to the left and see uh how many more animals i can get to drop okay you definitely have that cow will definitely fall and there's something with the beak and it looks like something else i think that's the elephant that was on the oh that's the elephant there's an elephant that's a trunk okay yeah yeah that was the elephant that was up top we gotta save the elephant alley phone i for sure thought the elephant would be last to save but he's probably gonna be nice you know little little not well known fact that one of my businesses actually has you just hit the butterfly one of my businesses actually has elephant in the name yeah one of my llc's has elephant i actually knew that you knew that but nobody else did no because we never talked about that yeah but elephant we could use we could use that elephant as the new mascot yeah we could that would be amazing oh that cat whatever it is whatever kind of cat is so he's gonna get stuck look at the tail is up on that on the ledge [Music] stuck like your quarter jam right now i'm doing a quarter i just clogged it [Music] they always unplug you roto-rooted right back out you don't even need to call a plumber they just unclog on its own it doesn't look like that'll unclog on top or will it they all unclog on their own oh you just hit the piano peacock again we're gonna have to get the peacock and ice pack here comes the push big push big push oh good drop good drop here kitty get it get it get it get it get it come on that kid the cat might be the last one to drop i don't know yeah well you know what they said now its ears is stuck up it's got like nine lives you should have been a cat you want to hear another death divine story yeah oh really you have a lot of them oh i i don't think i ever told you this one so i was 19. i was working construction building houses during the day and as much as i hate to say it i was telemarketing at night and um so i'd work construction then i would hightail at home and i would go to telemarketing for like three or four hours which was horrible i hated it but i was also 19 and trying to build a life for myself as well so i was driving home oh you the cat just went the cat just went in the open close i didn't see the cat coming so it was a dark dark and stormy night it was you know one of those summer storms that come in and i left i left the telemarketing place and i would drive home on 83 and you know 83 brought 83 to ohio through a lot of farm towns and i lived in a farm town in grafton so i was driving from columbia station to grafton yeah there's not many street lights i just wanted there's no lights i just wanted to get home i was so exhausted working two jobs so i was doing way faster than i should have been doing and there was a storm and there's no lights and you can't see anything and you're driving that fast in a storm that's when i had my white little dakota pickup that was my first my first vehicle so all of a sudden out of nowhere i'm going faster than i should be route 83 south going home in a storm all of a sudden out of nowhere like 20 feet in front of me no joke there is a giant tractor and a farmer and i'm going too fast to stop and the only thing that i remember is i thought i cannot believe this i'm going to kill this person and that is the thought that went through my head and there was no way it came so fast for for me to change anything to move anything and come on elephants do you want to know the rest of the story yeah i'm gonna drop as quick as i can before elvis stop singing [Music] so there i was doing about 65 miles per hour in a thunderstorm rain everywhere dark can't see all of a sudden i see a tractor and it's an open tractor and there's a farmer on the tractor and there's nothing i can do nothing there's not enough time to do anything and as god is my witness my truck completely pushed over into the next lane something pushed my truck into the nest like that elephant just got pushed so my truck was moved over into the lane i didn't change it was a direct it was a it was a push all the way over in and then alongside of the tractor and then back into the other lane that i was driving in and i never touched anything and i was so shook enough i hit the brakes after that and and i i screamed i screamed at the guy on the track i'm like are you okay is everything okay i i just i knew i knew i hit him but i did my entire truck went to the other lane up in front of him back into the original lane and i was so shooken up and i went home and i told my parents i was like you're not gonna believe it an angel just saved me and saved this farmer yeah you definitely had a girl that was looking out for you i didn't touch my steering wheel my truck moved into a lane up board of the tractor back into the original lane definitely his life was safe my life was safe it was pretty good now it's time to save this animal's life one more animal to go what does that look like it looks like a tub no that's the kitchen sink that's the kitchen sink that one looks like the kitchen sink like a faucet yeah that's the faucet we you have taken out the peacock i think you've hurt the fish too what is the what's the fish the one on the car left yeah that's a fish oh i thought it was maybe a whale or stingray oh maybe it was a whale i thought it was a no animals left behind we gotta figure out what that animal is definitely an anifam and all right we got quarters 131 25. [Music] toilet spout faucet i don't know it could be a swan oh yeah actually it kind of looks like that now that you say that i kind of see it [Music] there we go come on there we go swim your way over here just keep swimming just keep swimming swimming swimming [Music] i get it i'm gonna save it there it goes it's pushing get it get it get it should we give all of these animals that were rescuing names yeah i'm thinking elephant george giraffe george okay i'm thinking crap george crabby george [Music] well the peacock we can't save unless you somehow miraculously do a trick shot and get it i got quick shots come over i got straight shots with all this ammo i got trick shots [Music] maybe maybe a cobra cobra that's true [Music] gonna save it whatever it is i'm gonna save it [Music] you think the chicken will like them i think the chicken will love them as a matter of fact we're going to put them out how many more months do you think before the chickens start to lay eggs when did we get them april yeah april april may july august after august so sometime in september i've been saving i've been saving uh eight partners in preparation for our eggs for egg salad right yeah for your favorite salad [Music] come on i like making it for you you want to know why um did you like the smell i don't know i think it's therapeutic like cracking the hard-boiled eggs and then slicing the hard-boiled eggs [Music] it's easy to make it's something really easy to make [Music] unless it gets it's gonna get jammed and lodged around the bend do you think you can save the butterfly [Music] but i'm gonna get whatever that thing is [Music] oh we just got it just got it save it who's your super daddy oh yes you are what's your guess what is it it could definitely be either a swan or maybe a cold okay um i'll go with swamps all right 1400 animals 1400 in the animals 14 animals were saved by the way there were no animals harmed in the making of this video how many quarters there was dollars and seventy five cents in borders not a bad day not a bad day at all [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 96,574
Rating: 4.929769 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: GE5fCiayYnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 29sec (2129 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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