CASH PYRAMID Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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all right you better place it good are we ever gonna leave this done place the answer is the answer is jeremy one big time all right who's playing this time me or you let's do rock paper scissors ready ready one round three shoot shoot and shoot yeah shoot and paper scissors shoot i guess it's i guess we're fist pumps make sure you subscribe and what else george hit that bell icon so you get notified every single time we release a new video because you never know what the hell is gonna happen [Music] jinx she's got a bag full of quarters here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go i like this one money why do you like this one because there's a ton of paper money i think you like i think you're just into pyramids that's what i think oh i didn't even see that that was a pyramid really you didn't see that was a pyramid no not at all i was like ooh look a pile of paper money you don't believe that for a second galore what's your goal i hit the left you'll never guess what my goal is hit the left yes how did you know lucky yes oh you know that's gonna fall back you know it oh it did it fell back already oh one went forward good job good job smart box they can't all go forward right if you want to live you will fall forward [Music] for the boxes that were on the pusher down i left the chest harness and the gyro the thing that makes the the picture still i mean left that in the trunk so we're just we're freeing it here we're just gonna have to be extra careful [Music] oh come on come home look at all them building blocks you think that's how the egyptians built the pyramids well i thought the aliens helped them well you're an alien you're from egypt in america i'm not a visitor i live in this country all right nice try so do you think that's how the egyptian aliens built the pyramid out of out of cash and coins yeah and then it turned into stone oh everything has fallen back everything has fallen back but i am getting movement forward movement forward yes so that fell i got excited because i got more quarters i'll be excited if you can get those hundred dollar boxes off the top trade those things fell straight oh you just dropped one what just happened i think you bounced a quarter i'm not sure i think you bounced a quarter and you knocked you knocked a box into the shoe she's look she's jammed up she's clogged she needs some metal mucil roto-rooter she's all clogged the cool thing is is as this thing will unclog itself you'll see it'll start unclogging just like that so it'll unclog itself it's hard to look away when it's clogged and it unclogs okay but we gotta we gotta look away because we gotta see how much money you pulled you definitely got one money box uh there he is that twenty dollar box all right that's oh four dollar and seventy five six so great okay and i'm still still in the game you got a pile of rubble here at this pyramid yeah i got a wreck-it ralph it right now how do you wreck your outfit you just knock it all down like wreck it out it's definitely knocked down you just gotta knock it in [Music] yeah i thought you were actually going to be out of it this time but you got something i need a good sweeping how many more i'm down to two quarters two borders oh man oh cutting it close cutting it closed this is typically what happened and you're still in it somehow some way you're still in it 4 and 50. okay the goal was to make more money now who's it you're going down instead of why am i speaking in that accent the last time i'm not dating oh you just got a quarter and elvis is singing all right we need some help oh nice oh nice thank you elvis thank you thank you i think that wasn't just how it was like another box look that box is sealed that box up there is sealed what do you think's in it that was my last quarter oh last quarter look at that one that one's a full box what do you think's in it uh i don't know there's a golden quarter right there nothing yeah i guess we're gonna find out we still get 200 if it's nothing i mean hopefully we're going to find out that's all on you cutting it closed cutting a roof i'm singing now you got a girl you gotta go now elvis is singing now's your chance make a count make a town make it count here we go here we go here we go come on [Music] poorly oh oh one quarter come on let's do some damage oh you got something you got something to fall you did you actually got some yes still in the game [Music] and 20. nice okay you gotta make something yeah even start that i mean as of now oh you mean today oh you just got to drop just oh and elvis is singing all right everybody's shaking with her shake with her and with elvis only 2.25 come on come on you got a good push though i think it actually triggered elvis singing [Music] 7.75 [Music] but wait before you start with stories with george we'll start with this story there once was a george that got a new lucky bag from one of our subscribers eva and then a hole started you have the hole in the bag already yeah these quarters are rough two days that's all it took two days they're rough around the edges and they just tear up my bags i need to get that hundred down oh here comes a nice something oh there was a good push finally money finally [Music] i need another another pretty tour with another pretty push all right i'm down to two quarters two quarters give me a push come on give me something we better pull isn't she a beauty another 20 dollar boss that fell and 11 dollars and 25 cents in quarters all right hopefully you can do some damage let's see what she's got still fighting i think that that 20 right there will fall next it's really close to the edge so when you come to the casino they give you uh the cups here and i just i feel like the cups here are lame so i stick with my lucky bag it does wonder come on 20 drop drop yes did you see a drop i saw wrong one not the one [Music] entertain me george of what the hails entertain me are you not entertained it's funny the ones that you think that look easy are always the hard ones and the ones that look hard like the one i played ends up being the easy one that was my last order [Music] oh this isn't going to be we got to get some money i'm slowly coming up got another 20 box and 2 and 75 cents in quarters i think i'm gonna switch it up and play to the right yeah switch it up see what happens i think that's a good idea switch it up see if you can drop anything come on already making moves yeah [Music] come on is anything gonna happen i need some money elvis is actually singing and nothing nothing's happening i think how many quarters did you drop that fell in the chute yeah i don't know i didn't know some foul but not a whole lot i don't think many oh you're all should go elvis was just singing all right you better place it good she's going to the right and and and well there you have it ladies and gentlemen and so are we gonna show this one on uh the youtubes or is this one gonna go in the george lost files well rock paper scissor it right now all right rock paper scissors ready ready rock paper scissors shoot paper why are we shooting again all right go get another buy in 25 to start again last time so people ask how in the world can the casino make money because you have to buy in so at this point and they're all set that way in the beginning you knock it down it doesn't you don't make any money and now you got another buy-in there's not enough money in there for us to walk away with profit but high stakes you have to pay to play in high stakes so here we go again first round i only won 60 money back so we will not we will not well we'll have fun that's what we'll do it's all about having we're going to have fun and we need you guys to have some fun with us as your shaykh shaka and flicka all right so she got a new 25 dropping the quarters now yeah money boxes and quarters are falling her ancestors built the pyramids now she's taking them down i'm wrecking it you think you can stay in it this time yeah oh now you're getting some drops now you're getting some drops now we're just playing for fun playing for fun oh yeah baby don't blame the play-up blame the game baby yes another box fell down now they're dropping like it's hot see that's what it's designed to do it's the sign that you have to go in again so come on now george does lose i do lose uh multiple times she's actually lost on the channel we just don't show it because it's it's one we have other new buy-ins like we did now we didn't just abandon it we just went ahead and did another buy but i don't think we've ever done three buy-ins in a row did you see those box just come down yeah we've ever done never done three buy-ins on one just two never done three buy-ins there's times where it doesn't even make it to a second one but this one was so close to the edge why start again you can see you can see it was going to be profitable we bought in again well it was going to be to where she was going to push things off the edge [Music] my money's stuck in the corner oh nice my money's stuck in the corner of your bag too all right i'm down to two quarters two quarters left i'm going to drop it here we go this should be a good pull this should be oh nice this should be a good pull let's do it [Music] in my hands i'm holding 280 dollars one one hundred dollar box spell and then nine of the twenty dollar box i think you just had a box fall off the edge here while we were talking while you were talking all right she's got fifty four dollars in quarters let's oh i was just singing sing it go go by the way my counting of her quarters may be off a little bit so nice nice now we're shaking everybody at home you shake shake your chicken with us all right so 54 in that draw of quarters try and get as much cash as she possibly can see if we can bring any of this back home yes which would be great because we got quite a few auctions this week in ohio one we want to go to on thursday we want to go to on friday one we want to go to on saturday so if we can get some more cash for the auctions that's always a good thing you're knocking that hundred dollar box around like crazy yeah yeah but it's so stubborn [Music] come on big push there we go now we're getting the pushes now we're getting the push here comes a nice squish nice roto-rooter action it just went down the slide there we go oh no you didn't no you did it it was like a bowling ball nobody's else is at the machine right now i [Music] but you can knock money off into another field i want to play that one when you're done with this one this is just crazy do you want to play come on why can't that hunter just fall already [Music] and now it's time for story time another story with george once upon a time there was an egyptian named george who woke up from a glorious was map angry this is obviously not a true story because it never happens that way oh that box on the edge look at all these boxes there's tons of knappage and there's tons of hungry three boxes just fell at the same time how hangry are you right now i'm not not angry at all do you believe me tails no am i acting angry always like right now at this moment not at this particular moment so then you can't say i'm always angry at any given moment you absolutely snap right into angriness only three times a day breakfast lunch and dinner elvis is singing all right come on help us guys help us come on i want that puncher to fall off the pusher it's so close nice that was a good one it's just twirling around like a ballerina but playing but playing 100 box and just get off already that's why i tell you all the jump quit playing george let's put playing playing once upon a time there was a hangry egyptian named george she was the hangers two more boxes all of the land and all of the land every tuesday she needed tacos i do love my tacos [Music] it's so weird i always crave toggles on a tuesday why is that every wednesday she needed wendy's every thursday windy wendy's t-bone steaks every friday falafel fridays i'm not sure what she just said a falafel a falafel's a middle eastern uh best watch your mouth like uh it's almost like an appetizer it's a family channel i'm not a fan of falafel actually you probably would hate it you want to know how i know that you would hate it yeah because it's got flavor it's not bland just the way you like it that was my last oh i'm down to see if this quarter makes a difference come on quarter oh it did it made a difference it somehow pushed some stuff [Music] come on [Music] they're falling they're falling forward that one box still up on that ledge is ridiculous crazy i hit the 100 on the head they're another box just found been throwing money on everything [Music] we got 100 i see four four hundred dollars is right in the middle of the field 400 she's got 20 to the left 20 to the right i think you should be pushing for the 400. [Music] you gotta catch them all oh now they're pokemon hundreds are in the middle are you gonna go for them or not i'm going for whatever i can there you just went for it that's 100 i don't know if it was a full box or not how many other hundreds four well five technically five another 20 boxes dropped [Music] she still has the hundred bucks up on the upper tray who the hell's nose what's inside curious to know your guys's guesses down in the comments let us know what you think's inside i want to try and get some of these 20s on the right corner to fall she's got 20 jams on the left 20s jam to the right hundreds jammed in the middle it's a nice little situation to have that's for sure especially if you can get them unjammed oh elvis all this started singing [Music] trying to drop them closer they're moving they've all shifted that hundred is so close to the edge the pusher is still stubborn and hanging out maybe he just likes to be solo he's introverted he's like i don't want to join the party just leave me up here come on i see quarters moving i see jammed boxes to the right i think they're getting jammed underneath yeah the one is the floor underneath it is falling i think they're getting jammed big time yeah definitely jammed to the right to the left they're not as jams [Music] come on give me a push all right here it comes aren't you silly [Music] i did it did you see all those quarters that fell when i pushed did you see it i heard it [Music] you heard it what'd you hear i heard you pushing oh all right but you didn't hear the product of it you just heard well you well yeah you heard all the change yeah yeah i got you i got it i got you i bet you if you had a golden quarter and you dropped it in at your last 25 cents i bet you all of a sudden you're gonna get a mega push it would have been a super power megaplus a super deluxe mega push oh come on give me a nice push just my guess throwing it out there if a silver quarter can push all that just think of what a gold what a gold quarter would do should we try that the next time we've won so many yeah we should actually we should put a gold quarter in and maybe see if we can find something we should find some platinum quarters and see what that'll do maybe some diamond quarters oh the 20s on the right are finally moving the one was weeble wobbling find some what quarters some platinum quarters and then some diamonds some diamond quarters quarters made out of diamonds where does one where does one find a platinum quarter and where does one find a diamond quarter i was gonna ask i didn't even know they existed no should we find a ruby quarter too yes yes oh the 20's on the rachel's belt and you just got one on the left they're falling everywhere [Music] i know you're all shaken with elvis singing george is making it rain making it rain [Music] you saw it here at what the hills making it hail storm is that what you call that move nick of the hailstorm look at the hailstorm [Music] come nice on [Music] there's four 100 oh you just got one you just got one slid down the hopper oh there's no more two more was that two more finally two more 20s [Music] come on big money [Music] so all the money that i'm gonna win right now we'll just use it towards uh getting a storage unit right yeah i wanna go to the office that was my last quarter all right let's pull let's see what you got oh wait wait something might happen all right let's pull in my left hand i'm holding 180 in my right hand i'm holding 200 so that's 380 total and money boxes up [Music] and and elvis is singing let's see what she can do here do some damage going for the hundreds of the 20s i'm going for them all remember we gotta catch them just going for them all apparently i was i was off on the question what a ridiculous question is that even a question apparently not a good president [Music] she is literally trying to knock that hundred off i've bounced i've hit it on the head a couple times and it's just like [Music] i can't even stress how important it is to stretch before doing this you did your calisthenics my back is starting to tighten i didn't stretch but how's your carpal tunnel purple tunnel's good that's all that's important we don't care about the back but my back is on fire that's your scoliosis not your plane of the game my what your scoliosis what's that um it's a it's an issue with the skin that makes it itchy dry patches oh okay i don't have that oh that's me i thought that was you that would be me colorblind dry patchy vanilla skin oh [Music] [Applause] the one thing i got going for me what do you think is the best thing i got going for me your dad bod tails we want anybody filled with muscles who would want to lay on that at night we want to lay on an ice [Music] like laying with an ice sculpture no thank you not for me oh it finally fell now it should be smooth sailing for you [Music] now he wants to come and play come join the party [Music] all of these winnings today will be donated to a what the hell's buying storage units funds right that's what we're donating yeah i would love to restore the love soon we haven't done that in a while we haven't had a chance we haven't seen anybody who wanted their unit i mean we kind of did with lee if that counts where you gave them all the car cars we counted it but officially that'd be rough to really save here give somebody their story to get it back look at that it's just right there on the end it's just dying to come off the [Music] that might be part of the uh the method to our madness is clogging it up there it goes oh nice [Music] it just slid down like all the way home it went all the way you got one ugly that's 200 in that box 200 and 280 dollars on cash you almost stocked it off you're bouncing quarters just like so if you load the machine too fast if you load the machine too fast it actually spits it out again it makes it happen and that's where it's jumping and hopping it doesn't hippity-hop like she just did for the longest time i thought that was the weirdest thing but now i love it especially if it can hit a box into the hopper so it's like the machine is trying to train you to not rapid fire too quick because if you do it will just spit your your point out and it won't land on the tray for a good push yeah so there's definitely skill to it no doubt about that and every machine that you find in every place is going to be different no doubt learn your machines learn them [Music] things are [Music] that moving has moved a couple inches later yes that was a nice oh come on so close [Music] how many thousands of years do you think it's gonna take to rebuild this pyramid that would be awesome that would be awesome is it your breakfast this is not my breakfast oh i just you said something was moving on the right i thought maybe it was your breakfast oh nice and then there were three and then there were three well technically four oh there was one now there's cause that hundred dollar box i believe is two one hundred dollars nice oh it just moved back it's moving back you're going the wrong way hey mister you're going the wrong way well at least you got a ton of ammunition to go after it with oh nice i say i can finish up all the quarters in lucky bag and then cash out i'm starting to get busy you mean go home i'm starting to get a little dizzy why you're making too much money not feeling good have you been pushing too hard maybe did you burst or rupture a colon it could have is it your spleen it could be that too i heard them screams to be means a few inches later real good since elvis isn't singing maybe we should sing together [Music] oh my goodness let's go home 141 25 cents after counting all the cash money boxes i got it came to 1 420 including this 100 money box we actually are making money is actually over there they tricked us [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 200,437
Rating: 4.9165373 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: BQo_1GjZPPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 23sec (2243 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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