Miracles In Your Home | Matt Redman & Jentezen Franklin

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I want to welcome everybody to this very special Palm Sunday we're joining you from the Orange County campus of free Chapel sodalite today to have some very special guests and we are practicing social distancing even while we're worshiping and I know that all of you are there in your homes we've never seen a Palm Sunday like this in my lifetime I never dreamed in my lifetime that we would be here it's usually a big Sunday of celebration people just a kind of an up feel to Palm Sunday and today is no different because we can worship right in our homes I'm delighted today to have Matt Redman who's one of the greatest psalmist songwriters and worship leaders in the world and also delighted to have equally just a powerful voice in ministry lindy we appreciate you being with us Linda Conant and right here from Orange County right and she works with white whale which is a amazing youth organization this circles the globe man we're delighted that you here we've got Quentin over here on the keyboard we kind of are unplugged and yet fully plugged in to the power of the Holy Spirit today Quentin's on the keyboard and our own worship leader that blessed us a couple of weeks ago from from our home out here Sean we appreciate you being with us and leading and worship amazing gift amazing anointing is John Mehta and he is great great ministry and song that you're gonna hear today so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna lift Jesus up right there in your homes and we're gonna do it from our house to your house there's nothing but a bunch of empty seats in here but we're gonna create a seat we're gonna create a throne and the Bible said that God inhabits the praises of his people and the Japanese Bible the translation because they have kind of an emperor mindset they would carry their Emperor on their shoulders and the translation says when we praise the Lord we create a throne and God comes down and sits in it and so what we're going to do through our praises and here's what I really want to challenge you to do today to not allow distractions to come and just kind of let you loosely worship the Lord especially on Palm Sunday but I want you to really get quiet and still and bring the family in and even right there in your home open your heart and let these songs Express through your voice and through your heart worship under God right there in your house we're starting a series today called miracles in your home and I'm telling you that the greatest miracles in the Old and New Testament did not happen in a church in a crusade they happened in people's homes and God has brought us to our homes so that he can fill our homes with his presence and with worship again and man we're just so glad to have you here thank you for doing this you and Beth of course live here in Orange County and you're just familiar dear love you know friends that our family just people we think the world of your beautiful family how you doing what what are you sensing through all of this I don't I don't I've never seen a time like this yeah it's not so many times where everyone's on the same page right everyone has all the unknowns everyone feels shaken and I remember 9/11 was a time like that it felt like everyone was in the same boat what's happening to us who has the answers what's our response to this and it feels like that in this moment now doesn't it feels like this is a universal thing it's a worldwide thing and I love that has been worship today we we can not only praise God we can preach to ourselves so we can sing ourselves to some firm foundation and solid ground it's powerful and David said you surround me with songs of deliverance today as as Matt who wrote most of these songs probably all of them as he proclaims these songs we're gonna surround your family and your house with songs of deliverance praise God songs of deliverance are gonna go forth today you can be healed you can be strengthened we're going we're going to see fear defeated and faith triumphant in your life and in your family and it's gonna begin today on Palm Sunday with songs of deliverance so right in your home let's worship together and I'm gonna come back in a moment and preach a message and then we're gonna end with a little mini concert and I'm gonna play the sax and we're just gonna have a beautiful time together there's needs in your life you need to go online and send in the prayer request we've got a team of hundreds of people who are interceding and prayed we love you and we care about you and God loves you and God cares about you and I feel the presence of the Lord just settling down in this room and right where you are in that room to we're not alone we're not forsaken nothing can separate us from the love of God certainly not a virus it can't separate us from his presence so let's worship Matt lead us into the presence of God with songs of deliverance [Music] people of your presence it's welcoming with praise today and vitalina wherever you are today we're a people of the press we are children of your presence worthy of very sore worthy of all the praise we could have worthy of every breath we could ever bring we'll live for you Jesus the name above [Music] Jesus the only one who could ever say and you worthy of every brother so [Music] there is no one like you there is an Amish side Oh my eyes [Music] you fill me with your yeah Oh [Applause] [Music] seen the name of Jesus Jesus the name Jesus the only one who could ever say [Music] every rep we could have soon after Oh [Music] there is the Oh [Music] you me within your heart you to so the bear is open up would you sure [Music] yeah [Music] be [Music] firm [Music] and [Music] No [Music] there is no [Music] Oh and sure [Music] really to [Music] my [Music] sure is - my truck [Music] and I will not we shake [Music] everything that can be shaken will be shaken and the unshakable anything that can be shaken will be shaken and the unshakeable the still remain so Jesus bill sure it is [Music] - and [Music] much Oh [Music] we will never be shades we so thank your presence Jesus we're so grateful that you're drowning boy 22 Jesus you know they bow before you [Music] cast their crowns before [Music] you are worthy you are [Music] you deserve [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in this hour in this time [Music] Jesus will say as a nation as a nation we will rise in a word we will rise in a worship to our King of Kings circumstance Wheeler's and we will rise his day [Music] [Music] in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you are worthy [Music] jeez for from you and [Music] you deserve the glory one more time wherever your act we're gonna sing this straight to you Jesus you were the [Music] you know [Music] you deserve the Lord [Music] Church during this time we want to take a moment and say how grateful we are for each and every one of you the partner with us every week by sowing financially into this ministry America and the nations of the world right now is under severe attack because of cope of 19 virus but as a church we've been able because of your generosity we have been able to really step up to the plate as the Church of Jesus Christ and begin to bless people and minister to people who are in such need right now so many churches right now that have experienced such loss some churches that are even at risk of having to close their doors churches that we know that we're in partnership and that were in relationship with we as a ministry have been able to make a commitment and have already begun to distribute the funds that we've committed to selling over two hundred thousand dollars to help these churches that are at risk of closing their doors keep their doors open to continue the work that God has called also we've been able to provide as a church free chapel right across all of our campuses over 25,000 meals to those that are elderly those that are more at risk are more susceptible to theirs their disease are more vulnerable we've also partnered with the Red Cross and conducted multiple blood donation drives right across all of our campuses as a result of these blood donation drives that we've been able to host as a church and partner with the Red Cross we've been told through the Red Cross that we have saved over 700 lives just this is amazing this is all because of your giving as you're giving them there's been able to purchase the buildings that we have to be able to host these drives one encourage you as you continue to sell you continue to to partner with us you are a part of making such an incredible difference we want to say how grateful we are also on encourage you I know so many of you at this time in a season right now of severe loss maybe you've lost a job maybe financially you're really struggling maybe you've even lost a loved one as a result of this this crisis one encourage you Romans 8:28 says that God works all things for the when encourage you also that in this time of its a time before me we're in a season of lockdown on a season I've been isolated but I want to encourage you right throughout the scripture there's this reoccurring theme someone pointed this to my attention recently weed god I've actually isolated me for a period of time and and there's this ongoing theme of it seems to be a theme of 40 and many theologians are talking about it right now we know that Jesus spent 40 days in the desert 40 days of fasting before his ministry began we know also that Moses when he fled Egypt he fled Egypt it was also in the desert for forty years Noah spent 40 days isolated in the Ark you see this reoccurring theme theologians are talking about it right now and the significance of it biblically and how this applies to this period right now that we are in and you have differing opinions upon it but I think the the ongoing theme is that during this season God is doing something that while you may be feeling like you're in a season of lack while you may have incredible need right now I would encourage you during this period of isolation God is actually at work the same way Noah was probably in that boat thinking what is going on these doors ever gonna open some of you feel like you're trapped in your living room and you feel like am I ever gonna get my job back or encourage you the door is gonna open and God is doing a mighty mighty work well we're waiting God is working and I want to stir your heart and encourage you and actually want to pray with many of you I know that so many of you have experienced loss and I want to just encourage you and I want to speak the peace of God over you during these times would you just let me let me just pray for you right now look god I thank you for each one of these people your God each one of these people that so every week in a free chapel I want to lift that right now those that are struggling financially look god I declare blessing over them I declare that the promises of God over their life are yes and amen but your word tells us to be anxious for nothing but in all things with prayer and petition present our request before God and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus I speak that peace over every person oh god I thank you that during this season of quarantine during the season of lockdown look God that you are preparing us for a great and mighty work I declare look God your hand of protection upon people I declare a hedge of protection around them I declare the blood of Jesus for God that it would God and guide us cheering this season our we declare your peace and your mighty mighty one encourage each urge let's not lose hope we have hope through Jesus Christ God's hand is upon your life we are so so grateful for you and that's so grateful for each and every one of you they give and we just want to encourage you during this time we're gonna continue to worship some more before the word comes but God bless you will pray for you we love you we'll see you again soon [Music] Oh majesty earth and sky who is like [Music] it is [Music] a throne Oh praise do [Music] [Applause] Jesus lives naturally in your eyes from this place without you sir [Music] grace they have who [Music] crazy [Music] Jesus [Music] [Applause] King Jesus [Music] the king [Music] the Saracens you know bikinis [Music] you sound like you [Music] shadow you sense [Music] you know is [Music] the king is in residence believe that today the king is arrest [Music] our king is in resonance we know your presents Jesus Oh Lori to God [Music] King Jesus King Jesus glory to God pretty soon [Music] King Jesus King Jesus so far above all King Jesus King Jesus the name King Jesus Jesus they'll seize my son [Music] to [Music] smart my [Music] how [Music] spell [Music] - God ask ask [Music] ray [Music] my sources [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] to [Music] you are you are you the [Music] so powerful man would you sing that verse one more time and when I think of God's own son not sparing sent him to die [Music] thank you Jesus that God his son not sparing he saved him too I scarce can take it in there are that cross my father gladly bear heeey and - tea Oh and everybody in your home sing it right now with a grateful [Music] to [Music] Oh [Music] Oh how [Music] [Applause] praise the name of Jesus praise the name of Jesus we love you Lord we worship You Jesus I pray for the sick I pray for the afflicted the infirm the suffering I pray for the cities that are in crisis I pray for the hospitals the doctors the nurses I pray for our leaders our president our nation our taskforce that are fighting this virus of Congress oh god we cry out to you we humble ourselves and we recognize as you alone are great you alone can heal and deliver you alone can save and God we ask you for the nations of the world we cry out o God heal the land heal the people heal the nations you love people you sent your son as he just sung not to condemn the world not to curse the world but you sent Jesus because you so loved the world that you gave your only begotten Son and anyone that would believe on him would not perish but have ever lasting life oh what a promise that is when nothing's certain anymore but there's some unshakable things in my life that nothing can alter and change a have eternal life and it means more than it's ever meant to me and because Jesus lives we can face tomorrow we can face the future not in fear but in faith and confidence that he is with us I want to bring you a message today and then we're going to come back and in with a song together and man you move me that song moves me all that all the worship was just beautiful just amazing and I can't thank you enough for doing this today and I'm a little bit emotional right now because I I never thought I'd miss church so much I never thought I'd miss gathering together we're having Church online but I never thought I would miss gathering together like I miss it now I'll never take it for granted again I'll never I don't think approach a worship service the same it was taken so quickly from us I think we're getting a little taste of what it feels like to be in China to be in some other nation maybe like Iran this hostile to Christianity radical Islam nations that are not allowed where Christians are not allowed to gather and yet they thrive because they have Church in their house there's a miracle coming to your house I believe during this crisis called Kovan 19 there's a miracle that I'm going to begin to speak for the next few weeks right through Easter that God wants to do in homes and in families in apartments in physical literal houses places of habitation and I want to today on on Palm Sunday I want to take a moment and teach you a lesson and I don't want you to forget this because this is the beginning of Holy Week this is the beginning of the week where we remember what Jesus did for you and I and how that he entered on that first day into Jerusalem with the waving of the palm branches and the shouts of praise as people began to cry Hosanna which means victory now victory now and I want to show you something that maybe you've never thought about as I begin the first message in this series miracles in your home there's a story in 2nd Samuel chapter 12 and it says this in verse 3 but the poor man had nothing except one little lamb which he had brought and nourished noticed that listen and it grew up together with him listen to the specific wording and with his children it ate of his own food drank from his own cup and lay in his bed or his bosom and it was like a daughter to him and I'm going to stop there for the sake of time but you should read this story and I'm going to recap it and I'm gonna tell you how it applies to the miracle in your home in the week of Passover in the week of in the week of celebrating the death the burial and the resurrection of Jesus Christ and this Palm Sunday in the text in 2nd samuel 12 Nathan was given an assignment from God to confront David about the sin that he had committed he had committed adultery and he had killed Bathsheba's husband to cover it up he had spun a web of lies and he was not the same man that that he used to be he's not the same David that we read about who would spend hours in worship private meditation and worship playing the harp writing songs of adoration to God something had shifted in this text he was proud now he was area as a matter of fact the Bible said in 2nd samuel chapter 8 that david had gotten him a name we would say he's made a name for himself the scripture puts it that way that he got himself a name he had become famous he was so famous that they were writing songs about him the women would sing songs about David David's name was so popular that mothers were naming their babies after they gave birth after King David they would name their babies David he had gotten him a name but something had shifted in his heart he no longer was a man after God's heart but now he was living in deceit and living in a lie and living in adultery and living in sin and pretending and Nathan the Prophet was given the assignment to go confront this man this man who had become so vicious so bloody that he had killed an innocent man named Uriah to cover up his own sin so there's no doubt that Nathan was even probably approaching the palace that day with consternation and fear and worry that he could just turn on me and kill me right there on the spot so he's going through his mind as he's approaching the palace I could see his pace slow down I could see him maybe kicking a rock down the road or whatever just trying to ponder in his mind what am I going to say how can I somehow find that David that used to have a heart after God who loved him with all of his heart mind soul and strength how can i how can I reach him if there's a little flicker or flame left of the man that he once was that was so passionate for God and now that he's famous and he's powerful and he's got wealth and Palace and and and and everything that the world can offer and his heart is so cold and as he approaches the palace he says I know what I'll do when it's all said and done if there's anything left of David of the man he used to be the spiritual loving God man that he used to be I'll tell a story about a shepherd and a lamb and he walked into the palace that day and David was sitting on his throne and David knew that he was a prophet from God and David looked at him and when he did he said back to him David I want to tell you a story he said what kind of story he said it's a story about a lamb and suddenly a little flicker of the love that David once had when he was a little shepherd boy watching his father sheep fighting bears and fighting lines - to guard the sheep the precious sheep the Lambs he would hold them in his in his arms he said I want to tell you he said then tell me the story and he said there once was a rich man and there once was a poor man and they both lived in the same city and they both were in the same location one on one side of town and one on the other the rich man held wealth and power and prestige David's leaning in now he's beginning to listen he had flocks without number he had hired shepherds who tended after his flocks by the hundreds and thousands he had a beautiful home and he was prominent and he was powerful and he had all that you could imagine and living in the same city on the other side of town was a poor man this poor man had times when his family went to bed hungry they had no wealth they had no house to speak of it was just a Shack they were just poor people a man married to his wife and they had a little boy and a little girl they had children they were unknown and unimportant the total opposite of the rich man was the poor man he only had one possession that we're told of in the text he had one lamb one little lamb is all that he possessed they lived in the same city but they were worlds apart one powerful famous with wealth with fame with flocks without number thousands and thousands of lambs and one family that's poor and unimportant and unknown by anyone and all they had in their home the Bible said they had it in their home as a as a part of their family one little lamb when I hear the word lamb I can't help but think of the Lamb of God Jesus isn't is known if he's known for anything in Scripture he's known as the Lamb of God when the book of Genesis opens up Isaac is asking his father on top of Mount Moriah as the altar is built and the knife is laying there and the fire is kindled and he says father where is the lamb the book of Genesis opens with the question where is the lamb the New Testament opens in the first book with John the Baptist pointing his finger and saying behold he's pointing at Jesus and he's saying behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world the book of Revelation ends with the multitudes in heaven on a sea of glass surround the throne of God and the Lamb central and they're singing in the book of Revelation the last book of the Bible worthy is the Lamb that was slain worthy is the Lamb that was slain in the Old Testament in the Book of Leviticus when a when the Bible talks about a donkey that would have a coat and this coat that this mule would have or donkey would have to be consecrated to god this is talked about in the Book of Leviticus and if it was if it was the firstborn the Bible said that if they didn't bring a lamb for that firstborn coat then they had to break it's an egg and on Palm Sunday we read that Jesus through the prophecy of Zechariah chapter seven comes riding into Jerusalem own a coat why was he riding on a coat why not a white stallion because he was fulfilling the Old Testament where if the first born of a donkey was not redeemed by a lamb they had to break its neck and Jesus the Lamb of God was riding in on a donkey he was saying I'm the Lamb of God and because I'm the Lamb of God your neck doesn't have to break with judgment because I'm gonna take it I'm going to bear it on the cross I'm going to take your sins to the cross as the Lamb of God the book of Revelation the central theme of the book of Revelation is the revelation of Jesus Christ the Lamb he's called 27 times in one book the book of Revelation the revelation of Jesus Christ is what the book is called the book of Revelation is not the uncovering the word revelation means uncovering it's not the uncovering of the Antichrist it's not the uncovering of the end times it's not the uncovering of prophecy certainly those things are in there but we shouldn't make that the central theme of that book it's not the uncovering of 666 the book of Revelation if it is anything is the revelation or the uncovering of Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God 27 times in the book of Revelation the Bible calls Jesus the Lamb of God he's the slain lamb he's the worshipped lamb in the book of Revelation these are all biblical phrases in the book of Revelation he's the worthy lamb he's the lamb on the throne he's the Lamb that breaks the seals and opens the book he's the Lamb at the center of the throne it's the wrath of the Lamb it's the salvation of the Lamb it's the multitude standing before the Lamb it talks about the horns of the Lamb the war of the Lamb the song of the Lamb the marriage supper of the lamb it talks about the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb it talks about the Lamb's Book of Life and people's names and family names that are written in the Lamb's Book of Life you can do with a without a lot of things you can do without the fowl of the air the beasts of the field or the fish in the sea but one thing you can't do without in your home is you need a lamb in your home that's why the Bible said in Exodus 12 concerning the Passover let every house have a lamb for that house you've got to have the lamb for your house and so in the story that nathan begins to tell David he says the rich man had acceding flocks of lambs but the poor man listened carefully had one little lamb now this is where it gets very interesting with the confinement and the quarantine that we find ourselves in for the first time in my life and I'm sure in your life going into Holy Week because this is what it said the poor man did not have all the things the rich man hey but notice what it said in verse three that he had one lamb and he number one nurtured it the word nurtured means to feed something until it grows just as a mother nurtures her newborn baby it's the lamb that was nurtured in their home it didn't live out in the backyard it didn't live out in a barn it lived in their home the Bible's very clear about that and they were feeding the lamb and the lamb was growing in their home and in their family their family grew up with the lamb the children were familiar with the lamb the lamb was a part of their family they nurtured it the lamb was growing it was getting bigger and bigger in their home could it be that we are entering into the soon return of Jesus Christ and God has has said I don't want you in a sanctuary making a big deal about Balaam but time is of such F essence I want you to go back to your home with your families and I want you to nurture the lamb in your family I want the the lamb Jesus Christ to get bigger in your homes because you're feeding that that that one that can save you that one that can deliver you that one that can give you life eternal if ever there was a time where we needed to be nurturing and the lamb needed to be getting bigger in our homes and in our families in our marriages bigger in discussion bigger in worship bigger in praise if all your worship is dependent upon church coming back like it was you're in you're in trouble if the only worship you've got is in the house of God if the only time prayer is a part of your life is in the house of God if the only time that you are really giving and worshiping is when you get back to church God's saying that day is over I want it to be in your home I want the lamb fed I want him fed I want you nurturing the Lamb of God in your homes feed your faith so you'll overcome your fear he grew up together in his home with his children the lamb and his family isn't it precious it really touched me and studying this this week not only that but I want you to notice that the Bible said that he ate at their table he ate at their table the lamb it was it was not a pet it was not an animal that they had a distant relationship with that was that was not really bonded and connected he didn't stay out in the barn in the backyard out in the field somewhere but the Bible said that the lamb it it was not a petting zoo lamb so that's the kind of highway don't want to treat Jesus as we just want to go to church and we want to have a petting zoo and pet the lamb and then leave after church is over and go do our thing but this was not the relationship this was the relationship of the lamb in the home and the Bible said he ate at their table he hated their table I'm not I'm not big on animals eating from my table some people are I love dogs I've always had a dog in and out of my house all my life since my childhood we used to have a horse when I was a kid we had ponies we had dogs we never had a cat but one of the craziest thing the things that ever happened to me happened to me concerning a family that had a lot of animals in their home I'll never forget this when I read that it came to my mind that the Bible said he ate from their table and drink from their cup it's not like they had the Lambs little bowl over there and and he would eat in the corner like a dog or something but he would the lamb would be at their table it's a beautiful picture of communion it's a beautiful picture of the cup Jesus said this is my cup and this is my body the bread and the lamb they're having communion common union and it's not like he's just a pet in a petting zoo that they see once a week but he's living in the home the lamb is and they're nurturing him and I'll never forget one of my former pastors and he now pastored his aunt pastors his own church but Walt bird he called me and he said Jensen would you come down to Savannah and would you preach for me and he was starting his church and I wanted to be a blessing as a dear friend I loved him so I went down to Savannah and I was going to preach and when I got there and Walt well it's this kind of guy he's a dear dear friend and he wouldn't do this if he didn't he calls me gent because he's known me so long short for Jensen he said that gentleness is kind of like him he said now there's a cup there's a family in the church and they're precious people and they were and he said they want to eat with you they want to eat with you and he said I've set it up and it won't take but a few minutes we've got plenty of time before service and and I said well I got to change clothes and I don't like to eat and I don't really like to eat with people that I'll know to be honest and but he had it all set up my cell wall you know me he said it's gonna be all right Jen it's gonna be all right so we pulled up and we went in these precious people's homes and this true story everything I'm telling you and Walt had on a brand new Nike white sweat suit and I had on casual clothes and we were gonna change before before the big service that night and we when he opened the door when we knocked on the door and they opened the door it was like a zoo I have never seen so many animals in a place dogs not dog dogs herds of them came running cats came running Birds cages we walk in I have never seen so many animals and then we sat down at the table and I had cats that were going around my legs under the table purring and dogs that were everywhere and and and and there was a hamster I'll never forget it right behind me on a table as I sat down my head felt like it was almost in the cage and that hamster while we were eating would get on the little ring I don't know what you call it the little circle thing and he would he would tread on that and it was just rattle and I've got the cats going around my legs and I've got dogs and I've got a hamster to me it was a big rat that's what it looked like to me it's the first cousin of a rat at least and I'm thinking I can't I have a very weak stomach I don't I don't do well in settings like that and right in the middle of that so help me God one of those cats jumped straight from the four into Walt and I was sitting right beside Walt this close into his lap and it began to eat and lick the food off of his plate and I just I just I put my fork down I gave up on that meal I prayed but I didn't have faith in my own prayer and and I looked over at him and I was like I would love to strangle you right now and literally the next thing that happened you're not gonna believe but it happened the cat had stomach issues he's wearing a white Nike suit and the cat stomach was upset I don't know any kind way to say this the cat had a bad case of diarrhea and it let loose and when it let loose and then fled that white sweat suit was covered with cat stuff all over that white suit yeah you need to smile and you need to laugh we've had enough gloomy news so enjoy this and I just looked at him and it was the most horrible smell you have ever seen and smell and I look at him and he looks at me and I start gagging I literally start gagging I had to get up and I said I am so sorry I'm not feeling well and I'll be waiting in the car Walt and Walt came out it wasn't a drama queen I did I was very kind and stuff I was just was being honest I was about to lose it and so we laugh about that we get through that but it reminded me that he ate at their table he drank from their cup this lamb was so bonded with his family he drunk he would drink from their cup the tech said oneness with the lamb communion with the lamb the Bible said that he slept in their bed with them the text said that that that on the bosom in other words it talks about they could they could hear the heartbeat of the lamb they were so close to the lamb and he was as one of the man's children one of the father's children and as I began to read that I couldn't help but think now here's the story you got one man who has thousands of flock and he's hired shepherds to take care of them he used to be David you used to be the one that took care of the shepherd the sheep but now you're you're too important you too you're too busy to spend any time with them you just hire it out but here's the family and a man who said I can't give my children the clothes that everybody else can give them I can't give them the house I can't give them the stuff but there's one thing that I can give my family I could give them the lamb I can give them a relationship a connection with the lamb if I can't give them everything else if I can give them if I can raise them in an atmosphere where the lamb miss central where the lamb is a part of our family where the lamb is head of our home he's at every meal he's in every all our conversations he is the bedrock of our lives and the Bible said that the rich man had a traveler come through a stranger and instead of taking one of his thousands of flock this is Nathan telling David the story and David is totally captivated he said instead of instead of going out and killing indiscriminately any of his lambs by the thousands that he had that he had no connection to he he went and seized the poor man's lamb that was the life of his family and he slew the lamb for a stranger and fed him to this traveler and David was so enraged that David said who is this man he'll pay he'll pay four fold for what he's done to that poor man that only had one precious lamb for his family you know what the Bible said the profit whirled around and pointed his finger and he said David you are the man and he said the judgment of the Lord will be even as you have spoken fourfold he lost Absalom he lost two of his other sons he lost four children including the baby that Bathsheba was pregnant with I do nyjah Abner and and three of his boys died and then the baby fourfold and he falls on his face and he repents and he writes songs fifty one wash me and I shall be clean take not your Holy Spirit somehow he gets back to God and he writes his greatest songs Psalm 23 was written after the fall he wrote his greatest songs and he sung his greatest songs after he had messed up the thing that the Lord spoke to my heart was to challenge all of you who are watching me all over the world and to challenge our free chapel family to not have a casual relationship with the lamb in these serious times we need to have him in our home we need to be feeding him and nurturing him he needs to be eating at our table and we need to be drinking from the cup of the Covenant the blood of Jesus the Passover blood that says to disease and sickness and death and dread that you have to Passover because that house has a lamb in that house and listen to what he said concerning the Passover lamb you may have never seen this and I want you to listen closely I'm going to preach about three more minutes so I want you to listen cut because this is the most important part of this sermon and here it is in Exodus 12 and verse 3 he said they shall take every man a lamb for his house do you hear me father do you hear me dad do you hear me mom do you hear me teenager do you hear me every house must have a lamb and then listen to what it says in verse 6 most people read right over and they've never identified this with the Passover lamb but this is what it said and you shall keep it up you shall once you know when it says keep it up for four days it means live in your house for four days you're not just to take the Passover lamb and slay it indiscriminately unconnected casually slay it and cook it and eat the meal of the lamb and put the blood on the doorpost with no emotion but he said before you slay that lamb I command every house to have a lamb and this is concerning the midnight hour because that midnight the Bible said the Death Angel came through and midnight is is a type of the coming of the Lord and he said the central thing about the family in the home in the midnight hour is that there be a lamb in that house then that the lamb be kept in the house before day swine because he wanted then that couldn't be kept in the backyard couldn't be kept in the barn it had to be by the command of God kept in the house one lamb for every house and every family why did he want it in their house because he wanted them to bond he wanted them to connect he wanted when the blood of that lamb was shed he wanted it to be precious blood not just the blood of a lamb but the precious blood of the Lamb and for four days 24 hours a day there with the lamb they smell like the lamb they're hugging the lamb they're playing with the lamb they're feeding the lamb they're nurturing the lamb they're getting connected to the lamb god please do that in our families please do that with my children and my grandchildren in my home with my family we may we get vitally connected to the lamb that he not just be some lamb out there one of many thousands and flocks but may he become the center of our homes and our families so that when you put the blood on the doorpost and when you sit down and eat that meal of the lamb and he's at your table you don't just take that communion meal lightly but you understand the only thing that's keeping me alive in the middle of a plague and a death angel coming through is the blood of that lamb and I'm feeding on that lamb my family is delivered and kept and they overcame him speaking of Satan and all of his attacks and devices by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony so I say to you today but if ever there was a time where every home needed a lamb there's a miracle in your home that's about to happen and they're gonna come back and we're gonna end in a moment in worship the boy I really feel like God is speaking saying you can't just go through this Pat don't just pass over the Passover but as you go into this Holy Week I want you fully connected I want you to see Jesus the Lamb of God and make sure that he's in every house there must be a lamb for every house the Franklin house must have ahem the Redman house must have a lamb your house must have a lamb do you have Jesus right where you are would you get on your knees as a family would you just bow humbly before the Lamb of God as a family would you just gather everybody around there in the room and would you invite the lamb of God into your family and into your home again on every teenager to just say God I want to know the lamb I don't want I don't want some loose connection with Jesus I want to know him I want him to be my life I want him to be the center of my life pray this prayer right where you are say Lord Jesus I receive you today as my Savior everybody out there right now all over the world wherever you're watching this just say Lamb of God cleanse me Lamb of God cover my house say that Lamb of God cover my children my grandchildren Lamb of God I apply the blood of Jesus Christ on the door of my house and may the lamb grow may the lamb get bigger and bigger while we're confined to our homes may the healing power of the Lamb keep us may it flow to the hospitals and flow may it cover the doctors and the nurses may it heal the nations of the world that are suffering and dying by the tens of thousands we plead the blood of the lamb in times of distress and disaster plead the blood of the Lamb just say that I plead the blood of the Lamb oh he hears your cry I dare you I dare you just like you would in church I dare you to reach over and lay your hand on one of your family members there all of them and begin to pray for one another begin if you're alone there by yourself calling someone's name out in your family because there needs to be a lamb for every house represented in times like these so begin to plead the blood if you don't know any other way to play just to pray just say lord I plead the blood of the lamb over this family over our nation over a world because there's power in that blood and if you need to pray with someone we're standing by and we're ready to do that we've got teams that are ready to come and we're going through social distancing but I want you to know that there is no distance in prayer there are no geographical barriers that prayer can't go through there are no rooms that can be sealed off that prayer can't can't go through and penetrate and we're going to pray for you and we are praying for you and don't be afraid I say to all of you don't be afraid now's the time to apply and plead the blood of the Lamb and get a lamb for your house I love him don't you I'm so thankful I've got the blood of the lamb we don't have a big team here to help us I'm gonna take my own stand in my own Bible and I'm gonna walk off and I'm gonna grab a saxophone Matt would you just lead us in worship praise the name of Jesus worship right there in your home we were worshipping Jesus [Music] bless the law Oh [Music] seemed like [Music] [Applause] I worship you [Music] this song [Music] it's a year [Music] it's time to sing your song what [Music] and [Music] [Applause] [Music] I worship you [Music] you [Music] to is great and your heart is kind so kind [Music] looky 10,000 oh my to so blessed [Applause] [Music] see my Russia pure [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and all that today well my strength is failing draws near has come still so see you [Music] [Music] [Music] oh god I worship you it's gonna be [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] for from you are and to you deserve the glory for from you are into you you deserve the glory Jesus Lamb of God from you of them into you and here's a the glory [Music] he's here and he's there in your home there's a miracle in your home we're gonna bless you with this blessing on your house we dedicate your house as holy ground we consecrate your living room as holy ground your family is entertaining the lamb he's in the home with you the healer is there the deliverer is there the peacemaker is there the promise keeper is there and now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine on you may the Lord be gracious unto you may he lift up his countenance upon you and may he give you peace and protection in Jesus mighty name worship Him be a party in a thousand generations your family and your children and their children and their children [Music] be upon you [Music] they're children [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you in advance generations and your family and your children in their children and their children they'll be and behind em beside all around you and within his with him he is within in the ear in your car you're going rejoicing is forcing on [Music] [Music] we behold Jesus we take you at your word we to say we're so grateful for the Word of God we respond to our homes right now in a way we have [Music] [Music] baby [Music] together [Music] [Music] baby [Music] well the presence of God is so real in this place and he is there where you are thank you for joining us today thank you so much for amazing worship you just entertained the presence of God I know you sense that we love you we're praying for you we're believing with you if you have needs stay in touch with us let us know we are making all the calls that we can make reaching out loving on people love one another take care of one another and may the Lord bless you and we love you so much we'll see you next Sunday right here actually I'm going to be coming from my home and my family with your family on Easter Sunday I've got a special message for a miracle in your home I believe is coming this Easter invite your friends use your influence on social media to invite others to join us for these intimate times of worship god bless you look to Jesus he's for you he's with you and he's going to take care of you be blessed you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 219,231
Rating: 4.8722944 out of 5
Keywords: Free Chapel, Christian, Church, Jesus, Jentezen Franklin, Miracles in your home, Spiritual Growth, Family, Miracles, acoustic worship, 10000 reasons, the blessing, matt redman, jentezen saxophone, palm sunday
Id: 1fwR5Il6Qlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 30sec (5310 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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