The Power of Bold Prayers | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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hallelujah oh the presence of the lord is you hallelujah hallelujah honey lulu any good church where would you be without jesus this morning thank you lord for never giving up on jensen thank you that when they walked away and you know all of these there was a friend stuck closer than my own flesh and blood my brother my best friend my savior he's kept me he's been good his name is jesus his name is jesus thank you lord what are we doing what church is all about it's not about a program and a poem and a little talk and [Music] feeling better emotionally a little bit but i've come that you might have life my leader said and that you might have life more abundantly [Music] that's only in jesus my peace i give unto you not as the world gives but my peace and the joy that i give no man can take away that's his word that's right out of the [Music] book and lord we love you today man i feel the presence of god here so beautifully so strong we don't need another little church service we need revival we need the power of the holy ghost yeah you and one of those services somebody might explode right beside you and make you nervous and dance on your purse you better get it up off the ground if you don't want nothing to happen to it i hope we have that kind of service it's not by might nor by power nor by intellect nor by professionalism we've had enough of that we need the holy spirit to possess the church again he's the only answer he's the only answer jesus name above every name name above every name i feel his great presence here this morning smile at someone and say you must be a genius because you chose to sit near me today so you must be i'm just just telling you it's a pretty smart choice you may be seated praise god beautiful i love you jesus [Music] i love you jesus you have your bibles i'm going to open mind to i want to get this right but i think i'll go to joshua chapter 6 joshua chapter 6 and while you're turning there i i want to thank you for your hunger for god this is the second service that we've had so many beautiful people and you have not come for enticing words of man's wisdom but you have come for for jesus himself and we're honored that you hear joshua chapter 6. and i want to read quickly a verse verse 3 you shall march around the city all you men of war you should go around the city once this you will do six days and seven priests shall bear seven trumpets of ram's horns before the ark in the seventh day you shall march around the city seven times and the priests will blow the trumpets and it came to pass when they made a long blast on the rams horns when you hear the sound of the trumpet that all the people shall shout with a great shout and the wall of the city will fall flat down and the people shall go up every man straight before him i want to talk about this story but it may take me a few minutes to i have to be careful with what i do with my bible it's so funny my mother raised me that if we drop the bible by accident we had to pick it up and kiss it if we ever put something on top of the bible a glass of tea or anything like that she would come and say that is the word of god and to this moment to this day i didn't plan that but i knew be careful how you set that bible down i could hear my mother she's 85 right now i could hear her warning me that that you treat god's word with honor and respect amen so i want to talk to you for a few moments listen i'm going to give you a story as i've got a friend i've met him and been with him several times his name is mark batterson he wrote an amazing book that starts out with this story that i'm going to share today it is not in the bible the story that i'm sharing but it is taught in synagogues and jewish synagogues to this day you can raise this name and they will be very familiar with it it is a historical fact that this happened it's in writings such as josephus the jewish historian all kinds of people documented what i'm about to share with you it was the first century bc meaning that it was the generation just before jesus christ would show up and be born in bethlehem and there was a devastating drought that threatened to destroy the entire generation all of the jewish prophets had died out there were none left except one an old sage by the name of honey h-o-n-i his name was honey and he was known for his ability to pray and get miraculous answers to prayer in desperation the famine had grown so bad that they went to this last old man old sage he was outside the gates of jerusalem and they said would you pray or we could die as a nation the crops are destroyed the people are thirsting to death we have not had rain in so long and he grabbed his six-foot staff a rod that he carried and leaned on a shepherd's staff and he did something strange he started in the sand and he started like a math compass drawing a complete circle 60 degrees 90 degrees 180 360 degrees all the way around a complete circle and then being in the middle of that circle he dropped to his knees and by then hundreds and even thousands of people were gathering to watch the old prophet he dropped to his knees in that dry sand and he raised his voice with great authority and he said these words i swear before your great name that i will not move from this circle until you have shown mercy upon your children o god of abraham isaac and jacob those words sent a shudder down the spine of all who heard as his prayer ascended to heaven miraculously the audible grasp of thousands of people could be heard as they as they looked up because drops of rain began to parachute from the sky and drop on their heads every head was looking upward except for one honey was still on his knees in the middle of the circle and he raised his voice above the voices of the awes and the amazed crowd only to pray a second time he said these words not for such a rain have i prayed but for the rain that will fill every valley sistren and cavern in israel and no sooner did this man pray this prayer history records that the sprinkle turned into a torrential outpouring downpouring gully washing rain no rain drop was smaller than the size of an egg if you can imagine the people were so afraid of a flash flood that they ran to the temple mound to get in a high secure place but honey stayed in his prayer circle and then he prayed one last time not for such a rain have i prayed but for the reign of your favor blessing and graciousness suddenly like someone turned the volume or turn the the the spigot down on a faucet a calm steady beautiful rain begin to pour and soak the ground until the whole land was filled with rain for days and days it's recorded in history and taught in synagogues to this day to be the prayer that saved a generation he is deemed one of the most significant prayer warriors in the history of israel because he drew a circle in the sand and he prayed in that sand that with the circle around him symbolic of saying i will not leave this circle until heaven hears my cry and spares the people this story teaches us a powerful thing about prayer that bold prayers honor god and god honors bold prayers god does not enjoy just hearing us pray safe prayers regular prayers even weak prayers but when we ask god to part the red sea when we ask god to let the axe head float when we ex ask god to like joshua did son stand still he loves bold prayers and bold prayers prayed by his people honor god and god honors bold prayers prayers are prophecies of your future if you're not praying about your future then it's all up to luck and happen chance but when you begin to pray about your future pray about tomorrow pray about next week pray about your children pray about your family your marriage your business when you pray about it prayers become prophecies of your future lord it's tough right now it's all right to be honest lord it's tough right now but i know that you were able you just prophesied and i know that you are mighty and i know that you are enough and i know you will deliver us you just prophesied to your future god i thank you today that you are my healer and you are my helper and you are my my god and you know what i have need of when you pray your faith not your fear you prophesy to your future you have to get up out of the mud and say i know in whom i have believed and i am persuaded i put them in this circle and i am persuaded he's able to keep that which i commit unto him you need to draw prayer circles and put your family in it spiritually this morning i pray in the spirit world that there are prayer circles that are going to be drawn in a few minutes when i'm done with this message and that every fear and every worry and every concern would be dumped into that prayer circle and we fall on our knees and throw our hands up and say god i put my son i put my wife i put my daughter i put my financial need i put my health need i put it all in that circle of prayer and i will not give up until i because that's a bold prayer i will not give up until i see your faithfulness god i'm tired of being alone i'm tired of being defeated i put it in the prayer circle and watch god feel empty the prayer circle of everybody who's not supposed to be in your life and put the right people in it hallelujah give god a praise i just felt my little help i'll try to keep it calm cause i know you brought your friend all right draw a circle around this city draw a circle around this community i love that we're outside and i love right in the middle of this tabernacle is a big old cross going up through it and we are absolutely circle makers we're drawing circles and saying hell can't have our city hell can't have california hell can't have america hell can't have your marriage hell can't have your children they were born for greater things you were born to win you were born to overcome you were born to be victorious and i pray i'm putting you in my prayer circle this morning everybody take a praise break and if you don't know what that is just look and listen come on everybody give me one on every row give me one on every row give me one on every row fill that circle with prayer and praise and hell backs up glory you have to keep drawing that circle refuse to take no for an answer what i loved about the story of honey is he didn't just pray it and most of us if we'd have got one raindrop we'd have wrote a book about it and everything but i like that when it wasn't doing exactly like if it's a little little too less or a little too much he said that's not what i prayed for you ought to look at that crazy son or that crazy situation and say that's not what i prayed for god likes bold prayers he might he can do it right just as easy as he can just do a little bit god told israel he said he said i want you to understand that i want you to circle the city of jericho i want you to understand that when you start circling your problems in prayer when you pray you are predicting your future you're prophesying when you pray the transcript of your prayers will become the script of your future what do you pray if you ask you have not because you ask not if you're not praying as a couple if you're not praying as a family if you're not praying as an individual how can god you're writing the transcript for your future when you pray so pray well i don't know talk to god just like you talk to your best friend god i'm scared today i've got i don't know what i don't know what's going to happen tomorrow and i'm really nervous that maybe you maybe you're facing something this week and it just makes you tremble it makes your heart tremble makes your heart tremble oh i feel the lord right now pray about it draw a prayer circle spiritually and put that situation in that prayer circle and refuse don't pray your fears pray your faith he told people who had been in the wilderness for 40 years when we read the story we forget that all the old people died out and there were there was a generation that was born in the desert and they were now 40 years old the whole older generation had died and been buried in the wilderness and now people who had never been to the city never seen a city never seen a store never seen a house never seen a town they had lived in the desert for 40 years they were 40 years old and two and a half million people had never seen even what a city was and the first city they encounter that god said that is your promised land take that city it was the city of jericho and the bible said that the walls were so high 60 feet high that they would race chariots so thick that they could race chariots around those 60 feet high 60 foot high walls and you've never seen a city and you've never seen walls and now they're looking up at those walls of resistance saying you cannot have what god has said you would have you cannot be what god said you would be you cannot inherit what god said you can receive it's not going to happen the walls of jericho were walls of resistance and god said i want you to do something joshua you order the children of israel to march around those walls of resistance and for six days i want you to draw circles and all that i want you to do is march around those walls of resistance for six days one time a day and on the seventh day i want you to march around it seven times and in doing so those 13 laps one time a day for six days and then seven times on the seventh day and when the seventh circle is completed every wall of resistance when the trumpet blasts the people are to raise their voice and shout with a great shout and the walls of resistance will fall flat at the shout of my people because they're they're drawing circles of praise and prayer praise and prayer praise and prayer i don't know what you think is strong as a resistance maybe it's an addiction maybe it's some situation that you're facing on the job but i dare you over the next seven days to start this morning drawing a prayer circle around that person or that thing or that place or that home or that situation and refuse to come out of that circle for seven days meaning i will pray about it and i will praise about it every time i think about it now watch this and the bible said that when they drew a circle around the city and filled it with prayer and praise refused to take no for an answer but kept drawing circles i'm telling you this sounds so silly but sometimes in order to get the miraculous you have to do the ridiculous and sometimes when there's nothing but trouble in your home you ought to get outside and walk around your home and surround it with prayer because here's what i want you to see the bible teaches that when you circle when you draw circles of prayer god draws circles with angels prove it psalms 32 you know what psalms 32 says it says and i love this verse it says that he surrounds us with songs of deliverance god draws circles with angels and when you draw circles of prayer and put people and situations in it and drop to your knees spiritually and cry out and come in covenant with god's word about that situation god says i watch and when you draw circles i draw circles only i draw circles with fighting angels and they surround you and sing while you sleep you are you are under surveillance and more importantly they are under angelic holy spirit surveillance and he surrounds them with songs of deliverance the angels start singing from heaven while you sleep i'm going to deliver you i know you think you're going gonna be snorting that up your nose the rest of your life but your granny put a prayer circle target on you and you're gonna end up at free chapel on a sunday morning and there's gonna be a crazy guy with a funny accent from the south no they sing songs of deliverance and it's gonna hit you and it's gonna mess you up pastor you've lost your mind no i have it this is how god does it the bible said in psalms 34 and verse 7 that the angels of the lord in camp round about that means they circle those that fear god god has already surrounded you because i prayed circles around you i went and walked yesterday and i prayed circles around everybody that would come under the tent and even all of you on the outskirts amen now watch this with this ring i'm holding if you can't see all the way in the back i'm holding my wedding ring charisse is on the front row and she has one that i gave her and she gave me this one with this ring which is a circle ivy wed the ring is a token of undying love and an ending commitment it has no beginning it has no end it never stops it just keeps going and enduring and enduring and enduring when i marry people i usually get to the part in the ceremony called the exchange of the rings and i will say things like this forsaking all others do you promise to love and cherish so and so as long as you both shall live and they will say i do and then i'll say to him and to her at some point in the ceremony and that's the only kind of mary and that's the only kind that i'm not mad don't don't that's not that's not that's not being mean that's preaching love and the truth this is a sacred thing this is a holy thing this is a godly thing this is god's character he said the marriage of a man and a woman is likened unto the relationship of christ and the church that cannot be in any way disregarded or rewritten he made them male and female i'm not mad i'm preaching the truth and i want to apologize for it because the truth is the truth i believe in freedom i believe everybody has a right to live any way they want and i would be i would fight for somebody who's being bullied by somebody but i also must stand on the truth of god's holy bible and tell you the only it's possible to be in a marriage that's recognized on earth but ignored in heaven that's god's word well now that i've offended a lot of people i'll continue i'm not a smart aleck i preach this in love but listen i get to that point forsaking all others do you promise to love cherish as long as you both shall live and they say we do and then i say you can place the ring on her finger this day you stepped into the sacred circle of marriage a ring is a symbol of a marriage covenant a ring is a circle it has no beginning no in ending it's endless love the circle represents a bold statement and declaration of marriage it's an emblem of permanence everybody say permanence the ring is made from precious metal purified by the heat of a furnace that's the only way a marriage can be endless is it has to go through the fire the center is empty the center of the circle is empty and it represents the door to the unknown and when you enter into marriage you enter into the door of the unknown you don't know what is going to come you don't know what is going to happen and that's why you say the words for richer or for poor in sickness and in health as long as we both shall live i don't know what's going to come tomorrow i don't know what's going to come a year from now five years from now we we have been married 33 years and and we had many things unknown that we didn't see but the thing that kept us together was not just love it was commitment because if you have commitment then the love will be there let me teach you something let me teach you something real fast i'm going to preach just a few more minutes but you know the symbol of love is a heart everybody draw a heart start right here heart starts like this and then it goes right and then it goes out and then you come down and you draw a heart you all know what a heart is there you go so this is how marriage starts i love you honey i love you oh i love you oh oh i love you and then something happens and uh i don't love you as much as i used to you're getting on my nerves and it keeps going it keeps going it keeps going it keeps going and then somebody has to get humble and say you know i'm sorry honey i'm sorry too yeah you know we got a little carried away and then you come back and then something else comes something else comes and then there goes this is what real marriage is i know you thought real marriage was just like on tv and happily ever after what a lie no it's um and then it's oh i can't stand you and i'm turning i'm sleeping i'll sleep with the wall i'm not sleeping with you but but then somebody turns the curve and you come back welcome to real marriage i'm almost done hold on hold on hold on did you know that to this day a jewish marriage which is the kind that jesus would been familiar with the kind he performed his first miracle at was a wedding of cana and that interesting performed the first miracle turned water into wine at a marriage that was where he said i know where they're going to need to help the most so i'm going to just start it right there now watch this and i'm almost done i'll conclude with this in a jewish marriage they have something called the uh the hoopa h-u-p-p-a-h it's a little tent that they put out and they perform the ceremony under when the when the when the uh bridal procession comes in and they're all in place the groom is there the rabbi is there there's this little tent and then the bride comes in this is to this day every every jewish wedding you'll see this happen and what will happen is the bride will come down but she will not go stand by the groom she will walk in circles around that little tent three times and then she will stop and when she stops the groom will walk three times around it and then after he's done it three times and she's walked circles three times they join hands and as a couple they walk around one more time meaning seven seven is the number of creation and they're saying just as god created the earth in seven days we are creating under god a a new family in the earth and we're doing it by walking in circles seven times and what god puts together let no man put asunder i want to say to you today that as great of attack as we have on the home the family the marriage and the individual there is nothing hell has that can compare to what i'm preaching this morning when we begin to draw prayer circles around our families and our lives i'll give you two quick illustrations and i'm done number one i preached this sermon about it was valentine's day uh this year in in georgia and watching online there was a woman in north carolina and her husband and at the end of the service live as they were watching it and we were having service in georgia i told husbands and wives to join hands and form a circle join both hands and form a circle between you and i said if any two of you will agree and touch and make a prayer circle for your family and put every one of your children name them and put them in that circle your grandchildren and we started doing that in georgia and there were thousands of people there that day and they reached over and grabbed hands and i even saw one down on the front row i didn't tell them to do this but there happened to be a couple sitting down on the front row charisse it was chad and and his wife and they had one of their teenage daughters and bless her heart she just picked the wrong service to sit with her mother and father because they didn't even ask her they put their arms and locked her in the middle and she's just standing there like but it was the most powerful thing because the spirit of god started touching that beautiful girl she just started weeping she just started weeping but listen to this there's a there's a woman in north carolina watching this live and she gets so moved because the spirit of the lord really when we started praying the spirit of the lord really started moving powerfully it was just unreal and she got so moved that she turned to her husband there in her home and she said let's do it and they joined hands and they had a son that they had not seen listen to this i m one of my pastors dwayne wilburn called me that week and he said you've got to hear this testimony this is why i know about it you got to hear this they had not heard from their son for 13 years she had not had a phone call an email a letter she had tried and tried and tried and tried and he never would respond wouldn't answer wouldn't have anything to do with them for 13 years and she said that day we put my son in the circle and we prayed on sunday and monday we prayed and tuesday we put our hands together we prayed we put him in the prayer circle and on wednesday they get a phone call and guess who it was the son that they had not heard from in 13 years said i'm coming home mama i'm coming home i preached this and and one of our pastors this is the end they can come to the music that gives people great hope come listen to this one of our pastors heard me preach this and god quickened his heart now let me tell you what had happened earlier in the year this year we had received the word that there was a building that was available in downtown atlanta we have a campus in downtown atlanta but we rent a theater and this scad school scad whatever that stands for they have a property there and they were going to release it and get rid of it and so they contacted us and let us know that it was for sale our real estate person and they called us and said hey this is an amazing thing it's parking it's a building it's perfect it's got small auditorium a large auditorium to me that's children's church and adult church all of that's beautiful and all this perfect location one of the busiest places in atlanta downtown unbelievable could not believe you know the opportunity you couldn't build it for 25 30 million you really could and so we negotiated we got a good price on it we felt great about it in the middle of a pandemic we put a contract on it everything seemed great but then they backed out and said no we've got another offer they took the other offer kind of left bad taste in our mouths you know how you feel about things we just backed off and i said well just forget it but that pastor heard me preach this message and something in his spirit said it ain't over go down there and start marching around that building now it's already under contract a big builder is going to build skyscrapers and all this tear the whole theater down and build skyscrapers there's three other ones around and somehow it didn't pass code or whatever he goes every day with a group and they start circling that building for seven days and saying lord we claim this building we claim this building i didn't even know he didn't even ask my permission hey he he could care less he just went out there and started with a group just praying god give us a home a permanent home in downtown atlanta we got a call a few weeks ago and they said um is your offer do you still want the building and i said i don't want it as bad as i did y'all know how that goes it's time to negotiate come on somebody so we offered him several hundred thousand dollars under what we did the the first time make a long story short we got the building because somebody put a prayer circle on it put a hit job on it and there's going to be soul saved every sunday we're going to move in it in a few months it's ready to go downtown atlanta how about you what are you worried about what are you upset about what are you full of anxiety about why don't you make a prayer circle this morning and for the next seven days say god instead of worrying instead of stressing i'm going to get in agreement with somebody we're going to form a prayer circle in this family and we're going to see god move in this situation because god honors bold prayers shout amen somebody stand to your feet all over the place throw up your hands if you feel comfortable and just lift those hands high and say lord i'm drawing a prayer circle now this is for fanatics only i didn't even do this in the last service but this is for fanatics only i want you to take your finger and i want you to see the imaginary sand and i want you to draw a prayer circle somebody said these people are crazy yeah we are we sure are in that in that in that crazy we actually believe that if if the bible said it we can do it don't tell me god doesn't do miracles i'm standing in the middle of one i found out there's nothing that god won't do when we pray bold prayers that are in line with his will and his word sharice come up here we've got to get in agreement and i want every marriage every marriage if you're married if you're single don't be grabbing someone's hand right now it looks good baby but but but if you're married i want you to reach over and grab your husband or wife's hands we're going to put a prayer circle and we're going to put all of our children all of our family all of our loved ones to put our marriage going put me gonna put you gonna put courtney and tyler that's my oldest daughter amelia elliott carissa ben luca and leo caroline and connor and drake i put them and we put them in this prayer circle and cherise jensen especially jensen and my mom and pat charissa's mom and our families we put them in this prayer circle i want you to do the same right now just form a prayer circle take both hands and put every need lord we put our finances in this prayer circle we put our health situations mentally spiritually god we need miracles in our families and in our homes and in our lives and we agreed together we put the ministry in this circle we put our families our homes in these circles god we just pray your will be done we pray that you would circle with angels what we circle in prayer hallelujah you would circle in angels what we circle in prayer you would put a wall of flaming fire around our children and our children's children and no weapon formed against them will prosper in the name of jesus christ and we thank you for it and we do you agree with that i agree with that i don't have to carry that i put a wall i put a circle of fire around my family today and you can do it too sir you can do it you don't feel worthy you feel like i'm not clean enough i'm not holy enough you just raise your hands toward heaven and say i drew a circle and i put myself in this circle so god just cleaned me and used me and touched me right now let it begin with put yourself in the circle put yourself into your weaknesses put yourself your problems your issues put it in the circle right now and watch him help you he won't abandon you he loves you he cares about you i gotta end but i'm telling you you can draw a circle that hell cannot break through i want the rest of you if you came with a friend if you came if you know the person around you would you form a few little prayer circles i know we're not supposed to touch so maybe just touch their clothing or something pinch it but form a circle i don't care what people think i don't care what anybody thinks if you know anybody around you and you feel comfortable say come on get in this circle get in this circle and put every problem represent on this campus in that circle this makes a difference and i want you to begin to sing that song because he's going to be the center of it all he's going to get in the middle of that circle he's going to get in the middle of that problem he's going to get in the middle of that challenge he's going to get in the middle every wrong thing out every right thing in pray pray pray pray pray pray pray exalt jesus exalt jesus pray put it in there put it in there are you worried about your business put it in there are you facing something a major decision put it in that prayer sir jesus [Music] [Music] he's got it he's got it he's got it give it to you jesus cast all of your cares upon him cast all of your cares into that prayer circle right now cast it into that prayer [Music] [Music] put it in there [Music] [Music] put your marriage in there put your marriage in there you say i'm single put your marriage in there [Music] just put myself in the circle and i surrender to you jesus christ jesus christ [Music] you can do it for your you can do it for daughter daughter for your songs you got financial issues just put it in the prayer circle your god singing songs of deliverance [Music] jesus [Music] jesus at the center of it all [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] i believe in symbols you know he drew us he drew a line in the sand a circle and it was just a symbol but i believe in symbols hold that up and say jesus be the center of it all jesus speak the center [Music] from beginning to [Music] it's okay if you're struggling in your marriage i don't know of anybody who's been through this pandemic who hasn't it's okay it's okay to recognize the unknown and things that you didn't ever dream you would face you're facing now but it's all right god's got your marriage god's got your family god's got your spouse god's got you so hold on for his miracle and circle it in prayer ask him to feel the center of that marriage with his great presence invite him back into your home into your marriage into your relationships sing it [Music] yes jesus we worship [Music] circles of prayer and praise we're gonna sing it one more time [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] from beginning to [Music] and lord we thank you that you have heard our prayer tonight today and you have seen every circle and every person who is in that circle and we're gonna make a covenant with you for the next seven days to find somebody to pray with and keep this prayer circle going for seven days and at the end of the seven days we're going to come back in here next sunday and do what israel did we're going to lift our voice with a great shout knowing that the walls of resistance are defeated and fallen flat and if you believe it go on and give him a great shout and hand clap of praise right now hallelujah what an incredible word what a timely word such a beautiful beautiful presence of just god being here today and just what he's done in families all across this place today it's services like this that god deposits something so special and so we just pray over that impartation over every single family member who's represented here and who's not even represented here we love you and we just believe that god is continuing to do something so powerful so right now church as we said in the beginning we would love to partner with you we believe that god has called us to this city to reach the loss to least to reach a community and we couldn't do that without all of you so as you leave today we invite you to partner with us there's giving stations located at each one of our exits as well as you can go online at give or of course on the free chapel app but we this is one extended family we saw what god did in individual families all across this place but we want you to be a part of the free chapel family as well so if you are not involved in connect groups we invite you to take part in that small group community come on over right to the 10 our team and our leaders are going to be right there find a group we have groups happening online and in person we would love to do life with all of you and so stay tuned church we have so many things that are happening through this church that are coming up follow us on social media we love you we're praying for you we're praying bold prayers this week so we'll see you next sunday at 9 00 and 11 a.m make it a great one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Free Chapel OC
Views: 11,263
Rating: 4.9170122 out of 5
Keywords: inspirational stories about jesus christ, inspirational stories about jesus, stories about the holy Spirit, stories of hearing God's voice, inspirational stories about following jesus, people who have heard God speak, Live every day for God, Live a life of significance, voice of the Holy Spirit, how to hear God's voice, free chapel orange county live stream, free chapel orange county, free chapel in orange county, Free chapel oc live stream, free chapel, jentezen franklin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 1sec (3241 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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