The State of Diablo 4 Season 2 | Quin Reacts

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all right here we go boys uh the state of Diablo 4 in season two by Rex hi everyone it's Rex it's a couple days into season two and I've been asked about a hundred times per day Rex what do you think about the season and what do you think about Diablo I in general so I thought I'd make a video called the state of Diablo in season 2 can talk about all those things and if you guys like this video and would like me to continue this maybe we can make all of these a couple days after each season to see how things are going here's how I'd like to stru the video I'd like to start with talking about the good things always nice to start on a positive note and then we'll talk about the not so good things and what needs to be fixed basically the entire video so's he's saying uh he's going to have 30 seconds of uh you know Diablo for good and then he's going to have um yeah 31 minutes uh about defa being bad and then hopefully by the end of it we'll have a good feeling of what I think about the game so let me tell you how far I am in season 2 I have a level 100 sorcerer I played hardcore in Solo the entire time never grouped with anybody got to 100 about 28 hours and I've been blasting trying to make a super endgame character you know end game there's not really an endgame in this game but you get what I mean and this charact absolutely erases all content I've already killed ubert Lilith twice I've farmed all the mats and killed duriel eight different times looking for the Uber uniques I haven't found one yet but I will it's good they don't have to drop all the time not a big deal um I absolutely destroy everything I don't need to get any stronger but we play for fun anyway it's going to be trying time to play some other classes soon so that's where I am so let's talk about the things that work well the thing that works the best the probably the best change is the pony yeah the video that you made didn't do us didn't do any favors but this thing absolutely zooms outside and it has made traversing the Overworld much more enjoyable I never knew how much this little this little horse mattered the only missing thing is I would love it if you would allow us to use our spurs in town so we could move around quicker I don't understand why I can't use it here to get out of town quickly but other than that you did a because it's dude it it'll be like too glitchy and then people won't be able to see your like Mark transactions you've uh seen like they want they want they won't be able to be seeing your horse so when you've got your horse that you've purchased from the store that you may buy one from the store and they want people to see your microtransactions okay so they basically want to get more money okay tremendous job updating that another thing that you chose to do which I think was absolutely the right decision is you gave us all of our Renown points right at the beginning boy I did not miss doing those side quests and doing all those Dungeons and strongholds that was so boring so nice to start with 10 skill points and then when you hit Level 50 you started with um all the Paragon points in the very first board it was amazing thank you for that I yo hot I don't think I think it should be the opposite I think we nobody should get Renown and Renown shouldn't exist I I didn't I don't even like the fact that you start off with 10 skill points it feels like you start the game and you don't even start off as a proper Noob the beginning of the game you already kind of have like a rotation in a character and it just kind of it feels less like the beginning you know and it feels more like you're starting somewhere in between um which I feel like Renown should just be removed entirely there should be no Renown and no one should have all the extra points and everyone just starts off mean maybe they could just add the skill points in into some extra Paragon points uh in some levels or something but I feel like it actually felt it feels like you don't even start the game at the start which I'm not a big fan of and on top of that it's also creates disparity between people who have not played the previous season uh and you know Bally people who have not started the game and got unlocked the Renown verus people that have which could be a disincentive to actually want to play the game right I just don't get it literally just take just remove right now just remove it entirely remove it straight up the stash search function is amazing we needed that on the launch we didn't get it but we got it now that's nice the target farming I need to get a certain unique for my build I can look at the boss table do some activities go fight him a couple of kills later by then you should usually find it you can make your build that's fantastic the Uber uniques are actually a avilable in the game I have eight durio kills I don't have an Uber unique but you said I would know people who do have them I do people in my chat all the time I got an endario I got a shako I got a grandfather so you are right the drop rates are much better than you know one in 10 million or whatever you had them in before lots of changes that you've made have made the Overworld much better like we just talked about with the target farming a lot of the different activities are required to either summon durial or Target Farm certain things that you want it synergizes very well with the season theme everything is more rewarding it's not just summoning the bosses you also get more gold you get more XP before the Overworld was kind of like the laughing stock of Diablo 4 this is the thing you guys were doubling down on and a lot of people criticize that but now with more more development into this more things like this as the game evolves there may be a day where the Overworld is actually a huge benefit to Diablo 4 which is probably the intention the entire time so it's trending in that direction so I would encourage you to keep keep doing what you're doing and make more things like this you made a ton of fundamental changes to the way that damage I agree well world is it is certainly more rewarding now um but it still feels like a massive theme B it feel still feels like um almost like you just you're playing of Warcraft and you're doing World quests it doesn't feel like oh there's some hardcore crazy challenging [ __ ] out there like some insane bosses or some insane encounters it just feels like a trivial place that you go around doing arbitary chores to get things for like you know whereas the only place where you can really challenge your character appears to be nightmare dungeons that is it uh I want if I if they want to make Overworld better in my opinion they need to add more challenging [ __ ] in the overw world and not make it just a big old theme park we just run around doing little little quests calculations work crit vulnerable overpower resistances armor and then you try to rebalance the game it's trash I think almost everyone in the world with even the slightest amount of skill in the game would tell you that the game right now is far too easy Uber Lilith I can kill her with pretty much without her even being able to attack me and there are builds that are capable of just one-shotting things casting a single skill okay you playing an unethical Bill Rex what the [ __ ] you're literally playing an unethical Bill Jesus CH what the [ __ ] is he playing what build is he playing me he's playing a [ __ ] unethical build whatever the [ __ ] is playing is unethical clearly here one shoting killing it instantly dude I F her I have to head like I have to do all the mechanics it probably be like a f minute phase one like I don't know what the [ __ ] uh yeah that [ __ ] is not ethical whatever's going on there and just one shotting durial so I think the the Bing wasn't perfect there but but I forgive you because the these changes needed to happen they needed to happen right away and so we can balance it later I'm not super concerned with it if you're going to balance it one way or the other making it way too hard or way too easy it's probably better to make it too easy for the casuals no bro no wrong and wrong okay is the stat rework with crit andol a trash that bad it makes old gear feel homogeneous and uninteresting uh and on top of that it's way easier to make something easy without triggering half the community than it is to make it harder they should absolutely make it too hard and then be like hey we made it easier for you guys because that's a positive thing but if they're like do you know what we're actually going to make it way harder for you people are going to get [ __ ] mad as [ __ ] like Giga mad Poe's tried this and trust me it doesn't work it's just like hey you've just logged into the game and you're nerfed and everything's harder everyone loses their [ __ ] whereas if you make it you deliberately be like okay let's overshoot a little bit and then slowly ease out a bit of rope uh every now and then it's it's far more of a positive experience uh with the you know the Game Dev to community uh kind of vibe there let me tell you people are going to get pissed if they start making it harder like if you log in and you can like destroy a boss and then a patch comes out and you can't find the boss and guess what you you you were able to find the boss but your mate wasn't because he was he had work that day and uh you know he was he was at work for like a week how's that guy going to feel he's going to go to the forums and he's going to start complaining and say this is complete [ __ ] [ __ ] bro uh and he's gonna go K's mummy big time come in and at least have some fun and engage with the content they can't engage with it if it's too hard so if you're going to miss the mark one way or another I guess it's better to make it too easy on the first Tru no hard wrong disagree I'm looking for things to disagree I'm looking for more challenging things in the future um there's new spell animations that wasn't in the P my when I was playing my firewall sorcerer if you get it fully power instead of just being like a a little orange line of fire it's all blue and pretty and by the way where's Ray tracing you said we were going to get ray tracing is that going to beon announcement or something gold is much easier to acquire that's good the one thing that I would tell you that is off is the is the allocation of how you get gold so you pretty much put all of it in the tree of Whispers someone who levels up in dungeons for example or let's just make it simple someone who levels up that doesn't do tree of Whispers when I went to go do my Capstone dungeon and I've got my crappy you know yellows that I found I have any legendaries I'm trying to do some basic rolls let's say one roll on my crappy little yellows before I go into the cap Zone this was impossible for me the base cost was still 200,000 gold or something I could roll anything because I didn't do one whisper the entire way 1 to 50 one could make the argument well RX you're just playing incorrectly and we're penalizing you for that because if you would have done a tree of whisper Turnin you get mil multiple millions of gold and that would have let you do that that's fair but is that really how the game should be balanced should you put 5 million gold in one event and the total amount of gold that I made leveling 1 to 47 before I went to the cap Zone was 400k from everything that I had done well you absolutely don't want to do a thing where you homogenize all rewards because it makes things feel less unique but at the same time you don't want to make it so it's so lopsided that you just can't you know yeah I I I agree I agree it's probably a little bit like this whereas I need to make it like this you know it's like right now right now it's like you know this is like a magnitude order of magnitude so much higher and it probably just needs to be like you know just need to get it down but I don't know you run the risk of uh ruining ruining like what makes something feel unique like or H you know rewarding you know that's all really tra ver is just got going for it right is the gold it's pretty it's pretty hard out there and you know obviously the Uber boss Mets but yeah it's not really got much else going for it I think there's a little bit of a uh misallocation there I think we need to at least smooth it out a little bit so not one event is paying great just a tip just a tip another thing not in the patch notes that I Lov and I I noticed these things is when you're doing the vampire event or when you're doing a nightmare dungeon you put in more surprises before the only surprise was the butcher Butcher shows up okay haha now there's different enemies that will surprise you sometimes it's like a boss like a butcher or sometimes it's like three packs of vampires I have a clip on my YouTube a few days ago they ambushed me when I was like level 30 I almost died I lived with like one HP in the race but that was awesome you got to do more stuff like that you got to make more goblins more surprises like that things like that I think you can get away with not putting in the patch notes you just get ambushed out of nowhere I love that stuff I love that you did that um the crowd see I think guys happen to me once before I was in a I was in a nightmare dungeon and this [ __ ] like multiphas full-on boss was just there and I'm like it was just in an event and I was like what the hell is going on this is like 10 times as tanky as the end boss and I'm struggling to kill it I and I to be fair I wasn't surprised I was just confused and thinking is this bugged why is there a [ __ ] full-on multiface boss like in my nightmare 100 dungeon and it's like 10 times as tanky as the end guy what is happening right now control Nerfs across the board that you said that you were going to do they were noticeable um I spent way less of my time raging at you know these 5sec stuns these 5sec freezes it still happens and whenever it happens I still get really mad about it but it was it was few and far between so you did a lot of nice job there true which coincides with the dungeon layouts that you said that you improved I noticed those um I wasn't backtracking nearly as much even though your video that we're laughing at had it backwards you did a nice job there um dungeon events now this one is is a win you did better in the dungeon events some of them that took forever they were sped up tremendously I noticed that some of them are still way too long in my opinion some of them still have talking talking talking some of them don't end right away not the most complete perfect job there but overall you did do better I would ask please take a look at all of them again run them a couple of times see where you can trim some of that fat some of those wasted wasted moments um I want to give one more piece of feedback here um I could be wrong on this I haven't punched it into a spreadsheet and actually analyzed it and I probably will because I'm a loser I don't get the feeling that doing the events a lot of times is worth it it's better you buffed it but I'm still not sure that it's better so it might need another round of Buffs again um another thing that you did that I like is you put the occultist and you put like a stash at the tree of Whispers but there is two critical things that I think you absolutely must add to the game and one of them I think is vital you need to put teleport to the tree of Whispers as an emote wheel option and key bind that way when I finish a nightmare dungeon and I upgrade my glyphs I can press the button and go to the tree and insta port to the tree of Whispers yeah I like that I I like that idea I like that idea also reset dungeon as a as a keybind like why is why is that under the [ __ ] Quest interface that's so annoying like I just want to click a I just want to press a keybind to reset my dungeon I don't want to like [ __ ] why why is that not a thing actually tab right click blah blah blah blah blah click accept it needs to be keybound to the to the scroll wheel press the button port to the tree of Whispers true yeah yeah because that's the greatest place because not only does that the Turnin but it has everything right together I think you can double down on that that idea please I'm begging you make that a keybind the other thing is add a jeweler to the tree of Whispers I can't tell you how many times I got an upgrade I'm at the tree of Whispers I upgrade it at the blacksmith that's awesome I put I reroll it at the occultist I put on my power and guess what I still have to go to Kmart I have to go to Kmart to add my sockets craft my jewels and then I can use it so y yo and while you're at it can you make those [ __ ] monsters like the blacksmith guy you interact with that The Whispers less transparent dude like he's too transparent how can you see you can't see him you're like where's the guy I can see the icon on the mini map but I can't see the guy that I'm supposed to click on and he's a [ __ ] ghost bro he's a ghost you can't NY [ __ ] this is not a One-Stop shop until you add a jeweler please put it as a keybind teleport in the emote wheel so we can bind it and go instantly because we go there all the time and add a jeweler I'm begging you yo while they're at as well literally anything that can be put on that emote wheel should be able to just literally everything and anything like even sound options and options from the interface literally give us give us anything you can put on that wheel put it on there just give us the option just have a have a list we can scroll down for 500 years cuz you have no idea how many people just want to keybind random stuff let alone um you know or'll just have the wheel here CU I love it I'm a big fan but it's uh yeah it's annoying because half the [ __ ] like for the main one for me is reset dungeon like why can't you do that next uh the season the season theme um this theme was way better than season the season one Theme by the way you guys probably at this point like oh Rax said he's going to talk about bad stuff all he talks about is good stuff there's going to be bad stuff but it would be better if it was all good stuff but what about right now we're at 11 minutes in all good stuff there's going to be bad stuff anyway the the event is just way better than season one it's it's way better why is it better well let's go back to season one you kill a malignant monster first of all you can't even really tell where the malignant monsters are sometimes I just don't even know that they're there true then they drop a malignant heart that you have to notice then you have to click on it and it goes down and then it comes back up kill him and then you loot it I can't even believe how many words I just said there's just so many things wrong with that it's just way too slow this you go there you just run around and kill everything there's no looking for specific vampires there just do everything click on this do this free this cage click on this it it's just it's high octane gamepl and you're getting ambushed by vampires and someone summons this it summons a huge uh a bunch of more vampires that are going after you and you combine them with the Whispers so you're like multitasking at the same time and you have uh the board and you're collecting the different vampire powers you got the quest line I just think it was just much much better much better in every way do stuff like this in the future and people will really like it at least I really liked it and finally the gem another thing the gem thing is really nice um it has saved us some stff space so I appreciate it now let's start with the bad stuff here we go okay here we go wait how much that so the okay 13 minutes good uh and you got 31 left uh quick Mass it's like get 20 minutes he's got basically get 20 minutes of default bad okay nice can't move I I don't know a different way to put it Diablo 4 does not have an end game there there isn't anything to do especially with remember how we talked about the balance earlier how the balancing was too easy small problem just a small problem you know like the whole point of playing the game the whole point of like actually investing your time and as she playing the game yeah like yeah it doesn't exist Uber Lilith is free I could probably just I shouldn't say it I could probably just go fight Uber Lilith while I'm doing this video not even paying attention on Hardcore and kill her it's cuz hardore bro it's it's just the whole game is too easy so I asked myself okay if I I have this God what build is he playing where he can do that by the way my he could not do that he could not do that on this character I guarantee you he plogs into this character right here bro he LS into this character right here he dies he dies like he gets one shot no cheat death potion he dies I don't I don't think he could do it I think he would die genuinely I do not believe that he would kill it on this character okay he must he must be playing some broken [ __ ] Bro broken [ __ ] straight up ball lightning sorcerer she just shreds everything so now that I have made this build I go test my build doing what Y and the answer is nothing nothing Uber Lilith is a joke Uber duriel is a joke nber dungeon 100 is a joke so when Joe shell said at the end of one of the Season Two uh broadcast like literally what he's describing right now is literally in my notepad if you go C be hide I can show you the exact thing he's saying right now is what I the exact same feeling I am describing as well um that I want to cover here there we go look boss is not at all strong enough to test character Etc and what it's exactly the feeling that he is describing like there is no point to the whole point of having these endgame bosses is to feel like you can test them and like you can you know the whole point of building a sick character is to have something that's fun and interesting to Chuck your character at not just one boss that's like got some bug mechanics many different things to like go and T you that you know for example in pile you have like 20 different bosses that are all very challenging and very interesting you got [ __ ] delirium you've got delirium most hardcore various Ultra end games you got like the I mean some of these some of these aspirational contents are stupid like the FED um but the fact of the matter is there is a bunch of [ __ ] that you can go how op am I and test the limits and generally your character is going to like get cucked at some limit right unless you're playing some overpowered met a trash um but that is the fun interesting part of the game trying to make a build that you know people haven't [ __ ] with and seeing how far you can push it how good is your setup how good is your character what more gear could you upgrade to to push it even further and with D4 that doesn't exist which is a massive problem and he said the team is focusing on the endgame that's absolutely what should be done the first thing is how do I test this beautiful build that I made and the second thing that's very very important is I don't think the endgame can be random it needs to have a purpose to it let me give you an example Path of Exile describing sta why do you do mapping I do my mapping to fill out my whole Atlas passive tree then I do my invitations to go fight the bosses and then when I'm really feeling strong then I'm going to go try the Uber bosses doing the mapping is connected in some way it it means something last Epoch they have the monolith you're chewing through the monoliths to eventually unlock the empowered monolith and then you move through to choose your Awards carefully while dodging really really terrible affixes in order to summon bosses to Target Farm blessings and loot and raise the corruption so you can go to more challenging content and then they also mentioned that the Pinnacle bosses are coming soon as well bro he's flexing he's fxing right now and you know what he is he's xqc bro and he's telling uh blizzard bro he's saying you ain't got no content homie you got no content there's no content which is the truth there's a purpose to it you want to know what it is in Diablo 4 you plug any nightmare dungeon any tier you run it it it whatever loot drops is whatever loot that drops and then you upgrade your glyphs at the end and it doesn't contribute to an Atlas P an atlas passive tree it doesn't contribute to building corruption there's no strategy to it whatsoever I want to for the I I want to feel like I'm accomplishing something for the for the dads that have four kids and six jobs and they can only play 14 minutes a month that's me they need to log in and feel like they accomplished something toward the end that's me um to feel good so this is absolutely the biggest flaw of the game and how you're going to be judged going forward um the inventory management you guys have made a some progress in uh by the way another nice thing is the auto salvaging thing thank you for that I forgot you're being way too kind bro holy [ __ ] bro what the [ __ ] you being way dude chill man what the [ __ ] um it's just absolutely not enough I still run a nightmare dungeon I'm completely full in yellows it it's so annoying and when it's so easy to acquire gear in this game if you have any idea what you're doing that I desperately need a loot filter I have to have it you have to let me choose some of the fixes that I'm looking for you have to let me raise the minimum item power to like way higher so I stop seeing all these yellows I don't need materials I don't need gold I just need Diablo 4 to stop throwing 10,000 items at me it's better you made it better with the auto salvage but it's not going to replace a lot filter you have to give it to us another thing that I really think you should do is with the Codex Powers when you find a power and you extract it I think you just level up the Codex so if I have the chain lightning power and it starts at one and a half Mana back and the cap is three if I find a 2.3 and I extract it just level up my codex to 2.3 that way look what I'm doing here that way this doesn't happen my entire stash tab is full yeah every single item here 99% of it is just legendary powers that I may use later some of the yellows I thought might be useful but you can see it's mostly just that so if you give us that either that or you just keep your highest one or some way of salvaging any sort of legendary power to get some sort of resource which L you live up just [ __ ] this AIC system the current system is just terrible honestly even the way you associate the AIC systems with the gear is terrible I feel like there should be a secondary thing uh where you know you have like a character you know a ram cube of some sort I don't even think that the way you associate it with G is even final interesting at all because it's just a process that just takes extra time and it's not a puzzle to solve it's literally just no you have to have these powers and you are going to put them on in these slots anyway so it doesn't really matter so you almost associate the power with the slot instead of the power of the item um but yeah no everyone's been asking for this and the current system is like I mean people wouldn't be asking for this as much if they actually had like [ __ ] inventory space where you could actually store stuff uh you know but the fact is we don't have that so it just adds and exaggerates just how bad the inventory uh management actually is in this [ __ ] game right because the fact we have no stash my stash Bas that I'm going to use is going to go down dramatically I just think it's way better then we need like a tab for Elixir and if you do another endgame thing things for that because you got you guys took away you divided the Elixir drop rate 25-fold but hell tide just rains them from the sky and you got to run hell tide all the time and then they added in like 20 different boss mats bro so you're [ __ ] just constantly filled with random ass boss mats so you're like they they I don't even get it they like reduce the Leisure drop rate a little bit but then they make them drop like Health out like crazy and then they also just add in a bunch more [ __ ] that's in there all the time so then you actually have less space overall whenever they're trying to do the opposite right so my Elixir are taking up a full tab make one Elixir tab that everybody gets and let me store my elixirs there kind of like the Path of Exile does give us an Elixir tab please that would be huge for the game I mean kind of um another problem this is more of a minor problem the dungeon bosses I feel like 90% of the time that I kill a dungeon boss it's tomb Lord and then I fought a hell commer big hell tide Commander with you know like six health bars or whatever and I fought him for two seconds and I realized it was tomb Lord it was the same boss it would be so nice if we didn't fight the same bosses a hundred times over and over and over [ __ ] to before another thing that was I think incorrectly calculated here and that's fine I give you a pass but it's still off is the game is too easy everything is too easy at least in the very very end game World bosses die in 10 seconds Lilith dies without even attacking Uber durial is free what build are you playing bro for real like what build are you playing bro okay I agreed the game overall is too easy and I think a huge part of that is the fact that cheat deaths exist that's [ __ ] disgusting and stupid but then on top of that um there's plenty of broken builds that are just insane uh it's cuz of how many multiplies H in in the way the builds interact with the content and then on top of that the monsters just aren't scary enough they need to just add like dial should have one shots why doesn't dorio have on shots like just big guys Telegraph one shots that just own your ass they should exist except he doesn't have anything like if an Uber boss can't onot you what the [ __ ] is it doing bro what the [ __ ] is it doing so when we get the game all balanced that's something that we I think we need to look at c um one thing about the season theme that I absolutely hate this is the way that you guys slow us down oh I know what he's gonna say I'm calling it he's gonna he's going to say the fact you have to open up the tab and you have to spam blood click the interface alate XP close tab open tab click elate XP over and over and over again that's say cool love for you to never do again is the upgrading of the vampire pow observe me upgrading a vampire power and by the way I know you can use escape to do it faster but most people don't know that I click this button yeah I got no problem with the gambling that's fine the gambling part is fine I click this yep I hit allocate y then I hit close Y and then I do it again do you see how many clicks that is too many clicks that's terrible too many clicks it needs to just go to the next one the next one the next one the next one it needs to be there needs to be no closing and reopening it needs to be at the speed of light now if you guys don't know this if you click upgrade and exit it's faster but most it's not going to be intuitive for people knowing that right so that to me was that was how you were slowing me down in season two with this very cumbersome upgrading of oh bro 100% you guys s you saying like this guy's a little soy boy if I saying this bro I was complaining about the exact same thing it's not soy it's annoying as [ __ ] you're sitting there you got 970 blood and you have to click like you're just sitting there clicking for 4 minutes straight it's [ __ ] mind numbingly boring and M it's it's run it should just be the interface is open and you just like click click click click click click or you should be have to use more like you you use like 10 like 10 times of blood at the same time it levels up 10 times as fast whatever they need to change it it's [ __ ] dog [ __ ] and in the future they shouldn't do anything like that at all cuz it's just annoying and it makes it breaks your immersion playing the game cuz instead of like just spacing out playing the game having fun you just start getting pissed off at a [ __ ] user interface element and you're like why the [ __ ] does this exist bro like who [ __ ] designed this and tested this out and thought this was a good idea to put into the game you know instead of just playing the game of the vampire powers one thing I should comment on I don't have a super strong opinion either way on the vampire powers they are helpful so I like them are they breathtaking no but I I I've enjoyed them they're they're kind of they're mid to me they're better than the malignant powers where where you just take um The Barber every time it's a little bit more cerebral than that um but one thing about the vampire powers that I really don't like is the fact that you have to level them up every single time on another character I don't understand why that happened because you purposely made the vampire powers kind of universal right so since all of these are Universal like healing you or applying vampiric curse or this helps with your minions or this helps with your dots I was shocked to make a necro and realize that I had to start over and level them all again now if the vampire powers were like half and half let's say half of them are general ones and half of them are class specific ones like Tom sorcerer ones I'm finding Tom Lo right now I could see how maybe the general ones are shared from all the characters and when you log on your necro you got to level up the necro specific ones but all of these are supposed to be Universal right so then well well Rax we want people to play the game longer I'm really not sure that that's the way that you inject I thought do you think they did that deliberately I don't think they did that I think they're just lazy and it required way too much effort to like make it like they're like okay logistically this is actually requires us to actually code something like a little bit bespoke and you know what we're just going to make it character base [ __ ] it I I I don't I don't see them sitting there going we need to [ __ ] milk every last [ __ ] second out of these boo Pricks then they're going to spend more money at the store I I think they just like it was way easier to code a character specific and then that yeah and now P basically it's stupid okay anything that can be accountb and makes sense to be account bound should be accountb and they should just that should be a [ __ ] rule for blizzard because they just don't seem to get the [ __ ] message act more time into your game to relevel the same Powers straight up that you already leveled on one character that's the way I would have liked to log on my necro and be able to use my vampiric Powers again the way I would like you to extend me playing the game um is by adding an endgame of course another comment that I should make is on leveling the leveling is much better people can get to people can get to 100 way faster than every before I haven't really heard too many people complaining about it um there might be some tweaks you can do I be honest with you I've been thinking about it a lot I haven't I'm complaining about it I'm complaining about it right now I tell you right now it's stupid it's trash I don't like the current leveling system it's way too easy it's [ __ ] uh B what they should do is they should rebalance the entire game around characters being uh level 90 as the end game and then the last 10 levels should take uh like two to four weeks of grinding it and no one's in no one intends to actually hit max level all the achievements end at level 90 level 90 is a new level 100 it takes you the the amount same amount of time it takes to get to 100 now but instead 90 and then your characters you play just get like 92 93 94 and if you're a complete no life DJ that just plays the game all day guess what you could hit 99 or 100 right but nobody you know I absolutely don't think you should hit level 100 as easi as as possible um because what happens is it's just like this immediate turnoff the second you hit 100 I can tell you it's going to happen to me I mean assuming I play Diablo 4 long enough to actually hit it I'm going to hit level 100 and then I'm going to immediately feel like I'm like just wasting my time playing this character and it makes me want to turn off it's it's the same I have the same issue on Poe which is why uh I basically kill myself whenever I get even close to the 100 in po because I just know that I'm about to hit the end which is why I feel like they should totally just rebalance the entire game around level 90 um and then make those last 10 levels last super long and no one actually is intended to hit level 100 it just can happen you know really exactly made up my mind on exactly what should happen but uh I think the decisions that you have made so far have made it better so that's that's another thing um one thing that's completely absent about the game looking looking forward to the future of it is just itemization in general and crafting and even uniques is essentially not there the crafting is just too little with just one rerolling that's just that's not nothing compared to what Las or have I would love for ways to not not only craft but ways to kind of slam your gear the legendary potential idea is brilliant from last speing into the trading or the solo cell found is is brilliant that's another thing we need a solo cell found another thing that I would love I would love for you guys for blizzard to do is be a little bit more Brave um you know when we have powers like increases your movement speed by 20% when you teleport or basic skills get 25% attack speed like that like that's okay for like some of the powers but I would like to see blizzard get much more bold with the uniques is he thinking like thunder Fury and [ __ ] what does he I'm thinking I guess like shot of height things like that is that what he's gonna say let's see what he's gonna say for example I I want things that completely change my build which just make me so happy when they drop or they make me think oh I got this item I'm totally rrolling and actually I did kind of have a moment moment like that I got the um unique xball ring which is Godly for damages over time and I I could go back firewall but it made me think of to go to go for necro hopefully there's no weird like punctuation here uh what if I type f that a thing the ring I found this one ring and I was like okay wait a minute I I might need to go make like an infinim or a corpse explosion necro or or something because this this could be really sick I just need so many more of those things I need like oh you get this unique where chain lightning instead of shooting a little chain lightning someone's a gigantic storm above you that just shoots chain Lightnings everywhere for 12 seconds or uh your firewall is now fire snake and it follows you and it just tries to bite everybody I'm be honest I don't I'm not a big fan of these designs he's describing right now these Ultra specific uh designs they I mean I'm down for stuff like that except instead of saying uh chain lining your lightning skills now follow you instead of saying firewall uh your fire skills have a chance to proc something a fire snake you know not not tying it down to oneon-one skills I just like just to be clear otherwise I'm totally down for that though shooting fire everywhere and you just summon a million firewall snakes like oh my God that guy has the unique that makes his firewalls the snakes that's sick like just just bold be brave just make some crazy ass crap agree that understand that takes more development time da D but to me that would make the game so much more fun I would way rather you guys be very brave and try crazy stuff than more of Fireball now shoots two Fireballs or something you know the itemization is what I'm getting at I would love it if if it was better yeah 80 IID say 90% of legendary passs game a complete trash dog [ __ ] design and should be removed from the game straight up things that I want to talk about that I think are still kind of bad in this game the the leveling experience for some of the classes barbs got a little bit of a break because they got buffed on upheaval and upheaval doesn't have really anything in the beginning but upheaval was already decent so with the Buffs upheaval is almost a viable build to level up for barbs even though they're slower than the other three classes I think Druid leveling without the tor Nat seeks or the pulverized power and or the powers for the the landslide poison creeper from last time are are just terrible and part of the reason why they suck at leveling is with an overarching theme of the game in general in Diablo for getting your resources to a point where you feel like you can actually really play your build for a lot of different builds and specs is an absolute Nightmare and it's so much of a nightmare that I think it's actually taking away from the game now what I don't want I don't want to sit here and say well blizzard you should just make everything easy I just want to log in I want to level up in 5 seconds and I just want to win and da D no I'm I say because if you you got understand if you give people way too many utilities to like get a build I'm running like this there's no variance in the gameplay and the feeling of like solving those problems isn't there you're supposed to start off and feel kind of like limited and constrainted if you're remove of those constraints um in like instantly the start of your character is going to feel the same as the end of your character whereas it should not be that it should be a process you start off your gu's a complete piece of [ __ ] he goes o he hasn't got leech he hasn't got Mana he's spending potions whatever to to maintain his [ __ ] it's bad then you start getting items that start solving some of these problems and it feels B and bitter and bter and then you get to like the end game when you're ramping and you're really kind of starting to become a bit of a God and you've got like unlimited resource and you can spam you you there should be a sense of progression and I feel like right now with the way that Renown works and you just get like instant points instant Paragons I feel like uh the opposite is true I feel like you you start off with already too much and it's already too much dis solved and the beginning of the game is too similar uh to the end of the game I'm actively telling you not to do that I'm I'm saying I want super hard Pinnacle content and stuff like that it's not I'm saying the game overall is too easy but to me trying to solve being starved for resources is not really a very fun problem to solve sure you can put some barriers in there that you have to get through you got to get some Powers you got to get some roles here you got to spec a certain way da da d da but currently for most builds I feel like all I'm trying to do is solve my resource problems all the time and it it just doesn't feel good especially as an early game Barb and an early game Druid I would like to ask you guys to completely take a look at the philosophy there because when I'm leveling up a character on last Epoch I'm not starred for resources I can throw hammers on my hammeron I can throw the spinny Shadow dagger what are they called The Shadow daggers on my Rog I don't have to do everything for Mana just to play the game I would really encourage you guys to give us a little bit of a break for our resources just so we can play our characters um I don't know speak of pulverized Druid uh I didn't notice this at all I didn't even notice it at all at all I was like oh yeah I generate then I spend I generate then I spend when I have resources you know and then I then I got to the earn might node and um I had a bunch of extra resources and I was like oh this is nice I can actually like every time this procs I get to do like four pulverizers in a row that's sick uh I I I don't know I I feel like I'm not feeling what he's describing at all but then again maybe it's maybe if I play a bar I would want to maybe I'd hate my life more it's hard to say it's hard to say to say another thing that you guys said that you improved and I'm sure that you did but still doesn't feel great is the dungeon objectives to actually get through it you said you took a lot of them out to see how it would feel honest how do I feel I feel like some of the nightmare dungeons still have free six prisoners it just drives me crazy man that they go get two pedestals or go get the two balls and put them on the pedestals I hate that man I just I just want to blast Maybe if it was one and you go one way pick this up and put it on the pedestal but maybe I just have too small of a brain or maybe I'm just maybe I'm just a boomer and I just have no attention span but give I find it way more fun to just blast let me blast through the dungeon than to do these now I'll tell you something that would be different if you actually had real puzzles like puzzles to solve that would be fun where you're sitting there and oh I don't know I'm just making [ __ ] up and play Tic-Tac-Toe or play like a 40c game of chess and then you get like a a chess if you had some cool p real puzzles in the game I would love that bro I do he's describing [ __ ] world quests right now he's describing literally turtles getting to the water bro he is describing ww dude he needs to log in and do some W walk World quest it sounds like that's what he likes he likes the overall changes and he likes and he likes puzzles like this he should just straight up long the World of Warcraft and start doing World quests all day bro because that would be like ideal that but pick up a rock carry it all the way to the dungeon and set it on top that that to me I can't tell you how much that dissuades me from wanting to do them it makes me want to just go to the Overworld where I don't have to do any objectives just really don't like it let me tell you Poe is so on point with their mapping system where it's just [ __ ] kill as many mobs as you want to but this opportunity cost right if you gr through the map and you skip half the map and you just go to the boss well you're not going to sustain as well and if you haven't invest enough currency you're not going to sustain and you're going to lose maps and and you know if you get a ultra rare map that's super Juice you're incentivized to stay on the map and fully clear and get every last little [ __ ] nook and cranny cleared out because you want every last little bit of [ __ ] juice coming from that map which is like that it's like player chooses their own way they clear the map and they you know how much they want to do it let's be honest they really need to like consider just straight up you know taking more inspiration from the poe mapping system cuz that [ __ ] is [ __ ] so nice just opportunity cost uh you know let us you know cuz they kind of did they kind of made like Maps light but there's no real if you got a a nightmare dungeon you just run to the end every single time and you just you just kill as little Mones as possible well on the way you kill everything you can but you know and then you just kill the boss upgrade your cliff and get out and do it again and it's not like you're not going to sustain as long as you complet it you're sustaining there's no real like juicing there's no real uh strategy there it's just yeah get to the end get the cliff get out open another map and you're just going to do that forever and you're 100% sustained there's no real challenge or thought process or any sort of like you know opportunity cost there uh which I feel like that's part of the reason why the nightmare dungeons don't feel anywhere near as good as say mapping and P of EXL well uh I think I hit most of the things that I wanted to talk about so let me summarize here the the the meme that every that the internet keeps sharing that Diablo 4 is getting closer and closer to be ready for launch every day got to be honest I actually kind of agree with that sentiment a lot of these things in the game I think people expected to be in the Bas version of the launch or to follow shortly after yeah that didn't happen blizzard is doing a tremendous effort to catch back up and trying to correct the trajectory of the game I think you were absolutely doing that I was pleasantly surprised with the number of changes almost everything that you tried to do worked and made the game better some of the things that you missed on I forgive you for missing on them I don't think there was any way in Universe you were going to get the balancing right and I for I I forgive you for that we we got time for that um it's crazy to me that he doesn't feel the the changes to itemization like I'm I would thought out like he would hate that um but he's he doesn't mention it at all which blows my mind um like he's not speaking on items Feeling Just shittier than before just items in general just feel shittier than before they feel less interesting they it was a downgrade the changes to vulnerable and crit like not caring about balancing or anything like that items feel worse it feel they don't feel the same it feels worse but maybe because he's obliterating the entire game it doesn't really matter because he obliterates the game this way and he would obliterate the game anyway I don't know item items feel far less appealing and that's a massive point I feel like which kind of blows my mind and I think by season 3 we know season 3 is giv giving us leaderboards and they said they're working on an endgame we also have a BlizzCon announcement in two weeks I'm expecting a loot filter uh leader boards and some kind of endgame system in season 3 if that's true and the endgame system has any kind of success to it I would consider that the launch of Diablo 4 if the game had launched in that state I think the morale and the favor of the community would be much higher oh yeah I'm me I it's like it's like he's describing cyber Punk if c punk 2.0 his house Cy Punk had launched it would have been the game of the year and like [ __ ] people would have gone mental for it but you know the fact of the matter is it [ __ ] didn't but I don't think that I mean side Punk 2.0 isn't going to be season 3 season 3 in my opinion I mean I want to currently based on what everything we've seen from blizzard and the current patches season 3 is going to be you know slightly better than mid and the game will get slightly better than it was before but it's just kind of average so that means means the game's still going to be exceptionally average and not really that compelling at all um you know based on everything we've seen unless they just randomly bust out maybe they reinvent endgame and args maybe they come up with some revolutionary idea which completely [ __ ] blows our minds and we're like little crack addicted rats just sitting there [ __ ] at a computers literally dying because it's so [ __ ] fun and addictive I mean maybe maybe I don't have this animosity I'm not angry if we get there by then that's fine and I I'll have a smile on my face I'm glad that we got there then we can work on like all the cool extra stuff that we hoped that Diablo 4 would always have and then maybe by some small chance we can convince some people to pay for an expansion or who knows blizzard I'll give you an idea maybe you be nice to us and why don't you give us the first expansion for free anyway Microsoft would agree to that one why don't you give us the first expansion for free uh as a kind of a I'm sorry thing and then maybe more people will forgive you I'll forgive but that's actually Bas I never thought about that that's actually possible with Microsoft acquiring blizzard they they're bra more incentiv to get as many people on the game as possible especially with Game Pass free expansions potentially could happen like there is a realm of possibility where that actually happens chat I think that is a non-zero chance I would say that's even maybe close to like a 10 or a 20% chance if I had to if I had to try and quantify that no seriously M bro right now you play Diablo 4 for free on Game Pass right now Chad no it's for like 10 days or 14 days or some [ __ ] but that's happening right now there is absolutely a non-zero chance they do a discount and they say expansion for free is this ultimate like hey get it now and [ __ ] game pass kind of Microsoft strats I mean it it doesn't make sense that we should be paying for expansions whenever we're paying for [ __ ] battle passes as well as buying the [ __ ] base game dude I think I think permanently the expansion should be free actually that makes that point I never even thought about that now with the you know I I kind of just kind of condemned okay Bobby codak blizzard the complete [ __ ] um milkers and they will try and get every last scent and every last bit of value of every single quote unquote customer they have left right but now that Markos own them they're kind of more like hey guys yo we're cool we're hip yo play on the XBox guys join us in the Microsoft ecosystem boys and now I think there's a chance that they may actually do expansions for free and I feel like they should push for that it's a really good idea give you um anyway so the state of Diablo 4 it's almost ready for launch the improvements are a lot better and if season 3 has the same magnitude of changes in the things that I described on launch I will consider that the the launch of the game essentially I would love to know what you guys thought and I'd love to know if you guys thought this video was worth your time watching if you made it this far if you liked it let me know and I'll do it again for season 3 and of course I'll talk about pcon as well and if you don't and think I'm I'm a dumb idiot let me know and I'll just jump off a bridge thank you guys and I will see you in game for more durial destruction and I'm going to build some of the other classes to full power and uh got to use that XF fall ring and we're going to see what that does for a NEC dude thank you that was a good video good video good video for sure very enjoyable because he is God Gam D [Music] God d g g
Channel: Quin69TV
Views: 65,690
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Id: 84vGcR8nlqI
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Length: 53min 39sec (3219 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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