Episode 17 | Expelled | EVENFALL

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[Music] [Music] what [Music] right [Music] for [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] s [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome back to even fall I actually went live the game's cancelled Logan made his Zoom name sbles butt poople it's because his last name is MC scooples it killed me I was I just glanced down [ __ ] everybody what's going on uh welcome back uh Colton put us live just now so uh look we were we were talking about doing a a a straight opening again sometime the best opportunity I had well here it ish you're here now um thanks for joining so can I present can I present my rebuttal first did you say be fuel oh yeah sure go for it before we go into be fuel we have another person or another group rather that some people may know that doesn't sponsor us and something happened yesterday and I didn't screen record it but I'm going to try and replicate it so for those people who don't know the book that I'm writing uh we got an ad slot for critical role that played yesterday and we almost killeded Sam Sam Sam okay I literally was thinking his name and then I second guessed myself Sam yeah it's okay uh so I'm going to almost kill myself at in response let's so I didn't screen cap it so I didn't know exactly what he got and I wasn't like familiar with some of the reasoning behind them so I made my own let me run through the ingredients uh half of them are poured and I will pour half of them right now this ever loads watch The Run Smith die live yeah live this is Twisted Twisted taverns uh so he started with Elderberry lure which I thought was wine upon trying to remember so I went and bothered everyone at BevMo and they didn't have it so I found a wine bottle that just has e on it but fun fact I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure cuz I I watched the sponsor too I'm pretty sure in the in the actual video he calls it Elderberry wine which is probably why you thought it was wine yes I did think it was wine or L we also got a bunch of lemon juice delicious yes delicious of course oh [ __ ] all right this is what it looks like already just disgusting oh just a bunch of lemon juice in there we have uh Dragon's Milk which I haven't opened yet and I will have to locate brave enough to milk the dragon uh me [ __ ] probably out of everybody oh uh the espresso which is already in here and then oh boy Ros for R which I have already added amazing mustard which I did and at first it was must yeah it was L yellow botom and then I shook it up a bunch and I shouldn't have done that but then it turned into little particles and now they're all resting at the top does he did he actually put mustard in it no he didn't I didn't know what he had for M cuz the this is the run this is the Run Smith Version Y this is the cliffnotes version must marshmallows all right a for ab that's that's the one thing that you have to have in there oh no not the absent and then for n we have nectar and of course yogurt so while Jacob talks about gfuel I will be wrapping up my g-u recipe I just want you to know Logan um people people wanted a prediction for this for this uh for this video so the prediction is will you puke by drinking this I did put a bucket in my room just in case oh no right now right I'm not even going to continue I just want to watch this happen I just want to watch this unfold before my eyes it's 60% are saying yes and 40% are saying no that that you will not puke oh you little face wait few people believe that I'm not more people believe that you will puke than that you won't okay those people don't know me yeah I was gonna say I don't think he's going to puke while while Lan gets up we could just contemplate uh you know it was it was good while we knew him uh he had a good run I'm just remembering that we agreed that we would also do this on the podcast with Logan on Monday so thisen again oh look whatever I just put incast caused all the uh the mustards up there at the top so God no oh [ __ ] of course with you have to add a little bit of dark ale with your mustard yeah you can't go wrong I will be back yep you're going to go and of course this is like a car crash I have to watch why did he do yogurt oh God that's disgusting oh I almost barfed just by watching that all right that was a I got that deep that was a pretty big pretty big that was a lot that was not a sip that was a drink yeah oh my God it might even be it's probably more than a gulp yeah the contemplation on a Gulp and a half Gulp and a half so LAN yeah how was it Ros and the absinth if you focus on only those two flavors safe if you ignore the yogurt and mustard don't drink more but he went he went in again God damn it all right oh God that was amaz that's that's my life's goal is to out crazy Sam Regal all right guys everybody go support Twisted Tavern they're not sponsored D I mean what are you doing they just drinking that yogurt oh [ __ ] he's gonna use it to sooth his tummy I've also I have a full opened Dragon's Milk here that I now you have that let's play the game after you talk about a different type of fuel you know what guys it may not be yogurt mixed with mustard mixed with um uh only the sins that God can judge us for but uh it could be gamer fuel so go check out gfuel use code Fireball to get 10% off to sponsoring our game here so thanks so much gfuel and also want to give a big shout out to our patrons uh you guys are awesome and you continue to give us money yep that's it all right so big shout out to Big shout out to uh Melody Ola Michael res storm jiren six salmon in a salmon C ask pimp in the hood Micah God of puns tonic Knight Will Pratt possibly related to Chris Pratt penguin culture Adam HCK death to fire Mimi H angriest bird God Mama love and papa Joy unsolved homicide Rick Osborne notorious Thief Kade the autismo Josh Travis Addison Henning Arthur Suza and Mariel sty thank you guys so much for supporting us over here big nut big nut for you guys also we've already gotten uh we got a sponsor or sponsorship we got a super chat from Rift King guess is a mini sponsor $10 and then also a sub over on Twitch um yeah that's for that so um and uh yeah let's uh let's just jump into the game guys let's [ __ ] do this so um last we left off uh Colton you haven't done it in a while go for it oh god um what happened fall Fallout from uh Kurt being murdered by Phillip lelia and Philip almost leave the party but stay out for a day and then come back uh unfortunately no filia moments as neither of them can see or hear um mean meanwhile the rest of the party is deciding to what they should do concerning all of these Tiamat symbols they decide to talk to someone but then Curt and sbl decides it's a bad idea uh so we end up not talking to him we make Barrow really mad at us though so uh he goes off on Philip when Philip goes to goes to get a book and uh then we find out that a kid was missing we went to go find the stuff and uh and Barrow um found neither but we found the kid what his name's baros baros and uh we looked uh found neither of the things that we were looking for but found the kid then baros came because the robot um was like hey someone casted a spell that was illegal um alongside that uh we exposed barros's uh treachery uh um almost killed him horribly with fire and acid and uh saved the day yeah and uh the last thing that happened was the caladon had gone over to um professor baros and taking him uh uh further into uh uh uh into the school can I say it just sorry really quick uh in addition to that happening I'm actually a little upset that I'm missing the recap but uh I spilled lemon juice on my keyboard and it stopped working oh but when I unpluged it the uh critical or the control did I just leave the control key was still pressed down so now I can just scroll I can't actually scroll up and down okay so the is your keyboard broken yes it is just broke oh no Logan's having a good time hey Logan I don't know if you can do this with a broken keyboard you turn your mic volume up ever so slightly you were like Whispering compared to everyone else uh yeah so um what it much better uh so uh you guys had just finished uh uh fighting um professor baros in the kind of anti-magic area and after Philip you got revived by cardos the camdon made its way over towards very broken and uh burned uh uh Professor kind of picks him up and takes them further into uh the school where now at the outside of the gardens students have gathered other teachers have gathered and are all in complete confusion um some of them begin to follow the calamon I assume the rest of you guys do as well though you're pretty beat up in this current moment um and uh he's taken up to to uh the this sort of Meeting Hall in the second floor I think that exists on this map I don't know I might just be making [ __ ] up yeah so uh near the headmaster's office there is a um a meeting Hall that uh kind of exists between like three and four on on the map and uh as you guys uh the calamon makes its way up the stairs into this room um and holds on to the um uh uh uh uh unconscious Professor the other professors make their way into the room as well and it's like it's like pretty late at night too it's like not that late but it's like s or 8 um you guys are all there as well and um as more and more professors begin to funnel their way in they kind of shut the door and you see the rest of them and you see uh name their name is verl I believe right the admittance officer the admittance the head of admittance yes um Vera they kind of look over towards the rest of the of of of the um the professors and say Professor baros I don't know if he tried to kill me probably but he attacked me and these people saved me these students one of the other teachers kind of turns um the uh dragon born uh uh teacher his name is professor vond delore and he turns and he says are the rest of you actually students or was this your purpose here the entire time that depends on your definition of a student we were here to learn we just weren't here to learn about whatever you were trying to teach us cuz I don't remember I don't I don't know if I speak only for myself here but I have learned quite a bit Yeah the big robots are boring uh Vera kind of uh looks looks over and says I think we're grateful to have you all here during this time you helped us but at this point I don't think we know what to do we have no leadership here and no one's willing to take it the only person who did is well and uh she they point over towards Barrow we don't want to lose our students trust and we don't want to change enough things for Vincent to come back and be upset with us but this school needs leadership all of the professors at this point are like silent and like looking at one another it's almost frustrating that they don't say anything it's like they they they it's like they don't know how to act without some sort of leadership and and uh uh Vera kind of rolls her eyes and they say since you've been this helpful in this forthcoming with all of this information you've brought forth uh uh Professor baros from kidnapping more students and taking over the calamon you're Arbiters in this situation what should we do uh I think you should play nose go ter they all turn and consider it they're like no oh nose goes some of the teachers kind of talk to one of the other are none of you willing to take the lead and then they all kind of fall silent said mentioned that it wasn't just baros and Fen who were full consideration there was also somebody else is it just because um of popularity or did anyone else want uh steps up and he says someone has to attune to the camdon it's been wandering around aimlessly and it needs instruction Professor baros wasn't wrong there it needs to um do its job for someone to step up and become leader means they need to attune to it would that it's a powerful powerful thing and if Vincent were to come back I no one wants to step up because there's no one here that everyone equally trusts would that responsibility not fall on the one that Vincent called assistant I I was his assistant not not his not the Headmaster and then there's like murmuring talking between another some like well it's not right it's a good idea you were the assistant and they're just like murmuring and speaking to one another and F says I I don't I don't think I can take up this responsibility you would be the one to know Vincent's day-to-day activities more than any of them yes you would only have to do it for a little bit I hopefully applicable because of that you don't want to do it so you wouldn't have any reason to relinquish um not relinquish to Vincent once if when he's back looks over he says I oh you're right I I don't want this position as soon as Vincent was here I'd give it back to him and the rest of the professors sort of agree they seem to be kind of in agreement on this and Vera kind of looks over and says I think that's enough then if that's your decision then we should settle it there then of course if any of you want to become our Headmaster for the time being and some of the professors laugh put your hand down stles is it time for Stephanie du to achieve their I Stephanie the youngest professor at elf run academy think of all the things I could teach introduction to uh Swagger I could teach um I could teach Advanced uh uh Advanced beer pong orientation to sexuality yeah that one to some of the some of the professors not all of them are like H this like they're like considering it I had to I [ __ ] brought out one of those compressed air things and just cleaned out my keyboard and then the fell yeah nice stepan I think um leading the school you you won't have much time for those types of things or Freedom so you you can stay here and there's no way for me to uh teach at a distance perhaps I could get ascending Stone and I could just if you were to head you would need [Music] to it's not going to work well then one of you needs to nut up and take this [ __ ] job and not because some person said you could keep it temporarily you're all adults and Magic users [ __ ] sake I want your job worse than you do and I've only been here for two days one of the teachers goes yeah they I'll look at that teacher he goes I not [Applause] really I didn't mean it all right fiven you get the job I think all right yours please please find Vincent I don't want to do this for long F can mute yourself I I can't anymore sbles his wait I'm [ __ ] having a strobe light over here I don't know what's happening it's opening a bunch of other stuff and oh no unplug it I did and then do you have a different keyboard that you can call upon in this trying time a backup how much [ __ ] lemon juice was that God just enough yeah yeah I think I think the operative word it is enough well I hit D and then it moved everything on my screen to the other side and I can't even see like I can't see the tabs to open the stuff back up do you not have a mouse you no I have I can't click because it's not there I don't know what I don't know what pressing the D button did it [ __ ] me over pressing D go demolish all right um do you want to go to break so you could fix it maybe yeah all right we'll be back in like a second guys while Logan figures out his [ __ ] [Laughter] keyboard oh man lemon [Music] difficulties [Music] [Music] o [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello when life gives you lemons you put them in you give them all to Logan then he'll sort it out um welcome back uh can type it out yeah uh right back into where we just were um uh fiven accepts uh the the um the position um and then he kind of turns and he says well um unfortunately uh well we need to have a discussion um so if if if you don't mind the six of you if you could um leave for a moment it's definitely something we can do you guys do the do the right do the right thing like already walked out stay outside the door follow F before we leave uh could one of you fix my glasses they all turn and they hey um Doone of uh no no no um uh the professor Calvis walks over and she cast mending Boop there your glasses are fixed thank you spell kind of fix uh fix over just like in Harry Potter yeah your calamon punched me in the face I forget the name of that sorry to be fair it was doing its job they shut the door oh all right hey guys this place sucks weren't we looking for a goblin yes that's part of that that is part of the goal yes awesome should we wait here I was hoping well they just said not to come back through the door so technically we could wait anywhere we could go to a different plane is there place maybe we could wait in the library we can all stay nearby the door opens um you see fiven and he says all right discussion faster than thought yes and it's they call you guys all back in uh and the rest of the professors kind of look around and f as well um we very much appreciate your work and help here everything that you've done um has um well hopefully we can continue to survive like this until uh Vincent comes back uh unfortunately even though he was doing um a lot of wrong and uh will no longer be working at the school anymore um you did uh assault and burn and mutilate one of our professors so unfortunately we are have we have to expel all of you yeah we won't come back that's fair okay all right oh God good I was really scared that you this is a travesty oh [ __ ] a a miscarriage of Justice curtain we will be compensated you will be compensated oh I with magic only have yes with magic and with gold like a pet dog named typhoon is this no oh Fair magic and gold um just a little word about my transcript but gold and Magic is amenable to an education could we yes it is that's true you did earn um no matter how long you you study here at elfred Academy you still earn a degree even if you um a giant expelled and we're only here for a couple of days so uh on the table they like look over and there are six very small degrees and they have your names on them Stephanie Dua it's like all incursive says corn dog Kevin sbles it's like a slash with a question mark at the end Frank and then everybody else's names when you use the description small degrees like they're like they're not like the big ones they like this B we're getting we're getting PR degrees guys we we completed the magic diploma any% speedrun yeah do do you mean they sent us the PDF and told us to print it out ourselves oh my God they they have a feather uh a feather they say uh here you are you can sign them um do you guys sign them oh yeah what did I get a degree in you guys all yeah wait get his degree in he got his uh three day degree what was your what was your um didn't take any classes though I went to two classes no yeah but what was your major conjuration oh yeah conjuration yeah I'll sign it as sbles conjuration conjuration it does say below for attending the it says like two classes just say like what you did but as you all go through and sign them um uh uh they uh they kind of hand them over to you um and they each give you this little very small pendant and as they hand you the pendant they say to um you know condone the fact that you were here these are gesture from us and I hope they serve you a long way a pendant from alrun Academy is um rare and you have helped us greatly so thank you and they hand you all each a pendant they are each of the different schools of magic that you guys uh uh majored in and uh if you each do you each take the pendant yeah they go over and they give them to you um you all feel uh uh a bit of knowledge a bit of magical knowhow begin to weave its way into your mind um everything that you've learned over the three days that you've been here have all coalesced into one um thing that you can take away from elfren academy uh depending on what your major is everybody can permanently learn one can trip from your your your your chosen school I get a can trip the idea of how has to be from your major so it needs to be conjuration for sbles it needs to be uh necromancy for lelia but uh unless there just isn't any then I'll let you take another one the three days we were there how do I add a spell on top of oh yeah I can't I can't say that I can learn a spell because I I guess I'll to make a magic item that lets me cast yeah sorry that can trip will all well just be that D Beyond so was I was I uh oh there's a lot enchantment or transmutation you were transation uh I believe cardos was divination her was transmutation sbles was conjuration lelia was necromancy and faen was illusion illusion and Philip was ABD so nobody wasn't champ conveniently enough um guidance I don't actually have and it's uh it's divination is that a wizard spell uh no it's a cleric spell but I didn't learn it as one of my cantrips oh yeah I get minor illusion that's it I have no other options so it has to be from our class as well uh no it doesn't have to be from your class I thought you said it did unless you it's the I said it need to be from a wiz it needs to be a wizard spell a wizard spell it needs to be a wizard C trip of the school that you have and if you don't if you if you already have all the ones that are there from that school you can pick a different school no if any of these are I got the best oh wait I genuinely think my only option then is resistance you learned card you learned resistance cool I don't even need to make a magic item I will never use [Laughter] that uh jaob I'm gonna just send you I get Blade Ward I didn't even think I went to abjuration class oh never mind actually resistance isn't even a wizard spell rip go on D beond and put in Wizard krips and it'll just show all of them yeah I think I'm going to learn sword burst that's a cool spell does that count I have a p teaches me how to stab everyone does that count uh oh it's from Wild Mount sure yeah go for it okay how do I turn off home brew it's in um home on your character sheet you have to go to the very first like a little bit and then turn off oh I'm looking on on D and D Beyond I'm browsing spells browse official content that's what I want God damn it so is it I can learn any uh wizard um Can trip if there's none that are donation is how that works so uh what were what were you uh never mind I there is there is one there is one divination wizard can trip true strike the best spell ever yes true strike fantastic and guidance apparently no guidance arer guidance is a cleric for some reason interesting it's also and artificer yeah I'm making it an artifact and I'm calling it pendant of diploma there you go it's an artifact it's the only one that exists it's like mending and I earned it for not doing anything is a good is a good spell you know what I actually think I might be able to find a a use for True strike on this character there you go famous last words but if I if I ever need to if I ever need to heal someone with a healing word then I could finish my turn by casting TR strike and then I would actually get the next turn benefit that's actually not bad except it's concentration which is garbage why the [ __ ] does this spell exist it's so bad to upset people even as a can trip it's like actually just garbage um what' you pick Phillip uh the only spell that was available to me which was blade Ward ah yeah failen what what' you pick once again I ALS oh minor tion that's right okay meant to say like I am also in the boat of one spell yeah right sorry I'm actually going to have to step back on that because I don't have access to that spell so instead of Sword burst I will take poison spray you don't have to have access it's you learn a wizard can trip of your class type yep so sword burst is the wizard is a wizard I think he means on D and D Beyond on D and D Beyond is what I mean that's weird so I can't make a magic out him with it that's fun I'm I'm just I'm just going in buying that spell that's dumb I haven't shared with you that's stupid mhm it's when you make Homebrew stuff I think yeah it's it's it's your account not my accounts all right guys look I could make a melee weapon attack but if they're far away from me because I'm encumbered look I'm trying to come up with a reason okay there's like there's like one very specific scenario in which true strike kind of works all right so uh regardless of putting into your character sheets you guys gather the pendants you've learned your magic um the rest of the the professors thank you um and and they say all right thanks yeah now leave uh a question if I may you mentioned uh terms of items and gold however information would also be good to have of course one of the reasons we came here was to look for a student here named Zan do any of you know where they are no some of the students uh some of the professors being speaking um amongst one another and they say that the the a couple of Voice come through like I've been I missed a couple of students as well and they said wasn't that one student like they're all have an office uh verl looks over and says yes he does could we go in there and a couple of the professors are like like moving to go and like it's kind of like this full Congregation of movement as everybody in here goes outwards down the stairs over towards uh the uh the classrooms up that those stairs to baris's room opens the door goes to his other door uh to uh he like a classroom then an office in the back um uh uh Vera goes over and uses the key opens it um and as you guys in you see his office space there's a desk there's um uh bookshelves on the side U books uh uh um in them as well and uh lying on like four in like four small CS in this uh office are four different students and they are asleep it's one of them say the teachers all begin murmuring they're like and they all begin looking over you see uh four different people uh one of them is yeah uh a a human a dwarf a half elf and a goblin going assume that's our Goblin so are these guys in cahoots or no they just chilling Kurt can Kurt check them for are they alive or medicine oh [ __ ] I will I guess we're going to have to cancel barrows I guess I will help Kurt all right so Advantage yeah yeah NCH 20 they are asleep magically asleep even though one of them's a half elf and that shouldn't be a thing oh yeah human now half he sleep they can't be put to sleep magically yep cuz they suck they're human now their ears just shrink their little ear tips fall off they could they could it's just a resistance no no they can't but with a certain special spell that I'm aware of yeah I know he didn't gas that I'm sorry oh [ __ ] it's not a SP okay he just knocked that one out oh oh [ __ ] it's half they're half Health they're half Health they just knocked that one out guys I can't tell what race that guy is he's a half elf you can tell oh okay yeah weird uh yeah you could literally just wake up up Kurt if you wanted to yeah Kurt wakes up the goblin z z she kind of like uh turns Squints her eyes and I Who Who Are You we are very important people who need to take you away from this place you're in uh Professor uh daro's uh office yes why am I here um we have no idea you uncovered his plot to take over the school oh yeah we stopped him though you're fine wait really yes but we need you to come with us he was going to summon Tiamat no he wasn't that was just a rose but he but he wasn't that yeah that what do you hang on she sits up in the cot you could see her a little bit better now she has like kind of short brown hair she has freckles across her face she has a really wide head and really pointy ears um and she's like like no a little shorter than sbles and she kind of sits up in the in the cot and she says you you okay sit you guys are so smart you figured it out you tell me what happened then he used it as a is that every professor in the entire school yes they're all just except for bar hey every Professor did that happen they all simultaneously say yes there's your evidence no they don't say it's God I hate these guys Zan we're gonna need you to come with us well well hang on I'm who are I don't we've got a God to kill that's not even remotely accurate it might be we don't know s Lang us there you go oh oh yeah he needs your help apparently you're the only person who can do the thing that he needs to get done we are having trouble not he just trusts you the most Z do not [ __ ] say that you are the only person who can do what needs to be done which is why we're here to get you cuz you're the only person yeah what does s what does Simer need um things that would we would rather discuss in private oh okay I stopped working with him quite a while while ago I don't don't know why he needs me now but okay fine uh she goes over and wakes up the other students they're like oh where am I and it's the whole situation over again they're like isn't it going to be te they're like no this happened all the teachers are like uhhuh uh-huh yeah it's just it just repeats four times the same dialogue um Everybody kind of goes back to their dorms their rooms uh they the rest of the professors go to set up uh fiven with his um with the calamon and uh Zan is with you guys kind of the outside of the school just before you guys leave um Fen comes over and he says well we didn't have much in the treasury unfortunately I can't give you anything that's in our Museum in terms of magical items or anything but we can grant you with a few things from here um here and uh they give you each 300 gold pieces Wow Wow money yeah give me all my give me everybody M hey Spencer what are those potions called uh good night's rest that's right and then they also give you each a potion of good night's rest say this is a elfr Academy specialty Vincent made these so go ahead and have them what do just like looking at it just they do what do they do Spencer U well I [ __ ] don't remember exactly but I can send you guys the details in the chat I made these months ago I believe they uh let you sleep they do yeah it gives you some stuff they gave you like $3,000 and some melatonin yeah just a 10 migr melatonin guys people are the good melatonin nightquil continue um Zan is now with you guys on the outside of the alred academy and she says Okay We're Alone what what does Simer want sim said all of you yeah yes yeah we we jumped through SpaceTime and fought a bunch of dogs in like a spider something we're we're like a band that's insane oh my gosh best of the best we could pretty one second what did what did Simer tell you about me only that you know teleportation magic I personally he pulled me aside and said I I don't I don't know about the rest of you guys and he looked at me specifically he was like you kind of suck but uh this this little Philip what's her name again Zan this little Zan character um they're they're epic there's something else really sim said all that and he pushed me on the floor oh that's okay but yeah so we think you're really cool and you should come with us that's that's my argument okay well I'm not going to go until I know what's going on there are uh cardos just size I specifically came here to get away from all of that to not work here or do any of that I I wanted to learn magic why can I not find it's pry bar well what if you come with us and and you do this thing and then we just we we send you back and you can continue learning magic that's not that easy the city of pry Barrow is in need of teleportation people are being being taken and used against their will in Colton does not remember exactly what is h what is happening they're being turned into vampires that's what it was they're taking people and imprisoning them and torturing them and then turning them into vampires who I don't know someone in I assume someone with power oh [ __ ] I assume you know then no I don't know you just but you just sort of did a sound like you did know you just sort of did the classical sort of oh I know what you're talking about once now Simer I used to be a part of the gold Inquisition I know about their teleportation circles inside of their um inside of their uh their their their Fortress that's why you're the only one that can get I helped out Simer gets I I I helped out Simer and his people escape when the when the gold Inquisition decided to detain The Wanted Wanderers as terrorists and uh they let me go after that so they aren't terrorists let me go and me I I left after they were going to execute me for treason so it's a little hard for me to go back on just I'm a really cool Goblin and I should come do this thing for you Simon wants me to teleport people into the Fortress is what you're saying yes let's do that yeah well [ __ ] I am the only one who can do that uhhuh so will you help us what you said people are mind being mind controlled yeah and there's like are are you sure it's like not even normal vampires they're like muscular they're ripped yeah yeah look it might have started as mindless flattery but it is true you are the only one who can do it all right all right okay oh this is going to be bad okay yeah sure let's go can you get us to prar I could get you into um The Fortress if that's what you want no guys if we just go hang out for a couple days I can get us have the key back to where we were I have a house cool I'm sorry oh in the here yeah in the port it's like a few hours that way thought you were just bragging let's go there hang out for yeah guys I got a house over here the way well if we have to wait a few days what do you have a house philli yes I I own a I own a home yes you're a homeowner I am been been one for about 10 years now I'm a homeowner Logan Logan how drunk are you not really but I thought that was funny regular it's not it's not a very big house it hit might be a little cramped but in yeah I suppose so we can wait and uh and then when the key uh starts working again we'll just walk through closet and we'll get there how long does it need seven days and we've been here for what two three oh no it needs 10 oh we've got seven left I think yeah we got a week oh don't worry I have a plan there's lots of things I need to do there's lots to do in the boort we could try meditating for seven days no okay I don't like I need to go with you to hang out yes come on we all need to become friends you don't because then you'll have a a moral obligation to help your friends and not just because you know we came and rescued you from that terrible man who absconded you and did Untold nightmares to you while you were uh passed out in a car zan are you still I'm sorry cardash stops and turns to Kurt or you could stay here and meet us in the port in seven days yes whatever you feel most comfortable or you could come hang out and tell me all your opinions on the other uh yeah no totally just stay here in the place where you were kidnapped kn knocked out and held in an office somewhere we did also it's also a great place for you probably that's probably never going to happen again yeah I was attacked like five times while I was here and it's been like three days we also poking our heads into things people didn't want us to know just like Zan up to you that's true okay I'll come with you guys all right uh this way then guys just stroll on out uh make your way out of the the the force field barrier and uh it's like 8:00 at night where are you guys going we should rest here for the night there's an end right yeah there's the wandering Village yeah let's do that okay you guys go down across the uh the the the bridge in a small Forest down the big uh dirt staircase and make your way down to the wandering village where all the all the buildings are different places in orders and you guys have to look around for a bit and go that this is really uh unnecessary this just makes it difficult every time we come here and then you see an inn the Inn is called in it's just called no it's just called in it's called the come on in I had an idea for a [ __ ] I had an idea for a sitcom called the come on in because if you don't add in it's literally just like come on and that's the Logan that's going to be in Twisted taverns right to come on in no but poor Larry's is yes Larry so dumb uh no it's called the white dough you guys make your way inside and as you make your way in you see the owner is behind a counter riding away at a small Ledger uh they look up at you and as they tilt their top hat upwards towards you notice that this person has no skin or muscles or blood they are a skeleton and he looks up and he says hello welcome to the white do my name is theal skeleton is that skeleton talking to us yes would you like a room you don't have vocal cords or a drink they'll go right through you and he drinks and it just and Spills all over the floor and he's like I have to clean that up I feel like this skeleton isn't sentient it's not responding this place is hello I'm here I can I I don't have eyeballs I don't have vocal cords why you I can't see you this place is a sin against my order but I don't care oh who are you I I I swear we we we have the best rooms I just said my name is Theobald skeleton that's really funny I like come from a long line of skeletons from the skeleton skeletons I would laugh but I'm exhausted that's why we came here yeah and he tips he he takes his top hat and goes what time is it why not that like 900 p.m. yeah Mr skeleton how how late are the shops open in this uh oh they close up shop at around six oh so they're all closed yeah cool great how many beds to a room oh we got endless endless rooms and beds what I don't like it here it's extra dimensional spaces I don't like that I can make 100 rooms if you want them are you a God no nope just just magic just magic are you related to it God magic who does all the magic I I did it some of it you are magic though yeah somebody else made me my fish turned off we're talking about that before update yeah um it's it's a it's five golden night whoa I'm gonna go sleep in a bush sble FS outside oh Kurt will gladly pay f whoa I'm going to go sleep in a bush he said not wanting to have 295 gold pieces that's way too much sh shink sh's opinion on Money Changes randomly yeah sometimes sbl is like I don't care about money it's just a construct made by the government and sometimes he's like two gold no I don't know what a government is I'm GNA go sleep in a bush and then give the bush five sbl the guy that that buys Bitcoin because having money is too normal um all right you guys I'll give him five gold except for you all right he hands you guys a key the key is like way too big it's like this big and they're all different colors lelas yours is is black Kurt yours is orange philli yours is purple failen yours is orange as well and you're like do we have the same key he goes no it's different it's like a light shade lighter yours is gold is this a skeleton key it only opens one room though oh it's this is actually the real skeleton key these will open any door but I won't you promise you can't see because I'm a skeleton but I'm smiling right Philip goes to his playfully smiling all right okay you guys have a good night if you need anything just let me know nope um and you guys kind of go up these stairways um and as you go up the stairs there are exactly five rooms I like him are the doors painted uh sure yep cool I put paint different col the purple door all right there's an there are two orange doors um kurk can you roll a Charisma check I'm I'm enjoying I'll be honest yeah the chat right now um I don't think I just a Charisma Check Yes uh 18 okay so one door is a is a light orange and the other door is a burnt orange faen you see orange and orange faen let me see your key um okay what color is fa's key burnt orange failen you're going to this room and I am going to this room unless you would like to come to this room and we could hang out we could tell stories play cards um I'm kind of tired but that's that's fine what time do you waake faen um I don't know we just kind of had a lot happen today it's more of you know um exhaustion less sleepy tired but if I mean I'm fine with playing cards I wouldn't mind that actually you wait here and I'll go get a deck of cards Kurt runs down the hallway you run down the hallway I'm gonna go find that skeleton guy you find the skeleton I need a broom two brooms he he's currently wiping up the uh the the the drink he spilled all over the floor and he goes he just hands it to your okay and another one thing with a broom opens the closet I'll be I'll be right all right this is my last broom good thank you and Kurt like strips the the like the mop end off just drops all right okay he's like [ __ ] yeah my brooms I'll fix them don't worry all right they learn mending this is I I'm a college educated man I can all right I can fix anything I have a diploma I have a degree pulls it out of pocket you guys arrived yesterday all right three days you guys you go back upstairs you have two sticks yeah and Kurt just says failen catch and throws tosses a stick Royal dexterity check fa dexterity save [Applause] why um be a dirty 20 you catch it he probably still just kind of fumbles a little bit because he's kind of like oh god um why it is now time failen for you to teach me how to sword fight and Kurt assumes what they assume is a a sword fighting stance with their broom oh this going to be a long night um well let's go outside instead because always aren't really intuitive to um fighting or learning um unless you want to break things no well I mean i' always want to break things but you are the sword master here failen and perhaps we should go outside you guys make your way outside um and you have uh two sticks and I assume the two failing you try your hardest to teach Kurt sword fighting it's going to be fun okay okay uh how does this go mon Montage this what happens um it for for Fen it's a lot of just like okay so here's the stances we're going to go through the stances and then we're going to actually practice them um very um handson in the way of he's making Kurt practice everything and not just be like okay just watch it's like okay do it now there's probably like that fa like that and then there's probably a just just a series of like Cuts Like Quick Cuts of like failen swatting Kurt with a broomstick just and then there's probably one where Kurt tries to pick up like Pock like a handful of sand and like is this how you throw it in the face no not like that no well your eyes instead okay well that's not a formal form then okay um maybe you should U do it um when you attack you should be using your own magic as an opening my my brother would do that a lot he would um it was horrible actually um he would cast a spell and then quickly follow up with an actual weapon attack it um it would disorient somebody cuz they're expecting one thing and then well they're hit by Magic and then an a bolt yes yes I can see how that would be effective um actually my father was the one who taught me and so did he was um so I don't know how effective this would be for you well failen I'm gonna tell you I ran through an anti-magic field and I felt as useful as a third nipple and I I have this really cool sword Kurt reaches into and pulls out this I guess it was a short sword right The Dread yeah the dread blade it's really cool I stole it from uh the skeleton guy but I don't know how to use it I mean do I I mean what's going on with this thing it's sharp I could probably kill myself with it but that's not kill yeah no that's not the goal um you still you you took oh um so it's very creepy yeah no it's very dark and Sinister but you know you shouldn't let uh shouldn't let things go unused I was going to sell it but then it was just too cool you know I thought maybe um if I learned how to use it it's good to always be um always have a weapon in some way right and then there was that cat guy who tried to kill you yeah couldn't couldn't touch him with magic either yeah um mhm I I'll I'll try to the next couple days um I'll think of um more practice stances I'll try to um make something for you to follow like every night or when you wake up um it's the best sort of practice is if you before bed or after you wake up it it's when you're the freshest right yes so um yes just give me a few days and I'll I'll get um come come back about that and maybe I'll I'll also teach you about how to take care of the sword I mean do magic swords like that require well I don't know you could teach me I I was in college just a little while ago and the desire for education has not Abad I'll see if I can find a wet stone somewhere too and then um we might need to get you he's actually like further contemplating all this just like I imagine that Kurt is working like Kurt is probably doing the the like two or three stances that they were taught and is probably like making them into dance [Laughter] moves Kurt has now transformed everything you have uh taught them failing into dance moves well Fair um what's Lilia what are you doing uh she before they even left to go out to to sword teaching she probably just went into her black door room I'm assuming and did her usual nightly routine of writing in her journal and okay it's in incredibly quiet in this room like it's uh it's it's it's strange how much how little noise you really do hear um and as you're kind of in the room like looking around you notice that there's like uh the like gem floating near the window and it's like it's like this almost like this like like uh triangular like diamond like thing and it's like spinning it's like floating you know the window she actually like looks at it for a second mhm then like exits her room okay goes to the next room over and knocks I don't know who it is it's damn it it's always me opens the door yeah oh um hi uh just wanted to ask if this is normal for all the rooms do you have a gem outside your window yes I hadn't noticed yes youjust his glasses oh I was looking for spiders not gems oh okay so it's floating like in front of it so like if you have like the window sill and you have the window pane and out of the window you can see the outside of the tavern in front of it floating is this gem the box over and tries to grab it it you grab it and you pull it and it like like magnetizes itself back to floating and then it becomes green and the window shifts and changes and now it's a jungle oh it changes the outside oh that's I guess that's nice okay I just you can hear like this like rainforest ambience in the background Philip keeps pulling it until something is satisfying to him good night good night you're pulling it and pulling it um and it changes uh it it changes to uh underwater um and it changes it and it becomes uh like a cave definitely not it's a then it becomes a desert Perfect all right um and you can hear like the blowing of wind and like sand moving and whatnot it's like a desert night too um so so yep uh lelia you go back into your room and she doesn't even change it she's leaves it as is um as you're sitting there and you're getting ready to um prepare for Sleep um uh you finish writing in your Journal um you begin to take your armor off and as you look up you see core looks like you're back anything new uh Jacob I told you the one thing right where did I write this down I did right I heard about you when you spoke with the others you died too yes who' you hear this from you something controlled you yes kind of it's that's it's a long story it's one I want to tell the others to but it's not something I want to talk about either I don't know what to do before we left to fight teos everyone asked for a last will mhm you never gave yours maybe it's time that you did I don't know I'm I don't have one anymore I lost it all those years ago I don't have a will to give you stand I'm barely more than what you are now and yet you stand on that side capable only because the W que wied it is there a purpose I assume so that's what I was told that's what I believe that's that's what I'm trying to figure out then Chase it like I chased mine until my death Chase my dream like you all said that you would do and Chase yours the kov were looking for you as well maybe they had a reason they wanted the last Blackburn while this while she's saying this you kind of look up Lilia and you can see these shadowy kind of ghostly figures moving around the room they're not directly acknowledging you but they're they're acting they're walking they're running they're playing you recognize all of them mhm they're not as Visual and as put together as core is they're more just like like Shadows but they're moving around like Silhouettes that's the direction I've [Music] been I've heard as well kin over mhm at least that's what the prophecy I was led to I Jacob remind me m did she hear about [Music] that about what the prophecy I think you were alive for that no that happened like two games ago it happened in summer summer LLY the prophecy regarding kinova yeah well you're from kinova right maybe you've heard of it it's just she pulls out the book um but I I don't know if you can see this but um uh can I read the pages on the book Jacob or no you can and core does know it okay soul will pass on flesh will forget their story light will save you death comes in the day was there ever anything the kobin would say about it that core would be aware of given where she grew up there it's not like there was a huge it was more of a it's similar to faen it was more of like a folklore kind of just like a tail okay you only heard it in passing all I know is that the day my mentor just left left me behind he left that marked for me as a guide when you said you were from K over and you were looking for the curns I immediately thought about it too but I don't know why they were looking for you I was simply hired as a mercenary to find you who are these conservant that are looking for me government that's all that I know okay I didn't really care to be honest I was just looking for ways to find my Master's killer one by one each of the shadowy silhouette figures back up turn and are almost pulled into core core kind of uh uh uh response it one side another one and every time that they each kind of um directly kind of uh merge into her um her figure gets more and more silhouetted what's the last thing you say core good luck and she's gone you too night goes on um unless philli you wanted to do anything do I find any spiders um no it's actually very clean and you guys head to sleep uh sbles you're in a bush uh you heard some uh sword fighting going on uh but you were able to fall asleep uh you did find uh you did find a couple of squirrels um and they kind of LED you to this really cool spot uh this really comfortable Bush um and uh they they uh they were like yeah this is like where we sleep sometimes uh you can sleep here it's like give some Gourmet foreign nuts from my rations they are so [ __ ] happy um but they store them for winter yeah I also kind of kind of ruin their lives by giving them a flavor that they'll never have again yeah it's like giving a peasant a Dorito they're just like oh [Laughter] yeah I give you a I give you some food but I have hiso when you wake up the next morning sbles uh you're covered in squirrels cool warm yeah it's really warm when you wake up they're and they're all like snuggled on you there's like there's a couple of baby squirrels as well a I look over to my my little backpack over there how's my how's my how's my shrub doing um oh shrubs getting there actually shrub yeah he can move a little but he can't talk yet that's it okay so like I can noticeably see that the leaves are moving faster than all Co definitely um and as as you kind of get up all of the squirrels sort of like scatter and whatnot but they like kind of follow you as you uh go further off uh back over towards the town everybody kind of wakes up and leaves their room at one point and uh uh you guys kind of meet in the middle of town in the morning um all the buildings have moved again and you see sbles is followed by six like small squirrels up found some family I mean yeah they're a family I think are they going to join us yes and no all right I mean they're joining us for a brief amount of time so they're still technically joining us are we ready I look over to you guys can go whenever one of them goes yeah we know okay cool make it sure where where one of them's like oh thank God leaves all of them just start shitalking the other guy like they chat a little bit guy [ __ ] uh sbles goes squeak squeak squeak and all of the all of the scrolls are like and they're they're talking to each other yeah they're just kind of chill so what's up what are we doing well did the Goblin oh no we don't have them oh I'm here I'm actually here hi hi that's not my voice hello I'm a goblin hello Goblin I think last night we agreed we'd go to the port but we don't have to we can do whatever I could teleport you guys all the way back if you want we just have to escape no I don't want to go to prison I'd rather us know what're get our into before teleport in so you guys be the only teleportation circles I know the ones there so wait there's more than one there right don't you need like two um yeah there were I know two of them but they're only in that Fortress can you cast the spell and then not go uh I can cast the spell and you can go through it yeah but like can we not go through it can we choose not to uh yeah it creates a portal on the ground you can go through it if you want or you don't have to it might be a good idea to make sure that they both work just in case oh that's actually not a bad idea all right there's my one idea for the day all right well um I got to drive somewhere she gets like a stick let's not do it in the middle of town yeah I think it would be better to to go to Philip's house [ __ ] walks into the he's in prison what did I do the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they're fighting yeah it might be better to do it somewhere private uh got it yeah we myou you're Phillip me yes I don't know any of you I'm Phillip that's cardos that is uh Stephanie I'm well I'm you can call me Kurt Kurt um this is lelia that is a did you say chili dog Red Hot Chili Dog yeah red hot chilly dog we call him stipples and that is fail for short for short yeah uh I'm gonna forget that in like five minutes you could call me Phillip not Phil not Philly Philip big p all right big I'm GNA remember that one how' you know all right where do you live big p Forest uh I uh lived in Port MOA oh okay yeah you seem you seem upset by this no it's just a walk it is a walk it's a nice walk though lot to see yeah let's uh let's go I guess all you guys Philip picks up cardboard faen and drags him uh and there's a montage of you guys walking uh to uh to Port Moira takes crazy how many monsters we kill for like all those three hour yeah we Lev up two times we we uh we wow grind our way up to level 15 yeah and then and then we all find this epic well and we all drink from it and it reverts us back to our normal selves so we just it's like right outside the port town so we walk they all pissed off oh man uh you know what [ __ ] it uh Logan roll percentage oh my God I don't even know what percentage um I picked up cardboard faon as we decided we would walk to Port Moira how long is the walk hours I think let me double check on the map here it says one day oh [ __ ] I walked real fast it's going to take it's three hours I'm the I've changed it I'm the DM I broke the game I broke it but [ __ ] it it's three hours now airun academy 28 yeah oh okay so you you guys are walking [ __ ] it's uh as you guys are uh um uh walking uh towards uh Port Moira and you're making way along this kind of like um trail that kind of goes along it kind of like descends down like this sort of mountainous kind of foresty area um towards the ocean you can kind of see the ocean um after a little while the sun kind of reflecting off it's gleaming in the distance and you can see down uh below right on the port is this um it's not a major huge city um it walls are sort of there they look old and like partially destroyed um and uh yeah it's a fair large town that you see sitting on right on the port as you get closer and closer um out of the forest from your right you see two um human people uh in green and brown robes they have sticks in their hair um and they have like mud kind of caked on their body and they're looking around and they look at you guys and they go hey what's up you guys seen any elderberries that's a really good question have you seen any can I roll percentage to see if I just carry them in my rations yeah if you get um below 40 you have them uh okay you've given Logan a true Chance by saying below a number not above this is going to be the time I don't have any if that's what you're asking if we've seen them that's seen question no well maybe what are they if if we identified them and remembered where they were is another that's two different questions okay but you came from that way and there's none so that means we can go that way and maybe find some 110% yes okay cool thank you they both turn into birds and fly away oh [ __ ] I run up to one cast guidance he goes he flies away they say thanks awesome stles watches them going awesome I can't [ __ ] fly oh not yet you think I could yeah someday anyone could fly thank you I guess that's true have to fall long enough you just have to understand physics and wind resistance yeah I don't that's why leara has a barrier people try to you could just turn into a god a bird though and then fly no it's too comp you're you're the one one person in this party right now that could in fact do that right now I've never tried turning into a bird you should try it right now they're too complicated maybe could turn could you turn into a flightless bird that would defeat the point pH but he says that a bird is too complex because it can fly but if he could turn into a bird that couldn't fly he could those people into birds that could turned into birds like licky split I turned kiwi oh oh what just a small kiwii pointy beak real small pick up I start making weird little kiwi chirps here now now try to can these ones fly sbles oh th sbles c a toss them sbles I continued chirping frantically CH chirp three times if you can fly he trip seven times I'm going to take that as yes and I kind of do a little just here how how high do you throw me well he's like 6 feet tall so uh Philip I don't want to Chuck him I'm just trying to give him a little p 10 feet is all you need to kill me in D and D oh no they don't weigh that much I had my I had my they're like frogs you they don't take fall Dage 20 guys I think you go go walk that was much higher than I eyes into the air jaob I turned back into sbles at 10 feet and just [Laughter] scream sbles flies with the momentum from the Kiwi goes like 30 feet just screaming the whole way kind of one way to fly I guess see him Arc through the air as stipples his hat flying by I look over and like in slow motion you just see the two other bird Druids like flying looks at him and he starts flapping his arms as he goes down what the [ __ ] smack to a tree land on the ground and take 12 buing damage and Zan walks over and says hey that was a class we took actually the aerodynamics of a gnome there aren't any how much damage take 12 bludgeoning God you like fell into a tree wait that's a class no I'm no it's not okay there's a stick in like the major muscle of my arm um come come here I'll stck in his arm thank you like it's like through with bicep yeah Kurt waves their hand and mens sbles clo look what I can do with my degree his tunic is like perfect perfectly starched and look what I can do with the power of my God that part of that part of his clothes is is like fresh and new compared to the rest of it which is dirty so it's just really obvious you get 11 hit points back leaps in them and all that is it mending mending is more than just a spot it's no no no it's it's a small area mhm um or it's an item that's smaller than like uh like 5T I think and it takes a minute to cast yeah but it I think it like everything within that Cube I may be wrong no yeah it does so it would it would um it would fix all of his clothing so your entire clothing one square foot cube of clean clothes in my chest well that was an Endeavor and no I can't fly I'm sorry yet yet we'll just have to do that a couple dozen times I'm down I also have to teach lelia how to swim and pil in something I think okay the stress of having my arm repaired might be too much to do it just in sequence all right let's leave come this way um towards a couple of hours go by and then eventually you guys make it to the city um Port Moira is before you um the kind of destroyed walls um are are still mostly intact and they look to be like in the mid of repairs um but like the city probably didn't get like enough money from their Contracting require Contracting agreement and like they haven't finished it yet uh and as you get closer there's this giant opening into uh the uh one of the walls and you guys step in um and the city is uh is fairly nice uh it's much smaller than pry Barrow um it has uh uh there's like there's like one kind of main square right at the front um and it kind of like uh goes down two streets with a uh with like Market building left and like residential buildings to your right and then beyond that there's um there's like a park that has a bridge going over into like a small island that is moded by like a a small River um and after that is the beach and you can see like this there is a beach and there's like a there's a pier and there's boat docked on the pier um and there are some buildings near the beach as well um it's a nice small little little Beach Town um and you see some people are walking around uh going about their day uh you notice that they're uh you see like that a human and then a tling then a human two more teelings and another tling this is it's a weird a weird normal like a much larger amount of teelings than normal uh nevertheless you guys are here um Philip you kind of lead them to the left and up this kind of Cobble Street um and uh the weather here is nice because it's literally right on the beach so you guys can like smell the ocean and you feel like the wind like coming in um the sun kind of beating down on you and as you uh guys kind of head up the uh the the the road you turn to like a house and uh it's just this small little house uh it's got wooden walls um it's like maybe it's one story Philip goes over fin angles through some keys opens the front door and you guys step inside uh what What's the house look like um surprisingly colorful on the inside I would say that a lot of the furniture and just little knickknacks and stuff look like he found them somewhere like they're not they don't match at all um um there's probably plants in here that have died it seemed like he probably left in a hurry when he did leave um but since he came here a few nights ago it's probably cleaned up a a pretty good amount um no oh is it like a studio like apartment type thing or are there rooms I don't really um it's up to you oh then it's it's all kind of an open space then there's like a bed in one area of the room a little kitchenet uh a two different colored couches um some stuff on the walls dead plants and uh a bit of a mess but it's it's nice this place isn't terrible thank you mhm so are we chilling here for what five days yes cool all right [Music] so what time down time down time you guys are staying here for five days down time I believe six days if we had seven left we stay the night so that makes it six days hey fell the Leb in the chat what's up bro anyways um it's a weird bro said it just like wow uh all right so let's do some downtime guys if you guys are down for that down for downtime it's time for downtime time stop no I didn't like that okay so I'm gonna half all of them um because they're normally like a week and since they're only here for half a week I'm going to do just a just like all of the rewards are haveed so uh we've got just to remind you guys um you can go to zanthar guide Revisited uh yes everything's happen um you got buying a magic item cring crafting an item crime gambling pit fighting relaxation religious service research scribing a spell scroll selling a magic item training or work so uh yeah uh does anybody know what they want to do or do you want me to roll initiative how do you guys want to do this my my immediate instinct is religious services but I have a feeling that religious Services would go very poorly here have you heard about yeah I recommend that everybody's hands oh you want to do religious service oh that's great how you worship who all right uh so um let's sure everybody roll initiative all I will I will uh I will um actively take last I have no no idea what I want to do this is like the only time that I'll uh I'll choose to go last oh my God I want to commit a crime okay I want to help I think the only other I I think the only other time we've actively done crime in as a downtime in IND over games was uh IRA and micraft way back that them good good old days we got like 500 gold from we did mallerie and Eugene broke into a museum and stole [ __ ] yeah that did happen I remember that we almost died what else is new with that party yeah what could have been oh [ __ ] I don't have you guys like in an initi write it down in my note Eugene all right X Eugene died in a whole like four years ago card what'd you get uh zero I using to take zero uh who got above zero okay who got zero to five who got five to 10 eight eight buddies eight eight you guys want to do your downtime together yeah we'll role play that a I I actually don't want to commit a crime I'm sorry sbl is GNA ask for your help oh well maybe specifically you got 10 to 15 sbles did 15 sbles be like I'm going to ask the former city guard to help me commit a crime 15 to would know 17 liia you roll well on initiative it's for downtime yes what you 17 okay guess you guys are doing downtime together as well all right um okay well L failen you guys are first [ __ ] uh you go first uh ch oh you you you don't know I don't know I'm on the page my downtime I'm pretty much not going to do downtime um L is gonna be spending most of her time either just kind of hanging out um at the flat or just kind of just kind of chilling um in the town maybe walking around you walk around the town yeah yeah relaxation this is just for you buddy yeah you're going to do relaxation um go you need to maintain a modest lifestyle while relaxing to gain the benefit of this activity so you don't have to pay rent but you do have to buy like food and [ __ ] for yourself so uh a modest lifestyle I think is one gold a day so uh everybody needs to spend that so everybody go ahead and spend six gold for the downtime because no Philip's gonna have you guys actually uh and as you kind of make your way around the city um hanging out at the house to all the shenanigans that everybody's doing throughout the week um there is a point in time where you make a way down to the beach and uh near the uh on the pier um kind of like at the base of the pier that kind of goes out there is this kind of Monument sitting there that you see of uh this uh U uh there's a it's a monument and a statue um and it's this uh statues in in uh in Sunder um are never entirely super accurate instead they're very like archaic they um they don't Define details on these um on these statues instead they're almost like polygonal like an almost like like an old PS2 game but imagine like in stone so like the face is just like maybe a couple of um chisels here and they're very like and what yes exactly um and uh you go over you see uh this uh this statue that that is put there um and it's en memorium to Atlantic Moira and and Le doesn't know who the heck this is so he like huh huh weird interesting anyways interesting why is she blue she like reads the the little inscription yeah it's it's like a small history of like what she did and and well you're you see like you're like oh she knew Vincent interesting that's it yep and then does it mention the wanted Wanderers on there just one yeah it does cool uh like oh this is like a Dan Schneider of famous people but apart from that she kind of just in finds it finds it interesting and then just kind of moves on all right so uh throughout relaxing through the rest of the week uh I'm going to go ahead and give you uh Garden roll 2 d10 five that's s for uh yeah you get five temporary hit points um that will go away whenever you whenever you either get new temporary hit points or when you you um uh whenever you lose him yeah cool okay uh all right so failen what are you doing hit fighting no so I have my two things because I'm just I am trying to figure out how that work um one of them would probably be trying to research like the even fall prophecy seeing if he can find even just little bit more a rumor yep um and the second thing would probably be it'd be like in the daytime you'd be doing that and like it his free time he would be focusing on like trying to create a training regimen for Kurt I like that okay awesome okay so you can do research um you let's so you're gonna have to make a oh God uh you spend 50 gold pieces on materials bribes gifts and other expenses but we have it to 25 okay um and then you can spend an extra 25 gold pieces to get uh an extra plus one why not on your role all right so go ahead and make an intelligence check with plus one watch as I fail this send you a message just so you know it 18 18 oh [ __ ] yeah I wasn't in it at all I was like I'm going to get a [Music] two uh so you go through and [Music] uh uh you there's a couple of libraries here in uh Port moad that you can go to and try to find some information in um they aren't extensive but they are there uh a lot of them are religious texts and some are history texts as well and you go through and eventually you do find sacred text you go through and you find um not a lot there's not a lot about can Silva um the Dominion Q nothing much here that you find uh but you do find like a couple of maps and a couple of references from explorers there so I will let you ask one question and I will give you the answer to it can I get back to you on that yep uh Kurt what you doing Kurt so I am stuck between two things and I'll let you decide I will tell you the three things I want to do and we can figure out what they are uh Kurt definitely wants to practice their their sword play right um but Kurt also so you know what we're going to do with that um we're going to do training I say training is a and I'm you can get Proficiency in in uh in a sword if you want I uh it's leading to something different oh okay got it um because Kurt also wants to um buy a lock and start like fiddling with a lock in their spare time ah okay I see and then maybe like a book of tales on like uh fake famous gentleman swordsman I see where you're going okay you do so um and uh that's uh that's what you're kind of doing in your downtime uh Kurt's going around taking up some new hobbies learning some new things um it's very strange not seeing Kurt constantly exuding magic at all times but you know what anti magic was a good teacher I suppose uh sbles what you doing uh did cardos already go cardos is last I do I do know what I I think I think I'll go last because the way that you commit a crime is you spend the like four and a half of the five days culminating the crime the last one committing it yeah so we might need to run okay so I'll use that as a lead Philip what you doing um Philip's gonna go uh Help The Magpie with whatever she needs oh my goodness is that what you do for all five days yes except for the last day uh the last day he'll uh go to whatever church is in town and spend probably the entire day there you help out around that at the tavern and uh like there's some odd jobs that uh this uh uh this barkeep asks you to um to do um she uh takes a liking to You Phillip um she appreciates all the work that that you um that you bring for her and um she you guys have a couple of moments where you you talk throughout the week um you learn a little bit about her she learns a little bit about you uh she thinks you're super awesome and really cool and uh you've made a friend in this barkeep but the opportunity arises to spend a night with her no I'm good thank you and you and it does not happen but it's there whenever you need it that's the second time a random person has been like oh in in a in a campaign you this is a dating game playing it wrong this Magpie has been sending me letters for weeks um um we've missed out on like eight different what are you doing on the last day uh he's spending the day and are there any churches in in the port which ones are there specific gods or are they kind of just like go there are a couple um that are to different specific Gods there's a the biggest church here is probably to Egan but um there there are other churches here that are like devoted to other Gods uh yeah he'd probably spend the last day in the Church of Egan you do so not praying to Egan because he doesn't worship yeah um okay uh cardos okay I don't think this is even necessarily a crime but it is it's both a crime and a religious service oh no I ha oh no um there is a lot religious it's a religious crime there is a lot of false things going around about what happened here and how tiamat's the bad guy and not the cultist and I would like to make sure that the books have the right story oh oh God no you're the worst character in the party he's he's that old that old guy at Walmart who turns the books around yeah stepped on your house and killed your children it wasn't her fault that's not Tiamat that's not Tiamat that's not you guys aren't here you're learning how to sword fight and praying to a different God at the church so alternate facts guy who go like go to the library and you take all the religious things from your religion and you put them in non-fiction are you just gonna go to like the the different books and just be like like I mean I'm guessing probably what he's done in the past if if he's done this in the past the only thing I can think of that the only way I think this could work and I I don't know how it works in medieval would be to basically get the books from the library I'm laughing at FS chat Tom but I'm going to Gaslight this whole town are you able to are you able to like rent like like check out books similar to you we a different Library cool I will uh check out um any book I can find on the tmad Expedition um and SP cool I'll take all those and uh through through the week I will um as closely as I can to make it seem like it make it seem like it's like a weird like cliff like like this is what's believed and this is uh another like an alternate way that this could have gone type of thing okay all right um and then on the last day before we leave um I am going to hand the books back in and then we're just going to leave through a door okay all right so we'll be gone before anyone there's no so you don't see the Fallout of this effect you just kind of do it and are like they'll learn yeah exactly fair enough possibly could go wrong oh oh no all right uh um I will I will heavily specify that the fault is on the cultist for summoning Tiamat against her own will cuz cards's goal isn't to get Tiamat summoned and a city destroyed again but his goal is to make people see that tmat isn't the bad guy the cultists were okay for Moira was a false flag everyone all right Moira gate Moira Port Moira gate yeah I need to find the pizza parlor so I can save the children oh no I know that the chat I know the chat is murdering me right now look guys this is the character okay I did a good job today I mean we're muring you too all right stles I'll never be lectured by you again cardos you can't that nothing's more evil more evil so I have four options listed in the book Jacob yeah which one is most interesting to me or rather which one is the first one presented to me hold on of a a struggling Merchant a prosperous Merchant a noble or one of the richest figures in town yes who do I see first what do you oh prob roll a D4 for me it okay or okay we'll go Noble that's fine if you want to do that oh Noble anyways oh [ __ ] I forgot a whm so describe this character this will be like on the first day so this uh this is a dude he's a tling he's lived here for a long time he has grown wealthy because of the construction in the city and he has brought a lot of he has good relations with dwarves in the mountains um and has brought a lot of stone trade here Stone crafting trade and thus has has has only recently gained his wealth in like the past two years um so uh he he still has not like a big old fancy house but he's he's he's pretty rich so he's he's actually like bringing two communities together to work on like a single project pretty much well he's hiring him out he's easy come easy go yes I'm gonna take two years in a day just take everything all right so uh you need to uh you're you're gonna Mone yeah you got to spend 25 gold pieces gathering information on potential targets before committing the intended crime so you learn about this guy his name is Bongo Bongo his last name's Bongo first name uh bius Bongo Bongo that poor poor te bius Bongo the tling uh he has no family that lives in the town he's by himself um he wants to marry but he's been unsuccessful he's a little down bad uh so money's not going to fix that I'm going to show drowning uh yeah he's like I have so much money but I have no love and so you're like this guy's [ __ ] easy uh all right so you make a series of checks uh to attempt a crime a character must make three checks a stealth check let me get the stealthy music in here okay can I expend a wild shape for this oh my God yeah okay I'll I'll let you succeed that check oh okay um that stealth check and then uh go go ahead and get um I would turn into a cat for that easy yeah I I won't even have you roll he's not a cat [ __ ] slips into his house at one point he doesn't really pay too much mind idiot left the window open didn't think a little gnome Druid was going to take all of his gems and gold all right then you need to go ahead and make a uh a dexterity check using thieves tools I don't have these tools that's what you spent the money on you had to get some oh okay don't have proficiency make sble spins six days like all right I've got everything together this will go fantastically comes up to the window [ __ ] was that one thing Phillip told me I use thieves tools sbles oh I stole thieves tools I have thieves tools he's just pinning it on you oh [ __ ] what'd you get just like everyone else okay so what type of check was this just dexterity unless you have Proficiency in thieves tools okay which I don't think you do no so 11 okay um everything's a little too locked it's a little hard uh uh but so you're like [ __ ] like nothing will open so C ass in Splash his window and then a cat jumps in [Music] okay and then you need to make an investigation wisdom or deception check deception oh sorry investigation perception or deception kicked out of port be Keen eyed yep uh 14 okay so um I didn't do well I don't think I no that's fine that's that's honestly that's what I wanted I did not want to get money you you melt you become you become a cat you jump in and you're like looking around the whole house and you're like maybe it's not in the kitchen nothing here there's nothing in his in in his storage spaces oh he must keep his money in his bedroom so you go to the bedroom you're like [ __ ] the door's locked so you just like become sbles melt it again become a cat again the door opens no I'm just stles now I'm not a cat anymore you this man wakes up oh looks at the door frame it just opens there's a hole in it and there's just the silhouette of the hat and sble set it's like where's your [ __ ] money what do you have storage if you don't keep anything in it thought you were Rich look I need that money really fast I have to leave like tomorrow or today it's okay you can breathe I'm not going to kill you I'm just going to kill your financial worth you can get it back you get it once already he he looks down and he looks around he says he he just grabs a diamond and he and he goes is that is that worth anything all right I take the diamond and I I like walk backwards out of the room and bump into the wall and I like side step and I leave and I book barrel roll out the window as you leave you hear from the window he just opens it he's got a night cap on he goes guards guards I've been robbed a couple of guards like run to his house and they're like what the [ __ ] is going on um and you leave without a trace and a DI this man is terrified of gnomes breaking into his house for the rest of his life say the best line was I'm not going to kill you just your financial status just your value in this town as a person oh [ __ ] um roll an intelligence Tech Syble see if you know how much this diamond is worth okay natural 20 oh my you're like suddenly like a master I think what it'll be because that's obviously luck I'll think like oh I would estimate like from what I know about Finance this is worth exactly how much 500 gold 500 gold all right all right I don't have gravity for that I just think that's a number did you see messages that I gave you uh okay I call that my enter um is right next to the apostrophe um just just to confirm that you're aware Jacob take that I'm not taking the books back until like the morning we're going to leave I I know okay um and I I'll even put them in the little like Drop here slot not taking them up to you got it God um so that's three questions yeah I said pick one I'm also you pick one number two number number two third one oh the third one okay um there's actually five questions in my notebook I narrowed it down uh you learn that there was somebody who had found it and learned of its Origins doesn't detail any information you just know who the person is all right um and his name is Shay Shayk is it s h EA s h y s h e y v u k he lives in kinova what why are we playing this music huh yeah I kind of like it I don't know oh it's sbles breaking into a house music that's what this is manemma you know it's just you know weird um what's it called Exposition yeah cool all right so um just let you guys know we'll go break in a second but we're going to do a thing first so uh as you learn that information failen um if hang on all right uh you guys all come back to the house uh you still have the books cardos um sbles you just got done with your Heist U Kurt you've been learning all week Phillip uh you spent your day at the church um and uh failen you you have come back as well after doing your research um and you guys are all back at the house again um and uh lelia is there all right so I was gonna say you didn't say lelia and lelia's there I is there before all of you I'm in some hot water right now maybe that's a metaphor by the way but I think we should probably leave soon the key is ready right in the morning it's ready tomorrow this I time that poorly um I'm going to sleep underneath the floorboards if anybody want pleas don't rip up my floorboards they're very hard to do you not have like a gutter that's not how those work basement no it don't have a basement it's look this is Beach from property you should be prepared for floods is the house elevated in any way maybe okay Jacob is the house elevated in anyway please don't there's there's a there's a there's a under craftt area it's about a foot right sbles just goes and chills in the cold dirt under the house all right you can unfortunately there's not much padding you can just hear everything going on in the yeah that's fine honestly sbles prefers the EES drop um um so I I want to tell you guys come clean about everything tell you should I be visible for this you don't have get out of my house get in in house get off from underneath my house no I have a diamond that I stole from a guy who was asleep is that why we need to get out here why did you steal from someone stipples that's not what we're talking about Lilia this is about you right now okay but you out I don't leave under the house I just stay there okay [Music] uming um so some of you were there when I told you some stuff but I I might as well start from the beginning um I was born into the Blackburn family I've denied that since I've met you guys but it's true um I had a good [Music] childhood um friends little brother parents that love me but I was a dumb overly courageous stubborn little girl and during a g game my brother and my friend lady in waiting I don't know um when I was 6 years old I was six I went into a house that was abandoned and I wasn't I was told not to by my parents I don't remember what happened in there it's it's all kind of a blur all I know is that when after I came out something came out with me it's similar to what Philip has described but not exactly there was a a shadow that followed me that's the only thing I could I called is Shadow it it I saw in the corner of my eyes in the dark corners of the room and it would whisper to me it would whisper to me terrible things and my my personality changed from being super social and super kind and fun and whatever too reclusive aggressive violent or would lash out whenever someone got near me it my parents kept me pull me away from my friend and my brother kept me locked away for for my own good and theirs as well they brought in priests and wizards and things and trying to figure out how to what happened to me and what they could do about it but they never did and unlike Phillip and the thing in his head I was aware of everything I might not have agreed with what I was doing but I was doing anyway they were my choices my actions and I did them anyway I would hurt the people I loved and all that up it took four years four years of this until it it told it it told me to do something extreme and I did it it had me take the skeleton key to the house lock all of the doors to the sleeping to to the bedrooms in the middle of the night and drop a candle into a curtain and let the House burn had me just sit there in my my room my nursery and listen as my family [Music] screamed and I burned with them but that wasn't the end of it we instead of moving on to an afterlife we got stuck I've learned since it's probably called the the Ethereal plane something it we were stuck in between the material and the afterlife we couldn't move on we're stuck in a weird distorted version version of the manner sometimes it was quiet other times the fire raged again over and over and I remember it all every day it's more of a dream kind of a blur but I was still aware it was eight years of that on top of the four years with the Shadow the shadow was no longer there thankfully was different until apparently a shadow Kai the follower of the Raven cream brought me back on her command just me I don't know why or I don't know why exactly I know she has something planned for me me and that's why I'm I've been trying to do everything I can to try and figure it out and being with you and taking the Talon of orcus and she pulls it out of her bag I just know that this is important to her to she told me to keep it safe and that's what I've been doing I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys but I need to keep it safe because that's the only thing I have the only thing I have left at this point is just trying to find a way to allow myself and my family to move on because they're still here with me I see them I hear them you've actually seen them as well sometimes when I cast them my magic from The Raven Queen she allows me to project their their Shadows their Echoes their souls into the material world it's that's it and that's why I'm I'm both a monster because it wasn't because it was my actions that caused this caused me to have the shadow follow me it caused I it was my actions that caused all the pain even if it wasn't completely me but something that but that's what I've been trying to do is just trying to rectify that I think it's time for you guys to know why I have such a hard time with certain things why I don't know certain things I didn't have a chance to learn to swim I didn't have a chance to grow up I I grew I went through from 10 years old to 18 years old as a ghost I don't know things I'm just trying to get by that's it that's all I have then why are you here with us because CU I was led to you I was led to you originally she put me on the path to you and then I grew attached to you guys I don't want to leave you I actually enjoy being around you guys even if you can be annoying at annoying at times I may disagree you hear shuffling under the the floorboards that question came from the floor said Lely unveiled everything and the everybody was silent and the floor are you still here with them polishing his little Diamond Creek opened the door and shut it and then just hugg lilia's leg there are tears kind of right down she's not like don't judge me but she's definitely she's definitely tearing up you had to deal with all that that's that's all I can say I'll say I'm I'm still dealing with it I just want my goal has been and always it will be to finally figure out how to move on that's Mel that's all I have left other than you guys know Shadow did it did it have a name it never said I never like directly talk to it I wish I knew I wish I knew why it did did what it did where's the the Talon probably just in her hand okay I thinked I I did yeah that's what it that's what just happened right now good time to go on break maybe uh maybe but uh you finish your thing I'm going to change the battery right now anyways why why do you need to have that the talent of or orcus I don't I don't need it all I know is what the queen told me before I even met you guys Jacob yep OS is a religious man does he know who orcus is uh Ro uh religion I know she said that it's an incredibly powerful artifact and it shouldn't be in the wrong hands uh never heard of them not my not my realm of religion I rolled a natural one he me Marcus don't seem very very different to me um you know I will also apologize I knew that lelia had it and I was going to tell you guys for her but then I killed Kurt and we had to stop baros Z like wipes his eyes why is that thing important orcus is like a a demon I think isn't he um like a big bad guy yeah even the fact that tellos wanted it wasn't it something to do with the Undead yeah and then um Prince classer he wanted it why didn't you give it to him he seems I've heard stories he said good he was already taken away before we got it yeah that's right would you have given it to him if you had the chance if I had the chance maybe I don't want to hold on to it but I don't know what to do with it I can i' rather just hold on to I would rather just hold on to it because I know I can bear the burden I'm already bearing plenty I'm not using it I'm not going to I'm not going to use it I don't want I don't want anyone to use it it anything I'd rather be just be destroyed I think it is good that you've told us this especially if you trust us bearing a burden such as that is not one that should be born alone that's something I'm trying to I'm trying to learn myself my initial inclination is to P it alone I have been what drove you to tell us the time I have not been here as long as the rest a few things um just being with you guys being seeing what you how you guys are like trusting each other but then then definitely after what happened with Kurt because it felt like it happened again what happened to me I I lost control of exactly what my actions were but I still made the decision in the end for how I reacted and it caused pain on someone even if they wanted it in the end um caus a death technically um but after talking to you guys especially toples afterwards kind of help put some things into her perspective and being able to sit out and contemplate it I want to I want to to trust you guys to be with you guys so I just I I think I just need to let you guys in sbles will hug your other leg kind of puts her hand on your shoulder just kind of kind really like not fully bending down but certainly yeah I got you I unfortunately dropped out there for a second I was trying to fix my camera but um didn't work uh I have one question uh did anybody do anything with the Talon no not touching it just like no no no it's fine I am just uh is being vulnerable none of us are going to [ __ ] take advantage of um f will actually get up and kind of rifle through his bag and he's GNA kind of thank you Logan for that for that contribution continue um and kind of pull out his his little kit that he has of all of his his wood carvings and he's going to kind of fiddle through it again because he's like trying to find it um pull out a raven and give it to willo I've actually um had it done for a while because your um friend is bring back to I for about doing that I've been thinking about this too long but um if this tells you anything it's some I don't know a friendship thing um it's good to share things um it's not good to Bear burdens alone even if you think you should because eventually verta becomes too big and or sometimes other people can they have the skills to help they have something that you might lack I I don't know if I have anything that I can contribute but it's better to be with other people when it comes to that sort of [Music] problem so going toate difficulty for me but I appreciate it I'm going to try just kind of smiles sit the back down all right that's it that's all I have that's not all that's actually kind of a lot a lot a lot yeah I gotta say that's pretty crazy Oh I thought you were here I mean I I met you yesterday but I mean just uh you know just a couple days ago so sorry I kind of ruined the moment there okay all right I'll just uh go back to what I was doing I could just imagine her like coming from the kitchen like with a grilled cheese or something oh man uh okay uh with that I don't have a good transition here we're going to go on break um I need to [ __ ] restart my computer so uh we'll be back in like a second with uh with the rest of the game uh we have a art card for things and stuff but uh big shout out to uh [ __ ] Dre k for the 20 bucks stealing for people in animal form and when in doubt cast acid Splash on everyone lesson learned that was pretty [ __ ] great Jimmy Styles also super chated $5 and Rift King Super chatted $9.99 thanks guys appreciate it uh all right y'all uh we'll be back in a minute don't go anywhere we'll see you then probably a little longer than a minute but maybe a little bit longer please tellow to leave [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] for [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] d [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh hey guys I was trying to think of a rhyme to my name is cardos and I'm here to say and I couldn't think of one other and I think TM is super gay and that's it that's all I can take I don't even know if that's accurate head empty that's why I didn't say it so well then why did you say it anyways shut the [ __ ] up welcome back happy thoughts has a question run Smith are you related to Will Smith that's a good question that's a very good question why is Logan's last name in the cast in the in the um in the credits Rie what what it's two s's where it's Rie what are you talking about in the description of credits it says Logan Rie who the [ __ ] WR that wrote that I had to think of like eight different things to figure out what you were talking about I didn't wait I got it guys I'm GNA fix it all I'm glad that I'm first great worst is the first yeah worst worst goes first I fixed it I don't know when it all Logan run Smith incredible that's my name don't we it out Logan resty pieces rested pieces it needs to be Logan Reese oh no rude Logan Logan Smith okay anyway back toia being yeah anyway yeah so you keep bringing up the one of or uh Talent of orchest and we're all going no we're not touching that so that's basically what I'm I have to know it's probably like humming ominously and we're all just like visibly trying to ignore it I will I will admit if things start to not I guess calm down is not the right word uh escalate deescalate from the emotional high that everything is at I'm at the moment uh cardos would look to lelia be like do you know anything about what that does if it is so important typically I know it's connected to Undead and undeath I know it belong to like I believe a demon of some sort aside from that I don't know exactly it's not something I've tested I don't want to all I know is what we generally know and what the r que told me would your God go so far as not go so far would they be so kind as to FW you in do they speak to you directly at all they have but they haven't for a while what's what's the situation on Druids and the Raven Queen because we're not we're not really about UND [Music] death are you asking this to yeah no sbles is asking it to Lilia oh oh sorry okay I don't I haven't heard anything that about us being against each other so I assume that we're just two sides of a similar coin maybe all right I again I don't know much I I I I was just I was brought back I was taught how to use the the power that the ren Queen has embedded into into this form I have that sounds like the same as being a druid maybe I wasn't told what to think or how to think or anything like that I'm not religious I I I I don't religiously follow Raven Queen I'm just doing what she wants me to in order to like a family thing sure well it's a patron thing it's a bit more like blackmail um are the ancient tree Spirits blackmailing [Laughter] me I don't know sounds like the Raven queen holds all the cards and you're the one stuck yes with whatever you're given um I guess I don't know if it's I don't know if she needs me to do something or order to get myself unstuck or if she's using me and has the ability to and just want either way I'm in the same position I'm sorry it's funny how different things deal with that because my brother was Patron and then not Patron uh was never I don't know it didn't seem like that and then for me I know my swords are the things that give me power in the same way they're not like that I don't know I don't think about it too much think about it just complicates it more yeah well it's nice to feel safe around you guys after pulling a heist against a local Noble yeah what excuse me what you said something about Diamond earlier okay every sentence or every word in that sentence was relative I think all of them are kind of variance so if you want to run through it I mean a Noble in in a sense is just someone who got lucky once right let's talk about the word Heist okay to me a heist is breaking into someone's house physically and stealing their belongings okay so you did that to a noble if that's how you define a Noble then yes oh what why did you do that experience I mean not a lot of people get to do that and then just like leave the entire town in this part of the continent the next morning they have power that and you left us a day to just sort of hang out in this house and hope authorities don't come yeah I I turned it a little bit bad because I thought the kid would work now so maybe we leave like right when the key starts doing its thing did anyone see you come here potentially well you see that's an interesting question because if they did see me and I didn't see them then I wouldn't be able to answer correctly did the noble see you he he may have seen a small man in a red hat jump out of his window but he did not see which way I went give me your hat I used the zigzag maneuver you cannot have my hat do not touch my hat fair enough maybe you shouldn't this is the hill sbles will die [Laughter] on maybe you shouldn't stay here maybe you should sleep under the house I was WR you see I am a genius he walks back outside oh how times have changed what is that that mean oh um usually I would be the one going after people who broke into Noble's houses and now I have people telling me that they broke into Noble's houses in your house in my house yes oh you're directly under your feet what time of uh day is it uh the night time 8 o' okay when did the libraries close I still have TW I still have 12 hours that is just like so you know with the the libraries you know when they do their thing you know the library thing I got some books I You' got uh quite a stack of of books there we when we were actually in college actual College you didn't seem terribly interested in Reading any books there or just college is boring you know I actually are kind of busy I feel like I saw you a couple times to be I didn't see any of you FR I was trying to look up things about the evenfall prophecy I didn't found find much because well we're not in kova my time over by the docks in the beach you know I I expected to see you at least Kurt when I didn't speaking of that why did you expect to to see me cuz I spent the last six days at a bar and didn't see you once oh no I was uh very busy practicing Heron Wades in the rushes it's a sword form that failen Tau me it was never named that but I'm GL you found a name for it you learning how to swing a sword yes I'm quite good now fen's in the back like I'd like to see you sometime Kurt well uh perhaps I had a plan Phillip I was going to and Kurt pull some pillows that they've bought out of their out of their uh bag and it's like well I was going to put these pillows about my body and I was hoping since you are a person who wears heavy armor that you could sort of teach me the proper way and Kurt starts like strapping these pillows to their body and it's just like you know like if I if I charged at you and and draws their uh Now sort of cut in half broom handle and just goes if I charge you like this and does like a weird ballet dance move and tries to swat at Philip with their broom head um and fil is in the back going I mean I guess Philip would try would react by trying to grab the broom handle um uh I'm going to roll a deck save okay um I have Advantage just sent into our uh group chat um a video by Gus Johnson called pillow guy and it's the one where he goes my pillow guy let me stay in your house give me a give me a h that's heed a bunch of pillows to himself that's Kurt right now that would be an an 18 but I don't know what I have to beat um I imagine it would be an attack roll so yeah you guys can just DM would you roll I got an 18 flat let's assume that what what uh that what Kurt R is not anywhere near that right you go just get to sit back and relax for a little bit the charge is confident but no less but no more skilled it's it's did you just run into Phillip is that what you just did yeah just scbs the broom handle and you have to you Kurt almost Falls over and you have to like balance CT for a second yeah yeah yeah and then you need to get a little bit better maybe maybe you should try sneaking failing failing I can't reaches into a small into a small pocket on their on their belt and throw sand at Phil get sand in your eyes that was really rude like puts his glasses up and starts rubbing his eyes out that one is called um uh morning Finch kicks the Dust reminds me of home thank you where did you grow up is is it a a land of famous swords um no I was I was talking about the sand in my eyes yeah it's in a desert well it is a it is a uh it's sort of my own spin that I'm adding onto the program that failen is teaching I don't failen I don't know why you don't throw sand more often it is quite Hur and it's mean to do to your friends oh yeah keep it up though let let me just um perhaps you should look to defend yourself from this attack oh Kurt tries to chop old tack Kurt how to fight for my brother was actually terrifying so I try not to do that because he would do that 17 I think that hits brother tried to teach me fighting but all he did was throw dirt in my eyes so I couldn't learn anything no oh no I was kind of waiting for this to be H realiz luckily it's just a u a D4 right it could be enough in the meantime in the meantime apparently Jordan pulled a Serbian man from the rubble Max damage oh no oh no four that before we finish oh wisdom save Philip and then I don't want you to say what the save is and I just want you to tell us what Philip does yeah I like that philli it's like is it a little karate chop is that what you do yeah it's like because you've got you've got my broom so Kurt just like and defend against that like probably probably at at your hip level of your armor Phillip kind of does a little wse because it does actually hurt and then he looks down silence Falls across the room the and then he just tries to punch you in the face just body Curt I I won't even did you crit we're all we're all dying tonight this dpk not again Jesus Christ why you Cur this is perfect actual death to the character uh do I just since it's an unarmed strike it's just just double it yeah six damage you do you punch Kurt in the face yes so you Pro is it like a you're you're down here to me yeah is it a downward swing or are we talking kind of like a like a it's downward he looks down at you and then just punches you in the face so what happens is Kurt takes that and sort of like flies back where it just sort of like somersault rolls and then just lands who's can cardos do a thing oh my God roll initiative oh [ __ ] hang on give me a second I got to add you guys the C natural 20 Oh my Jesus Christ everyone's gonna die but me after telling me all about yeah you're under the floor I can't see you I live you you always do live yeah smart boy the one guy who Tru in his heart of hearts wants to die all of his papers for like I've created this and then that's happened he just like uh oh all right everybody roll just so everyone knows I I had to beat a 10 and I got a six oh goodness oh boy I I don't see this should have order up but it's it's up there's no one in the turn order for us yeah oh God okay tokens hang on I have to put you guys on the [ __ ] where's where's where's the battle map for Phillip's house yeah yeah Philip's living room playing for this come on man Jacob I only planned for like 80 other things yeah how could you not have anticipated that we don't interact Jacob we just interact with each other how could you anticipate this um we went from Super Ser oh my God I got like a good initiative again Jesus I rolled the 19 again initiative oh nice which is a 17 for you which becomes a 17 cuz I'm a don't [ __ ] move your minis okay wait where are they that's there for the tokens stop no we have to get in like position stop it wait no guys we're all at Port Moira we at least have to go there D the mind oh it's old today you know how bad I have you get oh my god did do I have to roll I did I rolled two if you no you don't have to no I think it's fair that I do but we should skip my turns be uh 16 we're gonna play Civilization now yeah it's a c stream now all right uh Philip you're first oh God who's next to me let's see uh Kurt all right for long getting bonked again I guess for Kurt will be dead we went from Super we went from Super serious RP hours to this we've touched on all three bases here yeah at this point crazy bit combat absolute nonsense we didn't everybody's crying wild Magic by 7:30 but we got ra by 930 you know what that'll be that'll be the next that'll be next week's prediction will Philip rage this game does a 14 hit prediction was wrong by the way oh yeah well Jacob I am wearing pillows does that give me any I feel like that's a resistance to blood false Life One Less damage maybe it's false life fine yeah one less damage then two un ared attack two all right that's not I am wearing pillows I did not throw up I just went off screen it was worth it so 26 it's a good thing I got such U such a a pile of hit points God I'm your pH do you punch or kick he probably he probably kicks you cuz you're you're so small to him it's like in like a cartoon just like C flies into the wall you have the pillows yeah probably having fun um for now liia sees that Phillip is going is being the [ __ ] you guys just see playfully like CT's like ha and then Philip like turns and just goes it and then their body flies across the room I'm assuming assume that it happened that that we okay I'm going to roll inight sure how small KK is now oh oh maybe I don't know damn five maybe you get five you're like maybe Phillip just really doesn't like to get [Laughter] poked thinking back has anyone ever touched Phillip no I don't think so he's just no no no no no no he he had the time of su um he did have the time with Seuss yeah l remembers that um it's up to lelia whatever she wants to think if she would rather be safe then she she can think that way but on the immediate like two punches it's yeah it's like uh or you know you can do something to confirm it well let's just see what happens I'm just going to cast this sure why not uh that oh uhoh what's happening oh o yes Spar of annihilation uh make a wisdom save Philip [ __ ] 208 like always the [ __ ] please no the Mecha Titan from the school comes barreling into the town wisdom save of eight no nine nine I'll add my card add your card I'm kidding we don't want him to sued I'm kidding card is like I hate Phillip so you got a nine I did get a nine yes all right so you are still raging oh oh we are you are you not well did get natural 20 last time and still raged yeah I think I'm I'm trying to never mind I don't know last time I succeeded with a with a 20 and continued to rage and now with a nine I also how you we need to figure out the the spell you got a 20 last time yes I Ruled a natural 20 and you said that I would continue to rage so I think now with the nine I would stop raging if it fails whatever it does seem backwards now that oh Jacob you [ __ ] dumbass you no longer raging sorry [ __ ] okay all right look guys the spell as aelia you cast your spell um uh Kurt your nose is bleeding as Phillip you just come back the only thing you remember was uh uh Kurt going hi yeah you wake up and Curts halfway across the room and there's a small like house in in the plaster wall s's eyes are like oh god oh did you were you actually raging again this time okay than God spell then if was the case I'm I didn't know I just pH stands up and walks over to curtain kind of sets them up cuz they're small can I can fix it I can fix your nose I just need to I just need to work on um maybe baboon protects the The Nest as a defensive stti it's called dodging C I think your nose is broken if you just let me if you just let me well Phillip you have you have amply you have amply demonstrated the uh necessity for uh armored training yeah that wasn't me that was the other guy um but so can I heal your face it's you're bleeding all over my rug oh yeah yeah well here why don't you do that and while you do that I'll do this and Kurt waves their hand over the over the uh for the rug and cast mending on it you mend the rug thank you could you also fix the dent that uh oh yeah I can do that as well yeah um and he'll uh he'll cast cure wounds on CTS the broken maybe we shouldn't maybe we should work on dodging first yeah um you can't take hits yeah no I thinking about it now standing and just sort of taking that was I strategically a bad I think it might be a bad idea to try and do that type of thing with Phillip no offense Phillip but yeah you can if things go wrong you can cause some damage you got you got five hit points back by the way you can if if you want you can do it with me I I I also use heavier armor great even better for you do it with because my armor is only medium oh yeah well yeah I mean I don't know that what type of armor do you use philli half plate uh lelia also uses half plate but also a shield well I'm using uh full pillow uh armor so some protection you know robes what robes robes a bath robe I I have I have worn robes in my time failen and I have to tell you robes serve only one purpose they serve the purpose of being taken off I don't I don't know that I want to do that are magically inclined yes magically inclined to take that robe off yles sbl you don't get to talk anymore you hush up under there and he Stomps on the floorboards though though I well I have heard of different forms of armor similar to the type that I conjure magically yeah it's also Elven chain it's light it's expensive though yeah I don't know we'll get there when you does any of this armor look good I mean Elvin chane is nice yeah I had some you did I sold it oh you shouldn't have it would have been very ni what you spend the money on um some really nice leather ankle booties and a and a a a shirt uh a pair of leathern breaches uh any of those um pillows there um I'm sure that some of that gold probably uh procured these pillows yeah do you want to see the sword I have I still have a sword of course swords are great curs like pulls out it's just like this evil looking short sword like it emanates evil it's probably got like a skull on like the the pommel and like like bats wings as or bats wings as like the the crosspiece it's like black yep the blade is like red that has core's blood on it core was killed by a zombie yeah he was killed by phillow yeah no still wrong I have her on my kill count see see you see Phil uh I have I have I'm Philip I have half a a great swordsman's get up I have the sword very cool looking and and it around philp backs up yeah yeah I was just not getting cut by that paper cut Phill up and I'm I'm pretty sure that's the sword that caused me to have a festering W for like a week oh it is that same sword I thought that was a very useful combat it was more just really painful in the morning have you morning maybe um Kurt um for now not using that sword until you know not to how Nott puts puts their sword back in bag of holding uh Philip I am GNA need my uh Practice Sword back excuse me it's the my Practice Sword yes here tucks it into their belt I did actually have um a lot of it written up but um oh did you I read I I can read that is a skill I have I'm glad that makes it sound like you don't know how to read I very much know how to read um Kur yeah do you know how to read yes I do do the way you're saying it makes me makes me think you don't know how to read if you don't I I was I was taught how to read at a very young age my uh uh my father whipped me every time I got a a sentence structure wrong oh I was uh I was reading uh uh uh the great works of uh uh of of Dick Van bble one of the famous bars in my area uh oh gosh probably when I was six or seven you know yes I okay in in original Elvish as well that's a hard one to wrap your your tongue around in Elvish Philip says yes I understand and waits for for Kurt to respond actually let me make sure [Laughter] that where where are my languages that would be underneath proficiencies and languages racial traits uh are you using D and D Beyond I am it's AB far left far left uh column bottom on the the primary page if if it's oh no this is very sad for yeah all of all of your langues got like deleted Kurt can't speak Elvish anymore because he's a halfling now uh all right Kurt can Kurt cannot speak halfling unfortunately but Kurt can still speak Elvish your brain didn't change your knowledge of that didn't change there's a very strange halfling uh Kurt Kurt uh responds you can't fool me Phillip in um an actually really pretty like not even accented Elvin all right I believe you then oh now they're just kind of like looking at their understand like a book and Elvish I might have one here yeah yeah I'll read it um he'll go over and find like a book of poems here you go it for you and Kurt reads Kurt reads A recitation performance I mean it's written in because 23 oo just making sure why does everyone not believe I can read what about me leads you to believe I can't read all of you did admit that you you've never had any formal schooling and but now you're telling me that your father taught you to read I had a Tut yes yes good I'm glad everyone sbles down there did you fall asleep yet what's up do you know how to read I was thinking about turtles in the ocean um how to to read read what words which like in which language uh any any language common yeah I did contracts okay good all right just making sure you know contracts like the law yeah Forest Law you still stole Forest no law yes I stole cuz this isn't where I learned contracts this place sucks and there's a lot of money here that I can just take for free with no consequences so why not I'm still you know I think that last part is not right it's consequences like if you get caught was us all there with you guys on a sound like an [ __ ] but I do I am a little worried you have made a bigger deal of my uh perceived uh illiteracy uh and we are just sort of letting the fact that there is there is a wanted felon under your floor boards K can't ride I think we're all wanted a little bit right don't you dare [ __ ] call us those guys no I don't want to be those guys it's just I feel like that was a trend that we noticed when we first met maybe unless you've got some Secrets you'd like to let out you wanted for anything like I have people look it was my understanding that the people of that Village had a really good time at that Battle of the Bands I had no idea that they that they put a contract out of my person I I'm professional I saw the aftermath of that because it was in my town I was in at the time some people got quite a few people got hurt well you you aware of the the phrase you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs I've read that somewhere and breaking a few people's legs and one goat it's not that big of a deal what about a goat I've heard that you can't catch a squirrel without killing a spine was severed when it fell to the ground they had it's just a goat well no that's pretentious all right we've all committed crimes today not today no that wasn't today no oh that was a long time ago long time ago 10 years in fact to the day the day who the [ __ ] cares that you killed a goat 10 years ago oh I didn't kill a goat yeah no I killed goat probably a few weeks ago wait wait Philip are you saying that you committed a crime 10 years ago to the day I was I was I was saying that yes today like it's the it's a crime adversary yep what did you steal the house no I I did you from a dude who was asleep is it it's the reason why you outlawed correct from your family I believe what crime did you commit we've already talked about it before I I didn't talk about it I crime mass murder not mass just one um acting as a clown without a license no never that one oh okay uh don't ask who did do that I cannot stop myself Phillip who did you kill oh I see I don't know they their name i i wasum you're in one of your um VI yeah just so we all know very quick way to get outlawed you can commit a crime in a town but we've all killed people in dungeons like a lot yeah okay I don't make a a I want to pass that I I should say I killed an innocent person innocent a relative term I'm not defending you though you probably are a criminal I yes okay well and look here I mean as any good lawyer who can read would argue Phil you are arguably not in control of your actions when you are in your rage so you know and that's why I I wasn't uh executed corre hey that's good I think the only in creatures you guys have killed were the Cobalts I'm pretty the dwarves were Undead and maybe teos but teos was going to commit genocide so yeah never killed the Cals were just there they're the only ones the innoc ourselves genoci the oh what's what's the they're only partially innocent small fat cre feates that eat a bunch of eucalyptus koala koala yes uh we did Kill An Innocent koala in the shadow fell and Terry the rat technically was a villain because he disappointed his mom continuously due to his addiction to drugs but that was systematic what Logan I thought it was I thought it was a cppy bar that you had as a oh no he's fine I can summon him like that okay a c bar got yeah there's just a you know what I like poke my eye through the floorboard just to spawn in the room yeah no wanders around aimlessly a little lost where where's my master um well Kur um either way um both of those were me in common which you clearly can read I clearly can read that so um yeah he's going to like just sort of hands a sheath of favors yeah is this the end of our evening sojs it doesn't have to be I mean it's more of um a lot of this is something that you'll need to do yourself but um I'm fine with training at at night or um good in the morning I could I feel like I could still use the the hands on training don't worry failen I won't be putting my hands on you just uh just actual uh Sword Play would probably be best well actual broom play well I mean I have two swords and I know how to use both of them we can always use Real Steel well given my uh my very recent runin with Phillip and uh the speed with which I traversed this space um we will hold off on actual swords for perhaps some time okay of course I'm actually not I was given the swords very quickly in my learning so that's what I'm used to life steal for a while um okay then so I don't know how to I guess I'll be learning too how not to um kill me with your swords I've actually never killed somebody so I don't think I it's too difficult to learn oh oh yeah no we haven't we haven't even that time with the guards we just sort of let them live which I'm I'm glad for I don't I don't want to kill people who who should be um safe who who are good people I I don't even really want to kill anybody um I don't know I I understand this is different for what we're doing especially cuz there are clearly bad people but I don't want to kill people that don't deserve it I agree that that isn't fun I've never experienced it but I don't want that it is quite intense that's right the one person we've killed like awkwardly just like let's not kill people guys yeah that sucks I oh sorry go no was all all I'm all I'm doing is going just I'm just wrapping the scene up is all that's happening is that okay does anybody want to say anything else no okay I'm done here night ends sbles you sleep in fear the law never finds you you guys wake up the next day cardus mysteriously wants to leave the town very quickly and you call head out I mean he wouldn't be like all right guys I've dropped the books off let's go he would more be like no he'd just be like we should like come on guys let's go it's not mysterious to me I completely 100% degree um and uh you you guys wake up the next day start heading uh I assume you use the Eon way key on something I don't know you [ __ ] tell me what you're doing yeah if it works let's do it we're going right back to the sewers sewers um so you guys put the you put the key in Philip's door you click it and as you turn it we shouldn't go directly to the sewers because they have forbidden casted on that and I don't know what will happen to lelia it was Sanctuary that day Sanctuary sorry they uh rewrite the thought they got taken away yeah but for how [Music] long maybe just outside of town we could get back in would they recognize you if you send us back to the sewers but not know I am that is a problem if we were to not go straight to the sewers yes then let's go straight to the sewers but not to their Hideout I guess yeah ah clever yes let's do that you're gonna pick a door in the sewers you could just pick the door that's has the entrance to the sewers that down oh yeah okay just do that you put the Eon way key in the door you turn it and it moves and shimmers and changes and it it goes from black to Yellow to Green to red to White good was that bad all right everyone and Kurt throws the door open get in there you guys go inside no you jump it first uh SES you're the first one to see as you go through the doorway and the rest of you head in uh you see this lovely pathway this pathway uh is a sort of bridge this bridge uh spans over a river um you can see uh behind you is um a bunch of grass and trees and in front of view is what looks like um like distant mountains um and you see to be at a very high elevation there is wind blowing and it's very calm and very peaceful up here down um beyond the river is a waterfall and you can see the Mist kind of rising up creating sort of a rainbow up above um it's a beautiful kind of sunny day um and you guys can see a door on the other side of the cobbled bridge hey guys let's go through that door yeah hey guys walk across on the bridge no this one's not so bad it'll get bad but I like the idea the prospects of a door you guys go over to the door on the other side you open it and you and you m hand it open as you do you see another swirling portal before you we gonna die dibs I jump through you jump through yeah did you call Tip I'm D yes Philip goes all right I assume everybody goes yeah you guys all step on through and as soon as you leave this peaceful Serene uh uh uh uh Bridge uh you're immediately met by the Dank disgusting smells of the sewer uh you come through and it smells awful uh you but you guys kind of remember the pathway that you guys went last time as you guys kind of descend your way down into the dark interior um Zan says oh this is gross why why are they what are they do they live in the sewers now y yes yes that is sucks that is yes um yeah it's horrible it's the worst thing I've ever dealt with um yeah that's kind of bad uh and as you guys make your way down uh you kind of uh maneuver your way through the through the sewers kind of retracing your path from last time you make your way all the way towards the end um and come to that like false um exit way and as you kind of go over you push through it the door opens um you guys step through lelia is also able to step through and as you head in you uh you are back in the height out of The Wanted Wanderers um you don't see Simer immediately but he kind of walks through like a hallway and notices all of you and he says you're back and you brought Zan and he kind of runs over and he says oh Zan it's so good to see you she looks up she says I what what what what's happened it's been what what did you do a lot of things have happened here Zan okay everything's a mess and we found out that all you know the gold inquisitors all of them they uh lot of them left including you some of them have gotten mind controlled there's some vampirism or something going on between them and she's like wow that's a lot that's a lot of info to throw on me right now she says and he says yeah the only thing I need you for us to teleport to S so we could save a couple of people it's all I need and she says all right this is the last thing I'm doing though okay you need to leave or get out of here all right take these prisoners with you and do something um and and he and he kind of nods and he says good to see you all uh came back so quickly I I thought you uh would take a lot longer um we saw have some preparation that we're getting ready for but thank you so much for bringing Zan back it means a lot uh look um I heard about some of your requests that a lot of you were looking for especially you Kurt and we were able to actually find somebody um so a couple more bands came into the City and uh one happened to uh provide us with a very special sort of magical item I'd like to reward you all with for bringing my friend back and she goes oh save it like I'm some sort of treasure and he goes hey they did something for us and they helped us out very much so um come with me and he leads you guys over towards like another hallway up like a scaffolding stairway uh to like this uh uh overhang where this uh halfling is sitting in this halfling uh shirtless huge beard curled mustache long hair um and he is covered in tattoos he character yeah he says this is uh this is billb bar and he um he does magic tattoos and and he kind of looks over at all of you and he crosses his arms and he says he just spits and he and he says I can work with this what do you think of my hamster eating a piece of whatever I gave it oh that's very nice yeah they can do better oh oh he stands up and um uh uh he grabs a a rolled up like Leather Pouch um like something you would keep thieves Tools in and he unfurls it and in all of them are a bunch of needles that are different colored and he says you may take your pick um and he says I have a I have some that can uh help you in terms of fighting some will give you prowess in uh uh you know combat um others will grant you magical abilities and uh others can help you with magic I want the weird stuff okay well um the ones I can offer you today are uh this one this is a barrier tattoo can give you more defense you know I don't care give me the one that means the most to you oh uh all right I would probably be um the uh don't tell me just give it to me all right okay you you got it I I do want to explain to everyone else though oh yeah that's fair uh this one is a coing grasp tattoo it uh gives you tendrils that you can attack with this one is an alrd claw you can uh punch really hard with this one sh Illuminator tattoo this one um it lets you uh uh scribe uh with your fingertips as if it were ink pen that never runs out and uh you can touch writing and um allow it to uh uh write your thoughts oh um this one is a masquerade tattoo it uh it can shape into any color or pattern and move across an area skin of skin um but you can also use it to disguise your body uh and this one is a spell rot tattoo uh it lets you cast certain spells from it uh if you would like so simr has told me that you have done a great service for us so I will grant you each one if you so want it and Simon just goes isn't this guy just the coolest okay I have other work to do I'll see you guys later and he kind of just leaves thanks Simer Kurt Kurt has had a little notepad his his right notes um uh if you guys want to look um if you guys go to magic items on D beond and you search tattoos um uh he has any of them that are uncommon or lower oh okay oh uh including the barrier one but the only barrier one he has is the uncommon one okay so tattoos in uh xanathar's guide or they Tasha everything but you could um but you can go into uh game rules under uh magic items um and if you go there you can literally just search magic item named tattoo and it'll show you them and what sorry what level or lower uh uncommon or lower oh Lord okay let's see uh just to let let you know the magic is all stored inside the uh the um the needle you have to continue you have to be attuned to this uh this magical thing if you ever are untuned from it it becomes a needle again weird that's crazy stles just holds his arm out all right and he goes over and he just picks one no but I want it to be an important one to [Music] you you know like puts it back and he looks at all of them what's your favorite kind of tattoo what's your favorite ability to use or maybe what read do you get on me is this like fortune telling that'd be awesome interesting I very much like this one okay uh and he he says are you sure I've never been less sure of anything in my life but I'm letting it happen anyway what do you want it to look like what's your favorite animal okay I got it oh [ __ ] he goes over to your arm and he takes the needle out and it's kind of like oozing and dripping and like it's like this magical like pure dark like ink and he goes over and he just presses it into your arm and he just begins to like carve downwards and it hurts a little I'm like playing it up for everyone else who's about to get theirs it takes an hour as it is a part of the Attunement process um and over the course of the hour that uh he goes to attune uh this thing to you um he eventually finishes it and down your entire uh right arm uh is tendrils like like octopus tendrils kind of like going down your arm and up towards your hand and it begins to Glow with this kind of uh uh a a green and kind of bluish color um you have the coil and Gras grasp okay coil and grasp all right awesome uh of course if none of you want tattoos I'm sure Simer will reimburse you with something um that was an option to C would step up you're like wait what the [ __ ] dude back cardos would step up and just kind of Point down to one this one interests me and he would point to the eldrich claw one awesome uh cool so it takes up half a limb or your scalp where does it go so I understand that I don't know if you let me do this for flavor because flavor um number one most of his body is scaled um so instead it's a magic tattoo it could [ __ ] go in Scales but instead of on the scales could it be um over the the other way and starting uh just a little above the wrist down his hands to his fingers on both hands oh on his hands [ __ ] yeah that's awesome uh totally so um yeah and what does it look like um as as a tattoo I imagine that it it almost ends up looking like something where um it the the ink just kind of like covers his hands uh not completely but just kind of over the top and then as it comes up it actually goes up and follows along and wraps around onto his claws oh cool cooles so the magic is quite literally on his claws that's cool yeah it kind of just wraps around and it you can just like see it it almost like pulsates and move a little bit as he as he finishes it and he says there you go and the um the the each time he had done stibbles into yours the the needle disappears as soon as he finishes it fun fact the uh the uh War C the war Mage ability where I get a plus 10 to attacks is only when I take the attack action it doesn't specify a weapon attack so I can get plus to attacks yeah going to bought people real well yep it says that the uncommon ones cover half of one of your limbs so I'll say that it's like from the shoulder down to I guess my bicep or my forearm fair enough I want a cool tattoo for this character but I don't know what well if you want to think about it and do it next time we can do that it'd be more of like pick for me oh do you want him to why not all right yeah um let's see grab bag of tattoos could surprised me like the tattoo shops that have the you can you can pay for like a quarter for their little machines and has like their uh flash sheets in it cut into little strips terrible idea but horrible um all right failen kind of looks over kind of looks over at the different tattoos he has um and he says hm kind it looks down at you this probably won't hurt that much for you used to it a lot H interesting who are you um I'm a Blood Hunter um [Music] interesting it's getting more and more nervous like as it's going on he's just like should I Bard should I leave oh yeah just for context because a couple people asked um when all of us are silent Tyler's mic picks up his camera because it's like a super or sorry his uh computer because it's like a super powerered computer it's my computer yeah I think it's it is oh it look green okay my bad um but yeah someone asked about that earlier so a question J even though it's not important for me now spell rot tattoos are they onetime use they are onetime use but if you guys pick a first level one then I'll let it not be a one-time use which is what I'm giving to faen uh he goes over and takes uh one out and uh goes over towards eilen uh p uh it's half a limb or your scalp go ahead and choose probably his like left arm or something all right and what is it yeah um they're gladiolus and magnolia flowers kind of interf oh [ __ ] that's awesome and as it uh coils down the rest of your body and glow this kind of like blue and kind of red kind of mixture uh uh uh uh over your arm as as the swords kind of uh free it up uh you have the spell rot tattoo that I'm going to augment it a little bit you can cast it once per day um so once per long rest you can you can basically use this spell um and that spell is alarm got it gave you anxiety the [Laughter] tattoo he points at Philip what about you no you sure yep you got a lot of skin I do I like it the way it is with perfectly adequate bullet there are two of them yeah how about you point at Kurt say I thought you'd never ask I will have a masquerade tattoo so cool all right uh same with you uh where where's it going Kurt um Kurt is going to have them the the halfling tattoo a like a Japanese koi like a rainbow koi oh that's cool but it's awes the koi is just going to swim around their body constantly that's [ __ ] cool so it'll be like for uh for all intents and purposes it'll be maybe on their forearm but it just will begin swimming around like their skin that's so cool and yeah he finishes it you now you now have the Masquerade tattoo which is [ __ ] sick you can cast a sky self y once per Dawn I can be something completely different very cool and then he looks over at lelia and just nothing than you well then um half of us will accept skeleton magic the other tattoos it's funny he says uh he's like all right well um talk to Simer I guess okay okay it was good meeting you all was nice me you too guy as we never learned his name no he did they didn't tell us his name his name is billb barw nibis former uh attorney general Bill bar excuse me if I have to create this item so I can have this Philip will will thank him and halfling and then go find um Simer what is that a is that a is that a a language joke Phillip are you you telling language jokes now you do not speak halfling no no I do not it's a long what halfling does not speak halfling it sounded just like dismissive this one it's a long story perhaps I could sing it to you yeah they were raised by wolves and goats no thanks he just says Nope all right later later you're lost I could teach you AER it's not hard it's not hard it is I'm lying perhaps you should watch your tongue Phillip or or you will feel the sting of War rushes down the mountain don't there's a boar now I can Rush down a mountain as a boar or perhaps apple blossoms in the wind can't do that I can make an apple blossom though I'm going to go find we all know Bears roll downhills yeah yep at 100 miles an hour uh all right eventually cyber fights you guys and he's just like oh wow those look so cool that's awesome man watch I can just [ __ ] grab and do psychic damage no all right well uh we got um we got a uh we got a we're gonna do this thing probably tomorrow oh [ __ ] do we have you guys on board to help these people yes all right is free okay it's going to be dangerous I'm going to have jobs for everyone you guys are on um keep everybody safe Duty I've never failed with that go the Dancing Sun babies will be coming along but they'll have the assd in hand they'll also be the ass in hand well yeah they'll did you put the Dancing Sun babies on a fail at everything and be losers Duty cuz that's what they see look you got to you better get along there people's lives are at stake here okay Kurt yeah those are because they can't [ __ ] Adventure all right okay all right tomorrow tomorrow night be ready okay okay all right and you got to get along with the dancing Sun babies okay they're my favorite people in the whole world they're so good at music all right you could stay here if you'd like but good luck any he walks off D what Lely and I actually didn't get um tattoos we were told we oh uh okay um yeah uh is there something you want do you have any Elvin chain the dude said you would give him like a bunch of money and magic items that would work for me not not I don't know what lelia wants lelia don't need anything she doesn't want anything okay I'll go look for Elvin chain thanks the one that Kurt sold didn't Kurt sell it here probably Fu he's just like oh yeah here someone recently uh yeah I've got Elvin CH Buton his shirt and he's like yeah I do have Elvin chain uh Simer gives you Elvin chain Philip gives it to Kurt here you go a gift for me a gift for you I guys suck at receiving Thanh all right so you get a plus one bonus while you wear this chain shirt they're considered proficient with the armor even if you lack Proficiency in it and it's made of interlocking metal rings a chain shirt is worn between layers of cloth and leather yeah all right all right and uh you guys gather tattoos gather some stuff and prepare for the next day to break a bunch of people out of prisons and hopefully die to vampires but that is where we're going to end tonight's game we are or the vampires going to die you guys are going to die to the we're goingon to die to vampires this is fantastic you remember how last time went Philip was actually the main concern thanks for tuning in for tonight's game guys um uh tomorrow oh we're not playing tomorrow Army what I'm I'm guessing no um okay cuz I'm not available weing I'm not available and yeah all right so we're going to be taking a little break here on Arcade arcade for a minute because cold [ __ ] works apparently uh we will uh we won't be playing tomorrow we probably won't be playing Avenue next week either uh so I don't know when we're going to be back probably the podcast so you know Kade cook did Super Chat $5 and pointed out that thank you Jordan for your service my husband was the Serbian men you pulled from the rubble in America oh you don't remember that I didn't know you did that Jordan no I know I didn't either it was during a PCP trip for the benefit of Jordan uh Kade cook used to do this every like early random ridiculous so's at it we're all war heroes it's very it's very Royal Tenon bomb of me oh man good game guys thanks for playing thanks for joining us and we'll see you guys [ __ ] whenever we do this [ __ ] again yep okay bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Arcane Arcade
Views: 131,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sUV3k536_2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 58sec (14338 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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