Baldur's Gate 3 - Let's Play Part 1: Infected

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hello and welcome to possibly the first ever Baldur's Gate 3 full game Let's Play series I can't even express to you all how excited and happy I am right now I'm actually shaking a little bit to finally be playing this especially after covering this game The Early Access phase of this game for over four years now so thank you all so very much for choosing to come along with me on this epic adventure now with this let's play series I'm thinking about putting out longer episodes with sub episodes within with chapter markers to make it easy for you to take a break and then come back at a later time and I'll probably release an episode every other day or so in this series will of course be kept in its own separate playlist now in terms of my morality for this run well the world is all grown strange how shall a man judge what to do in such times and that's a question that only time will tell so sit back relax and let's Venture into the Forgotten Realms together [Music] just want to make sure that karmic dice is off for this playthrough that we're playing the real DND way I think that's all that matters here let me change this to Imperial and look at the new menu screen here wow look at the adventures coming down the stairs right here in the symbol of ball looks like Baldur's Gate one how exciting and I am going to play this let's play series on balanced think tactician might be rough with a let's play series because I don't want to get stuck on one combat encounter for five hours and also for the sake of doing a game review probably good if I play it on the difficulty level that most people are going to be playing it on so let's go ahead and go with balanced I think it is going to prove to be quite challenging I'm actually really excited to re-watch these cinematics again considering that this is actually it everything matters on this run foreign [Music] space octopus give me the power who are you and welcome to the official character creation for the full game of Baldur's Gate 3. now I would go all of over all of this I want to but not in the let's play series I'll do that in a different video so I'm going to go ahead and play as a custom character I would like to first read you guys a little backstory that I wrote for my character you can skip over this if you want I will leave a chapter marker below so I'm going to be playing as a Wood Elf who is from the fog filled Misty Forest which is pretty far north of Baldur's Gate my father ran into some tough times when I was just a young lad and to support my mother and I he made a trade deal with a human farmer by the name of brem from the nearby town of daggerford abrem was a good man and my father mother and I would often join him and his family for dinner on his beautiful Homestead the bad times have become good times but all good things of course come to an end a sect of Shadow Druids would find out about this trade deal in one night while we were visiting Bram and his family they came they did not approve of elves of the forest working in any way shape or form with Farmers when their eyes are a curse on the land May kill everyone except my mother and I who were left trapped in the burning home a heavy wooden pillar Came Crashing Down on my mother's head knocking her unconscious and trapping her body underneath but I was weak and I could not move it I ran and screamed for help and screamed at the forest in hopes that a shadow Druid me show the slightest sign of sympathy and come back and help my mother out but no one came and the house turned to Ash I spent the next 15 years of my life as an Outlander living in isolation but ever on the lookout for shadow Druids my only friends were that of the creatures of the forest and one day I stumbled across a lone baby wolf in a fern patch I named her Fern she would join me on my quest I continued to train to ensure that I would never ever be weak again the first day that I met another Shadow Druid would be their last day on faerun on my way to investigate the cloakwood forest to the South a large Shadow spread across the ground and the last thing I remember is looking up to Sea gigantic tentacle swooping down so that's the story of my strength-based Ranger the backstory doesn't like Shadow Druids too much let's go ahead and choose elf and see look at all the races in this game I really want to play a dwarf I'm so tempted but I'm going to go with the Wood Elf theme I think it fits the build that I'm going for as well I want the movement speed increase so we're gonna go ahead and take elf half work is also a tempting Choice here especially for front liners which my elf is going to be and we get proficiency with a long sword short sword short short bow or long bow but Ranger is going to give us all weapon proficiencies so I don't have to worry about that we get dark vision which is a really good racial feature in this game and also Fey ancestry you have advantage on saving throws against being Charmed and Magic can't put you to sleep which is also nice and for our sub race we're gonna go the wood elf these elves spend their reclusive lives in faerun's forests Decades of training and archery and camouflage are enhanced by an otherworldly swiftness in what elves get a five feet increase to their movement speed which is great for what I want with this Ranger we're not going to be the traditional archery elf in Ranger we're going to be a strength-based heavy armor wearing Ranger I love the class intros here such a nice touch to character creation Rangers are unrivaled scouts and trackers honing a deep connection with nature in order to hunt their favorite prey for my favorite enemy choice I'm going to choose Ranger Knight you have sworn to serve a crown or nation and seek to bring its foes to ruin gain skill Proficiency in history and armor proficiency with heavy armor which is the reason why I'm taking this right now [Music] and for natural Explorer I think I want resistance to fire damage you've spent endless days surviving forbidden deserts you gain resistance to fire damage that doesn't really fit my character's backstory let's just say my my elf went out to the desert for five years so more in the loss of his family and get away okay now now it makes sense for the backstory and then he returned to the Woodlands I'm afraid that I'm gonna miss something here and make an error but you can always respect later in the game so that's okay and then for my background I am going to go with the Outlander background you grew up in the Wilds learning to survive far from the Comforts of civilization surviving unusual hazards of the wild will enhance your prowess and understanding and then before I do abilities let's go ahead and edit my character's appearance here see if I can keep this somewhat quick I could buff up my what else it does make sense as my character is trained to become extremely strong to never let something happen again to where my character can't handle the situation because of low strength because of what happened with his mother but I think I can still be average elf size and still be pretty strong so I'm gonna go with body type number two here where to next hmm what was that let's hope the locals are friendly Hells something just woke up down be wary this place is trapped it's opened I wonder what's back there I like that voice we'll go with that one there's not a ton of face choices in this game I wish there was more but it probably has something to do with the Cinematic nature of this game and all the animations and everything I think we can all agree that larion has gone above and beyond in so many things I think I'm okay with this let's see which one I want to run with here that guy looks a little bit too perfect yeah I think we'll go with that right there that looks pretty good then for skin color I think I'm actually going to keep it on the wood tone I like that thematically for a what else and yeah I like it right in the middle I am going to give him some scarring and this will be from his childhood when the shadow Druids attacked brem's house in the burning house that makes sense and we'll put the maturity slider somewhere right here in the middle we'll be in our late 20s or early 30s I think that probably looks right I try to build my first character a little bit like myself IRL of course I look nothing like this so far but it helps me immerse myself so I'm not going to do freckles go to body Arts uh larion put a ton of options in here but I think I'm gonna regret if I end up doing a face tattoo so let's leave it at no tattoo a lot of the times when you get into the game the tattoo doesn't look like it did in the character creator I try to stay away from those and then for piercings midnight tears that's actually really cool I like that a lot oops what'd I just do there but I think that's my favorite right there silver gold Gala yeah that looks pretty cool I wish you could take it off the nose though I'm gonna go with midnight tears and then for eyes let's go with a darker a mid-brown color which is the color of my eyes but actually I think I am going to do heterochromia but just a little bit and we will make the left eye a little bit darker than the right eye just pretty cool with a scar right there kind of like sustained a little bit of an injury in his eye when he was a young lad [Music] and then for makeup I'll go ahead and leave that off lip tint look at all the options that we have here let's go ahead and we'll we'll bump up the metallic just a little bit I think that looks pretty cool and I don't think I need it I don't think I need a glossy tint level I'll put it on too how about that [Music] and I think I'm good with that color although let's see what the other colors look like oh we went to yellow three nice you can really mess with this can't you we'll just leave it at what it was I think that looks pretty good and now on to the most important selection in all of RPGs and that is your hair choice that looks pretty wild I like that a lot that looks a little bit Viking but I think I want to go with like a rugged long hair look which is kind of similar to what I have right now because I don't go into public anymore especially now this game is out so let's go let's see if they have an option for that I think that might be it right there it's called Willow tears that actually looks really good and we'll change the color to we'll go with a dark dark brown a lot of people think that my hair color is black but it's actually really really dark brown yeah that looks nice and for highlights maybe we'll throw a little bit of green in there to give that Woodland look that connection to Nature let's see what that looks like that's actually really cool just do it just a little bit so you can notice it only if you look hard perfect actually I'm going to put it down a little bit more I'll put it on 10. and then unfortunately a couple gray hairs have popped up on my head over the past couple of years [Music] so we'll boost that up to we'll boost that up to eight yeah you can't even see it okay maybe I'm at like a 10. who am I kidding [Music] and I think we're good to go to the ability score selection now I wonder what it looks like if I jack him up wow what a difference what a difference I don't think I want that barbarian look though I think I want to be average but super strong at the same time but we're going to stick with body type 2 and then on to abilities so I am going to be doing a strength based range let's go ahead and dump everything here I'm going to put my plus two into strength and my plus one into Constitution we're going to be tanky as well and I'm going to boost my strength all the way up to 17 because I'm going to take a half feet at level four dexterity we probably want at 12 for initiative order Constitution I'm going to boost to 16. put wisdom on 12 and then we're left with one point that's unfortunate I'll tell you what I'm going to do [Music] I'm actually going to drop dexterity down to 10. input Charisma up to 10. so we can be a little bit charismatic in dialogue situations and that leaves me with one ability point which is unfortunate because if I take a half feet at level four I'll still be left with one odd number but that's okay and I can always take the ability score increase at level four and then boost both of these by one if I don't want to do that but I think I have an idea for a feat that I want to take so we might be left with an odd number on wisdom unless I find a magical item to boost that or something in the game that can help me out I think this looks pretty good [Music] and then for skill proficiencies don't know if I need animal handling because I am going to be speaking with animals but I might take it anyways just to try out some situations we'll take Insight proficiency and we have investigation in nature but I did dump intelligence but we'll go ahead and choose nature because it fits thematically all right when do I get to name my character I want to make sure that I don't forget to name my character let's go ahead and hit proceed there we go and we'll name this character wolf I wonder if I'll be able to name my animal companion in just a quick check here 17 10 16 8 13 10. or strength based Ranger I think we're looking pretty good you have 13 HP we do have stealth proficiency I think that comes from being a Wood Elf and off we go [Music] this is a little bit different from Early Access [Music] as this character is now called The Guardian I'm gonna go ahead and choose a half elf and we'll do a wood half elf follow your instincts follow your instincts remarkable we only have two voice choices the guardian I'll go with that face it looks a little bit intimidating looks quite serious is good for the guardian character and then for skin color let's keep it on the wood tone but let's go yeah we're gonna go as pal as you can get in the wood tone I think that's pretty cool we'll give her a little bit of a tattoo damn that is so cool that is that is really cool I just feel like I might regret it if I go with it let's see what colors we have here I think I'm good with it why not right we'll go ahead and put the intensity yeah let's go with it not our character so and we'll give her midnight tears as well but when we see each other for the first time conversation is easy nice conversation starter hey you have the midnight tears piercings too all right let's go with eyes let's give her some cool purple eyes yeah I like that a lot I think I'm good without heterochromia makeup a little bit of eye shadow sure lip tint the metallic looks pretty crazy I think I'm gonna do it and then for hair [Music] that looks wild right there and I think I'm gonna go with that [Music] yeah let's do that and we'll give her [Music] light brown hair so many choices for hair it's hard to choose I wonder if there's a [Music] hmm oh I like that the partial eclipse we'll go with that perfect and then for highlights get a little red in there no let's get a little purple in there kind of like her eyes nah I'm not gonna do any highlights I take it back [Music] here we'll give her a few gray hairs why not right I think that's pretty cool I'm going to darken her hair up a little bit though [Music] the black looks really good with the purple eyes okay I think I'm good with that that's a really cool looking character right there and then we do have facial hair options just because this is a half elf and my character was an elf and lore wise elves don't get to have facial hair but you can do it if you play a half elves Marion gave quite a lot of options here too okay let our adventure begin [Music] foreign which is north of Baldur's Gate a lot of people mistake the city or Baldur's Gate but it's not Baldur's game [Music] it's actually pretty far away from walther's game thank you thank you [Music] now we're in the shadowfell plane thank you foreign [Music] [Music] Bravo to the larion Cinematic team phenomenal especially for a crpg [Music] welcome to the nine Hells the uppermost Lair actually I got that wrong welcome to Inverness the uppermost layer of the nine house we got the new loading screens which were not present in Early Access beautiful artwork foreign waking up on this mysterious alien ship just want to double check to make sure that karmic dice is turned off and bear with me as I kind of acclimate myself to the new user interface so the updated user interface we have our mini map in the top right and lerian has updated the map in this game and I absolutely love it now it's got a real DND theme to it and I love the artwork too once we get rid of the fog of War I'm sure it's going to look phenomenal find a way off the nautiloid we've been abducted by mind flares and infected with some kind of parasite we need to find a way off the ship then we have our inspiration points so if I do something that's outlander-ish we'll get an Inspiration Point that we can use to re-roll the dice in dialogue if we foul a an ability check it looks like we can now expand our hop bar which is pretty awesome but we'll leave it down because I don't have that many abilities right now and we have the keychain where we can keep our keys the Alchemy pouch to keep our potions and also the camp supply pack for Supply packs and probably also food and then the Alchemy interface for crafting Alchemy oceans but I make a potion of healing we need Rogues morsel and any suspension we don't have any recipes or suspensions betrayals ashes Essences salts or sublimates look at the portrait system right now it looks so good I'm not going to necessarily loot everything just for the sake of the let's play but I am going to loot quite a lot it's blended with psionic energy the only thing that sucks about being a strength-based ranger is your starting equipment doesn't line up well with that I have a bow which is dexterity based and I don't have a melee weapon but we'll get one soon enough let's get going [Music] dead Arrow of ice and since I have resistance to fire damage let's just run through this little patch of fire right here okay why not right I feel better I'm so happy that larian allows us to get down into this third person perspective in a crpg I think it's going to bring a lot of players into this genre it definitely adds a lot to the immersion when you're out exploring the world history elves dwarfs humans and more flash behind your eyes I hear a voice up here would have stayed interesting of course I've played through a lot of the content here in Early Access the Act One content but I'm not going to be calling out everything we're going to play it kind of like I'm a new player in a way as not all of you have seen Early Access so [Music] my oh my what do we have here you've come to save us from this place from this place you'll free us the exposed brain Quivers an expectation please before they return they return who am I talking to a man or a brain a newborn you from this husk you realize you're talking to an intellect Devourer a minion of the Mind flares who abducted you you sound afraid why I think you're past the point of saving so tell me what to do from this case free us a little bit worried about age restriction here but I did test out the scene in Early Access and the dexterity check did not get me age restrictions so we're gonna go with dexterity gently pry the brain from the skull even though I'm a strength-based ranger we'll see how this goes awesome it's a good start we passed a passive skill check in our first dialogue skill check as well well not dialogue but the brain lifts from the skull do you notice an opportunity you could the strange creature making it more subservient should it prove a threat we're gonna spare the creature any injuries might weaken it see no reason to kill this brain just yet [Music] the creature pauses listening will I see them we all need it what's that the helm the brain tense survive here we all need to navigate we are needed to leave this realm and what should I call you let's go we are going to the home some allies May temporarily join you and directly control their movements and actions we have claws four to ten damage we got a little brain pet right now perfect my Ranger doesn't feel right without an animal companion even though this isn't technically an animal the brain will have to do for now until we reunite with our friend fern oh sorry about that there we go [Music] I guess we missed the scene out here oh that's a silver sword s and your skin Visions Rush past a dragon swing a silver sword and a flash in your face seen through the strange woman's eyes [Music] what is this blesses me this day together I've [Music] lackath is the Lich Queen of the githyanki race and Lazelle right here as a gift Yankee who are you made you think that I was a thrall parasites unless we escape unless we are cleansed bodies and Minds will be tainted and twisted within days we will be gay mind flayers well we need to figure out where we are first we can do nothing until first then we find the helm and take control of the ship for that thing it will remain tame as long as it believes we are thralls it may be of use in the fight to come I knew I made the right decision I got nothing against walking brains [Music] the imps have certainly received some updates okay here we go start off with a basic claw attack what a start eight damage it's awesome let me get the Yankee race does come with astral knowledge which was not an early access game proficiency and all skills of a chosen ability a pretty cool racial feature right there I might have to steal glazel's sword and give it to my character I probably turn off the tutorials but that's okay maybe something will pop up that's different in the full game than Early Access so I'll leave them on for now and we have pommel strike make a non-lethal attack against an enemy and possibly Daze them and if you do hit t you can get the tool tips to come out and further read on your skills so Dave's has disadvantage on wisdom saving throws can't take reactions and loses the dexterity bonus to their Armor class I'm gonna go ahead and save it recharges on a short rest choice but to keep going and we'll back up my Ranger a little bit a little Focus fire you proved surprisingly adequate now to the helm and we can actually access lazelle's inventory now which you couldn't do in Early Access until she actually officially joined your group later on in the game so that's nice so I couldn't steal her long sword here if I wanted to he has a 13 index 30 so we both have the same modifier I think I'm gonna steal her sword and give it to my Ranger because I have 17 strength yeah we'll go ahead and do that oh she has 17 strength too so it doesn't make much of a difference not as bad as it could have void bulb throw this alien Ball but a Target and possibly pull in nearby creatures and objects scimitar go ahead and give that to lizelle the hand ax which we can throw at enemies too the lighting looks phenomenal right now definitely see that it's received quite the update simply from jumping to early access to the full game and this entire room right here is actually new I can't give up now okay I didn't take any damage in that encounter so we don't even need the restoration pod it's pretty cool to press on it click on it anyway so let's do it makes me feel refreshed too late I'll try to keep my inventory somewhat organized in this let's play I know when I'm streaming my inventory is quite the mess in between episodes I'll do some organization what do we have here nothing without knowing its purpose so we don't know what the third one does so we might as well find out right he says fool come on Lisa I'm just having a little fun and who might this be get me out of this captain we have no time for stragglers look for a hatch that might open the lid the construction is too alien nothing looks familiar this ship is crashing do you intend to die for a stranger well lizelle she looks like a cleric so I do intend to try to save her because we could use a cleric I'll go look around there must be some way to get this thing open connected to the pumpkin [Music] we met one of the Mind flayers minions in intellect devour and wants us to go onto the Helm of the ship we also have rescue elith's captive we encountered a Survivor trapped inside one of the pods aboard the nautiloid perhaps we can find a way to free her console appears dormant the mechanisms are completely unrecognizable at first then you spy an empty socket whatever fits in that socket must power this thing okay let's go look for a key we still got a little brain companion yes we do a gold key and that should have automatically gone onto our keychain quality of life Improvement that larion made right there I'm healing potions oh those controls next to the pot creature reach his friend we are going accidentally click on that interlective hour okay we found something for that contraption where that lady is trapped [Music] but first let's check what this is appear in your mind a brain a good Yankee Warrior and centuries of Darkness the console appears dormant insert the Rune into the socket alive place your hand on the console [Music] then discomfort Fades and another sensation washes over you connection Authority lifted wisdom will the pod to open I'm sensing a new power within my character and I'm quite intrigued so let's give it a try in order to understand it we must use it right you feel the biomechanical brain at the console process your command and yield to it a shiver runs across your mind feel sated interesting [Music] thought that damn thing was going to be my coffin thank you your mind lurches gratitude is mixed with wariness you have a gift with you oh you keep dangerous company dangerous companies what you need in a fight fair point looks like there's plenty of fighting ahead let me come with you we can get off this ship and watch each other's backs along the way did you feel what I felt just before we in each other's heads I did all right then let's get going I'm wolf one moment well that was awfully suspect what's that it's nothing nothing now she's right lead on still alive so that's progress okay rescue the elephants captive has been completed the back to escaping the knowledge foreign [Music] we'll have Lazelle dual wield for now pretty badass lizelle's underwear right now so we do have a cloak slot here which is pretty sweet I can't wait to look for some cloaks but we also have an underwear oh man that's funny better start looking for that thong right now right that special gold gold glittered thong I'll Trust my own judgment chain yank I wonder what that means and get Yankee probably something not too good if I had to guess [Music] dream connect the nerves of the Transformer we must escape now do it we will deal with the gate after we escape connect the nerves nerves this thing's falling fast got to write it enact The Narrows of the transponder and we have 15 turns reach the transponder before the nautiloid crashes all right it looks like Shadow heart is first in the order of turns here I'm Gonna Save My spell slots here and let's just go ahead and do a melee attack hey not bad we now have a passive check for the pushes in this game the shoves it's nice to see should focus fire here so I'm going to take a rain shot with her and we're gonna switch to my melee weapons get right in front of this hellbar right here they have dark vision I get opportunity attacks beautiful right up in his face in case he tries running away and then we'll get an opportunity attack I need to find a way forward and we'll just take a regular weapon attack 75 chance so success with our attack roll awesome wolf used main hand attack do a little bit of looting while we're back here so I don't have to come back this way if there's anything good it doesn't look like it like crossbow and what do we have here Commander zolk level eight 127 out of 150 HP resistance to fire lightning cold and poison dark vision and fiendish blessing protected by the blood of their fiendish ancestors cambians have a plus two bonus to their armor class [Music] yeah let's try a little Guiding Light here 4-24 radiant damage the next attack roll against this target has advantage we have a 40 chance so let's see if I can get that up a little bit let me back up an attempt to hide here that didn't work okay need to be a little bit further away I think larion made it a little bit harder to take advantage of the stealth mechanics in this game maybe I'll do Shield of faith on the Mind flare yeah let's do that give him a plus two to his armor class we'll make friends with a space octopus for the time being deaf okay I almost can make it to that imp but not quite I have really good movement speed though with the wood elf because we get that plus five I'm just a little bit short here so we'll do a ranged attack the Press ahead critical hit very nice okay let's see if I can move back a little bit again this time and if I can actually pull off the successful oh man I forgot oh wow that's what Larry so Hyde is now an action in the full game that makes a huge difference I'm actually very very happy with this change because hiding was extremely overpowered and you could hide almost every turn and have advantage on your attack and lyrion seems to have changed that they didn't change it in Early Access so that's uh that's a huge change right there because I was gonna hide and then I was going to use guiding Bolt interesting okay let's move up on the cambion I don't want to be an AOE range so we'll stay a little bit to the left side of him still have full HP everybody's looking pretty good oh and player's not doing too good let's go ahead and put my Ranger right behind the can be on here with Heist and we'll switch to my heavy weapon have any good items here air off ice okay not bad and then we'll also do a pommel strike see if we can Daze him 40 chance [Music] I think it's pretty straightforward here I should have stayed hidden but I popped her out of it because I was kind of testing it out is if I want to cast guiding bolt with Advantage I'd have to do it next turn because I'd have to hide again so let's just go ahead and try actually I'm gonna move her up a little bit 40 chance is not good for me right now with only two spell slots I'm gonna hold off on that and we'll just do sacred flame [Music] my path be true the natural School but leave him to me I will not be doing that sir oh wow you can't I don't know if it was like that before but it costs an action to switch your weapon too it might have been like that before I'm stuck with a hand ax and a bonus action see if we can push this guy a little bit there we go I like that [Music] before we go to the transponder we want to try to steal this guy's great sword right here the burning blade 30 percent that's it wow I'm gonna do another sacred flame [Music] everybody's still at full HP so we're looking pretty good [Music] and you know what let's go ahead and throw this weapon because throwing weapons is pretty badass too heavy to throw [Music] there we go in this guy otherwise we're gonna end up dying here as the whole nautiloid ship's gonna crash and we're gonna go into like Speed play now nice 22 damage out of the Mind flare that's great all right let's go ahead and switch back to the long sword that leaves me with only a bonus action but that's okay uh oh now we have a problem we have a major problem [Music] didn't expect those guys to come that early all right so I'm gonna move over here a little bit try to get away from them I really want to land a guiding bolt on him it would be so good you know what I do have inflict wounds okay didn't even realize that I had that all right I'm gonna go ahead and take a range shot [Music] nice perfect okay we're looking a little bit better now he's got 42 HP I have my long sword back out so let's get up in his face here and we'll just do a regular attack let's ever get to work on this guy foreign those campions are going to be getting quite close here there's also more enemies in this room too but I need that fire sword now what I could do actually you have a void bulb try to keep these guys away for a little bit here 40 chance for inflict wounds hmm okay you know what I'm gonna push up I gotta clear out the path hurry before they strike but myself in quite the risky situation here a Kill very nice okay he has 20 hp if we can land this attack oh beautiful 16 HP just need one character to loot this sword after we kill him [Music] oh no they can fly that's not good that's not good at all oh my gosh oh no my character has one HP right now and throw a healing potion you gotta be careful because the line of sight's quite tricky with these and it doesn't look like I can let's give this a try and see what it does it actually worked I wasn't sure if I was gonna hit his head or not but you can throw potions in this game and then let's move up here I have to get a character over here because this is getting really really intense right now really intense oh man okay so we gotta kill Commander and I also have to take this quite seriously because if Lazelle for example dies right now and I'm not able to get her up we might not have her in our world all right so here we go all right so let's this is Wolf right now I'm going to go ahead and loot the commander the everburn blade 6 to 19 damage 2d6 plus 3 slashing plus 1d4 fire perfect and also scale now alright so I am going to probably disengage to try to get away from this um man actually I could kind of see if I can throw this don't really have a good angle right here I pull these guys away from me I wonder if that would work let me try this doesn't look like it's gonna this is a little bit risky okay never mind I'm just gonna disengage disengage is an action so first actually I will go ahead and try to push one of these guys away a little bit awesome and then I'm still going to disengage oh that's Dash see if we can get all the way up here okay we'll use the Mind flare or the intellect of hour to keep him on the front lines I really want Lazelle to survive here do have one Resurrection scroll I mean all I got to do now is get to the transponder oh come on Lazelle come on I don't think I can do it in one turn though okay so let's go ahead and throw another potion [Music] nice double heel I'm also going to do healing word or I could do Shield of faith I think that's what I'm gonna do give her a plus two to her Armor class and then I'm actually going to just take the opportunity attack perfect I need to get as close to this thing as I can here all right Lazelle what I need you to do is survive we're not going to kill these campions we have six rounds see if we can push one of these guys away closer to the Mind flare mind player is now hostile again do I hit the Mind player by accident honestly I am tempted to take this opportunity attack too so I can Dash but you know what I'll go ahead and may Chan would actually be helpful here to push these guys back I'm gonna disengage on the move let's see what these guys do okay all is not lost yet oh these boots have seen everything I kind of want the XP from at least killing these little enemies here the imps and the hellboys 12 damage wow brain does survive too because I'm curious if we're gonna see that brain again all right so let me get Shadow heart right next to the transponder [Music] tempted to click it right now but I think I'm okay as long as this guy doesn't attack lizelle let's play a little bit risky here try to get a few more kills damn it man one HP you gotta be kidding me okay do I have a potion of speed I don't that would be super useful right now if I did but I don't so Swift is my feet can carry me just need to kill one more enemy oh no no no no no no damn it okay I guess better the brain than lays out all right so I'm Fury here we go I'm Gonna Save my bonus action it looks like I can get out of here now perfect so we got as much xp as we could get minus killing the cambions but we only have four turns left so it looks like larion made it quite difficult actually kill the cambians now Let's uh let's get out of here I should loot anything else a little bit I'm definitely getting a little risky here do I need to loot these guys no I don't the Helms alien time [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] look at that loading screen somewhere in the mountain pass maybe a temple of the Thunder we're definitely going to be going there though man I'm so excited right now this is crazy to be playing the full game for four years [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so that we got the first scene where the shadow heart because we clicked the transponder with Shadow heart but then it switched over to our character something mysterious saved us right there that is definitely something to think about what was that and why were we saved as you wake the tadpole squirms in your skull Orient yourself where did you land chaos of the crash site confuses the landscape to find a settlement or landmark and you to do it quickly tadpole is a death sentence and the clock is ticking you need a cure and welcome back to the material plane we are on the shore of the chiantar river on the continent of faerun and I think this is going to be a great stopping point for part one of episode one episode one will probably be two parts so this is gonna be like a two two and a half hour long episode but if you need to take a break or you want to return back to this episode later I'll leave a nice natural stopping point for you so thank you all so much for watching episode one I really really appreciate those of you guys that are going to stick with me for this let's play I've avoided this content up to now because it's I don't want to say lazy content but it's not content that really helps you grow a channel but now that I've grown a channel and I have a community I'm very excited to actually be able to play games and enjoy them offline and you know still have that be part of my job so thank you guys very much and I'll catch you guys on part two and welcome back part two of episode one we just escaped the nautiloid ship and met a few interesting characters along the way but we are now alone on the shores of the chiantar river our adventure on the material plane we'll begin here so I did level up so this is level two as a ranger foreign we've unlocked level one spell slots and we get to choose two spells so I'm going to pick up Hunter's Mark of course one to six damage Mark a creature as your Quarry to deal an additional one to six whenever you hit it with a weapon attack if the target dies before the spell ends you can Mark a new creature without expending a spell slot this is a really really good Hunter spell especially earlier on in the game and it does require concentration but it only costs a bonus action in a spell slot it's not an action so I can cast Hunter's Mark on an enemy and then also attack that enemy in the same turn and the range is 60 feet we're gonna pick up Hunter's Mark and since I have low wisdom as a ranger I don't really have good wisdom I want to stick to spells that don't work off of my wisdom modifier what I'm going to take here is long Strider increase the creature's movement speed by 10 feet which lasts until a long rest I could take the jump spell which is really good but jumping does cost a bonus action and that kind of you know it kind of messes with your ability to pass Hunter's Mark around as both require a bonus action so I'm going to take longstrider a company longstrider with my what elf plus five movement speed my character is going to be going all over the battlefield and getting right into the enemy's faces and then for fighting style we have archery defense dueling and two weapon fighting and I'm gonna go ahead and take defense which gives us a plus one to our Armor class so what this Ranger I am trying to focus on not only just being really strong but also being quite tough with HP Armor class heavy armor these other fighting styles won't really benefit me that much because I am going to be using heavy two-handed weapons and we did loot that burning blade from commander zulk on the ship so let's go ahead and put that on right now gonna be quite the damage boost compared to the long sword that we have right here it looks like larion didn't update the uh the visuals here our character still holds onto the sword but you know what since I'm natural Explorer um fire it makes sense my character's resistant to fire so I can touch fire it's not that big of a deal for my character and then we have our bow and let's go ahead and put on the scale now the booster Armor class by quite a bit here I only have a zero in dexterity but I do plan on trying to find heavy armor as soon as I can those of you guys that are wearing medium or light armor you probably want your dexterity to 14. minimum so you can get that uh plus two added to your armor class more if you're wearing light armor but since we're focused on heavy armor that doesn't matter as much but I do have to keep an eye out for heavy armor and try to find it as soon as I possibly can look how beautiful this game is we have the crashed nautiloid ship in the tentacles breathing despite everything let's go ahead and wake her up because I wouldn't like if somebody tried taking something out of my hands we'll show respect to her until she disrespects us you're alive I'm alive how is this possible I was hoping that you might know that do you have any idea where we are applies shelter and vegetable healer we might have escaped but we still have these little monsters in our heads what happened to our gift friend you might want to reconsider calling her a friend looks like she ran off without us and you want to stay together I take it we need it and we both know what's at stake I can't think of better company okay I like where this is headed Good Start let's get moving one thing just before we go thank you again referring me it would have been all too easy for you to run right past my pod but you didn't I'll remember that a sense of connection here getting some butterflies right now this feels right talking to Shadow heart all right let's go ahead and level her up as well level two cleric now we can actually respect the companions classes that's a little bit later in act one I'm gonna leave I think all the companions as their base class though so it makes sense thematically and lines up with their lore in their story okay so I half off level two cleric worshiper of Shar as the greater deity of Darkness Charis feared for her power over the night secrets and loss she is locked in Eternal conflict with her twin sister soluna goddess of the moon and we get turn Undead as a class action and invoke duplicity distract your enemies with an illusion within 10 feet of the illusion Attack rules have Advantage for you and your allies that costs a channel Divinity charge I forgot to prepare spells see what we have here got a new interface I'm going to go ahead and take bless let's get rid of cure wounds we'll grab bless always keep healing word prepared one of the best spells in the game [Music] and I think we're looking pretty good here Sanctuary you or an ally cannot be targeted until you attack or harm a creature maybe I'll take that as backup I don't think I'm gonna be using Shield of Faith at the moment and Charmed person in Disguise self are always prepared magically change all aspects of your appearance time to dally if we take a look at that look at all of the different forms that we can take here humans half liens pretty much all of the races dwarves things have stayed interesting Swift is my feet and we escaped the hells on the nautiloid daughter of Darkness we recruited a half elf named shadowheart she was also aboard the nautiloid and infected with a parasite and our main quest is find a cure find a way to remove the Mind flare parasite we've escaped the hells on an autoloid and crashed somewhere in the material plane we need to explore the area and find a Healer off we go we now have hats in the game a brimmed hat that just doesn't fit a strength based Ranger but I kinda love it it doesn't do anything it's just cosmetic but let's leave it on for a little bit because I kind of want to look like a wizard why not right something the matter what's the story with that odd little artifact that you have there's no story none that you're entitled to hear anyway just forget you ever saw it oh touchy subject there what do you think of all that's happened to us so far we haven't gone all that far yet what are you referring to exactly you must have oh I don't want to say that how am I holding up in your estimate I feel like that shouldn't be a response yet keep in mind I am playing the review build of this game and larian did give us a list of like a million things that they plan on having fixed by actual version 1.0 on August 3rd what will you do if we actually managed to remove the tadpoles Shadow heart I suppose we'd go our separate ways not a slight on your company of course and where would you go home Builders gate there's someone waiting for me there someone I have to reach as soon as possible family a friends a lover let's just say it's a very personal very private acquaintance we learned that shadowheart needs to reach Baldur's Gate to fulfill a mission for her goddess but the details of that mission are a mystery it's important to talk to your companions let's see if that fishy got added to our camp supply pack it did perfect that's going to make Inventory management so much better we got a violin right here let's give it a try see if we can get Shadow heart going here okay that didn't work what now it was worth a try right I find myself looting everything but it's kind of important in this game because you need the camp supplies and you also probably need gold too fresh water there must be a settlement somewhere nearby and I will focus in on all of the books in one of my future live streams in a few videos but I don't think I'm going to read all of them in this particular let's play I will talk about the lore a little bit to keep but things like letters we definitely have to read Psy I love you there I said it and if you meet me tomorrow I'll say it again and again and keep on saying it till we're old and gray so let's do it let's go to Baldur's Gate I know it's risky but so is staying here the last few months have been hard but they're always a little easier when you're there leave your boat and meet me at the hill overlooking the old bridge bring whatever you can carry we'll make do without the rest don't be late love Anna foreign does not sure is that a camp supply oh we just unlocked oh that was nice that was an alchemy ingredient awesome I think it's a suspension so for the potion of healing well maybe it's not you have to figure that out oh we unlocked the recipe for mergrass really cool we need three of them to make suspension of Mur grass cool looking ahead I guess we are going to be looting quite a lot on this let's play Run cool thing is on your run um a lot of this loot is actually RNG to a certain extent so you may be picking up different loot than I am we got a waypoint right here you discovered a waypoint you'll be able to teleport to this location by selecting it on your map okay beautiful foreign travel you don't actually have to click on the Waypoint you can just hit m and you appear at the Fast Travel point I have one thieves tool shadowheart can give us guidance you back out of these checks nice you can okay it's not worth trying that right now I think I want to go in to that place with more companions anyways so more of those wretched things got some intellective hours up here so let's go ahead and be a little bit careful you don't want to let those guys get close to you now so I am going to toggle roof stealth which is shift and C wait no it's not yes it is oops something there we go let's try to get a little bit of High Ground here so we can have plus two to our ranged attacks start off with a little range and then when they get close we'll finish them off with our melee weapons I want to try out you know what I should do actually so I should be casting long Strider as soon as I come out of the long rest I'll have more spell slots later let's go ahead and do that right now and this lasts until a long rest so my character now has plus 15 movement speed if you include my wood elf racial feature I can move really really far in a single turn I wonder if using Hunter's Mark would actually put me in combat let me try it does okay your enemies are surprised and cannot take actions reactions or move on the first round of combat if you surprise these enemies with an attack your action has been used for this round so we have Hunter's Mark on for that added 1d6 damage and high ground and I still missed nice okay they're getting quite close a little bit too close for comfort so let's go ahead and take another range shot actually let's see what my movement is now look at look how far I can go that is crazy with long Strider so I'm actually going to switch to my two-handed weapon slow down I should be able to kill this guy in one turn with a decent roll wow situational actions you have unlocked an action as a result of another ability feature or condition remain at the side of your hop bar until those conditions expire that's because my Hunter's Mark was on that intellect Devourer when I killed that intellect of hour I can now recast Hunter's Mark as a bonus action it won't cost me a spell slot so let's go ahead and switch it look at the spell wow visuals particle effects that's amazing oh shed Art's still hiding wait nope she's in the battle okay okay so let's go ahead and see if we can kill this guy in one turn and actually guiding bolts a really really good spell and it also makes the next attack on that enemy cost or it makes the next attack on that enemy have advantage honestly I think this guy's got 10 HP we'll probably kill the guy in one attack though perfect it looks so weird having a wizard hat but I love it Okay so oh that's not good let's go ahead and you know what I am gonna pomble strike right now perfect so this enemy is now dazed they lost the dexterity bonus to their Armor class and they can't take reactions so I could actually just walk away now without taking an opportunity attack and only use that once per short rest though that particular weapon ability perhaps our survival isn't such a distant Prospect okay and then we have short rests and also long rests but we're gonna hold off to do a long rest until we meet a few more companions see what's in this chest right here simple toxin coat your active weapon with a toxin that deals an additional one to four poison damage in a potion of speed very very good potion in this game boost your armor class movement speed and you get more actions too let's say change that hold on what was the description of that in an extra action there we go okay I was about to say I didn't I didn't read that at first and the potion of speed is the same as the haste spell in this game just kind of picking up everything right now because I'm not sure what use all of the items have just because now there appears to be crafting systems in the game there really wasn't much in Early Access there is work to do foreign has 1313 strength and decks might have to respect her just for her ability scores but keep her class the same I think I'd like to change Shadow Hearts cleric subclass though what a beautiful beautiful game looking ahead yeah let's see if I can pass my first sleight of hand check just barely we get a leather helmet dexterity saving throws plus one now this helmet is quite ugly but I think I'll take the plus one and we can also hide the helm too so I think I'll put it on and then we'll hide the helmet what says hide Helm during dialogues hide helmet completely or show helmet so let's just hide it completely let's give the wizard hat to Shadow heart there's something about pointy wizard hats that I love you can craft your own potions poisons and elixirs using Alchemy gather ingredients to distill into extracts an experiment to brew wondrous Solutions we're still not quite there yet but we can actually make suspension of Mur grass awesome and we can make a sublimate Belladonna bubblemate of Belladonna and now I'm able to craft my first potion ever we have a potion of mind reading fragments of memory and perception smatter this liquid accrued constellation of thought and then we also can make with grenades coatings okay let's go ahead and craft the potion of mind reading and then we'll check it out and if some of these crafting systems in the game end up taking a little bit to figure out I'll definitely cut those parts out you guys don't have to sit here and watch me try to figure everything out so I drinked a probe into the minds of those around you you'll also be able to read the thoughts of certain creatures while speaking to them let's go ahead and drink that right now and now we have detect thoughts and it lasts until long rest perfect those of you guys who are unaware haven't played much DND in my life but I have read many Forgotten Realms books and that's kind of where it's kind of what introduced me to the Forgotten Realms and Dungeons and Dragons was the legend of drift's book series to be running around this world in 2023 is such a special feeling breathing I'm so happy that larian got the license to work in the Forgotten realm setting uh oh who is that deep grooves in the mud around that rock go ahead and move it because I have high strength of this character and then we have an ornate chest a Harper's notebook header collection of reports held together with a moon and harp seal we have a ruby which we can probably sell Harper's map the stained ragged map has passed through countless hands a little harp marks an area called moonrise towers with a small Inky Crescent sketched in the nearby Forest below the Crescent is more recent scroll cash two potions of speed and we'll go ahead and take those two the Harpers are a secretive faction in the Forgotten Realms a good faction they fight for good they try to ensure that not one faction or city or individual has too much power in the realms that's like their thing then they step in to try to reduce that power well hello there a Starion 17 dexterity I've got one of those bring things cornered in the grass you can kill it can't you like you killed the others kill it yourself you look capable enough I was hoping for a kind soul well not to worry oh no you guys know I don't like that all right we're gonna do a strength check push yourself to your feet plus three what a roll what to do now I saw you on the ship it's stressing about whilst I was trapped in that pot and those tentacled freaks do to me you have it backwards they snatched me up too I'm not an idiot your mind twists you're looking out of unfamiliar eyes prowling dark busy streets you try to hold the memory but it fades to the worm the light fear what was that what's going on Put The Knife away and then I'll tell you everything I'm not an idiot it has to be those tentacled monsters something they did they took you to I saw it during whatever just happened and to think I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards no apologies would you just say to me glad to see we're all caught up now indeed we are please allow me to introduce myself my name's astarian I was in Boulder's Gate when those beasts snatched me okay so we're not going to choose the baldurian option here because our character is from the Misty Forest to the north we'll tell him our name and our story my my you've been busy so did you learn anything about these worms while wandering the ship you know as much as I do historian I suppose it's not exactly common knowledge these worms are already affecting me I can feel it now what to do about it what's your plan well getting out of here for a start than finding anyone who knows about these worms I need an expert someone who knows how to control these things you know if I didn't pass that strength check earlier in this dialogue conversation I'm not sure if a Starion would be alive right now but now I'm starting to like them and I need company for the road why not come with me you know I was ready to go this alone but maybe sticking with the herd isn't such a bad idea and anyone that can crush a mind flayer ship and walk away seems like a good person to know all right I accept lead on your party is shown on the side of your screen the portraits show your character's health and conditions so now we have a Starion in our party not exactly sure who I'm going to run with kind of just going with the flow I think astorion's origin story is quite interesting at least from what larian has told us about it but I don't think I need a rogue in my party and I don't want to respect a Starion so we'll see we'll see about a Starion maybe we'll try to keep him around to uh switch to him once in a while but [Music] actually I would like to create a save point right here actually I'm gonna pick up one more companion before we do that save point I'll leave a story out at level one kiss for a few minutes see what he's wearing nice he's wearing an armor that doesn't have disadvantage on stealth starion's underwear oh man I know some of you guys I know what some of you guys are gonna be doing with that eccentric close I like it he has a noble from Baldur's Gates okay I think we're looking pretty good he's got a dagger we could have him dual wield daggers for now or short swords that looks pretty cool yeah a mind player that thing's bound to be dangerous even if injured let's be careful I love my character's voice approach the dying monster this is the thing that abducted you you could end its life here and now if only you didn't feel compassion passion interesting you guys let me know how the audio is of this episode and I need to tweak things I'll definitely do that in future episodes and we're feeling compassion towards this grotesque space octopus and this is definitely not right so I'm gonna step away you can't move can't think King is mercifully done for you it will be a joy to serve to die for it and honor it's possessing your mind forcing you to love it but then the feeling slips the creature's mind seems to focus elsewhere okay we can do an intelligence check to concentrate on its thoughts whatever minus one in intelligence I'm not the uh sharpest tool in the shed so let's go ahead and take advantage of the lapse and Break Free the monster lies exhausted defeated its eyes wet orange pearls radiate malice okay we're gonna close Those Eyes Forever even though I let the brain live I'm not a big fan of aberrations aberrations tend to be bad for the Woodlands and I am a ranger keep picking up the skulls I'm not sure what we're gonna do with them but and look at the math that is incredible this might be one of my favorite Maps now in all of gaming Kingdom Come Deliverance also had a fantastic map but I really really like this a lot and this area right here is actually bothering me I might have to go back I'll do that off screen off off line are off recording excuse me what's the word I'm looking for I'll do that when I'm not recording there we go that makes sense right all right okay we have another portal you know what I think there's one little area that I would like to check real fast see if there's anything and that's right up here see if we can get like a passive investigation or perception check to go off [Music] or maybe there's nothing up here at all doesn't look like there is okay back off we go over there oh man it won't let me double tap let's have a little chat with a Starion see if we can learn a little bit more about his character he picked up the pal elf we met a strange elf who had also been infected with a parasite he was hostile at first but agreed to join us when he learned that we were infected too need something tell me about yourself so tell a magistrate back in the city it's all rather tedious a magistrate okay I think a Starion is going to be a really interesting character to have when we eventually make it to the city of Baldur's Gates spoiler to say that we're going to the city considering that the name of the game is Baldur's Gate although in Baldur's Gate too it doesn't take place in the city of Palmer's game nice to live in more interesting times all of our camp supplies are nicely organized we have Balsam good stuff okay let's investigate this strange Waypoint app crunch the sigil on the stone magic Glitters and swirls from it erratically malfunctioning it looks slightly dangerous okay we're gonna touch the sigil because why not right oh a hand anyone I know that voice who are you just your average traveler stuck between Realms pull me out we'll get properly introduced okay sounds like a nice guy right let's go ahead and try a strength check grab the hand and pull should have no problem succeeding here this is totally different from Early Access love to see it thank you this looks like a guy who needs a wizard hat hello I'm Gail of waterdeep apologies be better at this at introductions at Magic Lloyd as well never mind then Auto void how did you get stuck in that stone I don't know what transpired exactly but the ship broke into pieces and I suddenly found myself in free fall so I was plummeting to certain death a spider glimmer quite near where I estimated my body to impact with less than Savory propulsion recognizing this glimmer to be magical in nature I reached out to it with a weaving of words and found myself on the other side as it were how about you how did you survive the fool oh to be honest dude having a clue fair enough but even so I have the unfortunate suspicion your survival is still very much in Jeopardy back on the ship you two were on the receiving end of a rather unwelcome Insurgent in the ocular region were you not go on the uncertainty we speak of this parasite are you aware that after a period of excruciating gestation it will turn us into mind flayers it's a process known as ceramorphosis and let me assure you it is to be avoided you don't happen to be a cleric by any chance do you a doctor surgeon uncannily adroit with a knitting needle seem to know enough about our condition to realize it's been no doubt but I find myself hoping to be in the presence of the few you don't happen to be one of them I contend to basic wounds and ailments but alien parasites I'm afraid not as we've established few enough can it's not exactly a common Affliction we're most certainly going to need a Healer and soon too how about we lend each other a helping hand once more and look for a Healer together sounds like a plan you're welcome to join me parasite shared is a parasite halved or something to that effect Oh but before you think you're about to embark on a journey with most ill-mannered a man thank you for pulling me out of that stone as an act of foresighted kindness I assure you I have a feeling ample opportunities will present themselves for me to return the favor okay oh I have the Magic Touch and now we have ourselves a proper wizard to not take a wizard with me at all times on my first run they just have so much versatility and also a ton of utility spells as well as damage spells but we'll see how my morality goes because some of these companions might not stick with me well first in Magic are you I'm not why do you ask no matter to worry the unlettered over any Elder Wizards let me know there is a matter I'd like to seek advice on from a master Elder Wizards okay let's go ahead and level up a Starion and Gail I do have to do quite a few save points just because I use these save points for Content so level two Gail and a Starion okay interesting let's see it's got wizard robes on I have all of my inventory on my Ranger but my Ranger is quite strong so he can hold quite a lot thank you we'll go ahead and give him a light crossbow and then I think we're looking pretty good scroll up to Tech thoughts I'm surprised they detect thoughts situation hasn't come up for me yet when meeting the companions okay now we have two waypoints unlocked so let's continue on [Music] okay so we're gaining o'gale is oh okay okay he's the evocation subclass but we should be able to change that at the respect we can sculpt spells create pockets of safety within your evocation spells allies automatically succeed their saving throws against these spells and take no damage from them really really good wizard subclass because you can cast Fireball on the enemies with your front liners also being in its radius and they'll take no damage one of the best wizard subclasses for sure but I think I might actually try to spec Gail into necromancy I can make it make sense lore wise oh never mind silly me I do get to choose a subclass okay some reason I thought the wizard oh okay very nice all right I take it back evocation necromancy conjuration transmutation illusion divination and enchantment and six of these were not in Early Access this is great so let's take a look at necromancy you walk through the valley of the shadow of death and make lots of friends there learning necromancy spells from Scrolls only costs you 25 gold or spell level at 50. then we gain two spell slots okay I say we go with necromancy and let's just see how it how it plays out we'll take magic Missile probably want to start picking up utility Spells at some point but we can also learn a lot from Scrolls that we pick up ice knife throw a Shard of ice that deals one to ten piercing damage it explodes and Deals 2 to 12 Cold damage to anyone nearby and it leaves an ice surface I feel like I want to have magic Missile I think I'll come back for chromatic orb at a higher level right now let's go ahead and pick up I don't think I'm gonna need feather fall in the near future don't need long Strider we're going to take Shield when you're about to be hit by an enemy increase your armor class by five you take no damage from magic Missile a spell that was not in Early Access that I'm very excited to use so we'll take shield and magic Missile not a huge deal with the wizard because we're going to be able to learn a lot of spells and then for prepared spells okay beautiful we'll prepare definitely want to keep Mage Armor we'll keep sleep magic Missile and Thunder Wave I like that okay okay so our necromancy features Grim Harvest once per turn if you kill a creature with a spell you regain hit points equal to twice the spell slot level used Thrice if it's a necromancy spell Undead in constructs are unaffected so your subclass choice really pushes you to want to use spells of that particular School of magic pretty cool feature Grim Harvest we don't really have any necromancy Spells at the moment foreign oh we do we do have false life that's not going to really help us with grim Harvest though okay so I think I'm good with those for now [Music] and then a Starion should be pretty simple to level up here [Music] okay so we get cutting action hide Dash and also disengage so we can use all three of these as a bonus action now as opposed to an action so really good for the Rogue and also let's just take a look at the multi-class scene because I haven't looked at that yet this Advanced feature allows you to build powerful combinations of classes at the expense of higher level class features you can only level up one class at a time so we could just right away multi-class a Starion into another class but I think I'm going to keep him make him a palace and have Paladin half Rogue how do I get out of this oh that wasn't how to do it we're just gonna keep him as a rogue I'm definitely gonna be doing a ton of multi-class builds I'm tempted to try it with my Ranger but for now let's just stick with the class until I have a solid plan is you can kind of screw up multi-classing too foreign and we can of course respect once we discover the respect guy yeah there's not really a ton of pressure to necessarily get the exact build that you want right away okay let's go up this way before we venture over to this ruined Chapel looking area let's get broken I wonder if items like a rope are going to have use now Another Broken trap who made these things you think it's dangerous of course it's dangerous one of them can't absorbs whole Squad so let's leave it and let the Goblins have it no we take it to The Grove so that appears to be Lazelle right there who is a gift Yankee and a lot of the races on the material plane and on the sword Coast fear the githyanki race was to get the Yankee are known to kind of be like Vikings in raid settlements on the sword Coast zoru was right yellow is a toad and twice as ugly the things dangerous leave it for the Goblins to kill and if it escapes how will you oh a guest your skull pounds in response to the prisoner's white hot stare ellipse don't move hear her voice get rid of them not sure I like being given commands like that rather demanding for a woman in your position why should I your words flow to her though you never speak them aloud I know what grows inside you and I know of a cure remember how Keen she was to leave me to die in the nautiloid we can't trust her well we were in a bit of a rush on the narloid ship okay I'm interested in seeing what this cure is that lizelle has let's go ahead and try she has a character who doesn't have Proficiency in the charismatic skills some of these can be quite tough so let's go ahead and let's do deception this creature is dangerous get out of here and leave it to me guidance is one of the most useful can trips in the game use it on pretty much every dialogue roll and without it I would have failed right there and I am not going to be saves coming on this run so if I fail something in dialogue and it leads to the death of someone let's say we're gonna roll with it our actions have consequences he's right let's go we need to check out that blast a blast I could use more specifics you didn't hear it good so we came for a look I'm in dire need of healing where is this camp Northwest look for Nettie whatever you're wound she can mend it and be careful there are goblin traps everywhere no Messer come enough corking yeah say please never you know what I kind of respect that and heal goblins the tadpole hasn't yet scrambled all your senses auspicious but the longer we wait the more it consumes my people possess the cure for this infection I must find a crush you will join me careful she obviously sees your kindness as weakness don't let her take advantage I like the dynamic that we have going on here the banter between party members and what exactly is a crush it is it is tadpole we must report to a Gusto for purification hmm all right we journey together let's find this crash although I gotta say him I'm not entirely sure what this purification process maybe you wait at my camp we can speak there very well I must interrogate this story our very lives depend on it I will be at your camp do not keep me waiting okay so far we've been quite cordial with the characters that we've met cautious but cordial okay the wizard of waterdeep continue traveling with Gail a wizard named Gail joined the party he claims to have been on the nautiloid which means he's infected too three lays out we invited Lazelle to our camp the Geth Yankee Warrior find Zoro the get Yankee Warrior Lazelle has joined our party and promised we could be cleansed of our parasites at a githyanki crush a deeply named zoru has seen other Geth Yankee we should find him and ask him what he knows pressures our training grounds for young githyanki despite everything in the gift Yankee traditionally live in the astral plane where time does not move white as fast as the material plane it barely moves at all so therefore githyanki have to raise their young in crashes so they can actually age and reach maturity looking ahead before they return to the astral plane okay what do we have here and our main quest is find the Healer Nettie there's a camp nearby where someone named Nettie can supposedly heal any wound she might be able to help remove the parasites okay let's go ahead and investigate this area but I'm going to do it quite cautiously looks like a bandit hmm okay don't really have a charismatic group right now we might have to pick up a Charisma Caster like will Gail has the highest Charisma in my group of 12. that's pretty pathetic but we're gonna take Gail and we're gonna send him up here oh don't go that way wow nope I want you to go this way my friend you go ahead and wait right there okay [Music] then we're gonna take the rest of my party members quite risky sending a wizard up as a frontliner but I'm gonna do it anyways we're gonna see if we can talk to these guys and see what they're all about and we'll leave the rest of my party we'll leave them over here in fact actually let's take my Ranger let's move him right here perfect and you know what I'm actually gonna give Gail some backup oh Shadow heart report for Duty oh no oh no quit I'm telling you it's a ship and a crypt can wait Mari and bartner be trying to break in for days now we 've got ourselves competition already that's our ship I don't think I like these guys the only thing you own is your life now leave before I take that too oh no this will be an interesting run if I don't have anybody that's Charisma based in my group that's for sure chance it looks like they have entered into combat but I have something that I want to do [Music] okay I was hoping to not resort to combat but sometimes you do what you got to do wolf is now in battle but we still have Shadow heart and a Starion who are not in combat so let's see what we can do here and what do we got we got Warren right here level two Rock gnome and then also Leta level two high elf Faith protects me something smells tasty my favorite what do you guys think about this avoid enemy sight lines while sneaking to remain hidden left shift shows the enemy's sight lines okay okay let's go ahead and do a guiding Bolt we fried them with radiant damage this would be pretty cool if I could actually get a Starion all the way around here without being spotted let's see what we can do here hold on this might hurt he is not currently in combat so what if we land on the bed oh man it was worth a try I don't have a bonus action that's okay let's go ahead yeah I can't really do anything right now we have our action but it's not going to do us any good I could throw something now they see me go ahead and use our action to hide that jealous let's do a good old-fashioned magic Missile move up a little bit let her see it coming okay one HP left really oh I don't have an action that's why oh no did she notice the Starion is the question it's gonna go ahead and skip my Rangers turn there's no sense he's not gonna make it over there in time all right so let's so this is the great thing about the updated hide system the Rogue actually is really really the road got a nice boost in power when compared to the other classes now simply because the road can hide as a bonus action and in Early Access all classes could hide as a bonus action which was quite broken but now it really truly is a rogue thing which is awesome let me go ahead and back up here let's try that okay didn't even let me do it I thought it was in dim lighting here I thought I might be able to pull off a check right there but I guess not so we'll just take a regular attack and there we go the replenishable resources are dwindling take a long rest to restore hit points and other resources these things have stayed interesting I think it probably is time for a long rest get everybody together which way to the nearest library do a little bit of looting around here first time and the elements have left the plaque unreadable definitely take the shovel wits and Blades always shop okay we can upgrade Shadow Hearts armor scale Mount which is pretty good [Music] I can't remember what she's proficient with we're not proficient with short swords so the mace is the best thing that I have at the moment I'm gonna go ahead and take the instrument off my character [Music] let's get on with it I'll go this way just check for anything you saw [Music] I might as well take a look I love picking up camp supplies and I'm not just going straight into my regular inventory doesn't look like a rope has any uses still but let me pick it up just in case I might need a torch I'm not sure hey let's go check out over here gotta search the outskirts of this chapel and then I'll take a long rest which is going to be pretty important it'll be the first long rest that I've taken so there's going to be some nice dialogue scenes there's something over there oh and then we'll wrap it up for episode one part two and actually wrap it up for all of episode one Scroll of Firebolt and scroll of ice knife nice so let's go ahead and learn these spells as students of the Arcane Arts Wizards can learn new spells by studying certain spell Scrolls instead of using them thank you so if we go into my inventory and we look at some of these Scrolls and we right click oh it's on Wolf that's why I gotta send that to Gail let me just bring up my whole inventory here any scroll that I see here I could organize the inventory by type been a while since I played Early Access so I forgot where that was Okay roller detect thoughts and then let's go ahead and right click on Ice knife salutations learn spell 50 gold awesome now we have ice knife and then we can't learn to tuck thoughts because our level is currently too low and we already have the fire bolt so let's check our Bells here and there's ice knife I think I'm gonna go ahead and prepare it let me get rid of Thunder Wave because I want to try ice knife it's new to the game let's see what it looks like very cool and also I do have my shield the reaction spell set on ask right now and I'm also going to put opportunity attack on ask because I wouldn't want to waste an opportunity attack with a wizard when I could use Shield so it's probably important to check that um well in it very well that's curious and now that we have a rogue in our group lock picking should be a little bit easier look at that thieves tools plus three from dexterity sleight of hand proficiency and sleight of hand expertise which Rogues get expertise and guidance and I still failed oh man foreign let's go ahead and do it again I have plenty of Thieves tools here wow it's gonna be one of those runs well at this point I feel like I'm gambling so we got to keep going I'm addicted to the role oh my maybe I should end this episode right now and just come back you gotta be kidding me right now are you serious I just need like a a 12 or an 11. and it will probably equal 20 plus it can't happen again can it I don't think that's gonna do it yay finally okay so before we go into this mysterious Chapel from the back entrance here in this hatch let's go ahead and take a long rest first long rest of this playthrough at your Camp you can take a long rest and fully heal your party you can also manage party members Advanced relationships with your companions store items and eventually change your character and recruit more followers since this is the full version of the game I definitely want to check the entire Camp here Invasion plans for the sword Coast this map of the sword Coast sprawls from the deep forest of tethir to The Frigid spine of the world is topography worn by ancient Inc and the constant trade between Mortal hands the spine of the world is Way North on the continent of faerun just south of icewinddale and some of you guys would know icelandale pretty popular location of the Forgotten Realms okay so we can use these chests to store things I might throw some skulls in there I'm really excited to actually care about organization and my inventory now now that's the full game okay we have a ball mugwort recipe unlocked salts of mugwort crystal ball don't think you can do anything with it so let's just go ahead and drop it at least right now we can't rotten fish huh okay and we have a table I was wondering if that was going to bring up like a crafty menu or something you guys will also notice that I now have Camp clothes on it was not a thing in Early Access Shadow heart wow okay all right let's see what's up but I believe you can turn off the camp clothes at any time the toggle armor set visibility we can turn it on and off but of course I'm Gonna Leave the camp clothes on wish to live to live in okay let's check over here I'm assuming like this area right here is going to be filled with something as we progress and let's have a chat with our companions oh what is this oh Shadow heart's in a completely different location right here a monster Foams inside us and you think to be idle I knew you're kind to be fragile but I didn't foresee the severity be quick about your rest we must locate a crash damn Lazelle kind of makes me feel like I like it all right we have an elf racial response here we're hardly going to turn while taking a rest are we the parasites inside us do not rest even as we speak they defile our brains and warp our bones take your rest I will stand watch should a single tentacle split your skull I will not hesitate to end you such a great character okay fair enough chatter already my character's like what the hell man do you know much about mind flares I understand much beyond your comprehension more to the point I know the cure for our condition it is imperative we locate a crash you do well to observe more and question less yes ma'am well do you know what happens if we don't find a cure yes great detail starts with a fever and memory loss then you start to hallucinate your hair falls out and you bleed from every orifice your bones will change form your jaw will split to allow room for four great tentacles or skin will turn to gore and be shed to reveal new flesh underneath then you have ceased to exist and a mind flayer is born hmm we could turn into a mind flare is that first symptoms should have long since started though that is what puzzles me you're worried that we haven't changed I would say this is good news yes yes if you give it no further thought but anomalies lead to surprises bad surprises besides what hasn't happened May yet come to pass you look so unusual if Yankee are rare in these parts I expect I am your first I know of gethianki but I've never met one of cut off and encounter them that large fleshy nose of yours looks like a mistake come on now it isn't that large is it decadent then lacking in economy like so much of this world and its undisciplined people I respect I respect lizelle foreign right now let's have blazel join me 98 of you guys are already running with a Starion so we're gonna kick him out of my group temporarily still try to do some of his quests if possible your gift friend seems on edge mustn't relish the thought of sprouting tentacles understandable can't say I'm a fan either it's just hard to join in when all of this feels so new the night normally means bustling streets bursting taverns filling up in the dirt and resting is um a little novel the right herbs can make a soothing tea if you can't settle in no tea isn't really my drink I'll be awake a while anyway I need some time to think things through to process this you rest I'll keep watch we'll both stay up I'm not sleeping helpless in front of a stranger you know if you will spend time with me oh you only have to say so minus suit yourself I'm sure we'll drift off at some point minus one with a Starion looking ahead just trying to answer the way that I feel like I would actually answer though go to hell and good evening to you too you're a good sport go to hell an everyday expression so trivial it's almost meaningless but we've seen how it's real it isn't trivial let's watch the flames in silence devils dragons mind flayers used to be abstracts pictures on a piece of paper What A Difference A Day Makes now we have tadpoles slithering through our heads like carnivorous feet high that's not abstract perhaps you should get some rest it's ballet of flames invites reflection but you're right let's be up with a lark find a Healer before the wee one gets hungry not as bad as it could have okay let's have a chat with Shadow heart now right here is our traveler's chest not sure if we can do anything with this area quite yet we have a bed roll bed rules remind me of Dos too and look at that we have all of the digital Deluxe items the mask of the shapeshifter channeler's trunks stream Hoppers loafers chatterboxes tabard Rick General die combine this die with equipment item alter the colors of fabric leather and even metal could Periwinkle undergarments and a ton of Adventure Supply packs here let's pick it all up before we talk with shadowheart okay so mask of the shapeshifter gives us shape shift to level one illusion spell this is of course from dos 2 fane's character let's show helmets oh I wonder if it's bugging at all because I have Camp flows on right now so let's turn off Camp clothes and there it is from dos too and it gives us the shape shift illusion spell it'd be the same as disguised self then we can turn into all these different beans let's try let's try a Dragonborn or a half orc let's do a Dragonborn oh that is so cool a Dragonborn without a tail like this is going to be super useful especially when we make it to the city of Baldur's Gate all right let's dispel the skies it's a ritual spell too you guys notice they added the ritual tag I mean it doesn't cost a spell slot in bg3 I think you can only use it probably once per long Russ I'm not sure okay and then we also have the Periwinkle undercuts oh my God oh God wow what do you guys think about that does that fit my strength based range we're gonna put on the other underwear okay interesting let's take off the mask of the shape shifter you know what the hell let's just put this whole hey that actually looks really cool it looks like an astarion outfit though too Noble for me a little bit too Noble but let's just leave that on very cool and then we have the clothing chest Cape of the red Prince the loot of the Merriweather bard icon of the Sea Beast and the needle of the outlaw Rogue this is so cool so let's go ahead and put that cape on let me just take it all into my inventory I'll organize this when I stop recording and look at that loot right there let's go ahead and check that out look at that Cape that is so epic and capes or something else aren't there and then we have the adventuring pack which gives us a bunch of food here and a potion of flying very nice I'll organize all of this after I end the recording but let's have a little chat with Shadow heart look like a Roman soldier you'd better get some rest what were you two talking about oh yes I remember Sven talking about the order that you engage with companions will change things so Shadow heart saw me talking to the other party members that's going to change our conversation a little bit we were just discussing the next steps I see I'd be careful with Lazelle you don't trust lizelle she's world I'd be surprised if our interests remained aligned let's hope we rapidly find a Healer you seem reliable I think you know how important it is that we find someone who can cure us best if we focus on that agreed the sooner we find someone to help us the better good we might even get lucky and find one right away as I said we're overdue some good fortune rest well the va's for this game are just so good voice acting is so good with every single companion we've got to listen a bit more to will though will has a new voice actor let's go ahead and take our long rest use the required amount of camp supplies to fully rest recovering all your hit point spell slots and short rests not using enough camp supplies to rest but only partially recover or resources let's go ahead and we have some new food items here poutine we'll just use a camp supply pack okay and we woke up at our actual camp we have a little training dummy right there too let's go ahead and teleport back out the roadside cliffs and then we will enter into the chapel and then head up into the Northwestern part of the map but I will save that for episode two well thank you all so much for watching probably released actually a few episodes daily and then switch to an every other day upload schedule just be on the lookout and like I said in the intro all of these let's play episodes will be kept in their own separate playlist I'll catch you guys on the next one
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 1,538,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, gameplay, classes, races, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg baldurs gate, crpg, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 lets play, lets play baldurs gate 3, walkthrough baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 playthrough, lets play part 1, full gameplay baldurs gate 3, lets play
Id: rsnlokMpx-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 21sec (9561 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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