Xbox ABK Approval | Killer Instinct Returns | PS5 Slim | Red Dead Greed | Baldur's Gate 3 - XB2 278

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[Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] all right foreign [Music] okay [Music] [Music] thank you welcome welcome welcome this is the Xbox 2 podcast and I am one of your hosts Rand L snore19 the man with a Million Dreams I guess I would call myself for this for this episode because people are still on me for oversleeping uh podcast two weeks ago which will never happen again and I'll be forever just made fun of constantly um but welcome everybody hope you're having a fantastic day and uh I'm here as always with my co-host my right hand man the one who can just write an article and just make a whole bunch of people pissed off a bunch of little babies Jess Gordon Windows Central managing editor he is here he is ready to talk and probably ready to make more people angry what's going on well hi to you too Ryan yeah I uh I uh yeah some people were not happy about some articles I wrote this week but you know true I gotta tell the truth you know I've gotta gotta get my gotta get Microsoft doing doing their job man I don't know but anyway uh we will talk about that in a little bit how are you doing buddy I've been I've been I've been playing tons of games right now yeah but have fun of games tons of games yeah well we don't talk about that we don't we don't talk about that yeah I will be finishing the game and playing because I'm actually writing the review for it so oh wait what can you can you say what game you're playing yes it's bullets game three okay I thought maybe it would be I'm playing Star field but no no no none of that apparently not yeah not yet not yet um although I do expect to be reviewing that soon as well hopefully you know if everything are you should you though I mean because because you got Gamescom the week after are you gonna actually be able to dedicate enough time to Starfield to be able to review it when you're gonna be at Gamescom the following weekend well maybe somebody in maybe Jen should review it for Windows Central you know uh well I've talked to Jen about reviewing games but she doesn't want to review games so fair enough fair enough um and then the the rest of the teams kind of super busy at the moment and well I'm busy too but I just thought I'm gonna try and do games um and reviewing Starfield so let's see how that goes I guess but um I've got like uh I got plans you know I'm gonna take my Asus Rog to um I'm gonna type my Isis rocks to Gamescom to try and get some more time in on it because you know it's Xbox play Anywhere stuff like that and I do think the Asus Rock Ally will be able to run it at least decently well so we should should be able to do okay I guess we'll find out together what will happen but um in any case yeah that's that's pretty much that's pretty much oh yeah what's on my plate right now I've just been playing I've been playing that Bloody um I've been playing it non-stop man Builder's gay it is so good it is so so good everything I want from an RPG and more the game just keeps giving and every time I think I've seen everything just gives me something more adds a new feature there's just so much to this game I just can't get over it man it is so vast so impressive so amazing I could gush about it for hours and I will when I finally write the review yeah and you will you will Dutch about it I mean hell I mean you know yesterday uh mommy it was a Wednesday we did Xbox two ultimate for for the peeps on the patreon and you're we were just you know having a good time chatting and you were showing off uh you were showing off uh what was it half halfling dick in in the game just just like just being like hey look at look at penis C PSD penis F or whatever the hell it is yeah it was so yeah you can customize your penis in the game and you're very very important it's also your vagina too so your vagina so it's it's a very it's a very very mature adult game I guess you could say it's very horny you know the game is very horny and I've seen some some Outlets have criticized it for being so horny you know it's it's it's a little bit silly how horny it is at times but the game's tongue in cheek man it's kind of like um it's kind of like you're playing D and D with your mates and maybe the the dungeon Masters joking around and stuff like that it really feels like that really feels like that experience they've absolutely captured that the narrator is like a proper dungeon mask from d d it's just so good man I've been playing it so much that I'm actually dreaming about the game have you ever had that where you play a game so much you start dreaming about it like and like when I have conversations in real life I start imagining a dice roll my girlfriend I'm like I'm gonna be able to persuade that to uh to go here for dinner and stuff like that so yeah I'm I've got it pretty bad right now but it's it's so nice to be looked into a game like this because it's been a while I feel like it for me at least it's been a while since I've been this into a game um um even like even Beyond like Diablo I was really into Diablo I played it really hardcore but it's not really a story based game it's not really something like you know you get really invested in the story and the characters to that extent with regards to Diablo Diablo is just like a lot of fun uh you know grinding and stuff but this is just so the story and the characters are just so deep it feels like I haven't experienced a game like this for such a long time where you can just go anywhere and do anything your decisions have real consequences and you can be a total in the game I kicked a squirrel in a conversation so hard that it splattered into a tree and all its bones I did I saw that on Twitter you're very you're very mean you're very mean to clobberle why'd you have to do that to him that's the thing you could be a complete in the game you can side with the villains you know and and do horrible things and I when a game gives you that kind of Freedom you know you get sometimes you get really punished for it but you know them's the breaks you know if you mess around and stuff but so good the game is just the only thing I want to know and the only thing chat wants to know right now is are you gonna finish this game you love me so much are you actually gonna get to the end are you actually going to finish it I'm reviewing it so yeah this is my excuse okay it's my excuse to be like to work yeah I've got to keep playing this game because I'm reviewing it okay but um I finished the game star review um so yeah we will finish this one I might even start streaming it soon but it's kind of like um I don't know um it's just a huge game too like the first area um damn like 35 hours I think just for the first area for me I suppose the but yeah you know you know you know what this podcast this we might as well just change this podcast to the Baldur's Gate 3 show apparently since that's yeah maybe it's all you're talking about but um yeah we got there's there's tons I actually put a whole bunch of topics in here uh probably gonna anchor some people maybe I don't know depending we always seem to Anchor some people um but I want to thank everyone for being here if you guys can do us a huge favor make sure you hit the like button and uh subscribe if you haven't already please uh almost at uh 97 900. uh which would be like right there at 98 000 uh getting close to 100K I would have very much appreciated you know for the push to get there um it's all very very exciting uh we have a huge show a lot of topics probably going to be a banger of an episode we got patreon questions at the end and um we do have a brand new sponsor for this episode Jess right yes and it's a really cool sponsor because they're a friend of the show and they actually watched the show like a lot of sponsors hit you up and they're like hey we're in front of the show but they've never watched the show they've just once looked at the YouTube numbers and stuff but this sponsor actually is a a watcher of the show so it's really awesome to get to work with them and stuff like that so uh first of all I'll just read a note from the team there because the the sponsor is uh Volare gaming pillows and you might have heard them on other podcasts and stuff I think uh the iron Lords actually don't work with valari as well I've had a Valaria Villari pillow for quite a long time actually like I got one a couple of years ago originally I think um I actually have I actually have a Volari gaming pillow around with the Randall tomato logo on it really from a couple of years ago yeah that they had one made for me ages ago and this is when they're like a relatively small startup and they're just starting out but they getting big now and a lot of people are starting to realize these pillows are actually really great for um you know for gaming more ergonomically which as I get older is something I'm increasingly concerned about back pain wrist pain like lumps in my wrists from leaning on the desk which I suppose to dermatize about recently I was like what are these lumps in my wrist and they were like uh have you you've have you got trauma like have you had an injury and I was like No And then they were like do you work at a desk all day and I was like yeah yeah yeah so it's kind of that kind of stuff but anyway here's a note from Halal who's one of one of valari's Founders I've been a huge fan of the Xbox 2 and I've been listening to the podcast since pretty much the beginning In fact when we came up with the idea for a lot of valari one of the first things we did was create a custom round out tomorrow pillow and send it to Jazz for his feedback I just wanted to say how much I love the content you put out thank you very much I still catch every single episode we are just two guys who love gaming and came with a cool product to fix a problem we were both having so to be able to come back after two years and sponsor the show is really proud moment hopefully this is the thought of a great working relationship and we love to be able to put an Xbox 2 pillow into production one day that would be super cool if they could do that but is here's the read have you put the video up the videos right yes people can see the see the pillow yeah and the everything's in the description if you want to check it out but yeah go ahead Jess if you're like me and you join long gaming session even if you don't finish games yeah yeah yeah how to get that in there huh yeah um then you know that eventually pan discomfort starts to set in it could be your shoulders your neck or maybe your wrists or your back if you're me um it all depends on how you sit and try to get comfortable uh try to get into a comfortable position but in most cases it won't be good for your posture putting as unnecessary straight in one body part or another and that's definitely true for me like I constantly have back pain um like if I don't take a good amount of time trying to figure out you know what's the best position to be sitting in some of the younger listeners probably probably talking like what the hell am I talking about once you once you hit like mid-30s you'll know what I'm talking about yeah um but anyway this is where the Ferrari gaming pillow steps in not just any ordinary pillow it's specifically designed with games in mind providing ergonomic support and cushioning for those long gaming sessions picture this you're deep in an intense gaming session slaying demons farming XP or building that killstreak over time discomfort setting and your focus starts to waver well not with Volare inspired by nursing pillows Volare takes the best features and makes them even better larger thicker and just way cooler it wraps around your waist no matter your size that's good for round offering elevated support for your elbows arms and hands evenly Distributing your weight and relieving strain on your shoulders neck back and wrists one thing I've noticed ran while playing with the steam deck and the Isis Rock Ally for long periods of time I start getting pins and needles in my hands if I'm not using a pillow on my on my uh my stomach or something to you know raise it up a bit and then the Volari is perfect for that kind of scenario especially if you game on the couch especially if you're using a handheld you're playing xcloud or steam deck or something like that um Volaris ergonomic design keeps your spine aligned naturally thereby promoting better posture way play trust us your older self will thank you for that and I know Rand will thank valari for that yes it is best for console gaming or handheld like this switch steam deck or Raj Ally but Volari isn't just for gaming it's a versatile pillow that enhances you're comfortable reading watching movies or simply relaxing on your couch and let's talk style as Gamers we know that gaming is as much about Aesthetics as customization as it is about being that level 97 boss and the Sleek design premium materials it has a touch of modern style to any game itself or or living room the covers are removable machine washable too so you can mix and match Styles and Designs comes in several versions the rare which promotes comfort and style and affordable price the legendary which adds a premium touch with a wide variety of color combination embroidery designs with special IP license covers in the works and launch it very soon is the Epic Valaria which is a fully customizable pillow allowing you to pick the colors embroidery design and even add your gamer tag so no matter your budget or style we have you covered so visit and use the code Xbox 2 xb2 sorry XB and the number two for 15 off or use the links in the description for an instant affiliate link and uh experience the difference for yourself and yes again that promo code is xb2 15 off of treat yourself to the ultimate game companion with Volare and a big thank you to Volare for sponsoring this episode of the Xbox 2 podcast yeah I really I really really like mine it's really really awesome and um sadly mine is in the UK right now it's pretty big so I couldn't really fit it in a backpack or something to bring it across but it has to be big because you know it fits every every size and as we know uh we're we're not we're not on the slim side definitely not definitely not so definitely not but it does it does have this like it has like a a clip on the back so you can sort of you sort of roll it up and then clip it together so it can be pullable too like but not in my backpack but um it can be packed away and stuff like that it's a really good product the materials are really great like even for sleeping on like you can put your face on the pillow it feels really nice on the skin and stuff like that highly recommend it genuinely great product and uh seriously thanks for Larry for sponsoring us it's awesome everything's in the description the uh the link and the uh the promo code XB 215 you get 15 off so thank you so much guys I hope you uh hope they're smiling when they when they watch this right so they're in the chat oh are they in the chat okay because I was making sure I was making sure you weren't clipping during that wow because you know you always tend to clip during during these sort of things so I don't know why like when I'm performing I raise my voice for some reason I don't know why it's like it's like a weird a weird habit or something I don't know yeah but it's not just um it's not just for Larry who's uh helping out the channel it's also the the wonderful patrons right jazz and are you gonna yeah yeah we got some shout outs we got questions later on we uh just did Xbox two ultimate and on Wednesday for any of you guys I want to go check that out as well um you know we we have Xbox two plus one coming on Tuesday if if I'm not mistaken correct Jazz with yes we do uh no it's on Tuesday Yeah Tuesday the 15th Tuesday yeah I said Tuesday Tuesday the 15th with Kyle Moriarty of Last Stand media I'm sure that's going to be a very interesting Xbox PlayStation discussion so uh it's probably one not to be missed uh if if you know uh maybe there might even be some fireworks I don't know we'll see we'll see how that goes uh here we go yeah so we have for shout outs we have Saucy mods James the granite a bit Chris parnisa I'm probably upset James wisely I know I always screw screw names up you know that's just how I am Chris Bernice starsman hey blinking Army dude 52c Ryan kipple foreign object Mythic Martin moronic donkey 99 machazilla Randall Thor 19 Silas Eric Gregory Elijah Vazquez James Moore Halo is the franchise player catriacs bright Tundra one man with the million Dogecoin Justin duel Frank Marino PB bro King aceit and Madison untidy Tim Grizzly mofo OG Governor Graham dizzy huffin Andrew Courtney wagerman achievement the Scarecrow 121 Darren trophy Prof JJJ Butterball League Ghost Face Killer Wolfgang kpz and Ralph Wiggum thank you guys so much for uh supporting what we do here on the Xbox 2 podcast yes you guys rock yeah I am uh I'm looking forward to Tuesday though I am very much to uh talking to Colin and seeing if well we ain't gonna change his mind anything but uh should be hey we might I I doubt it I very much doubt it um oh man yes so uh let's uh let's take a look at some of these uh super chats we got here uh in fact James wiser was the first one he says whatever Rockstar is pulling I'm sorry I I apologize I just see it and I say it I mean hell you know when one of my good friends uh Maca 91 who in Maka 91 Productions who does like achievements and stuff I've been saying his last name wrong for years apparently it's how do you say I say I say it Maca but it's like maca you know and it's like he just doesn't care he's just whatever it's just Rand you know everybody else calls them the right I just call it that way probably because even before I knew him I was just saying his name or at least saying it in my head so I'm just horrible with pronunciations so I apologize uh he says James says what Rockstar is pulling is actually a bit of a disgrace it is more their fault of Nintendo and Playstation being lackluster or on their back back compat well this is going to actually be a topic but yeah it's it's sort of interesting that you have Baldur's Gate come out and what it provides and what they're doing and then you have Rockstar one of the biggest devs in the world maybe one of the most well-known with certainly one of the biggest IPS in the world right I mean Grand Theft Auto is massive but even Red Dead Redemption there's no slouch either I think they just reported it sold like 55 million copies Red Dead Redemption 2. yeah and forever people have just wanted oh please Red Dead Redemption come on Rockstar put it on New Gen give us a 60 FPS 4K please it's like easy money bro right like it would sell millions because they're freaking rock star and it's red dead and they just don't care they just are like people are just gonna buy it regardless and we're gonna do the least amount of effort you know I I don't I hate saying it because it gets into the whole lazy Dev thing because you know Rockstar's not actually making it it's like double 11 but still it's kind of like embarrassing to a certain degree you know what I mean especially when you like stack it up against other games that are releasing or other uh like remasters or remakes that have come out and I don't even know what you would classify this as sir is it a remaster certainly not a remake is it just like a portal it's a Port Elizabeth yeah it's really cool um it's it's funny because I've had people asking me like why isn't this coming to Xbox because like in the announcement I like Red Dead Redemption coming to Nintendo switch on PlayStation and it's like the reason it's not coming Xbox is because it's already on Xbox the the port essentially is already on Xbox because of backwards compatibility you know and backwards compatibility as the you know the boosted frame rate and all that kind of stuff and we you know how long have how long have we had this we've added at least two two or three years I want to say been there for a while what an Xbox um back is compatible Red Dead Redemption oh I mean it's it was backwards compatible on the on I'm not sure what I mean we got backwards compatible on the Xbox One in 2015. and I I don't know if Red Dead Redemption was part of the initial batch maybe it was I I I'm I don't know but I do know that they updated it to 4K for the 1X that's why they use like the Ho Chi mentioned and that's like yeah so you you could play it at 4K if you have the back compat version and whatever which so never because it never came to it never came natively I guess you would say to PS4 or Xbox One it was just back and Pat through uh the back and Pat program and now they're like releasing it as a port for the PS4 and the thing is there were so many people looking forward to this me being one of them because I was like you know what it's been a long time since I played Red Dead Redemption a long time and I love that game and I was like bro you give me like Red Dead with 60 frames and 4K and work in multiplayer not that I care about the multiplayer but I'm sure a lot of people do you dropped it I'll replay it because I haven't played it since probably 2010 maybe right it's been a long time I mean hell give me Red Dead Redemption 2 at 60 frames on on current gen and I probably would Replay that I loved Red Dead Redemption 2. you think that's just like easy money right considering it's a Dev and a game franchise that people are going to buy this isn't like a a project where you worry where you're like oh man are people really gonna really gonna buy this how many copies are we actually gonna sell you know we have questions and oh maybe we cut some Corners here and there because we're not really sure of the return this is Rockstar and red dead and they they basically cheapened out just like they did with the Grand Theft Auto trilogy of remasters right how how much people were pissed off at them for that it's like if there's any studio in the world that could spend a lot of money remaking or remastering some of their classic it's literally them they if they actually did a proper remaster a remake of the Grand Theft Auto 3 Trilogy which sold Millions upon Millions because they are beloved but instead it was like we're just gonna spend the least amount of money because our fans are gonna buy this regardless it's corporate greed is what it is jazz it's corporate greed right spending the least amount of money to and then not only that but trying to defend it uh basically the the the CEO of take two says it's a commercially viable price offering it for 50 bucks because also it includes undead nightmare but doesn't include the multiplayer it's like is it really you're you're charging 50 for a PS4 game at this point I I couldn't be more disappointed in Rockstar I I it's it's re you know it I got a theory around I got a theory have you heard of a shrinkflation no what a strength relation a string flash I'm right is a phenomenon it's typically associated with um the food industry so like you've got inflation where they put prices up right to get better margins so we got a lot of that right now especially in Europe where there's like food inflation's you know really high like five percent in some countries and even higher in others so that's uh that's that's kind of um that's the the concept of inflation but true inflation is where they actually shrink physically shrink the product to um to make a profit instead so like you Mars Bars will lose like half an inch or something in length okay and that's that that's saved money like that and I think like it's it's basically Corner cutting right so because shareholders are all like man uh our returns are not that great right now because of all the you know people's spending power has gone down and stuff like that so they're just cutting Corners wherever they can left right and center and it's all about giving them hedge funds and then Big Ticket shareholders as much dividends as possible to keep the share price off and take two share price has been Rocky you know it's been Rocky over the last few years and for a number of reasons I guess um Red Dead online didn't do as well as they'd they'd hoped it would and and stuff like that you know even though it's it's still bigger than a lot of online multiplayer games it's kind of one of them it's not big enough for them you know even though Heroes of the Storm still played by thousands of people it's not big enough for blizzard so it's in maintenance mode kind of thing um so yeah it's uh it's just Cost it's we're gonna see more of this you know and it's it's kind of in the discussion right now in general and uh I think that's another topic that you wanted to talk about today which was IGN's editorial which uh from Destin that really really sort of I don't know really got people's backs up and stuff uh in the in Dev Community because they were just like uh just just to reiterate what the editorial was about it was kind of like it was a criticism of the criticism that some devs have put out there saying like um Boulder's gay it was creating unrealistic expectations uh because it's so big it's so vast it's so complex it's so complicated and so many lines of dialogue and so much choice in the game like I've played I've started two characters in the game with completely completely different experiences completely different path through the story because there's just so much choice in the game and it really reminded me of like how Dragon Age used to be how Mass Effect used to be and how like EA sort of shrink-flated BioWare by cutting all that stuff out you know I remember EA was saying like only 30 of people played Renegade so in their mind they were like okay so that was 30 of Gamers don't matter so in Mass Effect Andromeda we'll strip out all the choice you know because people ultimately only want to play as a good guy but then the problem with that is if your choices don't matter then playing a good guy doesn't feel as good anyway so yeah it's it's a whole massive discussion and it basically boils down to shareholders are sucking the life out of creativity and that's you know where we are with this it's it's sort of like they could but it's reductive because if they tried harder they would make more money at least in theory and I just don't know why they don't pursue that but it's whatever but like we knew this is kind of like a problem when Grand Theft Auto trilogy came out the way it did and it still sold millions of copies well yeah but I mean like it's like oh well they got away with it and they stole millions of copies and they probably made a lot of money on it a lot of profit and it's like well what's next up red dead people have been asking for Red Dead and you know the thing was there's like oh we saw the ratings for people were getting excited the people were dreaming about oh my God Red Dead remade and the the Red Dead 2 engine right their their expectations were were to the Moon right they were like really really high they were expecting 60 frames all this sort of stuff a new graphical layers because it was going to be in the Red Dead 2 engine and then all you essentially get is a port of the Xbox One X uh you know back compat upgraded version and with nothing else and not only that it's not like it's cheap either it's not like they're selling it for 20 bucks they're selling it for 50. because because they can they can they can say oh we're also including Undead Nightmare which is a standalone thing and we're including this so the product so it's 50 bucks so it's like they're doing the bare minimum of work yet again and more than likely people are gonna buy it because people are going to see Red Dead Redemption on the switch and they're going to see it on that PlayStation store and they're gonna be like I want to play this it's well-known franchise so they're probably gonna buy it and it comes out soon too it comes out literally like what next week Thursday next week August 17th right yes don't feel like that yeah and this sort of just dovetails into this whole thing of um Destin Gary's opinion editorial editorial on IGN abaha like Baldur's Gate is essentially cause and devs to panic and you really couldn't get a better time to release Baldur's Gate because you have examples of games that have come out recently that have either not performed well performance wise like you know Jedi Survivor on the consoles or general Survivor on the PC or Last of Us on the PC where you get these PC ports that are absolutely terrible and you're wondering why these games came out in this state and that's the problem like with modern AAA gaming it seems is that features are always missing and they'll say oh we're just going to patch it later and when you buy a game day one it's a crap shoot whether or not the thing works whether or not you're getting the product that you actually are paying for and then sometimes when you don't you get angry right and even with Star Wars Jedi Survivor they haven't really fixed the performance mode on that game yet and I don't know if they're ever going to in fact they're they're making the game for PS4 and Xbox One now I don't know how the hell is that game's gonna run right so you have you have Baldur's Gate a game that's coming out a game that I will say I am now predicting is going to win game of the year I thought the whole year I thought Zelda had that unlock I'm switching I think Baldur's Gate's gonna win I agree I don't know I don't know why I just I just kind of feel it I think they're independent and they usually have like an indie and then they're not independent in the way like stray was nominated last year but I feel like with the strong surge of people behind the game and what it's doing I just have this feeling that it's going to to win it's just going to be like here's this brand new experience that's doing all these things right no performance problems no micro transactions no battle passes a complete game from start to finish a complete game to start to finish that is packed with content and then you sort of compare it to other releases and it just kind of shames them to the point where you have Developers kind of coming out on on social media being like yo yo yo you don't don't you dare judge our game based on what Baldur's Gate did and based on what larian has done this is not you can't this is a a unicorn and it's like I'm watching Dustin yeah it's a unicorn like that's what they did don't expect anybody else ever to do don't expect this sort of polished experience with all these sort of things with with us not asking you for extra money don't expect that as a standard in the video game industry right and Dustin kind of he really must have pissed people off but I was listening to it and I was just like I sort of agree with mostly everything he says right I agree too and I really do like then you dovetail into this whole you know you get this whole Red Dead situation and you're just like sometimes I just think these companies think we're just we're just walking wallets right yeah I I there's a lot of there's a lot of out of touchery with the with the I've just invented a word um there's a lot of touchery with um with Destin's commentary I think from devs you know because at the end of the day like that they feel they feel Under Pressure I think a lot of devs do and um to be prepared to refer to them destinput devs in the title true I would have put Publishers in the title because at the end of the day it's Publishers setting these budgets it's Publishers setting these expectations and it's it's Publishers nickel and diming contractors it's Publishers who are nickel and diming us and like no no Dev sits there and thinks you know how many pre-order editions can we get into this game you know if that's all the publisher that's all the marketing teams that's all the the people trying to figure out how shareholders can maintain their yachts and hedge funds can get their their cut and all that kind of stuff it's a racket man it's a racket and it siphons creativity and that's why bioware's dead and that's why um you know the next Dragon Age isn't even an RPG and that's why you know all these kind of games are sort of paired back and half-assed and half-hearted and low budget um meanwhile there's larion who is an independent developer doesn't have shareholders to answer to just for the passion of games they're being rewarded for it these are the kind of games that BioWare used to make these are the kind of games that like a lot of these devs used to make before shareholders were in the picture siphoning profits away and all that kind of stuff so um I agree with the I agree with it in essence I would have framed it a little bit differently in the title and stuff because developers are a victim of this too they're artists and they get into this business to create art they don't get into this business to you know create to put de Nuvo in their into their games they don't get into the business too generally speaking at least I'm not speaking for every Dev in the world but like a lot of the devs I speak to they're artists and they wanna they wanna they wanna make great experiences they don't really think about like the profitability factor of of XYZ feature and stuff you know so yeah I uh this I'm glad that pull this guy is bringing up these conversations and I had an editorial that did really really well uh the other week where I can't remember what my own title was um it was something like Boulder's gay is booking industry Trends and devs uh games are rewarding them for it because we were told that turn-based games were were no good and old school and old-fashioned words that's what Square was saying Square was saying yeah with their final fantas no people don't want that anymore right yeah EA is kind of implying that too yeah the next Dragon Age essentially dropped all all tactical gameplay in exchange for you know action-oriented gameplay judging by those leaks and stuff you know we don't know for sure if Dragon Age is going to completely ditch the the freeze the freeze freeze mode tactical gameplay because if you play Dragon Age on a higher difficulty you kind of have to use those that that tactical view sometimes you know to set up your Combos and stuff and I really thought Dragon Age Origins and even Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition they were a good path they were a good halfway between tactical old school kind of gameplay and the sort of modern style because Dragon Age is is a successor to Baldur's gay you know it's it's a it's a black Isle Studio's DNA um who made those classic kind of games and Dragon Age was literally a success to builders gate pillars of Eternity was accessible to get as well and um that was also turned based tactical and and that was one of the at the time please of attorney was one of the most crowd-funded games ever so clearly there's an audience for this it's just it has to you know it it took six years for him to make it so like I appreciate the risk involved can you imagine if Boulders gay had been a complete flop or whatever sure probably would slink the studio or they would be looking for a buyout essentially right yeah it would it would have been rot so publishers Publishers have I mean if we if we're going to play Devil's Advocate say from a Publisher's perspective for a second publisher would be like oh my God takes six years on a a crpg Style game um that's kind of risky for us so it's no wonder like Square Enix would rather make a sort of more linear experience you know and stuff like that or you know EA would drop the choice the choices from from Mass Effect and stuff because I I I knew right because I can't remember where I saw this I can't remember if it was an interview or a Dev diary or something but they were talking like we looked at the data from Mass Effect and saw that only so many people played a renegade or whatever Renegade being the the bad the bad guy play through you know it's not it's not a bad guy per se but it's like it's like the militaristic sort of like get the job done no matter what kind of choices right um and uh I knew when they were talking about how there were less players playing Renegade I knew Telemetry was telling them to not add a renegade playthrough you know even though and they missed the point the point was even though people didn't play Renegade it it still meant that the choices you were making as a paragon they had more weight they mattered because you could see what the outcome of playing a renegade would be and it also enhanced replayability as well you know to a lesser degree um but it felt like you're getting more for nothing but in EA's EA's eyes they're just seeing a whole bunch of content that they've paid for Voice work and all that kind of stuff and cutscenes and animations they're just seeing a whole bunch of work that no one's ever going to see that's what they're seeing in their mind right even though it's still elevated the game even if you weren't seeing it because it makes your choices feel better it makes your choices feel like actual choices and not being ramroded into the the four options which are yes yes yes and yes which Fallout 4 got planned for and I was worried Fallout 4 was going I fall out and Bethesda were going down that route as well because Fallout even Fallout 4 felt like it had a lot less Choice than Fallout New Vegas or Fallout 3. it was one of one of the things that really bugged me about Fallout 4 even though I played it a lot and I really like the base Builder mechanics I really liked it as a game overall a choice the choice the choice aspect of Fallout 4 really sucked and I think they they realized their mistake and tried to back pedal a bit in some of the DLC like some of the DLC had better choices and when Bethesda was even talking about like um Starfield one of the first things they said was this is we're going back to our boots this is going to be more hardcore more hardcore RPG similar to our older games like Oblivion and stuff like that so I kind of feel like Bethesda took that feedback on board and hopefully it'll be reflected in Starfield and especially Elder Scrolls 6. but but yeah I just I just really hope bald is gay make some of these AAA Studios who make these kind of games and these RPGs take another look take a look at themselves take another look at themselves because I keep coming back to BioWare but it really is BioWare is the is the greatest example of this like Dragon Age is one of my favorite franchis of all time Dragon Age Origins is one of my favorite games of all time I've completed that game like 10 times one of the few games I've played like multiple times over and again and I just feel like since Dragon Age Origins BioWare has gone down and down and down things they were purchased by EA you know and then we ended up with Anthem and pretty much the almost death of the studio just like they've done to all the other Studios and it's because they EA are really bad at balancing cost cutting profitability with the art of creation and that's why like all the people who want to create are from bioware's early days they all left the studio all the good writers all the good producers and directors and all that stuff that got fed up with EA and they went off to make indie game studios you know Indie devs and stuff which you know I got a migrate go great games too but they're never gonna they're never gonna be able to make something truly Grand like Baldur's Gate three without having like hundreds of Debs like larion is just such a rare Studio they are such a rare Studio in that they're independent but they're massive and they're also capable of making these experiences I just I just hope they can continue on as they are I mean obviously people eventually want to sell you know they want to make their millions and go off into the sunset that's the whole point of business the thing is is like yeah I don't even care about Baldur's Gate 3. it from judging from the gameplay it's not a game I would particularly enjoy to play maybe I'll play it when it comes to Xbox I'm more like hanging on and and interested into what developers can take away from this or how essentially they might get called out for it because you have a game here that's blown up and essentially done everything right at the same time you know you still have developers releasing broken games or changing games after release like Diablo 4 and essentially pissing off their entire Community or selling 20 skins for their multiplayer stuff and it really just here you here's a perfect example of like a studio and a game and what they did and it really just exposes a lot of the greed within the gaming industry and a lot of how the corporations just view us as a walking wall and be like oh well we can release this broken The Gamers will still buy it we'll release some hype trailers and then promise to fix it later oh you know what we're barely have any customization stuff for free here's some really cool looking skins right like Bungie just had their state of gaming like report where they basically said yeah you know what we don't really have enough people in here to make Gambit anymore or to make new stuff for Gambit or more multiplayer maps and we don't even have any yeah we can't really do like free seasonal armors but you know we're still gonna make sure that we have three sets of armor every single season for you to buy right it just it you see these developers come out from like Diablo to Bungie to like here with red dead and talk about you know the problems they have and why they can't do something and then on the flip side here's Larry and just basically delivering on all fronts without the need for Mike it just puts a lot of stuff in perspective right um for me but enough enough about balter's Gate 3 because I'm sure people are probably like rolling their eyes because it's not coming to Xbox until probably 20 well it is coming next spot that's the other sort of stuff I've been seeing lately is how it's now a console exclusive for PlayStation to the point where even uh delarian publishing dude was like no it's not right suddenly PlayStation guys are 100 behind this game that they probably didn't even know existed two weeks ago and suddenly you're like it's see we have the game of the year and it's kind of like bro PlayStation guys they don't really like they ain't really down with that type of experience with that type of game and you are also the type of people that said hey XBox doesn't have any exclusives because all your games are on PC right Forza motorsport's not an exclusive because it's on PC star field that's the other one when someone says star fields and XBox exclusive man that angers some people because there's like no it's not it's on Steam it's on PC it's not an exclusive right you can like see the veins popping out of their foreheads when they when they repeat that right so like you have these dudes being like no XBox doesn't have any exclusives and they haven't since 2016 because other games are on PC but suddenly Baldur's Gate is now an exclusive but how's that it's not even out on Playstation yet it's literally only out on PC what are you talking about and of course well the console war stuff I just kind of find it hilarious that they're touting the game they didn't even know existed and they only care about because now it's getting really good reviews and it's not coming to Xbox because of the series s right so it's like we could just dunk on it um you know because I the question is is Xbox missing out by having not having this game at launch right I think I think no because stop failed yeah well that was that was not gonna like you'd never want a game to skip your platform and obviously a game like Baldur's Gate uh caliber uh potential Game of the Year winner is something you definitely don't want to skip yes but then you look at when it's coming and you're like well that probably doesn't make a lot of sense for layering to release it on Xbox anyways like here here's what here's what I imagine Larry and stinking marketing wise all right we can release early on PC where most of our audience is going to be right we can get all the accolades we can get all the Talking Points about how it's Game of the Year it's going to trickle down to the PlayStation uh ecosystem you know the number one platform and we've already seen supposedly that the pre-orders are number one over there right so PlayStation guys get really into it they start touting the game even more on social media because it's not on Xbox right so the game comes out on there play Xbox guys get to play Star field and then probably what they're planning for and hoping for is that the game is nominated for multiple multiple Game of the Year nods at the key leaves and as well as different websites and potentially win Achilles and then they can start like a second marketing campaign to release that game on Xbox in 2020 forwards like finally get your hands on 2023's Game of the Year now on Xbox right where they can find him maybe I'll have finished most stuff yeah well like so so I'm not playing again I'll play it again on Xbox well because it's because it's like and you have you have multiple multiple like uh wow the word I'm looking for like uh life stage is not life stages but multiple different stages of the game where it's like you have the PC version and how that blows up then you you get the PS5 version and then you win the awards and then you can do the Xbox version and then all the XBox guys will be really excited to finally be able to play it because they've done with star field and done with Forza it's kind of at least that would I would imagine would be the plan I just find it hilarious to suddenly see like PlayStation guys being like Baldur's game bro Dungeons and Dragons are my thing I'm totally interested in this game I didn't even know existed two weeks ago thanks Xbox series s well I'll be completely honest like this is my kind of game like I play I play crpgs I love pillars of Eternity I love um Wasteland you know even though wasteland's sort of not in the completely the same vein it's more like a half it's like a x-com clpg hybrid kind of um but I really really love these kind of tactical games especially RPGs and and stuff like that but even I was kind of shocked by how much this game showed up man because like divinity original sin I played the original Divinity original sin um I never finished it uh but I I came in kind of late to it and it already felt a little dated I kind of felt like and then I never picked up the Vintage original sin too because it just I guess because the time it came out or something and then like one thing I did notice was we reviewed a game called Pathfinder I think it's called Pathfinder if I'm remembering correctly I never really played this either but um the review was really big on Windows Central and I was like man there's like people are starting to you know come around to these kind of games again maybe and I think after bald is gay like it's it's kind of great for Xbox because Xbox has all the studios that make these kind of games they've got like an exile you know there's going to be a wasteland 4 eventually Wasteland 3 is quite successful and I got a feeling they're going to do pillars of Eternity three like they're doing a vowed which is kind of going to be the action oriented game in that universe and I got a feeling they'll probably do they'll probably do pillars of Eternity 3 for Xbox as well and in the more old school van maybe with the new engine or something maybe that could slap it on the Wasteland engine I don't know but anyway um it's just great to see and I really like the discourse with regards to we want more out of AAA Publishers they they make so much money every quarter you've got yay bragging and whatever and all this stuff they can't even give us time for they can't even give us a new time for man they can't even give us a new Titanfall and they shut down Battlefront to development and man I just I'm just fed up with this Triple A Studios man a lot of them just they just don't earn their key they just don't earn it man and they they expect us to constantly keep giving to their games and they haven't earned they haven't earned a lot of um the stuff like what Larry's been earning recently with its effort so I'm glad gamers are turning up to review both um the support Builders gate because ultimately it'll support you know hopefully higher quality across the board and in that van as well I won't buy the Red Dead Redemption Port if you want Rockstar to keep treating you guys like crap as well you know but there's the thing we know it'll sell just like the GTA Trilogy sold even though that was lackluster as well so what can you do yeah shout out to uh navish Fox for being this member of a channel appreciate you man uh someone has a question in chat some some bits as random Xbox gamer and Xbox fanboy it's an interesting question isn't it would you what would what would you classify that as me as Jazz if you had you know I'm gonna ask chat that let's let's start a poll because I'm curious myself what would you classify me as jazz uh you're an Xbox fan I wouldn't call you a fan boy the way I see the way I think of fanboyism is someone who kind of enjoys enjoys the failure of all the platforms and but for the degree that they only feel justified in their purchase if the other platforms are struggling insecure that they've bought the wrong console so they have to they have to get on social media 24 7 and sort of stand constantly and and stuff like that that's what I consider a fanboy to be someone who's just constantly hating the other platforms and stuff and I don't really hear you hating the other Platforms in fact you probably play more PlayStation games and a lot of these dudes who claim to be super fans of the game their games and you you play way more PlayStation games than I do I don't consider myself a fanboy either um because I don't enjoy when PlayStation fails and I don't enjoy when Nintendo fails because why would I I don't really I don't really care about that kind of stuff yeah what fun boys do I think I enjoy it I think I'm I think I'm both I I mean obviously like a game everywhere but I I do think there's a little bit I am an Xbox Fanboy I'm just not and I'm just not a Xbox console Warrior I don't need to downplay PlayStation to make Xbox looks better I don't think that makes you a fanboy no but like Fanboy is kind of like a weird sort of term that gets thrown around and has very many different meanings I mean I get maybe you could say I'm just like a really huge Xbox fan that kind of Treads the line the Fanboy um I know I just saw that question I was just like ah this is this is interesting um because I I know what I I definitely view myself as like I'm not some sort of neutral I definitely have my extreme preference of where I enjoyed to play stuff right so I'm not pretending to be like I love PlayStation and I'm just a regular old gamer everywhere I'm just not someone who needs to fault you know uh kind of just always talk about the negatives of PlayStation without talking about their positives you know uh because certainly on this channel we'll talk about the positives of Xbox and we'll definitely talk about the negatives of Xbox uh yeah and then we'll praise someone need it like there's you know sometimes I get a lot of message like we'll see in chat being like hey you guys are too negative about Xbox right so it's kind of like I don't know it's it's it's this weird thing I I just thought it was an interesting comment I mean I don't I think Fanboys are incapable of criticizing their own platform too like we see this a lot from some certain PlayStation content creators and Twitter accounts they just can't criticize PlayStation under any circumstances the last two articles I wrote about Xbox were critical you know because I Wanna Get Better products out of them you know and that's what journalism should be about you know the journalistic integrity and that kind of stuff I I work for the Xbox Community not for Xbox but some of these guys they work for PlayStation not the PlayStation Community yeah but anyway I think that that's where that's where it ultimately becomes Fanboy is when you can't criticize the platform I think it's maybe because I mentioned like PlayStation guys and obviously I don't mean like as a uh as a whole group is just a certain selection of ones I have in mind maybe like five or ten who always are kind of doing that thing I don't mean like the entirety of PlayStation Nation because that would be utterly ridiculous right it's just it's just there's a few I see on social media that always kind of Bend with been with the the wind yeah right it's just kind of funny to sort of call out um but yeah anyways um what's what's the polo we got 200 votes got 71 say an Xbox gamer and 30 30 saying he's a total Fanboy so that's fine with me uh poochie member for 18 months says the term Fanboy has always been crazy to me especially coming from sports fans everybody has a preference and you can root for a side yeah I think the difference is like and I I see the sports analogy all the time about hey I'm I'm a Bears fan I root for the Bears and consoles are kind of the same thing like I see that sort of sort of thing you know but you know like the console stuff is more like that's a commercial product and I guess you could say sports like the Lakers and stuff those are commercial products too but they seem less so right but because you there's really I think like I think I think when it's friendly because a lot a lot of sports is Banter and it's friendly and it's not it's not with hate but some of these specifically Fanboys they genuinely hate people who like Xbox or they genuinely hate people who like PlayStation you know that's true so and and you also get pc pc dudes who are constantly belittling console Gamers and they don't do it in a joking way they do it in a genuine like oh I'm somehow Superior because I can afford a three thousand dollar RTX 4090 gaming rig and it's just kind of like bruh you know it's it's not a big of a deal it's all gaming at the end of the day like I we're friendly this friendly Banner about like um you can have friendly Banner without being a fanboy like I think I um I said on Twitter the other day uh I was I was tweeting about Baldur's Gate three because I noticed I was in a volcanic area and I noticed that the the characters sweat when you're in a volcanic area and I thought that was a really cool little detail that I've not really seen in many other games and then some people were pointing out like oh Zelda does this and I was like yeah but I'm talking about real games you know oh oh man that's not the real games yeah the real game so that's like I would consider that to be friendly Banner you know obviously I don't really think that about Zelda you know and I respect wholeheartedly Zelda as a franchise what it's done for gaming but I think it's amongst friends you can have you can have friendly Banner like that but some people would take that really to heart and get really offended and triggered and be like oh my God who do you slander the greatness of Zelda like that even if even in a joking kind of way you know yeah oh yeah I don't know uh Kyle says Rand Red Sox or Cubs White Sox all the way baby hate the Cubs I've always hated the Cubs but that was kind of drilled Into Me growing up all right I grew up you know I'm obviously on the South Side um not saying that all South Side you know people live on the south side or Sox fans but we used to go to Kaminsky Park I used to go to when Kaminsky Park was still Kaminsky before they knocked it down and built U.S Cellular Field and whatever the hell the name of the name it is now we used to go like five or seven times a year and the thing was my grandpa always told me from like earliest age that I that I can remember that if I was ever became a Cubs fan he would disown me and I believed them that's the thing like he was serious every time we'd always talk about the Bulls and the socks and the Blackhawks but like you we didn't talk about the Cubs the Cubs was kind of that taboo top topic that you know we didn't talk about and we knew you know Grandpa he he hates the Cubs and it sort of like kind of filtered down to us so like I've been to I probably been to like I don't know 40 White Sox games in my life I've never been to a Cubs game and you know honestly I might sound like an for saying this and that's how I know like I'm an uh you know it's different like because to me it's like I sometimes think Fanboys wish for the other consoles or other the games to fail like you want PlayStation to fail you want you know last of us three to be uh a bomb you want Nintendo to fail right that's sort of how I felt about the Cubs I always was happy when the Cubs were awful and I was just like there there's two teams I'm rooting for the White Sox and the team playing the Cubs and I was always happy when the Cubs uh blew games when Steve Bartman reached over and Moises Alou threw his mitt and they they didn't get to the World Series or my friends who were Cubs fans were always disappointed that they lost I would I would like take pleasure in the misery of cubs fans right obviously this is when I was younger now I don't I don't care at all but you know mostly up until like my I don't know maybe my mid-20s it was very much like F the Cubs and after fans and I hope they always lose and I hope they never win and I sort of like view that in the same way like Xbox PlayStation Nintendo were like those PlayStation toxic Fanboys root for Xbox to fail or don't want them around and want Starfield to bomb and want all that sort of stuff so they can leave I sort of kind of view them as like similar so I know I know what that feeling's like because I used to be that person I used to I used to just hope that the Cubs just lost and their fan base was just crying every single day at the Wrigley Field seriously always well this I suppose that's why it's a bit alien to me I've never been into sports but the the closest thing to that I suppose I can relate to is when um uh I don't know man I suppose it's like when Apple and Google fail I kind of like to say apple at Google fail uh but that's that's it I suppose and even then it's like I'm not that bothered about it it's just funny a little bit funny I guess mobile phone mobile phone Fanboy Wars no that's that's real Fanboys bro oh well back in the day not so much anymore I think everyone just kind of accepts that Apple's one now um but you know back in the day people used to fight by that and I still see it now like people get bullied if they've got the wrong color in America especially because Android's quite quite much bigger in Europe than I think it is in America but isn't there the whole thing in America where you have the wrong color Chat bubbles on iOS or something because Apple Flags people who've got an Android phone I don't know yeah it's it's um Chicago White Sox fan yes Chicago Rose Sox fan my entire life bro I got I got a like emotional when they won the World Series in 2005. um you know my grandpa hadn't seen one I mean I remember like I couldn't believe it I I got more emotional when they won the World Series in 2005 than I ever did for any of the Bulls championships when I was you know growing up when the Michael Jordan won those six championships like that stuff I don't know that touches you in a place not many many things really can but it's it's just it's just it's it's just funny to talk about how I wished misery for Cubs fancy fans yes I was happy when they lost and I was happy I was even happier when like they were on the verge of greatness and it was like snatched away at them at the last second right well because then they thought they thought they were going to be happy and they were going to win and then nope you're not you're still the loser Cubs with their loser fans over at Wrigley Field oh man I love that but it's still it still sounds like it's good hard fun right it's not like football Hooligans hooliganism in Britain where sure actually fight to the death over this anyways that was interesting uh kind of side note uh Muhammad says Boulder's Gate 3 is too good 35 hours still in Act One seeing myself leave it at 50 hours might have made a mistake not sure if I could finish it before SF so that's Starfield yeah a lot it's long game hopefully you can finish before them our buddy sin Vendetta and Super Chat says Rand Jazz quick question about both the steam deck and the Rog Ally can you dock them to the TV and play the games on your TV Jazz can yes you can do that for both yes you can um you need a couple of notes though you need a proper compatible dock for it so like some docs they won't output 60 frames 1080p properly and I found out I found this out at the very very hard way so make sure you're getting a compatible dock for the Rog Ally or the steam deck and then also you need to make sure you've got the right speed of HDMI cable so make sure you've got like a high quality HDMI cable make sure you've got high quality charger for it as well and then it should work um but yeah like the Isis Rog Ally is literally just a laptop in a handheld phone Factor so anything you could do with a Windows laptop you can plug in Windows laptop into a TV same thing yeah um we have Hendrix saying in the Super Chat the ABK deal made it clear cloud gaming is not a different Market PS got the Mind share uh they win the cloud now when they push for nothing wrong with Xbox the second place it's about growing the pie we got dead Planet sane regardless of the uh Baldur's Gate 3 is a PS console exclusive talk film company can't be wanting this to be an ongoing issue if it is a series s you think they worried I honestly don't know they've got to be like with the forza thing like today like Forza just announced there won't be split screen at launch I can't help but wonder if the series S is to blame here again like it's just a conspiracy theory right now I don't know for sure I suppose I could fly anytime anytime split screens mentioned now people are going to point fingers at the series s right yeah because like stopping with Hilo as well well yeah Halo had to cancel their Split Screen Co-op although that also had to work on the Xbox one right so maybe a little different there but Baldur's Gate they're very much out there being like hey we had trouble with the series s and Split Screen Co-op and now Forza Motorsports like yeah not only are they not going to have split screen at launch they're also not going to have spectator mode as well as I think multiplayer racing with AI or something yeah so there's no Ai and it's like it's so weird like what why are these games why is Microsoft struggling to launch a finished game it goes back to what we signed earlier about games not launching finish and yeah this this sort of reminds me a little bit of the Halo launch where it was like all right well the single player campaign and the multiplayer are going to launch but Forge and call up will launch later and it was like ah they should have launched at the same time I mean personally look personally I don't care about Forza Motorsport like that uh I don't care about split screen and anything like split screen doesn't matter to me period end of discussion for any game ever right and I ain't gonna be playing Forza Motorsport like that and and multiplayer or spectator mode so as someone to me it's just like I don't care but it's an interesting Trend considering this game's been in development for I don't know how long now right the last game was in 2017. the game's already been delayed once because it was supposed to come out in Spring and now it's coming out in October and now there's three things that aren't launching that you know Legacy features as they call them and it sort of kind of ties into the discussion we were having earlier about Baldur's Gate and about devs and being panicked and about launching you know games in without all their features I mean I remember when we were going in on redfall about 60 FPS and whether or not that constituted whether the game was complete at launch or not or was it was it still a work in progress and 60fps is still not in redfall right what is that three months later it's still not there who knows when it will be there and who honestly even cares at this point that shouldn't even bother man I just think they should just it's just it's just like what happened and that's the thing like Baldur's Gate releases full with all these features and everything they promised and here's Forza Motorsport again people have been waiting for and they're like three of these Legacy features aren't going to be there so personally to me I'm just like whatever I don't care but if I step outside myself and look at it from like an overall perspective it's like why can't you release a finished product why why aren't those features releasing at the same time you the game was already delayed a lot of people thought the game was coming last year now it's coming out this year like what are the issues you're having with these things why why are you launching you know is it because we need the game out now we just can't do it we just can't push it any further we just can't delay it until next year because it would look bad you know it's it's like what is it Game Pass then wanting content for Game Pass rolling subscription stuff I don't know I mean I didn't I I saw it I didn't well because we were putting together the show so I didn't get a chance to see like maybe there's reasons they gave during the forza monthly or whatever but it's never to me it's never a good look when you basically come out right before launch and say by the way some of these features aren't going to be available at launch it's just kind of it's like ah really I don't know uh I know anything it just kind of it's like what what happened to releasing full complete games you know yeah it's just yeah I don't know I don't know I don't know what to say it's just it's disappointing and I guess for any any uh Forza Motorsport fan is looking forward to those features uh like you know that sucks all right some people are saying that we got it wrong that two of the features will be there just not for specific modes or something I don't know like I said we were we were uh coming doing the show like getting ready for the show when that information hit so it's not like I could actually spend any time um yeah I'll I'll um I'll have a look into that just to make sure yeah your mouse as they took these features out on purpose just an FYI Brit says you need to stop reading incorrect summaries and read the actual Dev videos and comments normally I would I just we were just about to go live and I couldn't so yeah um well even still the point Still Remains that like even if even if Forza is not one of these games that are hipping things incomplete Microsoft has done it plenty with games like redfall infinite you know Beacon of Halo infinite though around I just wanna I just want to go off on a slight little tangent I've constantly been seeing positivity about this game in my feed recently about Halo Infinity yeah I don't know if you've been saying it as well well I think we always said like give it some time after everything's put together and I'm sure because it's sometimes this happens with live service games where it's not at launch where they're really good although Halo infinite was really good at launch it's like they sort of need to stumble and fall and then pick themselves up and see what the community wants and then eventually the games become quite good it sort of happened like with Rainbow Six Siege back in 2015 and 2016. and we sort of I sort of thought this would happen with Halo infinite like once they launched the game got it out there and they went through all their growing pains and what was expected from them from live service and everybody left the studio and they got new management in there and then finally Forge was available and creators could make stuff there that the game would probably see you know uh a Resurgence and it is and people are talking about how good it is now people are talking about how how it's like maybe the best live service game out there um which is great like that's fantastic to see you know Halo fans talking really positive about Halo infinite right now right um I don't I don't think it's translating very far outside of the Hilo fandom see the thing is it's there's so many of these games out there the shooter Market is completely saturated like you maybe if this had happened in 2015 it'd be a different story like with Rainbow Six Siege right uh it kind of stumbled it wasn't very good had a lot of problems and then they nailed it and Off to the Races they're they're going but now you have all these other all these games out there all these shooters out there and it's really tough to compete because not only on on Console do you have fortnite and Call of Duty and Apex Legends which you know Apex Legends is having its issues right now as well but on PC you got like valorant right there it has a lot of competition is essentially what I'm saying so yeah they're they're doing their best sounds like maybe the changes are working the leadership changes are doing what they're supposed to do Halo infinite's in a better place than it's ever been but it's like it mentions like with with all this sort of competition out there with all these live service games that are still doing what they're doing it's it's really hard to see a Resurgence in player activity on PC on Xbox because I think on Xbox it usually hovers in between the 20 and 30 range and on PC it's pretty much you know non-existent for the most part but yeah I mean it's it's very very cool to see that a lot of Halo players are extremely happy with the state of the game currently and if they can just continue that and the leadership team can just kind of you know see what works with this and kind of move it and and make it so sequels or the next games right I don't know it I think I think it I think it signals not only great things currently for Halo infinite but great things for the franchise down the road in the future yeah yeah I'm pretty happy to see it I'll probably do some coverage on that soon because I keep seeing people talk about like when when that satellite is the best live service they talk about how like and this is what this is one thing I wish other games would take from Halo infinite the fact that the battle passes don't expire you can just like okay today I'm gonna work on this battle pass over to that and next time I'm going to work on this bypass you can you can deactivate and activate the bypass you want to work on and you there's no like there's no like false false sense of urgency which I hate about battle passes where they're just like oh you've got to complete it by a certain day or whatever to try and force you to play the game to try and pad that engagement you know it's like I just refuse to participate you know and it's it's kind of like I look at the Battle pass on what's there and if if the content ain't something that I'm especially that hyped about I ain't gonna participate in that sort of bike foremost off because there is literally no reason on Earth why a battle pass should be time limited it's digital content yeah you know why it is though it's fomo that they're relying on the fact that the stuff is only available for a limited time to get you to buy that's that's that's how that stuff operates it's it's stupid though for digital content it's absolutely stupid like I actually like increasingly Rand increasingly I think battle Pat um loot boxes might have been the Lesser evil than a battle pass I'm thinking you want gambling I mean yeah I mean Maybe as long as it's cosmetic gambling I'm not gambling for power but I'm just I don't know man it's just how can these games be sustainable in a way that isn't just complete hausery you know like is I I really want to know like does Halo infinites battle pass system work like is it actually does it still is it still like profitable when they reduce the fomo stuff and the sort of like oh god I've got to do this in a certain amount of time where I'm gonna lose it kind of thing or is yeah or as Microsoft only done that because hello infinite couldn't get out new battle pass is fast enough to justify making them expire but uh I don't know it's the whole the whole industry is annoying with some of this stuff right now I mean I completely appreciate it right but games have to be sustainable I completely appreciate that to be sustainable they have to have a lot of devs and there has to be some kind of ongoing Revenue stream you know if that if we do want these games that sort of um don't expire eventually and Call of Duty kind of created this model where it was like well we'll just release the same game every year with some different Maps you know and call it a new game you know because let's face it that's that's the reality of Call of Duty things to maybe Call of Duty 4. it's basically like the same engine numbers changed maybe some you know swap swap the era but the same engine blah blah and they built a whole empire on that model right so every instead of paying like every few months for battle pass you pay it every year for like the yearly passed to Call of Duty franchise or whatever um and then maybe they'd do some map packs on top but then they started realizing map packs were a stupid thing because it split the community up and would affect the matchmaking times so three Maps probably were better as well but then it's kind of like well how can we give out free maps without some kind of ongoing Revenue stream so I appreciate there has to be some kind of ongoing Revenue stream if they do want to have this sort of universe where the games live on longer than this the you know the the typical you know retail sell through um but I don't know what the answer is personally I just don't know all I know is that kids are growing up with this stuff thinking it's normal and while we're bitching and complaining about it all the kids are happily doing their gacha roles in genshin they don't care and I think this is what gaming is that's what I think they think gaming is normal so everyone all of you guys listen to this podcast we're the old people we're the old people Microsoft and and the Publishers don't care about anymore man we're just too old bro but maybe Builders gotta change things I don't know yeah I'm trying to look for the uh the Forza Motorsports stuff because I want to give correct information about uh because people oh man Grant's being a journalist I'm just I'm just trying to find the correct info I I don't like being jealous I don't like giving wrong info and I don't like being wrong and granted we were just kind of we're just trying to riffing on air yeah we were just I just people would send me some stuff I'm trying to find the the reasoning or the explanation and it's kind of tough to do that doing a podcast at the same time so if anybody if anybody has the reasoning just DM me and I'll make sure to to like read it I'll I'll check uh Clara bro so [Music] um it's clear bro got anything no clever doesn't have anything up on this I guess you say look sorry yawning I usually I look up collaboro for summaries about that kind of stuff but he doesn't know anything up now yeah um let's see let's uh let's get back to I should hire Chloe bro you should hire him uh maybe hiring before Xbox does uh we have um BT Maverick 707 and Super Chat says if Xbox series X comes out with the slim would you guys prefer the tower shape or back to the rectangle box like the Xbox One X Rand Worcestershire okay I I um sorry go on I don't mind I personally I don't even know if I would get us some to be honest it's not like my Xbox series X is not working or it doesn't seem like it's gonna fail anytime soon I'm not someone who really is like I'm gonna buy a replacement for something I already have unless it gives me unless it's like a a an upgrade like oh this is gonna be better like it was like a midgen upgrade so if they came out with the series X Slim I don't know if I would necessarily need to spend the money to buy sure I could trade mine in and probably get you know it for a hundred dollars more but I don't know I I just I sort of like the design I mean it I guess the only reason I would want a design like the One X because it would fit better in my entertainment center because right now because the way my entertainment center is I have to have the series X on its side I have it laying down flat because I can't stand it up because it just won't fit in the entertainment center so maybe just for that perspective is like okay well if you're gonna I would get it for because okay I can actually kind of have more room but right now I I I'm perfectly happy with the design I'm perfectly happy I'm gonna I look at it every single day when I play I look at it on on its side and it doesn't bother me at all I know it bothers some people it doesn't bother me but then again I'm the type of person who doesn't spend any money on Cosmetics I'm the type of person who also doesn't really spend a lot of time in character creators it doesn't matter to me so I don't know if it matters to Jazz or not I I really liked how I designed personally it looks quite it kind of looks like a Mini PC I prefer the upright design a lot over the the sideways design I prefer it looks more but I've I don't know I spend a lot of my life being a PC Gamer so it kind of It kind of fits my aesthetic I don't know um I always thought the horizontal consoles looked I don't know a bit always like a VCR something you put into your TV but I've never gamed in front of I've never gamed in my living room ever my consoles have always been in my bedroom so I've never really had that kind of setup my TV has always been mounted on the wall and then my console has always been on the desk so for me the Tower design is ideal but I appreciate that's not how most people play so in a perfect world it'll be a design that matches beats both Aesthetics you know I remember I remember the PS2 back in the day you it had the little logo on the PS2 you could you could like twist the logo um to make it upright if you had the PS2 standing up or if you had a PS2 line down you could turn it so that the logo was always the right way up it was a really cool little design uh uh feature on the PS2 and uh maybe if Microsoft does another console then they'll look at making it work in both dimensions but I don't know we'll see oh we have an average fox saying there's this narrative and he has like a rolling eye emoji of what is truly a fanboy okay Jay Rembert says as an Xbox guy I don't want to see PlayStation or Nintendo fail and Playstation Fanboys that allowed Us in the gaming space probably because they're also the most I mean PlayStation is the bigger platform so standard reason they have them most fans and obviously out of those the most vocal fans uh stay high FFF says how can Baldur's Gate run on the steam deck but they're having issues with the series s well doesn't the steam deck have 16 gigs of RAM and like the series s of eight isn't it probably more of a ram issue Maybe honestly I honestly don't know but one thing I do know is that the steam deck doesn't the split screen is turned off on the steam deck oh split screen doesn't work on the steam deck they turned it off I believe they did yeah I might want to double check we've been getting stuff wrong in this episode Jazz you know I'm sure I'm sure someone told me that I don't know um I can't look it up right this second but I mean if it's not then maybe it is a ram issue you know um or maybe there's maybe there's things they can do on the steam deck that the series s can't do with regards to uh low power States I don't know it's there's some technical reason and it it can't be a simple one because uh let's face it Microsoft has their Advanced Technology Group working with Lauren to try and get this fixed and I don't think if it was a simple thing that that you know they wouldn't need to go all out like this to make it work you know um but they'll get it right eventually yeah Tres Wonderland says handheld of course it's turned off Dr dingling says yeah they did Brit says I think it's turned off entirely someone says but it's possible through mods Maybe uh says of course there's no split screen for the steam deck people are saying of course there's no split screen for the same deckatan though but dude you can dock you can dock that thing you can dock the steam deck to a TV you can Bluetooth two controllers and you can play split screen games for his theme deck like Streets of Rage or any game that supports it so even if like they've turned it off uh some people said like there are ways to turn it back on um but this this is the thing right people had people had got um split screen working in Halo infinite on an Xbox series s because Microsoft almost had it working and then they canceled it so I don't know it's I'd love to know like and I'd love to get an explanation for that like what why why are there videos of this this feature working when you said it wasn't going to work you know it's kind of like um Minecraft race racing when they they patched it into the game by accident and then took it out yeah like what why why why do this is there is there an explanation why why it seems to be working but then you removed it like what's what's the reason what's the real reason guys I don't know Fox's jazz is the concept of a true concept of a fanboy Jay says I'm a White Sox fan too Rand my dad when I was a kid used to take me to Kaminsky Park since then I've always been a White Sox fan and forever will be me too bro I don't know how many times I've been to Kaminsky with my dad or with my grandpa uh such a good time I haven't been I the last time I've actually trying to think the last time I've been to a game it's probably been 10 years I in 2005 though I did go to five games and that was the year they won the World Series um that was kind of very disappointed with the team this year because a couple years ago they were really good and I was kind of getting back into the watch in the games and then then it kind of like like typical White Sox they just fall apart um but yeah a lot a lot of good memories of going to White Sox games love that uh face 23 bkny says Jazz I don't agree with your article about Sony we'll have 4K streaming that they're ahead of Xbox and Cloud streaming okay I never said they're ahead I said they could end up being ahead that's what the article's about it's like you know people were people were laughing about PlayStation Cloud streaming and I actually linked an article from The Verge in 2019 where the Verge was just like oh yeah Sony completely dropped the ball for cloud streaming but now it's like it only has they're they're talking about 4K streaming already which Microsoft's just never mentions because it's something that's never going to happen for Xbox uh in this generation of cloud streaming and they also they also talked about like um uh playing your own games which Microsoft said is coming like two years ago or a year ago or something like that I can't remember the exact time frame but then Microsoft announced it ages ago and then just never bought it they never they never brought it to the game so yeah I mean it's it's not about the article isn't that Sony's ahead right now it's that they very well could be very soon and to that end the PlayStation Now subreddit on Reddit and this isn't exactly this isn't exactly definitive proof of interest but there are more generally more active people on PlayStation Now subreddit than there is on xcloud subreddit so you know that doesn't mean anything well I'm just saying you know it doesn't mean anything like you can't judge it's like trying to judge twitch analytics and how many people are watching a trip stream to judge how popular a game is or something well sure but I'm just I'm just and also you know it's not there sure put the PlayStation stuff is new so there's probably of course there's going to be more interest in something new that's just starting up rather than no but this is but what they're offering now is newer like this is just as part of a beta test right all right okay whereas like xcloud's been a thing for years now so it's not as exciting to people and they haven't done anything really new within a while it's not like they're offering the ability to play your own games it's not like they're offering the ability to play 4K or some new feature in Cloud streaming that would get people to talk about it whereas like with the PlayStation stuff it's kind of a brand new feature and of you know that's going to get people to talk about it so I'm not surprised that more people are talking about it uh on Reddit and I don't think it really means anything um I just I just want to clarify for Elijah Vasco as I just said in chat um he said why do you think Xbox will not have 4K streaming if PlayStation does the answer to that is silicon so what we have right now with the Xbox uh the Xbox cloud is that the Xbox series X consoles and each Xbox series X based server can run I think it's up to four it's up to four instances of the series s version so if you if you're Microsoft and you're struggling with capacity why would you dedicate a cert one server to run in a 4K stream when you can have that server running four four streams you know makes no sense to turn on 4K you know so I don't know what it is about Microsoft and silicon right now Microsoft seems to have a real issue getting the Silicon they need not just for the cloud but also the retail Xbox series X and stuff like that like we're getting cues in xcloud I've never seen xcloud have cues before and there's queues all the time now especially in the UK and I don't know if this is Microsoft lowballing xcloud or something for Regulators right now and they've just been like well we can't expand capacity while Regulators are all up in our you know we need to we need to take a more a more conservative approach to it or something I don't know if they're engineering regulator opinion by holding off on it maybe they are I don't know but something something ain't right you know the fact that we've got all these cues now something something weird's going on that's kind of where I'm coming from and I just wanna I just want to give Microsoft a kick and say hang on a sec you guys said this is coming and we still don't have it Sony are bringing it out and you guys are supposed to be the goddamn Cloud company I just I just don't get that I don't get how we ended up in this situation so I'm just that's kind of what it's about you know right uh Febreze Paul says Jazz one thing Xbox needs a support Studio do you think they will buy them create them or do nothing they can't always rent Studios forever I think they will buy support Studios once the ibki deals up I think you might see a flurry of smaller Acquisitions once the deal's done like we were speculating on Xbox two oh yeah we might be well we'll talk about that right now because we haven't talked about it on the show but Killer Instincts back baby right yeah and we were speculating about iron Galaxy yeah so we'll talk about that now for those of you that don't know uh Evo took place this past weekend and one of the big announcements was that Killer Instinct from 2013 is getting an update uh so it can run in all 4K which I think the game runs in 4k already I think it's just the menus that run in 1080p uh but more important than that it's getting a balance update so it hasn't been balance updated in for a long time and it's getting some matchmaking improvements and they brought out someone on stage to announce this and his title was basically the head of killer instinct which immediately got me thinking like head of what excuse me ahead of Killer Instinct Killer Instinct hasn't been a thing in a while like that's weird to give a dude a title I think he's like an Xbox producer or something that's that's weird to give a dude a title for a franchise that may or may not you know be continuing in the future I was like is that a sign of something and then it was like oh by the way we're getting the boys back together iron Galaxy's back they're doing the patch and the way they sort of talked about it at Evo the way that you know Rumble verse died there's this part of me that's just like all right there's another Killer Instinct coming right there has to be at this point you don't have somebody with the title of you know head of Killer Instinct off of a game that's 10 years old that you're just updating one time unless there's plans for the future I mean even mentioned on stage essentially like looking forward to the next 10 years of Killer Instinct so it's like okay this I think really does mean something there were rumors that there was a new Killer Instinct coming whether it was in development that you know Japanese Studio or not but there was definitely talk that a new Killer Instinct was in the works and the Sea iron Galaxy come back to a game that they took over for from double helix it's kind of I don't know I don't know who's doing it but I definitely feel that we are going to get a Killer Instinct too or I don't know if they'll call it to but we're gonna get a brand new Killer Instinct game right this is just them kind of testing the waters getting the interest back and Killer Instinct and at some point they'll make another one and we were talking about Acquisitions during Xbox ultimate because I don't know I sort of feel like the way Xbox has acquired a lot of companies a lot of the companies Xbox has acquired or because those companies needed help in some manner whether it was financial help or whether they were just they were just done with the rat race of trying to you know convince Publishers to invest in their game they didn't want to do the kickstarter thing anymore like even Bethesda we're having issues right the type of games they were making weren't working anymore because the shift towards live service they were selling exclusives to PlayStation right because they either they needed the money or they weren't sold on the ideas of those games and Activision was more like an opportunity buy but even still Activision has their own problems they back they basically sacrificed all their Studios and all their IP to work on Call of Duty so there's issues with a lot of the Acquisitions they were they were looking for something which is what Microsoft could provide they could provide that cover they could provide the funding they could be like all right you don't need to do these things anymore just come work for us we're not going to interfere and then like you look at iron Galaxy and it sort of fits that mold where they're independent as far as I'm aware like I I looked and I saw an article that was like oh they were independent in 2022 so I'm assuming they still are maybe they aren't and if that's the case then I'm wrong on this but and they just information that says they aren't independent and they just and they just had a huge game a game they'd spent a lot of a lot of time on a lot of years on they partnered with epic for rumble verse and epic shut it down and you can tell there was kind of seemed like there was some bad blood between epic for doing that and then suddenly they're back on Killer Instinct clearly obviously getting paid so it just kind of to me it sort of feels like a situation similar to obsidian or similar to Ninja Theory or similar to State of Decay where like they want to continue making games but they didn't want to do the rat race of getting Publishers support and they just wanted to just be secure and it was maybe just like they came to Phil they came to Sarah Bond or whatever and they're like hey we got Killer Instinct would you want to work on it and it's like all right well so that yeah like I wouldn't be surprised if iron Galaxy's on the list hell I wouldn't be surprised if they bought them already right because you only have to notify Regulators over an acquisition above 120 million right yes or letter intense were sent because Microsoft it's not like Microsoft has to announce them because they announced all the acquisitions uh 2018 at the same time right the only one that sort of leaked was the playground games one because of uh uh had to do I forget to do with like website stuff and like the UK or whatever but yeah you look at like okay we know that Microsoft wanted to bring back Killer Instinct there have been talk about it it was just a matter of who do we get to make it right it seemed like everybody was busy I mean fighting games are having a Resurgence again you look at all the games coming out like Mortal Kombat and uh Guilty Gear uh you know Street Fighter and stuff and Tekken it just seems like nobody was available to make a fighting game and then suddenly iron galaxy has this huge huge mega flop and maybe they're open maybe they're willing to like do killer instinct or something I don't know I I don't know if it's them or whatever but I just have a really good feeling that Killer Instincts on its way to come back what do you think no I totally agree with that I mean I don't know if they've purchased on Galaxy maybe they have um I don't think it's that significant that there's a quote unquote head of killer I think it is but what do you mean that that's not his job title his job title is you know it's gonna be like Xbox game studios producer you know BP or something like that that's that's like gonna be his job title that was just his job title for Evo you know yeah okay fair enough fair enough and uh you know so he's probably the executive producer for a lot of their first party sort of stuff he might be the executive producer for you know to tanker or something as well you know so I don't think that's a huge thing potentially but hey I could be wrong I kind of like your conspiracy theory that they bought iron Galaxy already to be the Killer Instinct Dev maybe work on others maybe they sound like letter of intense or whatever I'm just I think something's Brewing bro I I think something's definitely Brewing and I think Hillary's I think Hillary sinks back I think Marcus got his fighting game back bro yeah and maybe this is one of the things like now they have now they have a studio and that they could that could continue on with Killer Instinct for the foreseeable future I think it's great especially if you're a Killer Instinct fan and wanted it to come back this has got to be good news to you I mean this was shocking when I saw this I was like I was like holy cow like because it was oh there's these rumors and he's just like real I don't know and it's it always sort of seemed like Killer Instinct banjo where games that the fan base really wanted to return but that Microsoft really didn't seem like they were interested in bringing back for whatever reasons and now you get the sense okay Microsoft's wants Killer Instinct back and I'm sorry to say it where's banjo Bros we're my banjo Bros I said this on Twitter and I'm sorry if I'm gonna anchor the banjo but I was in chat but I was like you know the best part about this is that Killer Instinct is back and banjo is not oh man people were angry but that's okay it was only 10 people there's only like 10 banjo Bros out there anyways right damn so I hope Paris is listening because Paris is a banjo bro I I think Killer Instinct can work in this um I think killeristic commercially work I just don't think banjo could and honestly like I think if I think if Microsoft felt banjo could work it would they'd probably already be working on it like if if somebody actually wanted to make a banjo because we know we know rare doesn't want to do anything with banjo and they didn't want to do anything with Killer Instinct it was always going to be somebody else so you would have met I mean they brought back battle toads for Christ's sake battle toads clearly someone pitched Battletoads to them and they thought it was a good idea and they brought it back the fact that there hasn't been a new banjo when I'm sure plenty of people and plenty of Studios have pitched something to rare or Microsoft and we haven't seen it yet I don't know although I have heard from some it's some friends that maybe it's maybe maybe it is the thing but I still want you guys to get your game I just I just don't know if you will dude it's it's always about um it's always about having the right Dev at the right time iron Galaxy was the right Dev at the right time for Killer Instinct eventually that'll be the right Dev at the right time for banjo goes for bad maybe and it'll probably be toys for both there you go but um but I think toys football very much want to be doing traditional crash and traditional Spyro at least why not do a crash meat crash me crash ax Spyro X banjo boom done that'd just be silly bro bro bring them all together how does that work in Spyro law man I don't know and who cares you own them now bring them all together or do Crash Banjo yes that's not that's inconsistent bro you can't do that bro they literally made a game called crash come on you're gonna Twilight Spyro's not in Crash pass Bros intricate lore of Crash Bandicoot bro I mean think about because they could have for Killer Instinct Now jazz oh dude the uh the PS5 slim has now fully sleeked with them with a video well that means they're gonna have to really announce it soon huh yeah it's uh it looks like the PS5 bro yeah well that was the thing Tom Tom Henderson said basically yeah that was real it looked like the exact same uh exact same maybe a little shorter oh yeah I see the video I mean it looks like the exact same except with this with the with the slip down the side well yeah and the there's like a it looks like there's a panel where you can remove the disk drive so basically it's a redesigned PS5 where the disk drive will not come as standard and you'll be out the disk drive will be a snap a module you can snap onto it which makes a lot of sense I think could this be the PS5 that I finally buy Supply goes to sashima do I just wave for the PC version you might as well just wait for the PC version at this point yeah kind of although it depends like I kind of want I kind of yeah I kind of want one but I also just keep thinking my backlog's big enough oh so weird like fomo man I feel like I'm missing out but also I don't have time to play more I don't know I think it's I think it's funny that it's like fully leaked like this and they haven't even announced it yet it's got it's got to be coming out really soon right like the fact that people have it yeah I think so I mean the announcement for it has to be coming soon I mean Sony's got to see this and be like well shout out to Tom Henderson man Tom Anderson's killing it with PlayStation leaks right now that some of you guys have never there's never really been someone as prolifically leaking now he's got somebody he's got somebody at PlayStation feeding them all the info and I remember some people yeah some people were doubting him about the project Q stuff right I was like don't don't care Tom Anderson man he's got Rock Solid sources I don't I honestly don't like that the little the little slit it has going through like the whole thing I don't know I don't like that I didn't really like the designs the slit is to remove the the module though because it's gonna it's gonna have a slit on the side with the with the disk drive so yeah I mean we can you show it on the stream are you sure no I'm not gonna show it because I'm sure Sony would uh is probably gonna I'll retweet it on Twitter and if you guys want to check it out um I'll post on my Twitter this dude's probably gonna get his account slapped in a bit so but hey when he does it'll at least confirm its existence right um but anyway I mean I guess this could this could be uh 3D printed I think this guy's leaked stuff before this I've seen this guy's account before so it begs the question where's where's our Xbox series X slim because it definitely could be slimmed down right and they definitely could remove the disk drive because our buddy special Nick made some waves this past weekend or on last Xbox era said that um Microsoft's got new hardware planned for 2025 and one of them could be an Xbox series X disc listless which is it's odd that special Nick talked about that the week after me and you speculated about that I wonder if he listened to us um interesting interesting we talked about we talked about that as a possibility and and then and then the next week you know he he's talking about it as a rumor mill you know which then everybody started talking about is true I love I love how that also happens with with stuff like that right well we never said we we never said we heard that they were gonna do it and Nick's kind of saying that they that he's heard they're gonna do it I I haven't heard a damn thing about it like I'm of the opinion that Microsoft could end up closing the journal with what they've got they'll definitely revamp the series X get to make sure I mean I don't know if they'll be mid-gen upgrade but they'll they'll definitely have a new series X at some point whether it looks smaller or whether has the disk drive removed or something that's I don't think I don't think they'll do a pro like um they uh a lot of people think they should do a pro because Sony's doing a pro but I kind of don't think that's gonna happen I think they might just go into next gen earlier this time but I could be wrong um never know what Microsoft's gonna do because like lately lately some of the info I've gotten from sources are kind of been intentionally misleading so now I'm kind of weary of uh what kind of info is being fed to me because I think I think Microsoft like if all the leaks happened in the year before I think Microsoft's trying to find where the sources have leaked come from by a seeding uh faulty info and um no I I found out recently that one of the things uh one of the things um companies do like Google and Apple for example I often like they often put junk code and junk data in certain stuff specifically to try and weed out leaks and stuff I'm like paranoid at the moment anyway so that's another topic but anyway yeah PS5 slam not so slim yeah so slim I think I just seen on Twitter that uh the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the last Ronin was just announced at THQ nordics uh showcase what's that even though it was announced earlier in the year that there was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles last round and is getting a third person action RPG AAA video game by the unnamed Studio likely a few years off titles inspired by the recent God of War titles it's a beloved version run of a it's like a standalone comic where essentially all the turtles are dead except for one just one Turtle Left Alive and he fights in all the styles of all the turtles so he's got the katanas and the bow and the size and the nunchucks and like the mystery is like who is the turtle that lived right and so it was announced like hey there's they're making this game and then today during their showcase they announced who's making it and it's black forest games who are they uh so I went to their website they made Destroy All Humans to reprobed Destroy All Humans uh this probably will be their biggest game they've ever made it's like they if you go to their game section or their website they may Destroy All Humans To reprobed Destroy All Humans so two remakes or remasters they made Fade to silence they made giannisister Twisted dreams and Rogue stormers and this is a studio that is making the AAA Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Ronin game uh I I wish them all the best because I hope it's great I absolutely hope it's great to embrace a group I'm like that that's so rare that Embrace a group make games that I'm that actually actually land I I think they they own the company that makes Remnant too that feels like such an outlier and even that I kind of feel like that took Embrace a group by surprise I don't think I realize what kind of quality high quality game that I demands because it didn't Market it that hard but anyway yeah Embrace a group um Brooklyn a bit yeah I'm just waiting for Microsoft to take Crystal Dynamics and Idols off their hands yeah that'd be nice that would be nice and finally as I just ended the poll is random Xbox game or an Xbox Fanboy and it was 65 Xbox gamer 34 total Fanboy basically 760 votes that was just a fun one um but yeah back to back to Killer Instinct or what were we were talking about we were talking about slim we were yeah we talked about killer instinct which I'm I'm happy I really like Killer Instinct I want to see that game come back and I want to see banjo come back for my Bros but I think there's more interest in Killer Instinct and like the the roster you could create like you could have you could have like Lilith in there from from Diablo you could have someone in there from World of Warcraft you could have you know we're all baby you could have so many guestsbury man that'd be so sick dude that could do so much with that stuff yeah I really hope that they go balls to the wall with it you know they could do like man it could be so good now because a lot of the netcode's really good like Killer Instincts one of the few fighting games that works really well on cloud is crazy but anyway yeah I mean so then then we started talking about the slim because it's out there now it leaks and I'm really interested in the price and I think Tom Henderson had said that it was going to be 3.99 if I'm not mistaken and even in Sony's Region's Financial reports uh they're doing well but they even said they're not doing as well as they want to be um so it sounds like maybe the price cut they they might cut the PS5 to 399 with this new slim which would be very aggressive because that means it's a hundred dollars cheaper than the Xbox series X or 150 cheaper in certain areas and only 50 more expensive than the series s that's kind of a bad position for the Xbox Hardware to be in if the PlayStation really is going to get that price drop I mean that's good for PlayStation because that's a very competitive price point uh Xbox Hardware isn't a bad place in general but like yeah if if the PS5 is 399 and the series X is still 4.99 or more in some areas that is that is not good uh whatsoever they need to be exactly they need to be the same price and maybe maybe that's good maybe maybe if they did drop the price maybe that forces Xbox to reevaluate their their pricing on on the consoles I don't know because I don't think you can I competition baby yeah I don't think you can I don't think you can sell a series exit 4.99 if the PS5 is selling a 3.99 that I don't think that that that's not good maybe Xbox would hope some of the some of their games coming out now would would carry them but nah but then the other thing on the PlayStation financial report is that they had some internal delays for some games um because they mentioned uh their their forecasts that they gave in April and one of the negatives was that some a portion of their first party titles that were expected to release before the end of the fiscal year which would be March of next year have been delayed out of the fiscal year so that Revenue that they were expecting were no longer going to be there so the question is what games the thing is we don't know because Sony we don't know what's exactly Sony's lineup is for next year all we know is that this year they had Spider-Man 2. and that was it although they were supposed to have Stellar braid but we have no we haven't heard anything about Stellar blade yet so maybe that's a game that got pushed uh there is Hell divers too uh that's Tom Henderson rumored to be releasing in October uh so delays delays hitting everybody you know um it's it's uh game development's rough the games take a long time I it's interesting because I didn't see any articles about how PlayStation mismanages their Studios about it though about you know delays because you know if it was an Xbox game got delayed well that's just Xbox not not knowing how to manage your Studios you know maybe it's because they didn't announce the games uh prematurely or something well people are then saying like this is the reason why Sony showcased the most recent one was was bad it was because those games got pushed and there's no reason to show them I don't know but either way uh we got the slim coming soon it seems like that'll be announced whether or not it's announced with an event or just hey here's the slim and then some of the Sony's games got delayed uh out out of March so there's that uh Starfield marketing seems to have kicked up again Jazz uh they announced some things they announced like uh starfield's got some chairs got some Noble chairs that you can that you can purchase that's got some yeah some custom gpus and CPUs and stuff and nah nah I have a chair I was looking for I was looking at a different chair so Starfield marketing is kicking in uh people are reporting that they're seeing a lot of YouTube ads a lot of banners in certain places um you know so as as the the release date approaches the marketing is probably going to pick up and then probably kind of really pick up once it's out so I guess we were people were pretty premature about Starfield marketing uh a month out but that's sort of just seems what it is in 2023 at this point through that so um I've started seeing Starfield ads on Reddit and Instagram and places like that some people have noticed that there's a bit of extra footage in some of the ads really that we haven't seen a couple of monsters a couple of locations stuff like that oh so I think the marketing is kicking it again now I mean it seemed to start at exactly the first of um August so uh I suppose it's not entirely unexpected that it would start the month exactly at the start of the month but hey let's uh let's let's marketing's good right but we we kind of we kind of bitched about or I bitched I think or some people bitched I can't remember exactly the but somebody bitched I just got this demonetize there um people people complained about uh starfield's marketing or perceived lack of marketing but with Boulder's gay does traditional marketing really matter that much nowadays no not really care I didn't have a lick of traditional marketing there was no Baldur's Gate buses there was no I haven't seen a Baldur's Gate Instagram ad I haven't seen a bullet gate billboard or a TV spot or anything like that yeah the game's got almost a million players on Steam concurrently yeah but maybe balder is maybe Baldur's Gates the exception not the rule though you know I mean yeah yeah maybe but I feel like I feel like starfield's been out there for a while now like people know Starfield you know they did a 45 minute thing for it it's not like it's unknown right and it's they're gonna kick it up and get it into high gear I think the one thing that people really are just disappointed in is no custom series X console for Starfield that that kind of seemed like a missed opportunity you know um and I I think that would have sold well I think I mean you saw how many people bought the controller the custom controller and the custom headset I think people would have would have sprung for a custom series X I mean I wouldn't have because I'm not that type of person I have a functional series X but they're definitely people that would have and you know they didn't for whatever reasons uh maybe we'll never know so yeah Starfield I mean we we didn't make that bet but I told you I felt but I felt pretty confident Starfield will do over a million on on PC concurrent on Steam even with game pass on the Windows store it's gonna I don't think it's gonna be absolutely huge bro you have no idea I don't think so man it's gonna have like 15 players it's gonna have 15 players yeah so I don't think it's gonna do a million I really don't all right you want bet about it I don't think it'll be bold as gay you want to bet about it oh so you want to go I I bet you it's higher than Baldur's Gate so you think Starfield will have more concurrent players all it needs is Morgan's current players in Baldur's game it doesn't even need to hit a million it just needs to have more than 820 000 yeah and I win you win if it doesn't do it let's do it okay what do you want to bet what do you want to bet I'm not I'm not eating no chip I'm not eating a chip that is not happening come on man no that's not happening you want you want you want you want a hundred dollars riding on this come on bro 100 bucks ten dollars ten dollars why so low you can buy Starbucks or something bro I'm broke man I'm not millionaire YouTuber like you neither am I all right all right ten dollars ten dollars fine so ten dollars ten dollars um where you agreed that would do the one one two challenge no I am not doing the one chip challenge ever I'm not I don't give a I will never the children man think of the children I don't the kids I don't care bro I'm never doing that I'm sorry I wouldn't mind I would I would I would rather play Pokemon than play that than eat a chip I literally would die I literally would die I'm not kidding you I would be I would have to be sent to the hospital what really oh yeah I would have to put stuff from the hospital I would die I'm Randall Bland for a reason jazz oh yeah you don't season your food I remember now that's right I would literally you would literally you would be in the call and you would literally probably see me have a heart attack on camera oh come on all right I would just would stroke out or something guys like I I don't know like there might be some people who are confused because a few weeks ago I can't how long ago was it it might be two months it was like it was like Thursday a couple weeks ago revealed to us that um he doesn't season his food even with salt and pepper he's ran he's Bland out 419 so like I suppose like having a bit of ghost Reaper chili chips might be a little bit overwhelming for poor old rand's little palette but hey but I wanna I don't want to do it alone need to I need to persuade gas and hoggy to do it again or something I don't think guys are gonna do it again I I am never touching that anyways if you guys are enjoying the show hit the like button please and subscribe as well uh that would uh that would make my day thank you um so what yeah what are we talking about we're talking about slim 399 all that sort of stuff um Quake 2 recently released on and maybe to the surprise of no one because it sort of leaked already out there but Quake 2 was released for every platform people seem to really like it have you gotten a chance to check out Quake too jazz not really interesting not really your thing I was not I was never a quite player um so the Nostalgia Factor isn't there for me so it would kind of just feel like an old dated game for me I kind of feel like and I got other things I need to play like bald is gay you know um so but I'm happy the franchise is being explored I guess I suppose if they are gonna do a doom 2016 style reboot of it maybe give it some deeper differentiation from Doom maybe go harder on the aliens or the the Catholic kind of stuff I'm interested to see what they do if they bring make a remake a modern remake of it or a reboot or whatever but I'm not really interested in the the classic one are you are you going to be playing that at all no I've like I said the only Quake I've ever played was quick four on the 360. I never played the other Quakes I was always more of a doom guy um so I'm not really interested in playing quick two the more I don't know like I kind of see like all right here's quick one remaster just quick two it certainly does feel like its next game is going to be Quake related doesn't it yeah I'm kind of feeling that it like sort of feels like this is all sort of leading up to a quake reboot by ID which you know I'm all for it is an amazing developer but then there's that Phil shirt where you had hexan on there and then even Phil like on the couch with Jeff Grubb a giant bomb was like when they were talking about upcoming games he kind of looked at him and was like it and he had this like really um crazy expression on his face like you wait till you see what they're making and ask it's like would Phil really be like that if it was if it was quake you know it's still really that big of a quick fan um maybe that there's something completely new like something new maybe but I don't know it just seems with them bringing back Quake the way it is it's kind of like man I it seems time for like to essentially redo do a quick reboot either way I I don't know what do I want from ID do I want another Doom game yeah I want another Doom game eventually I would be down for a new Quake game at least it would introduce me three baby to everything in the franchise or something brand new how hexan hexen would be basically brand new for me because I I don't I never played that game so I don't know is anybody in chat played Quake 2 if you have let us know what you think about it um Quake two yeah what year did that come out you remember no I don't remember what day of the week is is it Wednesday no it's Friday no I mean Quake I mean the year quick too I don't know man I think I think I got in encyclopedia I thought maybe you would know let me let me look how why would I know that because you I guess maybe yeah you wouldn't know too young man I'm too young I'm too young like two video game let's see when did Quake two come out 1997. okay you were pushing 40 in 1997 bro I was like barely born dude I was in high school in 1997. I was not in high school I was in high school yeah I was in Junior School we do have some couple super chats I need to get to we got DS Omen who says speaking of delayed games where is dark tide yeah where is dark time oh God yeah that game came out for PC in like November of last year and they delayed the Xbox version and well it's August and there's been no announcement of the Xbox version what happened to that game just I have no idea just just no I disappeared in a poof of dust that game must run off I mean I guess when the game came out on PC it wasn't very good either it kind of didn't run very well and they they kind of had to apologize and do some stuff so it probably didn't run very well in Xbox so yeah that was just one of those things where that was an exclusive game like they had it at one of I think at least one of the e3s or showcase events and I think it was like one of the keeles as well and then the Xbox version just disappeared and nobody knows this is an example of a game that would have benefited from Early Access definitely like um you know people forget bullet guy was in Bulls go through was an early access for a million years and it's like the the Polish the features and all that stuff informed by the community and what you know what they asked for and stuff and you know a lot of these games that are released through Publishers and stuff they don't want to do the Early Access thing for whatever reason but it works it works time and time again you know so yeah I don't know I don't know where it is I don't know if we'll ever get it maybe it's dude it's not like I'm really clamoring for I would have liked to have played it when it came out but at this point it's like with all the bad talk about it maybe they're just gonna go dark and then release it with all these fixes and then be like no it's actually good to play and it's coming to Xbox it'll be like um very fair like there are examples of games launching Bare Bones and then growing over time uh Deep Rock Galactic comes to mind a lot in that vein they rockalactic launched aggressively Bare Bones another game that could have been XBox exclusive because uh this Microsoft actually owned the project the Deep Rock Galactic uh before they close down press play because it was going to be a press play game but they for some reason didn't pursue it and should then press play and then the devs a press play when I made a new studio in the IP back right and Xbox let them keep the the concept uh project to Walker it was called and then they made project deeper Galactic which is now pretty damn big game I think they're 15 million players or even more maybe now or something um but yeah that guy I'm launched by bones and they they've developed it and developed it developed it now it's pretty damn popular from what what I know um but yeah maybe maybe dark title have similar sort of redemption story in the someday but yeah I hope no I don't know uh Alvin says and uh Super Chat split screen cop needs to die unnecessary in 2023 I mean I never use it uh and I don't know how I mean I would imagine the Telemetry says that nobody really uses split screen but uh Chris R in the Super Chat says I understand development is hard but clearly games need more time these days I'm tired of hoping games will eventually get to a good place I agree I don't know why they don't just um all the Publishers should just collectively sit down with all of their shareholders across all the different companies like look look you just gonna have to weigh you just have to wait a little bit longer and this is why this is a good thing for a number of reasons a it gives our games more breathing space if there's less games to play more backlog to explore and all that kind of stuff B will release more polish games less fans less make fans less piss off and reduce risk and C well there is no C because the A and B was so great so yeah I don't know and we have uh big affirm answers do you guys think once APK deal is done a ton more subs will tip the scale of subscribers and gain Xbox momentum and could be bound to reach the 360 era so that's the other part of I had in the title because I was like I want to put in here um the APK deal which the only reason we got to talk about is because something happened it got approved to New Zealand jazz uh the kiwis finally approved it after after eight delays eight delays and they basically said it wasn't going to cause any any difficulties or any less in the competition so they approved it leaving essentially two countries left Australia and the UK now Canada hasn't approved or denied it but then in Canada I guess missed their deadline so it doesn't matter what Canada says so there's like 40 41 countries have approved it obviously everybody thinks it's it's it's gonna happen now the CMA is supposed to release their I don't know like what they're supposed to release this week so they can get more I forget exactly what because I've sort of stopped really checking on What APK stuff was doing because it's like we're it's we we've talked about it and the ultimate whereas like the ab the ABK deal like peaked like with the trial and with the FTC getting shut down even though the FTC I don't know if you saw Fox pants today uh he said the FTC filed their appeal thing under seal or whatever that's just the old appeal and that it once the deal goes through that appeal doesn't mean anything right but there was something we're supposed to be waiting here for for the CMA to kind of release their findings or something to do with whatever sort of New Deal they're talking with with Microsoft to get uh responses from you know companies or whatever because they're supposed to make their decision by the 29th potentially uh but it could go all the way to like October or something and people are like what's what's the hang up so people are waiting to see what the CMA uh is saying about the thing and trying to gauge like when the deal is going to close is it going to be the end of August is it going to be September is it going to be later than that um so yeah that's uh that's kind of um what's going on with with that I'm just looking forward to the whole thing being done as I'm sure you are uh it's just a matter of when's uh yes uh yes sir we have uh nathan09 who says old Jerry Corden your old your old Jerry old Jerry Jeremy Jerry Corden I'm just older uh lurking with my gherkin says in regards to parody why doesn't Xbox Leverage The Power of the cloud to help series as games run better could also help with comparisons to PS5 Pro that I have no silicon that I don't have enough servers for anything Cloud related so I guess there's your easy answer no silicon uh Brandon says you know what I like to see make a comeback is one versus 100 or something to that sort was really fun and was fun showing off your avatar PS scale bound just kidding ah another scalebound mentioned in another episode I mean yeah one versus always a game that people want to come back and supposedly it was I don't think it is anymore because I think who was in charge of that division that eventually left because he some icky stuff came out about uh Alex something Alex huh I remember his name Alex something God that's really annoying man I forget kittman Alex Kidman yeah he might connect and he made hololens and then rumor is he was ousted over accusations um don't know much more than that but he was not a lot of detail coming up but like one versus 100 is supposed to be in his division and I know grubba talked about it but it sort of seems like maybe one versus 100 isn't a thing anymore potentially I I still thought so potentially it was being made by I think Grubb said it was being explored by the team who runs old space VR old space VR has been shut down so probably if there ever was a one versus 100 it's probably not happening now right which is unfortunate because man one versus 100 was a very unique experience it was so cool I remember being in there like all the time for that hoping I would be either the one or the 100 answering all the trivia questions it was it was such a really cool game and it was something that like Xbox fans have been like hey bring it back bring it back since like the 360 days and you know it really really hasn't you know they I'm sure maybe they explored it and they were going to but whatever um I think the the to implement that stuff the achievements the Avatar system would need more API work and platform work I think and I think Microsoft just isn't interested in that kind of stuff and it really sucks because these are the kind of innovative social experiences that probably would appeal to younger Gamers you know and create those lasting memories and create Nostalgia and create attachment to the brand and all Microsoft's kind of thinking about these days is you know sort of I don't know then that just doesn't seem to be any interest in developing the platform these days for some reason and it kind of sucks but I don't know maybe one day it'll change I think once um once they've got like for their gaming everything on Lock and they've got everything sorted out maybe they will turn their attention again to platform things like won't avatars one versus 100 Achievement System or stuff like that it just doesn't seem to be a priority for them right now I don't know right um people are saying that the stalker 2 release date is leaked so I figured we'd take yeah December December 1st yeah the Cats the play on catch media stores listed stalker two heart of Chernobyl for December 1st 2023. this is most likely accurate as other titles at placeholder dates of December 31st 2023 and they previously listed dates including Darksiders 2 for Nintendo switch so December 1st this year I mean I'm I'm all for it you know yeah it sounds good to me I'm uh hopefully gonna be checking that out Gamescom so I'll have a report for you about that yeah I also saw Melissa Jurgens is going to be at Gamescom uh the voice of there's voice and motion capped actor for San Diego oh so he's gonna be there that High please she did such a great job with the last game so I I wonder if if how close hellblade must be if she's going to be there talking to people and stuff maybe doing interviews I don't know maybe hellblade is is sooner rather than later which is great because I cannot wait for for hellblade so stalker two I mean that would be a big you know a big game for Xbox this year they did release High uh high on life around the same time last year December right this would be kind of a similar thing maybe that helps out you get a lot more Game Pass Subs right because even this last Super Chat we mentioned with the APK stuff was like you get a lot of Subs a lot of momentum right we have Modern Warfare 3 announced also this past week coming November 10th uh you know we've always sort of speculated could that game hit Game Pass even though I think they said in the trial that they really couldn't until 2025 or whatever but you never know with Xbox right just having that that game being first party maybe not necessarily that game but all the other games the back catalog uh you know star Fields releasing really soon if it's actually is exactly what people expect and it reviews incredibly well plus four is a motorsport soon after uh ABK going through getting all that stuff Modern Warfare 3 and then who knows what 2024 brings outside of the already announced games like about and hellblade and towerborn yeah that could provide a lot of momentum uh and get people to look at Xbox a little bit differently being like okay now the games are here that's great it's just a matter of is Microsoft gonna have that silicone that just talked about like hey we gonna you're gonna be able to just go to the store and get a series X you know now that PlayStation is released in quote unquote slim because I did see Tom Henderson released a new article saying that it's not as Slim he says exactly back then we also reported that PlayStation 5 revision will not be a PS5 slim instead it is a means of streamlining the manufacturing process and reducing shipping costs so technically it's not as Slim it's just a new version of the PS5 with the detachable disk drive basically so that they can cut costs I did a lot of PS2 revisions there was like there was a mountain of PS2 revisions to that end so it's not a nerd of but they do this are people just call it the slim because it's almost habitual I guess yeah pretty much we have a meat puppet 007 and Super Chat where are we going to hear about the Kotor remake I mean you probably hear about it at a Sony showcase if and when that game ever gets close to releasing because they essentially had to take that game and give it to a different Studio because I don't know who wasn't happy with it Disney might have not been happy with if Sony might not have been happy with it but they took it away from Aspire and they gave it to I think saber was the rumor so we won't probably see it again until it looks really good so who knows who knows when that will be um what else we got here Jazz I'll see you know do you know they should give codes or two who larion uh I knew you were gonna say that should give kotel to larion baby because even that was more had more Dungeons and Dragons DNA than whatever they're going to do at this time no when you were talking about BioWare earlier it just kind of I just kind of thought about it I was like man at one point BioWare was like my favorite Studio right like with Kotor and Jade Empire and the Mass Effect games it was like man they were one of the tops and like now it seems like I almost sort of feel it sort of feels like they they got shut down doesn't it even though they're still around and they're we know they're making Dragon Age and they're making Mass Effect it sort of feels like biower's dead I don't know if anybody sort of feels that way but it may I don't know we'll have to wait and see how Dragon Age comes out and I yeah they also made Dragon Age I didn't play Dragon Age 2 but I did play Dragon Age Origins um and I I quite like very nice too is I actually like I actually liked Dragon Age 2 I hated it at first because it was so different but after the DLC dropped I ended up quite liking it um a Dragon Age Inquisition kind of suffered from aspects Andromeda syndrome where your decisions didn't matter as much I feel like um in some ways basically you couldn't be an I like PR in those gays around I mean I when I played Mass Effect I was a renegade my shepherd was did anything to get the job done it didn't matter I also looked I also loved how he looked like a Terminator towards the end where he had like the red eyes and his skin was cracking with the red underneath but my guy my my shepherd didn't care you're in his way you're dead loved it I loved it I love it and normally sometimes I play as a good guy not my shepherd I mean eventually when I replayed it uh for the Legacy uh not the Legacy the legendary edition I actually played it as a female Shepherd and I played it as a hero and it just didn't feel as as right as playing as like an evil Shepherd you know or a renegade Shepherd just do whatever needs to be done yeah he's kind of like a Maverick although if you play Renegade Shepard in Mass Effect 3 it does go off the deep end of it so really I mean he's under a lot of stress I guess in my space right but uh you could be you could be really sort of like borderline oh God this is is this legal I kind of thick you know he makes his own laws Jess I mean it really takes it takes the lore into his own hands a lot in Mass Effect 3 if you play Renegade I think it's really interesting story because in some of the decisions you can even see like the regret on his face and it's like it does feel like it was meant to be played this way I can't feel like but uh but yeah I don't know I've done some horrible things to build this guy through man I've done some terrible things I love it but uh let's talk about destroyed a whole a whole family or a witch just to get plus one wisdom I mean you gotta do what you got to do but let's talk about a vowed it's kind of uh ties into a leaky you you had earlier where there was like a new video on their website or on the YouTube channel and they talked and right uh I forget uh who I was gonna say Rob Ferguson but it's Fergus it's Fergus talked about having Co-op in about and you said that they had caught up in the vowed because they were pitching the game back then to Publishers in 2017. yeah and that to make the game stand out more you know essentially was you got to have something interesting to talk about and they thought Co-op would be that thing when there was pitching the game around and well they bought they got acquired by Xbox and essentially they talked about how um they felt that Co-op was getting in maybe I was gonna say getting in the way but maybe that's not the right word that they they kind of set back and looked at the game and they they felt like Co-op wasn't needed and they needed to refocus The Experience what was what was your take in all that I mean this is kind of what I heard um when all that you know when I you know discovered the gameplay footage and we talked about that there was also like there was also a document detailing um of how the game had evolved from when it was a pitch to pre-production to be in an Xbox game and stuff like that and that's when they talked about Co-op and they talked about it in a sort of matter of fact kind of way but like um I think probably whoever the reader of the document would have known this already but that's why I wasn't sure if Carl was still in there or not but it sounded like in the document that they'd cut it which is why like we talked about on the show um but it's uh it's kind of like I think it's a good thing it's like like if they're sort of if they're sort of realizing that something ain't working or for whatever reason it might be or that the resources might be used better to elevate other aspects of the game to make it stand out um I think there are some great examples of where forced Co-op is or Force multiplayer in general it's to the detriment of a game like for example the SX mankind divided didn't need a PVP mode at all uh no one was asking for that whatsoever I put that in just to put my transactions in the game um again that development time you spent on uh Deus Ex multiplayer could have been used to elevate the single player game uh again uh uh skybound as well full play co-op the devs had never made a four-player co-op game in their lives working with a new engine on real Unreal Engine that's probably a stark example of uh uh over development which probably contributes to skybound's downfall again there's another there's your scout next carbon reference right um there's a lot of their account looks examples of multiplayer frustrating development or like feature creep frustrating development so I think it's good that now that they're part of Microsoft they were able to be like well let's refocus double down on actually making this a really special single player experience rather than a middling Co-op experience because let's face it obsidian's generally not known for their carb games I know grounded is a big exception there um but Grundy was sort of you know it's a Survivor game it kind of needs Co-op but does a valid need carb I don't think so I even like even like Bulls gay again has Co-op but I I don't think there's probably not that many people going to be playing it like that I don't think personally it's going to be mostly people playing it solo but yeah I could be wrong I'd be interested to see those stats but yeah I'm glad about it I think it's a good thing and I'd rather I'd rather the game was focused and impressive than well if they felt it was like oh for the sake of it if they felt it wasn't needed or that it it was kind of preventing them from reaching their full vision then yeah I'm happy it's gone too and this is kind of one of the things where you know it's it's it's great for them to be under Microsoft who allows that sort of creative freedom you know because other Publishers may have been like no co-op's gonna be part of this thing right even Microsoft we always hear about how they're always pushing for live services or they're pushing for some sort of online connectivity like Co-op or multiplayer in their games for the whole The Game Pass fighter stuff that people always talk about well here you got about big RPG coming in from obsidian and I'm sure Microsoft would have wanted a co-op element because that kind of adds that whole like oh you're gonna get a vowed okay I'm gonna get a vowed oh well you can get a vow too we can play it together download it on Game Pass or buy it right and nope hey it didn't work or we feel it's better without it and then you're in this situation where maybe it's one of the reasons why the game is taking longer to come out because they looked at it and we're like this isn't what we wanted let's take this thing out but then we need to kind of refocus everything so it's going to take a little bit longer um so that's one of the benefits you get from working with someone like Microsoft who's willing to like let you build the game that you want in the way that you want it and not have all these you know like no we need the co-op and we need to hit this date because we've seen recently what happens when you know games are like no you can't delay it anymore you release with less features or you're released with performance problems or are you released with you know things that aren't supported so the fact that they're happy with it and it was like no this isn't something that was working we need to just do what we're really good at like that makes me uh that makes me excited you know yeah because I honestly some people were were off about the visual style they've gone with but it's I don't know it doesn't bother me that much I mean it'll look better when we see it again probably when they've implemented more lighting techniques and stuff like that but uh it's about how it plays man like is it gonna play like the other worlds if it does then I'll be happy because our world is bloody great yeah the only thing the only thing the outer worlds the thing I would have liked to have seen improved in the outer worlds is is the combat I think like I the only weapons that I really enjoy playing with you with the out in the outer worlds was um uh rifles and handguns like I felt like all the other weapons just didn't have really good feedback I don't know um but you know hopefully they can Elevate all that kind of stuff for about and um I'm just happy to see a positive eternity Universe back again I guess I just really hope that after Baldur's Gate they'll reconsider making a new pill this game I really hope they'll do that but we'll see ah pillar I mean I don't know about that I mean like oh the success of Baldur's Gate let's do pillars uh two totally separate things jazz not really no really yes how how is that how do you figure we're not discussing that I don't know I just wanted to say that because I know you like pillars so hopefully pillars never comes back that's dumb well a vows here and that is set in the pillars universe so you'll get your you'll get your uh pillars lore well yeah um oh turn base is always better what do I want to talk about oh I want to mention the game I've been playing this past week because I mentioned last week I was playing something I couldn't talk about and that game is atlas Fallen so this is one of these games it says by deck 13 the makers of surge one and surge two and the trailers really impress me I was like man this game kind of looks cool looks like a Darksiders clone I really like Darksiders I'm kind of excited to check it out and they emailed me out of nowhere with the code and I was like yeah sure I'll play the game so they sent me a code and boy Jazz the first 15 30 minutes of that game I wanted to turn it off and delete the game I can't tell you last time I experienced the intro of a game that literally made me want to stop playing a game like that because like the beginning of the game was not it's tutorial but they kind of throw you right in and you just like the voice acting is so atrocious that it sort of ruins a lot what the game's trying to go especially with the story because it's like you you don't want to listen to these people because the acting is that bad so you're just sort of like reading what's being said it's like okay and you didn't end up not caring about the story right and it's I was just like this is this is awful like I was like oh my god did I just get duped because it was like I watched the trailers and oh man it looks really cool with the combat and then finally kind of get into the combat proper and it became better like initially I would have been like this is like a four out of ten but then once you got the The Gauntlet and you started getting the powers and expanding on that I sort of felt it kind of went up to like a six where the combat made the game better but it couldn't overcome the awful voice acting with the kind of bad story with the with the world that wasn't really super interesting right a lot of the a lot of the missions were just your typical go here pick this up go here go that like the the variety in the missions weren't exciting either what the game does well is like the movement is that combat but it it's not that good of a combat system to to overcome all of its flaws right like the way the combat's set up is you basically have this gauntlet and you can have two weapons at a time you can either be like a hammer or a whip or like kind of like gloves and they have two of them at any time and when combat starts you fight these enemies usually there's some small enemies combined with like a huge enemy and you can kind of Dodge or you could Parry the Perry seem to be a little finicky like you can hit left bumper when the thing's supposed to hit you and it would crystallize them enemies but I found it to be very finicky so I just kind of dodged a lot but the movement speed of getting around the battlefield and exploring like going through the sand and then in combat like being able to dash up to three times and actually fight in not only on the ground but in the air and actually be in the air for a significant amount of time there's some battles I was in the air for like a like a minute and a half right because it was very intuitive and you could you could Dash to the next enemy and once you once you hit that enemy you would give you your dash back so it was kind of just like you're in the air moving around avoiding attacks and as you attack it as a very interesting reward risk reward system where as you attack this the bottom left bar called momentum fills up and these Essence stones that you place in there you have these passive effects and then and then an active effects so these passive effects you'd be like all right as you attack enemies and the bar builds suddenly one of your passives will essentially uh become active and then it's like oh you do more damage or you heal more or you essentially could take less there's a whole bunch of these Essence Stones there's like a hundred of them right and they all give different properties some of them are like oh if you do this this maneuver it'll it'll stop this enemy for 10 seconds right so as you and you you have like three passives in the first slot three passives in the second level and two in the third so like as you essentially attack enemies you unlock these better abilities then there's ones you can actually use by holding the left trigger and the longer you attack the longer you attack and get into the other bars the other levels you do more damage so not only do you do more damage you also get access to better Essence Stones like more damaging or can heal more do less damage and stuff right and you get to level three and you get to like the really tough ones the really ones that deal out a lot of damage and all that time your weapons are changing like your your Hammer is kind of small in the beginning but by level three it's massive right same thing with the whip your weapons get bigger but the risk reward comes into even though you're doing more damage each level you're you're in the enemies do more damage to you so you might be doing a lot of damage but then one hit from one of these big enemies takes away like half your life bar so you have to be cautious can I do I build this up and then basically use almost momentum by hitting left and right triggers to do this move called the shatter which then drains all your momentum and then you're back to the beginning that was really the fun aspect of the game was getting into the combat moving around dodging uh uh and and just having fun breaking down the different enemies but it didn't last for long because that's all there really is to the game because the stories just stupid The Voice acting's awful all the sort of quests are just the same thing over and over and like the world itself isn't that interesting to explore it all has the same visual palette it's all just sand so it's all just brown right right so it's just like it's a game that I don't know this is on me for like watching the trailers and getting excited and maybe having this expectation of the game in my head and then playing it and being like wow this isn't what I what I thought it was going to be and sort of just being disappointed so it's like for anybody in the reviewer well I mean I was playing it you know before there were any reviews so how was I supposed to know right so yeah that's I beat the game because I always beat every game because I'm the opposite of jazz this is how I am but if you've got time to waste is what no I don't get timed away so it's just I played it I'm gonna beat it um I wouldn't recommend it really to anybody not not at this price point uh I think it's 60 bucks I would definitely not recommend it at that I would wait for it to come down but honestly there's so many better games out there to play and it's just there's there's I don't know man if like the other things were actually better the game could have been could have been a much more enjoyable experience I mean I you can play it in Co-op and I I didn't play it in Co-op so maybe that could uh increase your enjoyment Factor doing the doing the battles with somebody else it's just like man if they took this combat in the movement system and they applied it to a different game it could have been it could have been so much more and instead it's just a mediocre experience that's not worth the sixty dollars in my in my opinion that is yeah I kind of um my uh reviewer kind of echoed some new sentiments especially about the essence stones and stuff like that but yeah it's it looks like it's just gonna be a game I just skip there's too much other good stuff coming out to play sort of some of these the black games but this is what I'm talking about man in a world where development Cycles were longer and those I don't know um more gaps between the major releases we're kind of getting a bunch of stuff at once right now because there's a covid slow development down a lot and sort of bottlenecked it and then all of a sudden this year's just been kind of incredible because a lot of games that were stuck in development uh you know started ramping up at different speeds and whatever and now we've got like a Floodgate Of content that developers need to get out there as soon as possible because they've been uh the development was sort of bottlenecked for so long but um in the future like there'd be more room for my maybe job double A experiences an appropriate price points like if it just doesn't feel like the quality is up to Snuff to do to earn that price point like slap it at the recall price point man I I thought recall was had a great price point for what it was and um it came out and I recalls the game I actually completed thank you very much Ryan and well I had to review it again yeah yeah um um but uh I thought recall was a pretty good experience for what thirty dollars I think it was for the for the regular version it was it was not expensive so I don't know yeah that's all that's Fallen you should have played all those games instead well I'll play uh maybe I'll play Baldur's Gate when it comes to Xbox next year because they'll do that as well probably come to Xbox in 2024 after it Wins Game of the Year and they can kind of have another push like experience the game of the year on Xbox you know it's funny nobody nobody even cares it's not coming to switch for a lot of these games like nobody cares nobody cares that any of these games don't come to switch no it is what it is I saw some some rumors some leak that this the new Switch is going to be for 399 jazz how much 399 which would make it a hundred dollars more than what the switch currently is I think I think the switch launched at 299 right um yes awesome I saw some leak where they said the new Switch is going to be 3.99. I mean not really shocker but I do wonder how that could affect the initial cell through I don't think it'll affect theirness they're gonna have a Mario game a 3D Mario game launching with it I don't think it's gonna affect their their their their uh their launch sell through it'll it'll sell like hotkeys as they as they always do um let's see let me look at some other stuff that uh Frank F says I don't get that my time is too precious to play a bad game if I start a game and don't get hooked I'm out yeah no I I get you um but Ryan's just got a lot of time on these hands because it's a millionaire YouTube yeah I wish no since I started it and I wasn't enjoying it but then I started to enjoy it a little bit more but then again like a six out of ten I know a lot of people look at a six out of ten or a seven out of ten they're like it's not worth playing um I'm just saying I wouldn't recommend wouldn't recommend the game at 60 bucks now if you could get it for 30 yeah I mean I think then that's a good price point for what that game offers it's an open world game well it has like four Maps right so it's like kind of sectioned off and the maps a couple of the maps are kind of big so it's like yeah at that price point it's probably worth playing because the game's not gonna it's not that long you're not gonna waste all your time in it I think it took me 20 hours or I think it was like 18. so it's not like this huge uh like oh I need to spend 60 hours in this in this game and it's like 18 hours so I played it over the course of like you know four or five days or whatever played a few hours every night and that that was it I was done with it I wanted to see how the game progressed and yeah so I could I could talk about it so it's like sixty dollars no but Thirty yeah you could probably get some enjoyment out of out of the game at 30 bucks it's not like the game's truly awful it's just that at that price point it's just I don't know is this for a game that I actually had some high expectations for based off the trailers and I was like okay give me this game and then the combat's sort of living up to it but everything else not it was just it was an interesting Crossroads for me and it's not like I always finish every game uh like Saints Row came out last year I started playing Saints Row I dropped Saints Row after five hours I didn't care for it didn't like it couldn't drive with any of the characters the stories sucked the characters suck the combat sucked the world sucked there was like nothing redeeming about that Saints Row game at least yeah well at least with Alice Fallen there was something enjoyable like I was like the combat's fun but it's not sixty dollars fun you know what I mean yeah uh crippling debt says are you more or less excited for Lords of the Fallen after beating their other game uh Lord the new Lords of the Fallen uh yeah who's make I did I didn't play Lords of the Fallen who's making this the new Lords of the Fallen did I play their previous game so CI games and deck 13 kind of lit or something at some point I remember the exact story about this but I think the original Lords of the Fallen was developed by the original version was developed by deck 13 which is the people that just made the atlas fallen and they did surge one The Surge two yeah and then they s but they but some of the devs split off from them and made CI games I think okay and they somehow got the IP to lose the Fallen or something I don't I'm not exactly sure what happened there maybe someone in chat knows but uh yeah it's slightly different studio so CI games make um Sniper Ghost Warrior Lee sniper games not Sniper Elite the other one sniper ghostwork I don't know but it does look pretty good I'm there's another gamble checking out at Gamescom I was supposed to go to this London event for it but then uh all train drivers went on a strike in London so I couldn't get there so the event was canceled and postponed but then by the time the event went on I was back in Germany so I couldn't do it but I'm going to check it out at Gamescom but um I'm kind of interested in this but at the same time I'm kind of like Vans there's just too many games like loads of peas coming out an armored Core and I'm both on the I want to play both of those as well and you're still playing yeah and I'm still playing ball is gay it's just kind of like Something's Gotta Give I am struggling to contain all of these games it's kind of a nice problem to have on the one hand but on the other hand it's kind of really annoying I mean loads of fun also comes out at a bad time where it's like literally the same day as Assassin's Creed and a few days before Alan Wake 2 and a few days before Spider-Man 2 so it's like it's kind of buried under these other games that I would play I didn't play the first one but that doesn't preclude me not playing the second one but I haven't played running Remnant yet right I'm still looking forward to trying out armor core six or Immortals of abrium um there's some even submitting games that I want to play um starfield's coming soon too it's going to take a lot of time Mortal Kombat one I mean I want to play cyberpunk When the new update comes with the with the expansion there's just a lot of stuff there's not a lot of time you know so and a straight just came out on Xbox I Don't Stray short enough where like I could easily just pop down and just finish stray because I already beat the game once and it's like okay well why not I'll go through it again I like getting my you know put there's like some of those games where I'd rather have the on my profile that I played it and got the achievements and stray is one of them where I enjoyed it enough last year I didn't think it was worthy of the game of the year nomination but where it's like okay yeah I mean I could go through it in two hours and beat it again you know run let's go to cat I I don't mind that it's got a cat maybe it should have been a dog though well this guy's got a dock yeah Butler's Gates got everything apparently that's what I should name this episode what you can even play fetch with the dog uh Joaquin wanted us to mention about a rumored Borderlands 4 being released this year there's no way a Borderlands 4 is coming this year because the idol slot tweeted out rumor Borderlands 4 possibly could be released on holiday 2023 according to Nadia D LinkedIn profile uh so there's been some talk that maybe Borderlands 4 is in development and may come out I I wouldn't be surprised if Borderlands 4 is in development huge franchise I just pushed out right in French fries I just doubt it would release this year and you know I mean this holiday I mean that's a couple months from now they're not even announced yet yeah maybe holidays yeah embracer bought them oh yeah and Bryce is just Embraces everything they sure do so yeah if you guys are enjoying the show make sure you hit the like button and please subscribe if you're new we are going to transition over to some patreon questions the wonderful people at patreon can drop these questions uh you can too if you head over to xb2 you get access to this special Xbox ultimate podcast and the Xbox two plus one we're gonna be doing next week with Colin and a whole bunch of other stuff but one of the perks is answering you know giving us some questions that we will answer on the shows and we have some here jazz so thank you guys so much for dropping the questions thank you for being here in the chat with us we love you all and um we got question number one jazz we have Danny who says questions will Baldur's Gate 3 make its way to the Windows store and if so would it be possible to cross save when it hits Xbox hey you remember to know how we talked about hey how Xbox says they want to grow on PC and they're like oh we can't on Console Sony we're gonna focus on PC and I always told you well yeah growing on PC that's obviously a path to success but you know what's holding them back the fact that no games released on the Windows store for PC jazz how are they expecting to grow on PC when Baldur's Gate 3 isn't on your store that when allowick 2 comes out isn't on your store when Resident Evils come out and they aren't on how are you expected to grow on PC when the big huge games that actually move the needle aren't on your store I'm sorry that's a problem it's a problem that Baldur's Gate 3 isn't on your engine on your PC store it's an unfixable problem they will never be able to fix that dude you've got even blizzard given into steam now with OverWatch that got review bombed as well yeah it did um I I don't know the thing is like do they larion doesn't have to put it on Windows why would they why would they even want to it's not going to sell anything there it doesn't matter that Xbox or that Microsoft offers a lower percentage or a lower take because it's like hey you get it for 12 but nobody uses the Windows store just like nobody uses the Epic store to buy games everybody the the whole gaming thing PC that everybody just buys from Steam so yeah Baldur's Gate coming to win the store probably not because why would they also um why would they want to why would they care to you know it's not just that it's it's like um the Windows store just has a reputation for being inferior in quality like it's hard to access mods on there uh even though they've sort of fixed that fix that I still see people use that as a talking point and also that the app's not very good and it's not very pretty it's pretty laggy and all that kind of stuff I also see that criticism a lot although again they have improved it but it's kind of one of them you kind of you should have had that probably a little bit more polished before you went ahead with launching it because now it's sort of got this ingrained opinion and it's going to be hard to turn that around even if there was even if there was a possibility of putting a dent in Steam to be fair that could have the best app in the entire universe and wouldn't put a denim's name but we'll see what happens I mean if they've got Activision Blizzard and that can potentially change user habits with um um their uh their new staff there's a small chance a small opportunity Maybe because we've seen um Amazon with their their perks stuff with Amazon Prime people like blizzard people always go to Amazon to buy to get their twitch perks or whatever they call the camera what they call the top of my head but it's like it's like gaming with Amazon and if you connect your account you get like a free dog or something in World of Warcraft and free Craft Time packs and that kind of thing they are starting to do that increasingly for Game Pass and like in fact even OverWatch I think has some premium perks right now again pass ultimate so if they can start getting users to look into it more often maybe they can change things but I don't know it could be a while before we start seeing any sort of big name games coming to the platform there I don't know I mean I mean either way it comes as if one they buy Valerian which probably isn't going to happen or two they pay for the balders they pay for them to Port the game to the Windows store or they or they pay them to release another Windows store that's it yeah and I can't even get them to do Xbox series s in the minute so yeah Eric says the Borderlands four thing he says no that was confirmed false it's a live-action Borderlands series called Echo Vision live is apparently what that uh LinkedIn post was so there's that by the way uh you know Jazz I see we have the wonderful people at valari sponsoring our show and jazz is putting the uh links to the website or the affiliate link the code is xb215 not xb2 jazz oh okay just to let people know if people are checking out getting the the gaming pillow anyway she's in the document I've got 36b2 I mean the website that I was on said it was uh XP 215. either way I love that um let's try both we have Silas It's A Dark Day the world is in and then portal appears and you can escape to any game world to live out your days which one would it be and why note that you would be there as yourselves not a character in the game you need to survive on your wit and rugged good looks what world would I want to be in definitely definitely not like something nice yeah because I'm not like post-apocalyptic like gears where there's monsters running around or covenants in the future like with Halo or sand monsters and Atlas Fallen like what's a what's a nice world where you could live in with some beaches some cool landscapes I'm trying to think stodgy Valley like even like Resident Evil like oh our world but no you got zombies to to fight off yeah stodgy Valley man uh that that people are saying Dead or Alive Dead or Alive well there you go um I could just some people are saying Azeroth azeros are relatively safe these days if you live in Agra Mall you're pretty much safe you know I mean aggramar hasn't been attacked for a long time in the lore so I think I think you're pretty safe you live in World of Warcraft these days um you could live in Stormwind you know I don't think stormwind's been attacking Deathwing but he probably being killed by a gigantic Apocalypse Dragon is probably not fun way to go out but I think the chance of that happening these days in words pretty slim so maybe you're OverWatch OverWatch a nice world right he's getting killed by robots and there though yeah I guess you could I mean maybe no world's safe yeah I suppose bonji Valley man I mean well I mean even stardew Valley you've got slimes coming out of the caves and stuff sometimes I don't know Animal Crossing world but then you'd live with like freakish NPC cats all day who don't even talk I suppose that's another issue like if you're in the game if if it's if it's in the game world like all the other people are just going to be like robotic NPCs who don't say anything they don't get kind of creepy after a while no uh let's see here I'm thinking about this way too hard yeah you are we do have some super chats I I miss we have leaky hum popping in to ask you if you guys think Killer Instinct 2 is a thing we both think so yes crispy nuggets says Hey guys when I play a Bethesda style RPG I always feel compelled to brutally murder anyone and everyone all the way back to Morrowind on the OG Xbox eager to to Cleansing the Galaxy of sentient life I mean I don't do that I don't I don't do that I'm always more of like a um of a nice guy the only time I really played evil was with Mass Effect because I sort of felt right I don't know or like at least was it was more fun to play as a renegade than a paragon like Paragon just kind of seemed uptight and prissy like no the world's on the line I'm gonna do everything I need I I thought plain as a renegade was a lot more fun I don't know yeah uh Raz says how are the prospects leaking home said you missed the supercharge I just read it I was popping in to ask if you guys think Killer Instinct 2 is a thing yes we both believe it is a thing Raj how are the prospects um and it's uh probably on Galaxy making it we would think so but maybe somebody else uh maybe they'll be brought on to continue it maybe you have like a repeat where some other Studio makes it and then like iron Galaxy continues the work you know yeah maybe how are the prospects of the completion of Persona 5 campaign completion looking Jazz not good Raj I'll tell you that right now that's not and I gave him the whole year too I gave him the whole year he's already put 30 hours in the Baldur's Gate and he's talking about thinking uh starting over how many hours do you have in Persona and you just stopped and you got Starfield on the on the horizon got these all these other games oh yeah yeah you should have you should have got one person oh yeah I was in the persona you should have finished his Persona by the end no you will I finished I will maybe maybe you just need to say I'm doing a review of should you play you should write an article for Windows Central should you play Persona 5 in 2023 and that could be like I need to refinish this and then write this write this article well after after I'm done with Starfield pretty much nothing major that I'll be focusing on I think what's after Starfield really Mortal Kombat cyberpunk oh yeah actually the crew assassin's crew I'm not playing wake Lords of the Fallen maybe plan that there's a bunch of games uh obviously like Nintendo games like Mario and Spider-Man 2 and new Call of Duty and stuff Pokemon they'll say You're Gonna Fly that no I heard I heard the the latest Pokemon Direct was this news Fest yeah there's um people were happy about it I'm not surprised friendship like they're doing these like Fusion Pokemon or something that are like mixtures of different Pokemon together they look ridiculous I I think Pokemon is just I'm just I'm over it man I'm over it I'm over it which is a weird thing to say as a grown-ass man because it probably should have happened a long time ago but um I used to I used to really ride that Nostalgia where I rode that Pokemon Nostalgia wave really hard but I can't I can't lie to myself anymore and say that it's a good franchise it's not it's not a good franchise Artemis says I saw on at Twitter I'll never get used to that someone posted a screenshot of a storefront that said stalker 2 is releasing December 1st any word on this I mean no word uh but it seems possible maybe they announced that at Gamescom yeah that could be a thing maybe yeah I think so if they're gonna announce it it's probably gonna be a game yeah and crippling debt says mark my words when the stated K3 trailer dropped sometime this year sometime this next year you will start hearing praise from content creators and how good state of the K2 is it launched terribly and almost no one touched it since update 34 this fall yeah I mean State Decay is it's an enigma man I mean they've got a new studio working on state Decay 2 now and we've got Steve to go through finally ramping up development um I'm really intrigued by that game I I don't know what it's going to look like you know I kind of really want it to be more photorealistic like the CGI trailer suggested it would be otherwise it's just going to be another another round of false promises from Microsoft marketing um but we'll see I thought people really like State of Decay 2 now because they've updated it a lot right where yeah maybe it has much poorly but it hasn't aggressively passionate fan base and it always has like even the first game does but like they're they're all like there's there's a a small but passionate uh uh Community around Stave Decay um I suppose much like Killer Instinct in a way it's just kind of like way into um sort of reach that next level because the concept is solid it's just the execution's always been the issue but we'll see what happens yeah I mean the fact the maiden they made a sub open world survival game with tethering which is so irritating it was I remember playing it at launch and playing trying to play in a co-op and it just you really couldn't just like rubber banding everywhere um yeah but yeah so uh we have achievement asking as well he says is anyone else tired of live action content I'm assuming you mean like the Borderlands stuff live action Borderlands things I mean I'm not a really a fan of live action content in a video game you know what I mean like the like Command and Conquer style where the cutscenes are real people I've never really been a fan of that although the command and Conquer stuff could be funny uh but I'm I you know give me more video game adaptions I'm looking forward to the gears movie I'm looking forward to Last of Us season two so I'm not I mean I'm I'm perfectly fine with live action stuff I don't know about you Jazz how do you feel about live action stuff I like you when it's good the problem is it's just so really good yeah that is I watched them I wish The Little Mermaid I know this isn't gaming but I watched The Little Mermaid live action and it was just like I was watching it I was thinking like man it's it's impressive how close it is to original but then I was thinking like why is it so close to the original like can't you couldn't you have done something a little bit beyond or something unique and grow this thing you know maybe change it up a little bit because they didn't they didn't really change anything you know um and it was cool seeing those epic moments and stuff but then it's when it's it's around then when I realized like I kind of actually did appreciate a little bit more what they did with Final Fantasy 7 remake because Final Fantasy 7 remake why aggressively reimagine stuff like sections that were really small in the original were really expanded and became like a thing and they added some cool bosses that weren't in the original as well and they fleshed out some of the different areas and added some additional story context that maybe wasn't as apparent in the original and stuff like that so um but yeah I I don't know I think the problem with live action stuff is it's often just so poorly executed that I have an expectation that it's going to be poorly executed now but sometimes it's done really well I really like the Sonic movies you know I which I know is weird I don't think a lot of people liked Sonic movies that much um I know he's popular globally but I just mean like cool Gamers how do you guys um how do you guys feel about uh um Sonic movie in chat Sonic movies because I thought they were pretty good I thought Jim Carrey was a perfect Robotnik but I don't know but one thing that should definitely not be doing live action of is Anime all every single live-action anime has been awful and they should just not even bother with that the live action anime stuff I don't really have an opinion on that because I don't I don't really watch it so yeah there isn't a single there isn't a single one that's good uh we have back to the patreon we have Ryan kipple saying I was late to Xbox so I'm finishing backlog stuff on Game Pass before Starfield played all the Doom games and Wolfenstein games in the last two months what is your favorite title between those two franchises mine is Doom eternal huh so between like Doom 2016 Doomer tuner or like Doom one two and Wolfenstein well what's on there Wolfenstein one Wolfenstein 2 Wolfenstein Youngblood which one was my favorite probably do maternal as well I really really like do maternal my favorite is probably Wolfenstein uh the New Order the first one the first reboot for the first I mean it is the thing is you can't go wrong with any of them like Wolfenstein New Order Wolfenstein New Colossus and like the two dude like that one as much man I didn't like New Colossus as much as the first one for some reason I'm not even completely sure why I don't know what it is I'm either I I love them all I think they're great can't wait to see what machine games got up to with Indiana Jones and whatever it is doing next uh chimericasm says I know Rand loves Allen Lake but this is a question for both you boys are the two of you planning on replaying The Original Ale Lake before the sequel drops I'm planning on playing the remaster of it to refresh my memory of the story myself I actually am playing planning on playing Alan Wake remastered before the sequel it's just a matter of where can I fit the game in right because there's so many games I'm gonna do this I am I'm gonna do the same so I'll probably do it in two years because it's been a long time since I played Al wake and I kind of thought the same like I probably should replay Alan Wake before the sequel comes out signed what it kind of this is a slight tangent have you ever watched Twin Peaks no I actually never have if you like shows and you like Alan Wake you kind of need to watch Twin Peaks yeah people have always said like basically Twin Peaks Twin Peaks would probably be something up my alley I've always thought about it maybe one day I will maybe one day I will Andrew Courtney says less at let's ask something fun this week top 5 best studio names and top 5 worst Studio names oh oh interesting are we talking just Xbox related or like anybody uh let's just call everybody otherwise it's going to be I always thought like rock star what a name bro you know what I mean Rockstar is such a great name yeah let's not put them in order we'll be real nice so let's just name five great ones and five not so great ones like I really like in Exile in Excel is a good one especially if you know the the story behind it um so in Exile is a pretty good one uh I'm trying like literally the first one that popped in my head is Rockstar in Exile was the first one that popped into my head um it's kind of tough uh I think it's kind of funny I like um like blizzard and Square Enix they have like multiple internal teams but that that called like blizzard a and blizzard b or Square Enix Development Group four and stuff like that that's so boring so like all of those Studios that don't let their Studios have a name those are the worst ones so whether it's a Capcom team one or team two let them have a bloody name guys um so those are all the worst ones that'd be like five that'd be the five there uh Undead Labs is a good name too game five just sit down chat I really like on dead Labs do you think of any more uh lucky I like respawn is Raven in chat respawn's a good one respawn's a good one it's like a video it's like you know it has some history it's like responsible video game mechanic like I think that's really a really cool one yeah I like that one too yeah that's a good one um okay I'm trying to think of some other ones because like blizzard nah even trying to think of some Xbox Ones Coalition is a pretty good one um I you know what I actually kind of like insomniac it's something actually a good one like because not being able to sleep Insomniac right I still think maybe the best one's rockstar I there's so many studios we'd be we'd be here forever trying to think of their names and stuff but worst ones like worse names Square Enix Development Group B is where Unix Development Group Capcom team for stuff like that um I don't know I just I just there's nothing that really stands out as like a horrible Studio name to me there's a lot of boring ones like Ci games yeah I guess like that like oci like you know Bungie's not that really even good of a name either Bungie yeah bungee's a terrible night in her Studio actually to be fair yeah three four three a lot of people saying three four three is bad as a bad as a bad Studio name that student name Hello Games it's kind of a really boring Studio name it's like the dude was like what should we call ourselves uh uh I don't know it's just the first word that came into his head or something um as much as I appreciate it that studio now it's pretty bland Lucky Brand came up with the studio name what would your studio name be around if you came with the studio oh man it would have to be a play on something Wheel of Time related probably because the name Randolph Thor maybe like or something oh Jesus I don't know I'm such a dork you are a dog yeah all right so we got Jay Foley hey guys hope you uh both are having a great week my question is do you think Xbox will design a series X for a game like PlayStation did for Spider-Man I think it would be cool to see Fable or hellblade design Xbox thoughts well I mean they already did they they did one with Halo infinite and it was a fantastic looking piece of hardware I guess your question is what do they do next right is there one they do for it next I don't see them doing one for hellblade I could see them doing one for fable though I'm assuming fables 2025 and they have the chip shortage or whatever was going on with the Silicon I could see one being made for fable absolutely I think hellblade no a vowed no yeah I could see one being made for fable actually but you know they always used to do one for Call of Duty and if they get you know they own Call of Duty with the marketing rights I'm not saying you make like a a custom Xbox every year but you definitely would that want to have maybe a bundle right that PlayStation used to do that all the time uh Omen says happy Friday guys this year is absolutely wild with high quality releases if you look at open critic there are already 10 AAA games released with an 87 plus Metascore an armor core 6 Spider-Man 2 and Starfield aren't even here yet so the question is which six games do you think will be nominated for Game of the Year you don't have to read this part but here's a list of AAA games with 87 open critic I'll read it Baldur's gay three tears of the Kingdom Metroid Prime remastered Resident Evil 4 Street Fighter 6 Hi-Fi Rush Dead Space Diablo 4 Final Fantasy 16 Pikmin 4 and uh Hogwarts Legacy we've got an 84 but still a top seller this is going to be a conversation eventually once we know how reviewers feel about Starfield and how reviewers feel about Spider-Man 2 and how they feel about Alan Wake 2 and Super Mario Wonder right we don't have the full picture yet but right now I can guarantee you two games that are gonna be in that list is Baldur's Gate 3 and tears of the Kingdom absolutely so you already have two spots taken I think there's four spots to fight over and there's a lot of great games you know I wish I would have said Diablo Diablo being there but the opinions but then again there's a lot of time between now and when they vote maybe maybe they do some good patches and people are hiding on Diablo right yeah that's true I mean the the issue with Diablo is that like people don't feel the the seasons are really good like the Diablo 3 those seasons were just like you know it was just like a ton of rape free content there was no battle pass attached to it whatever there was like free cosmetics and stuff but this is all it just feels like it's it's mostly like blizzard being like give us money and here's a trickle of crap in return because the the stuff in the season is just not interesting it's just not interesting but they want us to pay for it all I I just find it's yeah it's just I don't know yeah looking at this list I think you can remove Metroid Prime remastered I don't think that makes it and I don't think it really can I don't think we're Masters can make it in I could be wrong and you can remove Street Fighter 6. I think Street Fighter 6 is going to be in contention with and then when you didn't even mention Mortal Kombat one that could review very highly as well I just I just can't see Street Fighter 6 winning a game of the year nomination in the similar vein of Forza Horizon 5 back in 2021 when it didn't get nominated when there was far less competition as well this year there's a ton of competition I just don't see Street Fighter 6 getting into the top it'll it'll compete for you know best fighting game and unfortunately I don't think Hi-Fi Rush makes it in either I think High fire Rush will be nominated for best action game or whatever category but I don't think it makes it into the top because you already have Baldur's Gate Interiors of the Kingdom taken two of the slots of the four and like we know reviewers love Sony games so I wouldn't be surprised with Spider-Man 2's on there right so are you ready like maybe three Resident Evil 4 was highly rated that could easily be there that's four Final Fantasy 16. yeah star field huh armored Core people love from software uh there's just a ton of games Alan Wake 2 control was nominated what if Alan Wink 2 was like amazing to be nominated I think I mean it's tough because there's just there's just so many games to choose from and we don't know how the Press is gonna react to Starfield maybe do they react negatively to Starfield because of Baldur's Gate three what if what if all the people why are there negative about it I'm just saying like you talked about what stuff baldness gay three does and what if like Starfield comes out with some bugs it's like I've got a bunch of quests that I can't complete there's just no way to complete them no fair enough and I've I've had bugs where uh uh NPCs have gotten stock and they won't move and I have to reload the game nothing game breaking but there's there's always bugs in this kind of game it's just because there's so so many ways to interact with stuff I've had like Quest objects that you can't interact with require me to reload so it's not like it's not I mean it's probably the most polished game of its type I've ever played but especially considering how complex it is and how many different ways you could potentially break the game if you're doing sort of really niche ways to try and resolve some of the quests because it's just wild what you can do in the game is really as well and so that it really is a testament to how much they've tested it the fact that it isn't a complete catastrophe but yeah I I'm expecting at least that the game will have a sort of a baseline level of um I don't know quality well me too me too it's just I'm just saying there's so many games this year that are so high quality that you never know Starfield may not make the cut hell maybe Spider-Man doesn't make the cut in Starfield does you just you're just not armor core I mean people people slept on Armor core all year until they got to play it and they're like hold on but even still armor core is not Dark Souls right oh I I don't I personally don't think armored Cole will be in the Game of the Year considerations personally it's it's great it's very good but it's it's it's it's very good but it's not quite on the same level as like an album ring or a Dark Souls right in my personal opinion but we'll see what happened we got Randy Dickens II he says what is your take on the lack of keyboard and mouse support I wish Xbox would push this for games where it would clearly improve gameplay I hate playing games on PC for example as I sit at the computer all day for work that being said I would love to use keyboard and mouse for games with building Conan Exiles is great except the controller was terrible for building I want to play Starfield and imagine I will do the minimum for Starship and base designs because of the controller I mean I I hear that I play Conan Exiles with the controller and it was pretty bad um in fact again all this gay podcasts the builders gate podcast Builders gay it's pretty terrible with controller as well um is it it's not terrible it's playable but it they need to improve the cursor for picking stuff up because sometimes like for example if there's a little tiny key on the table and the the key surrounded by other stuff it's such a ball like to get it with a with a controller you know it's so much easier on PC with the mouse and um that's why like I switched from playing it on my Asus Rog Ally I switched from planet on that to switch to play on my laptop just for to get the mouse and keyboards on on Deck but um I do wish Microsoft to push it more as well um but they can't force third parties to do it you know at the end of the day a lot of Microsoft's first party games do support it so your thieves supported for example so it's something they do do but it's again it's about getting devs to do it it's about are the apis good enough all those devs to be able to do it um I don't know yeah and then how many people will actually use it they're probably thinking like the vast majority of people probably won't use it and they're probably right there as most people probably play on their couch and the Razer turret is like the only Xbox branded um uh Xbox configurable wireless mouse and keyboards you can get and that's like 300 or 200 I think after price drops or whatever but I don't know anyways we have uh true iron leg it says does ball just gave three change how AAA games are made 100 finished product without mass Ultra microtransactions or pay to win I hope it does this feels like the first time in a long time you get what you paid for with the game hope you gents have a great weekend I would love to say that absolutely it will change everything but the cynical me says absolutely will not change anything no one two one change of things it won't change the damn thing the only reason Larry can do it is because they're a privately held company without shareholders tell them what to do and you know the there's no corporatism within their company and that kind of stuff that's really what it's to do with it's about shareholders vacuuming up all the profit and all that kind of stuff no yeah it's not going to change anything unfortunately Tommy says why not drop the agreement that the series X and S need to be on par with each other it costs significantly less than the X as a consumer you can't get mad when it's not as good as as the much more expensive and Powerful X you've made that choice we're missing on the game of the year because of this nonsense have a great weekend guys I agree I agree entirely I'll play devil's advocate here go on you can't you cannot oh no you cannot you cannot break the parity on the two but the thing is they're already down at Power a because you don't have 4K resolution on this game so it doesn't matter 4K 4K resolution is not a feature though yeah it is no it's not a feature okay six okay six different second that's a feature it's not a feature either I would I would say it is it's more of a feature than split screen which no one's going to use I don't know but I'm saying like Microsoft has a clause where it has to have feature parity right where it's like I should ditch that close that's what he's saying I'm just saying well okay this is pretty slow yeah Mrs me Playing devil's advocate this is not me like saying what I would want personally the argument is okay we're missing out on a game of your Contender because of the series s I would also posit that I don't think they want to release the game on Xbox at the same time anyways because Starfield and they can get more out of the game coming to Xbox later after it Wins Game of the Year than they would ever get it from launching it day one across star field so even though I I I feel they are 100 truthful about the problems getting split screen to work on the series s and how they can't launch the game at the same time because of the parity Clause I feel that they think this benefits them because they can get launch on the PC first and get all the Acclaim and all the sales drive up incitement excitement on the PS5 and get those guys talking about how it's exclusive quote unquote and then when all the Starfield hype dies down and it gets a whole bunch of Game of the Year nominations they can essentially then bring it to Xbox with another kind of breath at life for it that's my that's how I personally like kind of see it's happening but when I when I when I'm playing devil's advocate here because once you do that jazz and say okay you're right you know what don't worry about split screen on the series as patch it in later when it's finished larion's a company that doesn't have any leverage they're an independent developer making one game what happens if Rockstar comes to you and it was like Hey we're having problems with Grand Theft Auto 6 Series S we don't want to make it for Series S at all I'm just at all for whatever Reasons I'm just saying it starts down to Slippery Slope where you start saying okay yeah you know what no parody get rid of it and then Dev start pushing further and further now more devs having problems oh well yeah you know what this feature can't make it in and eventually someone that has some Cloud might be like yeah you know what we can't get it working on Series S let's just not release it on Series S it's it kind of opens up that path so you're Microsoft you made the bed you made the hardware you made the laws quote unquote uh you have also a what's the word I'm looking here looking for here you you've basically made a promise to people who bought the series s that the only differences between the versions would be resolution and frame rate everything else would be the same so you have you're you're not entitled but you basically have to do it because of what you've said so if you start breaking those if you start saying yeah no it's you know this first this this feature on this series that's not not that big of a deal drop it don't be surprised when more companies come to you and you might have to bend backwards so Devil's Advocate they have to stay strong and firm and they have to put their foot down and say no we'll help you get it across the finish line but absolutely we will not break on this because that's just because that because that could open up some very bad things I disagree I think I think like I think once I mean you you don't have to bow to Rockstar you the the rule could be that we get we have you have to launch on Series S with everything but it has on except for split screen because it seems to be just split screen that's cause of the issues that's how I do it personally and then you just have to ex you just have to put on the series s box that I mean I think I'm pretty sure they've done this already to Future proof themselves not all features might be available on every version you know some some like that I'm sure they've already got that in there anyway because of 1080p 60 frames 30 frames some games are 60 on Xbox some games uh only 30 on the series s um generally it is 60 everywhere but when um chivalry 2 launched on the series s it was only 30 frames per second they did they did patch it later but you know I think it's unfair I ask for devs to accommodate the sus Microsoft made that bed um and clearly they didn't make it with split screen in mind you know sure so if it never wants to add split screen then it's unfair of them to try and get blood out of a stone they just have to I mean Microsoft themselves are struggling with split screen on the series s so they should just concede that split screen is just something the series s can't do you know I would rather see that than Baldur's Gate not launch on the suse X yeah but what if I told you bothersgate wasn't going to launch in the series at the same time anyways no matter if there was having problems yeah but this guy's one example like sure it could easily be that other games won't I'm just saying Devil's Advocate wise it opens up a very slippery slope for them if they basically start breaking that yeah so but I mean personally I don't care I have a series s so then again also at the same time if Baldur's Gate was coming out the 31st on or September 6th the same day as it is on Playstation I wouldn't play it anyway it's gonna be playing Star field so yeah Saucy mod says no one is off limits what superhero game are you bringing to Xbox and who's making it spawn the Coalition yeah there you go who uh uh Spider-Man insomniac hahaha are you a big Spider-Man fan no I'm just saying like who would you bring over it knows no limits I'm I'm somehow I'm I'm somehow getting uh Phil Dominus Maximus a really dispenser basically to bend Disney and lucasfilm to essentially make them put the game on Xbox like MLB the shows on Xbox and Insomniac and Spider-Man just become a multi-platform Dev there you go but realistically if we're not if it can't be Spider-Man and It's gotta be something new um I mean I've always wanted a Superman game right and rocksteady's been there forever who knows about Justice League but like my game I've always wanted is like a Justice League experience we got Batman you get Superman you get the flash you get Green Lantern you get Wonder Woman all in one game that's like the coolest and you could like play play as certain characters at certain points or something like how cool would that be that'd be so epic if not Justice League at least a Superman game I don't know that's what I want I want to see it I want to say a triple A Judge Dread game yeah like the Rebellion judge Dred is wasted a rebellion I'm sorry it is rebellion is just sitting on that IP doing nothing with it it's really lame and shocking to me that they do so little with that IP when it's like it's it's globally recognizable and you're doing nothing with it what are they thinking you know they're just making like 10 000 sniper League games nah so yeah I don't know I'm calling you out Rebellion where's my Judge Dread AAA game there's no excuse I play that I play that I I love Judge Dredd uh gooichie says Jazz I just went back to OverWatch 2 to check out the new story content my God it is disappointing I think OverWatch 2 has officially stolen the crown from Halo as one of the worst live service launches ever sorry man nah don't don't apologize I feel that you know I still apply OverWatch bro I mean I'm playing it right now mindlessly um but again it's the game I can just play mindlessly now I don't even need to think and I get play of the game just because it's muscle memory at this point for me but I completely appreciate like people aren't happy with it and that blizzard of they're greedy and the battle pass doesn't seem to justify its existence like I haven't played the story stuff I'm gonna try it out and maybe write some about it next week but [Music] Microsoft sent 70 billion dollars on this failed franchise or something well that's that's the word franchise OverWatch too I mean that front show is that Colony I've been saying that for a long time Jess you just you just were blinded by your love for Diablo 4 apparently and then the truth comes out and nobody likes Diablo 4 anymore I'm just ahead of the Curve you are really mean that's what you are yeah uh Elise Lee Sanders says sorry I'm a few weeks behind the podcast so apologize if you've covered this what do you think of the new dashboard I like the top part but for someone that digs depends options only having two groups allowed and just a whole host of a it's ascertaining golf doesn't my sing the whole personalized idea finding myself just using the Mini Guy now to get around and having to do more bun presses to go around a step back in my opinion yeah we've talked about it um I mean the Xbox dashboard has kind of been static for a while right what they've done in the recent one was reduced the size of the tiles so you can see more of your background it is nicer looking for sure I'll give them that it's a better looking dashboard but then the functionality of the dashboard has kind of changed you can only pin two things before you even get to your groups you have to see something that Microsoft wants you to see like what's new on Game Pass or the free to play games and I don't need to see that you know so it's kind of disappointing in that regard and I just I find myself not scrolling the dashboard anymore you you have like the last eight things you played on there so it's always jumping into that so yeah I mean I've kind of stopped the dashboard for me now is just that single pane I don't even bother scrolling down basically because I don't want to see all that crap I don't need to see all that crap so but then again people will say who cares because aren't you getting on the Xbox or just play a game and how often do you stare stare at the dashboard anyways and I get that so you know step forward two steps back whatever uh mix radius Secret of Heart says hello Randon Jazz out of the classic platformer games which one would you rather they bring back for example banjo conquer or do you think something that is more recent like super Lucky's tale or new ukulele would be better exclusively for Xbox or Game Pass have a great evening I what I would like to see in terms of Platformers and although I don't know if this counts really as a platformer because it's more of a metroidvania platformer do you think those clown count around Metro violent Platformers in the spirit of the question if they count I want to see a new Shadow complex man I love that game yeah it was a published by epic games made by chair games so I think there are fortnite support Studio effectively um I would love to see I'd love to see that come back man um other than that uh in terms of 3D Platformers um I I'm gonna be I'm gonna be weird now I kind of want to see what recall would look like if it had a Dev like Insomniac behind it you know because I think I think I think that that franchise had had something interesting and cool about it um but it uh I don't think it reached its maybe potential or whatever so I'd like to see that personally I'm just gonna say bring back banjo for the banjo Bros there's nothing I'm really like hey I would love for this platformer from back then to kind of come back just I just want the banjo Bros to be happy even if I think banjo would kind of not not really strike a chord with the rest of the Xbox audience just throw them a bone let him do a remake of the first game and call today that's all you need to do you know bring back bring back Munchies Odyssey from the Xbox One the original Xbox yeah although that wasn't really a platformer either I mean I guess some someone in sat says uh Boba Fett aiming says probably ori3 and I think we talked about that when there was a rumor going around about some other Studio doing a new Ori and I was like ah it's like Ori 2 was so special like those two games form like a complete story even though there is kind of that to be potentially you could make another game but it's like I don't like it was so perfect and that studio was just the best studio to make it I'm kind of just at that point where I was like I don't really want an Ori 3 because I don't see how it could be better than Ori 2 and you ended it so great and it's not the same studio so if you do another Ori it has to be the quality has to be as good if not better than the last one and that's incredibly tough to do and where do you go from there because that story was just so oh God I loved that game so much and that's why I didn't pick it because I sort of don't want it to come back so yeah I'll throw my banjo Bros bro hey you get you get the banjo remake enjoy it and 20 people will play to it right so many people play it yeah um but yeah those are all the uh the patreon Questions jazz nice yeah well that's it then well I mean yeah I mean there's a I guess we should let people know um that we have Xbox two plus one on Tuesday with column Moriarty of Last Stand media should be a very very very interesting show a lot of uh we're gonna talk to them about Game Pass and ABK and a whole bunch of stuff that should be I'm looking forward to it and then we'll be back on Friday with another Xbox two Dez goes to Gamescom the week after maybe there's some news we'll hit news some new stuff ABK might close this end of this month my birthday is this this month as well this year yeah [Music] oh Nintendo Nintendo down the attack who added one more question since the refresh all right let me look let me get your question done it's probably gonna be like when are you gonna play Zelda Rand and I'll be like never done never uh oh it looks like we actually added two more questions hold on two more questions were added okay we have achievements saying do you think safe States need to be revamped in Bethesda games to account for saves coming no single player games I mean who cares if you can save scum you're not if you're not hurting anybody uh well the thing is they they have hardcore mode if you want to play that way put holco mode on you know like a lot of these a lot of Forex strategy games they also have Hawker mode where it's scythe's coming is impossible and sometimes apply for work strategy games like that you know because it's it kind of adds an extra Dimension to it and I applied Skyrim like that as well and I probably play I'll probably play starford like that as well but um you you got mad at me because I saved some to get my all the achievements and then uh Alden ring because but you see that's what you did was that's actually cheap no that is not cheating whatsoever how's that choice no it's not well that's that's like basically hacking oh yeah basically hacking yes yes I I literally have I just kind of use the cloud feature that Microsoft has by doing something in the game and then deleting the local save and re-downloading the cloud save so I could be at my old and that's not is that considered saves coming maybe no that's that's beyond size oh yeah attacking breaking the terms of service you should be banned bro you should be bad I should be no I don't think anything's to be revamped there's nothing wrong with safes coming and single player games people want to do it let them do it I don't care I I say eyesight scum and build this guy a whole bunch because like um sometimes like to be a decision I really want to win and if I if I lose it on a Dodge well I'm like Ah that's really annoying yeah oh save scrum sometimes but we got Don taku's question what up Jazz and ran do you guys think that multiplayer and cop have too much of a bad stigma now whenever a dev has a new game that adds multiplayer caught most will call it disappointing before even seeing the gameplay or giving it a chance when obsidian announced that a vows call up was removed you only saw people happy about it but I was disappointed as there was more than enough single-player games like a vowed but want a game on that level that I can play with friends I understand that there are games that suffered because of multiplayer but games like Baldur's Gate 3 Divinity Portal 2 grounded and it takes two shows you you can Implement Co-op and make an even better experience than single player if you put in the effort it seems no one wants devs to actually push the boundaries and just stick to the status quo anyways what do you guys think do you want more devs to push for co-op I I mean I barely play games and Co-op so I would rather the dev time goes towards making single player as good as can be just just for me and my sake um but that's selfish you know in a perfect world like it would be great if about had really great carp that didn't compromise in any way on the single player the problem is it just so often does compromise like you can't look at a game like mankind divided which followed up um yeah Human Revolution so like Deus Ex human Revolution amazing game really cool you know all perfect immersive Tim but um and then you add like mankind divided which just felt it felt so stunted it felt so paired back in every way and it's hard not to think that the Dom verses or VR Missions they're put in they shoehorned in with with um microtransactions or whatever you can't have a thing like why couldn't you have used that budget to give the game another year in development to really make it get to that that level of quality that it needed to be at you know so it's a double-edged sword you know and I think like when a game does fall short it's easy to point at like things like that as a example of something that could have should have maybe would have been cut but the thing is about carp like especially if you've got four player card which your valve was going to be you have to design the game around that you can't have like those claustrophobic dungeon diving experiences when you've got to design a level that accommodates four players you know so like maybe it should maybe two player card you could have got away with um you know but um if you know just play Remnant and like look at look at how wide it it is because it supports three players so it needs to give them a lot of space it informs the design of the game but that's designed that's designed all up for co-op right um it's designed a lot but I don't know I mean it depends I think some some games should be cop and other games shouldn't it depends uh like something like it takes two is clearly designed from the very start to be a co-op experience right even like uh Don's a mention of Portal 2 you still had a single player experience they just also did Portal 2 and they they built puzzles designed for two people to work together like the whole part is like designed to work together as Co-op and clearly obsidian was like one they were like oh we need to pitch this game to a publisher because we need money and Publishers are like eh just an RPG whatever we're not really interested but if that RPG but if that RPG's got Co-op like Co-op Skyrim maybe we would want want to give you 80 million dollars to make it so it sort of maybe came from a place where it wasn't fully thought out or they weren't fully behind it sort of seemed like we wanted to be Co-op because that's how we were going to pitch the game to Publishers and then when they were making the game it just didn't feel right which hey if that happens yeah then remove it I mean I guess there's maybe some oh there'd be like a coolness factor of Imagine playing Skyrim but in Co-op um but no I'm not really disappointed that obsidian is single player now because they clearly made it seem like it was the best decision for the game and if that's the best decision for the game then then I'm all for it right um but yeah there are special games that are designed around Co-op uh like it takes two wouldn't work as a single player game well maybe it would actually I don't know I mean you'd have ai doing the other thing it would have to be completely redesigned so um Co-op is Co-op is good for some experiences and and Co-op is bad for other it doesn't need to be in every single game and it's looks like the devs that obsidian were like no this is something that's not needed so but yeah that's uh looks like that's everything so make sure you guys check out the sponsor Villari and their gaming pillow everything's in the links in the description uh use our checkout code xb215 to get 15 off and um yeah thank you patreons thank you everybody for watching we'll be back on Tuesday with Xbox two plus one with Colin on Jazz's Channel you check you know make sure to uh be checking your patreon emails when the link goes up for that and then we'll be back on Friday for another episode of Xbox two and until then hope you guys have a fantastic weekend love you all and keep it gaming later everyone rock and roll baby thanks everybody
Channel: Rand al Thor 19
Views: 72,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BBtaJULis_g
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Length: 231min 40sec (13900 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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