Glock 45 1000 Round Review: The Best Glock Ever?

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[Applause] [Music] what's up guys this is the auto satellite here and today we're going to be doing a review of the all-new glock 45 this is the newest glock released as of 2018 and it's got a few changes that make it unique in comparison to the previous models but first I want to mention my patreon supporters thank you guys very much you keep this channel going if you are a supporter of mine you could enter it into a monthly giveaway for guns and gear related items I also want to mention ammo calm there another supporter of my channel if you click the link in the description below it'll save you 20 bucks on any order of $200 or more I also want to mention doing a giveaway my Instagram so if you don't follow me on Instagram go over there and follow me back to the Glock 45 I want to say before I get to this review that I'm a Glock guy I'm on your side I've carried a Glock for years and I'll carry it for years more so some of the negative things that I'm gonna say in this review are gonna be followed up by positive things so calm it down but what is the Glock 45 in my opinion it is basically the Gen 6 of Glocks it is a Glock 19 with a Glock 17 grip with a lot of features that are different from the standard Gen 5s features that in my opinion Glock should have had for years it takes 17 round Glock 17 magazines which will also fit into the 19 by the way now where did this gun come from it came from the startling success of the Glock 19 act which was originally the runner-up in the modular handgun contract by the US military where it lost to the Sig XM 17 whether that be because of price per unit a better relationship a lot of controversy surrounding the winner Chris Barr Coley has a great video on the entire debauch but Glock lost the contract realize they could sell these guns in the civilian market and make some of their money back so they did but the amount that they sold surprised even them with over a hundred thousand Glock 19 X's sold in the last year now for those who don't know the Glock 19 X is kind of a flat dark earth version of this however this has a lot of features which I prefer over the Glock 19 X so some of those Gen 6 features that I was talking about as you can see here are gonna be first those fronts wide serrations are they perfect no they're not perfect but are they good yeah the point is that they're there this is the only Glock besides I think some of the Gen fours there's a certain model of Gen 4 that had these as well I think they were testing them out and finally after asking for years and years people get these that's really nice it also comes with standard 3 dot night sights which i think is really cool especially for the standard glock price i know you can get gen 5s with the upgraded sights but you also get an upgraded cost this for the standard cost you get those three dot night sights I'm a big fan of that you also get no magazine cut out now for those of you don't know what I'm talking about this is a Gen 5 right here so you see that weird magazine cut out what that's supposed to be for is that if you get a magazine in there and you try to reject it it doesn't come out you can strip the magazine however most companies put it on the side here because it's less annoying to the shooter to have it on the side as opposed to feeling that with your finger now that came with such bad reception that even the new gen 5s no longer have that cut out including the Glock 45 so I really like that it doesn't have a cut out I like that it comes with night sights I love that as front slide serrations I love that it comes with the Gen 5 trigger I'm a big fan of that and now you can see the glaring obvious thing is that it does have the 19 size slide on the Glock 17 size frame now there are a lot of debates on whether that's good or not and we'll get into that into this video all right so some of the advantages to having the 19 size slide on the 17 size frame according to block is going to be that it's gonna have quicker draws although I don't see that being really possible even though you could have a slight advantage over the 17 it would be like point 1 percent and most of your draw it's gonna be about how many reps you have and how skilled you are at it but another advantage is that it could be more comfortably in a seated vehicle like a patrol vehicle or military I could really see that being a big advantage I've heard from people that it would have a lower recoil impulse and the g17 because the lighter slide and it would have a lower recoil impulse in the Glock 19 because of the longer grip now be careful denying any of these are true because if you do some Glock fanboy will MARAC we jump out of the bushes and scream in your face that it wasn't made for you bro it was made for the military and they know better than you so be careful when you're bashing the Glock 45 or the Glock 19 in any way because as you will see in the comments section below I'm going to get some of those as well you can see here that it does have a shorter slide than the Glock 17 however not by a tremendous amount will that affect your sitting in a car I think it could I really do I think that for a le or military guy who wants a more comfortable gun and wants a full sized grip and that's what he wants then yes maybe it would be more comfortable in a car may be more comfortable on your junk you know carrying appendix and if you really really didn't like the shorter grip of a Glock 19 and you really couldn't get used to it now I have pretty big hands I am 6 foot 3 and you can see my entire hand covers this Glock very easily however I can more than comfortably shoot a Glock 19 so it's not that much of an issue for me especially considering that the 17 size magazines will fit in the Glock 19 with no issue whatsoever so capacity is not an issue for me either so once true ones not what about the lower recoil impulse well I don't see that personally I feel like it has the recoil pulse of the Glock 19 is that bad no it's not bad it's just not revolutionary either is it going to be better in confined spaces like a CQB type fighting situation maybe maybe I can see it maybe because it'd be less barrel to hold on to and more grip to hold on to so you might have better leverage and somebody holding on to your gun but what percentage of people are gonna be in that situation begin with I don't know that's one of the reasons why I was hesitant to do a video on the Glock 45 or especially the Glock 19 because there's just so much misinformation about how good a shorter slide on a longer gripped gun would be I mean it's been out there that's been done before let's be honest look at this this is a commander sized 1911 this is a standard grip on a shorter slide now it has the same pros as the Glock 45 does essentially it doesn't recall quite as well because you don't have enough weight out front to control the muscle but it still has the same magazine capacity and it's a little bit shorter for care use so you don't hit your junk that's basically and it's not a revolutionary design it's been done before it's been done a long time and the pros and cons are there whether you like it or not now as far as reliability goes it's excellent it's absolutely amazing I shot a thousand rounds for this without cleaning it at all and I shot cheap most of it was remanufactured ammo it ran perfectly fine ask Lockwood and that's what I would expect accuracy it's the same as a Glock 19 because it has the same sights the same sight radius and the same trigger that extra a little bit of grip might help you out if you have monster hands but other than that you're gonna shoot it basically the same though as far as economics goes I really like that Glock came out with this in the new mos guns because it does have the features that tons of people were clamoring for now I know some of you are gonna dismiss the slot the slide cuts but I think it makes the gun look cool and I think they are very functional if that is how you press check or rack your firearm so I like that a lot I love that they did away with the magazine cutout and I love lots of the other features on the gen 5 over the June 4 especially the trigger now when I talk about the trigger I'm like wow the Gen 5 trigger is better and a lot of people like no it's not well the reason why I like it is because it does have a faster shorter crisper reset and I shoe guns fairly quickly and I like that a gun has a shorter faster crisper reset on a firearm if you don't like that or if it doesn't matter to you and that's ok because the Glock is essentially a Glock after all you're basically buying a clock and then after that you're kind of picking between which features are good which features you're bad if you gave me a 1917 a 34 and 23 a 22 I'm all gonna shoot them relatively the same you give me a 19 X I'm gonna shoot it very similar to a 19 or 17 it's because of very similar guns doesn't mean they're bad guns it doesn't mean they're bad there are some of the best guns made in this world but it just means that they're not revolutionary so is the Glock 45 worth buying if you want it I think it absolutely is for me the reason why I bought it is because after I kind of dismissed the 19 X realize another niche that I think it really fits into besides maybe carrying in a vehicle or a guy with large hands kind of thing I really like the idea that for a compensated / silenced gun now I have a couple of pistol silencers and I have a couple of compensators that I would love to put a threaded barrel on and I really like the idea of having a longer grip for a little more balance with something heavy hanging out the front there so when I plan on doing with this pistol is I plan on using it either as a dedicated silencer young or a dedicated compensator guy I'm leaning towards compensated right now honestly because silenced pistols are cool but they're not really super practical so most of my pistol cans are actually on pistol caliber carbines yeah that's where I like them I think I'm gonna put maybe an art cop on this and I might get the slide milled for an armbar either that or I'll just buy a Glock 19 MLS and put the slide on here one of the other because another cool thing about the 45 to answer a bunch of questions that I got is that yes the Gen 5 slide from the 19 that's and functions on my 45 are they supposed to do that I don't know what they do in fact do that and I think that's pretty cool and honestly I think my 19 slide is kind of a step-up in in sexiness compared to the other one but you tell me the big Hawkeye fans so I love the golden black so overall what does the Glock 45 or the Glock 19 X for that matter do for you that a 19 won't not much it might balance a little bit better for a silencer suppressor use however you want to say it it might be better for a compensator might be better for a guy with large hands it might be better for a guy that wants a duty size gun fitting into a car all day or maybe a concealed appendix situation where you think you're gonna be using your gun a lot maybe you're an undercover officer that kind of thing it's gonna be slightly better shooting that a Glock 19 maybe maybe for you is it gonna be a slightly more concealable than a Glock 17 maybe it all depends on what you want Glocks are great guns get what you like if you liked this video please like it subscribe please up like your local homeless shelters and remember cycle I'll check you later okay okay now ready you see that please that plate rack is not visible very camouflaged [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Honest Outlaw
Views: 420,377
Rating: 4.9127412 out of 5
Keywords: glock, g45, glock 45, glock 19, glock 17, g19, g17, g45 vs g19, g45 vs g17, glock 45 vs glock 19, sig, sig xm17, glock 19x, g19x, p320, sig p320, pistol, handgun, best pistol, best handgun, best glock, best glock ever, best first gun, concealed carry, ccw, carry pistol, glock 45 review, g45 review, 1000 rounds, mud test, reliability, g45 fail, glock fail, glock vs sig, military trials, colt, 1911 vs glock, hk, vp9, ppq, cz, m&p, m&p 2.0, best gun of 2018, best handgun 2018
Id: EHB1RdvqQns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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