Glock 45

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody Aaron counts sage dynamics and this is the Glock 45 [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's right we now have a Glock 45 which means if you want to you can carry a nine-millimeter and use that same tyre joke of I carry a 45 because they do not make a 46 the Glock 45 is a not in 45 caliber which is confusing to some people until they remember the Glock 22 is not in 22 caliber the numbers have absolutely nothing to do with caliber I think most people figured that out by now hopefully what we have in the Glock 45 is a perfect amalgamation between gin.5 features and the grip and slide profile that we found with the 19 X it's no secret that I was a fan of the 19 X I like the profile I like the full-size frame with the compact ish length slide which some people feel still today even with the Glock 45 virtually the same measurements they feel like well that's that's the wrong way I don't want it that way I want a full-size slide with a compact length grip mainly for concealment issues I carry appendix unless I'm in a duty rig so for me concealment is more of an issue of comfort at length versus grip length because with carrying an appendix the grip length unless I'm carrying an extended magazine has never really been an issue I like full size guns as far as grips go as far as slide length goes I don't really care I guess I should say I don't really need that additional quarter to half an inch of sight radius especially since I primarily carry red dot guns so the Glock 45 fits that niche it's not the first gun to do it in fact I recently had a conversation with someone who carried an M&P standard full-size and they were bemoaning the size profile relationship slide length to grip length of the the Glock 45 and I had to kind of scratch my head and say but your gun has the exact same profile granted some small changes because they're two totally different brands but ultimately the standard size full-size M&P shares the same grip to slide ratio that the Glock 19 X and the Glock 45 do you'll also find it with from Ruger you'll find it of course the Colt commander being the most venerable gun to share that grip to slide profile and you can also find it from in the vp9 and many other brands that are out there so I had to kind of scratch my head as to why someone to realize that they were carrying the same gun but that's kind of beside the point that's gonna continue to be a controversial issue even though is if the 90 Nexus sales or any evidence a lot of people don't care and in fact actually prefer that size profile of course some people may be collectors or something like that but I know quite a few people who were very very excited with the size profile that you're getting from the Glock 45 but if you already bought a 19 X or you haven't bought a 19 X and you're considering either than 19 X 2 the Glock 45 your question might be well why one versus the other now this isn't a comparison video between the 19 X and the Glock 45 but I feel like I have to bring the 19 X up because the common question I hear is why would I get a Glock 45 when the 19 X exists or why does the 45 exist when the 19 X exists why did they do it well what they've done is hopefully and it certainly seems to they've listened to some of the issues with the 19 X not performance issues but features and they looked at their gin.5 offerings and included them into the the Glock 45 I've got ambidextrous slide releases I've got a reversible magazine release which is features of the Gen 5 that you've come to expect new features I've got Ford cocking serrations which is something a lot of people have been asking for for a long time now there's some people out there to think all cocking serrations are you know the newest fad or whatever you don't need to manipulate the gun from the front or why do you really need them you don't really need you can still manipulate the gun without them which is true depending on the environment what's on your hands and temperature and things like that but again for cocking serrations are not new at all in fact they go back a long long way some of some early summer item that canned guns had them so it's not a new concept but where the 45 departs from the 19 X significantly is the the magazine well she has a different profile they have removed the lip and it does not have the cutout that you find on the traditional Gen fives so I've got an uninterrupted slightly flared magwell which people who like mag wells flared magwell s can get into I like it for one specific reason as far as a mag wall is concerned the fact that I don't have to add on a mag well and because I don't have to add on a mag well I'm not changing the overall length profile or width profile of the mag well when it comes to stripping om for plate magazines now the 19 X is mag well that little lip on it and it did not like gin five magazines you can't get them in there it won't accept them whereas the Glock 45 was used every magazine I have Gen 5 all the way back to Gen 3 I think I might have a Gen 2 magazine in there as long as I'm using the magazine release on the traditional left side of the gun it uses every magazine I have my review process is 2,000 rounds primarily ammunition is going to be fired is going to be 124 grain FMJ but I also included 300 rounds of 124 plus P throughout the review process including during the burn down because that's a duty grade ammunition that's something that people expect they're going to be able to run reliably feed reliably not creating any problems first thing I did when I got that Glock 45 because I didn't have to zero it although I did have to make a small adjustment to the rear sights which I'll get into took it and did the burn down if you're not familiar the burn down is 500 rounds as fast as possible to accelerate that fire lifecycle get the gun hot get to gun running and see if any problems are created when the gun is at a higher than casual temperature so [Music] this is how I will earn my arthritis [Music] 500 rounds no issues which I didn't really expect any issues Glock is a little bit boring sometimes and its reliability in the fact that across all the Glocks that I have I've never had significant problems that weren't related to part we're from round count I've got a couple blocks that are that are very very very high round counts and I've had to replace strikers I've had to replace extractors those parts that are perishable because they're the parts that are punished every time the gun is loaded every time the gun is fired they're involved in a lot of friction during the cycle of fire so you expect those parts to be somewhat perishable made they wear out over time if you're not able to shoot thousands and thousands and thousands of rounds a month or thousands of rounds a year those parts may last you for the lifetime of the gun as long as you own it because you're just not going to see that high of a round count but because I shoot for a living it's it's not common for me to experience those issues but within the 2,000 rounds with the Glock 45 I didn't experience a single issue mechanically or ammunition related which is always nice as well unfortunately Glock still is not making metal sights quote-unquote standard on their offerings it's an option this comes with a set of a mayor glows azure an option in the Glock 45 and they're actually really good sights or night sights which I prefer fiber optics if I'm gonna go iron's only covered that in another video but I do like the sights one thing I didn't one thing I noticed when I immediately got the gun literally from the manufacturer is my rear sight was considerably off I had to take the slide off throw it in my my slide mover and make corrections in the rear sight come out the range make sure everything was good when I finally brought the gun out to fire I don't know exactly why that issue was and hopefully it was just a one-off kind of situation but definitely when you pick up the Glock 45 as you should anyway check your sights especially if you don't have a sight pusher and then you can do it hopefully right there in the gun store where you pick your guns up and they can make that correction for you or if you have to sit it in a Glock and they'll do it for free just sucks cuz you know you'll have to lose your gun for a little while when you just got it but it's definitely something because we need to be accurate we make sure we check on our sights I'm kind of specific about mine I usually use a micrometer to make sure everything is exactly how it's supposed to be but that's just me over time through the experience of my career sometimes the sites look like they're good and they're not and despite popular belief sometimes when you're shooting to the right or shooting to the left it actually can be the sights so it's a good thing to check once you've checked yourself accuracy is always a topic of conversation with any firearm how accurate is it when it comes to handguns they're inherently harder to control than rifles because we only have those two points of contact if we have both hands available and it's very hard to find a comfortable and repeatable position for bracing off of objects so accuracy is somewhat subjective to the shooter but also there's a large part to play in the gun now the Glock 45 comes with the Glock marksman barrel just like you saw with the Glock 19 X so I expected very similar accuracy I shot two five round groups at 25 yards using two different types of ammunition I used 124 grain plus P gold dot and I used 124 grain prime a range am a little bit higher price range ammo but definitely worth the quality of accuracy is a huge concern of yours even in your practice ammunition so here's those two five round groups I'm impressed with the performance again that was benchrest so I wasn't free standing firing that and I honestly believe if I had a red dot and RMR on this gun the groups would have been a little bit tighter that's really good performance of an out-of-the-box gun you don't have to worry about who's aftermarket barrel should I get should I get it in t I in or seracote or whatever just the barrel that's in the gun is gonna work aftermarket barrels are great for certain purposes I use them for threaded purposes only generally but it's nice to see that I don't need to seek out another barrel that's match or ultra match or whatever the the buzzword is because the barrel that comes in the gun is going to give me the accuracy that I want and that's really good accuracy out of a handgun at 25 yards and again it is a handgun now some people say you know I want that longer sight radius and that's the reason I don't like the Glock 45 because I can shoot more accurately the longer sight race probably not just being honest the longer sight radius gives you a better ability to fine-tune a sight picture but let's be honest that additional quarter to half an inch of barrel depend on what profile we're talking about is not gonna give you a measurable greater accuracy at the shooter if you put this gun in a ransom rest against a gin five Glock 17 I don't think you'd see a difference at all in the available accuracy between the two guns at the mechanical level so it ultimately comes down to the shooter granted the less sight radius you have the the less fine-tuning you can do but we're not losing a whole lot of sight radius when it comes to Glock 45 over a full-size slide which is the complaint that most people bring up to me it all comes into what critical thinking and we applied to the gun and what is our actual complaint is it grip size that's really our concealment issue or is it slide length of course this isn't a video about concealment techniques and gun size and things like that but I feel like I should bring it up and touch on it again because it's one of those things it's something that's going to continue to come up people want that longer sight radius or that longer barrel but they want this shorter frame the shorter grip I should say for concealment if you carry appendix you're your biggest concern is probably going to be slide length for seating for moving around because you spend probably as much time sitting down as you do standing up depend on you know what you're doing of course when you drive you do that seated and there's comfort issues involved in that you carry at the hip inside the waist man I can see obviously grip is going to be a concern I like the larger grip for really one main reason besides magazine capacity and that's going to be runway on my draw stroke I noticed when I carry my 26 which is rare but I do carry it sometimes the draw stroke has to be 100% perfect and we should always strive for that perfection and draw stroke but let's be honest we don't practice our draw stroke from every single physical position we can find ourselves in to build the proficiency in the moment that's why our technique needs to be modular which is why I like the larger grip it gives me more room for sleight errors in my draw stroke regardless of physical position that I'm gonna get from a 19 or a 26 length gun that's why I like the larger grip it doesn't conceal any worse to me based on how I dress then a 19 would if you carry a 19 I'm willing to bet that you can probably comfortably conceal a full size 17 and but you if you carry appendix you'd probably opt for the Glock 45 or the Glock 19 X or a gun of a similar profile because it gives you more comfort and more concealed ability in it causes the gun to press less when you're seated or when you're in other positions other than just standing another feature that I definitely want to touch on and this carries over from the 19 X is the trigger the gin.5 trigger overall is improved and I think a lot of that has to do with the new safety plunger design and that the newly the new striker system or the slightly changed design to the striker I think that definitely took a lot of the grit out of the trigger now I'm not a trigger reset guy I'm not gonna sit here and show you a cool video of me riding the trigger reset or anything like that ultimately it's the the maximum weight where the gun breaks and how fast it returns to a reset for us to be able to shoot again that's what we're looking for in trigger the the Glock brakes at just over five five at least that the one I have do and you have does and if you look on the website at their specifications they quoted at 26 Newton's which comes out to be like it's weird that they did in Newtons but comes out to be right there at five point eight point a bunch of other numbers so you're looking at five five after some rounds hopefully it'll break in for you but anywhere between five and six my personal opinion has always been you know four pounds to six pounds is a reasonable trigger anything below that you run you around the chance of short stroke and the gun anything over that it can create some significant convulsion issues in your grip because you're pulling a lot of weight if you haven't shot a 12-pound new york-style trigger out of a Glock just go ahead and pass that opportunity on up because it's a horrible experience and I wouldn't wish it on anyone so being right there in that sweet spot aright around between five and six pounds is a great trigger weight for just everyday I'm not one of those guys that says you have to have an aftermarket 3.5 pound trigger in your gun I still don't really care for the Glock profile of trigger I don't like the curve it does trap the finger a little bit not as much as some other guns and out there I do prefer a flat face trigger so just being honest going down the road I'm probably going to put a flat face trigger in this gun because that's the trigger profile I prefer however if we use that old hypothet if you had to carry any gun out of the box what would it be I would lean heavily towards the Glock 45 over some guns I've said in the past because that was the past this is now I'm allowed to change my mind based on new technology new features new guns Glock 45 especially with those sights I've got metal sights I've got ambidextrous magazine releases I've got a reversible or I said I got ambidextrous slide stop I've got a reversible magazine release I've got forward cocking serrations which as primarily a left-handed shooter I don't really use we want to do shoot right-handed I do tend to manipulate the gun from the front so it's nice that those are there and I like them they're there because why shouldn't they be if there's room for them and I've got a full-size capacity with a compact ish length slide so the Glock 45 out of the box is a great carry gun can it be improved absolutely if there are certain features that you need for your personal self-defense or for competition or for duty carry there's definitely things you can do obviously I wish the texture on the frame was more aggressive I like the most aggressive frame possible close to sandpaper because you only get you only get one chance to get that grip perfectly right when you stipple it or something like that so seeing something a little bit more aggressive from the manufacturer would be nice now I've been said it is more aggressive than it used to be with your Gen 4 Georgian threes so on and so forth so they are getting there but I think just from the general populace they're probably not gonna get too much more aggressive than this because it's kind of like Mexican food or Thai foods hi hot is not always Thai hot because the person order and it may not know what they're getting into so if the frame was super super aggressive it would turn more people off that's a niche market for that really aggressive framework so is the Glock 45 for you well if you like the size profile if you already have a vp9 or an M&P or an FNS or an F in 509 or I know there's a Ruger that has the same profile of course the Colt commander which I already mentioned that's those probably that size profile only exists with loner Glock that's the 19 X and my biggest issue the 19 X it's not even really an issue at all it's not a big deal but it's something I would have rather seen them not do is the fact that it's very magazine specific it likes Gen 4 and previous mags with the Gen 5 guns they've got that front cut out that interrupts and in the mag well which I don't care for so the Glock 45 definitely fixed those issues I love the trigger I love the sights that are optional on it you can get magazine capacity overall profile accuracy is great trigger is great it's a great gun so yeah I would definitely recommend the Glock 45 over the 19 X if your magazine specific otherwise it doesn't really matter of course the 19 X is only available in desert tan which is very 2005 but it's a color that a lot of people like myself me I'd rather have OD green but that's personal preference when we get into the aesthetics of color but the dlc finish on it is is good it's a it's a black gun black guns are very very prevalent no big issues I think everybody's okay with owning and black gun long-term how's it gonna get to perform I only put two thousand rounds through it but if it's like any other Glock I've ever owned I expect boring boring boring boring reliability occasionally a part where we're out just like it would with any gun I don't consider I don't see any significant issues to to arise with the Glock 45 so I would definitely recommend it to anybody who likes that size profile and if you're apprehensive or you're suspicious of the size profile and you think yourself well I couldn't conceal that I challenge you to check it out you don't have to run by one just to check it out because you know that's a little bit more expensive to do an experiment but if you have someone know someone who has one or has a gun in the same size profile check it out borrow it feel it wear it and see if it's gonna work for you because you're gonna get better concealed ability and better comfort when it comes to various physical positions especially if you carry inside the waistband appendix versus some of the other full-sized guns that are out there even if you run a weapon light it's still a different footprint it's still a different size l upper case versus lower case if you will are small versus larger L that 90 degree angle does create a different profile against the human anatomy because that's something people brought up well if you run a weapon light on it want to choose carry a Glock 34 I'm still getting that notch and that not just helpful right there over the appendix when it comes to seated positions because the lights gonna be on the outside of the body again it's gonna be an inside of the body whether you're left or right-handed so it still makes a difference even though the light extends past the gun regardless of gun length and that's just getting into the very very fine minutiae of concealment from appendix or other body positions carrying the hip done really matter at least in my experience it hasn't considered created a significant issue weapon light versus no up in light obviously on the hip no weapon light is going to print a little less inside the waistband but the grip profile is roughly gonna remain the same but yeah definitely check it out and see if it's something for you because it gives you a little bit more comfort a little bit more modularity and your concealment options inside the waistband you're gonna get from a full size gun another huge feature well not really a feature but another huge possible bonus if you're into it is now you can because there's so many different ones out there now you can compensate the gun and depending on which comp you choose you're gonna get a 17 length maybe slightly longer not quite 34 length gun without having to go 17 plus or 34 plus with a comp so you get to save a little bit of overall slide length even if you're gonna comp the gun which I'm pretty into to be honest with you I like compensators I'm not gonna get into you know should you compensate a nine-millimeter I feel like why not but separate video server conversation I've already covered that topic so long story short Glock 45 is an awesome gun highly recommend over 2,000 rounds very very happy with it I plan on putting a dot on it soon and mighty dope carrying it I'm Erica with sage dynamics trained accordingly
Channel: SageDynamics
Views: 132,850
Rating: 4.8867383 out of 5
Keywords: Glock 45 review, Sage Dynamics
Id: 3qG2YQU4mus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 06 2018
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