Sig M17 vs Glock 19X

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welcome back everybody this is Eric here with Iraq veteran 8888 one put together special video we're going to be comparing and contrasting the Glock 19 x2 the Sig M 17 as you know the m7 team was chosen as the Army's new service pistol Sig won the contract with some 100,000 orders being put in for that many pistols that's a huge contract for them as you know the US military specifically the army requested a modular pistol and they put forth this modular pistol testing program and many many companies submitted a pistol for trials okay part of those trials and the Glock 19 X as we know you know it is a very popular civilian and law enforcement gun now and even some military units buy these and issue him or whatever but a lot of people were surprised why Glock did not get the contract they wanted a modular pistol well what the M 17 gives you is the ability to actually pull this chassis system out in the chassis in here this whole trigger pack so to speak is a serialized component so if Joe goes into the armory and goes home uh guns broke what do I do then all the armor has got to do is pop the takedown lever and he can literally replace his grip frame or replace any component on the gun without needing to change the serial number or mess with anything and from a unit armor level task it's a heck of a lot easier to perform that particular operation than it is to swap out or fix something on a Glock now not to say that Glocks are not easy to work on because they are man and and they're rugged guns right there's a lot of things about the 19 X that I really dig you know I love the generous grip really great texture and generous size and the texture on this grip is perfect if you're wearing gloves or anything like that okay so it definitely has a lot going for it there and you know the 19 X is also a great gun in that it's got a wonderful trigger the sights are excellence got night sights right out of the box now where did the Glock lose a few points compared to the M 17 well one is the modularity the trigger pack that was a really big thing to the sig has a ambidextrous manual safety which I would imagine that's probably one of the underlying components of what the military wanted probably was a manual safety and I think the other big thing that you get now Glock has addressed this when they went to the MOS in that with m17 you have a slide writing component so you can add a slide riding optic on there and the way that they mounted the sights on this is super clever with some blind screws up through the bottom of the slide that makes for really robust optics mounting platform now Glock you know fix that with a MOS series later but it's not something that they integrated into the existing 19x now had Glock went with a slide riding cut and a very similar type of thing to the sig maybe they would have been a little bit more you know closer to getting that done so you know the two guns are excellent we just knocked out a video on the M 17 and the M 17 is a great gun I love the way that it feels in my hand I love the location of the safety the trigger on the gun is excellent okay so the sig has definitely got a lot going for it in that it's got a great crisp trigger it's got that chassis system it does have a longer slide so when you compare the two guns in terms of their length the 19 is definitely shorter slide which makes a more compact setup so with the 19 you get a shorter slide and a shorter sight radius which makes the gun more concealable but you still have the full capacity of a standard model 17 now that might not have necessarily been what the military was looking for they might have wanted that full-on duty gun okay both of these are equipped with streamlight tlr-2 on hls the 19 does add a couple of extra rounds that the standard m17 does not have it has a 19 shot magazine I love that the sights on this gun are pretty low profile the bore axis on Glocks is great these guns are fantastic and they shoot exceptionally well [Applause] so in the accuracy department and reliability I mean you know the Glocks are definitely like the Honda Civic okay of guns right and that sort of Honda Civic or even like Ford pickup truck of guns you know the sig has that modularity and I think that was something that the military was really looking for and of course reliability between both of these platforms is exceptional okay you can't go wrong with the 19 X you can't go wrong two m17 both are guns that have their ups and downs depending on you know what type of guy you might be I find myself between the two guns most certainly preferring the M 17 although look the 19 X lives on my you know bedside it is a great pistol and I would definitely trust my life to either one of these guns I do like with the M 17 that you do have the ability to use the 21 shot magazine which when you compare the frames on both these guns you know it's really not that much more to protrude from the rear of the pistol and you get a good bit of extra capacity okay really cool stuff we'll turn the light on for this one I got it in strobe mode that's cool let's check it out good stuff man and the m17 is a fantastic pistol it's just it's great now for the 19 X I'm actually wearing my alien gear rapid force this is their newest Duty holster and you can see it's compatible with a weapons light which is really nice so there's lots of companies that are cutting Kydex making specialized holsters for both platforms with and without lights so in terms of holster and parts compatibility that's really not much of an issue the m17 you can go with like the wilson combat frames which are really nice that's one thing on the civilian side with m17 that is awesome is that you can change out grip modules at at a whim right so if you want the long rail system version with the rail that comes out completely to the end of the gun you can do that or if you want the shorter version or if you want to order a shorter slide and put it into a more compact configuration you can do so blocks you can do that to some degree but not as easily as the m17 alright so I'm gonna break out another mag let's load the 19 X I got gypped ok now this this leads us to the next point of concern is that because of the swells on the bottom of the 19 X you do have to use 19 X Pacific magazines we see that a standard glock 17 mag will not fit in the 19 X without trimming that tab off the bottom which some people just take that on a grinder and just grind it off but look at that that's a no-go it's okay I got a Big Mac for that alright we'll load a uh I'll put that in my holster there out of the rapid force but this is a great holster they're available in in double and triple retention and they do have a cover for the slide writer if that's what you want to have set up on your pistol but this one's just got this paddle I can come right out and we'll go ahead and put our strobe mode on on this one too and I was daytime but [Applause] nice tight fit on the holster that's really nice yeah oh yeah good stuff all right I got one more mag for the m17 you guys probably noticed that I'm treating this comparison video a little bit differently than what you might expect from me so hopefully I caught you guys by surprise a little bit the two guns are excellent I do like the 19 X very much this is a wonderful pistol and certainly certainly extremely capable it does utilize the newer generation recoil reduction guide rod assembly which does make the felt recoil extremely minimal these are a super controllable 9-millimeter and you do have the interchangeable backstraps on the 19 X which is one component all right now we're getting into some points away from the M 17 that's one component that you do not get with the M 17 M 17 is what you see is what you get on the back straps or the you know the size the physical size of the gun however you don't change the back straps you change the frames so that's the cool thing is a complete frame system if we look at the rear of this frame the standard M 17 ships with the medium frame if I want the larger frame I can go for the large or whatever size so it is modular and that you can change out anything about the frame you want and that the frame modules are super super inexpensive so instead of getting a case full of accoutrements that you don't want like back strap assemblies that most of us just throw away you simply just get the frame you want and don't look back all right good stuff Ford cocking serrations on the M 17 versus the 19 X does not have Ford cocking serrations that may matter to some people but cool stuff all right one more magnet 17 ah all right good stuff good stuff I wanted this to be kind of a quick comparison video because these in my opinion we're certainly two of the pistols in the running that were super super head-to-head and everybody just knew that it was going to be glock it was gonna be glock and there were all these people on forums and people on the internet and on social media that were like oh yeah you know Glock Glock needs to be a military handgun because so many people want a Glock I love Glocks okay they are fantastic pistols but I certainly see why the military went with the m7 team from a military unit standpoint and from a wide issue standpoint they made the right decision man and I wish I had one of these and oh five can we go back in time and put one of these in the time machine that would be great but one of this to be a quick comparison video between the two hopefully you guys found it entertaining let me know if you'd like to hear my thoughts on other comparisons or if there's a gun you'd like to see go to head-to-head in this type of a thing let me know thank you so much for watching today's video we're wrapping up a long day at the range it's been quite a day but a very fun day lots of cool stuff to show off for you guys and thank you very much I definitely want to take a moment to thank all of our patreon supporters as well as folks who purchase t-shirts over on ballistic ink folks who purchase man cans over on the website check them out we've got some wonderful cans over there that I know you guys are going to love and we select this gear especially for you guys so if you'd love the channel and like to support us that's one way that you can do so guys have a good one and we appreciate it we'll see you soon many more videos on the way [Music]
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 253,964
Rating: 4.9127183 out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, ar15, ar, ar-15, ar 15, 2a, freedom, liberty, gun rights, gun control, top 5 guns, top 5, meltdown, guns, gunsmithing, gun gripes, life liberty and the pursuit, sig, glock, sig m17, glock 19x, m17, 19x, m17 vs 19x, sig m17 vs glock 19x, army contract handgun, military sidearm, modular handgun contract, alien gear, aliengear, streamlight, tl1, wepaonlight
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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