The Glock 45, the latest Glock design.

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if you've ever been in the military it had a mandatory recall during the weekend go ahead and hit that subscribe button guys like and comment the comments section is full of LARPers Warhammer 40k enthusiasts and I think some legitimate people's get in there and find out why it is so famous if you are looking to support the channel there are multiple ways you can do that first one was going to be gun mag warehouse they're awesome they support the channel monetarily they just want you to buy magazines from them so do it discount code is Grantham and they're pretty quick on the shipping pretty good prices too if you're looking for sweet plaid or outwear or gun bags or whatever vertex at 25 I fee to sent right now until December through I mean through Christmas off vertex with discount code grand thump so get in there check that out also ammunition lax ammo big supporter of them they've hooked me up so thank them by getting training and getting ammo from them so guys thank you for watching today we're gonna be talking about the brand new Glock the Glock 45 which is not in 45 caliber but rather a 9-millimeter yet another way Gaston Glock is snubbing and his nose at you due to his immortality in large part due to the fact that every single Glocks is a Horcrux for his soul so he did is he is literally unstoppable that's too bad we have full disclosure guys Glock did not give this to me I bought this with my hard-earned money and the ammunition is provided for by me so this is all my doing right here I just want to get this review out to you guys as quickly as possible since this thing just came out and thought you guys would want to hear my thoughts about it if you are unfamiliar with the Glock 45 in many ways the Glock 45 the G 45 is in very similar to the Glock in 19 for is its slide length and frame length is concerned now there are a couple key differences and will kind of hit on those so those key differences are mainly that the Glock 19 X was submitted for the MHS program did not win that was given to the m17 which will be doing a video video on very soon so the Glock 19 X is a nice peanut butter butter color there are a couple problems with that they found that the Marines were eating them and they were losing all their Glock 19 X's so they switched it over to black for the its kitty but the Glock 35 is of course black the G 19 also does not have the front the forward serrations that the Glock 45 does is Glock 19 X also has a lanyard loop at the bottom the Glock 45 does not because it is not 1918 during the World War one so with those things out of the way let's talk about what makes the Glock 45 what it is and why you might want to select it because there are a couple of things about it the Glock 45 is essentially a Glock 19 slide with a Glock 17 frame so the 17 being the full-size handgun and the 19 being that more compact not especially a compact gun but more compact than is B 17 so why would you pick the 45 which kind of straddles both worlds it's not quiet it's not quite in the concealed carry world not quite in the full-size duty gun world will answer those questions here just start off with the Glock 45 world the Gen 5 Glocks in general definitely have some improvements over the Gen 4 Glock so I know there is some discussion on the new coating used on the Gen 5s and that type of testing that's gonna take a little bit more time before I can comment on Glock does say it is tougher than what was using the Gen 4 s and the gen 3 s that we'll see about that but I think Glock has pretty much been pretty truthful about their coatings um personally with me I haven't had any trouble for coatings on my Gen 5 guns now besides that the Gen fives also have an improved barrel what they call the Markson barrel now I don't know specifically how improved we're talking because I was never able to out shoot my Glock 17 or 19 for the Gen fours or the gen threes I do think that in any of the barrels are more accurate I don't think it's a marketing gimmick I'm sure that they've definitely improved the bear it's just not something that I think that I'll be seen through my ability to shoot and maybe you will maybe you're like some crazy Deadeye type thing or you just you know love and 9-millimeter rounds you know 300 yards but that's not me for me it's been perfectly adequate for me the Jennifer barrels have been perfectly adequate and that definitely goes to the G 45 as well moving from that we also have the front serrations like I talked about when I was talking about the difference between the 19 X and the Glock 45 now I know the front serrations are kind of a what a lot of people think are a kind of faddish thing many guns in history have had either scalped fronts or some type of way to manipulate the gun from the front I like the Browning high pyro scalped at the front that way you get your fingers into it the beretta 92 there's also scalped at the front that way you could rack it from the front the reason for that for me I like the ability to operate and clear malfunctions in the front it's a little bit harder from the back so I've just found that the serrations at the front just really helped me work through malfunctions also if you're like a big guy on press checks it's a little bit easier to do that at the front of the gun that is at the rear obviously with press checks I know a lot of people consider them faddish because with the Glock tentative Glocks when you have a loaded when you have a round in the chamber it pushes out in the extractor that way you can fill with your finger and see if it's loaded or not now that can be a problem if you're wearing gloves or something like that they're too thick to wear you can't feel it where the press check is definitely going to be needed so in any case I do like the front serrations and I prefer them on any my firearms if they don't have transformations I at least prefer them to be scalloped like the beretta 92 or the browning hi-power something along those lines so I do like the addition of those differences from other Glocks as well is going to be the slide release a slide release is now ambidextrous for my lefties that's gonna be great for you i left-handed by a shoot right-handed so it's not so much an issue for me and then work fine from both sides so if your lefty rejoyce be happy something goes from mag release so the mag release can be reversed to either side and just like the gen fours I've been a huge fan of the improved magazine release button that they had over the gen 3s which I've had a little bit of trouble disengaging a big change to the Gen fives not change maybe they're kind of you know hitting the backspace can hidden the undo button a couple times is the removal of the finger grooves that you had on the Gen 4 models it became pretty common practice on Gen fours like this one right here to have the finger grooves removed so it looks like they just gone back and gotten rid of them again I'm sure 10-6 will have them back or something like that but Glock perhaps recanting on what they thought was a good practice as far as fingers are no finger grooves so there's a difference there the big thing with the Gen 5 Glocks is an improved trigger so people ask me how improved is it I would describe a Gen 5 trigger as a nicely broken in Gen 4 trigger and that's that's good Glock triggers are obviously not phenomenal they're not like you know 1911 inshore anything like that but they are very manageable with practice and like I always harp on what really matters is practice so make sure you're practicing otherwise these firearms don't don't matter I would take a guy who practice you know a hundred thousand drive for our polls of the high point it probably wouldn't make it through that then somebody would like twenty five driver a pole if I could Glock or some like that point is the triggers are improved so we're gonna ghost it just like we always do guys this is my favorite part of any of the videos so here we go your hands over mine and we're pulling the trigger so we've got that normal kind of Glock mush coming through right here then we hit that wall about a 5.5 pound through that wall pretty short trigger pull it is 5.5 pounds a little bit mushy okay let's try the reset I know some people think that the reset doesn't matter but I still stand by the fact that I think a good shorter reset is more effective for quicker shots and quicker fall outs especially for if you need to do that type of shooting then is a longer trigger reset so trigger that in my mind still doesn't matter okay show your reset very short classic block reset fires alright we get that nice little take up mush click so again it feels like a nicely broken in Jen for trigger like this right here the gun for trigger definitely feels a little bit stiffer not quite as crisp as the Gen 5 triggers do now this particular Gen 4 has like 25 or so thousand rounds on it so it's very nicely broken in so I do like the Gen 5 triggers they tend to stay the same with Gen 4 triggers I kind of broke in to a certain point and say the same I haven't had that with the Gen 5 that might be me I kind of get a little bit nuanced and a little bit you know nitpicky when it comes to some of these kind of fine little points here ok now as far as why you get a Glock 45 over a Glock 19 so or a Glock 17 so here's what it comes down to the problem with the 19 for most people has always been yeah it's great for concealed carry because you have the shorter butt of the gun and the front has never been the issue the butt of the gun has always been the issue but the problem with the 19 is that there's not a whole lot of space there to grip so I have about medium sized man hands and even me my hand my fingers are slightly off the edge of the gun when I'm gripping it now this particular 19 which is a Gen 4 has an undercut that means that underside of that trigger right there is cut in a little bit more to give me a little bit more room to make it a little more comfortable to shoot and that definitely helps a little bit but of course that's not from the factory says and solved the problem for most people who don't want to be dropping you know 50 or 100 bucks more on doing some type of undercut because I'm saying money is precious and so it's training and ammunition all that kind of stuff so that's been an issue especially if you're due to slightly larger mitts where you're just like changing air pressures as you're moving like a monster you know the Glock 19 is not your friend so what's always been nice about the 17 is I can get a full grip on that I can you know get my fingers all the way around and have a little bit space to spare which means I can control this gun a lot better so that is something that can be said for the Glock 45 which has a full length grip just like the Glock 17 I can get a good grip and what that means is I'm getting better recoil control so the Glock 45 in many ways feels better than the Glock 19 just due to the fact that I can get a good grip on the weapon so if you're a guy's big old mitts you're probably a bigger dude anyhow and you probably are not gonna have any trouble concealed carrying a Glock 45 or Glock 17 so go ahead and do it now if you're some monstrosity where you're like a 5 foot 6 battle gnome with giant hands like just god help you you're gonna have to deal with the 19 probably or just print everywhere but that is one thing that is nice about the Glock 45 now a further note the Gen 5 17s had it have a feature that I absolutely hate they have a cutout at the front of the the bottom of the gun right here that way if your magazine like gets stuck in there you can get your finger in there and you can rip that magazine out so I understand in principle why they did it but the problem with that is whenever you're trying to load that little lip right there it just catches absolutely everything and so you're constantly getting hung up on reloads with the Glock 17 Gen 5 the Glock 45 however lacks that cutout which was an excellent choice in my opinion I understand Glock is kind of trying out a couple things it's not always Glock perfection but it's getting better every year so I've been very appreciative of that now the other problem that people typically see when they get the clock 45 or they see the clock 45 a Glock 19 X cuz they say okay I have a full-size grip and then I have a shortened slide that means that my slugs from the rounds are traveling slower they are less effective why would I do that if I already have a full-sized grip why would I shorten the slide cuz slides aren't hard to conceal in fact a lot of guys have a like a chop 17 or they have a you know 17 slide with a 19 frame that way they can conceal carry it so why is shorten the slide there are a few reasons but I think the largest reason is going to be if you are a guy who are running who has to run like iron sights whether it be a departmental policy or what-have-you then there are a lot of things to be said about a shorter slide so one of those things I'm going to say is going to be line of sight so the length of sight that you have between your iron sights that you have here it's a lot shorter than you'd have on your 17 so the 19 the 45 and the 19 are both about half an inch shorter than the sudden team what that means is that the sites are actually quicker to line up one of the quickest guns Czar's Ironsides our concern when it comes to like kind of duty size guns would be like the unity tactical Glock 19 slide which has the iron sights in front of the optic which means if you're running the iron sights he had like a 2 or 3 inch sight radius super fast to shoot and actually talked a lot about this with Lucas Botkin who runs t-rex arms and we kind of agreed on that so the shorter sight radius means that your iron sights are quicker to bring on target now the problem with that shorter sight radius is that you're not gonna be as precise or it's a lot harder to be as precise so let that be a note there so I found personally with the Glock 45 as far as how's it feel of shoot it feels a lot like 19 but just easier to grip so it's wonderful and then with irons I find it much easier to shoot the Glock 45 then I do the 17 with irons now if you have an optic on there all bets are off the 17 just rocks because you're pushing rounds out faster but if you're running irons I think that there is something to be said about running that shorter sight radius because it's easier to bring onto targets especially with distances that you're probably gonna be engaging with a pistol whether they be paper or you know whatever LARPing thing you're doing so that works very well now another note for the shorter slide is going to be you know the ability to quote unquote clear leather so a shorter slide means what I'm drawing it from the holster that because of the shorter length I can clear that muzzle and get that gun up into the fight or into the competition faster than I would with a 17 now that depends on many factors so the biggest factor is do you run a weapon light I pretty much run a weapon light on almost all of my pistols because of that that advantage is negated so let that be a note to if you're trying to pick a firearm but you're you have a duty light might as well run a 17 or he'll even run a 34 and it would be just as good now a lot of people note that when you're running from a Glock 45 to like a 17 to the long slide version which is a Glock 34 that the recoil impulse between the three gets better as the longer the slide gets and I understand that in principle but I found what really matters is this training than actually shooting with the gun I'm sure I think a grandmaster in you know in USPSA or whatever shooting a Glock 34 and you can 90 a little bit slower because he's so used to that 34 as far as it's you know recoil impulse all that kind of stuff but there's not a huge difference at least not in my mind a huge enough difference to say you should buy a 17 or a over a Glock 45 because you know one feels better when recoiling they both feel very good I'd say the 17 is a little bit better but barely imperceptibly so and again if you're running irons then the Glock 45 prevails in those cases so there are a lot of reasons why you might want to get the Glock 45 for whatever reason I really like shooting it I've had a really good time do my review on it I've done about 2,000 rounds on the Glock 45 and another 2,000 on the Glock 19 X they're pretty much the same guy except for the points that I made earlier so I feel pretty good about giving my review on it so again for the points I mentioned the Glock 45 might be the gun for you if this if you don't need anything that stuff if you have you know hands that work fine in the nineteen health sick of the 19 it's a tried and proved you know proven platform if you're an officer and you really you have a daughter and you're gonna like type stuff health seventeen just rocks but if you gotta run irons there's something to be said about that shorter sight radius so again guys I can't tell you what firearm to get I can only give you my impressions on it lot 45 great handgun if if it's your what you need but what's going to matter with any of this is going to be training actually get training guys without training on this matter so again great training places cog works bare solutions my daily strategic has run which is run by Travis Haley you have esoteric and you have the direct action resource center there's tons more that are great get out there actually get that good knowledge and guys I've got nothing else to you okay common question I get a lot is what should I buy for my second AR or what should I buy for my second pistol and so my question is is what do you need it for and more importantly how often do you shoot with your first gun honestly and most of the time the answer is well you know maybe a hundred or so rounds a month or something like that maybe a little bit more and in that case I would say don't buy another firearm invest in ammunition for the firearms that you have and actually practice because again actus is what really matters I'm trying I'm hoping that we can together reshape the community and to be more training minded I know training kind of sucks because it's easy to buy a gun it's much harder to Train cuz it takes a lot of time and effort to do so but please train with your guns get ammunition for them actually get out there and shoot I know it's tough during the winter months so dry fire and snap in I know some of you having trouble because you can't get outdoors and do a lot of the stuff that you see you know me doing or all these other youtubers or instagramers doing and so you're like what can I do it like a static range and I have a video coming on that and we'll talk more about it but guys actually shoot that is what matters now guys if you made it this far you are one of my ultra fans now for my ultra fans out there you know I'm gonna plug Big Daddy unlimited now I've know some people have had trouble with Big Daddy and limited where they don't feel that the deals that they find on the website are worth it and it depends again overall you're gonna have the best deals in one site I'm sure at some places you can probably possibly find a better deals Black Friday rolls through in a certain sales but overall they have great deals I get it did as a subscription service so I know that it's kind of scary to a lot of people but again if you spend enough money you know you're buying one or two products a year you're going to be saving money on it I do stand behind that company I know it's a really stupid name I've been telling them that this entire time but it works if you're all the way to the end here I want you to comment with your favorite 80s action flick yes favorite 80s action flick I will comment with mine later on I'm really interested to hear what you guys have to say guys thank you for watching you know I care for you if you ever have any trouble you need anything feel free to reach out to me on Instagram or on my Facebook and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can take care of gentlemen and ladies I'm sure there's a couple ladies out there maybe
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 737,279
Rating: 4.9230633 out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, glock 45, newest glock, best glock, duty glock, special forces glock, glock model 45, best glock mode, glock 45 review, glock 19x review
Id: K5tQEYXk0rU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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