The Best Gun For Your 1st Gun & Ones To Stay Away From!

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so I always get this question what would be the best first gun for me and I'm gonna try to answer the impossible here and give you my experience welcome to the channel my name is HEC shot and thank you guys for joining us if you're not familiar with what we do here gun reviews concealed carry videos videos like you see here and I'm gonna try to hopefully help some people out some newer shooters whatever the case may be and help you pick your first best gun option I'm going to give you my experience we're going to talk about some of these things and some of the options I would probably stay away from so make sure you destroy the like button become a subscriber and thank you guys for everything you do so what do you want to look for in your first gun there's some things you definitely want to keep in mind reliability is going to be key all these guns are reliable most modern guns are anyways so it's not something you really have to worry about but it still is the most important thing ammo availability and caliber you want to make sure that you can readily get that ammo that you can take it to the range that you can buy a bunch of it and practice because you're gonna be on the range a lot if you're doing it right and you want to learn also how the gun shoots in your hands this is going to be different from person to person once you get used to you know the fundamentals fundamentals is going to be key and you wants a gun that you will be able to shoot efficiently so that way you can build those fundamentals and we'll talk a little bit more about that so anytime I ask somebody you know what are you looking for in the gun that's the question you're gonna have to ask yourself and answer yourself because I can't do it but what do you want the gun for and most people say well I wanted to be able to do everything so basically that means home defense range and possibly carry down the road and I feel my pick really fits well with all three of those as well so how the gun fits your hand these are all striker fire guns and you're gonna see shooting of quite a few of these actually but let's start with the single stacks so single stack nines are this is a huge market and this is something that me and mrs. heck shot actually started with we actually had a Ruger sr9c and an M&P 9c for all of a month and then switched to a regular shield and an XD s single stack nines are great for carry because they are so light and concealable the grips are generally pretty short and they're just great guns overall as far as carry the problem you get into is there's not a lot to hold on here and because they're light the recoil of them it can kind of get to you a little bit especially when you're first starting out this right here is an M&P shield Performance Center great little shooter but again it being so light the muzzle rise and things like that it may throw you off and it may cause you to start the flinch because it is so light block 43 same kind of deal this one's even lighter so it's going to jump even more in your hand it's got a pretty heavy trigger on it this gun for me it's hard to shoot now I mean we've been in this for two years now and I am by no means a professional but I feel I can I can I'm starting to shoot really well but with this gun it's just hard for me to shoot imma be honest with you so single stack mines they're great for carry but for your first gun and building those fundamentals and things we talked about wouldn't recommend it Glock 19 this is probably the most recommended first gun and there's a lot a lot of reasons for that they're simple they're easy to clean they come with three magazines at least the Gen fours do very simple very just a simple overall design now one thing that I like to think about as well you know when I'm when I'm coming up with this list because we took quite a few of these to the range to do side by side for you guys but what about buying extra stuff for the gun to make it usable and when I buy a gun I don't want to change too much on it I just spent five six hundred bucks I want that thing to be great right out of the box these guns are great right out of the box but like just to get the shoes with the red dot this is the MOS 19 Glock that just came out I had to update the sights because it came with regular Glock sights these are what regular Glock sights look like and this sight picture to me is just really weird now there's a lot of people a lot of way better shooters than me that like this sight picture it's not for me so with Glocks it seems like you always have to spend extra money just to get it the way you want it all right so for the extra money that you throw into these guns you can do anything you want with this gun the aftermarket support is fantastic it can get a little bit you know you're gonna hear these words like grip angle and high bore axis and all this kind of cliche kind of stuff I feel like you can get used to anything this gun takes a little bit of getting used to but it's not terrible at all you know I just feel like you always have to spend something extra with a Glock you know this is a great option and this would definitely be in my top five recommended first guns but it's not my top pick for a first gun great shooter though what about a 45 one of the other cliches that you hear all the time is man why buy another caliber when you can shoot them in the toe with 45 blah blah blah why shoot twice all this kind of crap it's so stupid a 45 is a great round this gun right here man when it shoots it's not really snappy it just pushes you and let you know it's there it's a great great round the trigger on the ppq is fantastic probably the best one at any striker fire gun really this thing is great you'll see the high bore axis like I was talking about you can see how much lower the Glock actually sits in my hand you may get a little bit more muzzle rise but if you know what you're doing and you control the gun it's not going to be that big of a deal but the 45 in general I wouldn't necessarily start out with even though this is a great platform if you hand it to your wife for somebody else or if you're sensitive to it you know because we all get you know especially when first star you kind of sensitive to the recoil it may break those fundamentals right off the bat you don't want to do that so 9-millimeter would be my preferred caliber or what I would recommend to somebody so you may be asking yourself will have what do you recommend as your your first carry gun or first gun in general which gun would you recommend p320 baby I absolutely love this gun you guys know I'm a huge fan if you follow the channel and I'm gonna make a case for this gun right now one of the first things right off the bat you're not confined to this one gun like the rest of these you're confined to what they are this gun right here let's say you get the subcompact for carry but you want a compact or full-size for the range or home defense lock the slide to the rear rotate your lever down now you're serialized part on the rest of these guns is the actual on the frame okay on this gun you have the removable chassis but this is the serialized part so now you can switch calibers with this one gun you can get a bigger size something more to a Glock 19 type of size with this one gun so if you live in a state where you're restricted to own many firearms or you want to use your first gun for multiple things this is going to be a great option you slide this back down in there it's super simple slide it back put your pen back in like I said any size any configuration they come in 9 357 sig 40 and 45 the 45 is the only one that isn't interchangeable between the rest of the calibers which kind of sucks but still you can change it to whatever you want just like that now the caliber exchange kits are still kind of hard to get some of the frame options are still kind of hard to get some of them are kind of expensive to caliber exchange kits but you do have that option so I wouldn't say it's the most important reason I would recommend this is the number one first gun but it definitely is a good selling point for it also the caliber that obviously this one is a 9-millimeter that's what I prefer you can switch your calibers if you decide down the line you want to switch to it 357 or a 40 or 45 you can do that how about shooting the gun how about trigger feel all this kind of stuff the gun just feels amazing the trigger absolutely fantastic you have a little bit of take-up here and it breaks I mean it's right there and there's a reset now it's not super light it's not super light like the ppq but for carry you don't really want that the thing with this is it's not always how light the trigger is it's how clean the trigger is and this one is very clean such an easy gun to shoot now what you're gonna be seeing right now is actually my buddy Mike this is his first time ever going to shoot a pistol at the range and he has the compact version of this which is about the size of a Glock 19 a little bit bigger than this one and he rocked it man I mean he absolutely rocked it his wife we didn't get her on camera this was a separate occasion she had the compact version and the subcompact and she rocked it as well mrs. heck shot you're gonna see her shooting the gun even on her worst day she does amazing with this gun it just lends itself really well to put this in a new shooters hand and start shooting and developing those fundamentals right off the bat when it comes to what I want to change on this gun I don't want to change anything the sights are sig light night sights they got a little shelf for one-handed manipulations the gun feels amazing in your hand the grip texture is great the compact version of this I think is the most versatile because you get the full 15 rounds but you can buy a subcompact frame put it on your compact slide and Barrel and carry it like that and then switch a frame out for the Ranger home defense with a $50 frame or grip module you can do all that so the compact I believe is versatile I'm definitely gonna be adding another one to my arsenal but this thing is just great left-handed shooters you have your slide stop which is full full time ambidextrous and you can swap over your your magazine button reliability these things have shown they've been out for a couple years now maybe even three years now I think they started with the full-size and the compact and subcompact and through many many reviewers many many examples these things are proven to be reliable and that's a six hour so we wouldn't expect anything less so you're getting a good name brand as far as price I've seen some of the compact SIG's go for 450 online I pay 503 plus a transfer fee and I think shipping on this one so I'm in it for 550 but anywhere from 450 to 600 dollars you're getting a solid solid gun it's a Sig and I just don't have much to complain with this gun now you can buy this one doesn't have a rail this you know like the FNS right here they're pretty comfortable in size you can actually buy the grip module the medium-size grip module and it'll actually come with the rail your compact full-size and carry models already come with a rail so if you're looking at home defense and you want that light or laser option or the rail so you can hang a light or laser that's going to be a good option also something that helps this gun when you put it in a new shooters hand is the weight it's a little bit heavier and when you load it up it's going to be even more heavy but that really helps you when you're dealing with the recoil and trying to build those fundamentals it doesn't snap on you all over the place so that weight actually helps it out a little bit but it's still light enough to where you can carry so it's easy to maintain it's easy to shoot you can change it out to whatever you want it to be I just feel this is the best first option for your first gun you can change it up whatever you want to do now keep in mind when you buy a gun this is a great investment because there's always somebody looking to buy what you have and you're not always stuck with the first gun that you buy so that's always an option but hopefully that'll give you some things to think about when you're looking at your very first gun for carry home defense range just some things to think about any of these options are gonna be great options and this isn't even comprehensive look at all the great options out there you also have double to single action guns which are fantastic and so great to shoot that's something we're going to be getting into here very soon as well we've done work with a couple but not many but double de Single Action guns are fantastic with an exposed hammer it gives you a little bit more in depth kind of things to think about when you're doing it so that's that's why Stryker fire guns I really like because it's one pull you load the gun up it's ready to fire there's no extra controls you have to mess with but don't count out the single - double action guns either but like I said this striker-fired gun this one example definitely my best pick I want to know my subscribers down below and all you guys if y'all can just leave a comment on what your favorite gun to recommend people their first gun help help them out if if there's a new shooter or newer shooters hopefully if you guys are watching this hopefully some of our subscribers and all you guys can help each other out in the comments it's not other people know what you like to recommend to people for the further first gun and why thank you guys again we'll see in the next one and as always hold them down
Channel: Hegshot87
Views: 2,877,865
Rating: 4.7484698 out of 5
Keywords: best new gun, best 1st gun, best gun for my first gun, best first handgun, best pistol for first pistol
Id: qGUAylng068
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2016
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