George Cancer Update / I'm Losing My Hair

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guess what chicken butt we're live turn that off i was alive beforehand happy sunday fun day everyone and thank you all for joining us jeremy loves to sing that's what he loves to sing and plays guitar for you all i do is that a cue is that a segway is that the cue are you trying to tell me now is the time now is the time all right it goes a little time like this are you sure you're you ready is an oldie but a goodie you know how old it is like a week old exactly seven days old out of as of right now like seven days and five minutes well she found elvis process now she wants to see him all of the time she don't want pennies nickels are damn she wants to push quarters while she's in her prime ring a lingo's the money as it all she counts the money pound after pound you want to sing the chorus with me once you know i can't sing that's true that's true you're sure you don't want to sing just once what are you staring at i'm reading the chat oh okay our secret weapon is dropped to the left never use the magnet because that would be theft right george oh hell once you drop right you finally as it all falls down appreciate it pc eagle here's the original fist now she don't blame monopoly she never will it's straight to elvis she goes for the kill why don't you play monopoly i don't like it oh there you go and winning more stuff making me wonder bring our lingo some money it all falls down ring and lingers the bills pound after pounds shaking their phones with their laptops of chrome there's a real reason she's uh winning the stream when other people see them do it they all think they're freaks wrinkling goes the money as it all falls down ring the link those are bells that is their sound elbow starts to sink when she counts the money thanks but she had to see elvis she know he'd always be her faith not me elvis wrinkling goes the money if it all falls down ring on let goes the bells that is here we go lingo's the money yes it all falls down ring the lingos the bells that is their sound nobody stops to sing as the answer is crying thanks darlene as she counts the money lingers the money as it all falls down ring the lingos the bells now that is when george counts the money pound after i thought you that was the end of the show for a second did you all right all right our uh our internet has been acting very uh be curious so our our internet uh site-wide for our provider is having major issues not just at our home but major issues all over where they actually provide so if we go out we have a backup plan we will be right back potentially on the exact same link and we have a backup plan to see if we can stay in so just just hold tight if we lose you yeah you'll probably see like on our end we see that we're losing connection and then we're hopping back on and don't panic it's not you it's probably us it is us we know our internet provider has experienced some major site-wide appreciated susan lee she sent a five dollar uh super chat usually it's not us but tonight it actually it's us tonight it's it's it is us we called the provider right away and there was that three seconds ago we called and that's what she had there was that automated message that says telling everybody everybody's everybody's having issues all over david jerome sent you two dollars super sticker appreciate it david bam speaking of i feel weird using yours i'd rather use my oh i see how it is this is the original this part we're going we're going retro here now yeah we're going retro i think midwest picker just sent one too did you get them oh you did pick it two dollars says hello lovely people appreciate it midwest bam so speaking of uh difficult situations jacob barlett sent five dollars he says does your uh internet have rona it potentially could you never know anything's possible so biggest thing in regards to uh if you have issues when a video comes out like we had i saw another comment today george somebody said oh my goodness will you please put out another video and they were commenting on a video that was over a year old they have not seen a video in a year a recent video what do you think the issue is there it's not an internet connection i'm thinking either they're watching a video from the tv because when you watch on your tv it comes up in random orders so the issue is they're not subscribed subscribed and they don't have i'm getting no notification bell on that's why they think we haven't uploaded a video two super chats let's let's give him a fist pump and you give him i'll give him one and you give him this could be like ghostbusters if we cross streams what will happen ready ready it's ghostbusters crossing streams which by the way uh if you have any ghostbuster items right now i'm trying to build up my ghostbuster collection and i want to put a whole display of ghostbusters original ghostbusters stuff up at the warehouse you have any ghostbusters stuff whether it's an eraser a pencil sharpener puffy stickers echo plasms you know you you slime to you name it message us at what the hails at and uh let me know what you want for it okay ooh deuces china girl sent a 30 super chat says god 100 percent healed me today work-related injury and i am rejoicing i want to help the blessings flowing so here's a little something so you can have a dinner somewhere it's on me aw appreciate it she didn't even know we're going to kelly's island we're finally going camping we're finally going yeah we we try to leave friday but they were booked so we are leaving there were no cancellations we were hoping that there would be cancellations but there usually is but this year there hasn't been nobody is cancelling any camping reservations that they've made nobody people are trying to get in as much as they can before school starts for their kids before the world shuts down again and before the second wave of miss rona kicks in and things start that's really what they're trying to do so nobody is canceling on anything no matter what stephanie sent a dollar 49 super sticker appreciate it stephanie and dill hole sent another 99 super chat appreciate it dill hole bam by the way not only ghostbusters if you have old sega stuff sega genesis sega master sega genesis sega cd sega 32x sega nomad sega saturn sega dreamcast i'm interested in all that too send me a message dan wants to know did you find your jumbo hot dogs no we i went to four different places today yeah sugar dale is the only uh brand that we know of that carries the the really thick tubular meats so i went to walmart i went to because i need them as we leave tomorrow i went to walmart i went to bueller's i went to save a lot which is the only place i usually can find them nobody has them yeah they're out of stock so i was thinking maybe it's sugardale or whoever the distributor or manufacturer is that's a hold on george george well we we do know that they're at walmart and maslin but we didn't want to drive over to maslin it's about 35 minutes away so george george is actually coming up to kelly's island to hang out with us in camp on tuesday right so we were going to see if george george could find him in columbus but she's about two hours away from us well hour hour and 45 minutes depending on how fast you drive all right hour and 15 minutes if i'm driving so we're going to see if george george can find him in columbus and then bring him up for the item yeah that would be i do still need to message him and ask him you have a message in him yet not yet tony gonzalez in a five dollar super chat says george did you open my packages not yet tony once the mail song hits then we're gonna open up our appeal box again was flooded with with uh a lot of mail a lot of mail a lot of packages so we'll definitely share that tonight we're going to get into a full update on you as well and all of this which keeps falling out right yeah okay so i have to put it in a braid because it's falling i'm shedding like crazy and my hair is i'm just losing gobs of hair but really the biggest thing that people want to know tonight they want to know what's the secret ingredient to haiti's hamlet the ham low that's what they really want to know all right bill hall sent to 2.79 super chat says sitting in the hot tub drinking a beer while watching tonight that sounds relaxing it's too hot here to sit in a hot tub way too hot here that's why we're going up to kelly's island which we will be there all week so since we couldn't get there this weekend our original attempt was to get away this weekend and it just was not gonna happen and so we'll be there all all week and the kids christian and patience will be running everything so the eagle deb sent a five dollar super chat says just so you know the problem may be youtube another channel i follow has had youtube channel subscribers on him even those who bought memberships oh youtube cancels subscribers on them well that that's a little that's a whole different yeah that's a whole different issue youtube that's more like this gets rid of uh gets rid of what they consider spam accounts yeah uh jacob barlett sent a five dollar super chat says while you're on kelly's island go to the wine island they have cheap wine there's a wine island on the island there's a couple wineries that we we passed by that's pretty much all that that i like wine tasting he doesn't not at all he doesn't like drinking alcohol period debbie dever sent a 24.99 super chat says hi george looking great and healthy and you jeremy looking happy as always appreciate it appreciate all the super chats you guys so we're going camping before we go camping we have to get through all this mail and update and we are going to attempt to have an auction tonight as well right yeah as long as our internet carries through then we'll we'll we'll attempt to do the bulk auction but which if it's spotty and we keep cutting in and out then we will probably postpone it till next sunday there's going to be three three free giveaways tonight during the auction three yeah three so three lucky winners will be able to win three the free lot tonight dr flip it throws mckay sent to two dollar super chat says in big cabin okay we'll miss ya oh appreciate it right um yeah they were they're actually coming through ohio they're coming through high school in new york and we're gonna be up in lake erie on kelly's island but at the same time there are no storage auctions well there is one on wednesday actually for for all of our local followers kiko has a great auction on wednesday and option storage option and so there's one in maslin i actually told christian i sat down we had a meeting with christian and patience today that christian we're going to try and facetime christians probably going to be at the auction face timing for me because kiko loves it and i'm going to try and bid through the phone why we're on vacation so that may that leads the question is it really vacationing if he's still working and bidding well that's how he addicted the question is they're all going to be asking are there going to be any videos this week so george are there going to be any videos yes while we're on vacation jeremy and i have worked so hard to try and get as many pre-recorded videos up and ready to go for the week so that we can actually take some time offs take take a breather and not have to worry about which will probably still be recording on the island that doesn't work it's just what i do all the time or recording adventures for you guys and that'll go into one of the playlists so generally on the channel you never see things the day they happen that almost never ever happens you you nine times out of ten you see the day after it happens if we're falling behind if i'm falling behind then you'll see you'll see yet the same day if i can get it up really quick like crazy but this whole next week we were fortunate that uh the way that timing was that i i got a 150 storage unit in mansfield monday tuesday and wednesday you're gonna see this unit and it just gets better and then it gets better and then it gets amazing so you're gonna see thousands and thousands of dollars of profit but then hang on a sec let me get some of these super chats snappy cappy sent a 2.99 super sticker appreciate it snappy bam then valerie sent a 19.99 super sticker appreciate it valerie troy says the secret ingredient is mayo should i should i let him know if he's right or not i know you're a little bit behind five dollar super chat from elvis presley junior says look into your email later i've designed a tee for george as being on my website queen of the queen nice yeah we'll make sure we go for that email dill hole sent a 2.79 super chat says it's 30 here right now it is definitely not 30 here close to 90 today right it's been a hot one uh jim sent a five dollar super chat says i'm praying for your health george and jeremy keep being her rock appreciate it jim mary john sent a two dollar super chat says hey guys glad to see you guys are good god bless you too god bless you too mary appreciate it jk says ring-a-ling goes everybody ring-a-ling goes everybody that is their sound dj custom sent a 4.99 super chat says george glad you're doing amazing and keep your chin up which she is going to give a full update as far as what's going on so we'll get to that right after mail we'll get to her full update aisa says you deserve a break you need a full you need a full rest george is finally letting me go camping finally the camper is in the drive hooked up to the truck i got sick the whole back of the truck is filled with with firewood first thing when i got up this morning i got everything prepped with firewood everything's ready to go so if she turns her back on me and goes i'm not going or we're not going i'm going i'm going you're going to go solo i'll go solo i'm going i've made the reservations i'm going mark sent to 10 super chat says hey george sydney uh here how's your son who joined the national guard every thank you so much for asking everything's been put on hold he's supposed to go out to um this was shipped out to south carolina for basic training but ever with everything with going on with for with miss rona we call her miss rona um everything's been on hold so we don't know when um when that'll happen he's got no updates as far as when they're shipping them out for basic right appreciate it mark jacob bartlett send a five dollar super chat says that's what you call a vacation tax write-off actually yes this question going to be what's the ham secret do you ever feel like mick knows us way too well are you a mind reader does you ever feel like she just gets our weirdness a little bit too well yeah we've been praying for you and your hubby he's mr draper he was recently diagnosed with cancer as well and is undergoing chemo and radiation so prayers out to mick and mr draper and the uh the secret ingredient is not mayo yeah it's definitely not mayo not mayo so ham loaf i've never had ham loaf i don't know anybody that's had ham loaf but this guy um i grew up similar to like meat loaf but with the main ingredients what did what did you grow up your mom your mom and your grandma always made traditional egyptian dishes what's a dish that you grew up with so there there was an egyptian dish very similar to meatloaf except it had instead of using like was it called foosloaf it had like traditional egyptian seasoning in it but same main ingredients like ground meat with ground pork or ground beef with ground chicken like mixed up and then like seasoning and then diced onions and eggs and what's it called um food sloth it's not food it's food your dad is watching right now he's probably just shaking super chat appreciate it that's jeremy that [ __ ] of me you say fusela viva la james you grew up with foosloaf which was normal for you because of your family i grew up with ham loaf which was normal for me because it was a great grandma secret recipe of the grocery store and that recipe has been around for a very long time the food loaf no the ham oh the hamburger yes okay okay uh viv viva la jay sent a 10 super chat says best wishes on your recovery and i love your coin pusher videos wish there were more best wishes to both of you from maria and uh johnny's mother lol appreciate it as as they're waiting for more coin pusher videos monday through wednesday a lot of you know how to get to them before we even release them some of you have you guys have figured out how to actually find the videos on the platform right before we release them so some of you have figured out the secrets so there's six videos right now monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday and saturdays on the platform right now some of you are already you're finding them and watching them let me tell you monday is amazing tuesday gets better wednesday is absolutely insane thursday is the largest storage unit i've ever seen in my life it's so good it's so big the h is silent then friday we find one of the most incredible things ever and then saturday will blow your mind the video on saturday literally will blow your mind i hyperventilated i was on the gr rob got the video of me on the ground right did you get the clip no he never sent me the clip i told him send me the clip but he didn't send me the clip yet rob actually got it when i was hyperventilating i was so excited i was on the ground i fell over i was hyperventilating it was that crazy she on the camera got nothing so well i wasn't recording at the time it was just by the time you fell to the ground you're like turn the camera off it was so amazing so quickly when you fell to the ground so this one video spoiler we will be on kelly's island if you follow us on our youtube stories facebook what the hell's our instagram what the hell's one you will see clips of our adventures on kelly's island throughout the week that'll we'll definitely we'll share things but the videos throughout the week they just they just they're good they get better better better better and the pinnacle experience is on saturday oh blow your mind dream maloney gomez sent to 2.99 super chat appreciated dream maloney and catherine p sent a 2.99 super sticker appreciate it catherine do you want to give the fist pumps while i read what i want to do what i want to do is i want to get the mail so i want to we do have a lot of mail i looked over and i saw piles appreciated carol appreciate it we we got mail from around the world you literally around the world mick draper sent to 499 super chat says mr draper says hello he's a warrior oh glad you're staying positive and staying strong now now this one the speaking of the drapers right there so there's the drapers there's your one postcard there's a postcard from the drapers so it's hooray the male song thanks for another great week heart mister draper and mick oh i appreciate it guys all right now this card is from norway you have a couple different things from around the world okay so do you want to get the super yeah i'll get that let's get this because i've got a all right so everything is prepped because you have so much all right so here set that over there all right and here set that set that over there now remember george can't read through everything tonight on the live stream but she is reading everything i will be reading everything i will take the time to read everything once the live is over but there's no way i could read all this during the livestream since there's so much what we did is i actually prepped and i opened everything for beforehand yeah uh this card is from walter from holland from the netherlands how cool is that we love love love seeing where mail comes from and where our subscribers are all over the world it's just incredible and like when we sell when we sell things during our auction or on our ebay store i one of the things i always look at is where the person lives because i just like we talked about making math and putting pins in it storage scavenger sent five dollars can't be tip poison ivy doesn't make good tp even in an emergency that's a great tip shout out to pig peggy smith all the way from sand springs oklahoma for the car thank you so much jill hole sent another 99 canadian we do love that for he said he basically he sent a loonie uh michael mannbeck from summerville south carolina and i appreciate um all of this look at this look at this stack and if and i'm sorry if i butcher your name in advance i'm apologizing jeffrey bag of donuts five dollars what the love you guys send in love and prayers george kick the sizzle sorry would not let me send till i edited shout out to stephanie sheridan from jacksonville florida we stayed in jacksonville we did we bought a unit in jacksonville yeah we did dale holstein another 279 that was a toonie plus some sense he plays the guitar too jane white from elk grove california here's one from north texas north this one looks like it's made with love some of these some of these cards are so incredible our viewers are are just in incredible dean weisman all the way from texas and then incredible latex band-aids so i can cover my scarf yep this one's almost falling off this one yeah the doctor said wait for it to come off naturally for this to fall off on its own because there's adhesive on it and right now your niece was trying to rip it off my niece and my nephew both my brothers george george kids they're trying to rip it off yesterday dill hole sent another bam it's hanging by a thread like the center part still has the adhesive but the sides are still are starting to come loose so probably another week and then it'll come off i think it'll finally fall off yeah yep there are some beautiful beautiful cards in there i mean these people are so artistic that one was a good one this is from uh that's from norway monkey and noreen are friends all the way from uh tallmadge ohio yep that one was from noreen it was part of ricky mcintosh from henro henrico va you know conkey is going to love monday tuesday and wednesday's videos yeah yeah well he kept talking about it saying that this is totally something conkey would love yeah i think he might like it ricky and janella from is it samia colorado it's like samia charlene moderwell from englewood ohio this one's all the way from that one's overseas this yeah definitely looks like janet mcdonald and elvis scotland from scotland i'm wearing my kilt tonight i didn't i couldn't find my pants i put my kill pocket john rudnick from fruitport i don't know where which st oh from the michigan like grand rapids area i see second senses in the chat he said epic videos coming up you guys will not believe thursday friday saturday and again everything just builds and builds and builds i have this is the biggest unit i've ever seen in my life and wow what i literally was hyperventilating on the ground after i found what i found it was i don't even it was almost as good as george getting the hundred dollar bill out of the coin pusher to fall before the two dollar bill if you think that was good wait until you see these videos this week uh this one is from sarah fisher all the way from england sent a uh good luck stone see if i can open it look how pretty the the bag is and then a uh there's a meteor stars to the stars yeah there's a meteor right there is a meteorite how cool is that so cool one of the things that jeremy did when we first met is he uh he hopped on this app on his phone where you could point your phone up to the sky and it would point out different it would show you where the different planets and like the difference uh stars were and it gave you the name i thought it was really cool so i i cracked a joke i pointed it towards uranus and it just happened that uranus was right down that way in the planet at the time it says let your light shine and then a sunflower oh i love it thank you so much so that's google sky if you guys ever want to get on that it'll show you all the constellations so if you point it here show you what constellations or stars are there down here here altered it just sees directly and it shows you exactly where all the constellations are at any time look at this one this is incredible she hand she hand made this i hope you perk up soon this is from sabrina bird song from georgia you got to show this one oh wow she hand made this handmade by sabrina birdsong and then you open it up van made a coffee cup cool is that pop-up card how amazing is that wishing you for a speedy recovery for george from sabrina i appreciate it absolutely it's amazing so amazing i think i went through this part all right she's got one pot she's got one pile down one pile down this is from south carolina from the littles it looks big whatever it is it's foodsaver what could it be food maybe i don't know i just opened it i just opened it i just opened them for you that definitely looks like food a jar of something mama d's from the heart to your tummy with love black cherry oh that might love me some jam that might be good on our camping trip this might be and this one is raspberry mamadi's from my heart to your tummy with love we should take this on the camping trip yeah definitely for our morning so we'll make we'll make these amazing mornings i love it thank you so much over the fire they're they're incredible we'll do all of the cooking over the fire this week so over the fireplace yeah that'll be perfect for the hobo pies over the fire with the presents oh my goodness oh yeah it's gonna be amazing by the way there's notes in all of these from the amazon as well this is from nancy arnold enjoy your gift love you guys this should help you count coins she said a little coin counter oh i love it there you go she sent a digital counting money jar how cool is that do you think these these come in five gallon bucket size luis fracker from three springs pennsylvania probably any size look at this that's awesome this is a scarf feel how soft that is yeah that's soft here's one one for me and one for you which one is this one's for me whatever one you want i think you're you're stretching it a little bit here whatever one you want i think you're stretching just a little bit and then across probably because i get cold all the time you do get cold all of the time and then recently i've been experiencing uh hot splashes i think because of the new meds that i'm on until my body gets adjusted and gets back to oh this is for you sweet it says for jeremy on there this is from uh louis bracker appreciate it thank you so much you're just gonna wear it like that i think it looks good don't you yeah package number 723 this is from nesconset new york i'm probably butchering the name of the city on that oh this is really cool all right so one of our so you can read that one and i'll show you so we both get a copy one of our one of our viewers actually wrote a book oh no and it's the history of his dad in world war ii which we love finding war items and the history behind it so he wrote a book about his dad and just it's just awesome oh this is very cool from nina and michael um easy for you to say i think i nailed it i think i nailed it denise said it thank you so much denise wants to know have we ever been to uranus in missouri true city have you ever been there no no i do now i do now i want to say that was on my bucket list i definitely want to buy a unit from there she wants to buy a unit from uranus hey where'd you get that unit uranus um how are we going to title that video we bought uranus we bought an abandoned uranus bonnie fleming from bellevue florida she's oh my gosh bunny she must have been a mind reader because these are my favorites these are my favorite pens these are see it even says smoothest pen ever and i love them so much because they're so smooth i love the black ink and the blue and blue ink especially the blue oh multi-color pens these will be great um bonnie for my auction so when i keep tabs of who the highest bidder is perfect love them rebecca abbott sent 4.99 my son i think her son's name is william uh my son and i watch videos every day we love you guys he's two and so happy to see you could you say hi to william appreciate it william two that's gotta be like the youngest fan yeah i mean you know your niece is one but does she really watch she just gouged my eye out look at look at what her niece did kind of like tried to literally gouge my eyes out of my head and she did pretty good there are you gonna say hi to william what's up william what up what up uh the next one is from marion jonker from hemet california says george i made this shirt for you so you will always know that you are loved by fans all over the world and all your boob sisters love marian let's see what the shirt says love it hope is stronger than fear oh my gosh this is incredible thank you so much i'll definitely be wearing this i'll bring it to kelly's island and wear it this week so you'll see it in one of the videos appreciate it so much i love it how many videos are we gonna make or does that depend on how many places it depends on it depends on how many places we get banned from we can get banned from every time we record something and we announce where it is we get banned so yeah it all depends if it's worth getting banned from pat just sent two dollars we don't care that we get banned then we'll announce it but if we don't want to get banned then we won't say where it is hey hey hey hey the next one i think i know what this is oh this is straight from amazon yep don't touch jeremy this is from tony gonzalez's don't touch jeremy gets better soon george love tony and i promise that that that's all that was in that package that's all that some gummy bears and it's not an empty bag it's in there what did you just take that was all that was in that package what did you just take wig you're gonna want those for the oh i haven't had the cookies and cream twix but twix is one of my favorite and and it's in there it's still sealed and in there if you didn't get to it thank you for for not eating them you're gonna want that in your actual uh in your s'mores these are coming with us to kelly's island she loves putting kitkats and twix in the s'mores we actually have some camping videos these will definitely be featured in one of our videos when we make s'mores because i do like to put twix and kitkat so we have a camping video where we show how we make the most incredible s'mores ever and it's in the playlist come have it come adventure with us or something like that we have a different playlist yeah come travel with come travel with us when we go traveling so it's playlist on the channel and we do i mean there's way more than on the channel than what you typically see on a daily basis if you're a new fan or a new viewer look they're so creative with their cards it's incredible this is from uh darlene eastman from colbury city california look how pretty that is there's stuff flying everywhere got some stamps check that out from italia italia did i ever tell you about the time i got kicked out of the vatican i did tell you that one right i've said that whole i've shown it in one of the uh the coin pusher videos oh did i rhonda kent just sent five dollars love you all going through tests for brass appreciated darling ryan we will be praying for you thanks rhonda let us know how things go yeah keep us posted two more packages two more from amazon you know i kind of feel like there are so many packages and a lot of people come straight from amazon which is cool well there kind of should have been two male songs with this many don't you think yeah this one i hope you feel better soon george from tony and frisco oh it's a family tree necklace you're gonna open it yeah it looks like it's handmade is elvis gonna be in your family tree i don't know no probably not he is my bff so he'll be like on a different branch william abbott uh abbott is actually part of my family tree so my mom was an abbot abbott and costello i am of in the lineup gorgeous oh that is look at that see the tree that is cool that's so cool thank you so much tony i love it abbott and costello i'm actually related on my mom's side when we did the music sheet lot you mentioned that did i yeah because there was a music sheet with him mick said videos depending on betsy eating charge or not yeah if you haven't seen the video he said he was going to use me as bait to get betsy the lake erie monster the loch ness monster this is going to be amazing what's this last one last envelope this one says as well for jeremy love tony this is actually for you oh that was nice of you tony these if you've never had [ __ ] are you going to tell tony what happened to the five pound bag that you bought if you've never had albany's gummy worms gummy bears gummy butterflies these are by far the best which are her favorite you bought it we buy them by like the five maybe it's three it might be three pounds we bought one a couple days ago yeah have you seen it and i'll i'll eat like two or three worms every couple days like i'll have three worms one day then like two days later i'll have like two more worms and then i'll be like the last like months and i'm like why hasn't she eaten this i'm like we're not gonna let this go bad boom gone so he'll eat it all in one sitting because he's afraid it's gonna go stale but yeah these are the best they're so soft they're really good the flavors are just there's 12 flavors really really good your favorite thank you so much thank you so much for everybody sending mail just a reminder if you want to send offers you want for your ghostbusters stuff as i'm going to continue to try and build up the ghostbusters collection and do kind of a little display at the warehouse let us know or your sega stuff sega master system sega genesis saturn cd 32x nomad you name it dreamcast chris weaver 20 just found out i have colon cancer this is the fourth time i've had cancer wow george i'm glad you're feeling better wow chris we'll be praying for you as well praying for you my goodness wow yeah hopefully you'll be a fourth time cancer survivor do you want to you want to share with everybody give everybody an update on where you're at yeah last week i i did a a brief update on the changes that my body's going through and like what i've been experiencing and um with with thyroid cancer i could definitely say that the the recovery has been a rough recovery compared to my my breast cancer recovery um just because there's more changes to my body your thigh you know i've been trying to read up on thyroid cancer and what your thyroid glands do for your body and what how your body like what side effects you'll feel once they remove them and tony says that the necklace is a healing tree necklace thank you tony appreciate it tony um and like i try to educate myself a little bit more outside of what my doctor and the nurses have tried to educate me on and you know you you know your body the best no one knows your body but you and so trying to figure out why my body's going through all these changes and trying to figure out if what i'm going through is normal because i don't remember my doctor explaining it to me or giving me a heads up that hey you're going to feel this this and that life and times of ed here's to a speedy recovery georgian healing appreciate it so as far as like the numbness and the tingling that i've had all over my entire body are your lips tingly right now my lips have been them that my lips is what tingles the most you want them to tingle a little bit more when my calcium levels start to drop i could feel it the most in my lips and then if i if i don't eat and take my next dose of calcium pills and they'll they'll start burning like they're on fire so as soon as i start feeling a little bit of tingling i try to hurry up and eat and take my next dose of the the calcium pills which are like huge horse pills i got to take two of them during meal time like breakfast lunch and dinner so six of those a day um so like now that i'm on a regular routine i don't get the tingly and the numbness all over my body it's just in my lips as soon as the levels start to drop so i think because i'm on a on a better routine and i know how much to take that my body's slowly starting to absorb it and and the numbness and the tingling if you've never had like numbness and tingling all over your body is definitely a weird experience um i'm still freezing during the day which was i was probably freezing before all of this you were freezing before but we figured it was your heart medicine yeah that it was my the beta blocker because i have pvcs but i'm still freezing during the day and i'm still getting hot flashes at night at night and like i think i'm slowly starting to get used to the hot flashes that i just i stopped mentioning and get to him that i'm getting a hot flash i just take layers off to cool off because i'm usually wearing layers like i'll wear a t-shirt a long sleeve shirt and a hoodie i'm shocked we're not working 90 degrees it's 90 degrees but it's also evening time not wearing no hoodie i get hot flashes in the evening like right now i'm i'm really warm which i do have the ac going yeah you do have the ac going um so like and i think a lot of it has to do with the hormone pill that i have to take so until my body adjusts that i don't know how long i'll be feeling the hot flashes for um i do have a follow-up appointment it's a virtual visit with my um my endocrine surgeon in four days so on the 27th we'll be on the island hopefully i get connection on the island because it'll be like a face time we'll be facetiming each other on the zoom app we'll have to go over to the marina to get connection it's at nine o'clock in the morning you'll have to go to the marina to get connections so i have to be there at 8 45 so i can hop on the app and because we won't get it on the actual state park yeah how are your mood swings well tony gonzalez just sent five dollars george my mom had the same thyroid cancer she hers was the end stage four yeah mine was mine was uh they caught it at an early stage so it was a stage one so it didn't it didn't spread so only i don't have to get radiation like i did with my uh my breast cancer but praying for your mom um and then still dizzy still lightheaded that you've been like that since day one you met me and you're like right if you want to tell yourself that oh really really okay yeah all right i see how it is still fatigue all day there's times where i can't fight it and i have to take a nap but i tried not to take it he was like that way before but way before but it's worse now like it's i feel like i'm more fatigued now like yes i was fatigued before the surgery and everything but i'm even more fatigued now um should be like it's 10 a.m i just woke up i still i'm like what you doing today she's like i feel tired i have to go take a nap like all right come over to my place whenever you want um still feel like the lump in my throat and i don't know if that's because of like the scar tissue or or what but that that's like these are all questions that i'll be asking my endocrine surgeon if what i'm feeling is normal and how long to expect these things carissa just sent five dollars my husband passed away three years ago from lung cancer i was just diagnosed with breast cancer georgia and inspiration wow thank you for sharing with us and steve's sent two dollars get well george i'm working at a cemetery right now oh wow that's got to be an interesting job working at a cemetery i hear people are dying to get in there dad joke um nurse jeremy here he's been my rock since day one and he still continues to be my rock and annoy me at the same time me annoy you yeah yeah oh my goodness um and then um another thing that i'm noticing is that like i have like a fullness in my ears so i don't i don't know if that's part of that's called ear wax recovery no it's definitely not ear wax because i clean my ears often um and then um hair my hair i've been losing so much hair like gobs of hair and her hair was all over my house before all of this yeah it's every everywhere i do naturally shed but this time it's like five times as much well she's just kind of i did was what i did was i put my hair in a braid so it would prevent it from falling and shedding everywhere roman lance sent two dollars speedy recovery george nice meeting you this week appreciate it roman roman bought three lots from our auction last sunday so he wanted to do a local pickup oh really yeah nice yeah did he did he pick him up at the warehouse nice yeah and he was like this is the warehouse he's like where do you break in did he ask all that because that's what people usually ask no i couldn't stay long because i had an appointment to go to you were you were at the 150 unit oh i was filming christian impatience yeah that unit turned out awesome and then i had an hour and a half commute to be somewhere um so we didn't chat for too too long but yeah i asked him i was like did you find it okay and he said it'll have made a lot of turns and i think he may have made a couple wrong turns but he did make it on time so yeah the hair loss that's another thing that i'm going to have to ask the doctor and again i try to read up on it um and you know hearing your comment like reading all of your emails and seeing your comments like helps me to to make me uh feel a little bit better that i'm going through all of this and that it's normal because you know you guys have if you've experienced it and you've gone through this as well that you went through it too um so all in all just we've been flooded with tons of prayers warm thoughts and you know we appreciate all the love and you know i'll continue you got this appreciate it steve i'll continue to um stay positive stay strong and what's the saying i'm too blessed to be stressed i guess this is that yeah trying to focus on how how blessed i am because it could have been much worse it could have been you know a different stage where it's spread to where they would have to remove more things on you know in this area and then i would have had to you know do radiation and and chemo but luckily with the thyroid cancer surgery removal of both thyroid glands was pretty much part of the treatment along with the hormone pills and the calcium pills that i have to take hormone pill for sure i have to take for the rest of my life the calcium i'm not sure you'll be taking those for the rest of your life your heart pills i'd be thrilled if those were gone my heart pills i do have a follow-up appointment with my um cardiologist i think next month yeah next month to talk about other treatments for me so that i can finally come off of the medicine but that's another thing i i would like to get off of the medication as well but it's up to my doctor limousine said write all your questions down before you go to the doctor which you do you diary everything yeah i do i document everything you document every step i take every word i say every every everything i put everything i live by my calendar i utilize the calendar in my cell phone so much i put everything in there and you know some people like to write down their thoughts or write down their day and hand write it in a diary my way of doing it is i track everything in my calendar that's like my my you wish i tracked you yeah you tell me every day i'm stalking you every day you just won't say it on camera as a joke now you're joking now you're joking so yeah so that's the update and then i'll continue to keep you guys posted um next sunday when we do our live i'll have already had my follow-up appointment with the enderkin surgery so i'll give you guys another update then thank you melissa m again thank you so much for all of the the the prayers and the warm thoughts and all of the love it's really much appreciated so you definitely felt better to get out and so through this process i think the biggest thing is is there's emotional ups and downs obviously so you can imagine the emotional downs and what that does to a person and some majority of you sound like you've been there you know somebody who's been there so it's been daily goals for you know the set with george like day one literally was i told her you have to take a shower that's your goal today and it was no why i don't want to there's no point i'm not going anywhere and the point was you have to get up you have to take a shower so that was day one to the point of all right we are getting in the truck we're going somewhere i don't care what you wear i don't care what you look like it doesn't matter so it was just going in the truck and going to a park and watching the sunset so we did that so that was the that was a week after surgery then to the point of all right you want to go for a little trip and she got she got a little itchy so froggy and now to the point she yeah she got a little froggy yeah i was getting cabin fever like i had to get out so it's been it's been it's been everything from the beginning of you need to get up and you need to take a shower i don't want to to now we're going to be gone all week camping in the camper so that's been that's been a lot of progress so a lot of people have asked me you know how she doing and i've been i've been sharing much better much better so to be from the point of i don't want to get up and i don't want to take a shower and i don't want to go i mean there was times where before like when i found out when i was diagnosed you know i went through a depression and then during recovery went through a depression and i think that's normal for i'm human for anyone to go through that where i just didn't feel like doing anything and now tomorrow morning and now tomorrow morning i'm ready to hit the road we're finally going camping we are actually going last week last week i was like let's hit the road we're going to the casino like i can't i can't just lay here and do nothing but you know the when i was discharged in the discharge paperwork it's said to give myself a week of recovery time and now we're into week two so usually most of the women that that have gone through this experience that i've talked to and men to usually recovery time is anywhere from four days to two weeks and you know every individual is different but lucky for me like i needed a full week to recover which one of one of the other things we did was this weekend you want to talk about hanging out we we hung out with your family this weekend your brother's family yeah my my brother george george if you follow him in his youtube channel he came up and we went to um holmes county which is considered like one of the largest amish country like tourists amish population in the world more tourism dollars are spent in holmes county than anywhere else in the state of ohio more than the islands more than cedar point it's it's wild it's amish it's always a good experience so we took him and his family to um sugar creek and then we went to what was the farm we went to the farm at walnut creek walnut creek farm so they they usually offer either you could either stay in your car or you could do a wagon ride but because of miss rona they didn't do the wagon right so you had to stay in your car where you would just drive through and the animals would come to your car and you can feed them they would give you a bucket of feed and they would eat what is it um alfalfa or alfalfa pellets pellets yeah so we got to feed um a ton of llama a ton of deer a ton of um yaks there were zebras there were longhorns there were a ton of cows moo cows we got to see baby um was it an ostrich that ate out of my bucket you hadn't you did feed it not strange emu you saw which i've never seen before which was awesome they were like little there were um pigs there and there had the little baby pigs there was this the giraffe didn't move they just stood there even though we we put the sunroof back and george was outside like this with with uh yeah i was trying to lure them in by shaking my my uh bucket through them we were there too late they had already eaten so they weren't hungry they had a baby it was like baby season where all the animals had a baby and your brother's baby was there you asked me if i was there was water buffalo there was a water buffalo baby there and i've never seen that before you asked me if i wanted to go 50 50 on a baby i said hails no hails to the no that was a joke too really uh pinching me i always wanted to know did we see that we got to feed there were some albino deer there we went out to the buffet the amish buffet and we got to feed our faces yeah we did amish food is really good it's almost like southern cooking if you've never had amish food it's like mashed potatoes it's meat it's meat and potatoes that's what there is crowd and sausage and it's almost auction time and i don't think that we cut out in and out no we didn't so we're still good you are still good with the auction yeah all right we are gonna transition into the auction tonight just a reminder for those that are gonna be viewing the channel this week monday tuesday wednesday you're gonna see an epic 150 uh unit and then thursday friday saturday it gets better and better and better with the largest unit we've ever seen in our life as second sense rob actually invited us to come along and we had a massive challenge and i don't know you think i won or we're gonna have to watch his videos it was incredible oh my goodness we don't know what he found this week of videos is just gonna be absolutely amazing it's gonna blow your mind it is gonna you know we're gonna be biased and say that we got the better side but because of what you found times fine i hyperventilated that's saturday's videos when i hyperventilated and i just couldn't take it it was so amazing but it just gets the whole the the videos this week are just so cool because they're good and then they get better and better and better and better and better and then boom it'll blow your mind oh lori had a good question once you know george are you able to eat more than just soft foods yes i'm able to eat whatever i want now so the the the feeling on the inside pretty much went away like after day three or four and then i was able to eat solid foods yeah big thanks to rob with second sense for inviting us to come along on that unit and um you'll you'll see it in the videos we just we were totally in awe and the other thing that allowed us to do is honestly it allowed us to give you guys content to consume and to watch this week while we're on vacation on kelly's island so we uh we appreciate him allowing us to be a part of that it was it was amazing i mean you're gonna have to watch it you're gonna have to watch it yeah all right as we transition into the auction to where you guys are bidding and buying if anybody has any ghostbusters stuff sega stuff even garshfield kids i'll buy it send me send me uh what you have over at what the hails at make sure you send pictures yeah that will you guys have things that you want to sell to him of what he's requesting make sure you send a picture so i want to get all that stuff set up in the warehouse uh and everybody wants to know an update on the warehouse yeah or still yeah no new updates no new updates haven't heard from my lawyer no new year so um so if this is your first live auction with us don't worry we'll go through the rules and the rules are starting right about now all right so very first thing you want to do you want to make sure that your chat is in live chat not top chat why is that george so important because then everyone else including us can see the chat as it goes in order um top chat not sure why the youtube even has that feature but make sure you're not in top chat because then you won't go in the order that everyone else sees it i forgot to bid on some items so that makes that's going to make a huge difference when you're bidding because any bids that come after our sold mod says sold doesn't count and that's important because like ebay just sent me messages and said hey you missed out on this item you didn't bid in time being in live chat make sure you bid in time so also try to get your bid in and plenty of time especially if you're lagging on the internet and if you're lagging we always always always recommend that you refresh your sk screen and then make sure that you're in live chat and then in between each lot refresh your screen make sure you're in live chat all right 25 minimum bid and then payments will be made through actual invoice now tonight here's the deal anybody who bids and wins a lot tonight you will not get your item when you pay because we'll be on the island we'll get back on friday she will probably ship all of your items your lots on saturday sunday friday saturday yeah you'll still get your paypal invoices tomorrow morning but i won't be able to ship it until saturday there's no way you'll get it out on friday when we leave the island and get back there's no way so it'll be saturday i take a nap and i'm up late no there's no way so it'll be saturday that she actually ships so typically what we tell you is she'll turn it around in less than 24 hours and ship it to you and give you a tracking number don't worry if you win and you're like well i didn't get a tracking number from her you're gonna bid tonight but she will ship on saturday and i'll remind you in the email when i send the paypal invoice that i won't be able to package everything until saturday free shipping within the united states if you're outside of the united states another country we encourage you to bid but there will be some additional shipping uh fees on top of that as well you will have one minute to win it we'll have a countdown and we will share that with you here shortly we're gonna do a practice round so one minute to win it when our mod says sold flipping adventures if you don't mind being our mod again tonight we truly appreciate it when our mod says sold any bids after that do not count so you got to bid fast you got a bit furious okay and a couple other things as well uh if you have if you have purchased in the past okay george has told you where to make payment in the past that paypal account will not be where payment goes anymore so please pay attention when she said wait until you get an invoice before you pay everything my cpa is streamlining all of this so everything has to go to another to another area as far as payment and that'll be important for us as far as business goes as well so do not make a payment early wait until george sends you a payment you can email her but she'll send you an invoice where the payment should go all right and if you're runner up you can send all of your information to george as well in case the first winning bidder did not pay you'll have the opportunity to actually purchase that item everything is sold as is no guarantees and no returns you are you're buying it as we found it we don't make any guarantees there could be broken things we could have not tested things nine times out of ten we didn't because we found it we put it in a tote and we went all right let's option this off we'll try and tell you anything we know about an item but there is no guarantees whatsoever everything is as is nothing is verified or checked even if it's new in a plastic sealed in a box we're going to tell you no guarantees because we don't know we have no no idea whatsoever and know your custom laws in your country so if you buy 50 connives from george make sure you know that your customs will actually give them to you because they may get over to your country and they're like wow i like knives i've been watching george and so you may never get them other than that i think we're ready to go what do you think let's do a practice run if you've never attended one of our lives we'll do a practice a lot of you wonder well how do i bid we'll do a practice and there will be three three gifts are being given away winners well do we do always give away free lots at the end of the auction so you may have the right answer that actually jeremy your hair looks dark my hair looks dark you need a haircut i need a really i need a haircut really bad when your hair gets long it gets dark really yeah all right george says you're right so uh we're gonna do a practice run and as we do the practice run you'll know exactly how this all works i'm going to add george to the stream remember our internet is kind of iffy tonight and actually i'm shocked we got through that whole hour live stream without any issues now remember you are not actually betting on this this is just a practice just a practice so george's new favorite mug that was gifted by a by a viewer a subscriber so this is just a practice so we can practice minute to win it and here's what you need to know 25 starting bid you got to bid fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it this is practice here we go uh i never did figure out all of those things there all right you're getting your practice bids in right now storage legends has given 1 000. vegas 13 says one million dollars and conkey said a fairy pass to kelly's island that actually be good because that's going to cost us almost 250. the ferry with the camper is going to be 250 somebody's offering 5 000 pesos one ham loaf and five dollars actually i would probably take a ham loaf with instant mashed potatoes and ketchup one trillion left blue shoe if it was a blue suede shoe yes if it's not a blue suede shoe no way fish for the campfire debbie we don't need fish for the campfire we need twix and kitkats for the campfire we only eat junk food on the campfire two cheeseburgers nice gold jelly beans somebody's trying to call me renee from storage wars is trying to call me he should know that i'm on the line renee is calling me right now and here we go here we go we're looking for flipping adventures to say sold i'm looking it's sold all right amanda amanda said one british pound we like foreign money so one british pound it is let me text renee really quick currency collector says 5000 gold breaks oh yeah we'd actually take that take it i'm on a live stream right now until midnight my oh time he's three hours behind yeah renee is uh is three hours behind us so renee just tried to call me uh bargain hunter's thrift and i'll touch base with him later is this a kiss lot yeah all right you guys have been begging for the kiss the view a little bit wider i can make you all of the view all right uh i can do it like they're up here i can do it like that's not it it should be it should be all right i'm all right we'll see if we can figure this out another way all right george is just going to have to we know you lost sound the way that we just did it it actually kicked the audio out and george's camera is really close to the table so she's gonna have to show you she's gonna have to show you what she can how about how about that guys you still hear the audio there i think you got the audio now here's a kiss bandana so this is from the kiss unit we still are working on the kiss unit one of these buttons in here if you saw from the video is worth 150 dollars i don't remember which one it might have been that one i don't remember because it worked well then that's the only button so that's probably the one so uh this is the kiss unit still that we're still working on george is going to show you all this this looks like one of the trading cards we did auction off a ton of trading cards but this must have been one that fell out and that was remaining and then there's one two three eight tracks we didn't test any of these so these are we're sending it to you as as we found them in the storage unit another so three eight tracks three eight tracks and then there's two kiss dvds they are in there i'm still not done going through the kiss unit believe it or not i don't know why i just kind of petered out on it and i was like i want to get into something else we pretty much found all the good stuff already right well no there's still stuff to go through there's still stuff to go through fine filtering and you will get these with the frame there are some um kiss comic books these this has the sleeve protector it doesn't look like it's ever been opened there's a kiss magazine this one's not in the greatest shape here's another um kiss comic book another kiss comic book looks like four kiss comic books total four or five this one has the dust protector remember you're seeing this as it came out of the unit so this is how we found it you're receiving it exactly the way we found it everything is as is no guarantees no returns this is how we found it you're getting an entire kiss lot here of three three these 45s have um and then the other three don't this is all one by this is a a lot one of the things we love to do for the resellers on youtube is they can buy a bulk lot from us and then part it off and make money on ebay if you're a reseller or you like to collect things or you want to get an early birthday gift or christmas gift these are perfect live options for you that single button i believe it was that button because that's the last button we haven't sold the button since i found it that single button there in the middle that pin sells for over 150 on ebay just the button that's it all right you got all kinds of kiss items there all kinds of kiss items bam george just showed you everything you're buying one bid buys everything starting bid 25 free shipping here within the united states you get this entire bulk everything everything there and no guarantees obviously as is no returns you better hurry because a lot of you guys like this start at 25. so just a reminder if you have no intentions of paying for the lot please do not bid yeah if you're not gonna pay don't bid uh you will be banned so if you take the opportunity away from somebody else we're gonna we're gonna go ahead and ban you so please don't bid if you don't intend to pay all bids start at 25 shipping included if you live here in the us here we go you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it let's go bidding on the kiss lot rookies boo george hope you're feeling better hope you guys see you soon you guys are awesome stay safe thank you so much ricky's boo and i think renee just texts me again all right we got go go expo goes that 25 leonard pivia is at 131 we're getting bids everywhere highest bid i've seen so far is 131 leonard i see some hundred dollar bids in there huggable knows that 65. got becky rolling at 25 i think some people may be lagging behind i see 100 bids everywhere high speed i've seen no shirley pearls now at 150. that just buys the button shirley pearl's at 150 dollars 20 seconds to go the rest is all profit if shirley gets it now kevin hale is now at 175. kevin's at 175 with 12 seconds to go kevin oil is at 175 we got tim coming in at 155 nowhere near the 175. surely pearl is at 150. kevin is at 175. 175 is now the bid to beat 175's to 50b with zero seconds to go air freedom now 203 aaron breeden is now two or three this is with free shipping this is money this is a money lot i see aaron breeding a 203 so there brennan got it aaron breeding got it wanted nice nice feel free to network with each other okay so that's the big thing so if you guys were like man i really really really want that button aaron you guys can message aaron here in the chat we will not share anybody's information with anybody else we would not want you to do that with our information we're not going to do that with anybody's information but if you want to share with aaron in the chat and go hey aaron i'd really like to buy this from you we encourage you guys to network that doesn't mean she's going to sell it but you can feel free to send your information to her if she wants to follow up with that so that was a great lot there a lot of kiss stuff poster all kinds of crazy stuff there nice buy aaron very very nice vibe very very nice buy all right she's got a pewter lot coming up somebody said i saw that button on ebay one was 90. another one was 45. kathy don't know if it's the same button or if you're looking at sold or not you got to always make sure you're looking outsold when you're looking at buttons but i can tell you i found it uh going on ebay for 150 if i find it at 150 i typically am going to sell for the same or more this is a pewter lot not getting any focus on there right now there it goes this is a full pewter lot so these items came from if you remember when we had the police officer audrey actually go through the unit with us would we pay for that unit was that 600 and something or 800 and something i think 600. i think it was 600 and something we had the police officer audrey go through the unit with us so that was really cool we found all these pewter pieces in that lot and so we're doing a fuel a full pewter lot right now not a computer lot we're doing a full pewter lot cathy says no i wasn't looking out sold you always got to look at sold kathy oh he's got a so anybody can ask anything frankly if you're finding those actual originals for that price buy them on ebay and then sell them for 150. so pewter is a very very soft metal and you're going to see these ones are bent and they can be repaired put back into shape 25 price tag on it so this is a crazy pewter lot here renee is texting me guys renee got i i can't tell you right now what renee renee got something we can tell you it's the most epic thing in the world right now and tmz is picking up the article and releasing it at 1am 1am tmz is releasing what rene got renee asked me to fly out and since we're going to kelly's island i promised george we were going camping i told him i couldn't fly out and record with them but if he if if if he can wait till next week then i'll fly out and i'll go and record with him but um boy it's going to be amazing that's what he's texting me about 23 pieces of pewter let me put her back up 17 price tag 23 pieces of pewter you probably saw it unboxed on the channel a lot of those pewter pewter obviously is a very soft malleable metal and oh you know i forgot to tell aaron to actually send her name and address and which aaron's done it before i'll make sure i let everybody know erin you know to send your information to george just don't send payment until she sends you an invoice uh kelly floyd yes tmz 1am the story will be broken tmz is the only one that has the story so the story will break at 1am the reason why tmz will do that at 1am because it gives all the other news stations the opportunity to pick it up first thing in the morning and it is going to be a huge story huge story this is lots and lots of pewter that's it all right that is the pewter lot you're seeing it all right there george has it all there in front of you for those of you who love pewter maryland wants to know do we accept debit cards marilyn if you can pay the invoice with any kind of card debit credit whatever it is yeah once you get the invoice it will take you to a link and you can pick it up you just click on a link and then you choose how you want to pay all right that is the fuel full pewter lot and it's 25 starting bid you got a bid fast you got a bid furious because you only have one minute to win it let's go this is the pewter lob the kiss slot is now behind us this is a full pewter lot 23 pieces lorena wants to know did rene find jimmy hoffa you're going to find out at 1 we got a 30 bid 30 bid 50 bids cecilia is now 50 grumpaville is at 50 we got two 50 bids cecilia is the high bidder remember runner's this room is that 55. easy for me to say huh don is now at 55. we got kimberly is now at 75. kimberly is a high bidder at 75.75 worth of 23 p p slot we got all kinds of other bids coming in 60 and 65. trendsetter thrifting we got 20 seconds to go 75 is the high bid right now 75 is the high bid by kimberly corners 10 seconds to go now don is in at 76. upping it by a dollar yeah bev we did amazing amazing visiting elvis and when i say we i mean george she rocked my world 76 is don right now don is at 76. don's at 76. let's see what else happens anna maria's got to be lagging because she just put it in a bid for 65 sold to don for 76. rayne came in oh she sniped sniped just a little too late ran all right 76 don 76 here's what you're going to do don you're going to send us your youtube name your real name and your shipping address right there what the hell's at yahoo you're going to wait you're going to wait for george to send you an invoice once you get that invoice you can pay that invoice and then george will let you know when she actually ships that item out which will be saturday okay so that was don at 76 anybody else who got in a bid later like clarence is at 77 right now clarence you definitely are lagging now is a great time to actually refresh your actual live chat and well refresh the whole the whole live stream and then make sure you click back in the live chat yeah depends on what you're on your device we can't tell everybody how to refresh it's just as simple i mean to us it's as simple as turning something on usually a button uh mitch lady says her leg was at about 30 seconds behind wow that makes a huge difference sarah yes george will get invoices out before vacation or she'll send them while we're on vacation because she all she has to do is just send it once you you email so she can do that in the truck while we're driving all right next up are hand crafted earrings hand crafted earrings here we go here we go hand crafted earrings if you're lagging please make sure you refresh george is coming up with the handcrafted earrings she's gonna weigh him for you you're at that many pounds all over the place it is dancing is almost all right almost four pounds almost four pounds of handcrafted earrings handcrafted earrings okay these are a lot of handcrafted earrings wait till you get a peek at these things here bag and bags these this bag i think are like extra pieces but i'll show you i'm not going to show you all of them but i'll show you what some of them are these are really pretty these are all made out of seashells beautiful artwork here absolutely beautiful artwork here so this is just one bag you're not pausing long enough there you go this is just one bag and there's a whole another probably three pounds there the other pound the other bag is more so you'll get so you can see a little bit of the samples there did somebody say shelling did somebody say earrings do you think we're going to be able to get to florida soon and look at property yeah i'm done with my all of my follicle appointments are all virtual visits yeah but are they going to quarantine us well they won't quarantine us if we just drive right if we don't fly we just drive and go look at the properties did somebody say shilling because winter is right around the corner and i do not want to be here in winter we just need to get a copy of our anthony says you can flip those so simple oh yeah whether you have a booth at a trade fair whether yeah whether you put them online there's well over 100 pair of earrings i think there's at least 70 pair of these shell earrings but i didn't count how many pair of the other ones dill hole sent us super chat getting a bad storm here power might go out 30 degrees in a storm you're gonna get a snowstorm we're supposed to get storms here too but we'd appreciate it right now that'd be nice again i'm not going to show all of them and then these are the these are more like retro earrings they have like that 80s 90s feel i'll show you a couple oh flipping adventures just said no one is paying attention who's coming in and out of florida okay i think we just drive down we just pick a day and we drive down that way we take our time and we're not rushing up the airport or waiting forever it was so nice in holmes county like everywhere we went all over ohio right now you'll see signs mascot required not in holmes county literally homes county when if you want to wear it wear it if you don't don't it was so nice jason legrand sent ten dollars okay work got the in the way of me joining live sooner this has got to change looks like i'm getting a hold of the boss nice jason thanks so much for the super chat yeah we we went in for the buffet even at uh at the restaurant and we asked we have to wear a mask and they said if you want to you want the server's work yeah the servers are required to wear a mask but like if you were there eating dill hole says it's 83 there not 30. yeah we really enjoyed our time down in amish country with your brother and his family yeah it was a lot of fun we got really close to a peacock you love peacocks i do love peacocks i miss owning peacocks i miss owning peacocks and then jackson was like how do you get a peacock to come next to you tomatoes you need tomatoes don't you watch what the hails kimberly wants to know where is holmes county holmes county is right under wayne county where i live homes county is kind of about 50 minutes south or away from here it's if you if you think of the state of ohio and you think they're like mismatches it's smack dab in the middle if you draw a line from columbus to cleveland or cleveland to columbus it's smack dab in the middle it's the largest homage population in the world more tourism than anywhere else in the state of ohio it's absolutely beautiful we actually there's a video on on the channel of things to do in holmes county with george and i mm-hmm so that's that's part of in the travel with us playlist so you get to see what's in homes county things like that all right that is so believe it or not we don't just treasure hunt on the channel we've actually put a lot of other things on uh that is v-lot there is a ton a ton of earrings so 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states you got a bit fast you got a bit furious hopefully hopefully if you're lagging you refresh you know you're in live chat because you only have one minute to win it let's go here we go come on flip on me there we go all right here we go we got we got ran at 25 elizabeth 50 we got rosie rosie's at 100 put the gauntlet down leonard came in at 55 james at 75 a rosie's high bidder at 100 100 still a high bidder 100 is the bid 100 my goodness for who knows how many are in there what a buy buy 100 is the high bid right now we got all kinds of bids of 50 30 we got 75 58 anything and everything no we got roy at 122. we got roy at 122 rosemary came in at 120 but now it's roy at 122. 122 still outbid tim's coming in at 103 but that won't cut it doug coming in two dollars not even close doesn't even meet the many of them we got junaid is that 125. one at walnut that's what it is one that if i could read that would be better mary is now at 150. mary's off 150 myra came in at 135 and mary is now at 150. mary at 150. lacy says you're lagging lacie it might be you lagging we got mary fowler at 150 right now mary is i bid at 150. let's see what happens let's see what happens rosie's coming at 126 i think she's lagging and it is it is mary fowler mary nice job rosemary at 1 55. where wait wait no i missed it it was rosemary at 1 55. i screwed up congratulations i screwed up rosemary morgan 155 here's what you're gonna do you're gonna send your real name your youtube name even if they're the same your shipping address bam right there to what the hell is that george is gonna send you an invoice once you pay that invoice yours will let you know when she's going to ship that out you will get delivery confirmation numbers as well tracking and mary fowler you are the backup bidder so if you want to send all that information as well typically george gives bitter 72 hours 72 hours yes 72 hours from the moment from the moment she's she's seven points email us if you have the emails tonight but if it's not paid within those 72 hours that person unfortunately gets blocked and banned from the channel and then it goes to the backup bidder so jk said well apparently your eye surgery is not working out jeremy actually i was just thinking today i was like i am seeing everything so well i was like i was seeing everything great on my phone i've seen the tv great i did a lot of editing today i edited three videos today i did a ton of prep for camping this week eleven and a half by eleven and a half binder oh wait you guys actually saw this in the video these are all vintage baseball coins baseball coins remember the baseball coins from the kiss unit these are dated 1990. here we go sean wants to know who won the lasik that's a great question sean we announced the winner last week if you want to find out if you are the winner you got to find the video remember you can still win tonight you can win a free lot tonight a free lot tonight actually three people are going to win a free lot tonight this is 1989 uh m.e says i was amazed at the amount of electric bikes on the roads in the amish country yeah yeah they're all like motorized mopeds yep that's a big thing there they're switching over remember you're like they're pedaling too fast going uphill yeah they must be on election we were going through the hills because homes county is the foothills of the appalachian mountains and george and i were passing amish going straight uphill i was like holy cow they're pedaling fast i said they're on mopeds which is an electric bike or a gas-powered bike yeah it's the same i want to get one maybe santa will get me one this year i thought you wanted santa to get you hiking boots i want that too is there anything you don't want just those two mick draper needs a free lot nick if you can answer the question correctly tonight you're going to win you got to be first yeah or second or third i didn't count how many but i could definitely weigh it for you and then there was those other buttons in the back too these pin buttons yeah the pins the pins all right let me weigh this all right she's gonna weigh the baseball coin book this is something that uh came out oh remember we were talking about how many amish get hit by cars yeah just a a little jaded just said we had a family of five amish get hit by a car last week seriously yeah we were just talking about that this weekend how many get in accidents horses get hit all the time too so over five pounds there with the binder all the baseball coins all right okay all the baseball coins there starting bid 25 free shipping here within the united states free shipping with the united states and uh somebody just made an offer of 50 for jimmy buffett something and you got a bit fast you got a bit furious especially because a lot of you are lagging and you only have one minute to win it here we go with the baseball coins wait i just screwed it up completely wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait time-out time-out time no re-reduce redos and one minute to win it that's okay your your bids still count guys all right we got mark harris marvin harris is high no wait elizabeth elizabeth is at 60 dollars right now high pitches elizabeth at 60 mark harris was at 55 but elizabeth is that 60 cocky bit on four uh bid at 40. 60 still behind bid i see chris miller coming in at 25.50 oh susan susan is at 78 78 marv is now at 85. well then they came in at 80. but marvin's at 85.85 is now the high bid with 30 seconds to go 30 seconds to go right here marv is still high better at 85 but linda was second up 80. pj kincaid is lagging way behind tonight bending in at 59. we got to get ahead of that lag belinda is now at 90. 90. what a deal what a deal on these my goodness belinda's in at 90. brian came in at 86 but belinda still high better at 90 kevin oh kevin just came in at 91 opted by a dollar with three with two with one chosen just came in no valerie came in susan was at 95 valley gaming at 100. valerie's that one owner with free shipping valerie right now is 500 100. no way becky just came in at 120. holy cow bid after bid after bit becky roland 120. wow becky rowland 120 nice job becky goodbye what a cool thing becky as a matter of fact if you think these are cool becky stick around to the end because i happen to know what some of the free items are going to be uh and there will be three winners tonight so becky content becky send your youtube names if you're smelling what i'm stepping in becky send your youtube name your real name and your shipping address bam right there what the hell is that george will actually send you an invoice after she gets an email from you make sure you email her tonight second up uh if you are second up in regards to the bidding let's see becky was high bitter and runner up i mean was becky was winner and then runner-up would have been i think it's mark marvin looks like it was you at 102. so marv viewer runner up you can send damn all your info right there as well and uh oh she's got something is that jewelry eight and a half pounds of religious items oh religious items okay here we go full screen religious items eight and a half pounds of religious items that's with the tote so minus the tote gonna be a little bit less yeah give or take with the tote there's a ton of these flags oh becky becky bought it for her son oh so cool he's gonna love it he's gonna laugh that's an awesome gift that is a really cool gift there's like a random uh is that it's italy is that the italian flag yeah it kind of looks like it doesn't it does kind of look like it yeah her son is gonna love that there's uh jewelry there's rosaries there's um a ton of pendants there is a bunch of everything holy cow how are we going to get through that hole i'm not going to show everything but here look look i don't know how oh wait you can't see i don't have my camera on well you can put your camera on switch the view i'm gonna show them really quick okay this whole thing is filled with religious items i don't know how she's going to show everything to you because we'd be here till midnight we'll be here until midnight is the holy water in there there's the candles there's the vial is there any water in it it doesn't look like it no no water in it wendy says those are christian flags they sure are another good chance an opportunity for you guys to refresh your screens or refresh your device making sure that you're not lagging behind on the actual bidding because a lot of you as we see the bidding we see that a lot of you are lagging behind so you wanna you wanna make sure you refresh especially a lot of a lot of you guys love these rosaries i'm gonna put george back on well we're okay yeah i don't have any large items like wide items it's usually when i have like the big bulky items where i need the full screen george turkey bob says he's got a recipe for holy water if anybody needs that okay there are a ton of rosaries in there aren't there there really is there's a lot of them i didn't count how many is that a little bible yeah there's a biblia bibli i might put on this unit is that in english did somebody bedazzle the cross somebody literally use this as like a paperwork that dazzled the cross yeah somebody that's what's in now is bedazzling they bedazzled the cross i've seen it all now i've seen it all this one the the cross fell off of this but if you're into jewelry making and you know how to fix that the cross is probably in here bev wants to know what a hobo pie is bev watch one of our videos we'll probably we'll probably show what hobo pies are when we're on kelly's island i'm sure we'll probably do a video of that it'll be a little bit of everything a lot of a lot of new viewers that have come to the channel since since um within the last year we did we did a camper tour a tour of my camper we kind of did a crib style and we showed what the camper was like and all that a lot of people have asked what the house looks like you know when you do a tour of the house we'll add another camper tour we'll do a cribs camper style tour and we'll show what hobo pies are and things to do on the island i'm sure we're going to do a lot of that stuff that'll be in the videos but those videos will be on kelly's island monday through friday we'll get home late friday night those videos won't come out until next week probably monday and tuesday if even monday and tuesday in all reality this rosary needs uh some tlc that one definitely needs some tlc yep definitely need some tlc there is a lot of everything in here i'll try and show as much as i can but this is a really cool lot rosaries do really well on ebay like if you look at the ebay sold comps for vintage rosaries some of them go for crazy amounts there's a ton of these pendants i'm not gonna show them all but i have a lot of these keychain that was probably cuter i should barely scratch the surface of this thing there's some holy water there's holy water and then there's even another bottle michael just sent five dollars thank you so much michael appreciate it appreciate it michael appreciate you supporting the channel helen still has her rosaries she won in fifth grade oh that's awesome here's a little trinket box there's literally a little bit of everything in this so everything george put in here is everything religiously based okay another rosary you're getting the entire lot this is a religiously based lot if you want to keep it keep it if you want to split it up and sell it you can sell it you want to gift it gift it gift it if you see something in the slot you want to buy from the highest bidder give them your contact info if you need holy water at your house because because the girl you're with is possessed make sure you bid this is sealed this picture is sealed you just think you're very funny jeremy i'm so funny you very funny i keep you laughing it's my favorite thing for you what's my favorite thing to do to you we can't say that on make you laugh oh we can say that on youtube yeah i like to i love making you laugh i was thought you was gonna be pinching me underneath the table this might be real silver it looks like real silver did you check i didn't see any markings but it looks like silver april you want to know what asmr stands for i'm going to help you right now alexa what does asmr stand for she's now going to answer in everybody's house term used for an experience characterized by a static like or tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine that's one of the definitions judith just sent five dollars thank you george and jeremy heal well george thank you thank you bill hold just sent 99 cents as well thanks i lost my fist making it rain with medallions there's medallions everywhere all right george has so much more stuff look this is what's left okay this is a whole lot there's everything everywhere we're gonna start it right now 25 starting bid free shipping here within the united states shipping outside of the united states will cost a little bit extra but you are more than welcome to bid you got to bid fast you got a bit fierce because you only have one minute to win it let's go here we go we're gonna call this one the religious lot we got ran at 25 25 starting it up already and carol's coming in at 25 we got ryan at 25 sean is now high bidder at 50. sean just got out bid by iggy iggy's now 65. iggy's high bidder at 65. we got 30 supporting 50 20 by 20 we got everywhere downwards just that is now at 74. that works now 74.74 is live bid at dollar works tim came in at 50. he's still not beating downward 74 we got roy at 49 nowhere near what that works is that we got mickey's in that set 61 as well i think mick may even be lagging a little bit behind tonight susan is at 70. high bid is still at 74. no meanwhile meemaw's now at 85. high bid is now 85 and i still got glare in my actual counting downs and smears all over my screen all right i really gotta figure this all stuff out all right where was i bid me mo is high bid at 80 i have no doubt g-a-e-l is not a real bid at 500 we are not counting that that works is that 110 we are counting that family of nerds is that 125 family and nerves is that 125 125 is a high bid with family and nerds family and nerds high bid and sold nice job family of nerds hi bid nice job no he's done that multiple times oh susan just missed the the snipe there all right family of nerds gonna send your youtube name your real name shipping address bam right there what the hell's that and then george yep 125 george will get that information out to you and then backup bidder was dow works at 110. dow works at 110. so that works at 110 you can send all that information to george as well send all that information to george as well and say hey how's the backup better bam all right all right next is uh vintage novelty matchbooks all right vintage novelty matchbooks and some of you right now be going what hails what matchbooks can sell for a ton you'll get it in this ton of money i'm going to show you right now i'm going to show you guys right now okay so george is gonna show you this is the way we found it we haven't looked any of this up we have looked none of this up so if you go to ebay you're just gonna put in matchbook okay matchbook which is what i'm putting in right now in my search and then in our search on everything i've got to get rid of this light this light is just glaring on everything maybe put it up like this all right let's see what that does maybe i can actually get rid of the glare here for a little bit okay so if i if i uh messed up the backup guys looks like everybody's claiming they were backups oh susan was the backup if i mixed up the backups then you guys can just say hey i was the actual backup jeremy doesn't know what he's talking about don't worry george can always go back to the chat and figure it out so what you want to do is you want to go into the filter you see filter there and you want to filter sold okay so we go down here and this is the same you can find all the same buttons on no matter what device your computer we want sold items that's what tells us what things have been selling for then we want to hit sort as george is showing you some of these things we want to hit sort and go highest to lowest i never care about lowest to highest i don't care what things are cheap i care about what things actually sell for the most and there's a subwoofer vintage antique matchbox top whole collection a lot of 100. three grand right there all right let's find some more look at this oh my goodness all right this is a lot huge 3 000 unstruck usa match covers 1940s 50s very good 750 right there now george didn't count these we're assuming they potentially look you even got a military patch in there yeah there's a military patch hiding there so we have not been in there we have not checked these here's one here's one with just mickey mantle sold for 674. we don't know what's actually in here okay here is here's a lot of right there 1 000 sold for 550. individual ones such as look what they did here oh my goodness all right this one sold for 10 look at the shipping 450 so that's how they sold it so that one matchbox was 500 bucks or 460. here is another lot that sold for 350. so there is as much as there is is things to collect there's people out there to actually collect them people collect anything they will collect anything and everything anything and everything so match boxes are collectible is that all the match boxes yeah and individual ones can be worth 100 solo all you have to do is just take a peek on ebay okay john honeybind all you have to do is bid in the chat somebody probably already explained that to you but once we tell you you got a minute to win it you just type in the amount and then george will sell you a bill or send you an invoice if you're the high bidder so this is the lot of matchbox we don't know how many are in there we don't know if any matches are missing we didn't check it at all it's just what it is you're getting it as it is maybe you're a collector of matchboxes maybe you want to actually sell them on ebay whatever it is you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it here we go i think i actually made the glare worse i can't win i cannot win maxwell we did get your prayer cloths and we actually opened them we opened them on uh on on the live all right we got all kinds of vids we got elizabeth is in that 70. rand is in f75 grand is high better nile 75 we got iggy coming in 39 we got cecilia 25 and elizabeth that 80. but ray and at 75 elizabeth now is high better at 80. michael's coming in at 25 shoulders at 50 michael's left 15 12. we got chris at 35 rand is high better now 85 85 is high bidder 15 seconds to go ran as high bitter michael just said it only takes one of those matchbooks to make somebody some really good money and you are correct we have not looked up one single one you are getting them as we found them we have not checked anything on ebay they are in the container that we found them in brand is now in 90. but i think ryan actually outfit herself i think she was sniping wait john is at 90. aaron's at 87. rayanne would still be high better at 90. rand got it at 90. she's fighting she wins in a 90 nice job nice job ran all right uh john came in at 90 rand you are high bidder at 90. so here's what you're gonna do you're gonna send your youtube name your real name oh shirley just missed it the snipe and you're shipping address bam right there what tales once george gets that email from you and you want to send that email tonight then george will send you an invoice and then once you pay that invoice george will be in communication with you when your lot comes out she will send you confirmation just a reminder to everybody since we will be on vacation on kelly's island all week that uh everything will be shipped on saturday when we get back that will be the goal okay oh peter said you saw a course master book that'll be a five to fifteen to ten dollar book yeah each one will go individually it's not it's not uncommon uncommon can't speak tonight usually i can't speak any night it's not uncommon for a single match book to go for ten dollars twenty dollars twenty five 25 all you guys got to do is just check on ebay yeah you know just scroll through and you start seeing things and we have not we have not cherry picked it we haven't looked through it we haven't checked anything it's just as it is our goal is to pass on the the savings to you let you guys resell and uh there are a number of you guys out there that have bought stuff from us that have been able to make money you know that we haven't cherry picked it we just sold it to you and there's money to be made there is the next one is decorative aids there's 22 of them around three pounds all right almost three pounds of decorative eggs this one's going to be a pain to package but george will do a good job making sure you get all of your agents remember when i packaged shot glasses over 200 shot glasses actually i do remember you so this will be like packaging those shot glasses the over 200 shot glasses from the 1800 and 1700 unit where these came from all kinds of crazy things all kinds of crazy things from those epic units and it seems like we went through a bad stretch here the past couple months there were really no good units here in ohio and then all of a sudden i got an awesome one and then rob got an awesome one this week it's just amazing george wants to know are any of the eggs fertile no no they all have hatched they have all hatched they've all broken out so yeah this may have been a turtle inside at one point i like doodles scott wants to know if he can get a shout out to his wife darlene and his son dean shout out to darlene indeed i was gonna say no no no take that back all right you can get a shout out you can get a shout out darlene and dean uh deborah wants to know are they all ceramic there's some type of composition we would think but we don't know yeah you could say they're ceramic are they all hollow yes okay so so far they are all hollow mark wants to know are these from our chickens no our chickens haven't laid yet i promise you when they do there will be a video well they're they're we're anticipating the story we're anticipating them to lay eggs by septem sometime in september but our eggs haven't uh started laying eggs yet or our chicken our eggs haven't laid eggs our eggs haven't laid chickens yet i'm not the only one that can't speak tonight dyslexic moment we all have them does lexix have more enough this is the only one that that has like a little crack see the crack oh yep i see it i see but the rest are all intact and they all have they're all hollowed out i see it yep and then i'll include the bowl with it as well oh she's including the bowl so you're getting a full bowl so 22 decorative eggs plus the the bowl the eggs in the bowl you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it here we go bidding on the eggs kathy no we do not have a rooster we did but we gave the rooster to brian because he lost his rooster warehouse manager all right we got all kinds of vids coming in we got martian at 50. we got rosie at 50. marshall's high bidder at 50 right now we got shirley pearl at 50. we got marsha's now 55 we had 50s coming out of everywhere we have 45s and 25s marsha's now high bidder at 55 you get free shipping your bid is with free shipping d carson now 75 wants to know is there a golden egg is there golden egg in there they're close actually nobody asked that i was just saying it p is at 75. high pitches 75 rosie is now 70. deborah's at 50. it's a great area's at 60. stephanie is at 75 as well d carson is still high better at 75 with five rosie's not high better at 80 3 2 1. let's see what happens rosie is having her at 80. 80's i've been with rosie rosie is the high bidder oh my oh my soul wow rosie nice job rosie nice oh dee just missed the snipe with 90. rosie you're high better at 80. here's what you're gonna do you're gonna send your youtube name your real name even if they're the same and you're shipping that dress bam right there to what the hell's that george is going to get an invoice out to you once you get the invoice you pay the invoice george will ship everything this saturday and she will send you a delivery confirmation number as well backup bidder was i think it might have been d let me check here rosie was at 80. yeah rosie was at wait d all right d was not rosie was at 80. i think his steph at 76. so stephanie your backup bidder at 76. send all your information to george say i was back up bitter at 76 and you might have an opportunity hopefully not but i'm gonna go ahead and send your information that'll be great oh my goodness she has antiques 6.2 millicaps whoa before pogs when i was a kid there were what was called melt caps these if you look on ebay sold comps one alone i saw go for eleven dollars so there's it looks like there's three different colors blue you got your blue red and green the green is the buttermilk red is the pasteurized milk and then the blue is the pasteurized how do you say that word homo say what is milk try that again say what yeah but almost over six pounds of and people collect these of these uh vintage climbing milk labels jk says he's never in his life heard of milk caps i know you've heard of blogs jk i know you've heard of pogs before there were pogs it was melt caps i believe most of the people in here tonight have probably heard of milk caps they're like either milk caps or milk labels flipping adventure said pronounce ha ma say what almost say what debbie wan wants to know where jk has been where you being all right what am i doing right now i don't know i got so lost in the chat i gotta i gotta get back to business back to business okay so how many pounds of milk caps did you have there 6.2 pounds 6.2 pounds of milk caps okay uh for whatever reason people collect them just like i collect ghostbusters you got ghostbusters let me know i want to buy them sega let me know i want to buy it people collect milk caps 25 starting bid free shipping here they're like the pogs of milk they are the pods of milk that's what pogs were before they were actually pogs then pogs came out as collectible little milk cap cards pogs were actually called milk caps all right uh so lori said pogs equals my daughter's age mouth caps equals from my older brother's age yeah not from those born these are like vintage pods these are antique pogs that's what pogs pogs are they were also called belt caps because belt caps were collectible and then they came out with pots okay here we go you got one minute to win it 25 starting bid on all the 8 pounds of milk caps whether you want to sell them whether you want to collect them now's your chance michael says pam says 25 pam is in at 25 pam's got starting bid gumpaville's out 40. and cecilia's at 25. the truth is that 25. gunpo bill is winning at 40. i think i think people are messaging me left and right but i need to have the internet on so that we can get the minute to win it all right guppyville's still high better at 40 kevin oil is now at 41. 41 with 24 seconds to go zion tiger says milk rand is now 43 derek came in at 35 rams high bidder at 43. kevin was at 41. ryan is at 43 derrick's at 35 grand is high bidder 10 seconds to go nine seconds to go probably six seconds to go let's see what's going to happen everybody make sure you're live chat two one ran kevin oil's not 44. kevin's 44. ernesto's have 45. ernesto is now at 45 and was gonna have a song ernesto diaz whoa whoa whoa whoa all right ernesto diaz you are gonna send your youtube name your real name and your shipping address right there what the hell's it george will get in touch with you she'll send you an invoice remember anybody and everybody tonight can win up to three lots tonight all you have to do is answer a question first and fast and it's got to be correct and then you're going to have the opportunity to win the lot so ernesto won that one kevin you were back up in here at 44. you can send information as far as backup bidder oh george has got something special tonight there's 66 it's like vince assorted vintage thimbles poor there's porcelain there's pewter there's plastic judith just said man that was a great deal and then that cap the mouth captured it really was it really was that was an epic deal but we also understand not everybody understands the value of everything so so a lot of if you don't know melt caps that's a that's a pretty good um niche market but the way to sell it ebay ebay ebay ebay ebay there's a campbell soup thimble and then a symbol these are porcelain and then there's princess diana and prince charles jk has never heard of thimbles either what well you just did jk man you are educating him like crazy tonight there's the queen who the heels knows what she's gonna pull out next and then princess die you are not getting focus on there you have to put a solid background on there i haven't seen a focused one yet there you go aaron found over 5 000 thimbles in a storage unit wow yeah i remember her saying that i think aaron bought the thimble unit the first silver probably because she knows how much they're worth yeah because they're so collectible more princess die with the prince it's prince charles isn't it yeah a little bit of everything in there is that a santa and mrs claus thimble aaron says she spent way too many hours researching thimbles they're fun they're fun to research i think research in general is just fun look how cute george george gets lost in the research hole this is like a stein this one's made in uh 1983. the heirloom edition 93 or 83. so george will be for she'll have one item and spend hours down a rabbit hole researching which drives me nuts i want the thing listed get it on well i'm going next i'm so she gets down so that's how i educate myself she gets down the rabbit hole and then another rabbit hole on another rabbit hole in another rabbit hole and another rabbit hole she loves the rabbit hole if i've been doing it for years like you i wouldn't be lost on rabbit hole how else am i supposed to educate myself you feel me camera's not on you so yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah sorry sorry what are you laughing at you that stein is awesome that stein is really cool there's some really cool there's some really cool thimbles in here so you're getting the whole thimble lot of thimble is a whole another area of collectibility again we tell you all the time anything anything that you can collect is probably a person collecting it and the and the way to sell it is ebay you will find the person on ebay who wants it there's my birth year 82. conkey just said did you just get the look jeremy i got more than the look camera was off i got more than the look all right there's a lot of thimbles there 25 starting bid 66. remember nothing is guaranteed i think my favorite one is the morton salt no returns nothing is focused okay calm down i'm working on it all right that's our favorite one that we can't see so that being said you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it let's go still got them lights all over in there gloria says the thimble for your thoughts here we go pam is at 25 guppaville's at 45. debbie's at 25. we got bids going everywhere iggy is now 70. i think it's the highest bid that i see right now 70 is an iggy we got katherine up at 50 bucks it is live has been at 78. we got anna marie that 3575 i'm pretty sure she's not going to pay 3575 anna murray is now 75. 75 is the highest bid that i see right now cocky's wife noreen is bidding too jk was said would somebody please sew this thing up heisman i see right now 75. anna maria is at 75. 75 with seven six five four three two one see what happens valerie just came in 100 aaron came in that 86 valley came in at 100. we got bids coming love right and everywhere oh my goodness valerie valerie gu sniped it perfectly corey tried to snipe at 110. but we didn't make it didn't make it all right valerie wow valerie what a perfect snipe valerie nice job you're gonna send your youtube name your real name your shipping address bam right there what the hell is that george will get an email out to you backupbidder was i think it was aaron or was it corey it was wait wait let me see no it was it was corey yeah it was corey corey curly at 90. corey your backup bidder if you want to send all your same information youtube name real name shipping address bam right there george said hey it was 90 bucks i was back up bitter let her know that would be fantastic uh oh she's got vintage pencil sharpeners another collectible okay whole another area of collectibility there are people that all they collect is pencil sharpeners all they collect is pencil sharpeners so here we go that's why we lot it like this so you guys can get a lot of something that people collect a lot of and then you guys can get your research in on it and sell them quick that's why we try and lot it like that for you and we try and we try and actually lot things that we know people collect that's how we sort at the warehouse too so pencil sharpeners would go with pencil sharpeners thimbles with thimbles things along those lines so this is an entire lot of pencil sharpeners look at that got the little ship base there now you guys could be looking up these pencil sharpeners right now you could be looking up if i was on ebay i'd probably be looking up brass or i'd be looking up you could just do the half screen i'd be looking up brass pencil sharpener or collectible pencil sharpener or you name it you name it but uh there are people who love these pencil sharpeners love them the old boston one that george actually showed you first typically and i have not looked that one up yet but those boston pencil sharpeners that you use in school those usually sell for anywhere between 35 50 that was the very first one she showed you oh flipping adventures just said a boston pencil sharpener just sold for 122. yeah the boston's are big collectibility funny thing is we get we get people commenting on on the channel and on the videos all the time and going man these guys don't know anything about anything because that one person who comments knows about one thing they specialize in one thing like they know everything about android phones they don't know anything else about anything else but they know everything about android phones so they'll be like oh man these guys are such idiots they don't know anything the reality is is in this business we have to know a little bit about everything so we can't specialize so we know you know vintage hanes underwear vintage fruit of the loom underwear you can sell for a lot of money pencil sharpeners for a lot of money thimbles for a lot of money so somebody who knows you know a lot about one thing we have to know a lot about everything so a lot of times in in our videos we try and share those things with you things that we know that are you know a lot of a lot of resellers will we'll call it a bolo be on the lookout for we just call it everyday work you're like oh this is worth money this is worth money bill hold just sent 2.79 i want the train dill hole if you win the train is yours whoever else wins if it's not dill hole dill hole wants to buy the train from you he wants to buy the train conkey said who buys old underwear cocky i'm just gonna show you right now i've shown this before i did a whole thrifting video on vintage underwear we went thrifting is a thrifting video i was trying to teach people how to find money and and i was teaching george you know old underwear a lot of money a lot of money so i'm gonna draw in 1983 tidy whities that's the thing that's gonna that's gonna blow your mind tidy whities go for big bucks yeah like a certain size too like 42 weights or something like that they pull up a pair of tighty yds there's a pair of versace's trying to find i'm gonna go i am gonna go are you all done showing those all right i apparently typed in the wrong thing because i'm getting a lot of not appropriate things for youtube to show you so check it out just look up ant or vintage underwear and on your ebay and you'll find out exactly exactly debbie said we saw a guy wearing tiny whities for a face mask that's probably me all right um so there's six a total of um 14 vintage pencil sharpeners oh jk remembers he goes the famous one thousand dollar tighty whities yep those are that he remembers the video all right true fan right there we did the photo shoot you're like george why are you making me do this i was like turn around mama's got money to make yeah i do remember that i remember that clip all right 25 starting bid on the on the pencil sharpener lot the dumb things we have done for videos um you got to bid fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it no vintage underwear in this lot it is all pencil sharpeners flip and adventure said vintage undergarments all right we got stephanie's in at 40. guppabil's at 50. ryan is in at 50 as well 45 per iggy and right now ray anders high bidder at 50. greyhound is high better at 50 we got tammy coming into 50 as well am i going at 40 but ran still having her 50. ran back and then she's saying again i'm at 50. now we got stephanie 70 is now 60. ryan is that 50 70 that's 16 out maryland is now at 75. marilyn mellinger is on 75.75 is live at the beat right now 75 is live at the beat right now hope is now in at 76. 76. brandon was at 75 somebody was at 75 randall's knowledge 80 80 then tammy came in at 80 with six with five kevin is now at 90. three two remember dale hall wants to train kevin is now at 90. how oh my goodness she got that one and sniped it right in time tammy just missed the snipe at a hundred dollars tammy so sorry you missed the snipe it happens to me all the time all the time wow wow wow wow noreen says she just threw out some underwear that you found in a unit never knew that there was a national market for them there is a market for everything market for them there is a market for everything remember the ones that rob found this past weekend in the unit yeah with the bacon chicken there's extra bacon strips in it all right so uh that was raeanne that won that right yeah okay so rayam bam right there you're gonna send all your information man somebody is way lagging darlene pendleton just said my alexis went off and told me what asmr is you are probably a good 30 minutes behind the actual live stream we're still live you're 30 minutes behind where we pop off and pop back on she's not going to hear this message until 30 minutes from now so she's going to be where she's at uh all right rand you're going to send your youtube name your real name your shipping address bam right there what tales at is this a bella more cowbell here we go collectible bales uh right hand dill hole would like the train if you want to work out a deal with him so if you do great if you don't we understand as well this is an all brass though look at that uh vintage bells like school bells like these types of dinner balls bring out your kids actually this is the bell that george these are like old school bells this is the bell that george no actually this is the bell that george was had by the bedside nurse and then i'm going to throw in the liberty pendant with it somebody got the money packed on money pathfinder but i'm not dead yet washington this is a norman rockwell bell it's got a wooden handle oh my grandma was still with us she would love that she loved norman rockwell laurie says she has a bell that was found in a grandpa's family farm written in old russian its value is almost seven hundred dollars yes there is collectibility in bells oh my goodness here's another cowbell this is hand painted wow 700 russian bell 1976 belt i feel like i should be singing ring-a-ling right now ring-a-ling ring this is a good one is this one that you're gonna use now when we need something lotion boy lotion boy all right there is definitely some bells downhill said i have a mint boston model ks sharpener nice there's 15 bells plus the pendant that goes with the liberty bell 40th anniversary that's a good one nurse here's a precious moment belle noreen pantyhose actually sell as well she says she's got some old pantyhose laying around here's a railroad bell that's cool it's got collectibility as far as a bell and railroad yeah cindy loves bells dark shadow wants you to know that you are awesome thank you so much this is a lead crystal 24 karat gold electro plate and it says july so if your july baby that's your birth stone in there that's your birth bell every time a bell rings somebody's born in the month of july 24 karat every time a bell rings george wants nurse jeremy to flip her look how little this spell is think every time a bell rings nurse jeremy has to take george because she was on an iv for 20 yeah when they pumped all that oh my goodness you didn't stop going to the bathroom i had to go like every 20 minutes i had to carry you you're like again i'm like yeah babe they pumped my iv remember the carrier to the bathroom close the door and wait wait for her to ring the bell from the inside i was like what do you need i was like are you done she went no i just like ringing the bell this one's my favorite look how big that is it's as big it's bigger than your head this one is this one's bigger than your head too all right we've got a bunch of bells and you can own a bunch of bells all you need to do is have a minimum bid of 25 you got a bid fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to ring it here we go we are on the bell lot collect the ball bell lot we have not looked any of these up they're just bells from units here we go we got pam is that 26. iggy is at 60. carol's at 50. dan is at 50. tim is at 50. stephanie's at 60. we got 60s anywhere and everywhere iggy is high better at 60 right now chris miller is now 75. high better on the better lives chris miller 75. chris knows what he's looking at he knows what he sees denise is now 76. rose says more cowbell glory is at 80. 80 for lori right now 80 at lori 20 seconds to go holland says might be a ship spell gloria's high bidder at 80 dollars now carol's in at 90. carol hudson is at 90. tim's coming in at 78. maybe you're lagging behind just a little bit my right 85 and carol hasn't got 90. 90. 90 with three not even two nine my top dollar given at ninety dollars and fifty cents everything is not 93 70 is at 95. 70 is not high better at 95. denise just came in at oh my goodness wow congratulations my heart can't take it i need your heart bills i can't take it it's too much it's too much after rob's epic unit my epic unit what you did at the coin pushers with those gold bills oh my goodness yeah that was a good profitable week denise stanfield you got to send your youtube name your real name even if they're the same and your shipping address bam right there what the hell is that and you're gonna send that email tonight and then george is gonna send an invoice tomorrow and then you'll have an opportunity to pay that invoice and then george is going to ship everything out backup bidder was probably carol hudson at 97. carol you can actually send all george that information as well just say hey i was a backup better next are assorted lighters she said assorted lighters are next and there are a bunch of them remember you still have an opportunity to win three people are going to win three lots tonight three people scotty just prepping to go camping is a is a ton of work a ton a ton of work but it's so worth it and she wants to hotel it instead i want to buy i'd rather be on like a resort we're going to be on an island we don't have to work we're going to be on an island we're going to be next to the lake we're going to cook over the fire i take my hotel with 17 pounds all right about 70. we'll get this uh yes it is a gumball machine we fill it with lighters that's how it was in the unit we have not opened it we don't know what else is inside that's how we got it in the unit that's how we got it you're gonna get it just like that you get the gumball machine with it oh somebody just said they tossed their lighters uh laurie don't toss lighters money yup money guys look at this this is going to be a lot of love like a flask lighter you know i'm just going to put it on her screen i'm going to take a nap while she shows you all this stuff this is a giant this looks extra vintage it's a giant table if i can find a date there's no top but both of these are if you can't find a date i'll go with you okay four inches four inches by four inches that's a huge lighter you never know when you need a giant lighter because size matters look at this slider no one wants to know their rules on shipping flammables you're gonna have to actually consult your these kids should round yeah we can we can ship this but whether your customs in your country canada i don't know if canada will let it come in or not i remember finding that i remember the video with that we've just been putting these all in uh that's a zippo zipper lighters are worth a lot but the tin are collectible as well connie wants to know is a used empty bic lighter actually worth something connie the best way to move somebody is check it out on ebay always check out ebay sold prices that's how you educate yourself take seconds to educate yourself just check out unless you've been lost in the rabbit hole like me yeah george gets lost in the rabbit hole frustrates me but she loves getting lost in the rabbit hole well how else would i know what things you're selling for you've been in this industry for how long five seconds of just looking and then you're not knocking around so don't get caught in the rabbit hole somebody's feisty she's getting angry oh she's got a gun too she's angry and she's gotta go please they can't see that right now freeze sucka this i don't think it belongs but you'll get it it comes with a lot it actually fits perfectly they're saying there might be money in the gumball machine we have never actually opened we've never checked but if you if there is you get to keep it we've never opened it whatever is in it if you're the high bidder you won this one's cool that is beyond coal it's a wrench lighter it is beyond and the flame comes through here and then now remember everything is as is no guarantees we have not checked these but can i see the wrench lighter just for fun yeah so they could be empty with butane we're just going to check one just for the fun of them they'll get for in the us they'll get shipped ground because it is flammable so this is a cool lighter but this part right here needs to be glued down remember they have not been checked make it a better place all right so this one has now been checked still comes no guarantees no guarantees i sold one of these on ebay once for 25.99 yeah that salem is worth about 25 bucks there's just a ton of lighters there's another wrench lighter really cool all right while you're showing those here's an alcatraz lighter here is a fishing lure lighter this is this is an actual fishing lure opens like that there's a bedazzled lighter you pretty much can see there is a lot we can't go all night or we'll never get done there is a giant there's just a huge assortment of lighters there's everything here's flints for your lighters so there is a ton in here this is everything you have not seen yet it's like 17 pounds all right so you're bidding on all the lighters okay so all of those lighters that's what you're bidding on 25 starting bid there's a bunch of junk all right there's more gun lighters in there too all right so 25 starting bid free shipping within the united states and if you're outside of the united states please note your custom laws and your shipping laws because they are lighters we know how we can ship them they all be shipped around and you gotta bid fast you gotta be furious because you only have one minute to win it here we go a butane of lighters not a butt paint a butane a butt chain of lighters and mary's at 35 70 is that 50. we got 10 at 80 80 is live in right now we got anna maria 50 and we got iggy at 80 75. he needs dive in now we got 100 we got lori's in at 100. lori's in that 110 he's now 125. 127. 127 is the high high bid two productions at 100. 127 is a high bid to beat right now paddy's now 150. with free shipping paddy's now 150 what a deal carol's now 152. 152 is the high bid to beat with 20 seconds ago sean is now 200 200 200 i've been to b pat is now 155 200 with sean free shipping here within the united states hawaiian red deck is now 175 200 still i bid to be 200 is the bid to beat 12 seconds to go 10 seconds to go 200 200 with sean graham 200 with sean graham emery is now 225 up in the attic with two with one 225 and breeded air breeders 254. everybody is you get the gumball machine yeah that's a bonus you get the bonus gumball machine nice nice bid nice nice [ __ ] have fun reselling those you're going to have a lot of fun with those or maybe you're keeping them but you're going to make some money reselling them patty right there youtube name real name even if they're the same and shipping address what hails remember you do get you get the gumball machine as well and it is a carousel this one's pretty cool it's a carousel gumball machine right there it came like that that's how we got it oh look we didn't even look at this before if there's money in it that's an added bonus no i just closed it all right it was half closed i guess now it's all the way closed and do you think there's money hiding in here all right the way to get it the way to get it open is right there you turn it but i'm not having too much luck right now okay all right two more lots before the free lot the next lottery the wooden boxes all the wooden boxes you guys have all been begging for from the from the unit uh with the top top audrey officer audrey was with us in that unit so this is the wooden decorative box lop guys she's getting all and there are a bunch of them and then we're getting close to the wooden wooden decorative box wooden boxes and other trinket baskets okay i'm just i'm going to put this straight on george because there are so many this is ridiculous this is all the wooden boxes from that unit this is what you're bidding on 13 wooden boxes and then six other little trinket boxes 13 wooden boxes and then six other trinket boxes they're so ornate just putting them straight on george dogma is already saying that's mine mookie's saying oh my gosh these are all do you guys have been begging for these to be on the auction this one's a music box as well that one's really cool you guys have been begging for these on the auction and so here you go remember everything is as is we have no guarantees you're getting it as it was found in the units we have done nothing to them another trinket box there dogma guy says what boxes i remember him messing these are really good ones they're really nice yeah these are these are really ornate boxes and you're getting the whole lot remember that's with free shipping free shipping all of these boxes a huge tote so again there's um a total of 19 boxes slash trinket boxes in this lot 13 of them are wooden and then there's six that aren't wooden this one's really pretty you can put two decks of cards in this i was debating if i should put this box with a playing card lot but i kept it with the rest that's got to be the best box ever the playing card playing card that's beautiful that one's pretty intricate as well are you gonna give him a bonus song like an intermission song or on an intermission why are you holding the guitar because i like to hold the guitar so intermission break which song do you want nothing this one's really pretty they're all really pretty but this one has a lot of details the hinge on this one needs for uh repaired one of the hinges on this needs repair see that hinge right there pulled that was crazy she just remembered all the this isn't it's just a jewelry box i don't know how it got into all the boxes that was the thought she just dumped all the bullets into this tub and all the water we're pulling this from the auction this isn't part of a lot yeah she's just dumping c4 left and right she's like you play music and soothe me she scares the crap out of me so that this is being pulled from the line you're just getting the empty boxes this one's really cool it looks like a pillow and it opens up it's got the blue felt lining in there so six trinket boxes and 13 wooden boxes did you die not yet but did you die did you show everything this is the last one i just died you're getting a little too comfortable around dynamite c4 bullets and man you're scaring me getting crazy bill said he's playing his guitar with me too look at this guys he just starts dumping yeah pretty much like that she just started dumping all this ammo with c4 everywhere everywhere apparently i'm not allowed to say anything that's why i did it off camera oh that's why she did it off camera okay uh this entire lot this box lot a lot of you have been begging for it we are finally to it as far as the auction and i'm gonna i'm gonna say straight up if you're lagging you're not gonna get this so make sure you refresh let's give you a moment to actually refresh interlude refresh time right now everybody refresh hit live chat here we go here we go do dill hole has a 1970 seagull those are great sounding guitars i wish i knew actually how to play all right now that you've refreshed you're in live chat bit fast been furious if you wait to snipe you're probably not going to get this one this is one that everybody has been asking for this is free shipping free shipping if you're in the united states you got to bid fast you got to be furious because you only have one minute to win it let's go 10 is already in at 50. ted you got to jump on it he's at 50 bidding started at fifty dollars with ted and philbin adventures says i think that biddle is a is a handbag we are now at a hundred dollars dan is at a hundred dollars kevin is at two hundred dollars paddy came in at two hundred dollars carol hudson's at 990 dollars although i do not think that's an actual bid joe childress is at three hundred dollars joe i do think is a is a real bid three hundred dollars it's a real bid how many right now is three hundred dollars ten gaming at two hundred dollars 300 bid 300 is a high bid surely pearl came in at 210. there are bids everywhere carol meant to say 99 i'm pretty sure or 90. there's 300 bid that is the high bid right now joe childress joe is high bidder at 300 300 for these ornate beautiful boxes beautiful hand carved boxes wow there's some great stuff in here no c4 whitney is now 301 airprinting is now at 301. here comes here comes the snipe we got whitney at 301 airbreed is at 301 and it is it goes to what the whitney dan just missed it with 350. joe just missed it with 303. i tried warning you guys don't wait to the end of snipe i tried warning you diane missed it at 350 so sorry so sorry whitney you got it 301 that's with free shipping you send your youtube name your real name and your shipping information right there what tails at nice job whitney aaron you are backup bidder same thing send all your information say hey george how's backup bitter on all the boxes these are really pretty boxes there are some very very ornate uh beautiful boxes diane said uh there's some that that whole lot was worth a thousand diane you're right it was yes there is a lot of money to be made there so uh great job and we don't mind passing the savings on to you guys so you guys can sell and make money that's the whole goal is to actually encourage you guys with your fun employment we love we love hearing the stories that you guys have in regards to your own fun employment journeys and how you continue to make money and provide for your families that would be really cool also uh whitney if you do a video on that shows how much you sell everything for oh my goodness crafters get ready these are mostly rubber stamps rubber stamp lot apparently they put rubber stamps crafts so rubber stamps and crafts i think this was from the the same unit with the with the boxes the collectible boxes yep this is a lot of crafting rubber stamping a lot of cool stuff you can't even see how much she's actually showing you right now all right 14 and a half pounds this is what she's about to show you this is everything you're bidding on now i'm gonna hand it back to her here we go i'm just going to put you on full screen okay you want interlude music sure what do you want me to play uh what you're just playing i don't know what these are if these are ink this is all ink she's a egyptian girl loves her mama loves jesus and elvis too did you get the elvis thing that i just did there yeah oh so this must be the different colored inks now she's free free point pushing no no cute i'm gonna try to show you guys as much as i can of the rubber stamps did i ever tell you i always wanted to turn this into a lullaby for my kids but i never got there yet my fingers were bad your skin was hurting now your fingers hurt you think the skin might be there's more there's more in the container but you'll get everything that's in the container and then there's a ton of rubber stamps in here these all look gently used or used maybe once or twice do that's a lot of stamping it up a lot of rubber stamps all right you guys see there there's a lot of stamping a lot of crafting there's no way she's going to be able to show you everything but you can win everything you can own it with a starting bid at twenty five dollars twenty five dollars is starting bid and you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it let's do this here we go here we go one minute to win it free shipping here in the united states sean is starting us off with 25 nana is now at 50. nana is the high bidder at 50 we got debbie coming in at 25 and bill coming in at 28 pound at 30. we got lori coming in at 75 75 is lori right now gloria's at 75 tim is now at 50. lori still high bidder at 75 joe is now in that 80. elliot eileen came in at 80 right after joe joe is high bidder at 80 no christine is now 85 dollars joe came in and again at 80. joe again at 80. joe again at navy we get it joe 80. no now joe's at 90. 90 for joe now sean is now at 100 15 seconds to go 15 seconds to go joe's now at 120 not messing around at all joe is now 120 eight seconds seven seconds and five seconds three two 137 aaron's high better at 137 what's going to happen we got eileen at 140. eileen had 140 shotgun at 1 30. eileen 140 eileen nice job and somebody in there said hey bidding hasn't even started yet shirley shirley paisley pasley you're lagging you got to refresh you definitely are lagging nice job eileen 140 you're going to send your youtube name your real name shipping address bam right there georgia what the hells at i believe joe was back up bitter i believe no sean no wait it was aaron breeden so many people are bidding i can't even keep it straight plus i'm tired so 137 aaron breeden nice job as far as runner up but joe got yeah joe got it right wait i can't even keep track of what i'm saying eileen got it eileen got it joe tried to snipe okay you guys know eileen got it for 140. aaron is back up runner up at 137 and we need everybody to refresh all right time for the free lops there will be three free lots tonight okay three lucky winners devil said play some gnr okay three lucky renters and here's what you're gonna be winning tonight we've got three cards of tops baseball coins okay three cards of tops baseball coins storage login says i've jumped back in just in time collectible tops baseball coins baseball cards are so hot right now coins are going to be hot as well and they are back with a vengeance especially if everything goes into covet again people are going to be spending all their stimulus money on baseball collections and video games and all that so three winners tonight three winners now usually the trivia question is based off of a video the question tonight is definitely based off a video all right and and we don't want any answers we don't want any answers until we say go so nothing is going to be accepted until we say go but the question tonight is based off of a video it's not particularly trivia per se but we did ask a question in a video and the answer was given by multiple people correctly yeah the question was what is the secret ingredient in hamlet you can answer now the first three people to actually get it right we'll be winning a lot tonight we need to know what is the secret ingredient in hale's original recipe ham loaf what is the secret ingredient in hale's original ham loaf okay i see one so far that got it right are you keeping are you gonna be able to track back up make sure you can track back up we see all kinds of answers all kinds of answers we're gonna find out tonight what the secret recipe was somebody said toe jam green olives honey clove mustard miracle whip eggs pickles uh pimento bacon we saw a lot of people saying bake bacon grease fig ears brown sugar olives garlic spam we heard a lot of people were spaying saying spam mayo ketchup you gotta guess it right you gotta guess it right tonight eggs which that wouldn't be the secret ingredient we actually shared that that was part of the ingredients in the video toenails jk said what are you laughing at you're the one that said it you're the one that said it molasses that was a really good guess molasses molasses is a good guess wasn't kitten milk one of them was one as a joke but we're looking for the actual real answer the real answer all right i saw i'm gonna so far i've seen one person answer correctly all right you're gonna you're gonna i know the first one you only saw one so far i need a pen i need a pen you guys can keep guessing because it's gonna be based on the first three so i see one so far okay yep i see one so far and george does know the secret recipe george actually knew the secret recipe before but she did not remember it okay you guys can keep guessing i'll tell you when i see when we actually have three there is one correct answer so far that we see yep oh i see another one i see another one we have two so far okay did you see the same one i did you didn't see it goat's milk was that a joke i think we said that as a joke too that was a joke yeah we have two correct answers i've found so far i'm down to debbie vaughn's toe jam all right grandma where i'm gonna go through you keep on it in case i see another one that's the next one that i see all right you stay there you guys can keep guessing so far we have two winners we're gonna tell you who won george says she found another one i haven't seen it yet i'm scrolling as well pig's feet i'm still looking man was that one was that one really far down it must have been i just want to make sure we get them all in order i found two so far george says she found another one i can't see it is it past this i see this one right here so where's that one were you actually at the top scrolling down yeah but streamier is different than actual youtube i prefer youtube over streamyard who was that one all right okay i have the three and hopefully hopefully we have them in the correct order okay if we screwed it up somehow we'll go back and we'll look later or something can message us there are all kinds of answers okay moonshine aaron breden is 100 incorrect jacqueline says peanut butter hot sauce from chuck corn flakes which is a good guess but that is not it and pickle juice not it michelle harris just said graham crackers which is it but michelle you were not one of the first three so graham crackers from those back in the day a lot of people guessed graham crackers on the video and they understood the old time uh hamlet go back all the way to the 1950s all the way back great grandma used to put graham crackers in and that was the secret recipe in regards to hail's hamlet which was a big deal in uh basically my household that's it so it did we did have was it a world war ii era yeah recipe so the actual answer is graham crackers is ground graham crackers the very first person to answer that correctly was flipping adventures second person was black cat third person was kathy two of nine okay flipping adventures black cat kathy two of nine congratulations your youtube name your real name and your shipping address bring you up right there what the hell roman said ground beef all right so all three of you are going to win a free lot tonight that is the secret ingredient it is graham crackers it is graham crackers believe it or not that's what it is so we were never allowed to share that with anybody but now that the family grocery store is well long gone it's actually been demolished i'm pretty sure that secret recipe is okay to share yeah it could live on it will live on through youtube yeah were you going to try and make a hamlet there i did find a recipe on pinterest i do love love love using pinterest for recipes full gun venture says i'm from ohio too it's an ohio secret ingredient i don't doubt it some people on the video actually knew the grocery store somebody actually pinned an article that was done on my family's grocery store oh nice so that was kind of cool to look back at that awesome comments yeah hope you guys had fun with us tonight and hope you enjoyed the the auction lots of um great items and then we'll be back next sunday for another live auction jeremy usually likes to end our live with a lullaby it's almost midnight here in ohio it's actually 1202. in ohio yeah i don't know about you guys but i'm getting sleepy my eyes are getting heavy diamonds wonder what you are thank you guys so much for hanging out with us we love you all over a thousand people still watching that's incredible what the hell were they thinking love you all good night say good night good night we'll see you next sunday same time same place
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 58,099
Rating: 4.906796 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: YKe9oLmpMyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 32sec (11012 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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