ABANDONED BABY FOUND I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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twenty-five dollars I got it it's gonna be either the best or the worst you can say that again okay Rob got it so we'll work together okay so he's missing something in case I'm missing something it's me Mario all right it's really Jeremy and we're George all right we're back at number 13 lucky number 13 the unit that I bought for $25 now there was a little bit more of an additional charge I actually gave the auctioneer $25 tips so honestly I paid $50 for it and 420 dollars for the dumpster which is already halfway filled so that does can you do math really quick so 50 plus 420 is 470 so we're gonna see if we can at least break even we're at the wall what would you call this the wall of wall of bananas the wall of bananas if you haven't subscribed yet what the Hales are you waiting for [Music] we just picked a box off of the Great Wall you know why because it's super dirty no I thought it was because of the sick cells you know about the sick cells oh you okay apparently that's that's what he thinks we're just gonna lose hopefully we're gonna make some money make a shape builder set you gotta go down just a little bit to be yeah there you go there you go and if that's not enough look at this we have all wooden blocks remember these growing up as a kid yeah yeah the red ones and the green ones and then where's the yellow there you go and the orange yes yes you do your name every day from station to station but nobody was looking I would always move my name back to the block oh there you have it George George confession time right there yeah overshare George George the big time over sure George George you know what tomorrow is right oh this guy is morbid with horses all right what about the stallions how do you feel about stallions okay now here oh we got even better stuff down there okay so here's the thing if you ever go to the goodwill or a thrift store and you see phones like this a lot of these phones that connect to these multi systems can be worth a lot of money so we're gonna have to look this one up now do we have any rotaries no rotaries would be awesome but here look what I'm seeing here look we've got holiday flash camera there's no brownie so the brownie is kodak yep there you see it right there so George George's found a big buttons I can likes big buttons that he can okay we've got some kind of silver looking oh my goodness your sister your sister would kill us right now for singing we like big buttons okay do you want to tell everybody how big do you want to tell everybody how big of a sense of humor your sister has biggest okay so we've got a Kodak's uh flex four I think all right cool so that's pretty cool cameras are pretty collectible throat about that I'll have to look up the phones I got another box here okay George George do you know what that is [Music] he says Hispanic him right here it says product of the USA alright let's see what we got just looking like it isn't it it's definitely looking like it okay I don't think this is pewter you might go next to a computer oh my god you just lost somebody's ashes did I really three cups one tray for fifty yeah there was definitely ashes in there I was trying to see if there was any markings no markings but that's probably brass as well I was hoping hoping for silver well this this is a cap that you would wear on your head like this cover your bald spot see that covers the bald spot bald spot are those religious caps no they're just bald spot covering caps no bald spot so that's what I would use it for would you use before I would probably the best idea 1965 business conference souvenir of Natural Bridge Virginia and some kind of hot trays maybe these were from the hospital what do you think good idea we will leave them alone does this one say anything George George or is that Egyptian hieroglyphics it looks like right there to seed to seed which would be for seed yes all right well there you have it people Egyptian hieroglyphics no way yeah look at that we've got Michael Jackson cards I've never seen these before I view 80s 1984 Michael Jackson 1984 look at that look at yeah he's got makeup on oh I see okay I see more 80s I know there's other cool stuff in there but look at this I saw Raiders of the Lost Ark there's the Ark of the Covenant Indiana Jones I've never seen these before either all right if you've seen Indiana Jones and you were a big fan Hales yes in the comments below Hales know if you haven't wasn't 94 a golden era for baseball what happened in 94 with the Cleveland Indians let's see Jacobs Field was packed for skill Manny ramírez Kenny loften all right here we go we got 1990 now obviously they mass-produced these in the 90s but even then there is the NFL football cards from score full pack right there sealed never been opened we're just gonna peel our those tops George George has come we're gonna do a bubble gum challenge right now but dude we'd have to open it to eat the dough me this is a full pack do you want to ruin one no I don't want in I can't but if we find any other gum yes football picture bubble gum here's another one 90s baseball sealed upper deck the collector's choice this is Empire Strikes Back this is Star Wars are you serious look at that it's sealed look at that coming next spectacular battle I'm looking for a date Lucas Films okay I see here Lucas Films 19 1980 1980 on the cards I'm curious if this is the original packaging or if it came in anything else it was made by thought I saw top somewhere maybe not I'm curious does anybody know would this be original packaging or did it come with something else I almost dropped I must drop the Star Wars that would have been bad okay I got another box here here we go here we go what does this box say you know what I have to say about that oh all right let's get a closer view they're early collectibles they're all individually wrapped and bagged see if we can get a closer view what's the price they have on them 50 cents really do you see any red lines okay so it looks like they were individually packaging 1990 oh yeah yeah this is this is bug's life I forget her name though this is Power Rangers isn't it I'm not sure yep there you go whines King here it oh there's Desert Storm here's more Desert Storm sealed is there any gum in these no gum in the Desert Storm I need some gum that lunch that lunch was rough oh look at that mr. Potato Head not sure what he's supposed to do you can say me I don't know on that one let's see is there anything on the bottom anybody anybody know that emblem that I don't know that one national Geographics animals I used to collect these when I was little - this actually might be my collection from probably is that would be my guess is that Dr Pepper the dreams are about to come true here I mean you just found a magic wishing well my dreams came true when I met your sister hey I had to say that he's here he's her family nope no you hear you see that button right there Oh more blocks the P is silent not when I do it here we've got Jason Kidd oh yeah Ninja Turtle Pez boy I tell you what if we find a ton of 80s toys back and they're all there's dinosaurs if we find a ton of 80s toys I'm gonna be so thrilled well I'm looking for red line on the tires so the old the old the old cars had red lines on the tires they're called red lines that people love they collect the old ones yeah I think we all did when we were little on them we sold them in garage sales and whoa look at this it might be gold all right I'm gonna I'm gonna take that out as George George is going through this let's see if we got any gold you see pump it up oh man some old tool old-school tripping tools you ever want to hurt your enemies bad that'll do it alright I'm looking for markings I'm not seeing any markings but we do know in Rob's unit next door number 15 that there was a bunch of jewelry boxes that looks like a Chucky troll doll oh it does so the Lady and the know this is what's it do Burger King oh there goes there you go careful where you stick your eye people it's getting kind of late George George no you got it what the hell's hoodie don't you yeah you don't need no stinkin hoodie I don't that's right you ready for this don't mess around what's that box say what the Hales is it tomatoes or tomatoes I thought it was Tom eight toes I'm pretty sure Tom does eat toes let's see what we got it's shiny it's very shiny that is the chalice the chalice that the great Jebus drank from from treasure hunting with Jebus it's right here I'm actually gonna send this to treasure hunter with Jebus of what I just said will be true so he can drink from this chalice whittled that's amazing very mean whittled or on the lathe one or the other here's a peat pot I believe very aren't these what these aren't well if it wasn't it's gonna be pretty soon somebody cracked it that's what happens when you're peeing pots I think somebody would learn their lesson candlestick holders yes this is made in India and it's a tub like a brass tub huh here here's an angel originally sold for I'm going to show you here if I can zoom it $26.99 so 27 dollars right there an angel here is a chalice for baby Jesus that would be perfect baby Jesus bump-bump oh no and this one could be for amber amber Jebus refined this one's more refined that could be a chalice for amber and this could be for Mama Jebus I'm not sure why but helicopter we got a lot of brass here that's for sure now is there a lot of value in brass not much no what about smelting it well you know what they say He Who smelt it dealt it this just became a flower pot much better than a pea pot excels back again you remember what the sick cells are well I was wrong the first time actually did my research and it stands for eggplant luke lumber limeños laguage lean beans and lepers that is correct is heavy Tom okay Paula Abdul look at this okay would you just find it's from Beverly Hills Cop 3 is that Eddie Murphy there you go okay so like records or CDs or anything else the crazy thing is is some of this stuff is actually still worth money okay and I'm gonna show you some of the things we're gonna we're going to do a quick search on eBay right after we show you what some of these things are to show you how to find out what is actually worth money and what's not worth money so some of these some of these empty ones you know obviously not interested in that all the three musketeers do you know any of these songs if you see any of your favorite artists let us know in the comments I'll see a little bit what's that we're gonna tape the burn for all seasons burn what's in there what do you have what do you have buried Arrowsmith crying there's no way I can get that do what you do to me what is it alright for transistor play record rewind stop Wow it's definitely old this your sister really likes this stuff kind of stuff now this old tech she's really into this wait until we talk to her tonight and tell her we found that Oh Lawrence Welk there you go for all of you Lawrence Welk lovers now what kind of tape is that at a track you know what eight tracks are I do my grandpa loved this stuff polkas that's the song the whoopee Jon Orchestra this is just wild alright let's let's show them a little bit of how to find prices on this stuff on eBay we want to jump on eBay and we're getting into the search bar okay we're gonna put cassette so there we go right there I mean it's gonna audit and we're gonna do a search now with cassette typed in we can see there's 786,000 865 results current for sale but we don't want to know what's for sale hit filter and we want to go down to sold items that's what tells us what things are worth it because that's what tells us what people have paid for 160 1965 things have sold within the last couple weeks we want to sort highest to lowest now let's find out what's selling here we can see on 813 230 cassette tapes with the Grateful Dead sold for 700 $49.99 plus $10 shipping so over $700 made just in cassette tapes here's another rap cassette tape a rare one $750 and I'm sure we could go and scroll down more and more and more and we could holy cow no way 20 times tedium I throw these things away can't believe it sealed cassette tapes 675 dollars and I've been throwing these away as I find them I won't be throwing those away anymore there's another huge lot 452 cassette tapes all kinds sold for $500 here's another buck lot 412 cassette tapes $424 now depending on what we have in here we could have another $500 a lot of cassette tapes and I would call that a win how about you George George for sure it says mid more from my angle now it says P could be pupae if it's Pugh it could be firearms gotta catch em all Pokemon Pokemon is very collectible obviously the CR date 1999 all right let's see if it's inside there how do you open it there we go in 3 2 I'm not sure what you do with this maybe it's a lunchbox maybe and I just maybe it was a lunchbox yep detachable captain fumble not again got some dog toys there more dog the dog was doing with pokemons okay they were obviously sad what's that is that a kunai f-- this okay barber magic what's it do rush the dog and I think it oh it's for the dog is the Pokemon in here then incredible Hawk one bad hey that's Canada so you don't see this at all nowadays you just see made in China this actually says made in Hong Kong and the right occasion I'm seeing if I can find you find a date anywhere but just based on that alone it looks like from the 50s oh I would think for sure for sure look at that okay this is really cool and I love old toys that's that has to have milk I love magic no I grew up on magic no I think I think I think we just found a micro machine alright so all of you who know your micro machines you would know that micro machines still have value now today I can't see too much huh hopefully we find a whole lot more I'm loving I'm loving this 80 stuff that we're fine wow that's really cool what was this was this from the 80s because if it wasn't they should go back oh you know what this is you don't know what this is do you some sorts you are correct oh is it a number like oh no I got it I got it I haven't worn one in a while and all right here you go all right George George you gonna put it on and you're gonna have to do it yourself all right here we go brand new shorten that well new you could look so stylish and protect yourself from the weather you know what that thing is going with me to every future storage auction right there be careful which way you tilt it depending on which hood you're in that's true yeah that is true and I did find a golf ball which goes with the 500 golf clubs we found earlier so that's perfect there were a ton of golf clubs ton of golf clubs whoa brand-new brick game okay this is a generic one so in the year oh no I thought that's this is a little bit more generic so not the best but still that's cool what price was the asking these were a dollar and this was probably back in the 80s so that was what like a dollar fourteen yeah yeah definitely with inflation yeah hmm here we go here are some shears I found some too so this box started off with dog toys and it has down down now we're at Bugs Bunny flexible lamps never have enough okay so this is a flexible Bugs Bunny lamp and it's definitely Warner Brothers trademark Warner Brothers okay here's some more antique or older bottle cap openers and there's a bunch of them he's got them all bagged can openers yeah is this slicer there there are ton down here and he's got them all bag Oh old school chalk do you know how much old school chalk is worth nowadays it's worth its weight in gold I know that gulps without a doubt without a doubt oh wait didn't everybody move to smart boards oh yeah yeah that's probably nothing nuns nuns still use chalk that's true that's big like your hands to be as dry as possible for one night I'm curious do we have any nuns watching let us know in the comments if you're a nun and that's just okay so that's a bunch of bagged can openers on is cool George George again a little dark out here can you read in the dark yes this is hand-picked from Williams farm whatever's in this box came from Williams farms let's get into it all right what are they farming Oh God oh my goodness what you be just find it's made in China freaky babies okay look at the look at the back dimples do you know who else has back dimples like this in our family I wasn't talking about your sister I was talking about me why does everything have to be about your sister yep yep there you butt crack that's actually a staple is that Egyptian know what right there are a ton of creepy babies and a mysterious white powder that explains a lot ant look this baby's got white powder coming out of its mouth and like some kind of huge pimple on the back of its head Oh God yeah we might need to call the pimple popper for that one this one no way that I have never found before creepy crawling baby I'm gonna have nightmares tonight about that okay all right so so here's the windup and creepy-crawly that doesn't scare you I don't know what will [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 113,712
Rating: 4.8202858 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandon
Id: VTXrl9vnDRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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