Gen 5 Glock 26 Review: Tried and True

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hello guys and as always thanks for tuning in Jade helm Singh here today we're going to be discussing the Glock 26 June 5 before we do so I do apologize that's been just a short bit of time since I released a video all my videos have been defunded by YouTube not completely but a large amount have been defunded because they're not suitable to all advertisers mainly because they have these evil guns in them so I don't plan on changing anytime soon I'm gonna do what I continue to do and keep bringing these to you guys but just to let you know it has kind of slowed down my my initiative to do these just a little bit just because I've got a lot of stuff going on and I get a lot of different things you know on my plate so obviously I try to prioritize though what is going to be the best bang for the buck and it's right now these videos really aren't it but I will keep cranking these out as they come because I am backlogged a little bit on these videos so enough about that let's get the show on the road here let's talk about the Glock 26 June 5 and you guys will notice it is something that I do carry on me I didn't really intend to didn't really plan on carrying this as like a daily carry but obviously today this was not planned this was my daily carry today we'll get into that here just a few moments before we start this I will tell you guys one of my favorite Glocks that I remember having was a gin three Glock 26 and I kind of got the gun when I was you know into concealed carry more on the civilian side really you know just wanted a small gun a compact gun to carry and there weren't a whole lot of options out there for nine-millimeter so when I got the Glock 26 the gin three that I had I really liked the gun because kind of fit into a lot of different categories it was one that I could carry easily without really worry about printing because as you guys know we first started carrying you're worried about printing and you're worried about you know possibly jostling it out of the holster and you know accidental discharges and all that kind of stuff so what's small enough to carry without you know much issue or much worry on my part but also large enough that even though it wasn't all that good yet at shooting I could put down some pretty good groups with and I felt pretty confident with the gun that does definitely play out still in this model here this Glock 26 June 5 and just a really interesting gun if you haven't shot one this is one of those guns kind of put them on the shortlist you know guns that you should definitely test out and shoot just kind of fills a lot of different roles and it's one of those guns that a lot of people carry but it's not you know as sexy is like the Glock 19 everybody likes to say they carry a Glock 19 all the time that's definitely not the case just been speaking with people a lot of people are carrying guns this size and even smaller for daily carry so a little bit about philosophy first as you guys know I'm a law enforcement officer I carry full time so I always have a weapon on me and I you know generally I try to you know it's a trade-off between what's gonna be comfortably carry and what's gonna be something I want to get in a gunfight with now I know that might seem a little bit fatalistic or whatever to some people but obviously my time of the military has shown me that if you can prepare beforehand you should definitely do it right so I like to you know only carry guns that I plan on getting into a gunfight with I never plan on getting into a gunfight but if the reason arises over the situation right so I want to have a gun on me that I feel confident with in a gunfight for me that's over ten rounds of ammunition a 9-millimeter at the minimum and you know something that's more of a full size gun like this for a couple reasons the one reason is because it is easier to draw these larger guns like this and I say larger you know some of you might be snickering this is a Glock 26 but compared to some of those smaller pocket-sized guns this is about as small as I would comfortably go again you can get a full grip on this you can kind of you know pull it out without much issue we'll talk more about the base plates here in a minute and as far as why I actually went with the extended base black pads you got a decent capacity you got at least ten rounds even if you use the truncated one the truncated model that comes with it and then obviously it takes larger magazines so it'll take magazines from the Glock 19 the Glock 17 whatever you want to do what everybody use and put in there you can use as a backup so you have plenty capacity options there the trigger system everything like that is what you're gonna get in the full-size gun so it's got a really good trigger for its size and it just seems to point and shoot very well so that's just kind of my over overview of the gun let's go ahead and dive into a top to bottom and I'll kind of ramble on as we go with these other findings and philosophy and whatnot of carrying this gun why it's on me and why I find it so handy to carry okay so this gun is actually the nitesite model it came with just a plastic sight so I did throw some night sights on there and that's pretty much how I carry now the rear is blacked out just a little bit it's not completely blacked out as you guys can see it's got the little rings around there the front is just your standard Glock you know night sight so gns but it does have a little white dot there and I find this pretty easy to pick up especially with a low profile but more importantly and it's ridiculous as this sounds some of the larger sights with a sharper edges this carries so close to me that you know some of my skin would get it rubbed up against it and would kind of be irritating and I get some marks on me in some uncomfortable situations sometimes so this nice low profile you know the the edges being canted in and whatnot on these standard Glock sights seem to be the best bet for me to carry these now this is just like your old you know your old revolvers your old detective specials and whatnot it's made to be carried quite a bit and shot probably very little it's not like a competition gun it's not something you're going to go out to the range and really drive tax with it although I have a funny story about that here in just a few moments but it is something you're gonna be carrying quite a bit so I like to kind of take that into consideration especially with the sights up there so these are night sights that I've had to put on there everything else is pretty much gonna be standard gin.5 material you got the the near diamond light coating on here which is kind of take it or leave and it is pretty slick however it does wear pretty well in my experience you have the improved marksman barrel and really that's you know pretty much it as far as the pulla heads on this gun except for the deletion of the finger grooves and obviously the different changes with the Gen 5 trigger this gun specifically had some of the fewer changes made to it as it kind of went on because when it first came out it had the double captive recoil spring that the Glocks all ended up moving to it had the beveled end here like you see on the June 5s now that real deeply beveled end it had you know a lot of the different features and things like that there were kind of add-ons or bonuses with this new generation that this already had with us you're really not getting a whole lot except for the deletions finger grooves the you know the different spring mechanism with the gin.5 trigger and of course that marksmen barrel but you're only dealing with a very short barrel anyway so how much difference does it make I don't really know it is a very accurate gun we'll get into that here just a moment I talked about shooting impressions but you know as far as the barracks is concerned I do really like the Jin v gloss I think that are very accurate guns if I were to lay this against a gen 3 Gen 4 Glock I think they are slightly better just to my testing you know it's the barrel just making it just a slight bit better of course most of your aftermarket barrels are still going to be better than what you're gonna get in this so you know take it or leave it you have the ambi controls which it did neglect to mention if you're a lefty you have that ambi slide release moving on with the rest of the gun the you know basically what glock did is it created the June 17 or the June 117 and it pretty much looked at it as kind of the end-all be-all pistols it was just revolutionary at the time and everything like that and then everything was built off of that so what you have with this is basically a truncated version of the Glock 17 it's even smaller than the Glock 19 so they just kept kind of cutting it down so it will fit in those holsters that the Glock 17 will fit in those fit in a Glock 19 holster so everything basically in this part here is pretty much standard fare for Glock so it's going to be interchangeable which is kind of a nice feature some of the newer compacts coming out are different from the full-size which kind of runs into some some issues there and other manufacturers but Glock stays true to that and you can use this and basically any other 9-millimeter Glock double stack holsters so that's kind of neat to see again it is truncated down here you're gonna get these flat magazines with the flat base I added this to mine we'll talk about that here in just a moment but if you can just kind of imagine it without it there that's what you're going to get in the box now as far as shooting it with the truncated grip it's not really difficult to shoot but the reason that I added these extensions and not only do you get two extra rounds which is kind of cool but I needed a little bit more to grab on to just just as I was drawing it out of concealment so a lot of people don't think about that I think about you know I wanted to be concealed as easily as possible and you know chopping down this grip here is really gonna that's what's gonna print and that's gonna help me conceal it that's a cool idea that is true but you know found that these you know real stubby grips and things like that really takes some time to get a grip on and pull out especially from deep concealment so for me I'd rather have just a little bit more to grab on to a little bit more to get it out of the holster with and get that nice solid grip that master grip so I can go ahead and start shooting if I need to that's a little bit more important to me than just a complete and total you know note printing and deep concealment sort of approach there so that's basically what I did that's why I did that with the the magazine extension there otherwise you're pretty much getting everything else you get in the the gin.5 block really not a whole lot more to talk about you do not have an accessory rail but as you guys may know they do have several lights and things that plug on right here to the end of the trigger guard so that's not really a detrimental thing I don't really prefer carrying this with a light so this is my preferred carry method with this lighted you carry a standalone all mate all times anyway that's pretty much yet now we're gonna get into some cliffnotes of the gun shooting apprentice things like that so the Glock 26 has kind of an uncanny it's kind of like the Glock 30 it's got kind of uncanny reputation for being a very reliable and very accurate pistol especially for its size sometimes people are used to I should say I don't know if it's still the trend but used to NGSS F some people would post faster times or better times with the Glock 26 and they would like a Glock 19 a Glock 34 a Glock 17 which would be really counterintuitive right so a couple of things you have going on you do have a shorter slide here obviously for concealment that's cool for precise shooting that's not so cool because you're kind of losing that sight radius but what it does I've noticed it's kind of twofold so first off with a shorter sight radius you can pick up that front sight faster it's easier to get in this in these rear dovetails it's it's a little bit faster to acquire that sight picture the second thing is it's easier to focus on this front sight because it's closer to your face so even though it is shorter you are losing some of that precision to a degree you kind of gain it on the back end as weird as that may seem so I think that's kind of part of the other thing it's a way this grip is made so as you'll notice this has a very very exaggerated hump back here as far as the Glock hump goes it goes comes out you know almost immediately right away and at least from my hands the way that fits in my hand it basically is like catching a baseball it just kind of fits right in that little void there and the palm of my hand and it's really easy to lock into place and really kind of drive this pistol onto target so those are basically the two things I would attribute to being able to shoot this gun fast and accurate and that's kind of been the reputation of this gun like I say it's kind of an unsung hero a lot of people carry it a lot of people will really post good times shooting this gun alright guys so let's put this on the scale next and see what we're looking at here it is lighter than your Glock 19 it is lighter than your Glock 17 obviously it's got a shorter barrel and it is a short smaller footprint as you would expect but let's see exactly what we're looking at here we get it off of grams because that would make much sense to most of us okay it's good zeroed out here alright so Glock 26 unloaded one pound seven point two ounces and that is with this this aluminum base plate here I'm gonna pop it out and give you a weight without the magazine in it at all and we're looking at one pound of three point nine one pound 4 ounces is what we're looking at with a no magazine in it at all so just kind of put into perspective it is a pretty light gun it's just convenient to carry it does kind of carry a little bit like a stapler I have said that before and I do like kind of the Glock 43 X and the Glock 48 you know because of that it does carry you know closer to you it's thinner in those models this is kind of a big bulky chunky model even though it's kind of truncated in its precipitant it's you know different proportions it is kind of it's still a little bit of a wide model now you know not why compared to a lot of other things out there but it is kind of wide for its footprint so it does kind of carry a little bit offer you kind of you know look around for your different holsters and things like that they're really gonna carry it nicely what I tend to just revert back to as always is this Vanguard from Ray V concealment that's what I like to do it's nice middle most holster you know obviously not adding much to the package and it's got that nice little wing there that kind of pulls it in next to your body very nice set especially if you're not going to use a light which I don't use one on this so that's what I kind of tended to go to I also have an outside the waistband holster which is really kind of cool I usually don't carry outside the waistband I just think it compromises too much especially for concealed situations but when they got this small if you're wearing a coat or something and you get a nice high ride outside the waistband holster that's really gonna ride this nice and high up in there it's like you're not even wearing a gun with this thing on if it's in and outside the waistband holster so another cool little thing okay other than that G shoots really well it's really accurate price fairly it's you know priced in coordinates with all the other Glocks of course which is kind of that mid-range level boy it's reliable I mean you know holds plenty of ammunition it's it's really a really stellar gun especially looking for something in the compact market any light Glocks okay if you don't like Glocks you don't like the trigger you don't like the way they point you're probably not gonna like this but you know not everybody's gonna like everything and I'm cool with that so we'll make one last little comparison here now I talked a little bit in my 43 X my 48 videos about the Glock 26 specifically about the way the trigger is made so again this gun is basically just like you know any other 9-millimeter standard size Glock and the internals are basically the same in there and the cool thing is that you have all of the you know the robust the over built stuff that is in all the other Glocks there even though this is a smaller gun so to me like the 48 the 43 the 48 yeah are you mentioned that 43 X all of those kind of slimline guns if you will the things inside there that the trigger mechanism the you know the trigger bar all that kind of stuff is smaller it's just kind of shrunk down so you know I've not seen or heard of heard of them breaking I really don't think they will but overall if you're just gonna put down a ton of rounds 26 or something of the like would probably be a little bit better to do that with and in addition you get this kind of you know very Glock style trigger it's gonna be pretty much the same and all your other guns so if you carry like a Glock 17 on duty this is gonna replicate identically that trigger it's literally the same parts in there right so the trigger feel is exactly the same I'll just walk you through it you pretty much have you know some pretty loose take-up not a lot you start building and stacking just a little bit as you get close to the wall on these June fives the wall is kind of subtle it's not really like a you know like a wall of china like it used to be but you kind of hit that wall and you're gonna continue pulling through and good ways after you go through that wall it's gonna finally break and your resets nice short and crisp and tactile and then you're right back into the wall again and you can just kind of run them that way but again this this feels a lot more like the other standard size blocks because it essentially is the same trigger mechanism than does the Glock 43 43 X or the 48 at least in my hands I can shoot those guns pretty much just the same as this but I've really got to work harder at doing it I've got a stage very hard on that wall I've got to break through that wall you know fairly aggressively just different things different nuances to it but overall I think this is an easier gun to shoot it's got a better trigger and it does kind of fill my hand a little bit better than the Glock slimline series does so I know those questions are coming hopefully that cleared it up for you a little bit other than that I really can't think of anything else to add about this gun it's a stellar gun it's a stellar deal especially if you want a gun one gun that can do it all this could could theoretically do it all you wouldn't really be you know hampered too much by putting this into like an actual competition I'd be you know pretty much up there with your Glock 19 almost reblock 17s and things like that it would be a great concealed carry option it is just a great do all gun so if you're in the market if you're looking even if you're looking at those smaller guns like the equal 43 X or the 48 or the LSP peas or whatever else you might be looking at this a smaller gun see if you can do with the Glock 26 first would be my opinion alright guys as always thank you for tuning in and I will keep these coming at you until next time content YouTube's work continued to develop continue to build your craft and I will catch you later J helm Singh guys
Channel: J Helmsing
Views: 65,930
Rating: 4.8444276 out of 5
Keywords: glock, 26, 9mm, gun, review, test, ccw, concealed, subcompact
Id: 6V696gIHmCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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