Glock 43X: Better than the G48?

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hello guys and as always thanks for tuning in Jay home sing here we're coming at you with another review today this is gonna be on the Glock 43 X let's get discussing this let's kind of look into this will kind of do you know if you haven't seen my 48 video a lot of that's going to be kind of the same as far as the the ins and the outs of this gun but I'm gonna get a little bit nebulous here we'll talk a little bit about some of the nuances some things I just can't prove I don't have scientific you know evidence or anything so you know supporting some of the stuff I'm probably gonna say about this gun but I am just kind of shocked and I think maybe you will be too and maybe some of you are like why are you reviewing a 43 X we just reviewed the 48 well let's go ahead and get into the story so when I went to buy the 48 I knew that was coming out and I knew that's the one I wanted because they typically clip carry a Glock 19 as you guys know was project one gun I have no problem concealing off 19 I've been able to use them pretty effectively so you know no problems or issues there anything that's just been unexpected so when I went into the gun store my local gun shop I went to buy this you know kind of put out a feeler and I told it told my buddy there I said hey when these things come in give me a call let me know really interests and get my hands on one so he did I came in and I looked at the 48 and when the 48 shipment came in so to the 43 X's and they had I'm both there so I was looking at both of them and I got this 43 X in my hand I was like man I really like the way this feels in my hand it just feels maybe just a little more balanced I guess would be the correct word it just it points a little bit more naturally for me the weight is nice it's it's got a nice kind of center of balance there it just seems to point easier and I kind of looked at him and you can ask you know the my buddy there at the gun shop Alex you maybe tutored in here looked at it back and forth back and forth back and forth and I was like you know what I'm just gonna have to go with the 48 X or 48 42 X the 48 instead of the 43 X because you know that's just what I set out to do and on paper I think I'm gonna like the 48 better so got 48 went out to the range and if you guys saw my review the the outcome what that was kind of in the yeah good gun just maybe not my thing sort of category so I wouldn't say I was disappointed with again I just kind of yeah I would probably rather stick in my Glock 19 and I think that's to reflect it in my video so you know got the gun out I shot it well enough for a small gun I just really wasn't holding super tight groups with it or anything so lo and behold my dad shows up and I shot with my dad at the range and he acquired one of these just kind of unexpectedly got a 43 axe the same time I got a 48 and he's not a glock guy by the way so we brought both of them out I shot him back to back and I was able to shoot the 43 X was the 48 which he talked about a little bit in that video there you know comparisons between the two of them long story short I nearly fell in love with 43 X that he had over my 48 there because I shot it better I was able to group better with it I was more accurate with it I just like the way it feels both loaded and unloaded it seems to point a little bit easier so I have a little bit of buyer's remorse a little bit of regret that I didn't jump on the 43 X bandwagon so long story short I bought sights for that gun as you guys know I'm not a big fan of the Glock sights which we'll get into here in just a few moments about some 43 sights for the Glock 48 and I tried them out there Trijicon sights and I just the point of impact point of aim was just off with them I just couldn't seem to get him zeroed at least elevation wise and you know I've heard some people say both things 10:8 performance says the Glock 48 has special sights just for the 48 and they're gonna have to make custom size 2 just for the 48 other people say the Glock 43 sights should work ok some people say they shot the Glock 43 or the Glock 48 with Glock 43 sights and everything's fine but in my sample with a 48 with 43 sights they just I could not get it to you know shoot basically where I wanted it to hit I was drooping okay with it I just could not get that point of aim where I wanted it so that kind of discouraged me a little bit further I thought you know what this guns super comfy to carry but you know the reality I'm probably just gonna carry my Glock 19 and this is gonna fold away side so I took it back to the store where I got it I did some horse trading here and there and I ended up buying a Glock 43 X out of some of that trading here and there and so that's what you see in my hands here and you guys might be thinking less kind of an odd long drawn-out story for why you have a 40 3x and guys the reality is I don't like small guns I told you guys at my 48th video I just I would rather go into a potential gun fight scenario which could happen at any time as some of you guys know with the gun I want a gun fight with and typically that's going to be at least a compact size gun a double-stack you know good capacity accurate gun reliable gun things like that with the 48 I just didn't feel it I just I can't really again put it into words I just wasn't feeling that gun so the 43 X if you guys want my two-minute down-and-dirty you should buy this gun and that's from a guy who doesn't really like small compact guns you should you should buy this gun it is a fantastic phenomenal gun and i'll get into those reasons here in just a few moments but basically this video is a bit of a redemption for this slimline style because I love this gun and that's painful for me to say I've had a few Glock 43 s I really didn't care for them I saw them was kind of a boot gun or something I shot them OK for a small gun but that was always in the back of my head you know for a small gun that shoots well I couldn't shoot it to the nearly to the accuracy I can with my 19 s my 17 anything like that but the story is different with this gun and I don't really get some theories but I don't really know why I shoot this better than the Glock 48 I feels better in my hand in the black 48 and this would be my preferred carry you know over the Glock 48 so let's go ahead and dive into this review real quick and then maybe I'll blather on here in a few moments sights top to bottom like I typically do sights I just don't like Glock sights I know there's some of you guys out there too like him I know some of you out there have used them to great effect I don't like them and the reason I know it is because they're made out of plastic number one I've broken these off there have been more than one occasion that I've broken them off and other times I've got in the front sight north a little bit and that drives me crazy if I got a ding in the front sight you know so I just I'd rather replace some beliefs with some steel set steel sights also these I just don't like the busy back in and I know some people flip this front around but even if you do that with a stop block sights the little all doesn't fit in the knotch I don't know if you line the tops up like that's how I shoot if you line the tops of the little ball does not fit in the notch it drives me crazy it's like you're cutting the ball off and you're there's just all kinds of wackiness going on so I can shoot these I can shoot them okay but I much prefer other sights I do have other sights coming in for this gun we'll just leave it at that okay moving off the slide just like I said in the last video with the 48 I really like the texture of this slide I like the finish there I don't really care if it's you know super durable or anything like that I just you know if guns get banged up or whatever they're a tool to me that's kind of how I see it but I do like the texture of this slide in other words it's got a little more friction than that in LDC or in near diamond in dlc coating that glock has been putting on things which by the way this barrel does have that coating but the slide doesn't it's it's a PVD coating I dig it I really do I'm not really super crazy still about this silver color here and maybe it's gonna grow on me I like it a little bit better than I did initially it's kind of James Bond II look to it which I guess is kind of cool but I probably rather have it in black flavor that's just me I may get to seracote it if I if I you know feel it's that big of a deal but that's my take kind of on the slide and the whatnots now this is going to be the exact same size slide as a Glock 43 they are interchangeable which I have done obviously with the addition of the front serrations some people like those I could you know take it or leave it it is handy for dry fire practice and stuff like that but I don't typically manipulate up there so that's just again my personal preference but that's basically the only big difference with this gun here the rest is pretty much Glock 43 guts except for obviously this longer grip I love this grip I love love the length of it I like like it because it's long enough to get a really good firm grip before you on holster it which I really did never felt like I could do with the Glock 43 of course even with the extended mags and things like that you can get a grip but it's just kind of a funky you know the way the hop came out your student really felt my hand very well so I dig this grip I really like the ergonomics of it it fits my hand well even though I've got larger hands can't say enough about you know kind of the way they engineered this you know especially for a gun that Glock really didn't want to release they're really against the single-stack 9 millimeters for a long time finally bit the bowl with the 42 then the 43 now we're on to this all right guys the last thing I want to talk about on this gun here is gonna be the magwell really nicely done mag well there's really no no hangups or hiccups or anything in there that you could get snagged on they even did away with a little thumb notch there that you have on a lot of these Glocks that kind of hangs up some mags sometimes it's pushed all the way out it's not flared but it is pushed all the way out to the edges there so really nicely done there do you appreciate the magwell on this organ omits overall very very good can't really complain about too much we'll get into the trigger next take a look here and trigger itself I do have a little bit of take-up here I wouldn't call it slop it's a little bit mushy get into a very very hard wall and on my pull gauge it's about 6 pounds gonna break through that wall reset is just like any other Glock feels you know just the same nice short reset very crisp you have that you know audible tactile reset and then right back on that wall where you're gonna want to stage hard and break right through now before we really get into some of the shooting footage and things like that I do want to make note I can shoot this gun very very well I can shoot this gun better than I shot my Glock 48 the trigger to me feels a little bit better it seems to point easier I don't have an issue with a shorter barrel kind of throwing anything off or you know having you know any inaccuracies or anything like that even though this is not crowned like that gin.5 barrel it's just a really really nice shooting gun especially for the size now it does have a bit more snap than you're gonna get out of the 48 but I was able to groove very very well with it and not just for a small gun and I was able to group almost as well I wouldn't say quite as well but almost as well as I can with like your Glock 19 so this really isn't much of a concession in the accuracy Department for me I really dig what they've done with this gun overall I really you know really appreciate what they've done and you know this may end up being an actual carry gun of mine as much as I hate to say it as much as I don't really care for you know your small guns this may make the list guys it's that good I like it that much so big difference between this and the 48 for sure let's get into that accuracy okay let's talk about those the shooting videos and things like that I do have some footage rolling up here in just a few moments for you guys so let's go ahead and check that out this time alright guys and as you may have noticed that was at about 10 yards or so give or take and that was obviously you know a cadence fire so started out pretty slow and occasionally you know just gradually kind of accelerated each one of those was 10 rounds per string and it was offhand I was standing up at the an indoor range there so that's with that one then let's take a look at some other shooting here we're gonna look at engaging multiple targets next so we'll take you to a Haley strategic target and check that out alright guys so as you can see that wasn't probably about five yards or so I'd have to estimate five yards that was you know just basically working through some speed and all this shooting was done with these Glock sights which I don't really care for so it took me a little bit of time to adjust to that but you can engage multiple targets fairly quickly with it again what I've noticed especially with multiple target engagements things like that is with a gun like this I just really have to stage hard stage that trigger you know really hard if I go you know kind of panic shoot this and kind of jerk right through that break and you know don't take out the slack of prep the trigger at all I'm probably gonna drop some shots so just the way I shoot it there you go and that's how I've been able to get some accuracy out of it and of course what youtube view review would be adequate without some goofy trick shots so let's take a look at this again it's about five yards take a look at some accuracy shots these are nine-millimeter casings that I've just kind of plugged into a target there just to see how close I could get to them and to mine prai's I shot under a couple and actually ended up hitting one of them so here you go with that footage okay guys so as you can see I've got you know really really good shooter on my hands here I really like the gun I dig it I really do I can't say enough about it this is probably one of my top five favorite Glocks right now which is saying a lot staying light it really has surprised me how much I like this and how well I shoot the gun and how well it does what it's supposed to do especially over the Glock 48 now I'm not going to get into the the science of this because I really don't understand it myself the Glock 48 should be a better gun on paper just in my hands I was not able to work that gun like I can this gun the only difference being the shorter slide here I don't know I can't explain it but that's that's my finding and that's what I'm bringing to you guys so we'll talk next I just want to show you guys this was a 19 X here so kind of the dimensions dimensionally it's basically a shrunk down 19 X as you guys see I'll kind of overlay these but 43 X at least with the way the dimensions of the slide you know fall very closely in line with that 19 X and as you guys know if you haven't shot with these 19 X's they are fantastic shooting guns so I'm not sure if that slide the grip ratio has something to do with it I don't know if it's since it's more closely based off the 43 which has been around longer maybe it's got a little edge and engineering or something but you know if you look dimensionally they're very very similar so this is basically a shrunk down you know Glock 19 X which is you know winner and most people's books either way but there you go you know if I were to kind of coat this the same the same color there that the coyote color they went with they pretty much look one the same just a little shrunk down version of the other so just want to point that out they're very very similar to each other if you like the 19 X I think you'll dig the 43 X which is basically just a smaller version of the same thing but again guys high praise high sky kudos for this gun here once again the sights on again it all kind of worked around it's probably going to fall into my rotational carry I dig this gun if you're a concealed carrier if you're a civilian if you're a law enforcement officer if you're just a person that is concerned about self-defense things like that this is a heck of a little it really is I'm just astonished at the accuracy I was able to get out of this God again Glock reliability you know love it or hate it as far as the company goes but you know these newer guns from Glock especially just you know almost no malfunctions no hiccups things like that I can't even tell you that I've heard of anybody getting a lemon out of lock in recent years so they have not changed much and they have just kind of continued refining what they do and now you're gonna get these super reliable little lightweight guns and that's what you have here with this package here I appreciate you guys tuning in I appreciate you guys liking subscribing and commenting feel free to do that below and I will try to keep up with the comments and other news other events we're gonna have more of these things coming up there may be a return to project one gun so kind of stay tuned for that we'll see how that unfolds some more projects and things like that as I get them on the ironing board for a spring in the summer but again guys it couldn't do this without your viewership and your support so I do appreciate that continue to go out there continue to learn listen to others do your thing do your craft and continue to get better at what we do guys I appreciate it JM Singh
Channel: J Helmsing
Views: 76,346
Rating: 4.7570715 out of 5
Keywords: glock, glock 48, glock 43X, 43x, G43x, pistol, handgun, 9mm, ccw, edc, review
Id: TEeyuNUZ1Hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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