Alright, so probably the biggest question
we get is how to shoot better. And we find that, we’re ending up talking
about minute parts of the shooting cycle. How to work the trigger. How to hold the gun. And there’s really not a ONE SIMPLE answer. You’ve got to do a bunch of stuff together,
right? Yeah. So we thought, we would just do a complete
overview on how to shoot a pistol. So we are going to cover how to shoot a Glock. Which is going to cover most of your plastic… Striker Fired. Striker Fired, right. Single action guns like that. We are going to look at, the double action. We’ve got a Beretta out here today. And we’re going to look at a revolver too. What we want this video to be for you guys
is, a way to, as you’re progressing in your shooting, to look back and self-analyze. If you are having problems you can look, am
I holding it right? Am I looking at things right? Am I loading, unloading correctly? Am I being safe? We want this to be a go to for you on how-to. Here we go. Let’s do this. In regards to shooting, of utmost importance
is safety. None of this stuff matters if you can’t
do it safely. As soon as you shoot yourself or somebody
else the fun is over. So you need to understand the safety rules. Know your target and what’s beyond. That’s very true on the street. If you’re involved in a defensive scenario,
and you are only focused on the threat, you might be putting rounds through a bad guy
into a bus load of children for all you know. So you must always know what’s beyond the
backstop or target. You must also always know the direction of
your muzzle. Sang likes to talk about the trigger discipline,
which is huge. For us, if you can’t control this... If you have to think about your finger…
is it in there or not in there? Keep practicing. For us this is one of the most important things
for us. If you’re not gonna fire and your finger
is on the trigger… If you’re about to holster up and your finger
is on there. If you have to think about it, KEEP DRY FIRING
AND PRACTICING AT HOME. Which means you need to focus on what you
are doing. This is something that you see often, especially
now in the YouTube Instagram world, everybody wants to go faster, do more and be better. This is how accidents happen. If you cannot get these things in at a subconscious
level, hit the brakes, and start working on them. Know your backstop. Know what is beyond it. Know the muzzle direction. That is of paramount importance because you
can have a negligent or accidental discharge, and if the muzzle is in a safe direction you’re
not going to have an issue. KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF OF THE TRIGGER UNTILL
YOU ARE READY TO SHOOT. And the last one that is always important
is keeping the gun unloaded until ready to shoot. In the context of concealed carry, we’re
carrying for duty use. We are going to be having you carry a loaded
firearm. So you need to be able to work safely, which
is why that trigger finger and muzzle direction are so important. Here we go. Alright, so shooting a gun. Probably the most important part, and often
misunderstood part, is the interface. Between that gun and your hand. The human to weapon interface as we like to
call it. It doesn’t need to be anything hard. Really, you’ve got a machine in your hand
that wants to jump out of your hand, so to speak. And you need to hold on to it. Sang is going to demonstrate on a SIRT, that
is modeled after a Glock, on how to properly hold a pistol. So, one of the things you’re going to notice,
when he grabs it with his strong hand or main hand, he is uptight into the beavertail. There’s no room there. If he’s got room, the gun wants to do this. When it recoils and when it cycles. Up high like that, not only is he getting
a good firm high hold that’s going to control that flipping recoil. It’s also going to help the gun operate
easier. A semi-automatic gun needs a solid foundation
for that slide to reciprocate smoothly. In addition to the grip being up high and
tight on the beavertail, and up high and tight to the trigger guard, we also want to make
sure we are aligning the muzzle correctly. We don’t want that gun to be too far into
our thumb, like so. Or too far towards our fingers, like so. We want to get that right in the middle of
the web of our hand. Not only is that going to allow us to use
our fingers properly, it’s also going to allow us to align that bore so that the recoil
impulse is traversing straight up to our upper body. You see that we are using the standard iscocles
stance. It was pioneered by the IPSC shooters back
in the day. This is not anything new. This is something that has been fine tuned
over many hours of competition shooting. The bore is coming straight back to his eye. The pistol is in the web of his strong hand. This is very important. When you build this grip, you’re going to
find a sweet spot and your gun is going to know where it needs to be. So what does he do with his other hand? That’s where things get important. Notice how he is up, high and tight here. There is no room, anywhere in here. The more friction and contact you can make
with the gun, the more you can control it. Here’s where a lot of people screw-up. Sang is not trying to mash the gun like he’s
squeezing a banana to death, he’s pushing in, with his palms. That’s where a lot of strength is coming
from. You can use your chest. You can use all of these muscles to help squeeze
in on the gun, vs. just trying to manipulate it with hand strength. So when you hold you’re other hand up there,
here’s one thing folks often mistake. Show us the old cup and tea saucer business
here. Not only has he lost contact with all of this
area here where he can get good friction, he’s also lost the ability to get up tight
here, which is another contact point. So if you slide it back up here where you’re
supposed to, do you guys see visually what’s happening here? He has just enveloped that whole gun. Now Sang’s got pretty good sized man hands. If you’ve got smaller hands, this is not
going to be as easy, which makes it even more important. The smaller your hands and the less strength
you have, the more cognizant you need to be of this. If you guys go to any shooting video, of any
of the great national champions, you’ll see everyone of them has there meat hooks
just smashed around that pistol. Looks good. Let’s talk about pressure. Go ahead, holster up. So what are your thoughts on pressure? Some people say, you’ve heard the old, “you’re
holding a bird so it doesn’t fly away,” blah blah blah. What do you think? You’ve heard the, “With your strong hand
shake like your holding a woman’s hand. It should be firm, but not too aggressive. And you’re support size hand should be like
your shaking a man’s hand. It should be real tough. I feel like both hands should be squeezing
pretty hard. That’s my take on grip strength. And gripping the pistol. Rob Leatham, who nobody can take anything
from, his nickname is the “Great One” for a reason. People ask him all the time, “How hard do
you hold the gun?” Rob says, “I take this one and I take this
one and I give it my all with both of them.” I’m paraphrasing a little bit, but he takes
his big old hands and mashes down on it. This will evolve as your shooting goes on,
but you need to start out with a good solid grip. If you’re holding the gun weakly, you’re
not going to be able to control it very well... or get follow-up shots. I agree. Uhh… You’ll notice, some of you guys, when you
are shooting. They call it milking. You squeeze a round off. The gun goes up. And you have to re-grip coming back down on
it. If you’re doing that, you have to work on
your grip. Yeah, if you watch any of the videos, and
you’ll see us shooting in a minute, as the gun goes off our hands don’t move. You’ll see some movement here. But none of this stuff is moving around. We’re not repositioning. We’re not repositioning and moving our hands
about as we’re going on. One more thing to add to all of this. The reason that we’re doing this video is
this is stuff you need to analyze every time you’re shooting. If you go look at your target after a shooting
season and the group is this wide, something isn’t right. And you need to be able to have a metric with
which to look at to ask “What am I doing? How do I adjust that? Where’s my problem coming from?” This grip is one of the biggest things. You can have a really crumby trigger press,
and a good grip and be ok. You can’t do it the other way around. You can’t have a crumby grip and a good
trigger press. Phht… nothing will work. The grip is so important because once you
put your hand on your gun, to come out of the holster, there’s not a lot of changes
you can make, especially when time is of the essence in a fighting scenario. We call this the “Master Grip.” It’s not something that’s new to us, or
is our phrase. This is something that’s been around forever. The reason it’s called the Master Grip is,
from the time you impact the gun, that is how the hand is locked on it. There is maybe a little bit of movement during
reloading, but Sang will demo that. He’s got the SIRT gun on here. And you’ll notice, when his hand impacts
the weapon, he is up high and tight, like we showed you. Go ahead and draw now. You’ll notice nothing changed there. Everything was static, from the time he placed
his hand on there. As you are building your grip, you need to
build some index points on your body. The other thing that’s important about this
master grip is, Sang’s going to demo this again, watch that again, nice and smooth. Comes out of the holster… Rotates out… His hands join up… He has that solid, solid grip. Now if he wants to manipulate the magazine,
this SIRT is totally inert. You’ll notice again, if we look close at
that right hand of his not much is changing in how that hand impacts the gun. This is one of the reasons why we’ll talk
about how small guns are not easy to shoot, because you have to keep manipulating that
hand to make things happen… like allowing the magazine to get into the magazine well. So let’s talk about how to get a magazine
into the gun. Sang, just demo it in and out a few times
so people get the gest. This is something that you see people willy
nilly do, hold the mag wrong now. Look at this, how he’s doing this. Not only is he holding it where he doesn’t
have a good grip on it. But he’s also trying to line two things
up that are out in front of him like that. You’ll hear people say, “Bring the gun
into your work zone or work space. Call it whatever you want. But bring it in where you can actually see
what’s happening and can make those two connections. You’ll notice when he holds it correctly,
he’s using his index finger, which is coincidentally indexing into the magazine well. A bunch of guys talk about driving your index
finger to the small of your pinkie finger, or the edge of the mag well, so that you can
do this without much sight. Right now we’re talking about fundamentals,
and this is a main fundamental. If you’re at the range and we see people,
how they load, you learn a lot about real quick, about how much they dry fire, and how
much they practice. Work this movement, very slowly. Very methodically. So that you get that mechanic down. We not talking, right now under the context
of defensive shooting, but all of this stuff becomes applicable later. We want you to learn at a foundational, subconscious
level so you can repeat this stuff. Show us a few more times Sang. Nice and smooth. Nothing is herky jerky. Now this is the same if he’s loading quickly
or if he’s loading from a bench, or his holster first thing in the morning. Or after a weapons clearing drill or something
of that nature. It’s pretty much always going to be the
same. Even if Sang laid on his back right now, or
got on his knees, this is just going to continue. This same way. So you practice this until it’s a subconscious
level. You’ll hear us say over and over again,
be mindful of your gun because you are programing your subconscious, good or bad, you’re programing
it. What do you have to add to that? You hit all the points. Like anything else, you just gotta practice. Until it’s natural. And you’re not thinking about it. You don’t even need to look. You just know where to go. Makes sense to me. Alright, so you’ve got your grip. You understand how to hold the pistol. We’re going to show you how to get that
gun up and working. How to load it properly. This is something, like we said, you want
to ingrain at a subconscious level. So Sang, now we’re working with a real gun. No longer a SIRT gun. Go ahead and demo that out. Looked pretty easy right? There are some very methodical movements,
and there’s a reason we do them over and over again. So we’ll have you clear that out. And we’ll show everyone the “what and
why?” And we’re running with dummy rounds in the
gun right now. That means that they are totally inert. Alright, so go ahead. We’ve got that Master Grip. He’s got it out in front of him. There’s a reason Sang does that quick press. He’s ingrained in himself that when that
gun comes out of the holster, it comes into his sight line. So, he’s inserted the mag. He gave a good, firm smack. He held it with his index finger in the correct
position. Which is here, right? Walked it into the mag well… So we say, “Seat, lock and tug.” So you heard it click. You saw him seat it. He use his palm, and then you give it a tug. This is what we call an administrative load. He’s loading when he decides… there’s
no speed, or anything of that nature involved. So he tugged it to make sure it’s in there. Now he’s going to action the slide. When he did that, you noticed he didn’t
ride it forward. He gave a sharp draw back on the slide and
let the spring slam it back home. If you’re not careful about that you can
actually cause a malfunction. His gun is probably well oiled so it won’t
do it, but some guns, you will not see the action close-up. So it will be out of battery. It will look something like this. So let the slide slam home. So the gun is loaded. You’ve decided you want to unload it. Here’s how this goes. He positions his thumb on the release. Every gun is different. We are working with a Glock today. He let the mag fall away. This is an administrative process now. We are not unloading under direst, otherwise
we would have just let that magazine drop. So he’s stored that on his body. He’s still got his good master grip. His finger is still off the trigger. Notice that? Now how do we get that round out of the chamber
Sang? So when we do this we like to do, cycle, cycle
cycle. And we’ll even say it aloud. Who cares if anyone is paying attention. Cycle Cycle Cycle. He’s going to lock the slide back. He can now look. He’s now going to look away. The reason he’s doing that is this forces
you to break bad habit where you’re like, “It’s unloaded, whatever.” You look away, your breaking your focus for
a moment. He’s going to look one more time. He’s even going to take his finger if he
needs to feel in there to make sure it’s unloaded. Now we know the gun is cleared out. We’re not going to say its “safe.” But it’s cleared out. Now from this point you can do whatever you
need to do. You can come back to your holster. Store it. Do whatever. Always minding the muzzle. Always keeping your finger off of the trigger
till you’re ready to shoot. One of the reasons that you hear us talk so
much about having a weapon that’s a fighting implement is, especially if you have weaker
hands, arthritis, smaller hands… you just can’t grab onto this thing. This is why slide serrations in certain parts
of the gun are there for a reason. To help you grab onto it. Or if you have wet, or God forbid, bloody
hands. Show us the two ways, you don’t need to
cycle the gun. Show us the two ways that we grab onto it. So people call that the sling shot method. And then the overhand method where he’s
going to come over the top. This, a lot of times allows more grip pressure. So if you have a problem cycling your gun. If you have a small, like pocket 380 or 9mm,
that’s a lot of spring pressure. A lot of guys go out and buy those for their
wives. And then the women come to the range and they
can’t grab that thing and their jerking it, trying to get it to move. So this maybe a better option for you. The other thing you can do is push away as
you pull. So you’re not only using this hand. You’re using that hand. Clamp down… and it’s kind of this motion. One thing I want to add to this… Dave Spaulding pointed this out. Is sometimes people come over the top to rack
that slide and they either want to do it so forcefully, or so aggressively that their
hand comes way back here and then they have to come all the way back here to get that
grip. All you have to do is bring it to the stopping
point and let go. That’s it. Just letting go and letting the slide do its
job. Alright, so we’ve talked about how to grip
the gun. We definitely keep bringing up safety to you,
which should be a clue to ya. We just talked about how to load and unload. Now I want you guys to pay attention from
this point to the end of the video because you’re going to see that grip, that load,
that unload, and some of that safety stuff happen throughout the video. So I want you so see it and say, “Oh, that’s
what the guys are talking about.” Follow? So here we go. Now we are actually going to load the gun
up. With dummies once more time. And Sang is going to show us how to work the
trigger. This is the “Heart of the Beast,” as Massad
Ayob calls it. If you can master how that trigger works,
and learn to move it without moving the muzzle around, you’re going to become a much more
skilled shooter much faster thae if you’re thinking about the wrong thing. Question comes up a lot about finger placement. The thing about finger placement, while most
folks say to try to use the center of the pad, this is all contingent upon how big you
finger is in relationship to the size of the frame. If you have a very small hand and I tell you
to put a certain part of your finger on there, you’re going to have to come out all the
way into the gun. Show us what you were just doing. Sang’s got good sized hands, so that’s
not the case, but if he had smaller hands, to do that he would have to rotate his hand. We don’t want to do that. A lot of folks push toward the Seven O’Clock. So if you’re aiming at the bulleye, they
are hitting down here. And the reason that that happens is, as they
are squeezing, their using the hand and muscles to pull the gun down and toward that Seven
O’Clock. So there’s a lot of mental focus that needs
to take place here. Just thinking about keeping everything smooth. So Sang’s going to show us that trigger
press. He’s going to keep his weak hand off the
gun so you guys can see. Now you’re going to see him reset the trigger. It’s coming forward to the reset point. Break… and reset. Very nice. Very nice. You’re noticing there isn’t a lot of movement
here. You’re not seeing things flexing and loosening. Just a smooth, straight back press. Here’s what we see a lot of people doing
that you don’t want to do working the trigger. “I think I see the target. I think I see the target. Ugh… I think I see the target. I think I see the target.“ This is the stuff that’s going to cause
you all kinds of frustration because you’re going to get big wide shot groups and not
knowing what’s happening. You need to isolate your issues and work on
them one at a time. Good grip. Good press. Next we are going to talk about how to align
these sights. We’re talking about sight alignment. Often misunderstood. But not hard once you get the fundamentals,
it makes perfect sense. Then from there on out you can train correctly
when you are out on the range. We’ve got a standard sight picture here. Sang was so kind to bring out. Very similar to what’s on most combative
style weapons. One of the things we see right off the bat
that new students have a problem with is, how do they align this thing? It’s kind of funky. They don’t know what to look at. We say equal height and equal light. Equal light means both sides. You’re centered up. So front sight post. Rear sight. You’re going to center them up on the target. Not left of right. Not up or down. Equal light. Light refers to left and right, windage. Equal height, which is elevation. Going to be straight across. And this is going to be indicative of almost
every standard sight you’re going to see on a pistol or rifle. Next thing we are going to look at is, how
do you line it up on the target? For some reason many manufacturers of training
materials show sight pictures like this. Sang calls that, “the lollipop.” What happens is if you line-up like this and
discharge the weapon. The round is going to hit somewhere about
here. Why? Because the bore is below the sights. So if you want to hit that. You need to actually obscure it with your
sight. And this is all dependent on distance and
the size of the target. But if you start out correctly teaching yourself
these things you’re going to figure it out real quick. What to you look at when you’re sighting
the pistol. Front sight is what most everybody says. This is basic stuff to build your foundation
off of. That’s your intended target. You’ve got equal height, equal light? Place the front blade over your intended target. And this is what you’re focusing on. The target is going to become obscured…
and your front sight is going to come into clear concise focus. Got to keep that in mind. You’ll hear some of the old timers say,
“Front sight press.” And that should be your mantra, especially
as your learning. You need to be able to break that trigger,
to the rear, while the sights are on the target. At the time that that breaks, that’s where
the bullet is going. If you can do that man, you are good to go. And that’s the problem most people have. So talking now, about how to shoot the gun. Let’s look at a good, smooth trigger press. I don’t know how well you can zoom in here,
on that trigger, but that’s where the magic is about to happen. If you watch the muzzle as Sang breaks the
shot, not a lot is happening. And that’s good. If you guys are dry firing and you’re seeing
a bunch of stuff moving around, you’re moving too much. This sounds, maybe a little over simplified,
but that’s really what it is. You need to concentrate on what you’re doing
and be able to keep that muzzle still while the shot breaks. Something to think about. As he’s pushing that trigger back, there
are different ways to think about it. Some folks imagine a straight line from the
trigger to their eye. And you are pulling that trigger on that straight
line towards your dominant eye. That’s one way to think about it. Something else to add to this. The trigger in this Glock is about six or
seven pounds of pressure to break it. If you’re applying, say 15 pounds of pressure,
where is that extra six, seven, eight pounds going after the trigger breaks. It’s somewhere, into the frame. So now, Sang, go ahead and give me a good
hard press. You saw what happened there. All of those muscles are tensing up. Re-cycle and do it one more time. Watch the muzzle. That’s why a lot of shooters will analyze
the target and keep shooting low as they squeezing these muscles. We call this inter-limb response or inter-limb
grasp. Sympathetic grasp. These other fingers are tightening as these
index fingers are moving. This sounds really over simplified, but you
really need to focus on moving this without moving the rest of these fingers. Which is again, we told you this stuff all
links together, which is why this grip is so important. If you’ve got a good hold on the gun, that
trigger press is going to be a lot easier. So now we’re going to put some live rounds
in this thing and we’re going to show you what that looks like. Alright, so, the next thing we are going to
look at here is how to actually press the trigger to get hits. So Sang is going to go through his loading
process. See that good master grip. He presses out. Got a good index on the mag. Seat. Lock. Tug. Gonna come over the top. Notice the slide slam forcefully home. He just did a chamber check. And now we’re in good condition. Little process he just went through there,
was replenishing his mag so he’s ready to go. So he’s now joined up. He’s got a good, firm, two-handed grip. Just like we showed you. Everything is being applied inward. He’s going to press out. He’s going to find his sights. And he’s going to decide to shoot. When his sights are on target. Watch the muzzle of the gun as it recoils. Go ahead now, and just shoot maybe five rounds
at a slow cadence so we can see that process of resetting and re-engaging the trigger. You hear the reset. Now, what Sang’s going to show you is taking
the slack out of that trigger to come up to that wall we talk about. So, if you can see right here, that small
amount of movement is what you call “Slack. So you are going to think to yourself, “Slack
out.” Trigger is going to come to that breaking
point… and that’s where you really need to be careful. Push smoothly through that trigger. So here’s something, as you’re going through
this, that you can work through in your head. Get your grip Sang. Gun comes out. Do I like my grip? Does Sang like his grip? Sang likes his grip. Do I have my target? I have my target. Finger is on the trigger. I like where my finger is on the trigger? I do. Now you kinda juggle a few things. Where’s the sights? Grip is good. Start to take the slack out. And the shot’s going to break when he likes
it. Very nice. I’m going to have Sang holster up for a
minute. He’s actually using some sights that we
are testing. But I want you guys to see the target. Just so you can see where we are at, we are
at about six yards here. And we’ve got a nice couple inch group there. So taking a look at the target. Sang’s got a couple inch group. He’s not trying for supreme accuracy. This is more than adequate for what we’re
talking about. If he wanted to he could take is time and
really tighten that up. So the whole cycle here we’ve got a loaded
pistol on-board in his concealment holster here. You’re going to see him press out. He joins up. He’s got that good master grip. He finds the target. He finds his sights. Slack out. Press. He’s now reset. He’s back on target. Notice he’s not snatching the gun in to
scan and look around. He’s making sure he hit whatever he was
aiming at. He’s now tracked to the ground. We’ve got a whole video on that if you want
to check it out. Now he’s made the decision to come back
in. You guys notice the entire time the muzzle
is pointed toward the target. On an indoor range that is good etiquette. Don’t be pointing it toward the floor. Don’t be pointing toward the ceiling on
an indoor range. Down is usually a good thing. On and outdoor range up still isn’t a good
thing. You could go over a berm. Down and Up have their purpose, but in the
context of this, at the target. We’re talking about threats right now. So Sang is going to run a few rounds here
with, kind-of a crumby grip. Where we see it like a lot of folks shooting. If you’re holding the gun like this, You
should ahh… this should be some food for thought for you. The old TJ Hooker cup-and-saucer grip. Just run five shots. You see, there’s a lot of movement. Now get your master grip back where you’re
locked in. Watch the way the gun tracks. A lot flatter. A lot smoother. And actually with a good solid foundation,
a lot of the energy the gun is using to close itself back up is sent, using to send the
slide back forward. Rather than letting the gun tip around. So it makes the gun operate better. What do you have to add? That’s it. Just practice, practice, practice. Getting the grip here. Coming out. Acquiring the sights. You’re finger, making sure it’s on there
when it needs to. And not with it’s not. Coming back. Going slow with it. If you go fast. The most dangerous part is, if you can’t
control this(finger on trigger) and you’re carrying appendix. You don’t want to do that. You have a mishap over here, I don’t know
what to tell you guy. Ahh, so just dry fire. Practice. Finger goes on when it needs to go on. It’s off when it’s coming back. This is how we… This is how we kind of teach it. If you’re going to go out to engage the
target. As you’re going out to engage. You’re finger goes on. When you’re done, the finger comes off. So it’s on… anytime it’s coming back,
it’s off unless you’re engaging as you’re coming back. Makes sense. Hey, if you’ve been watching our videos
and you wonder, where the Hell did they get those cool shirts? Give us a call. Send us an email. Send me a direct message. We’ll tell you how to get one. $25 bucks. We’ll send one right to your door. I’ll even include some of these cool Carry
Trainer stickers you can put on your range box… or truck, or whatever you want. So a big issue new shooters have is, what
do I do with my thumbs? And here’s why this comes up. Sang’s going to work the slide and I’m
going to screw-around with the grip here. Go ahead. So just imagine the gun just went off. Because of my hand placement, I just actuated,
erroneously, the slide stop, for what it’s designed to do, it stops the slide. So you are in mid-firing sequence and all
of a sudden the slide locks back. If that’s ever happened to you, pay attention. On the other-hand, the other time that this
becomes important is when you want your slide to lock back. So these magazines are designed to push the
slide stop up, as the follower comes all the way to the top of the magazine and when it’s
empty. Thus telling you you’re guns empty. Thus telling you to make a quicker reload
than with the slide forward. So if I am shooting and I have reached the
last bullet, go ahead Sang, actuate the slide. That’s what should happen. So I can dump the magazine and retrieve a
new one and keep going. Here’s what happens though, if you’re
riding the slide stop. The magazine is empty. Ohh… and then I keep going “Nothing is
happening! Nothing is happening!” And then I retrieve my magazine and realize
I have been riding the slide stop lever. So Sang, what do I do? Every time I grab the gun, this is what we
hear all the time, I keep messing up the slide stop. Either I’m pushing it up when I don’t
want to or I’m holding it down when I don’t want to. What do I do with my thumbs? Do I rub them on the frame? Where do I go? No. So this is a problem that shows up all the
time. Easy fix. We’ll take a little marker, and make a little
smiley face. This is one of your buddies. The thing is, you’re buddy has been annoying
you all day. So you don’t want to see him anymore. So we just slide our thumb, over so when you’re
looking down. If you do see your friend, you’re doing
something wrong… not doing something wrong, but this is a reminder for you to push you
thumb over here. We’re not going to put a lot of pressure. We don’t want to kill out friend. We are just trying to not see him anymore. So we’re going to cover him just like that. Oh, wow! So now when the slide goes back and forth
I’m not pushing on the slide stop lever. Isn’t that easy? I think that’s a great way of describing
it there. So now as the gun does what it’s got to
do, that slide stop can do what it’s designed to do. Be up or be down at the opportune time instead
of the in-opportune time. Quick tip. Alright, a question we get a lot is revolvers. Because we spend most of our time training
people that carry, I’m going to cover a gun that is carried quite often. The Smith and Wesson J-Frame. This one is a 38 special. Very very common. These have been around forever. Something that you need to keep in mind with
a revolver, especially a little guy like this, is an extremely short sight radius. People do tend to think these are in-accurate
weapons and they’re not. We’ve got a video up on Instagram and YouTube
where we’re making headshots pretty quickly at ten yards. So these things will get the job done if you
know what you’re doing. All of the fundamentals of marksmanship that
we’ve been teaching you in this video still stay the same. You need a good grip. You need a good, smooth trigger press. And you need to have those sights aligned
on target. The problem with these guys is, there’s
just so little to hold on to. So I’m not going to be able to that exact
same grip as I showed you, and Sang showed you with the larger framed guns. So what you’re going to see is more of a
balled up hand. I’m still having my hand up high. You need to be cautious with a wheel gun. This area here, around the front of the cylinder,
the cone it’s called. You get a lot of hot escaping gas in this
area. If you have your hand, especially larger caliber
revolvers like a .44, .45 Colt, things like that. You’ve got a ton of hot gas. It can not only just cut you. It can damn near cut a finger off. A little .38 isn’t as big a deal, but don’t
develop that habit. Keep your fingers away from this area. So you still need to be up high and tight. You still want to have that good firm grip. You’re going to need to apply a lot of inward
pressure where you’re using your shoulders, pecs and you’re back muscles. These guns will get the job done as far as
accuracy is concerned, but now with a one and 7/8ths inch barrel, minutiae, as far as
movement is concerned, really can push this thing off target. Just the slightest deviation, with that short
barrel, can move your impact point inches. Even at close distance. So you’re really going to have to pay attention
to what’s happening. How do you load these things? Let’s take a look. We’re not going to get into a speed loader,
or anything like that today, only because today we are working on the fundamentals. Most every revolver has a mechanism to release
the cylinder. That’s what this is called where the cartridges
are kept. Always minding the muzzle. Open that cylinder up. This is a good way to hold it while loading. Not only can I control it. But I can rotate the cylinder to load the
ammo. Now from that position, as you pull your fingers
out, gravity is going to help you half way. You push that sucker home, and this gun is
ready to go. This is a double action only. It’s got a shrouded hammer so all I get
is that double action. My hands are going to join up. We’re going to shoot the head. Notice where my hands are at. So now, to get rid of those, turn it over. Give it a smack. Clear it out. We can either reload or close it up and do
what we have to do. I’m going to load that up and try one more
time. As you can see, these guns will get the job
done. That’s about a 5 inch group at 5 yards here
on rubber dummy. And five rounds out of the .38. These are not weakly loaded rounds. That smarts the hand a little bit. But if you’ve got that good grip, you can
see the job will get done. Many times people own these guns and they
don’t fully understand marksmanship. So they take it out to the range and can’t
hit the broadside of a barn. They just assume these are meant for contact
distance, when that’s clearly not the point, or the case. So now we are going to look at a Double Single. Double Single Action. This would be like a Sig Sauer, a Beretta,
or any other gun with this type of mechanism. Why is it called a double single? Well, you can operate the hammer from two
different methods. Double action in one movement. The trigger actuates the hammer, cocking it
and releases it all in one movement. Single action. The hammer is cocked. And the trigger breaks it here, from the cocked
position. A weapon like this is usually carried in this
position. Either on safe or in this mode. This particular Beretta does not have a safety. It only has a decocking lever. You folks with the Sigs and regular ‘92s
will also have the choice of a safety selector. So this gun will be carried in this position. If you were to come out of a holster, you
would engage from here. After the gun fired, you would then be in
single action. This is the challenge with this type of gun. Now you need to learn two trigger pulls. It can be done. Some of the best shooters in the world shoot
this type of weapon. Look at the guys from factory Beretta’s
Team or Sigs Team and their shooting double singles. And you can do amazing things with it. What’s the benefit? This is a big heavy steel gun. These double singles have a lot of weight
behind them. It means their recoil is very light. What else? That single action, boy is it sweet after
shooting plastic guns. If you have a gun like this in single action
mode and you’re use to shooting a Glock or a MMP, that is just silky silky smooth. What is there you have to think about in addition
to the striker fired? There is a reason those striker fired pistols
are so widely used. They are so darn easy. You’ve got another step or two you’ve
got to add into this. So with this particular weapon, If you’re
loaded up and you want to come back to the holster, especially after shooting… If you’re in this position, you need to
press the decock lever. If you’ve got a safety, you engage the safety
at that point. Then safely come back to the holster. Notice where my thumb is. Can you zoom in on that Drew? When you’ve got an exposed hammer like this,
it is a great habit to hold that hammer down as you come back to the holster. You’re not drawing like this, but you’re
holstering up like this. You’re draw is still a good master grip. But after you’re done shooting, holding
that hammer in that position is a good added safety feature, letting you know that this
gun is not going to go off. I’m holding the hammer forward. Why do we do that? Well, as we all know. Holstering is where most accidents happen. If you were to accidentally come into the
holster and something got ahold of that trigger… like some clothing or debris. And you started actuating it, having your
finger there not only impedes it from moving. It tells you, hey, something is going on here. So with these double singles, there’s a
trade-off for that sweet single action trigger. You’ve now got to deal with this hammer. I’m not talking about a 1911, I’m talking
about these double singles where you can actually decock this thing. You’re going to bring your thumb to the
back position here, to decock. When doing that, indexing that hammer against
the side of your thumb. I can feel, even with my eyes closed, that
that hammer is in the rear position. I know opps, decock. Now when I come back up, everything feels
as it should be. Just like the other guns, you need to build
repetition. This is why we don’t want you guys jumping
from gun to gun to gun. You need to be one with the tool. This is how you do it. We’re going to load this baby up. So the loading process is just the same as
it was, with the other firearm we were using earlier. The stricker fired. You’re going to load. Same fashion, I’m going to tug that magazine
and I have a choice. Do I want to come over the top or do I want
to sling shot. From this position I think I’m going to
come over the top. I let that slide go forcefully home. Now I’ve got another choice. From this position I can come out and fire
in that single action mode. But I know if I’m going to carry this weapon,
I’m going to be carrying it in double action mode. So I’m not going to cheat myself out of
that learning lesson with the double action. So you’re going to see, where going to press
out. The first shot. If you watch that hammer. You see that hammer moving? Watch that hammer come back. Now where is it? It’s in that rear position. So now if I wanted to work on double action. I could decock, and just work on that double
action… or I could enjoy the sweet smooth silkiness of that single. We’re going to do that another time for
you. So as we come out on the target, we’ve got
that long double action pull. After that, we now get to enjoy the benefit
of that single action. This thing is too hard to not enjoy. I’m going to do that one more time. So just like our plastic gun, we’ve got
our magazine in a good index position. Come out of our mag holder… we insert. We give it a tug. Seat. Lock. Tug. I’m going to come over the top or I can
sling shot. I let the slide slam forcefully home. With this double single I don’t want to
rob myself of the ability to practice the double action pull. So I’m going to decock as I start this drill. So I can come out. I can watch that hammer come back. As that hammer comes back off that first shot,
now I get to enjoy the benefits of a gun like this. I’ve got that sweet, sweet single action
trigger pull. Look at that. Very very easy. And this is a tuned-up gun, so it’s even
better. Now comes the part where you have to pay attention. If you go back to holster like this, that
is not safe. We’ve got a very light trigger pull. You gotta make sure you decock. So our thumb comes back. We swipe the decocker. Right? I’m now going to come up over the top of
the hammer and come back to my holster position. Make sure when you’re working with these
double singles that you understand how all these moving parts work and why. There’s a benefit to them, and theirs some
drawbacks. And that drawback is that you’ve got more
stuff to add into your data bank. Be careful. This is Mickey Schuch with Carry Trainer dot
com. I appreciate you watching. Subscribe. Passing this stuff on to your friends. If you have any questions on any of this,
or something that’s been puzzling you, send us an email. We’d love to answer. Maybe we’ll do a video on it. Thanks. Understand why that happen. Don’t make fun if you don’t understand
[CENSORED]. Got anything to add to that? No. Good. A man of many many words. Sang. Ahh… Really is all… awe [CENSORED]. What’s the point you want to get across? How to shoot a gun. Is this safe like that? Put that on the video? If he sees his buddy, draw it too far… I can’t see. I’m moving over here. I wondered why you were over there. I feel like I’m at [CENSORED] the dentist. Got anything to add to that? Nope. He never has anything to add! Either I’m good, or he just doesn’t want
to talk. If he’s wrong I’ll point it out. Uh, oh… OK
I can’t see the target. I literally can’t see the gun.